(about) 1 create account if not exists `bvt_query_stmt` ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456'; 2 drop database if exists `bvt_query_stmt`; 3 create database `bvt_query_stmt`; 4 /*issue_8168*/use bvt_query_stmt;select syntax error stmt; 5 SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 57 near " stmt;"; 6 use bvt_query_stmt; 7 drop table if exists `bvt_query_stmt`; 8 set @uuid_drop_table = last_uuid(); 9 create table bvt_query_stmt (i int); 10 set @uuid_create_table = last_uuid(); 11 insert into bvt_query_stmt values (1); 12 set @uuid_insert_table = last_uuid(); 13 create user u identified by '123456'; 14 set @uuid_hide_1 = last_uuid(); 15 create user if not exists abc1 identified by '123', abc2 identified by '234', abc3 identified by '111', abc3 identified by '222'; 16 set @uuid_hide_2 = last_uuid(); 17 create external table t (a int) URL s3option{'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='123', 'secret_access_key'='123', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='*.txt', 'region'='us-west-2'}; 18 set @uuid_hide_3 = last_uuid(); 19 /* cloud_user */select 1; 20 1 21 1 22 set @uuid_hide_4 = last_uuid(); 23 drop account `bvt_query_stmt`;