(about) 1 drop table if exists atomic_table_1; 2 drop table if exists atomic_table_2; 3 drop table if exists atomic_table_3; 4 drop table if exists atomic_view_1; 5 drop table if exists atomic_view_2; 6 drop table if exists t_code_rule_2; 7 create table atomic_table_2(a bigint ,b varchar(200),c double); 8 begin; 9 create table atomic_table_1(a bigint not null,b varchar(200),c double,primary key(a,b)); 10 insert into atomic_table_1 select 1,"gooooooge",8092.9; 11 insert into atomic_table_1 select 2,"caaaaaate",92.09; 12 commit; 13 select * from atomic_table_1; 14 a b c 15 1 gooooooge 8092.9 16 2 caaaaaate 92.09 17 start transaction ; 18 insert into atomic_table_2 select * from atomic_table_1; 19 select * from atomic_table_2; 20 a b c 21 1 gooooooge 8092.9 22 2 caaaaaate 92.09 23 rollback ; 24 select * from atomic_table_2; 25 a b c 26 begin; 27 insert into atomic_table_2 select * from atomic_table_1; 28 commit; 29 select * from atomic_table_2; 30 a b c 31 1 gooooooge 8092.9 32 2 caaaaaate 92.09 33 begin; 34 create view atomic_view_1 as select * from atomic_table_1; 35 insert into atomic_table_1 select 10,"eeeeee",20.3; 36 commit; 37 select * from atomic_view_1; 38 a b c 39 1 gooooooge 8092.9 40 2 caaaaaate 92.09 41 10 eeeeee 20.3 42 start transaction ; 43 insert into atomic_table_1 select 10,"eeeeee",20.3; 44 insert into atomic_table_1 select 11,"ffff",2.3; 45 commit; 46 Duplicate entry '3b150a460165656565656500' for key '__mo_cpkey_col' 47 select * from atomic_table_1; 48 a b c 49 1 gooooooge 8092.9 50 2 caaaaaate 92.09 51 10 eeeeee 20.3 52 select * from atomic_view_1; 53 a b c 54 1 gooooooge 8092.9 55 2 caaaaaate 92.09 56 10 eeeeee 20.3 57 begin; 58 create view atomic_view_2 as select * from atomic_table_2; 59 rollback ; 60 select * from atomic_view_2; 61 SQL parser error: table "atomic_view_2" does not exist 62 show create table atomic_view_2; 63 no such table atomicity_1.atomic_view_2 64 begin; 65 drop view atomic_view_2; 66 invalid view 'atomicity_1.atomic_view_2' 67 commit ; 68 drop view atomic_view_2; 69 invalid view 'atomicity_1.atomic_view_2' 70 create table atomic_table_3a(col1 tinyint,col2 smallint,col3 int,clo4 bigint,col5 tinyint unsigned,col6 smallint unsigned,col7 int unsigned,col8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 text,primary key(col1))partition by hash(col1)partitions 4; 71 begin; 72 [unknown result because it is related to issue#5941] 73 load data infile '$resources/external_table_file/pt_table_data.csv' into table atomic_table_3a fields terminated by ','; 74 [unknown result because it is related to issue#5941] 75 select col1,col2 from atomic_table_3a; 76 [unknown result because it is related to issue#5941] 77 update atomic_table_3a set col1=400; 78 [unknown result because it is related to issue#5941] 79 rollback; 80 [unknown result because it is related to issue#5941] 81 select col1 from atomic_table_3a; 82 [unknown result because it is related to issue#5941] 83 start transaction ; 84 [unknown result because it is related to issue#5941] 85 load data infile '$resources/external_table_file/pt_table_data.csv' into table atomic_table_3a fields terminated by ','; 86 [unknown result because it is related to issue#5941] 87 select count(*) from atomic_table_3a; 88 [unknown result because it is related to issue#5941] 89 update atomic_table_3a set col1=100; 90 [unknown result because it is related to issue#5941] 91 commit; 92 [unknown result because it is related to issue#5941] 93 select col1 from atomic_table_3a; 94 [unknown result because it is related to issue#5941] 95 create table atomic_table_3(col1 tinyint,col2 smallint,col3 int,clo4 bigint,col5 tinyint unsigned,col6 smallint unsigned,col7 int unsigned,col8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 text,primary key(col1))partition by hash(col1)partitions 4; 96 load data infile '$resources/external_table_file/pt_table_data.csv' into table atomic_table_3 fields terminated by ','; 97 start transaction ; 98 update atomic_table_3 set col2=20; 99 select col1,col2 from atomic_table_3; 100 col1 col2 101 -62 20 102 91 20 103 33 20 104 121 20 105 40 20 106 -8 20 107 -75 20 108 21 20 109 -93 20 110 110 20 111 122 20 112 show create table atomic_table_3; 113 Table Create Table 114 atomic_table_3 CREATE TABLE `atomic_table_3` (\n`col1` TINYINT NOT NULL,\n`col2` SMALLINT DEFAULT NULL,\n`col3` INT DEFAULT NULL,\n`clo4` BIGINT DEFAULT NULL,\n`col5` TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,\n`col6` SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,\n`col7` INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,\n`col8` BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,\n`col9` FLOAT DEFAULT NULL,\n`col10` DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL,\n`col11` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n`col12` DATE DEFAULT NULL,\n`col13` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL,\n`col14` TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL,\n`col15` BOOL DEFAULT NULL,\n`col16` DECIMAL(5,2) DEFAULT NULL,\n`col17` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n`col18` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n`col19` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n`col20` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\nPRIMARY KEY (`col1`)\n) partition by hash (col1) partitions 4 115 rollback ; 116 select col1,col2 from atomic_table_3; 117 col1 col2 118 -62 5807 119 91 19514 120 33 4300 121 121 -22564 122 40 30792 123 -8 -30001 124 -75 11896 125 21 775 126 -93 -18596 127 110 -23777 128 122 19053 129 begin; 130 create external table atomic_ex_table(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19)) infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_number.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n'; 131 select num_col1 from atomic_ex_table; 132 num_col1 133 60 134 -128 135 127 136 null 137 rollback ; 138 select num_col1 from atomic_ex_table; 139 SQL parser error: table "atomic_ex_table" does not exist 140 show create table atomic_ex_table; 141 no such table atomicity_1.atomic_ex_table 142 desc atomic_ex_table; 143 no such table atomicity_1.atomic_ex_table 144 create TEMPORARY TABLE atomic_temp(a int); 145 begin; 146 insert into atomic_temp values (5); 147 rollback ; 148 select * from atomic_temp; 149 a 150 drop table atomic_temp; 151 start transaction ; 152 create TEMPORARY TABLE atomic_temp(a int); 153 insert into atomic_temp values (5); 154 select * from atomic_temp; 155 a 156 5 157 rollback ; 158 select * from atomic_temp; 159 SQL parser error: table "atomic_temp" does not exist 160 show create table atomic_temp; 161 no such table atomicity_1.atomic_temp 162 start transaction ; 163 create TEMPORARY TABLE atomic_temp(a int); 164 insert into atomic_temp values (5); 165 commit ; 166 select * from atomic_temp; 167 a 168 5 169 CREATE TABLE `t_code_rule` ( 170 `code_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 171 `code_no` varchar(50) NOT NULL, 172 `org_no` varchar(50) NOT NULL, 173 `org_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, 174 `code_type` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', 175 PRIMARY KEY (`code_id`), 176 UNIQUE KEY `code_type` (`code_type`), 177 KEY `code_no` (`code_no`), 178 KEY `org_no` (`org_no`) 179 ); 180 start transaction ; 181 insert into t_code_rule values (18373453,'aaaaaa','fffff','ccccc',10); 182 insert into t_code_rule values (18373453,'aaaaaa','fffff','ccccc',20); 183 Duplicate entry '18373453' for key 'code_id' 184 commit ; 185 select * from t_code_rule; 186 code_id code_no org_no org_name code_type 187 begin; 188 insert into t_code_rule values (18373453,'aaaaaa','fffff','ccccc',5); 189 delete from t_code_rule where code_id=18373453; 190 select * from t_code_rule; 191 code_id code_no org_no org_name code_type 192 rollback ; 193 select * from t_code_rule; 194 code_id code_no org_no org_name code_type 195 insert into t_code_rule values (18373453,'aaaaaa','fffff','ccccc',5); 196 begin ; 197 delete from t_code_rule where code_id=18373453; 198 commit ; 199 begin; 200 insert into t_code_rule(code_no,org_no,org_name,code_type) values ('',null,'ccccc',5); 201 constraint violation: Column 'org_no' cannot be null 202 commit ; 203 select * from t_code_rule; 204 code_id code_no org_no org_name code_type 205 insert into t_code_rule values (18373453,'aaaaaa','fffff','ccccc',5); 206 Duplicate entry '5' for key 'code_type' 207 begin; 208 update t_code_rule set org_name=NULL where code_id=18373453; 209 constraint violation: Column 'org_name' cannot be null 210 commit ; 211 select * from t_code_rule; 212 code_id code_no org_no org_name code_type 213 18373453 aaaaaa fffff ccccc 5 214 begin ; 215 create account aname admin_name 'admin' identified by '111'; 216 internal error: administrative command is unsupported in transactions 217 create role role1,role2; 218 internal error: administrative command is unsupported in transactions 219 grant role1 to role2; 220 internal error: administrative command is unsupported in transactions 221 grant create table ,drop table on database * to role1; 222 internal error: administrative command is unsupported in transactions 223 truncate table t_code_rule; 224 drop table t_code_rule; 225 drop database atomic_1; 226 Can't drop database 'atomic_1'; database doesn't exist 227 drop role role1,role2; 228 internal error: administrative command is unsupported in transactions 229 commit;