
     1  drop table if exists atomic_table_1;
     2  drop table if exists atomic_table_2;
     3  drop table if exists atomic_table_3;
     4  drop table if exists atomic_view_1;
     5  drop table if exists atomic_view_2;
     6  drop table if exists t_code_rule_2;
     7  create table atomic_table_2(a bigint ,b varchar(200),c double);
     9  -- insert into select from table
    10  begin;
    11  create table atomic_table_1(a bigint not null,b varchar(200),c double,primary key(a,b));
    12  insert into atomic_table_1 select 1,"gooooooge",8092.9;
    13  insert into atomic_table_1 select 2,"caaaaaate",92.09;
    14  commit;
    15  select * from atomic_table_1;
    17  start transaction ;
    18  insert into atomic_table_2 select * from atomic_table_1;
    19  select * from atomic_table_2;
    20  rollback ;
    21  select * from atomic_table_2;
    22  begin;
    23  insert into atomic_table_2 select * from atomic_table_1;
    24  commit;
    25  select * from atomic_table_2;
    27  -- create view and abnormal
    28  begin;
    29  create view atomic_view_1 as select * from atomic_table_1;
    30  insert into atomic_table_1 select 10,"eeeeee",20.3;
    31  commit;
    32  select * from atomic_view_1;
    34  start transaction ;
    35  insert into atomic_table_1 select 10,"eeeeee",20.3;
    36  insert into atomic_table_1 select 11,"ffff",2.3;
    37  commit;
    38  select * from atomic_table_1;
    39  select * from atomic_view_1;
    41  begin;
    42  create view atomic_view_2 as select * from atomic_table_2;
    43  rollback ;
    44  select * from atomic_view_2;
    45  show create table atomic_view_2;
    47  begin;
    48  drop view atomic_view_2;
    49  commit ;
    50  drop view atomic_view_2;
    51  -- load data
    52  create table atomic_table_3a(col1 tinyint,col2 smallint,col3 int,clo4 bigint,col5 tinyint unsigned,col6 smallint unsigned,col7 int unsigned,col8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 text,primary key(col1))partition by hash(col1)partitions 4;
    53  -- @bvt:issue#5941
    54  begin;
    55  load data infile '$resources/external_table_file/pt_table_data.csv' into table  atomic_table_3a fields terminated by ',';
    56  select col1,col2 from atomic_table_3a;
    57  update atomic_table_3a set col1=400;
    58  rollback;
    59  select col1 from atomic_table_3a;
    60  -- @bvt:issue
    62  -- @bvt:issue#5941
    63  start transaction ;
    64  load data infile '$resources/external_table_file/pt_table_data.csv' into table  atomic_table_3a fields terminated by ',';
    65  select count(*) from atomic_table_3a;
    66  update atomic_table_3a set col1=100;
    67  commit;
    68  select col1 from atomic_table_3a;
    69  -- @bvt:issue
    71  create table atomic_table_3(col1 tinyint,col2 smallint,col3 int,clo4 bigint,col5 tinyint unsigned,col6 smallint unsigned,col7 int unsigned,col8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 text,primary key(col1))partition by hash(col1)partitions 4;
    72  load data infile '$resources/external_table_file/pt_table_data.csv' into table  atomic_table_3 fields terminated by ',';
    73  start transaction ;
    74  update  atomic_table_3 set col2=20;
    75  select  col1,col2 from atomic_table_3;
    76  show create table atomic_table_3;
    77  rollback ;
    78  select  col1,col2 from atomic_table_3;
    80  -- create external/TEMPORARY table
    81  begin;
    82  create external table atomic_ex_table(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19)) infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_number.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
    83  select num_col1  from  atomic_ex_table;
    84  rollback ;
    85  select num_col1  from  atomic_ex_table;
    86  show create table atomic_ex_table;
    87  desc atomic_ex_table;
    89  -- @bvt:issue#9124
    90  create TEMPORARY TABLE atomic_temp(a int);
    91  begin;
    92  insert into atomic_temp values (5);
    93  rollback ;
    94  select * from atomic_temp;
    95  drop table atomic_temp;
    97  start transaction ;
    98  create TEMPORARY TABLE atomic_temp(a int);
    99  insert into atomic_temp values (5);
   100  select * from atomic_temp;
   101  rollback ;
   102  select * from atomic_temp;
   103  show create table atomic_temp;
   105  start transaction ;
   106  create TEMPORARY TABLE atomic_temp(a int);
   107  insert into atomic_temp values (5);
   108  commit ;
   109  select * from atomic_temp;
   110  -- @bvt:issue
   112  CREATE TABLE `t_code_rule` (
   113    `code_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
   114    `code_no` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
   115    `org_no` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
   116    `org_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
   117    `code_type` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
   118    PRIMARY KEY (`code_id`),
   119    UNIQUE KEY `code_type` (`code_type`),
   120    KEY `code_no` (`code_no`),
   121    KEY `org_no` (`org_no`)
   122  );
   123  -- @bvt:issue#6949
   124  start transaction ;
   125  insert into t_code_rule values (18373453,'aaaaaa','fffff','ccccc',10);
   126  insert into t_code_rule values (18373453,'aaaaaa','fffff','ccccc',20);
   127  commit ;
   128  select * from t_code_rule;
   129  -- @bvt:issue
   131  begin;
   132  -- @bvt:issue#7133
   133  insert into t_code_rule values (18373453,'aaaaaa','fffff','ccccc',5);
   134  delete from t_code_rule where code_id=18373453;
   135  select * from t_code_rule;
   136  -- @bvt:issue
   137  rollback ;
   138  select * from t_code_rule;
   140  insert into t_code_rule values (18373453,'aaaaaa','fffff','ccccc',5);
   141  begin ;
   142  -- @bvt:issue#7133
   143  delete from t_code_rule where code_id=18373453;
   144  commit ;
   146  begin;
   147  insert into t_code_rule(code_no,org_no,org_name,code_type) values ('',null,'ccccc',5);
   148  commit ;
   149  select * from t_code_rule;
   151  insert into t_code_rule values (18373453,'aaaaaa','fffff','ccccc',5);
   152  begin;
   153  update t_code_rule set org_name=NULL where code_id=18373453;
   154  commit ;
   155  select * from t_code_rule;
   156  -- @bvt:issue
   158  --anormal transaction sql
   159  begin ;
   160  create account aname admin_name 'admin' identified by '111';
   161  create role role1,role2;
   162  grant role1 to role2;
   163  grant create table ,drop table on database * to role1;
   164  truncate table  t_code_rule;
   165  drop table t_code_rule;
   166  drop database atomic_1;
   167  drop role role1,role2;
   168  commit;