
     1  drop table if exists dis_table_02;
     2  create table dis_table_02(a int not null auto_increment,b varchar(25) not null,c datetime,primary key(a),key bstr (b),key cdate (c) );
     3  insert into dis_table_02(b,c) values ('aaaa','2020-09-08');
     4  insert into dis_table_02(b,c) values ('aaaa','2020-09-08');
     5  begin;
     6  update dis_table_02 set b='tittttt' where a>1;
     7  use ww_conflict;
     8  begin;
     9  update dis_table_02 set b='dpqweoe' where a>1;
    10  commit;
    11  start transaction;
    12  internal error: Write conflicts detected. Previous transaction need to be aborted.
    13  drop table if exists dis_table_02;