
     1  drop database if exists d1;
     2  create database d1;
     3  use d1;
     4  drop table if exists t1;
     5  create table t1(c1 int primary key, c2 int, c3 int);
     6  create table t2(c1 int primary key, c2 int, c3 int);
     7  insert into t1 select *,*,* from generate_series(1000000) g;
     8  insert into t2 select *,*,* from generate_series(1000000) g;
     9  select mo_ctl('dn', 'flush', 'd1.t1');
    10  mo_ctl(dn, flush, d1.t1)
    11  {\n  "method": "Flush",\n  "result": [\n    {\n      "returnStr": "OK"\n    }\n  ]\n}\n
    12  select mo_ctl('dn', 'flush', 'd1.t2');
    13  mo_ctl(dn, flush, d1.t2)
    14  {\n  "method": "Flush",\n  "result": [\n    {\n      "returnStr": "OK"\n    }\n  ]\n}\n
    15  select Sleep(1);
    16  sleep(1)
    17  0
    18  explain select * from t1 order by c1 limit 100 offset 200;
    19  QUERY PLAN
    20  Project
    21    ->  Sort
    22          Sort Key: t1.c1 INTERNAL
    23          Limit: 100, Offset: 200
    24          Send Message: [tag 1 , type MsgTopValue]
    25          ->  Table Scan on d1.t1
    26                Sort Key: c1 INTERNAL
    27                Recv Message: [tag 1 , type MsgTopValue]
    28  explain select * from t1,t2 where t1.c1=t2.c1 and t2.c2 between 33333 and 44444 order by t1.c1 limit 10 offset 10;
    29  QUERY PLAN
    30  Project
    31    ->  Sort
    32          Sort Key: t1.c1 INTERNAL
    33          Limit: 10, Offset: 10
    34          Send Message: [tag 2 , type MsgTopValue]
    35          ->  Join
    36                Join Type: INNER   hashOnPK
    37                Join Cond: (t1.c1 = t2.c1)
    38                Runtime Filter Build: #[-1,0]
    39                ->  Table Scan on d1.t1
    40                      Sort Key: c1 INTERNAL
    41                      Runtime Filter Probe: t1.c1
    42                      Recv Message: [tag 2 , type MsgTopValue]
    43                ->  Table Scan on d1.t2
    44                      Filter Cond: t2.c2 BETWEEN 33333 AND 44444
    45                      Block Filter Cond: t2.c2 BETWEEN 33333 AND 44444
    46  select * from t1 order by c1 limit 10 ;
    47  c1    c2    c3
    48  1    1    1
    49  2    2    2
    50  3    3    3
    51  4    4    4
    52  5    5    5
    53  6    6    6
    54  7    7    7
    55  8    8    8
    56  9    9    9
    57  10    10    10
    58  select * from t1 order by c1 limit 10 offset 200;
    59  c1    c2    c3
    60  201    201    201
    61  202    202    202
    62  203    203    203
    63  204    204    204
    64  205    205    205
    65  206    206    206
    66  207    207    207
    67  208    208    208
    68  209    209    209
    69  210    210    210
    70  select * from t1 order by c1 desc limit 10 ;
    71  c1    c2    c3
    72  1000000    1000000    1000000
    73  999999    999999    999999
    74  999998    999998    999998
    75  999997    999997    999997
    76  999996    999996    999996
    77  999995    999995    999995
    78  999994    999994    999994
    79  999993    999993    999993
    80  999992    999992    999992
    81  999991    999991    999991
    82  select * from t1 order by c1 desc limit 10 offset 200;
    83  c1    c2    c3
    84  999800    999800    999800
    85  999799    999799    999799
    86  999798    999798    999798
    87  999797    999797    999797
    88  999796    999796    999796
    89  999795    999795    999795
    90  999794    999794    999794
    91  999793    999793    999793
    92  999792    999792    999792
    93  999791    999791    999791
    94  select * from t1,t2 where t1.c1=t2.c1 and t2.c2 between 22 and 44 order by t1.c1 limit 10;
    95  c1    c2    c3    c1    c2    c3
    96  22    22    22    22    22    22
    97  23    23    23    23    23    23
    98  24    24    24    24    24    24
    99  25    25    25    25    25    25
   100  26    26    26    26    26    26
   101  27    27    27    27    27    27
   102  28    28    28    28    28    28
   103  29    29    29    29    29    29
   104  30    30    30    30    30    30
   105  31    31    31    31    31    31
   106  select * from t1,t2 where t1.c1=t2.c1 and t2.c2 between 22 and 44 order by t1.c1 desc limit 10 offset 10;
   107  c1    c2    c3    c1    c2    c3
   108  34    34    34    34    34    34
   109  33    33    33    33    33    33
   110  32    32    32    32    32    32
   111  31    31    31    31    31    31
   112  30    30    30    30    30    30
   113  29    29    29    29    29    29
   114  28    28    28    28    28    28
   115  27    27    27    27    27    27
   116  26    26    26    26    26    26
   117  25    25    25    25    25    25
   118  select * from t1,t2 where t1.c1=t2.c1 and t2.c2 between 33333 and 44444 order by t1.c1 limit 10;
   119  c1    c2    c3    c1    c2    c3
   120  33333    33333    33333    33333    33333    33333
   121  33334    33334    33334    33334    33334    33334
   122  33335    33335    33335    33335    33335    33335
   123  33336    33336    33336    33336    33336    33336
   124  33337    33337    33337    33337    33337    33337
   125  33338    33338    33338    33338    33338    33338
   126  33339    33339    33339    33339    33339    33339
   127  33340    33340    33340    33340    33340    33340
   128  33341    33341    33341    33341    33341    33341
   129  33342    33342    33342    33342    33342    33342
   130  select * from t1,t2 where t1.c1=t2.c1 and t2.c2 between 33333 and 44444 order by t1.c1 desc limit 10 offset 10;
   131  c1    c2    c3    c1    c2    c3
   132  44434    44434    44434    44434    44434    44434
   133  44433    44433    44433    44433    44433    44433
   134  44432    44432    44432    44432    44432    44432
   135  44431    44431    44431    44431    44431    44431
   136  44430    44430    44430    44430    44430    44430
   137  44429    44429    44429    44429    44429    44429
   138  44428    44428    44428    44428    44428    44428
   139  44427    44427    44427    44427    44427    44427
   140  44426    44426    44426    44426    44426    44426
   141  44425    44425    44425    44425    44425    44425
   142  select * from t1,t2 where t1.c1=t2.c1 and t2.c2 between 33333 and 555555 order by t1.c1 limit 10;
   143  c1    c2    c3    c1    c2    c3
   144  33333    33333    33333    33333    33333    33333
   145  33334    33334    33334    33334    33334    33334
   146  33335    33335    33335    33335    33335    33335
   147  33336    33336    33336    33336    33336    33336
   148  33337    33337    33337    33337    33337    33337
   149  33338    33338    33338    33338    33338    33338
   150  33339    33339    33339    33339    33339    33339
   151  33340    33340    33340    33340    33340    33340
   152  33341    33341    33341    33341    33341    33341
   153  33342    33342    33342    33342    33342    33342
   154  explain select * from t1,t2 where t1.c1=t2.c1 and t2.c2 between 33333 and 555555 order by t1.c1 desc limit 10 offset 10;
   155  QUERY PLAN
   156  Project
   157    ->  Sort
   158          Sort Key: t1.c1 DESC
   159          Limit: 10, Offset: 10
   160          Send Message: [tag 1 , type MsgTopValue]
   161          ->  Join
   162                Join Type: INNER   hashOnPK
   163                Join Cond: (t1.c1 = t2.c1) shuffle: range(t1.c1)
   164                ->  Table Scan on d1.t1
   165                      Sort Key: c1 DESC
   166                      Recv Message: [tag 1 , type MsgTopValue]
   167                ->  Table Scan on d1.t2
   168                      Filter Cond: t2.c2 BETWEEN 33333 AND 555555
   169                      Block Filter Cond: t2.c2 BETWEEN 33333 AND 555555
   170  select * from t1,t2 where t1.c1=t2.c1 and t2.c2 between 33333 and 555555 order by t1.c1 desc limit 10 offset 10;
   171  c1    c2    c3    c1    c2    c3
   172  555545    555545    555545    555545    555545    555545
   173  555544    555544    555544    555544    555544    555544
   174  555543    555543    555543    555543    555543    555543
   175  555542    555542    555542    555542    555542    555542
   176  555541    555541    555541    555541    555541    555541
   177  555540    555540    555540    555540    555540    555540
   178  555539    555539    555539    555539    555539    555539
   179  555538    555538    555538    555538    555538    555538
   180  555537    555537    555537    555537    555537    555537
   181  555536    555536    555536    555536    555536    555536
   182  drop database if exists d1;