
     1  create table employees_mgr(id int primary key not null,name varchar(25));
     2  insert into employees_mgr values(333,'ami'),(198,'lucky'),(29,'jack'),(692,'sammi');
     3  CREATE TABLE emp(id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,manager_id INT NULL,INDEX (manager_id),FOREIGN KEY (manager_id) REFERENCES employees_mgr(id));
     4  INSERT INTO emp VALUES(333, "总经理", NULL), (198, "副总1", 333), (692, "副总2", 333),(29, "主任1", 198),(4610, "职员1", 29),(72, "职员2", 29),(123, "主任2", 692);
     5  create table product (id int primary key,p_id int,p_name varchar(25),price decimal(10,3));
     6  insert into product values (3,2,"bed",3560.98),(2,null,"chair",1599.00),(4,1,"desk",2999.99),(5,3,"door",8123.09),(6,3,"mirrors",698.00),(7,4,"tv",5678);
     7  with non_cte_1 as(select manager_id,id,name from emp  order by manager_id ) select * from non_cte_1;
     8  manager_id    id    name
     9  null    333    总经理
    10  29    72    职员2
    11  29    4610    职员1
    12  198    29    主任1
    13  333    198    副总1
    14  333    692    副总2
    15  692    123    主任2
    16  with non_cte_2 as(select a.manager_id, as manger_name,, as job_name from emp a join employees_mgr b on a.manager_id = order by manager_id ) select manager_id,count(id)  from non_cte_2 group by manager_id having count(id)>1;
    17  manager_id    count(id)
    18  29    2
    19  333    2
    20  with non_cte_3(manager_id,manager_name,employee_id,employee_name)as  (select a.manager_id, as manger_name,, as job_name from emp a join employees_mgr b on a.manager_id = order by manager_id ) select * from non_cte_3 order by employee_id;
    21  manager_id    manager_name    employee_id    employee_name
    22  198    lucky    29    主任1
    23  29    jack    72    职员2
    24  692    sammi    123    主任2
    25  333    ami    198    副总1
    26  333    ami    692    副总2
    27  29    jack    4610    职员1
    28  with non_cte_4 as (select count(id) as emp_num,manager_id from emp group by manager_id) select manager_id from non_cte_4 where emp_num>1;
    29  manager_id
    30  29
    31  333
    32  with non_cte_5(manager_id,job_name,employee_id)as (select a.manager_id,name,id from emp a where exists (select id from employees_mgr b where * from non_cte_5;
    33  manager_id    job_name    employee_id
    34  29    职员2    72
    35  29    职员1    4610
    36  198    主任1    29
    37  333    副总1    198
    38  333    副总2    692
    39  692    主任2    123
    40  with non_cte_6(manager_id,job_name,employee_id) as (select a.manager_id,name,id from emp a where exists (select id from employees_mgr b where manager_id,job_name,count(employee_id) as emp_num from non_cte_6 group by manager_id,job_name order by manager_id,job_name;
    41  manager_id    job_name    emp_num
    42  29    职员1    1
    43  29    职员2    1
    44  198    主任1    1
    45  333    副总1    1
    46  333    副总2    1
    47  692    主任2    1
    48  with non_cte_7(manager_id,emp_num)as (select manager_id ,count(id) from emp where manager_id is not null group by manager_id) select avg(emp_num) as "average emp per manager" from non_cte_7;
    49  average emp per manager
    50  1.5000
    51  with non_cte_10(id, productID,js,price,old_price) AS (select,p.p_id,'20' as js,p.price+3.65,ceil(p.price) from product p where p.p_id < 100)select id, productID,js,price,old_price from cte_ab_10 order by old_price;
    52  SQL parser error: table "cte_ab_10" does not exist
    53  truncate table non_cte_6;
    54  no such table recursive_cte1.non_cte_6
    55  drop table non_cte_7;
    56  no such table recursive_cte1.non_cte_7
    57  with non_cte_8(manager_id,name) as
    58  (select a.manager_id,
    59 as job_name
    60  from emp a), non_cte_9(id,name) as
    61  (select,
    63  from employees_mgr m
    64  where != "lucky")
    65  select a.manager_id,
    66  from non_cte_8 a
    67  join non_cte_9 b
    68  on a.manager_id =
    69  order by  a.manager_id;
    70  manager_id    name
    71  29    职员2
    72  29    职员1
    73  333    副总1
    74  333    副总2
    75  692    主任2
    76  with non_cte_8(manager_id,name) as
    77  (select a.manager_id,
    78 as job_name
    79  from emp a), non_cte_9(id,name) as
    80  (select,
    82  from employees_mgr m
    83  where != "lucky"), non_cte_11(id,p_name) as
    84  (
    85  select,p.p_name from product p
    86  )
    87  select ncte.manager_id, from (select a.manager_id,
    88  from non_cte_8 a
    89  join non_cte_9 b
    90  on a.manager_id = as ncte
    91  union all select,c.p_name from non_cte_11 c;
    92  manager_id    name
    93  29    职员2
    94  29    职员1
    95  333    副总1
    96  333    副总2
    97  692    主任2
    98  2    chair
    99  3    bed
   100  4    desk
   101  5    door
   102  6    mirrors
   103  7    tv
   104  with date as(select manager_id,id,name from emp  order by manager_id )select * from date;
   105  manager_id    id    name
   106  null    333    总经理
   107  29    72    职员2
   108  29    4610    职员1
   109  198    29    主任1
   110  333    198    副总1
   111  333    692    副总2
   112  692    123    主任2
   113  with 111 as(select manager_id,id,name from emp  order by manager_id )select * from 111;
   114  SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 8 near " 111 as(select manager_id,id,name from emp  order by manager_id )select * from 111;";
   115  prepare s1 from 'with non_cte_1 as(select manager_id,id,name from emp  order by manager_id ) select manager_id,id,name from non_cte_1 where id in (29,72);';
   116  execute s1;
   117  manager_id    id    name
   118  29    72    职员2
   119  198    29    主任1
   120  CREATE TABLE MyEmployees
   121  (
   123  FirstName VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
   124  LastName VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
   125  Title VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
   127  ManagerID SMALLINT NULL
   128  );
   129  INSERT INTO MyEmployees VALUES
   130  (1, 'Ken', 'Sánchez', 'Chief Executive Officer',16, NULL)
   131  ,(273, 'Brian', 'Welcker', 'Vice President of Sales', 3, 1)
   132  ,(274, 'Stephen', 'Jiang', 'North American Sales Manager', 3, 273)
   133  ,(275, 'Michael', 'Blythe', 'Sales Representative', 3, 274)
   134  ,(276, 'Linda', 'Mitchell', 'Sales Representative', 3, 274)
   135  ,(285, 'Syed', 'Abbas', 'Pacific Sales Manager', 3, 273)
   136  ,(286, 'Lynn', 'Tsoflias', 'Sales Representative', 3, 285)
   137  ,(16, 'David', 'Bradley', 'Marketing Manager', 4, 273)
   138  ,(23, 'Mary', 'Gibson', 'Marketing Specialist', 4, 16);
   139  WITH RECURSIVE DirectReports(ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, EmployeeLevel) AS
   140  (
   141  SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, 0 AS EmployeeLevel
   142  FROM MyEmployees
   143  WHERE ManagerID IS NULL
   144  UNION ALL
   145  SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, EmployeeLevel + 1
   146  FROM MyEmployees AS e
   147  INNER JOIN DirectReports AS d
   148  ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID
   149  )
   150  SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, EmployeeLevel
   151  FROM DirectReports
   152  ORDER BY ManagerID;
   153  ManagerID    EmployeeID    Title    EmployeeLevel
   154  null    1    Chief Executive Officer    0
   155  1    273    Vice President of Sales    1
   156  16    23    Marketing Specialist    3
   157  273    16    Marketing Manager    2
   158  273    274    North American Sales Manager    2
   159  273    285    Pacific Sales Manager    2
   160  274    275    Sales Representative    3
   161  274    276    Sales Representative    3
   162  285    286    Sales Representative    3
   163  WITH  RECURSIVE DirectReports(Name, Title, EmployeeID, EmployeeLevel)
   164  AS (SELECT concat(e.FirstName," ",e.LastName) as name,
   165  e.Title,
   166  e.EmployeeID,
   167  1 as EmployeeLevel
   168  FROM MyEmployees AS e
   169  WHERE e.ManagerID IS NULL
   170  UNION ALL
   171  SELECT concat(e.FirstName," ",e.LastName) as name,
   172  e.Title,
   173  e.EmployeeID,
   174  EmployeeLevel + 1
   175  FROM MyEmployees AS e
   176  JOIN DirectReports AS d ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID
   177  )
   178  SELECT EmployeeID, Name, Title, EmployeeLevel
   179  FROM DirectReports order by EmployeeID;
   180  EmployeeID    Name    Title    EmployeeLevel
   181  1    Ken Sánchez    Chief Executive Officer    1
   182  16    David Bradley    Marketing Manager    3
   183  23    Mary Gibson    Marketing Specialist    4
   184  273    Brian Welcker    Vice President of Sales    2
   185  274    Stephen Jiang    North American Sales Manager    3
   186  275    Michael Blythe    Sales Representative    4
   187  276    Linda Mitchell    Sales Representative    4
   188  285    Syed Abbas    Pacific Sales Manager    3
   189  286    Lynn Tsoflias    Sales Representative    4
   190  with recursive cte_ab_11(id, productID,price) AS
   191  (select,
   192  p.p_id,
   193  p.price
   194  from product p
   195  where p.p_id is null
   196  union all
   197  select,
   198  pr.p_id,
   199  pr.price*12.01
   200  from product pr
   201  join cte_ab_11 c
   202  on = c.productID
   203  group by, c.productID )
   204  select *
   205  from cte_ab_11;
   206  SQL parser error: not support group by in recursive cte: 'group by, c.productid'
   207  WITH RECURSIVE DirectReports(ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, EmployeeLevel) AS
   208  (
   209  SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, 0 AS EmployeeLevel
   210  FROM MyEmployees
   211  WHERE ManagerID IS NULL
   212  UNION ALL
   213  SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, EmployeeLevel + 1
   214  FROM MyEmployees AS e
   215  INNER JOIN DirectReports AS d
   216  ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID
   217  ),
   218  emp_cte as (
   219  select id,manager_id,name from emp where manager_id is null
   220  union all
   221  select,ec.manager_id, from emp_cte ec join emp e on ec.manager_id =
   222  )
   223  SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title
   224  FROM DirectReports union all select id,manager_id,name from emp_cte ORDER BY ManagerID;
   225  ManagerID    EmployeeID    Title
   226  null    1    Chief Executive Officer
   227  1    273    Vice President of Sales
   228  16    23    Marketing Specialist
   229  273    16    Marketing Manager
   230  273    274    North American Sales Manager
   231  273    285    Pacific Sales Manager
   232  274    275    Sales Representative
   233  274    276    Sales Representative
   234  285    286    Sales Representative
   235  333    null    总经理
   236  prepare stmt from 'with recursive cte_ab_8(id,manager_id,name) as(select,p.manager_id, from emp p where manager_id is null union all select,p.manager_id, from emp p join cte_ab_8 c on p.manager_id= select * from cte_ab_8';
   237  execute stmt;
   238  id    manager_id    name
   239  333    null    总经理
   240  198    333    副总1
   241  692    333    副总2
   242  29    198    主任1
   243  123    692    主任2
   244  72    29    职员2
   245  4610    29    职员1
   246  create table cte_insert_table (c1 int,c2 int ,c3 varchar(50),c4 int);
   247  insert into cte_insert_table  WITH RECURSIVE DirectReports(ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, EmployeeLevel) AS
   248  (
   249  SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, 0 AS EmployeeLevel
   250  FROM MyEmployees
   251  WHERE ManagerID IS NULL
   252  UNION ALL
   253  SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, EmployeeLevel + 1
   254  FROM MyEmployees AS e
   255  INNER JOIN DirectReports AS d
   256  ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID
   257  )
   258  SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, EmployeeLevel
   259  FROM DirectReports
   260  ORDER BY ManagerID;
   261  select * from cte_insert_table;
   262  c1    c2    c3    c4
   263  null    1    Chief Executive Officer    0
   264  1    273    Vice President of Sales    1
   265  16    23    Marketing Specialist    3
   266  273    16    Marketing Manager    2
   267  273    274    North American Sales Manager    2
   268  273    285    Pacific Sales Manager    2
   269  274    275    Sales Representative    3
   270  274    276    Sales Representative    3
   271  285    286    Sales Representative    3
   272  update cte_insert_table set c3= (WITH RECURSIVE DirectReports(ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, EmployeeLevel) AS
   273  (
   274  SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, 0 AS EmployeeLevel
   275  FROM MyEmployees
   276  WHERE ManagerID IS NULL
   277  UNION ALL
   278  SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, EmployeeLevel + 1
   279  FROM MyEmployees AS e
   280  INNER JOIN DirectReports AS d
   281  ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID
   282  )
   283  select title from  DirectReports where ManagerID=16) where c2=274;
   284  select * from cte_insert_table;
   285  c1    c2    c3    c4
   286  null    1    Chief Executive Officer    0
   287  1    273    Vice President of Sales    1
   288  16    23    Marketing Specialist    3
   289  273    16    Marketing Manager    2
   290  273    274    Marketing Specialist    2
   291  273    285    Pacific Sales Manager    2
   292  274    275    Sales Representative    3
   293  274    276    Sales Representative    3
   294  285    286    Sales Representative    3
   295  delete from  cte_insert_table where  c3 = (WITH RECURSIVE DirectReports(ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, EmployeeLevel) AS
   296  (
   297  SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, 0 AS EmployeeLevel
   298  FROM MyEmployees
   299  WHERE ManagerID IS NULL
   300  UNION ALL
   301  SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, EmployeeLevel + 1
   302  FROM MyEmployees AS e
   303  INNER JOIN DirectReports AS d
   304  ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID
   305  )
   306  select Title from  DirectReports where ManagerID=16);
   307  select * from cte_insert_table;
   308  c1    c2    c3    c4
   309  null    1    Chief Executive Officer    0
   310  1    273    Vice President of Sales    1
   311  273    16    Marketing Manager    2
   312  273    285    Pacific Sales Manager    2
   313  274    275    Sales Representative    3
   314  274    276    Sales Representative    3
   315  285    286    Sales Representative    3
   316  truncate table cte_insert_table;
   317  begin;
   318  insert into cte_insert_table  WITH RECURSIVE DirectReports(ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, EmployeeLevel) AS
   319  (
   320  SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, 0 AS EmployeeLevel
   321  FROM MyEmployees
   322  WHERE ManagerID IS NULL
   323  UNION ALL
   324  SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, EmployeeLevel + 1
   325  FROM MyEmployees AS e
   326  INNER JOIN DirectReports AS d
   327  ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID
   328  )
   329  SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, EmployeeLevel
   330  FROM DirectReports
   331  ORDER BY ManagerID;
   332  select * from cte_insert_table;
   333  c1    c2    c3    c4
   334  null    1    Chief Executive Officer    0
   335  1    273    Vice President of Sales    1
   336  16    23    Marketing Specialist    3
   337  273    16    Marketing Manager    2
   338  273    274    North American Sales Manager    2
   339  273    285    Pacific Sales Manager    2
   340  274    275    Sales Representative    3
   341  274    276    Sales Representative    3
   342  285    286    Sales Representative    3
   343  rollback;
   344  select * from cte_insert_table;
   345  c1    c2    c3    c4
   346  create view cte_view as(
   347  WITH  RECURSIVE DirectReports(Name, Title, EmployeeID, EmployeeLevel)
   348  AS (SELECT concat(e.FirstName," ",e.LastName) as name,
   349  e.Title,
   350  e.EmployeeID,
   351  1 as EmployeeLevel
   352  FROM MyEmployees AS e
   353  WHERE e.ManagerID IS NULL
   354  UNION ALL
   355  SELECT concat(e.FirstName," ",e.LastName) as name,
   356  e.Title,
   357  e.EmployeeID,
   358  EmployeeLevel + 1
   359  FROM MyEmployees AS e
   360  JOIN DirectReports AS d ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID
   361  )
   362  SELECT EmployeeID, Name, Title, EmployeeLevel
   363  FROM DirectReports order by EmployeeID);
   364  select * from cte_view order by EmployeeLevel;
   365  EmployeeID    Name    Title    EmployeeLevel
   366  1    Ken Sánchez    Chief Executive Officer    1
   367  273    Brian Welcker    Vice President of Sales    2
   368  16    David Bradley    Marketing Manager    3
   369  274    Stephen Jiang    North American Sales Manager    3
   370  285    Syed Abbas    Pacific Sales Manager    3
   371  23    Mary Gibson    Marketing Specialist    4
   372  275    Michael Blythe    Sales Representative    4
   373  276    Linda Mitchell    Sales Representative    4
   374  286    Lynn Tsoflias    Sales Representative    4
   375  with recursive cte_ab_1(id, productID,price) as (SELECT, p.p_id, p.price FROM product p where p.p_id is null UNION all SELECT, p.p_id, avg(p.price) FROM product p JOIN cte_ab_1 c  ON = c.productID  GROUP BY, c.productID )SELECT * FROM cte_ab_1;
   376  SQL parser error: not support group by in recursive cte: 'group by, c.productid'
   377  with recursive cte_ab_2(id, productID,price) as (SELECT, p.p_id, p.price FROM product p where p.p_id is null UNION all SELECT, p.p_id, sum(p.price) FROM product p JOIN cte_ab_2 c  ON = c.productID  GROUP BY, c.productID )SELECT * FROM cte_ab_2;
   378  SQL parser error: not support group by in recursive cte: 'group by, c.productid'
   379  with recursive cte_ab_3(id, productID,price) as (SELECT, p.p_id, p.price FROM product p where p.p_id is null UNION all SELECT, p.p_id, count(p.price) FROM product p JOIN cte_ab_3 c  ON = c.productID  GROUP BY, c.productID )SELECT * FROM cte_ab_3;
   380  SQL parser error: not support group by in recursive cte: 'group by, c.productid'
   381  with recursive cte_ab_4(id, productID,price) as (SELECT, p.p_id, p.price FROM product p where p.p_id is null UNION all SELECT, p.p_id, max(p.price) FROM product p JOIN cte_ab_4 c  ON = c.productID  GROUP BY, c.productID )SELECT * FROM cte_ab_4;
   382  SQL parser error: not support group by in recursive cte: 'group by, c.productid'
   383  with recursive cte_ab_5(id, productID,price) as (SELECT, p.p_id, p.price FROM product p where p.p_id is null UNION all SELECT, p.p_id, min(p.price) FROM product p JOIN cte_ab_5 c  ON = c.productID  GROUP BY, c.productID )SELECT * FROM cte_ab_5;
   384  SQL parser error: not support group by in recursive cte: 'group by, c.productid'
   385  with recursive cte_ab_6(id,manager_id,name) as(select,p.manager_id, from emp p where manager_id is null union all select,p.manager_id, from emp p join cte_ab_6 c on p.manager_id= order by select * from cte_ab_6 order by id;
   386  SQL parser error: not support ORDER BY in recursive cte
   387  with recursive cte_ab_7(id,manager_id,name) as(select,p.manager_id, from emp p where manager_id is null union all select distinct,p.manager_id, from emp p join cte_ab_7 c on p.manager_id= select * from cte_ab_7;
   388  SQL parser error: not support DISTINCT in recursive cte
   389  with recursive cte_ab_8(id,manager_id,name,levels) as(select,p.manager_id,,0 as level from emp p where manager_id is null union all select,p.manager_id,,levels+1 from emp p join cte_ab_8 c on p.manager_id= limit 5) select * from cte_ab_8;
   390  id    manager_id    name    levels
   391  333    null    总经理    0
   392  198    333    副总1    1
   393  692    333    副总2    1
   394  29    198    主任1    2
   395  123    692    主任2    2
   396  with recursive cte_ab_9(id,manager_id,name,levels) as(select,p.manager_id,,0 as level from emp p where manager_id is null union all select,p.manager_id,,levels+1 from emp p where p.manager_id in(select from cte_ab_9 c)) select * from cte_ab_9;
   397  SQL parser error: In recursive query block of Recursive Common Table Expression cte_ab_9, the recursive table must be referenced only once, and not in any subquery
   398  with recursive cte_ab_10(id,manager_id,name,levels) as(select,p.manager_id, from emp p where manager_id is null union all select,p.manager_id, from emp p join cte_ab_10 c on p.manager_id= ) select * from cte_ab_10 order by id;
   399  SQL syntax error: table "cte_ab_10" has 3 columns available but 4 columns specified
   400  with non_cte_8(manager_id,name) as(SELECT a.manager_id,, AS job_name FROM emp a), non_cte_9(id,name) as(SELECT, FROM employees_mgr m WHERE != "lucky") select * FROM non_cte_8 a JOIN non_cte_9 b ON a.manager_id = ORDER BY  a.manager_id;
   401  SQL syntax error: table "non_cte_8" has 3 columns available but 2 columns specified
   402  WITH RECURSIVE DirectReports(ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, EmployeeLevel) AS
   403  (
   404  SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, 0 AS EmployeeLevel
   405  FROM MyEmployees
   406  WHERE ManagerID IS NULL
   407  UNION ALL
   408  SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, EmployeeLevel + 1
   409  FROM MyEmployees AS e
   410  INNER JOIN DirectReports AS d
   411  ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID
   412  )
   413  update DirectReports set Title='manager assistant' where ManagerID=273;
   414  internal error: column 'title' not found in table or the target table directreports of the UPDATE is not updatable