
     1  drop account if exists acc01;
     2  create account acc01 admin_name = 'test_account' identified by '111';
     4  -- @session:id=1&user=acc01:test_account&password=111
     5  drop database if exists test;
     6  create database test;
     7  use test;
     8  create table clu01(col1 int, col2 decimal);
     9  insert into clu01 values(1,2);
    11  drop snapshot if exists sp01;
    12  create snapshot sp01 for account acc01;
    13  insert into clu01 values(2,3);
    15  restore account acc01 from snapshot sp01;
    17  select * from clu01;
    18  select count(*) from clu01;
    19  drop table clu01;
    20  drop database test;
    21  drop snapshot sp01;
    26  -- non-acc01 account restore to non-acc01 account: single db, single table
    27  drop database if exists test01;
    28  create database test01;
    29  use test01;
    31  drop table if exists rs01;
    32  create table rs01 (col1 int, col2 decimal(6), col3 varchar(30));
    33  insert into rs01 values (1, null, 'database');
    34  insert into rs01 values (2, 38291.32132, 'database');
    35  insert into rs01 values (3, null, 'database management acc01tem');
    36  insert into rs01 values (4, 10, null);
    37  insert into rs01 values (1, -321.321, null);
    38  insert into rs01 values (2, -1, null);
    39  select count(*) from rs01;
    41  drop snapshot if exists sp01;
    42  create snapshot sp01 for account acc01;
    43  select count(*) from rs01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    44  insert into rs01 values (2, -1, null);
    45  insert into rs01 values (1, -321.321, null);
    46  select * from rs01;
    48  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'sp01'} where reldatabase = 'test01';
    49  -- @ignore:0,6,7
    50  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'sp01'} where datname = 'test01';
    51  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'sp01'} where att_database = 'test01';
    52  restore account acc01 from snapshot sp01;
    53  select count(*) from rs01;
    54  select * from rs01;
    55  select count(*) from rs01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    56  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'sp01'} where reldatabase = 'test01';
    57  -- @ignore:0,6,7
    58  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'sp01'} where datname = 'test01';
    59  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'sp01'} where att_database = 'test01';
    60  drop snapshot sp01;
    61  drop database test01;
    66  -- non-acc01 account restore to non-acc01 account: single db, multi table
    67  drop database if exists test02;
    68  create database test02;
    69  use test02;
    70  drop table if exists rs02;
    71  create table rs02 (col1 int, col2 datetime);
    72  insert into rs02 values (1, '2020-10-13 10:10:10');
    73  insert into rs02 values (2, null);
    74  insert into rs02 values (1, '2021-10-10 00:00:00');
    75  insert into rs02 values (2, '2023-01-01 12:12:12');
    76  insert into rs02 values (2, null);
    77  insert into rs02 values (3, null);
    78  insert into rs02 values (4, '2023-11-27 01:02:03');
    79  select * from rs02;
    80  drop table if exists rs03;
    81  create table rs03 (col1 int, col2 float, col3 decimal, col4 enum('1','2','3','4'));
    82  insert into rs03 values (1, 12.21, 32324.32131, 1);
    83  insert into rs03 values (2, null, null, 2);
    84  insert into rs03 values (2, -12.1, 34738, null);
    85  insert into rs03 values (1, 90.2314, null, 4);
    86  insert into rs03 values (1, 43425.4325, -7483.432, 2);
    87  drop snapshot if exists sp02;
    88  create snapshot sp02 for account acc01;
    89  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'sp02'} where reldatabase = 'test02';
    90  -- @ignore:0,6,7
    91  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'sp02'} where datname = 'test02';
    92  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'sp02'} where att_database = 'test02';
    94  use test02;
    95  insert into rs02 select * from rs02;
    96  select count(*) from rs02;
    97  select count(*) from rs02{snapshot = 'sp02'};
    99  delete from rs03 where col1 = 1;
   100  select count(*) from rs03;
   101  select count(*) from rs03{snapshot = 'sp02'};
   103  restore account acc01 from snapshot sp02;
   105  show databases;
   106  select count(*) from rs02;
   107  select count(*) from rs03;
   108  use test02;
   109  drop table rs02;
   110  drop table rs03;
   111  drop snapshot sp02;
   115  -- table with foreign key restore
   116  drop database if exists test03;
   117  create database test03;
   118  use test03;
   119  drop table if exists pri01;
   120  create table pri01(
   121            deptno int unsigned comment '部门编号',
   122            dname varchar(15) comment '部门名称',
   123            loc varchar(50)  comment '部门所在位置',
   124            primary key(deptno)
   125  ) comment='部门表';
   127  insert into pri01 values (10,'ACCOUNTING','NEW YORK');
   128  insert into pri01 values (20,'RESEARCH','DALLAS');
   129  insert into pri01 values (30,'SALES','CHICAGO');
   130  insert into pri01 values (40,'OPERATIONS','BOSTON');
   132  drop table if exists aff01;
   133  create table aff01(
   134                        empno int unsigned auto_increment COMMENT '雇员编号',
   135                        ename varchar(15) comment '雇员姓名',
   136                        job varchar(10) comment '雇员职位',
   137                        mgr int unsigned comment '雇员对应的领导的编号',
   138                        hiredate date comment '雇员的雇佣日期',
   139                        sal decimal(7,2) comment '雇员的基本工资',
   140                        comm decimal(7,2) comment '奖金',
   141                        deptno int unsigned comment '所在部门',
   142                        primary key(empno),
   143                        constraint `c1` foreign key (deptno) references pri01 (deptno)
   144  );
   146  insert into aff01 values (7369,'SMITH','CLERK',7902,'1980-12-17',800,NULL,20);
   147  insert into aff01 values (7499,'ALLEN','SALESMAN',7698,'1981-02-20',1600,300,30);
   148  insert into aff01 values (7521,'WARD','SALESMAN',7698,'1981-02-22',1250,500,30);
   149  insert into aff01 values (7566,'JONES','MANAGER',7839,'1981-04-02',2975,NULL,20);
   150  insert into aff01 values (7654,'MARTIN','SALESMAN',7698,'1981-09-28',1250,1400,30);
   151  insert into aff01 values (7698,'BLAKE','MANAGER',7839,'1981-05-01',2850,NULL,30);
   152  insert into aff01 values (7782,'CLARK','MANAGER',7839,'1981-06-09',2450,NULL,10);
   153  insert into aff01 values (7788,'SCOTT','ANALYST',7566,'0087-07-13',3000,NULL,20);
   154  insert into aff01 values (7839,'KING','PRESIDENT',NULL,'1981-11-17',5000,NULL,10);
   155  insert into aff01 values (7844,'TURNER','SALESMAN',7698,'1981-09-08',1500,0,30);
   156  insert into aff01 values (7876,'ADAMS','CLERK',7788,'0087-07-13',1100,NULL,20);
   157  insert into aff01 values (7900,'JAMES','CLERK',7698,'1981-12-03',950,NULL,30);
   158  insert into aff01 values (7902,'FORD','ANALYST',7566,'1981-12-03',3000,NULL,20);
   159  insert into aff01 values (7934,'MILLER','CLERK',7782,'1982-01-23',1300,NULL,10);
   161  select count(*) from pri01;
   162  select count(*) from aff01;
   164  show create table pri01;
   165  show create table aff01;
   167  drop snapshot if exists sp04;
   168  create snapshot sp04 for account acc01;
   169  -- @ignore:1
   170  show snapshots where snapshot_name = 'sp04';
   171  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'sp04'} where reldatabase = 'test03';
   172  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   173  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'sp04'} where datname = 'test03';
   174  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'sp04'} where att_database = 'test03';
   176  select * from aff01{snapshot = 'sp04'};
   177  select * from pri01{snapshot = 'sp04'};
   179  drop database test03;
   180  select * from test03.aff01{snapshot = 'sp04'};
   181  select * from test03.pri01{snapshot = 'sp04'};
   182  select count(*) from test03.aff01{snapshot = 'sp04'};
   184  restore account acc01 from snapshot sp04;
   185  use test03;
   186  show create table aff01;
   187  show create table pri01;
   188  select count(*) from aff01;
   189  drop database test03;
   190  drop snapshot sp04;
   195  -- restore non-sys account to current account
   196  drop database if exists test01;
   197  create database test01;
   198  use test01;
   199  create table t1(col1 int, col2 decimal);
   200  insert into t1 values(1,2);
   201  insert into t1 values(2,3);
   202  insert into t1 values(3,4);
   203  create table t2(cool1 int primary key , col2 decimal);
   204  insert into t2 select * from t1;
   205  create table t3 like t2;
   206  select count(*) from t1;
   207  select count(*) from t2;
   208  select count(*) from t3;
   210  drop database if exists test02;
   211  create database test02;
   212  use test02;
   213  create table t1(col1 int, col2 decimal);
   214  insert into t1 values(1,2);
   215  insert into t1 values(2,3);
   216  insert into t1 values(3,4);
   217  create table t2(col1 int primary key , col2 decimal);
   218  insert into t2 select * from t1;
   219  create table t3 like t2;
   220  insert into t3 select * from t2;
   221  select count(*) from t1;
   222  select count(*) from t2;
   223  select count(*) from t3;
   225  drop database if exists test03;
   226  create database test03;
   227  use test03;
   228  create table t1(col1 int, col2 decimal);
   229  insert into t1 values(1,2);
   230  insert into t1 values(2,3);
   231  insert into t1 values(3,4);
   232  create table t2(cool1 int primary key , col2 decimal);
   233  insert into t2 select * from t1;
   234  create table t3 like t2;
   235  insert into t3 select * from t2;
   236  insert into t3 select * from t2;
   237  select count(*) from t1;
   238  select count(*) from t2;
   239  select count(*) from t3;
   241  drop snapshot if exists snap01;
   242  create snapshot snap01 for account acc01;
   243  select count(*) from test01.t1 {snapshot = 'snap01'};
   244  select count(*) from test02.t2 {snapshot = 'snap01'};
   245  select count(*) from test03.t3 {snapshot = 'snap01'};
   247  drop database test01;
   248  drop database test02;
   249  show databases;
   251  select * from test01.t1;
   252  select count(*) from test03.t3;
   254  restore account acc01 from snapshot snap01;
   256  show databases;
   257  select count(*) from test01.t1;
   258  select * from test01.t1;
   259  select count(*) from test02.t2;
   260  select * from test02.t2;
   261  select count(*) from test03.t3;
   262  select * from test03.t3;
   263  show create table test01.t1;
   264  show create table test02.t2;
   265  show create table test03.t2;
   266  drop database test01;
   267  drop database test02;
   268  drop database test03;
   269  drop snapshot snap01;
   274  -- restore null
   275  drop snapshot if exists sp05;
   276  create snapshot sp05 for account acc01;
   277  create database db01;
   278  restore account acc01 FROM snapshot sp05;
   279  show databases;
   280  drop snapshot sp05;
   285  -- acc01 create sp01,sp02, restore sp02, restore sp01
   286  drop database if exists db01;
   287  create database db01;
   288  use db01;
   289  drop table if exists table01;
   290  create table table01(col1 int primary key , col2 decimal, col3 char, col4 varchar(20), col5 text, col6 double);
   291  insert into table01 values (1, 2, 'a', '23eiojf', 'r23v324r23rer', 3923.324);
   292  insert into table01 values (2, 3, 'b', '32r32r', 'database', 1111111);
   293  drop table if exists table02;
   294  create table table02 (col1 int unique key, col2 varchar(20));
   295  insert into table02 (col1, col2) values (133, 'database');
   297  drop snapshot if exists sp07;
   298  create snapshot sp07 for account acc01;
   300  drop table table01;
   301  insert into table02 values(134, 'database');
   303  drop snapshot if exists sp08;
   304  create snapshot sp08 for account acc01;
   305  -- @ignore:1
   306  show snapshots;
   307  restore account acc01 from snapshot sp08;
   308  select * from table02;
   309  select * from db01.table01;
   310  select count(*) from table02;
   312  restore account acc01 from snapshot sp07;
   313  select * from table01;
   314  select * from table02;
   315  select count(*) from table01;
   316  select count(*) from table02;
   318  drop snapshot sp07;
   319  drop snapshot sp08;
   320  drop database db01;
   325  -- acc01 create sp01,sp02, restore sp01, restore sp02
   326  drop database if exists db02;
   327  create database db02;
   328  use db02;
   329  drop table if exists table01;
   330  create table table01(col1 int primary key , col2 decimal, col3 char, col4 varchar(20), col5 text, col6 double);
   331  insert into table01 values (1, 2, 'a', '23eiojf', 'r23v324r23rer', 3923.324);
   332  insert into table01 values (2, 3, 'b', '32r32r', 'database', 1111111);
   333  drop table if exists table02;
   334  create table table02 (col1 int unique key, col2 varchar(20));
   335  insert into table02 (col1, col2) values (133, 'database');
   337  drop snapshot if exists sp09;
   338  create snapshot sp09 for account acc01;
   340  drop table table01;
   341  insert into table02 values(134, 'database');
   343  drop snapshot if exists sp10;
   344  create snapshot sp10 for account acc01;
   345  -- @ignore:1
   346  show snapshots;
   347  restore account acc01 from snapshot sp09;
   348  select * from table02;
   349  select * from db02.table01;
   350  select count(*) from table02;
   351  select count(*) from table01;
   353  restore account acc01 from snapshot sp10;
   354  select * from db02.table01;
   355  select count(*) from table01;
   357  select * from db02.table02;
   358  select count(*) from table02;
   360  drop snapshot sp09;
   361  drop snapshot sp10;
   362  drop database db02;
   367  -- restore frequently
   368  drop database if exists db03;
   369  create database db03;
   370  use db03;
   371  drop table if exists ti1;
   372  drop table if exists tm1;
   373  drop table if exists ti2;
   374  drop table if exists tm2;
   376  create  table ti1(a INT not null, b INT, c INT);
   377  create  table tm1(a INT not null, b INT, c INT);
   378  create  table ti2(a INT primary key AUTO_INCREMENT, b INT, c INT);
   379  create  table tm2(a INT primary key AUTO_INCREMENT, b INT, c INT);
   380  show create table ti1;
   381  show create table tm1;
   382  show create table ti2;
   383  show create table tm2;
   384  drop snapshot if exists sp11;
   385  create snapshot sp11 for account acc01;
   387  insert into ti1 values (1,1,1), (2,2,2);
   388  insert into ti2 values (1,1,1), (2,2,2);
   389  select * from ti1;
   390  select * from tm1;
   391  select * from ti2;
   392  select * from tm2;
   393  drop snapshot if exists sp12;
   394  create snapshot sp12 for account acc01;
   396  insert into tm1 values (1,1,1), (2,2,2);
   397  insert into tm2 values (1,1,1), (2,2,2);
   398  select * from ti1 {snapshot = 'sp12'};
   399  select * from tm1;
   400  select * from ti2 {snapshot = 'sp12'};
   401  select * from tm2;
   402  drop snapshot if exists sp13;
   403  create snapshot sp13 for account acc01;
   405  alter table ti1 add constraint fi1 foreign key (b) references ti2(a);
   406  alter table tm1 add constraint fm1 foreign key (b) references tm2(a);
   407  drop snapshot if exists sp14;
   408  create snapshot sp14 for account acc01;
   410  show create table ti1 {snapshot = 'sp14'};
   411  show create table tm1 {snapshot = 'sp13'};
   412  show create table ti1 {snapshot = 'sp14'};
   413  show create table tm1 {snapshot = 'sp13'};
   415  alter table ti1 drop foreign key fi1;
   416  alter table tm1 drop foreign key fm1;
   417  truncate ti1;
   418  truncate tm1;
   419  drop snapshot if exists sp15;
   420  create snapshot sp15 for account acc01;
   422  show create table ti1 {snapshot = 'sp14'};
   423  show create table tm1 {snapshot = 'sp15'};
   424  show create table ti1 {snapshot = 'sp14'};
   425  show create table tm1 {snapshot = 'sp15'};
   427  select count(*) from ti1;
   428  select count(*) from tm1;
   429  select count(*) from ti2;
   430  select count(*) from tm2;
   432  restore account acc01 from snapshot sp11;
   433  show databases;
   434  select * from db03.ti1;
   435  select * from db03.tm1;
   436  select * from db03.ti2;
   437  select * from db03.tm2;
   438  show create table db03.ti1;
   439  show create table db03.tm1;
   440  show create table db03.ti2;
   441  show create table db03.tm2;
   443  restore account acc01 from snapshot sp14;
   444  show databases;
   445  select * from db03.ti1;
   446  select * from db03.tm1;
   447  select * from db03.ti2;
   448  select * from db03.tm2;
   449  show create table db03.ti1;
   450  show create table db03.tm1;
   451  show create table db03.ti2;
   452  show create table db03.tm2;
   454  -- @ignore:1
   455  show snapshots;
   457  drop database db03;
   458  drop snapshot sp15;
   459  drop snapshot sp14;
   460  drop snapshot sp13;
   461  drop snapshot sp12;
   462  drop snapshot sp11;
   467  -- restore db to current non-sys account
   468  drop database if exists db04;
   469  create database db04;
   470  use db04;
   471  create table table01(col1 int primary key );
   472  insert into table01 values (1);
   473  insert into table01 values (2);
   474  drop database if exists db05;
   475  create database db05;
   476  use db05;
   477  create table table01(col1 int primary key );
   478  insert into table01 values (1);
   479  insert into table01 values (2);
   480  insert into table01 values (3);
   481  drop database if exists db06;
   482  create database db06;
   483  use db06;
   484  create table table01(col1 int primary key );
   485  insert into table01 values (1);
   486  insert into table01 values (2);
   487  insert into table01 values (3);
   488  insert into table01 values (4);
   489  select * from db04.table01;
   490  select * from db05.table01;
   491  select * from db06.table01;
   493  drop snapshot if exists sp13;
   494  create snapshot sp13 for account acc01;
   495  insert into db04.table01 values (200);
   496  insert into db05.table01 values (400);
   498  restore account acc01 database db04 from snapshot sp13;
   500  show databases;
   501  use db04;
   502  select count(*) from db04.table01;
   503  select * from db04.table01;
   504  use db05;
   505  select count(*) from db05.table01;
   506  select * from db05.table01;
   507  use db06;
   508  select count(*) from db06.table01;
   509  select * from db06.table01;
   510  drop snapshot sp13;
   511  drop database db04;
   512  drop database db05;
   513  drop database db06;
   518  -- restore db to current non-sys account
   519  drop database if exists db07;
   520  create database db07;
   521  use db07;
   522  create table table01 (col1 int, col2 enum ('a','b','c'));
   523  insert into table01 values(1,'a');
   524  insert into table01 values(2, 'b');
   525  create table table02 (col1 int unique key, col2 enum ('a','b','c'));
   526  insert into table02 values(1,'a');
   527  insert into table02 values(2, 'b');
   528  insert into table02 values(3, 'b');
   529  drop database if exists db08;
   530  create database db08;
   531  use db08;
   532  create table index01(col1 int,key key1(col1));
   533  insert into index01 values (1);
   534  insert into index01 values (2);
   535  show create table db07.table02;
   537  drop snapshot if exists sp14;
   538  create snapshot sp14 for account acc01;
   539  use db07;
   540  drop table table01;
   541  alter table table02 add column newC int first;
   542  show create table table02;
   543  show create table table02 {snapshot = 'sp14'};
   544  drop database db08;
   546  restore account acc01 database db07 from snapshot sp14;
   547  restore account acc01 database db08 from snapshot sp14;
   549  show databases;
   550  use db07;
   551  show tables;
   552  show create table table01 {snapshot = 'sp14'};
   553  show create table table01;
   554  select * from table01;
   556  drop snapshot if exists sp15;
   557  create snapshot sp15 for account acc01;
   559  restore account acc01 database db07 from snapshot sp15;
   560  restore account acc01 database db08 from snapshot sp15;
   562  use db08;
   563  show tables;
   564  select * from index01;
   565  show create table index01;
   566  use db07;
   567  show tables;
   568  show create table table01 {snapshot = 'sp14'};
   569  show create table table01;
   571  -- @ignore:1
   572  show snapshots;
   573  drop snapshot sp14;
   574  drop snapshot sp15;
   575  drop database db07;
   580  -- abnormal test :restore non-exists db to current account
   581  drop database if exists db08;
   582  create database db08;
   583  use db08;
   584  create table db08 (col1 int);
   585  insert into db08 values(1), (100), (20000);
   586  drop snapshot if exists sp15;
   587  create snapshot sp15 for account acc01;
   588  insert into db08 (col1) values (3000);
   590  restore account acc01 database db from snapshot sp15;
   591  drop snapshot sp15;
   592  drop database db08;
   597  -- abnormal test: restore non-exists table to current account
   598  drop database if exists db09;
   599  create database db09;
   600  use db09;
   601  drop table if exists index01;
   602  create table index01(
   603          col1 int not null,
   604          col2 date not null,
   605          col3 varchar(16) not null,
   606          col4 int unsigned not null,
   607          primary key (col1)
   608  );
   609  insert into index01 values(1, '1980-12-17','Abby', 21);
   610  insert into index01 values(2, '1981-02-20','Bob', 22);
   611  insert into index01 values(3, '1981-02-20','Bob', 22);
   612  select count(*) from index01;
   614  drop table if exists index02;
   615  create table index02(col1 char, col2 int, col3 binary);
   616  insert into index02 values('a', 33, 1);
   617  insert into index02 values('c', 231, 0);
   618  alter table index02 add key pk(col1) comment 'primary key';
   619  select count(*) from index02;
   621  drop database if exists db10;
   622  create database db10;
   623  use db10;
   624  drop table if exists index03;
   625  create table index03 (
   626                           emp_no      int             not null,
   627                           birth_date  date            not null,
   628                           first_name  varchar(14)     not null,
   629                           last_name   varchar(16)     not null,
   630                           gender      varchar(5)      not null,
   631                           hire_date   date            not null,
   632                           primary key (emp_no)
   633  ) partition by range columns (emp_no)(
   634      partition p01 values less than (100001),
   635      partition p02 values less than (200001),
   636      partition p03 values less than (300001),
   637      partition p04 values less than (400001)
   638  );
   640  insert into index03 values (9001,'1980-12-17', 'SMITH', 'CLERK', 'F', '2008-12-17'),
   641                             (9002,'1981-02-20', 'ALLEN', 'SALESMAN', 'F', '2008-02-20');
   643  drop snapshot if exists sp16;
   644  create snapshot sp16 for account acc01;
   646  use db09;
   647  delete from index02 where col1 = 'a';
   648  select * from index02;
   649  update index01 set col1 = 1000 where col1 = 1;
   650  select * from index01;
   652  use db10;
   653  truncate index03;
   654  select * from index03;
   656  restore account acc01 database db09 table index01 from snapshot sp16;
   657  restore account acc01 database db10 table index03 from snapshot sp16;
   659  use db09;
   660  select * from index02;
   661  select * from index01;
   662  show create table index01;
   663  show create table index02;
   664  use db10;
   665  select * from index03;
   667  -- @ignore:1
   668  show snapshots;
   669  drop database db09;
   670  drop database db10;
   671  drop snapshot sp16;
   676  -- cross restore non-exists table to current account
   677  drop database if exists db11;
   678  create database db11;
   679  use db11;
   680  drop table if exists pri01;
   681  create table pri01 (col1 int, col2 decimal);
   682  insert into pri01 (col1, col2) values (1,2378.328839842);
   683  insert into pri01 values (234, -3923.2342342);
   684  select * from pri01;
   686  drop snapshot if exists sp17;
   687  create snapshot sp17 for account acc01;
   689  alter table pri01 add constraint primary key(col1);
   690  insert into pri01 values (23423, 32432543.3242);
   691  insert into pri01 values (234222, -3923.2342342);
   693  drop snapshot if exists sp18;
   694  create snapshot sp18 for account acc01;
   696  restore account acc01 database db11 table pri01 from snapshot sp18;
   697  show create table pri01;
   698  select * from pri01;
   699  select count(*) from pri01;
   701  restore account acc01 database db11 table pri01 from snapshot sp17;
   702  show create table pri01;
   703  select * from pri01;
   704  select count(*) from pri01;
   706  restore account acc01 database db11 table pri01 from snapshot sp18;
   707  show create table pri01;
   708  select * from pri01;
   709  select count(*) from pri01;
   710  insert into pri01 values(23420, 32432543.3242);
   711  select * from pri01;
   712  show columns from pri01;
   713  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'sp18'} where reldatabase = 'db11';
   714  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   715  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'sp18'} where datname = 'db11';
   716  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'sp18'} where att_database = 'db11';
   718  drop database db11;
   719  drop snapshot sp18;
   720  drop snapshot sp17;
   725  -- empty tables restore to non-sys account
   726  drop database if exists db12;
   727  create database db12;
   728  use db12;
   729  create table table01 (col int);
   730  create table table02 (col char);
   731  create table table03 (col char);
   732  create table table04 (col binary);
   733  drop snapshot if exists sp19;
   734  create snapshot sp19 for account acc01;
   735  insert into table01 values (1);
   736  insert into table02 values ('1');
   737  insert into table03 values ('3');
   738  insert into table04 values ('1');
   739  restore account acc01 database db12 table table01 from snapshot sp19;
   740  restore account acc01 database db12 table table02 from snapshot sp19;
   741  restore account acc01 database db12 table table03 from snapshot sp19;
   742  restore account acc01 database db12 table table04 from snapshot sp19;
   743  select * from table01;
   744  select * from table02;
   745  select * from table03;
   746  select * from table04;
   747  drop database db12;
   748  drop snapshot sp19;
   749  -- @session
   751  drop account acc01;