
     1  -- create/drop
     2  -- A tenant creates snapshot backup, view creation information through show snapshots
     3  drop database if exists test;
     4  create database test;
     5  use test;
     6  drop table if exists snapshot01;
     7  create table snapshot01 (col1 int primary key , col2 decimal, col3 bigint, col4 double, col5 float);
     8  insert into snapshot01 values (1, 10.50, 1234567890, 123.45, 678.90),
     9                            (2, 20.75, 9876543210, 234.56, 789.01),
    10                            (3, 30.10, 1122334455, 345.67, 890.12),
    11                            (4, 40.25, 2233445566, 456.78, 901.23),
    12                            (5, 50.40, -3344556677, 567.89, 101.24),
    13                            (6, 60.55, -4455667788, 678.90, 112.35),
    14                            (7, 70.70, 5566778899, 789.01, 123.46),
    15                            (8, 80.85, -6677889900, 890.12, 134.57),
    16                            (9, 90.00, 7788990011, 901.23, 145.68),
    17                            (10, 100.00, 8899001122, 101.24, 156.79);
    18  select count(*) from snapshot01;
    19  select * from snapshot01;
    20  show create table snapshot01;
    21  drop snapshot if exists sp01;
    22  create snapshot sp01 for account sys;
    23  select * from snapshot01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    24  select count(*) from snapshot01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    26  -- @ignore:1
    27  show snapshots where SNAPSHOT_NAME = 'sp01';
    28  insert into snapshot01 values(11, 100.00, 8899001122, 101.24, 156.79);
    29  select count(*) from snapshot01;
    30  select count(*) from snapshot01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    31  select * from snapshot01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    33  update snapshot01 set col1 = 100 where col1 = 243214312;
    34  select count(*) from snapshot01;
    35  select count(*) from snapshot01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    36  select * from snapshot01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    38  delete from snapshot01 where col1 < 10;
    39  select count(*) from snapshot01;
    40  select count(*) from snapshot01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    41  select * from snapshot01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    43  alter table snapshot01 add column column1 bigint first;
    44  show create table snapshot01;
    45  select count(*) from snapshot01;
    46  select * from snapshot01;
    47  select count(*) from snapshot01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    48  select * from snapshot01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    50  truncate table snapshot01;
    51  show create table snapshot01;
    52  select count(*) from snapshot01;
    53  select * from snapshot01;
    54  select count(*) from snapshot01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    55  select * from snapshot01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    57  drop table snapshot01;
    58  select count(*) from snapshot01;
    59  select count(*) from snapshot01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    60  select * from snapshot01 {snapshot = 'sp01'};
    61  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'sp01'} where reldatabase = 'test';
    62  -- @ignore:0,6,7
    63  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'sp01'} where datname = 'test';
    64  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'sp01'} where att_database = 'test';
    65  drop snapshot sp01;
    66  show snapshots;
    67  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'sp01'} where reldatabase = 'test';
    68  -- @ignore:0,6,7
    69  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'sp01'} where datname = 'test';
    70  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'sp01'} where att_database = 'test';
    72  -- create snapshot while snapshot exists
    73  drop table if exists snapshot02;
    74  create table test_snapshot_read (a int);
    75  insert into test_snapshot_read (a) VALUES(1), (2), (3), (4), (5),(6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12),(13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20),(21), (22), (23), (24), (25), (26), (27), (28), (29), (30),(31), (32), (33), (34), (35), (36), (37), (38), (39), (40),(41), (42), (43), (44), (45), (46), (47), (48), (49), (50),(51), (52), (53), (54), (55), (56), (57), (58), (59), (60),(61), (62), (63), (64), (65), (66), (67), (68), (69), (70),(71), (72), (73), (74), (75), (76), (77), (78), (79), (80), (81), (82), (83), (84), (85), (86), (87), (88), (89), (90),(91), (92), (93), (94), (95), (96), (97), (98), (99), (100);
    76  select count(*) from test_snapshot_read;
    77  create snapshot snapshot_01 for account sys;
    78  create snapshot snapshot_01 for account sys;
    79  drop snapshot snapshot_01;
    80  drop table test_snapshot_read;
    82  -- create more snapshot
    83  drop table if exists snapshot03;
    84  drop table if exists snapshot04;
    85  create table snapshot03(col1 int unique key,
    86                         col2 varchar(20),
    87                         col3 int,
    88                         col4 bigint);
    89  create table snapshot04(col1 int,
    90                         col2 int,
    91                         col3 int primary key,
    92                         constraint `c1` foreign key(col1) references snapshot03(col1));
    93  show create table snapshot03;
    94  show create table snapshot04;
    95  insert into snapshot03 values(1,'sfhuwe',1,1);
    96  insert into snapshot03 values(2,'37829901k3d',2,2);
    97  insert into snapshot04 values(1,1,1);
    98  insert into snapshot04 values(2,2,2);
    99  select * from snapshot03;
   100  select * from snapshot04;
   102  drop snapshot if exists sp03;
   103  create snapshot sp03 for account sys;
   104  -- @ignore:1
   105  show snapshots where account_name = 'sys';
   106  insert into snapshot03 values(3,'sfhuwe',1,1);
   107  insert into snapshot03 values(4,'37829901k3d',2,2);
   108  drop snapshot if exists sp04;
   109  create snapshot sp04 for account sys;
   110  -- @ignore:1
   111  show snapshots;
   112  select * from snapshot03;
   113  select count(*) from snapshot03 {snapshot = 'sp03'};
   114  select * from snapshot03{snapshot = 'sp03'};
   115  select count(*) from snapshot04 {snapshot = 'sp03'};
   116  select * from snapshot04{snapshot = 'sp03'};
   117  select count(*) from snapshot03 {snapshot = 'sp04'};
   118  select * from snapshot03{snapshot = 'sp04'};
   120  alter table snapshot03 drop column col4;
   121  insert into snapshot03 values(5,'sfhuwe',1);
   122  select * from snapshot03;
   123  select count(*) from snapshot03 {snapshot = 'sp03'};
   124  drop snapshot if exists sp05;
   125  create snapshot sp05 for account sys;
   126  -- @ignore:1
   127  show snapshots;
   128  select count(*) from snapshot03 {snapshot = 'sp05'};
   129  select * from snapshot03{snapshot = 'sp05'};
   130  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'sp03'} where reldatabase = 'test';
   131  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   132  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'sp04'} where datname = 'test';
   133  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'sp05'} where att_database = 'test';
   135  drop snapshot sp05;
   136  drop snapshot sp04;
   137  drop snapshot sp03;
   138  drop table snapshot04;
   139  drop table snapshot03;
   140  drop database test;
   142  -- sys account creates snapshot for non-sys tenant
   143  drop account if exists acc01;
   144  create account acc01 admin_name = 'test_account' identified by '111';
   145  -- @session:id=3&user=acc01:test_account&password=111
   146  drop database if exists test01;
   147  create database test01;
   148  use test01;
   149  drop table if exists acc01_snap;
   150  create table acc01_snap(col1 int, col2 char, col3 binary, primary key(col1, col2));
   151  insert into acc01_snap values (1, 'a', '1');
   152  insert into acc01_snap values (2, 'a', '1');
   153  insert into acc01_snap values (10, 'm', null);
   154  select * from acc01_snap;
   155  -- @session
   156  drop snapshot if exists snap01;
   157  create snapshot snap01 for account acc01;
   158  -- @ignore:1
   159  show snapshots;
   160  -- @session:id=4&user=acc01:test_account&password=111
   161  use test01;
   162  show snapshots;
   163  -- @session
   164  select count(*) from acc01_snap{snapshot = 'snap01'};
   165  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'snap01'} where reldatabase = 'test01';
   166  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   167  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'snap01'} where datname = 'test01';
   168  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'snap01'} where att_database = 'test01';
   169  -- @session:id=5&user=acc01:test_account&password=111
   170  drop database test01;
   171  -- @session
   172  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'snap01'} where reldatabase = 'test01';
   173  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   174  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'snap01'} where datname = 'test01';
   175  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'snap01'} where att_database = 'test01';
   176  drop snapshot snap01;
   177  drop account acc01;
   179  -- non-sys account create snapshot for non-sys account
   180  drop account if exists acc02;
   181  create account acc02 admin_name = 'test_account' identified by '111';
   182  -- @session:id=6&user=acc02:test_account&password=111
   183  drop database if exists test02;
   184  create database test02;
   185  use test02;
   186  drop table if exists acc02_test01;
   187  create table acc02_test01 (col1 decimal, col2 char, col3 varchar(30), col4 float);
   188  insert into acc02_test01 values (3242.234234, '1', 'weawf3redwe', 38293.3232);
   189  insert into acc02_test01 values (323.32411, 'a', '3233234213', 323231221);
   190  insert into acc02_test01 values (-32323, 'v', 'wqd3wq', -323232);
   191  select count(*) from acc02_test01;
   192  drop snapshot if exists snap02;
   193  create snapshot snap02 for account acc02;
   194  -- @ignore:1
   195  show snapshots;
   196  -- @ignore:1
   197  show snapshots where account_name = 'acc02';
   198  select count(*) from acc02_test01 {snapshot = 'snap02'};
   199  select * from acc02_test01 {snapshot = 'snap02'};
   200  alter table acc02_test01 add column new int first;
   201  show create table acc02_test01;
   202  select count(*) from acc02_test01 {snapshot = 'snap02'};
   203  select * from acc02_test01 {snapshot = 'snap02'};
   204  truncate acc02_test01;
   205  select count(*) from acc02_test01 {snapshot = 'snap02'};
   206  select * from acc02_test01 {snapshot = 'snap02'};
   207  insert into acc02_test01 values(1,1,2,3,4);
   208  select count(*) from acc02_test01 {snapshot = 'snap02'};
   209  select * from acc02_test01 {snapshot = 'snap02'};
   210  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'snap02'} where reldatabase = 'test02';
   211  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   212  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'snap02'} where datname = 'test02';
   213  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'snap02'} where att_database = 'test02';
   214  drop snapshot snap02;
   215  drop table acc02_test01;
   216  drop database test02;
   217  -- @session
   218  drop account acc02;
   220  -- select where
   221  drop database if exists test03;
   222  create database test03;
   223  use test03;
   224  drop table if exists testsnap_03;
   225  create table testsnap_03 (
   226         employeeNumber int(11) not null ,
   227         lastName char(50) not null ,
   228         firstName char(50) not null ,
   229         extension char(10) not null ,
   230         email char(100) not null ,
   231         officeCode char(10) not null ,
   232         reportsTo int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
   233         jobTitle char(50) not null ,
   234         key (employeeNumber)
   235  );
   236  insert into testsnap_03(employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension,email,officeCode,reportsTo,jobTitle) values
   237                      (1002,'Murphy','Diane','x5800','','1',NULL,'President'),
   238                      (1056,'Patterson','Mary','x4611','','1',1002,'VP Sales'),
   239                      (1076,'Firrelli','Jeff','x9273','','1',1002,'VP Marketing'),
   240                      (1088,'Patterson','William','x4871','','6',1056,'Sales Manager (APAC)'),
   241                      (1102,'Bondur','Gerard','x5408','','4',1056,'Sale Manager (EMEA)'),
   242                      (1143,'Bow','Anthony','x5428','','1',1056,'Sales Manager (NA)'),
   243                      (1165,'Jennings','Leslie','x3291','','1',1143,'Sales Rep'),
   244                      (1166,'Thompson','Leslie','x4065','','1',1143,'Sales Rep'),
   245                      (1188,'Firrelli','Julie','x2173','','2',1143,'Sales Rep'),
   246                      (1216,'Patterson','Steve','x4334','','2',1143,'Sales Rep');
   248  drop snapshot if exists testsnap_03;
   249  select count(*) from testsnap_03;
   250  create snapshot sp04 for account sys;
   251  select count(*) from testsnap_03 {snapshot = 'sp04'};
   252  insert into testsnap_03 values (1286,'Tseng','Foon Yue','x2248','','3',1143,'Sales Rep'),
   253                                 (1323,'Vanauf','George','x4102','','3',1143,'Sales Rep'),
   254                                 (1337,'Bondur','Loui','x6493','','4',1102,'Sales Rep'),
   255                                 (1370,'Hernandez','Gerard','x2028','','4',1102,'Sales Rep'),
   256                                 (1401,'Castillo','Pamela','x2759','','4',1102,'Sales Rep');
   257  select count(*) from testsnap_03 {snapshot = 'sp04'};
   258  drop snapshot if exists sp05;
   259  create snapshot sp05 for account sys;
   260  select * from testsnap_03;
   261  select * from testsnap_03 {snapshot = 'sp04'} where jobTitle = 'President';
   262  select employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension from testsnap_03 {snapshot = 'sp04'} where extension = 'x4611';
   263  select count(*) from testsnap_03 {snapshot = 'sp04'} where employeeNumber > 1000;
   264  drop table if exists testsnap_04;
   265  create table testsnap_04 (
   266       employeeNumber int(11) not null ,
   267       lastName char(50) not null ,
   268       firstName char(50) not null ,
   269       extension char(10) not null
   270  );
   271  insert into testsnap_04 select employeeNumber,lastName,firstName,extension from testsnap_03{snapshot = 'sp04'};
   272  select * from testsnap_04;
   273  select * from testsnap_03 {snapshot = 'sp04'};
   274  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'sp04'} where reldatabase = 'test03';
   275  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   276  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'sp04'} where datname = 'test03';
   277  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'sp04'} where att_database = 'test03';
   278  drop table testsnap_03;
   279  drop table testsnap_04;
   280  drop snapshot sp04;
   281  drop snapshot sp05;
   282  drop database test03;
   284  -- create snapshot for cluster table
   285  use mo_catalog;
   286  drop table if exists cluster01;
   287  create cluster table cluster01(col1 int,col2 bigint);
   288  insert into cluster01 values(1,2,0);
   289  insert into cluster01 values(2,3,0);
   290  select * from cluster01;
   291  drop snapshot if exists sp06;
   292  create snapshot sp06 for account sys;
   293  -- @bvt:issue#15901
   294  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = sp06} where reldatabase = 'mo_catalog';
   295  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   296  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = sp06} where datname = 'mo_catalog';
   297  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = sp06} where att_database = 'mo_catalog';
   298  -- @bvt:issue
   299  drop table cluster01;
   300  drop snapshot sp06;
   302  -- pub table
   303  drop database if exists test03;
   304  create database test03;
   305  use test03;
   306  create table pub01 (col1 int primary key , col2 decimal, col3 bigint, col4 double, col5 float);
   307  insert into pub01 values (1, 10.50, 1234567890, 123.45, 678.90),
   308                                (2, 20.75, 9876543210, 234.56, 789.01),
   309                                (3, 30.10, 1122334455, 345.67, 890.12),
   310                                (4, 40.25, 2233445566, 456.78, 901.23);
   311  drop account if exists test_tenant_1;
   312  create account test_tenant_1 admin_name 'test_account' identified by '111';
   313  create publication publication01 database test03 account test_tenant_1 comment 'publish database to account01';
   314  -- @session:id=7&user=test_tenant_1:test_account&password=111
   315  create database sub_database01 from sys publication publication01;
   316  show databases;
   317  use sub_database01;
   318  show tables;
   319  -- @session
   320  drop snapshot if exists sp06;
   321  create snapshot sp06 for account sys;
   322  select * from pub01 {snapshot = 'sp06'};
   323  select count(*) from pub01 {snapshot = 'sp06'};
   324  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'sp06'} where reldatabase = 'test03';
   325  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   326  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'sp06'} where datname = 'test03';
   327  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'sp06'} where att_database = 'test03';
   328  -- @session:id=2&user=test_tenant_1:test_account&password=111
   329  use sub_database01;
   330  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'sp06'} where reldatabase = 'sub_database01';
   331  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   332  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'sp06'} where datname = 'sub_database01';
   333  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'sp06'} where att_database = 'sub_database01';
   334  -- @session
   335  drop account test_tenant_1;
   336  drop publication publication01;
   337  drop snapshot sp06;
   338  drop table pub01;
   340  -- table with partition by
   341  drop table if exists pt_table;
   342  create table pt_table(col1 tinyint,col2 smallint,col3 int,clo4 bigint,col5 tinyint unsigned,col6 smallint unsigned,col7 int unsigned,col8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 text)partition by key(col13)partitions 10;
   343  load data infile '$resources/external_table_file/pt_table_data.csv' into table  pt_table fields terminated by ',';
   344  select count(*) from pt_table;
   345  drop snapshot if exists sp07;
   346  create snapshot sp07 for account sys;
   347  -- @ignore:1
   348  show snapshots;
   349  select count(*) from pt_table{snapshot = 'sp07'};
   350  show create table pt_table{snapshot = 'sp07'};
   351  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'sp07'} where reldatabase = 'test03';
   352  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   353  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'sp07'} where datname = 'test03';
   354  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'sp07'} where att_database = 'test03';
   355  drop snapshot sp07;
   356  drop table pt_table;
   357  drop database test03;
   359  -- A database contains multiple tables at the same time, including tables of any type
   360  drop database if exists test04;
   361  create database test04;
   362  use test04;
   363  drop table if exists normal_table01;
   364  create table normal_table01 (col1 enum('a','b','c'), col2 date, col3 binary);
   365  insert into normal_table01 values ('a', '2000-10-01', 'a');
   366  insert into normal_table01 values ('b', '2023-12-12', '1');
   367  insert into normal_table01 values ('c', '1999-11-11', 'c');
   368  select * from normal_table01;
   369  use mo_catalog;
   370  drop table if exists cluster02;
   371  create cluster table cluster02(col1 timestamp, col2 varchar(20));
   372  insert into cluster02 values ('2000-12-12 12:12:12.000', 'database', 0);
   373  insert into cluster02 values ('2024-01-12 11:11:29.000', 'cluster table', 0);
   374  select * from cluster02;
   375  use test04;
   376  drop table if exists test04;
   377  create table test04 (`maxvalue` int);
   378  create table t3 (`maxvalue` int);
   379  insert into t3 values(1);
   380  insert into t3 values(2);
   381  insert into t3 values(100);
   382  insert into t3 values(-1000);
   383  drop account if exists test_tenant_1;
   384  create account test_tenant_1 admin_name 'test_account' identified by '111';
   385  create publication publication01 database test04 account test_tenant_1 comment 'publish database';
   386  -- @session:id=12&user=test_tenant_1:test_account&password=111
   387  create database sub_database02 from sys publication publication01;
   388  use sub_database02;
   389  -- @session
   390  drop snapshot if exists sp08;
   391  create snapshot sp08 for account sys;
   392  use test04;
   393  select count(*) from normal_table01 {snapshot = 'sp08'};
   394  select count(*) from t3 {snapshot = 'sp08'};
   395  use mo_catalog;
   396  select count(*) from cluster02 {snapshot = 'sp08'};
   397  use test04;
   398  delete from normal_table01 where col1 = 'a';
   399  use mo_catalog;
   400  update cluster02 set col2 = 'table';
   401  use test04;
   402  insert into t3 values(218231);
   403  select count(*) from normal_table01 {snapshot = 'sp08'};
   404  use mo_catalog;
   405  select count(*) from cluster02 {snapshot = 'sp08'};
   406  use test04;
   407  select count(*) from t3 {snapshot = 'sp08'};
   408  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'sp08'} where reldatabase = 'test04';
   409  drop account test_tenant_1;
   410  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   411  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'sp08'} where datname = 'test04';
   412  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'sp08'} where att_database = 'test04';
   413  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'sp08'} where reldatabase = 'test04';
   414  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   415  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'sp08'} where datname = 'test04';
   416  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'sp08'} where att_database = 'test04';
   417  drop publication publication01;
   418  drop table normal_table01;
   419  use mo_catalog;
   420  drop table cluster02;
   421  use test04;
   422  drop table t3;
   423  drop database test04;
   425  -- reserved keywords and non-reserved keywords as snapshot name
   426  drop database if exists test05;
   427  create database test05;
   428  use test05;
   429  drop table if exists t1;
   430  create table t1 (a blob);
   431  insert into t1 values('abcdef');
   432  insert into t1 values('_bcdef');
   433  insert into t1 values('a_cdef');
   434  insert into t1 values('ab_def');
   435  insert into t1 values('abc_ef');
   436  insert into t1 values('abcd_f');
   437  insert into t1 values('abcde_');
   438  select count(*) from t1;
   439  drop snapshot if exists `binary`;
   440  create snapshot `binary` for account sys;
   441  -- @bvt:issue#15901
   442  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = `binary`} where reldatabase = 'test05';
   443  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   444  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = `binary`} where datname = 'test05';
   445  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = `binary`} where att_database = 'test05';
   446  -- @bvt:issue
   447  drop snapshot `binary`;
   448  drop table t1;
   450  drop table if exists t1;
   451  create table t1 (
   452      dvalue  date not null,
   453      value32  integer not null,
   454      primary key(dvalue)
   455  );
   456  insert into t1 values('2022-01-01', 1);
   457  insert into t1 values('2022-01-02', 2);
   458  drop snapshot if exists consistent;
   459  create snapshot consistent for account sys;
   460  -- @bvt:issue#15901
   461  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = consistent} where reldatabase = 'test05';
   462  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   463  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = consistent} where datname = 'test05';
   464  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = consistent} where att_database = 'test05';
   465  -- @bvt:issue
   466  drop snapshot consistent;
   467  drop table t1;
   468  drop database if exists test05;
   470  -- create snapshot in explicit transaction
   471  drop database if exists test06;
   472  create database test06;
   473  use test06;
   474  drop table if exists tran01;
   475  start transaction;
   476  create table tran01(col1 enum('red','blue','green'));
   477  insert into tran01 values('red'),('blue'),('green');
   478  create snapshot sp09 for account sys;
   479  -- @ignore:1
   480  show snapshots;
   481  commit;
   482  drop snapshot if exists sp09;
   483  create snapshot sp09 for account sys;
   484  -- @ignore:1
   485  show snapshots;
   486  select count(*) from tran01{snapshot = 'sp09'};
   487  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_tables{snapshot = 'sp09'} where reldatabase = 'test06';
   488  -- @ignore:0,6,7
   489  select * from mo_catalog.mo_database{snapshot = 'sp09'} where datname = 'test06';
   490  select attname from mo_catalog.mo_columns{snapshot = 'sp09'} where att_database = 'test06';
   491  drop table tran01;
   492  drop snapshot sp09;
   493  drop database test06;
   495  -- verify that data outside the snapshot is deleted by gc
   496  drop database if exists test07;
   497  create database test07;
   498  use test07;
   499  drop table if exists t1;
   500  create table t1(a int, b char(10), c date, d decimal(7,2), UNIQUE KEY(a, b));
   501  desc t1;
   502  insert into t1 values(1, 'ab', '1980-12-17', 800);
   503  insert into t1 values(2, 'ac', '1981-02-20', 1600);
   504  insert into t1 values(3, 'ad', '1981-02-22', 500);
   505  select * from t1;
   507  drop table if exists t2;
   508  create table t2 (a json,b int);
   509  insert into t2 values ('{"t1":"a"}',1),('{"t1":"b"}',2);
   510  select * from t2;
   512  drop table if exists t3;
   513  create table t3(
   514                       deptno varchar(20),
   515                       dname varchar(15),
   516                       loc varchar(50),
   517                       primary key(deptno)
   518  );
   520  insert into t3 values (10,'ACCOUNTING','NEW YORK');
   521  insert into t3 values (20,'RESEARCH','DALLAS');
   522  insert into t3 values (30,'SALES','CHICAGO');
   523  insert into t3 values (40,'OPERATIONS','BOSTON');
   524  select * from t3;
   526  drop table t3;
   527  drop table t2;
   529  drop snapshot if exists sp10;
   530  create snapshot sp10 for account sys;
   532  select count(*) from t3{snapshot = 'sp10'};
   533  select count(*) from t2{snapshot = 'sp10'};
   534  select count(*) from t1{snapshot = 'sp10'};
   535  select * from t1{snapshot = 'sp10'};
   536  select * from t2{snapshot = 'sp10'};
   537  select * from t3{snapshot = 'sp10'};
   539  -- @ignore:0
   540  select distinct(object_name) from metadata_scan('test07.t3','a')m;
   541  -- @ignore:0
   542  select distinct(object_name) from metadata_scan('test07.t2','a')m;
   543  -- @ignore:0
   544  select distinct(object_name) from metadata_scan('test07.t1','a')m;
   545  drop table t1;
   546  drop database test07;
   547  drop snapshot sp10;
   548  drop snapshot sp08;