(about) 1 CREATE TABLE LINEITEM( 2 L_LINEITEM_ID BIGINT NOT NULL, 3 L_ORDERKEY BIGINT NOT NULL, 4 L_PARTKEY INTEGER NOT NULL, 5 L_SUPPKEY INTEGER NOT NULL, 6 L_LINENUMBER INTEGER NOT NULL, 7 L_QUANTITY DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL, 8 L_EXTENDEDPRICE DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL, 9 L_DISCOUNT DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL, 10 L_TAX DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL, 11 L_RETURNFLAG VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL, 12 L_LINESTATUS VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL, 13 L_SHIPDATE DATE NOT NULL, 14 L_COMMITDATE DATE NOT NULL, 15 L_RECEIPTDATE DATE NOT NULL, 16 L_SHIPINSTRUCT CHAR(25) NOT NULL, 17 L_SHIPMODE CHAR(10) NOT NULL, 18 L_COMMENT VARCHAR(44) NOT NULL, 19 PRIMARY KEY (L_LINEITEM_ID) 20 ); 21 use tpch; 22 invalid database tpch 23 insert into lineitem values 24 (1,1,156,4,1,17,17954.55,0.04,0.02,"N","O","1996-03-13","1996-02-12","1996-03-22","DELIVER IN PERSON","TRUCK","egular courts above the"), 25 (2,1,68,9,2,36,34850.16,0.09,0.06,"N","O","1996-04-12","1996-02-28","1996-04-20","TAKE BACK RETURN","MAIL","ly final dependencies: slyly bold "), 26 (3,1,64,5,3,8,7712.48,0.10,0.02,"N","O","1996-01-29","1996-03-05","1996-01-31","TAKE BACK RETURN","REG AIR","riously. regular, express dep"), 27 (4,1,3,6,4,28,25284.00,0.09,0.06,"N","O","1996-04-21","1996-03-30","1996-05-16","NONE","AIR","lites. fluffily even de"), 28 (5,1,25,8,5,24,22200.48,0.10,0.04,"N","O","1996-03-30","1996-03-14","1996-04-01","NONE","FOB"," pending foxes. slyly re"), 29 (6,1,16,3,6,32,29312.32,0.07,0.02,"N","O","1996-01-30","1996-02-07","1996-02-03","DELIVER IN PERSON","MAIL","arefully slyly ex"), 30 (7,2,107,2,1,38,38269.80,0.00,0.05,"N","O","1997-01-28","1997-01-14","1997-02-02","TAKE BACK RETURN","RAIL","ven requests. deposits breach a"), 31 (8,3,5,2,1,45,40725.00,0.06,0.00,"R","F","1994-02-02","1994-01-04","1994-02-23","NONE","AIR","ongside of the furiously brave acco"), 32 (9,3,20,10,2,49,45080.98,0.10,0.00,"R","F","1993-11-09","1993-12-20","1993-11-24","TAKE BACK RETURN","RAIL"," unusual accounts. eve"), 33 (10,3,129,8,3,27,27786.24,0.06,0.07,"A","F","1994-01-16","1993-11-22","1994-01-23","DELIVER IN PERSON","SHIP","nal foxes wake. "); 34 select count(*) from lineitem; 35 count(*) 36 10 37 create snapshot snapshot_lineitem for account sys; 38 create snapshot snapshot_lineitem_incremental for cluster; 39 insert into lineitem values 40 (11,3,30,5,4,2,1860.06,0.01,0.06,"A","F","1993-12-04","1994-01-07","1994-01-01","NONE","TRUCK","y. fluffily pending d"), 41 (12,3,184,5,5,28,30357.04,0.04,0.00,"R","F","1993-12-14","1994-01-10","1994-01-01","TAKE BACK RETURN","FOB","ages nag slyly pending"), 42 (13,3,63,8,6,26,25039.56,0.10,0.02,"A","F","1993-10-29","1993-12-18","1993-11-04","TAKE BACK RETURN","RAIL","ges sleep after the caref"), 43 (14,4,89,10,1,30,29672.40,0.03,0.08,"N","O","1996-01-10","1995-12-14","1996-01-18","DELIVER IN PERSON","REG AIR","- quickly regular packages sleep. idly"), 44 (15,5,109,10,1,15,15136.50,0.02,0.04,"R","F","1994-10-31","1994-08-31","1994-11-20","NONE","AIR","ts wake furiously "), 45 (16,5,124,5,2,26,26627.12,0.07,0.08,"R","F","1994-10-16","1994-09-25","1994-10-19","NONE","FOB","sts use slyly quickly special instruc"), 46 (17,5,38,4,3,50,46901.50,0.08,0.03,"A","F","1994-08-08","1994-10-13","1994-08-26","DELIVER IN PERSON","AIR","eodolites. fluffily unusual"), 47 (18,6,140,6,1,37,38485.18,0.08,0.03,"A","F","1992-04-27","1992-05-15","1992-05-02","TAKE BACK RETURN","TRUCK","p furiously special foxes"), 48 (19,7,183,4,1,12,12998.16,0.07,0.03,"N","O","1996-05-07","1996-03-13","1996-06-03","TAKE BACK RETURN","FOB","ss pinto beans wake against th"), 49 (20,7,146,3,2,9,9415.26,0.08,0.08,"N","O","1996-02-01","1996-03-02","1996-02-19","TAKE BACK RETURN","SHIP","es. instructions"); 50 select count(*) from lineitem {snapshot = 'snapshot_lineitem_incremental'}; 51 count(*) 52 10 53 select count(*) from lineitem {snapshot = 'snapshot_lineitem'}; 54 count(*) 55 10 56 insert into lineitem values 57 (21,7,95,8,3,46,45774.14,0.10,0.07,"N","O","1996-01-15","1996-03-27","1996-02-03","COLLECT COD","MAIL"," unusual reques"), 58 (22,7,164,5,4,28,29796.48,0.03,0.04,"N","O","1996-03-21","1996-04-08","1996-04-20","NONE","FOB",". slyly special requests haggl"), 59 (23,7,152,4,5,38,39981.70,0.08,0.01,"N","O","1996-02-11","1996-02-24","1996-02-18","DELIVER IN PERSON","TRUCK","ns haggle carefully ironic deposits. bl"), 60 (24,7,80,10,6,35,34302.80,0.06,0.03,"N","O","1996-01-16","1996-02-23","1996-01-22","TAKE BACK RETURN","FOB","jole. excuses wake carefully alongside of "), 61 (25,7,158,3,7,5,5290.75,0.04,0.02,"N","O","1996-02-10","1996-03-26","1996-02-13","NONE","FOB","ithely regula"), 62 (26,32,83,4,1,28,27526.24,0.05,0.08,"N","O","1995-10-23","1995-08-27","1995-10-26","TAKE BACK RETURN","TRUCK","sleep quickly. req"), 63 (27,32,198,10,2,32,35142.08,0.02,0.00,"N","O","1995-08-14","1995-10-07","1995-08-27","COLLECT COD","AIR","lithely regular deposits. fluffily "), 64 (28,32,45,2,3,2,1890.08,0.09,0.02,"N","O","1995-08-07","1995-10-07","1995-08-23","DELIVER IN PERSON","AIR"," express accounts wake according to the"), 65 (29,32,3,8,4,4,3612.00,0.09,0.03,"N","O","1995-08-04","1995-10-01","1995-09-03","NONE","REG AIR","e slyly final pac"), 66 (30,32,86,7,5,44,43387.52,0.05,0.06,"N","O","1995-08-28","1995-08-20","1995-09-14","DELIVER IN PERSON","AIR","symptotes nag according to the ironic depo"); 67 select count(*) from lineitem {snapshot = 'snapshot_lineitem_incremental'}; 68 count(*) 69 10 70 select count(*) from lineitem {snapshot = 'snapshot_lineitem'}; 71 count(*) 72 10 73 drop snapshot snapshot_lineitem; 74 drop snapshot snapshot_lineitem_incremental; 75 drop table lineitem; 76 drop table if exists rs01; 77 create table rs01 (col1 int, col2 decimal(6), col3 varchar(30)); 78 insert into rs01 values (1, null, 'database'); 79 insert into rs01 values (2, 38291.32132, 'database'); 80 insert into rs01 values (3, null, 'database management system'); 81 insert into rs01 values (4, 10, null); 82 insert into rs01 values (1, -321.321, null); 83 insert into rs01 values (2, -1, null); 84 select count(*) from rs01; 85 count(*) 86 6 87 drop snapshot if exists sp01; 88 create snapshot sp01 for account sys; 89 select count(*) from rs01 {snapshot = 'sp01'}; 90 count(*) 91 6 92 insert into rs01 values (2, -1, null); 93 insert into rs01 values (1, -321.321, null); 94 select * from rs01; 95 col1 col2 col3 96 1 null database 97 2 38291 database 98 3 null database management system 99 4 10 null 100 1 -321 null 101 2 -1 null 102 2 -1 null 103 1 -321 null 104 select count(*) from rs01 {snapshot = 'sp01'}; 105 count(*) 106 6 107 select * from rs01 {snapshot = 'sp01'}; 108 col1 col2 col3 109 1 null database 110 2 38291 database 111 3 null database management system 112 4 10 null 113 1 -321 null 114 2 -1 null 115 restore account sys from snapshot sp01; 116 select * from rs01; 117 col1 col2 col3 118 1 null database 119 2 38291 database 120 3 null database management system 121 4 10 null 122 1 -321 null 123 2 -1 null 124 select count(*) from rs01; 125 count(*) 126 6 127 select count(*) from rs01 {snapshot = 'sp01'}; 128 count(*) 129 6 130 drop snapshot sp01; 131 drop table rs01;