
     1  drop table if exists t1;
     2  create table t1 (id int,ti tinyint unsigned,si smallint,bi bigint unsigned,fl float,dl double,de decimal,ch char(20),vch varchar(20),dd date,dt datetime);
     3  insert into t1 values(1,1,4,3,1113.32,111332,1113.32,'hello','subquery','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
     4  insert into t1 values(2,2,5,2,2252.05,225205,2252.05,'bye','sub query','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
     5  insert into t1 values(3,6,6,3,3663.21,366321,3663.21,'hi','subquery','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
     6  insert into t1 values(4,7,1,5,4715.22,471522,4715.22,'good morning','my subquery','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
     7  insert into t1 values(5,1,2,6,51.26,5126,51.26,'byebye',' is subquery?','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
     8  insert into t1 values(6,3,2,1,632.1,6321,632.11,'good night','maybe subquery','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
     9  insert into t1 values(7,4,4,3,7443.11,744311,7443.11,'yes','subquery','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
    10  insert into t1 values(8,7,5,8,8758.00,875800,8758.11,'nice to meet','just subquery','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
    11  insert into t1 values(9,8,4,9,9849.312,9849312,9849.312,'see you','subquery','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
    12  drop table if exists t2;
    13  create table t2 (id int,ti tinyint unsigned,si smallint,bi bigint unsigned,fl float,dl double,de decimal,ch char(20),vch varchar(20),dd date,dt datetime);
    14  insert into t2 values(1,1,4,3,1113.32,111332,1113.32,'hello','subquery','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
    15  insert into t2 values(2,2,5,2,2252.05,225205,2252.05,'bye','sub query','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
    16  insert into t2 values(3,6,6,3,3663.21,366321,3663.21,'hi','subquery','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
    17  insert into t2 values(4,7,1,5,4715.22,471522,4715.22,'good morning','my subquery','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
    18  insert into t2 values(5,1,2,6,51.26,5126,51.26,'byebye',' is subquery?','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
    19  insert into t2 values(6,3,2,1,632.1,6321,632.11,'good night','maybe subquery','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
    20  insert into t2 values(7,4,4,3,7443.11,744311,7443.11,'yes','subquery','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
    21  insert into t2 values(8,7,5,8,8758.00,875800,8758.11,'nice to meet','just subquery','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
    22  insert into t2 values(9,8,4,9,9849.312,9849312,9849.312,'see you','subquery','2022-04-28','2022-04-28 22:40:11');
    23  select * from (select * from t1) sub where id > 4;
    24  id	ti	si	bi	fl	dl	de	ch	vch	dd	dt
    25  5	1	2	6	51.26	5126.0	51	byebye	 is subquery?	2022-04-28	2022-04-28 22:40:11
    26  6	3	2	1	632.1	6321.0	632	good night	maybe subquery	2022-04-28	2022-04-28 22:40:11
    27  7	4	4	3	7443.11	744311.0	7443	yes	subquery	2022-04-28	2022-04-28 22:40:11
    28  8	7	5	8	8758.0	875800.0	8758	nice to meet	just subquery	2022-04-28	2022-04-28 22:40:11
    29  9	8	4	9	9849.31	9849312.0	9849	see you	subquery	2022-04-28	2022-04-28 22:40:11
    30  select ti as t,fl as f from (select * from t1) sub where dl <> 4;
    31  t	f
    32  1	1113.32
    33  2	2252.05
    34  6	3663.21
    35  7	4715.22
    36  1	51.26
    37  3	632.1
    38  4	7443.11
    39  7	8758.0
    40  8	9849.31
    41  select * from (select ti as t,fl as f from t1 where dl <> 4) sub;
    42  t	f
    43  1	1113.32
    44  2	2252.05
    45  6	3663.21
    46  7	4715.22
    47  1	51.26
    48  3	632.1
    49  4	7443.11
    50  7	8758.0
    51  8	9849.31
    52  select id,min(ti) from (select * from t1) sub group by id;
    53  id	min(ti)
    54  1	1
    55  2	2
    56  3	6
    57  4	7
    58  5	1
    59  6	3
    60  7	4
    61  8	7
    62  9	8
    63  select * from (select id,min(ti) from (select * from t1) t1 group by id) sub;
    64  id	min(ti)
    65  1	1
    66  2	2
    67  3	6
    68  4	7
    69  5	1
    70  6	3
    71  7	4
    72  8	7
    73  9	8
    74  select id,min(ti) from (select * from t1) sub group by id order by id desc;
    75  id	min(ti)
    76  9	8
    77  8	7
    78  7	4
    79  6	3
    80  5	1
    81  4	7
    82  3	6
    83  2	2
    84  1	1
    85  select id,sum(ti) from (select * from t1) sub group by id;
    86  id	sum(ti)
    87  1	1
    88  2	2
    89  3	6
    90  4	7
    91  5	1
    92  6	3
    93  7	4
    94  8	7
    95  9	8
    96  select distinct(ti) from (select * from t1) sub;
    97  ti
    98  1
    99  2
   100  6
   101  7
   102  3
   103  4
   104  8
   105  select distinct(ti) from (select * from t1) sub where id <6;
   106  ti
   107  1
   108  2
   109  6
   110  7
   111  select count(*) from (select * from t1) sub where id > 4 ;
   112  count(*)
   113  5
   114  select * from (select * from t1) sub where id > 1 limit 3;
   115  id	ti	si	bi	fl	dl	de	ch	vch	dd	dt
   116  2	2	5	2	2252.05	225205.0	2252	bye	sub query	2022-04-28	2022-04-28 22:40:11
   117  3	6	6	3	3663.21	366321.0	3663	hi	subquery	2022-04-28	2022-04-28 22:40:11
   118  4	7	1	5	4715.22	471522.0	4715	good morning	my subquery	2022-04-28	2022-04-28 22:40:11
   119  select max(ti),min(si),avg(fl) from (select * from t1) sub where id < 4 || id > 5;
   120  max(ti)	min(si)	avg(fl)
   121  8	2	4815.871616908482
   122  select max(ti)+10,min(si)-1,avg(fl) from (select * from t1) sub where id < 4 || id > 5;
   123  max(ti)+10	min(si)-1	avg(fl)
   124  18	1	4815.871616908482
   125  select substr from (select * from t1) sub where id < 4 || id > 5;
   126  invalid input: column substr does not exist
   127  select ti,-si from (select * from t1) sub order by -si desc;
   128  ti	-si
   129  7	-1
   130  1	-2
   131  3	-2
   132  1	-4
   133  4	-4
   134  8	-4
   135  2	-5
   136  7	-5
   137  6	-6
   138  select * from (select * from t1) sub where (ti=2 or si=3) and  (ch = 'bye' or vch = 'subquery');
   139  id	ti	si	bi	fl	dl	de	ch	vch	dd	dt
   140  2	2	5	2	2252.05	225205.0	2252	bye	sub query	2022-04-28	2022-04-28 22:40:11
   141  select * from (select * from (select * from (select id,ti,si,de from (select * from t1 ) sub3 where fl <> 4.5 ) sub2 where ti > 1) sub1 where id >2 ) sub where id > 4;
   142  id	ti	si	de
   143  6	3	2	632
   144  7	4	4	7443
   145  8	7	5	8758
   146  9	8	4	9849
   147  select * from (select * from t1 where id > 100) sub ;
   148  id	ti	si	bi	fl	dl	de	ch	vch	dd	dt
   149  drop table if exists t1;
   150  drop table if exists t2;
   151  drop table if exists t3;
   152  create table t1 (libname1 varchar(21) not null primary key, city varchar(20));
   153  create table t2 (isbn2 varchar(21) not null primary key, author varchar(20), title varchar(60));
   154  create table t3 (isbn3 varchar(21) not null, libname3 varchar(21) not null, quantity int);
   155  insert into t2 values ('001','Daffy','Aducklife');
   156  insert into t2 values ('002','Bugs','Arabbitlife');
   157  insert into t2 values ('003','Cowboy','Lifeontherange');
   158  insert into t2 values ('000','Anonymous','Wannabuythisbook?');
   159  insert into t2 values ('004','BestSeller','OneHeckuvabook');
   160  insert into t2 values ('005','EveryoneBuys','Thisverybook');
   161  insert into t2 values ('006','SanFran','Itisasanfranlifestyle');
   162  insert into t2 values ('007','BerkAuthor','');
   163  insert into t3 values('000','NewYorkPublicLibra',1);
   164  insert into t3 values('001','NewYorkPublicLibra',2);
   165  insert into t3 values('002','NewYorkPublicLibra',3);
   166  insert into t3 values('003','NewYorkPublicLibra',4);
   167  insert into t3 values('004','NewYorkPublicLibra',5);
   168  insert into t3 values('005','NewYorkPublicLibra',6);
   169  insert into t3 values('006','SanFransiscoPublic',5);
   170  insert into t3 values('007','BerkeleyPublic1',3);
   171  insert into t3 values('007','BerkeleyPublic2',3);
   172  insert into t3 values('001','NYC Lib',8);
   173  insert into t1 values ('NewYorkPublicLibra','NewYork');
   174  insert into t1 values ('SanFransiscoPublic','SanFran');
   175  insert into t1 values ('BerkeleyPublic1','Berkeley');
   176  insert into t1 values ('BerkeleyPublic2','Berkeley');
   177  insert into t1 values ('NYCLib','NewYork');
   178  select * from (select city,libname1,count(libname1) as a from t3 join t1 on libname1=libname3 join t2 on isbn3=isbn2 group by city,libname1) sub ;
   179  city	libname1	a
   180  NewYork	NewYorkPublicLibra	6
   181  SanFran	SanFransiscoPublic	1
   182  Berkeley	BerkeleyPublic1	1
   183  Berkeley	BerkeleyPublic2	1
   184  drop table if exists t1;
   185  create table t1(a int);
   186  insert into t1 values(1);
   187  select * from (select * from t1) tt, (select * from t1);
   188  a    a
   189  1    1
   190  select * from (select * from t1), (select * from t1);
   191  a    a
   192  1    1