
     1  create table table01(a TINYINT primary key, b SMALLINT SIGNED, c INT UNSIGNED,d BIGINT not null , e FLOAT,f DOUBLE, g CHAR(10), h VARCHAR(20));
     2  create table table15 (a varchar(5) default 'abcde');
     3  create temporary table table05 ( a int, b char(10));
     4  create table table06 (a int primary key, b varchar(10));
     5  create table table10 (a int primary key, b varchar(10));
     6  create table `测试表` (`测试1` int);
     7  create table `table11 ` (a int);
     8  create table table12 (`a ` int);
     9  create table `a/a` (a int);
    10  create table `aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa` (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa int);
    11  create table table14 (`aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa` int);
    12  create table table16 (1a20 int,1e int);
    13  create table $table18 (a$1 int, $b int, c$ int);
    14  create table table19$ (a int);
    15  create table table17 (`index` int);
    16  create table account(a int);
    17  show tables;
    18  Tables_in_create_table
    19  table01
    20  table15
    21  table06
    22  table10
    23  测试表
    24  table11 
    25  table12
    26  a/a
    27  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    28  table14
    29  table16
    30  $table18
    31  table19$
    32  table17
    33  account
    34  create table test01(a int primary key, b int) cluster by a;
    35  not supported: cluster by with primary key is not support
    36  create table test01(a int, b int) cluster by a;
    38  create table test02(a int, b int) cluster by b;
    40  insert into test01 values(1,1),(2,2),(3,null),(null,4);
    42  select * from test01;
    43  a    b
    44  1    1
    45  2    2
    46  3    null
    47  null    4
    48  insert into test02 select * from test01;
    50  select * from test02;
    51  a    b
    52  1    1
    53  2    2
    54  3    null
    55  null    4
    56  update test02 set b=null where a=1;
    58  select * from test02;
    59  a    b
    60  2    2
    61  3    null
    62  null    4
    63  1    null
    64  create table test03(a int, b int) cluster by c;
    65  invalid input: column 'c' doesn't exist in table
    66  create table test04(a int, b int, c varchar(10), unique key(a)) cluster by (b,c,a);
    68  insert into test04 values(11,3,'bb');
    70  insert into test04 values(1,2,'a');
    72  insert into test04 values(2,2,'');
    74  insert into test04 values(3,2,null);
    76  select * from test04;
    77  a    b    c
    78  11    3    bb
    79  1    2    a
    80  2    2    
    81  3    2    null
    82  create table test06(a int, b int, c varchar(10)) cluster by (b,a,c);
    84  insert into test06 select * from test04;
    86  select * from test06;
    87  a    b    c
    88  11    3    bb
    89  1    2    a
    90  2    2    
    91  3    2    null
    92  update test06 set c=null where a=11;
    94  select * from test06;
    95  a    b    c
    96  1    2    a
    97  2    2    
    98  3    2    null
    99  11    3    null
   100  insert into test06 select * from test04;
   102  select * from test06;
   103  a    b    c
   104  1    2    a
   105  2    2    
   106  3    2    null
   107  11    3    null
   108  11    3    bb
   109  1    2    a
   110  2    2    
   111  3    2    null
   112  update test06 set c=a where b=2;
   114  select * from test06;
   115  a    b    c
   116  11    3    null
   117  11    3    bb
   118  1    2    1
   119  2    2    2
   120  3    2    3
   121  1    2    1
   122  2    2    2
   123  3    2    3
   124  create table test05(a int, b int, c varchar(10)) cluster by (b,c,d);
   125  invalid input: column 'd' doesn't exist in table
   126  create temporary table test05(a int, b int, c varchar(10)) cluster by (b,c);
   127  not supported: cluster by with temporary table is not support
   128  show create table test01;
   129  Table    Create Table
   130  test01    CREATE TABLE `test01` (\n`a` INT DEFAULT NULL,\n`b` INT DEFAULT NULL\n) CLUSTER BY (`a`)
   131  show create table test02;
   132  Table    Create Table
   133  test02    CREATE TABLE `test02` (\n`a` INT DEFAULT NULL,\n`b` INT DEFAULT NULL\n) CLUSTER BY (`b`)
   134  show create table test04;
   135  Table    Create Table
   136  test04    CREATE TABLE `test04` (\n`a` INT DEFAULT NULL,\n`b` INT DEFAULT NULL,\n`c` VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT NULL,\nUNIQUE KEY `a` (`a`)\n) CLUSTER BY (`b`, `c`, `a`)
   137  show create table test06;
   138  Table    Create Table
   139  test06    CREATE TABLE `test06` (\n`a` INT DEFAULT NULL,\n`b` INT DEFAULT NULL,\n`c` VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT NULL\n) CLUSTER BY (`b`, `a`, `c`)
   140  desc test01;
   141  Field    Type    Null    Key    Default    Extra    Comment
   142  a    INT(32)    YES        null        
   143  b    INT(32)    YES        null        
   144  desc test02;
   145  Field    Type    Null    Key    Default    Extra    Comment
   146  a    INT(32)    YES        null        
   147  b    INT(32)    YES        null        
   148  desc test04;
   149  Field    Type    Null    Key    Default    Extra    Comment
   150  a    INT(32)    YES        null        
   151  b    INT(32)    YES        null        
   152  c    VARCHAR(10)    YES        null        
   153  desc test06;
   154  Field    Type    Null    Key    Default    Extra    Comment
   155  a    INT(32)    YES        null        
   156  b    INT(32)    YES        null        
   157  c    VARCHAR(10)    YES        null        
   158  drop table test01;
   160  drop table test02;
   162  drop table test04;
   164  drop table test06;
   166  drop table if exists t1;
   167  create table t1(a int, b int, unique key(a), unique key(a, b));
   168  show create table t1;
   169  Table    Create Table
   170  t1    CREATE TABLE `t1` (\n`a` INT DEFAULT NULL,\n`b` INT DEFAULT NULL,\nUNIQUE KEY `a` (`a`),\nUNIQUE KEY `a_2` (`a`,`b`)\n)
   171  drop table if exists t1;
   172  create table t1(a int unique, b int unique key, unique key(a));
   173  show create table t1;
   174  Table    Create Table
   175  t1    CREATE TABLE `t1` (\n`a` INT DEFAULT NULL,\n`b` INT DEFAULT NULL,\nUNIQUE KEY `a` (`a`),\nUNIQUE KEY `b` (`b`),\nUNIQUE KEY `a_2` (`a`)\n)
   176  drop table t1;
   177  drop table if exists t1;
   178  CREATE TABLE t1 (
   179  col1 INT NOT NULL,
   180  col2 DATE NOT NULL unique key,
   181  col3 INT NOT NULL,
   182  col4 INT NOT NULL,
   183  PRIMARY KEY (col1),
   184  unique key col2 (col3)
   185  );
   186  duplicate key name 'col2'
   187  drop table t1;
   188  no such table create_table.t1
   189  drop table if exists t1;
   190  CREATE TABLE t1 (
   191  col1 INT NOT NULL,
   192  col2 DATE NOT NULL,
   193  col3 INT NOT NULL,
   194  col4 INT NOT NULL,
   195  PRIMARY KEY (col1),
   196  unique key idx_sp1 (col2),
   197  unique key idx_sp1 (col3)
   198  );
   199  duplicate key name 'idx_sp1'
   200  drop table t1;
   201  no such table create_table.t1
   202  drop table if exists t1;
   203  CREATE TABLE t1 (
   204  col1 INT NOT NULL,
   205  col2 DATE NOT NULL,
   206  col3 INT NOT NULL,
   207  col4 INT NOT NULL,
   208  PRIMARY KEY (col1),
   209  unique key idx_sp1 (col2),
   210  key idx_sp1 (col3)
   211  );
   212  duplicate key name 'idx_sp1'
   213  drop table t1;
   214  no such table create_table.t1
   215  drop table if exists t1;
   216  CREATE TABLE t1 (
   217  col1 INT NOT NULL,
   219  col3 INT NOT NULL,
   220  col4 INT NOT NULL,
   221  PRIMARY KEY (col1),
   222  KEY col2 (col3)
   223  );
   224  duplicate key name 'col2'
   225  drop table t1;
   226  no such table create_table.t1
   227  drop table if exists t1;
   228  CREATE TABLE t1 (
   229  col1 INT NOT NULL KEY,
   230  col2 DATE NOT NULL KEY,
   231  col3 INT NOT NULL,
   232  col4 INT NOT NULL
   233  );
   234  invalid input: more than one primary key defined
   235  drop table t1;
   236  no such table create_table.t1
   237  drop table if exists t2;
   238  CREATE TABLE t2 (
   240  col2 DATE NOT NULL,
   241  col3 INT NOT NULL,
   242  col4 INT NOT NULL,
   244  UNIQUE KEY (`PRIMARY`, col3)
   245  );
   246  drop table t2;
   247  create table t1 (`a` varchar(255) DEFAULT b'0');
   248  desc t1;
   249  Field    Type    Null    Key    Default    Extra    Comment
   250  a    VARCHAR(255)    YES        0b0        
   251  insert into t1 values ();
   252  select * from t1;
   253  a
   255  select hex(a) from t1;
   256  hex(a)
   257  00
   258  drop table t1;
   259  create table t1 (`a` varchar(255) DEFAULT x'30');
   260  desc t1;
   261  Field    Type    Null    Key    Default    Extra    Comment
   262  a    VARCHAR(255)    YES        0x30        
   263  insert into t1 values ();
   264  select * from t1;
   265  a
   266  0
   267  select hex(a) from t1;
   268  hex(a)
   269  30
   270  drop table t1;
   271  drop table if exists products;
   272  create table products (
   273  pid int not null,
   274  pname varchar(50) not null,
   275  description varchar(20) not null,
   276  price decimal(9,2) not null);
   277  desc products;
   278  Field    Type    Null    Key    Default    Extra    Comment
   279  pid    INT(32)    NO        null        
   280  pname    VARCHAR(50)    NO        null        
   281  description    VARCHAR(20)    NO        null        
   282  price    DECIMAL64(9)    NO        null        
   283  drop table products;
   284  drop database if exists test_creatsql;
   285  create database test_creatsql;
   286  use test_creatsql;
   287  /*comments*/create table /*comments*/ t(a int)/*comments*/;
   288  select rel_createsql from mo_catalog.mo_tables where relname = 't' and reldatabase = 'test_creatsql';
   289  rel_createsql
   290  create table t (a int)
   291  drop database test_creatsql;