
     1  drop table if exists ex_table_1;
     2  drop table if exists ex_table_2_1;
     3  drop table if exists ex_table_2_2;
     4  drop table if exists ex_table_2_3;
     5  drop table if exists ex_table_2_4;
     6  drop table if exists ex_table_2_5;
     7  drop table if exists ex_table_2_6;
     8  drop table if exists ex_table_2_7;
     9  drop table if exists ex_table_2_8;
    10  drop table if exists ex_table_2_9;
    11  drop table if exists ex_table_2_10;
    12  drop table if exists ex_table_2_11;
    13  drop table if exists ex_table_2_12;
    14  drop table if exists ex_table_2_13;
    15  drop table if exists ex_table_2_14;
    16  drop table if exists ex_table_2_15;
    17  drop table if exists ex_table_2_16;
    18  drop table if exists ex_table_2_17;
    19  drop table if exists ex_table_2_18;
    20  drop table if exists ex_table_2_19;
    21  drop table if exists ex_table_3;
    22  drop table if exists ex_table_3_1;
    23  drop table if exists ex_table_3_2;
    24  drop table if exists ex_table_3_3;
    25  drop table if exists ex_table_3_4;
    26  drop table if exists ex_table_3_5;
    27  drop table if exists ex_table_31;
    28  drop table if exists ex_table_4;
    29  drop table if exists ex_table_5;
    30  drop table if exists ex_table_6;
    31  drop table if exists ex_table_6a;
    32  drop table if exists ex_table_7;
    33  drop table if exists ex_table_8;
    34  drop table if exists ex_table_9;
    35  drop table if exists ex_table_10;
    36  drop table if exists ex_table_10a;
    37  drop table if exists ex_table_11;
    38  drop table if exists ex_table_12;
    39  drop table if exists ex_table_13;
    40  drop table if exists ex_table_14;
    41  drop table if exists ex_table_text;
    42  drop table if exists ex_table_log;
    43  drop table if exists ex_table_gzip;
    44  drop table if exists ex_table_bzip2;
    45  drop table if exists ex_table_lz4;
    46  drop table if exists ex_table_auto;
    47  drop table if exists ex_table_none;
    48  drop table if exists ex_table_nocomp;
    49  drop table if exists ex_table_cp1;
    50  drop table if exists ex_table_cp2;
    51  drop table if exists ex_table_15;
    52  drop table if exists ex_table_drop;
    53  drop table if exists table_15;
    54  drop table if exists table_16;
    55  drop table if exists ex_table_yccs;
    56  drop table if exists ex_table_null;
    57  drop table if exists ex_empty_table;
    58  drop table if exists join_table;
    59  create external table ex_table_1(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double,num_col11 decimal(38,19)) infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_number.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
    60  select * from  ex_table_1;
    61  num_col1    num_col2    num_col3    num_col4    num_col5    num_col6    num_col7    num_col8    num_col9    num_col10    num_col11
    62  60    -1000    8403    -10934535423423    200    1    673892    8374    73.98    9.0002    8345398234.9838234985858298432
    63  -128    -32768    -2147483648    -9223372036854775808    0    0    0    0    null    -1.7976931348623157E308    9345.4535000000000000000
    64  127    32767    2147483647    9223372036854775807    255    65535    4294967295    18446744073709551615    null    1.7976931348623157E308    883453.0999320000000000000
    65  null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null
    66  create external table ex_table_2_1(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_1.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
    67  select * from ex_table_2_1;
    68  internal error: the input value 'abc' is not int8 type for column 0
    69  create external table ex_table_2_2(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_2.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
    70  select * from ex_table_2_2;
    71  internal error: the input value 'cd' is not int16 type for column 1
    72  create external table ex_table_2_3(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_3.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
    73  select * from ex_table_2_3;
    74  internal error: the input value 'e' is not int32 type for column 2
    75  create external table ex_table_2_4(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_4.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
    76  select * from ex_table_2_4;
    77  internal error: the input value 'i' is not int64 type for column 3
    78  create external table ex_table_2_5(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_5.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
    79  select * from ex_table_2_5;
    80  internal error: the input value 'u' is not uint8 type for column 4
    81  create external table ex_table_2_6(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_6.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
    82  select * from ex_table_2_6;
    83  internal error: the input value '中文' is not uint16 type for column 5
    84  create external table ex_table_2_7(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_7.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
    85  select * from ex_table_2_7;
    86  internal error: the input value '%*' is not uint32 type for column 6
    87  create external table ex_table_2_8(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_8.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
    88  select * from ex_table_2_8;
    89  internal error: the input value '0op' is not uint64 type for column 7
    90  create external table ex_table_2_9(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_9.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
    91  select * from ex_table_2_9;
    92  internal error: the input value 'er众' is not float32 type for column 8
    93  create external table ex_table_2_10(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_10.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
    94  select * from ex_table_2_10;
    95  internal error: the input value 'abc' is not float64 type for column 9
    96  create external table ex_table_2_11(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_11.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
    97  select * from ex_table_2_11;
    98  internal error: the input value '纸123' is invalid Decimal128 type for column 10
    99  create external table ex_table_2_12(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_12.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   100  select * from ex_table_2_12;
   101  internal error: the input value '128' is not int8 type for column 0
   102  create external table ex_table_2_13(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_13.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   103  select * from ex_table_2_13;
   104  internal error: the input value '-32769' is not int16 type for column 1
   105  create external table ex_table_2_14(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_14.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   106  select * from ex_table_2_14;
   107  internal error: the input value '2147483648' is not int32 type for column 2
   108  create external table ex_table_2_15(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_15.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   109  select * from ex_table_2_15;
   110  internal error: the input value '9223372036854775808' is not int64 type for column 3
   111  create external table ex_table_2_16(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_16.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   112  select * from ex_table_2_16;
   113  internal error: the input value '-1' is not uint8 type for column 4
   114  create external table ex_table_2_17(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_17.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   115  select * from ex_table_2_17;
   116  internal error: the input value '65536' is not uint16 type for column 5
   117  create external table ex_table_2_18(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_18.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   118  select * from ex_table_2_18;
   119  internal error: the input value '4294967296' is not uint32 type for column 6
   120  create external table ex_table_2_19(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_2_19.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   121  select * from ex_table_2_19;
   122  internal error: the input value '-2.7976931348623157E+308' is not float64 type for column 9
   123  create external table ex_table_3(char_1 char(20),char_2 varchar(10),date_1 date,date_2 datetime,date_3 timestamp)infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_char.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   124  select char_1,char_2,date_1,date_2 from ex_table_3;
   125  char_1    char_2    date_1    date_2
   126  cat    yellow 芝士    2020-10-09    0001-01-01 00:00:00
   127  123木头人    1000-01-01    9999-12-31 00:00:00
   128  abc$%*()#$    ttttt    9999-12-31    2019-10-23 23:00:09
   129  set time_zone='SYSTEM';
   130  create external table ex_table_3_1(char_1 char(20),char_2 varchar(10),date_1 date,date_2 datetime,date_3 timestamp)infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_3_1.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   131  select * from ex_table_3_1;
   132  char_1    char_2    date_1    date_2    date_3
   133  cat    yellow 芝士    2020-10-09    0001-01-01 00:00:00    1970-01-01 00:00:01
   134  create external table ex_table_3_2(char_1 char(20),char_2 varchar(10),date_1 date,date_2 datetime,date_3 timestamp)infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_3_2.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   135  select * from ex_table_3_2;
   136  internal error: the input value '0001' is not Date type for column 2
   137  create external table ex_table_3_3(char_1 char(20),char_2 varchar(10),date_1 date,date_2 datetime,date_3 timestamp)infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_3_3.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   138  select * from ex_table_3_3;
   139  internal error: the input value '0000-12-31 23:59:59.000000' is not Datetime type for column 3
   140  create external table ex_table_3_4(char_1 char(20),char_2 varchar(10),date_1 date,date_2 datetime,date_3 timestamp)infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_3_4.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   141  select * from ex_table_3_4;
   142  internal error: the input value '0000-0-20 03:14:07.999999' is not Timestamp type for column 4
   143  create external table ex_table_3_5(char_1 char(20),char_2 varchar(10),date_1 date,date_2 datetime,date_3 timestamp)infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_3_5.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   144  select * from ex_table_3_5;
   145  char_1    char_2    date_1    date_2    date_3
   146  78    yellow 芝士    2020-10-09    0001-01-01 00:00:00    2011-01-20 03:14:08
   147  create external table ex_table_31(clo1 tinyint default 8,clo2 smallint null,clo3 int not null,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255),primary key(clo1))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_3_6.csv'} fields terminated by ',';
   148  select clo1,clo2,clo3,clo4,clo5,clo6,clo7,clo8,col9,col10,col11,col12,col13,col15,col16,col17,col18,col19,col20 from ex_table_31;
   149  clo1    clo2    clo3    clo4    clo5    clo6    clo7    clo8    col9    col10    col11    col12    col13    col15    col16    col17    col18    col19    col20
   150  1    11    1    2    15    600    700    56    3.4365    5.559    math    2020-04-30    1998-08-07 00:00:00    true    602.53    abcdefg    message    comment balabalabalabalabala
   151  2    20    3    4    21    220    1    3    7.2914    6.5836    art    2020-02-22    1998-06-04 00:00:00    false    878.09    abcdefg    message    aaaabbbbbbccccc
   152  3    9    null    20    1    500    2    4    1.1559    6.5635    english    2020-02-16    1998-01-21 23:59:59    true    439.95    EF,GHI,G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefgh    OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZa    U-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmno    .STU-_+=VWXYZab
   153  3    20    null    7    1    700    600    20    7.2914    1.1732    science    2020-05-08    1998-12-30 00:00:00    false    428.14    U-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxy    L/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxyz012    bbbbbbccccc
   154  create external table ex_table_4(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,
   155  col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_1.csv'} fields terminated by '|' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   156  select clo1,clo5,clo7,col12,col13,col16,col17,col18 from ex_table_4;
   157  clo1    clo5    clo7    col12    col13    col16    col17    col18
   158  -62    154    2658450361    4149-04-30    5732-08-07 00:00:00    602.53    I|G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghi    HI|G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZa
   159  91    122    625429347    2865-02-22    9976-06-04 00:00:00    878.09    HI|G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcd    QR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstu
   160  33    104    3258037690    6316-02-16    3647-01-21 23:59:59    439.95    EF|GHI|G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefgh    OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZa
   161  121    141    849972079    9948-05-08    6216-12-30 00:00:00    428.14    U-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxy    L/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxyz012
   162  create external table ex_table_5(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_2.csv'} fields terminated by '|' lines terminated by '\n';
   163  select clo1,clo5,clo7,col12,col13,col16,col17,col18 from ex_table_5;
   164  clo1    clo5    clo7    col12    col13    col16    col17    col18
   165  -62    154    2658450361    4149-04-30    5732-08-07 00:00:00    602.53    I    G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghi
   166  91    122    625429347    2865-02-22    9976-06-04 00:00:00    878.09    HI    G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcd
   167  33    104    3258037690    6316-02-16    3647-01-21 23:59:59    439.95    EF    GHI
   168  create external table ex_table_6(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,
   169  col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_3.csv'} fields terminated by '*' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   170  select clo1,clo5,clo7,col12,col13,col16,col17,col18  from ex_table_6;
   171  clo1    clo5    clo7    col12    col13    col16    col17    col18
   172  -62    154    2658450361    4149-04-30    5732-08-07 00:00:00    602.53    I*G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghi    HI*G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZa
   173  91    122    625429347    2865-02-22    9976-06-04 00:00:00    878.09    HI*G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcd    QR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstu
   174  33    104    3258037690    6316-02-16    3647-01-21 23:59:59    439.95    EF*GHI*G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefgh    OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZa
   175  create external table ex_table_6a(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,
   176  col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_11.csv'} fields terminated by '\t' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   177  select clo1,clo5,clo7,col12,col13,col16 from ex_table_6a;
   178  clo1    clo5    clo7    col12    col13    col16
   179  -62    154    2658450361    4149-04-30    5732-08-07 00:00:00    602.53
   180  91    122    625429347    2865-02-22    9976-06-04 00:00:00    878.09
   181  33    104    3258037690    6316-02-16    3647-01-21 23:59:59    439.95
   182  121    141    849972079    9948-05-08    6216-12-30 00:00:00    428.14
   183  create external table ex_table_7(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,
   184  col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_4.csv'} fields terminated by '#' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   185  select * from ex_table_7;
   186  invalid input: invalid field or comment delimiter
   187  create external table ex_table_8(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,
   188  col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_5.csv'} fields terminated by '\n' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   189  select * from ex_table_8;
   190  invalid input: invalid field or comment delimiter
   191  create external table ex_table_9(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,
   192  col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_6.csv'} fields terminated by '\r' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   193  select * from ex_table_9;
   194  invalid input: invalid field or comment delimiter
   195  create external table ex_table_10(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,
   196  col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_7.csv'} fields terminated by ''  lines terminated by '\n';
   197  select * from ex_table_10;
   198  internal error: the table column is larger than input data column
   199  create external table ex_table_10a(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,
   200  col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_1.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '@' lines terminated by '\n';
   201  select * from ex_table_10a;
   202  internal error: the table column is larger than input data column
   203  create external table ex_table_11(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,
   204  col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_8.csv'} fields terminated by '|'  lines terminated by '\n';
   205  select * from ex_table_11;
   206  internal error: the table column is larger than input data column
   207  create external table ex_table_12(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,
   208  col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_9.csv'} fields terminated by ','  enclosed by '\"' ;
   209  select clo1,clo5,clo7,col12,col13,col16,col17,col18  from ex_table_12;
   210  clo1    clo5    clo7    col12    col13    col16    col17    col18
   211  -62    154    2658450361    4149-04-30    5732-08-07 00:00:00    602.53    I,G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghi    HI,G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZa
   212  91    122    625429347    2865-02-22    9976-06-04 00:00:00    878.09    HI,G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcd    QR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstu
   213  create external table ex_table_13(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,
   214  col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_10.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\r\n';
   215  select clo1,clo5,clo7,col12,col13,col16,col17,col18  from ex_table_13;
   216  clo1    clo5    clo7    col12    col13    col16    col17    col18
   217  -62    154    2658450361    4149-04-30    5732-08-07 00:00:00    602.53    I,G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghi    HI,G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZa
   218  91    122    625429347    2865-02-22    9976-06-04 00:00:00    878.09    HI,G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcd    QR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstu
   219  create external table ex_table_14(clo1 tinyint primary key,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_10.csv'} fields terminated by ',';
   220  select clo1,clo5,clo7,col12,col13,col16,col17,col18  from ex_table_14;
   221  clo1    clo5    clo7    col12    col13    col16    col17    col18
   222  -62    154    2658450361    4149-04-30    5732-08-07 00:00:00    602.53    I,G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghi    HI,G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZa
   223  91    122    625429347    2865-02-22    9976-06-04 00:00:00    878.09    HI,G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcd    QR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstu
   224  create external table ex_table_text(char_1 char(20),char_2 varchar(10),date_1 date,date_2 datetime,date_3 timestamp)infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_char.text'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   225  select char_1,char_2,date_1,date_2 from ex_table_text;
   226  char_1    char_2    date_1    date_2
   227  cat    yellow 芝士    2020-10-09    0001-01-01 00:00:00
   228  123木头人    1000-01-01    9999-12-31 00:00:00
   229  abc$%*()#$    ttttt    9999-12-31    2019-10-23 23:00:09
   230  create external table ex_table_log(char_1 char(20),char_2 varchar(10),date_1 date,date_2 datetime,date_3 timestamp)infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_char.log'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   231  select char_1,char_2,date_1,date_2 from ex_table_log;
   232  char_1    char_2    date_1    date_2
   233  cat    yellow 芝士    2020-10-09    0001-01-01 00:00:00
   234  123木头人    1000-01-01    9999-12-31 00:00:00
   235  abc$%*()#$    ttttt    9999-12-31    2019-10-23 23:00:09
   236  create external table ex_table_gzip(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double,num_col11 decimal(38,19)) infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_gzip.gz',"compression"='gzip'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   237  select * from ex_table_gzip;
   238  num_col1    num_col2    num_col3    num_col4    num_col5    num_col6    num_col7    num_col8    num_col9    num_col10    num_col11
   239  60    -1000    8403    -10934535423423    200    1    673892    8374    73.98    9.0002    8345398234.9838234985858298432
   240  -128    -32768    -2147483648    -9223372036854775808    0    0    0    0    null    -1.7976931348623157E308    9345.4535000000000000000
   241  127    32767    2147483647    9223372036854775807    255    65535    4294967295    18446744073709551615    null    1.7976931348623157E308    883453.0999320000000000000
   242  null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null
   243  create external table ex_table_bzip2(char_1 char(20),char_2 varchar(10),date_1 date,date_2 datetime,date_3 timestamp)infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_bzip.bz2',"compression"='bz2'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   244  select char_1,char_2,date_1,date_2 from ex_table_bzip2;
   245  char_1    char_2    date_1    date_2
   246  cat    yellow 芝士    2020-10-09    0001-01-01 00:00:00
   247  123木头人    1000-01-01    9999-12-31 00:00:00
   248  abc$%*()#$    ttttt    9999-12-31    2019-10-23 23:00:09
   249  create external table ex_table_lz4(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double,num_col11 decimal(38,19)) infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_lz4.lz4',"compression"='lz4'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   250  select * from ex_table_lz4;
   251  num_col1    num_col2    num_col3    num_col4    num_col5    num_col6    num_col7    num_col8    num_col9    num_col10    num_col11
   252  60    -1000    8403    -10934535423423    200    1    673892    8374    73.98    9.0002    8345398234.9838234985858298432
   253  -128    -32768    -2147483648    -9223372036854775808    0    0    0    0    null    -1.7976931348623157E308    9345.4535000000000000000
   254  127    32767    2147483647    9223372036854775807    255    65535    4294967295    18446744073709551615    null    1.7976931348623157E308    883453.0999320000000000000
   255  null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null
   256  create external table ex_table_auto(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double,num_col11 decimal(38,19)) infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_lz4.lz4',"compression"='auto'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   257  select * from ex_table_auto;
   258  num_col1    num_col2    num_col3    num_col4    num_col5    num_col6    num_col7    num_col8    num_col9    num_col10    num_col11
   259  60    -1000    8403    -10934535423423    200    1    673892    8374    73.98    9.0002    8345398234.9838234985858298432
   260  -128    -32768    -2147483648    -9223372036854775808    0    0    0    0    null    -1.7976931348623157E308    9345.4535000000000000000
   261  127    32767    2147483647    9223372036854775807    255    65535    4294967295    18446744073709551615    null    1.7976931348623157E308    883453.0999320000000000000
   262  null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null
   263  create external table ex_table_none(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,
   264  col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255)) infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_8.csv',"compression"='none'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   265  select clo1,clo5,clo7,col12,col13,col16,col17,col18  from ex_table_none;
   266  clo1    clo5    clo7    col12    col13    col16    col17    col18
   267  -62    154    2658450361    4149-04-30    5732-08-07 00:00:00    602.53     "IG;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghi"    HI,G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZa
   268  91    122    625429347    2865-02-22    9976-06-04 00:00:00    878.09    HI,G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcd    QR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstu
   269  create external table ex_table_nocomp(char_1 char(20),char_2 varchar(10),date_1 date,date_2 datetime,date_3 timestamp)infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_bzip.bz2'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   270  select char_1,char_2,date_1,date_2 from ex_table_nocomp;
   271  char_1    char_2    date_1    date_2
   272  cat    yellow 芝士    2020-10-09    0001-01-01 00:00:00
   273  123木头人    1000-01-01    9999-12-31 00:00:00
   274  abc$%*()#$    ttttt    9999-12-31    2019-10-23 23:00:09
   275  create external table ex_table_cp1(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19)) infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_gzip.gz',"compression"='lz4'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   276  select * from ex_table_cp1;
   277  lz4: bad magic number
   278  create external table ex_table_cp2(num_col1 tinyint,num_col2 smallint,num_col3 int,num_col4 bigint,num_col5 tinyint unsigned,num_col6 smallint unsigned,num_col7 int unsigned,num_col8 bigint unsigned ,num_col9 float(5,3),num_col10 double(6,5),num_col11 decimal(38,19)) infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_number.csv',"compression"='lz4'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   279  select * from ex_table_cp2;
   280  lz4: bad magic number
   281  create external table ex_table_15(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_1.csv'} fields terminated by '|' enclosed by '' lines terminated by '\n';
   282  create table table_15(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255));
   283  insert into table_15 select * from  ex_table_15;
   284  select clo1,clo5,clo7,col12,col13,col16,col17,col18  from table_15;
   285  clo1    clo5    clo7    col12    col13    col16    col17    col18
   286  -62    154    2658450361    4149-04-30    5732-08-07 00:00:00    602.53    I|G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghi    HI|G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZa
   287  91    122    625429347    2865-02-22    9976-06-04 00:00:00    878.09    HI|G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcd    QR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstu
   288  33    104    3258037690    6316-02-16    3647-01-21 23:59:59    439.95    EF|GHI|G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefgh    OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZa
   289  121    141    849972079    9948-05-08    6216-12-30 00:00:00    428.14    U-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxy    L/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxyz012
   290  create external table ex_table_drop(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_1.csv'} fields terminated by '|' enclosed by '' lines terminated by '\n';
   291  drop table ex_table_drop;
   292  create external table ex_table_drop(clo1 tinyint,clo2 smallint,clo3 int,clo4 bigint,clo5 tinyint unsigned,clo6 smallint unsigned,clo7 int unsigned,clo8 bigint unsigned,col9 float,col10 double,col11 varchar(255),col12 Date,col13 DateTime,col14 timestamp,col15 bool,col16 decimal(5,2),col17 text,col18 varchar(255),col19 varchar(255),col20 varchar(255))infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_sep_1.csv'} fields terminated by '|' enclosed by '' lines terminated by '\n';
   293  select clo1,clo5,clo7,col12,col13,col16,col17,col18  from ex_table_drop;
   294  clo1    clo5    clo7    col12    col13    col16    col17    col18
   295  -62    154    2658450361    4149-04-30    5732-08-07 00:00:00    602.53    I|G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghi    HI|G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZa
   296  91    122    625429347    2865-02-22    9976-06-04 00:00:00    878.09    HI|G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcd    QR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstu
   297  33    104    3258037690    6316-02-16    3647-01-21 23:59:59    439.95    EF|GHI|G;KL/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefgh    OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZa
   298  121    141    849972079    9948-05-08    6216-12-30 00:00:00    428.14    U-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxy    L/MN?OPQR.STU-_+=VWXYZabcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxyz012
   299  select count(*) from ex_table_15,table_15 where ex_table_15.clo1=table_15.clo1;
   300  count(*)
   301  4
   302  create external table ex_table_yccs(char_1 char(20),char_2 varchar(10),date_1 date,date_2 datetime,date_3 timestamp)infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_char.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   303  insert into ex_table_yccs select 'yellow','apple','2020-09-30','2020-09-30 10:20:08','2020-09-30 10:20:08.09834';
   304  invalid input: cannot insert/update/delete from external table
   305  update ex_table_yccs set char_1="cat123";
   306  invalid input: cannot insert/update/delete from external table
   307  delete from ex_table_yccs;
   308  invalid input: cannot insert/update/delete from external table
   309  create table table_16(a int);
   310  insert into table_16 values(99);
   311  select * from table_16, ex_table_gzip;
   312  a    num_col1    num_col2    num_col3    num_col4    num_col5    num_col6    num_col7    num_col8    num_col9    num_col10    num_col11
   313  99    60    -1000    8403    -10934535423423    200    1    673892    8374    73.98    9.0002    8345398234.9838234985858298432
   314  99    -128    -32768    -2147483648    -9223372036854775808    0    0    0    0    null    -1.7976931348623157E308    9345.4535000000000000000
   315  99    127    32767    2147483647    9223372036854775807    255    65535    4294967295    18446744073709551615    null    1.7976931348623157E308    883453.0999320000000000000
   316  99    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null
   317  create external table ex_table_space(a varchar(200), b varchar(200), c varchar(200)) infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_space.csv'} fields terminated by '|' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   318  select length(a), length(b), length(c) from ex_table_space;
   319  length(a)    length(b)    length(c)
   320  4    6    8
   321  6    8    10
   322  create table t1(a varchar(100), b varchar(100), c varchar(100));
   323  load data infile '$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_space.csv' into table t1 fields terminated by '|' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\n';
   324  select length(a), length(b), length(c) from t1;
   325  length(a)    length(b)    length(c)
   326  4    6    8
   327  6    8    10
   328  create external table ex_table_null( col1 int, col2 float, col3 varchar, col4 blob, col6 date, col7 bool )infile{"filepath"='$resources/external_table_file/ex_table_null.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' lines terminated by '\n' set col3=nullif(col3,'null');
   329  select max(col3), min(col3) from ex_table_null;
   330  max(col3)    min(col3)
   331  你好    你
   332  create external table ex_empty_table(a int, b int)infile{"filepath"='noexistfile.csv'} fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' lines terminated by '\n';
   333  create table join_table(a int, b int);
   334  insert into join_table values(1,1), (2,2);
   335  select * from ex_empty_table join join_table on ex_empty_table.a = join_table.a;
   336  a    b    a    b
   337  drop table if exists ex_table_1;
   338  drop table if exists ex_table_2_1;
   339  drop table if exists ex_table_2_2;
   340  drop table if exists ex_table_2_3;
   341  drop table if exists ex_table_2_4;
   342  drop table if exists ex_table_2_5;
   343  drop table if exists ex_table_2_6;
   344  drop table if exists ex_table_2_7;
   345  drop table if exists ex_table_2_8;
   346  drop table if exists ex_table_2_9;
   347  drop table if exists ex_table_2_10;
   348  drop table if exists ex_table_2_11;
   349  drop table if exists ex_table_2_12;
   350  drop table if exists ex_table_2_13;
   351  drop table if exists ex_table_2_14;
   352  drop table if exists ex_table_2_15;
   353  drop table if exists ex_table_2_16;
   354  drop table if exists ex_table_2_17;
   355  drop table if exists ex_table_2_18;
   356  drop table if exists ex_table_2_19;
   357  drop table if exists ex_table_3;
   358  drop table if exists ex_table_3_1;
   359  drop table if exists ex_table_3_2;
   360  drop table if exists ex_table_3_3;
   361  drop table if exists ex_table_3_4;
   362  drop table if exists ex_table_3_5;
   363  drop table if exists ex_table_31;
   364  drop table if exists ex_table_4;
   365  drop table if exists ex_table_5;
   366  drop table if exists ex_table_6;
   367  drop table if exists ex_table_6a;
   368  drop table if exists ex_table_7;
   369  drop table if exists ex_table_8;
   370  drop table if exists ex_table_9;
   371  drop table if exists ex_table_10;
   372  drop table if exists ex_table_10a;
   373  drop table if exists ex_table_11;
   374  drop table if exists ex_table_12;
   375  drop table if exists ex_table_13;
   376  drop table if exists ex_table_14;
   377  drop table if exists ex_table_text;
   378  drop table if exists ex_table_log;
   379  drop table if exists ex_table_gzip;
   380  drop table if exists ex_table_bzip2;
   381  drop table if exists ex_table_lz4;
   382  drop table if exists ex_table_auto;
   383  drop table if exists ex_table_none;
   384  drop table if exists ex_table_nocomp;
   385  drop table if exists ex_table_cp1;
   386  drop table if exists ex_table_cp2;
   387  drop table if exists ex_table_15;
   388  drop table if exists ex_table_drop;
   389  drop table if exists table_15;
   390  drop table if exists ex_table_yccs;
   391  drop table if exists ex_table_space;
   392  drop table if exists t1;
   393  drop table if exists ex_table_null;
   394  drop table if exists ex_empty_table;
   395  drop table if exists join_table;