
     1  set global enable_privilege_cache = off;
     2  use mo_catalog;
     3  create cluster table t1(a int);
     4  drop table if exists t1;
     5  use information_schema;
     6  create cluster table t1(a int);
     7  internal error: do not have privilege to execute the statement
     8  use system;
     9  create cluster table t1(a int);
    10  internal error: do not have privilege to execute the statement
    11  use system_metrics;
    12  create cluster table t1(a int);
    13  internal error: do not have privilege to execute the statement
    14  use mysql;
    15  create cluster table t1(a int);
    16  internal error: do not have privilege to execute the statement
    17  use mo_task;
    18  create cluster table t1(a int);
    19  internal error: do not have privilege to execute the statement
    20  drop database if exists db1;
    21  create database db1;
    22  use db1;
    23  create cluster table t1(a int);
    24  internal error: do not have privilege to execute the statement
    25  drop database if exists db1;
    27  use mo_catalog;
    28  CREATE CLUSTER TABLE `mo_instance` (`id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,`account_name` varchar(128) NOT NULL,`provider` longtext NOT NULL,`provider_id` longtext,`region` longtext NOT NULL,`plan_type` longtext NOT NULL,`version` longtext,`status` longtext,`quota` longtext,`network_policy` longtext,`created_by` longtext,`created_at` datetime(3) NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `account_id`),UNIQUE INDEX `uniq_acc` (`account_name`));
    29  SHOW CREATE TABLE mo_catalog.mo_instance;
    30  Table    Create Table
    31  mo_instance    CREATE CLUSTER TABLE `mo_instance` (\n`id` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,\n`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,\n`account_name` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,\n`provider` TEXT NOT NULL,\n`provider_id` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n`region` TEXT NOT NULL,\n`plan_type` TEXT NOT NULL,\n`version` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n`status` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n`quota` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n`network_policy` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n`created_by` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n`created_at` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL,\n`account_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'the account_id added by the mo',\nPRIMARY KEY (`id`,`account_id`),\nUNIQUE KEY `uniq_acc` (`account_name`)\n)
    32  drop table mo_instance;
    33  set global enable_privilege_cache = on;