
     1  set global enable_privilege_cache = off;
     2  drop account if exists `test@123456`;
     3  drop account if exists testaccount;
     4  drop account if exists 123_acc;
     5  drop account if exists _acc;
     6  drop account if exists a12;
     7  drop account if exists _acc1;
     8  drop account if exists FaSt;
     9  drop account if exists `123`;
    10  drop account if exists a123;
    11  drop account if exists `abcddddddfsfafaffsefsfsefljofiseosfjosisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss24444444444444444444444444222222222@fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff`;
    12  drop account if exists abc;
    13  drop account if exists abcd;
    14  drop account if exists cm1;
    15  drop account if exists cm2;
    16  drop account if exists cm3;
    17  drop account if exists accout_Xingming_insert;
    18  drop account if exists ``;
    19  drop account if exists `test/123`;
    20  drop account if exists `test%`;
    21  drop account if exists `非常`;
    22  drop account if exists user_strip_01;
    23  drop account if exists account_1;
    24  drop account if exists aaa;
    25  drop account if exists account;
    26  drop account if exists ccc;
    27  create account `test@123456` ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
    28  internal error: the name "test@123456" is invalid
    29  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='test@123456';
    30  account_name
    31  create account testaccount ADMIN_NAME 'admin@123' IDENTIFIED BY '';
    32  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='testaccount';
    33  account_name
    34  testaccount
    35  create account 123_acc ADMIN_NAME '8888' IDENTIFIED BY 'ffffff';
    36  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='123_acc';
    37  account_name
    38  123_acc
    39  create account _acc ADMIN_NAME 'AbcDef' IDENTIFIED BY 'NIU_2345';
    40  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='_acc';
    41  account_name
    42  _acc
    43  create account a12 ADMIN_NAME 'a12' IDENTIFIED BY 'aaaaa';
    44  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='a12';
    45  account_name
    46  a12
    47  create account _acc1 ADMIN_NAME '_AbcDef' IDENTIFIED BY '_2345';
    48  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='_acc1';
    49  account_name
    50  _acc1
    51  create account a123 ADMIN_NAME 'a12' IDENTIFIED BY 'aaaaa';
    52  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='a12';
    53  account_name
    54  a12
    55  create account FaSt ADMIN_NAME '账号' IDENTIFIED BY '账号密码';
    56  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='fast';
    57  account_name
    58  fast
    59  create account `` ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
    60  internal error: the name "" is invalid
    61  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='';
    62  account_name
    63  create account `test/123` ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
    64  internal error: the name "test/123" is invalid
    65  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='test/123';
    66  account_name
    67  create account `test%` ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
    68  internal error: the name "test%" is invalid
    69  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='test%';
    70  account_name
    71  create account `123` ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
    72  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='123';
    73  account_name
    74  123
    75  create account `非常` ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
    76  internal error: the name "非常" is invalid
    77  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='非常';
    78  account_name
    79  create account `abcddddddfsfafaffsefsfsefljofiseosfjosisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss24444444444444444444444444222222222@fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff` admin_name `abcddddddfsfafaffsefsfsefljofiseosfjosisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss24444444444444444444444444222222222@fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdddddd` IDENTIFIED BY '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111';
    80  internal error: the name "abcddddddfsfafaffsefsfsefljofiseosfjosisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss24444444444444444444444444222222222@fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" is invalid
    81  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='abcddddddfsfafaffsefsfsefljofiseosfjosisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss24444444444444444444444444222222222@fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff';
    82  account_name
    83  create account ` user_strip_01 ` ADMIN_NAME " admin " IDENTIFIED BY " 123456 ";
    84  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='user_strip_01';
    85  account_name
    86  user_strip_01
    87  create account abc ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
    88  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='abc';
    89  account_name
    90  abc
    91  create account ABC ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
    92  internal error: the tenant abc exists
    93  create account Abc ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
    94  internal error: the tenant abc exists
    95  create account IF NOT EXISTS Abc ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
    96  create account IF NOT EXISTS Abcd ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456' comment '这是comment备注/123456';
    97  select account_name,comments from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='abcd';
    98  account_name    comments
    99  abcd    这是comment备注/123456
   100  create account IF NOT EXISTS cm1 ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456' comment 'this is test comment , please check';
   101  select account_name,comments from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='cm1';
   102  account_name    comments
   103  cm1    this is test comment , please check
   104  create account cm2 ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456' comment 'abcddddddfsfafaffsefsfsefljofiseosfjosisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss24444444444444444444444444222222222@fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff';
   105  select account_name,comments from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='cm2';
   106  account_name    comments
   107  cm2    abcddddddfsfafaffsefsfsefljofiseosfjosisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss24444444444444444444444444222222222@fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
   108  create account cm3 ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456' comment '';
   109  select account_name,comments from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='cm3';
   110  account_name    comments
   111  cm3
   112  create accout a1 ADMIN_NAME ' admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
   113  SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 13 near " accout a1 ADMIN_NAME ' admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';";
   114  create account a1;
   115  SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 18 near ";";
   116  create accout a1 ADMIN_NAME ' admin';
   117  SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 13 near " accout a1 ADMIN_NAME ' admin';";
   118  create accout a1 IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
   119  SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 13 near " accout a1 IDENTIFIED BY '123456';";
   120  create accout a1 comment'aaaa';
   121  SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 13 near " accout a1 comment'aaaa';";
   122  create account 123 ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
   123  SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 18 near " 123 ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';";
   124  create account 非常 ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
   125  SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 16 near " 非常 ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';";
   126  create account "acc1" ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
   127  SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 21 near " "acc1" ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';";
   128  create account 'acc1' ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
   129  SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 21 near " 'acc1' ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';";
   130  create account bbb ADMIN_NAME '' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
   131  internal error: the name "" is invalid
   132  create account `` ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
   133  SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 16 near " `` ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';";
   134  create account aaa ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '';
   135  internal error: password is empty string
   136  create account test:account ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
   137  SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 27 near ":account ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';";
   138  create account 'test:account' ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
   139  SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 29 near " 'test:account' ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';";
   140  create account "test:account" ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
   141  SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 29 near " "test:account" ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';";
   142  create account `test:account` ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
   143  internal error: the name "test:account" is invalid
   144  create account default ADMIN_NAME 'root' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
   145  SQL parser error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MatrixOne server version for the right syntax to use. syntax error at line 1 column 22 near " default ADMIN_NAME 'root' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';";
   146  create account account ADMIN_NAME 'root' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
   147  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name in ('test:account','default','account');
   148  count(*)
   149  1
   150  create account account_1 admin_name='admin' identified by '123456';
   151  show databases;
   152  Database
   153  mo_catalog
   154  system
   155  system_metrics
   156  information_schema
   157  mysql
   158  use mo_catalog;
   159  show tables;
   160  Tables_in_mo_catalog
   161  mo_indexes
   162  mo_table_partitions
   163  mo_tables
   164  mo_user
   165  mo_role
   166  mo_user_grant
   167  mo_role_grant
   168  mo_role_privs
   169  mo_user_defined_function
   170  mo_mysql_compatibility_mode
   171  mo_pubs
   172  mo_stored_procedure
   173  mo_stages
   174  mo_snapshots
   175  mo_database
   176  mo_columns
   177  mo_sessions
   178  mo_configurations
   179  mo_locks
   180  mo_variables
   181  mo_transactions
   182  mo_cache
   183  mo_foreign_keys
   184  select user_name,authentication_string,owner from mo_user;
   185  user_name    authentication_string    owner
   186  admin    *6BB4837EB74329105EE4568DDA7DC67ED2CA2AD9    2
   187  select role_name,obj_type,privilege_name,privilege_level from mo_role_privs;
   188  role_name    obj_type    privilege_name    privilege_level
   189  accountadmin    account    create user    *
   190  accountadmin    account    drop user    *
   191  accountadmin    account    alter user    *
   192  accountadmin    account    create role    *
   193  accountadmin    account    drop role    *
   194  accountadmin    account    create database    *
   195  accountadmin    account    drop database    *
   196  accountadmin    account    show databases    *
   197  accountadmin    account    connect    *
   198  accountadmin    account    manage grants    *
   199  accountadmin    account    account all    *
   200  accountadmin    database    show tables    *
   201  accountadmin    database    create table    *
   202  accountadmin    database    drop table    *
   203  accountadmin    database    alter table    *
   204  accountadmin    database    create view    *
   205  accountadmin    database    drop view    *
   206  accountadmin    database    alter view    *
   207  accountadmin    database    database all    *
   208  accountadmin    database    database ownership    *
   209  accountadmin    table    select    *.*
   210  accountadmin    table    insert    *.*
   211  accountadmin    table    update    *.*
   212  accountadmin    table    truncate    *.*
   213  accountadmin    table    delete    *.*
   214  accountadmin    table    reference    *.*
   215  accountadmin    table    index    *.*
   216  accountadmin    table    table all    *.*
   217  accountadmin    table    table ownership    *.*
   218  accountadmin    table    values    *.*
   219  public    account    connect    *
   220  create database account_1_db;
   221  CREATE USER account_1_user IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
   222  create table a(b int);
   223  internal error: do not have privilege to execute the statement
   224  use account_1_db;
   225  create table a(b int);
   226  use mo_catalog;
   227  select user_name,authentication_string,owner from mo_user where user_name ='account_1_user';
   228  user_name    authentication_string    owner
   229  create account accout_Xingming_insert ADMIN_NAME 'root' IDENTIFIED BY '123456789';
   230  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='accout_xingming_insert';
   231  account_name
   232  accout_xingming_insert
   233  drop account accout_Xingming_insert;
   234  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='accout_xingming_insert';
   235  account_name
   236  create account if not exists accout_Xingming_insert ADMIN_NAME 'root' IDENTIFIED BY '123456789';
   237  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='accout_xingming_insert';
   238  account_name
   239  accout_xingming_insert
   240  PREPARE s1 FROM "create account ? ADMIN_NAME ? IDENTIFIED BY ?";
   241  set @a_var = 'ccc';
   242  set @b_var = 'admin';
   243  set @c_var = '111';
   244  EXECUTE s1 USING @a_var, @b_var, @c_var;
   246  select account_name from mo_catalog.mo_account where account_name='ccc';
   247  account_name
   248  ccc
   249  drop account ccc;
   250  PREPARE s1 FROM "create account ? ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY ?";
   251  set @a_var = 'ccc';
   252  set @c_var = '222';
   253  EXECUTE s1 USING @a_var, @c_var;
   255  select 1;
   256  1
   257  1
   258  drop account if exists `test@123456`;
   259  drop account if exists testaccount;
   260  drop account if exists 123_acc;
   261  drop account if exists _acc;
   262  drop account if exists a12;
   263  drop account if exists _acc1;
   264  drop account if exists FaSt;
   265  drop account if exists `123`;
   266  drop account if exists a123;
   267  drop account if exists `abcddddddfsfafaffsefsfsefljofiseosfjosisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss24444444444444444444444444222222222@fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff`;
   268  drop account if exists abc;
   269  drop account if exists abcd;
   270  drop account if exists cm1;
   271  drop account if exists cm2;
   272  drop account if exists cm3;
   273  drop account if exists accout_Xingming_insert;
   274  drop account if exists ``;
   275  drop account if exists `test/123`;
   276  drop account if exists `test%`;
   277  drop account if exists `非常`;
   278  drop account if exists user_strip_01;
   279  drop account if exists account_1;
   280  drop account if exists aaa;
   281  drop account if exists account;
   282  drop account if exists ccc;
   283  set global enable_privilege_cache = on;