
     1  set global enable_privilege_cache = off;
     2  -- env prepare statement
     3  drop account if exists account1;
     4  drop account if exists inner_account;
     5  drop role if exists revoke_role_1;
     7  --验证访问控制表中内置对象数据正确性
     8  select user_name,owner from mo_catalog.mo_user where user_name="root";
     9  select role_id,role_name,owner from mo_catalog.mo_role where role_name in ("moadmin","public");
    11  --验证moadminaccount初始化,sys租户root下创建普通租户下管理员用户查看
    12  create account account1 ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
    13  -- @session:id=2&user=account1:admin&password=123456
    14  select role_id,role_name,owner from mo_catalog.mo_role;
    15  show databases;
    16  show grants;
    17  use system;
    18  show triggers;
    19  use mo_catalog;
    20  show columns from mo_tables;
    21  select datname, dat_createsql from mo_database;
    22  select relname from mo_tables where relname="sql_statement_total";
    23  select relname from mo_tables where relname="mo_user";
    24  select relname from mo_tables where relname="tables";
    25  select user_name,authentication_string from mo_user;
    26  select role_name from mo_role;
    27  create database account_db;
    28  use account_db;
    29  show tables;
    30  create table a(col int);
    31  show create table a;
    32  show tables;
    33  -- @session
    35  --public只有连接权限
    36  -- @session:id=2&user=account1:admin:public&password=123456
    37  show databases;
    38  -- @session
    40  --内置表不能增删改
    41  update mo_catalog.mo_tables set relname='mo_aaaa';
    42  insert into mo_catalog.mo_role values (1763,'apple',0,1,'2022-09-22 06:53:34','');
    43  delete from mo_catalog.mo_user;
    44  drop table mo_catalog.mo_account;
    45  delete from mo_catalog.mo_user_grant;
    46  delete from mo_catalog.mo_role_grant;
    47  delete from mo_catalog.mo_role_privs;
    48  delete from mo_catalog.mo_database;
    49  delete from mo_catalog.mo_columns;
    50  delete from mo_catalog.mo_indexes;
    51  delete from mo_catalog.mo_table_partitions;
    53  --内置数据库不能删除
    54  drop database information_schema;
    55  drop database mo_catalog;
    56  drop database system;
    57  drop database system_metrics;
    59  --moadmin,public删除/回收
    60  revoke moadmin,public from root;
    61  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_role_privs where role_name in ('moadmin','public');
    62  drop role if exists moadmin,public;
    63  select role_name from mo_role where role_name in('moadmin','public');
    65  --root/admin user修改/删除/授权
    66  drop user if exists admin,root;
    68  --accountadmin删除/回收,切换到普通account验证
    69  create account inner_account ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '111';
    70  -- @session:id=2&user=inner_account:admin&password=123456
    71  revoke accountadmin from admin;
    72  select count(*) from mo_catalog.mo_role_privs where role_name in ('accountadmin');
    73  drop role if exists accountadmin;
    74  select role_name from mo_catalog.mo_role where role_name in('accountadmin');
    75  -- @session
    77  create table tb1(
    78                      deptno int unsigned,
    79                      dname varchar(15),
    80                      loc varchar(50),
    81                      unique key(deptno)
    82  );
    83  select `name`,`type`,`name`,`is_visible`,`hidden`,`comment`,`column_name`,`ordinal_position`,`options` from mo_catalog.mo_indexes where table_id = (select rel_id from mo_catalog.mo_tables where relname = 'tb1');
    84  desc mo_catalog.mo_indexes;
    86  CREATE TABLE trp (
    87                       id INT NOT NULL,
    88                       fname VARCHAR(30),
    89                       lname VARCHAR(30),
    90                       hired DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-01',
    91                       separated DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '9999-12-31',
    92                       job_code INT,
    93                       store_id INT
    94  )
    95      PARTITION BY RANGE ( YEAR(separated) ) (
    96  	PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN (1991),
    97  	PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (1996),
    98  	PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (2001),
   100  );
   101  select tbl.relname, part.number,, part.description_utf8, part.comment, part.options, part.partition_table_name
   102  from mo_catalog.mo_tables tbl left join mo_catalog.mo_table_partitions part on tbl.rel_id = part.table_id
   103  where tbl.relname = 'trp';
   104  desc mo_catalog.mo_table_partitions;
   106  --accountadmin删除/回收,切换到普通account验证
   107  create account accx11 ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '111';
   108  -- @session:id=2&user=accx11:admin&password=123456
   109  select `name`,`type`,`name`,`is_visible`,`hidden`,`comment`,`column_name`,`ordinal_position`,`options` from mo_catalog.mo_indexes where table_id = (select rel_id from mo_catalog.mo_tables where relname = 'tb1');
   110  desc mo_catalog.mo_indexes;
   111  -- @session
   113  drop account if exists account1;
   114  drop account if exists inner_account;
   115  drop account if exists accx11;
   116  drop role if exists revoke_role_1;
   117  set global enable_privilege_cache = on;
   118  desc mo_catalog.mo_stages;
   120  -- sys and non sys account admin user information_schema:columns,schemata,tables,views,partitions isolation
   121  create account ac_1 ADMIN_NAME 'admin' IDENTIFIED BY '111';
   122  create database sys_db1;
   123  create table sys_db1.sys_t1(c1 char);
   124  create view sys_db1.sys_v1  as select * from sys_db1.sys_t1;
   125  create table sys_db1.test01 (
   126  emp_no      int             not null,
   127  birth_date  date            not null,
   128  first_name  varchar(14)     not null,
   129  last_name   varchar(16)     not null,
   130  gender      varchar(5)      not null,
   131  hire_date   date            not null,
   132  primary key (emp_no)
   133  ) partition by range columns (emp_no)(
   134  partition p01 values less than (100001),
   135  partition p02 values less than (200001),
   136  partition p03 values less than (300001),
   137  partition p04 values less than (400001)
   138  );
   139  -- @session:id=3&user=ac_1:admin&password=111
   140  create database ac_db;
   141  create table ac_db.ac_t1(c1 int);
   142  create view ac_db.ac_v1  as select * from ac_db.ac_t1;
   143  create table ac_db.test02 (
   144  emp_no      int             not null,
   145  birth_date  date            not null,
   146  first_name  varchar(14)     not null,
   147  last_name   varchar(16)     not null,
   148  gender      varchar(5)      not null,
   149  hire_date   date            not null,
   150  primary key (emp_no)
   151  ) partition by range columns (emp_no)(
   152  partition p01 values less than (100001),
   153  partition p02 values less than (200001),
   154  partition p03 values less than (300001),
   155  partition p04 values less than (400001)
   156  );
   157  select table_catalog,table_schema,table_name,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema="ac_db" and table_name='ac_t1';
   158  select table_catalog,table_schema,table_name,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema="ac_db" and table_name='test02';
   159  select table_catalog,table_schema,table_name,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema="sys_db1";
   160  select count(*),table_name, column_name  from information_schema.columns group by table_name, column_name having count(*)>1;
   161  select * from information_schema.schemata where schema_name='ac_db';
   162  select * from information_schema.schemata where schema_name='sys_db1';
   163  select count(*),schema_name from information_schema.schemata group by schema_name having count(*)>1;
   164  select table_schema,table_name  from information_schema.tables where table_name='sys_t1';
   165  select table_schema,table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name='ac_t1';
   166  select count(*),table_name from information_schema.tables group by table_name having count(*) >1;
   167  select * from information_schema.views where table_name='ac_v1';
   168  select * from information_schema.views where table_name='sys_v1';
   169  select count(*),table_name from information_schema.views group by table_name having count(*)>1;
   170  select count(*) from information_schema.partitions where table_schema='ac_db' and table_name='test02';
   171  select table_schema,table_name,partition_name  from information_schema.partitions where table_schema='sys_db1';
   172  select count(*),table_schema,table_name,partition_name  from information_schema.partitions group by table_schema,table_name,partition_name having count(*) >1;
   173  -- @session
   174  select table_catalog,table_schema,table_name,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='ac_t1';
   175  select table_catalog,table_schema,table_name,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='sys_t1';
   176  select count(*),table_name, column_name  from information_schema.columns group by table_name, column_name having count(*)>1;
   177  select * from information_schema.schemata where schema_name='ac_db';
   178  select * from information_schema.schemata where schema_name='sys_db1';
   179  select count(*),schema_name from information_schema.schemata group by schema_name having count(*)>1;
   180  select table_schema,table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name='sys_t1';
   181  select table_schema,table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name='ac_t1';
   182  select count(*),table_name from information_schema.tables group by table_name having count(*) >1;
   183  select * from information_schema.views where table_name='sys_v1';
   184  select * from information_schema.views where table_name='ac_v1';
   185  select count(*),table_name from information_schema.views group by table_name having count(*)>1;
   186  select count(*) from information_schema.partitions where table_schema='sys_db1' and table_name='test01';
   187  select table_schema,table_name from information_schema.partitions where table_schema='ac_db';
   188  select count(*),table_schema,table_name,partition_name  from information_schema.partitions group by table_schema,table_name,partition_name having count(*) >1;
   190  -- sys and non sys account non admin user information_schema:columns,schemata,tables,views,partitions isolation
   191  create user 'sys_user' identified by '123456';
   192  create role 'sys_role';
   193  grant  all on account *  to 'sys_role';
   194  grant OWNERSHIP on database *.* to sys_role;
   195  grant select on table *.* to sys_role;
   196  grant sys_role to sys_user;
   197  -- @session:id=3&user=ac_1:admin&password=111
   198  create user 'ac_user' identified by '123456';
   199  create role 'ac_role';
   200  grant  all on account *  to 'ac_role';
   201  grant OWNERSHIP on database *.* to ac_role;
   202  grant select on table *.* to ac_role;
   203  grant ac_role to ac_user;
   204  -- @session
   205  -- @session:id=4&user=sys:sys_user:sys_role&password=123456
   206  create database user_db;
   207  create table user_db.user_t1(c1 int,c2 varchar);
   208  create view user_db.sysuser_v1  as select * from user_db.user_t1;
   209  create table user_db.test02 (
   210  emp_no      int             not null,
   211  birth_date  date            not null,
   212  first_name  varchar(14)     not null,
   213  last_name   varchar(16)     not null,
   214  gender      varchar(5)      not null,
   215  hire_date   date            not null,
   216  primary key (emp_no)
   217  ) partition by range columns (emp_no)(
   218  partition p01 values less than (100001),
   219  partition p02 values less than (200001),
   220  partition p03 values less than (300001),
   221  partition p04 values less than (400001)
   222  );
   223  -- @session
   224  -- @session:id=5&user=ac_1:ac_user:ac_role&password=123456
   225  create database acuser_db;
   226  create table acuser_db.acuser_t1(c1 int,c2 varchar);
   227  create view acuser_db.acuser_v1  as select * from acuser_db.acuser_t1;
   228  create table acuser_db.test (
   229  emp_no      int             not null,
   230  birth_date  date            not null,
   231  first_name  varchar(14)     not null,
   232  last_name   varchar(16)     not null,
   233  gender      varchar(5)      not null,
   234  hire_date   date            not null,
   235  primary key (emp_no)
   236  ) partition by range columns (emp_no)(
   237  partition p01 values less than (100001),
   238  partition p02 values less than (200001),
   239  partition p03 values less than (300001),
   240  partition p04 values less than (400001)
   241  );
   242  select table_catalog,table_schema,table_name,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema="acuser_db" and table_name='acuser_t1';
   243  select table_catalog,table_schema,table_name,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema="user_db";
   244  select count(*),table_name, column_name  from information_schema.columns group by table_name, column_name having count(*)>1;
   245  select * from information_schema.schemata where schema_name='acuser_db';
   246  select * from information_schema.schemata where schema_name='user_db1';
   247  select count(*),schema_name from information_schema.schemata group by schema_name having count(*)>1;
   248  select table_schema,table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name='user_t1';
   249  select table_schema,table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name='acuser_t1';
   250  select count(*),table_name from information_schema.tables group by table_name having count(*) >1;
   251  select table_schema,table_name from information_schema.views where table_name='acuser_v1';
   252  select table_schema,table_name from information_schema.views where table_name='sysuser_v1';
   253  select count(*),table_name from information_schema.views group by table_name having count(*)>1;
   254  select table_schema,table_name,partition_name from information_schema.partitions where table_schema='acuser_db';
   255  select table_schema,table_name,partition_name from information_schema.partitions where table_schema='user_db';
   256  select count(*),table_schema,table_name,partition_name  from information_schema.partitions group by table_schema,table_name,partition_name having count(*) >1;
   257  -- @session
   258  -- @session:id=4&user=sys:sys_user:sys_role&password=123456
   259  select table_catalog,table_schema,table_name,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema="user_db" and table_name='user_t1';
   260  select table_catalog,table_schema,table_name,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema="acuser_db";
   261  select count(*),table_name, column_name  from information_schema.columns group by table_name, column_name having count(*)>1;
   262  select * from information_schema.schemata where schema_name='acuser_db';
   263  select * from information_schema.schemata where schema_name='user_db';
   264  select count(*),schema_name from information_schema.schemata group by schema_name having count(*)>1;
   265  select table_schema,table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name='user_t1';
   266  select table_schema,table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name='acuser_t1';
   267  select count(*),table_name from information_schema.tables group by table_name having count(*) >1;
   268  select table_schema,table_name from information_schema.views where table_name='acuser_v1';
   269  select table_schema,table_name from information_schema.views where table_name='sysuser_v1';
   270  select count(*),table_name from information_schema.views group by table_name having count(*)>1;
   271  select table_schema,table_name,partition_name from information_schema.partitions where table_schema='acuser_db';
   272  select table_schema,table_name,partition_name from information_schema.partitions where table_schema='user_db';
   273  select count(*),table_schema,table_name,partition_name  from information_schema.partitions group by table_schema,table_name,partition_name having count(*) >1;
   274  -- @session
   276  drop database sys_db1;
   277  drop database user_db;
   278  drop account ac_1;
   279  drop user sys_user;
   280  drop role sys_role;