
     1  <!--{
     2  	"Title": "Go 1.1 Release Notes",
     3  	"Path":  "/doc/go1.1",
     4  	"Template": true
     5  }-->
     7  <h2 id="introduction">Introduction to Go 1.1</h2>
     9  <p>
    10  The release of <a href="/doc/go1.html">Go version 1</a> (Go 1 or Go 1.0 for short)
    11  in March of 2012 introduced a new period
    12  of stability in the Go language and libraries.
    13  That stability has helped nourish a growing community of Go users
    14  and systems around the world.
    15  Several "point" releases since
    16  then—1.0.1, 1.0.2, and 1.0.3—have been issued.
    17  These point releases fixed known bugs but made
    18  no non-critical changes to the implementation.
    19  </p>
    21  <p>
    22  This new release, Go 1.1, keeps the <a href="/doc/go1compat.html">promise
    23  of compatibility</a> but adds a couple of significant
    24  (backwards-compatible, of course) language changes, has a long list
    25  of (again, compatible) library changes, and
    26  includes major work on the implementation of the compilers,
    27  libraries, and run-time.
    28  The focus is on performance.
    29  Benchmarking is an inexact science at best, but we see significant,
    30  sometimes dramatic speedups for many of our test programs.
    31  We trust that many of our users' programs will also see improvements
    32  just by updating their Go installation and recompiling.
    33  </p>
    35  <p>
    36  This document summarizes the changes between Go 1 and Go 1.1.
    37  Very little if any code will need modification to run with Go 1.1,
    38  although a couple of rare error cases surface with this release
    39  and need to be addressed if they arise.
    40  Details appear below; see the discussion of
    41  <a href="#int">64-bit ints</a> and <a href="#unicode_literals">Unicode literals</a>
    42  in particular.
    43  </p>
    45  <h2 id="language">Changes to the language</h2>
    47  <p>
    48  <a href="/doc/go1compat.html">The Go compatibility document</a> promises
    49  that programs written to the Go 1 language specification will continue to operate,
    50  and those promises are maintained.
    51  In the interest of firming up the specification, though, there are
    52  details about some error cases that have been clarified.
    53  There are also some new language features.
    54  </p>
    56  <h3 id="divzero">Integer division by zero</h3>
    58  <p>
    59  In Go 1, integer division by a constant zero produced a run-time panic:
    60  </p>
    62  <pre>
    63  func f(x int) int {
    64  	return x/0
    65  }
    66  </pre>
    68  <p>
    69  In Go 1.1, an integer division by constant zero is not a legal program, so it is a compile-time error.
    70  </p>
    72  <h3 id="unicode_literals">Surrogates in Unicode literals</h3>
    74  <p>
    75  The definition of string and rune literals has been refined to exclude surrogate halves from the
    76  set of valid Unicode code points.
    77  See the <a href="#unicode">Unicode</a> section for more information.
    78  </p>
    80  <h3 id="method_values">Method values</h3>
    82  <p>
    83  Go 1.1 now implements
    84  <a href="/ref/spec#Method_values">method values</a>,
    85  which are functions that have been bound to a specific receiver value.
    86  For instance, given a
    87  <a href="/pkg/bufio/#Writer"><code>Writer</code></a>
    88  value <code>w</code>,
    89  the expression
    90  <code>w.Write</code>,
    91  a method value, is a function that will always write to <code>w</code>; it is equivalent to
    92  a function literal closing over <code>w</code>:
    93  </p>
    95  <pre>
    96  func (p []byte) (n int, err error) {
    97  	return w.Write(p)
    98  }
    99  </pre>
   101  <p>
   102  Method values are distinct from method expressions, which generate functions
   103  from methods of a given type; the method expression <code>(*bufio.Writer).Write</code>
   104  is equivalent to a function with an extra first argument, a receiver of type
   105  <code>(*bufio.Writer)</code>:
   106  </p>
   108  <pre>
   109  func (w *bufio.Writer, p []byte) (n int, err error) {
   110  	return w.Write(p)
   111  }
   112  </pre>
   114  <p>
   115  <em>Updating</em>: No existing code is affected; the change is strictly backward-compatible.
   116  </p>
   118  <h3 id="return">Return requirements</h3>
   120  <p>
   121  Before Go 1.1, a function that returned a value needed an explicit "return"
   122  or call to <code>panic</code> at
   123  the end of the function; this was a simple way to make the programmer
   124  be explicit about the meaning of the function. But there are many cases
   125  where a final "return" is clearly unnecessary, such as a function with
   126  only an infinite "for" loop.
   127  </p>
   129  <p>
   130  In Go 1.1, the rule about final "return" statements is more permissive.
   131  It introduces the concept of a
   132  <a href="/ref/spec#Terminating_statements"><em>terminating statement</em></a>,
   133  a statement that is guaranteed to be the last one a function executes.
   134  Examples include
   135  "for" loops with no condition and "if-else"
   136  statements in which each half ends in a "return".
   137  If the final statement of a function can be shown <em>syntactically</em> to
   138  be a terminating statement, no final "return" statement is needed.
   139  </p>
   141  <p>
   142  Note that the rule is purely syntactic: it pays no attention to the values in the
   143  code and therefore requires no complex analysis.
   144  </p>
   146  <p>
   147  <em>Updating</em>: The change is backward-compatible, but existing code
   148  with superfluous "return" statements and calls to <code>panic</code> may
   149  be simplified manually.
   150  Such code can be identified by <code>go vet</code>.
   151  </p>
   153  <h2 id="impl">Changes to the implementations and tools</h2>
   155  <h3 id="gccgo">Status of gccgo</h3>
   157  <p>
   158  The GCC release schedule does not coincide with the Go release schedule, so some skew is inevitable in
   159  <code>gccgo</code>'s releases.
   160  The 4.8.0 version of GCC shipped in March, 2013 and includes a nearly-Go 1.1 version of <code>gccgo</code>.
   161  Its library is a little behind the release, but the biggest difference is that method values are not implemented.
   162  Sometime around July 2013, we expect 4.8.2 of GCC to ship with a <code>gccgo</code>
   163  providing a complete Go 1.1 implementation.
   164  </p>
   166  <h3 id="gc_flag">Command-line flag parsing</h3>
   168  <p>
   169  In the gc tool chain, the compilers and linkers now use the
   170  same command-line flag parsing rules as the Go flag package, a departure
   171  from the traditional Unix flag parsing. This may affect scripts that invoke
   172  the tool directly.
   173  For example,
   174  <code>go tool 6c -Fw -Dfoo</code> must now be written
   175  <code>go tool 6c -F -w -D foo</code>.
   176  </p>
   178  <h3 id="int">Size of int on 64-bit platforms</h3>
   180  <p>
   181  The language allows the implementation to choose whether the <code>int</code> type and
   182  <code>uint</code> types are 32 or 64 bits. Previous Go implementations made <code>int</code>
   183  and <code>uint</code> 32 bits on all systems. Both the gc and gccgo implementations
   184  now make
   185  <code>int</code> and <code>uint</code> 64 bits on 64-bit platforms such as AMD64/x86-64.
   186  Among other things, this enables the allocation of slices with
   187  more than 2 billion elements on 64-bit platforms.
   188  </p>
   190  <p>
   191  <em>Updating</em>:
   192  Most programs will be unaffected by this change.
   193  Because Go does not allow implicit conversions between distinct
   194  <a href="/ref/spec#Numeric_types">numeric types</a>,
   195  no programs will stop compiling due to this change.
   196  However, programs that contain implicit assumptions
   197  that <code>int</code> is only 32 bits may change behavior.
   198  For example, this code prints a positive number on 64-bit systems and
   199  a negative one on 32-bit systems:
   200  </p>
   202  <pre>
   203  x := ^uint32(0) // x is 0xffffffff
   204  i := int(x)     // i is -1 on 32-bit systems, 0xffffffff on 64-bit
   205  fmt.Println(i)
   206  </pre>
   208  <p>Portable code intending 32-bit sign extension (yielding <code>-1</code> on all systems)
   209  would instead say:
   210  </p>
   212  <pre>
   213  i := int(int32(x))
   214  </pre>
   216  <h3 id="heap">Heap size on 64-bit architectures</h3>
   218  <p>
   219  On 64-bit architectures, the maximum heap size has been enlarged substantially,
   220  from a few gigabytes to several tens of gigabytes.
   221  (The exact details depend on the system and may change.)
   222  </p>
   224  <p>
   225  On 32-bit architectures, the heap size has not changed.
   226  </p>
   228  <p>
   229  <em>Updating</em>:
   230  This change should have no effect on existing programs beyond allowing them
   231  to run with larger heaps.
   232  </p>
   234  <h3 id="unicode">Unicode</h3>
   236  <p>
   237  To make it possible to represent code points greater than 65535 in UTF-16,
   238  Unicode defines <em>surrogate halves</em>,
   239  a range of code points to be used only in the assembly of large values, and only in UTF-16.
   240  The code points in that surrogate range are illegal for any other purpose.
   241  In Go 1.1, this constraint is honored by the compiler, libraries, and run-time:
   242  a surrogate half is illegal as a rune value, when encoded as UTF-8, or when
   243  encoded in isolation as UTF-16.
   244  When encountered, for example in converting from a rune to UTF-8, it is
   245  treated as an encoding error and will yield the replacement rune,
   246  <a href="/pkg/unicode/utf8/#RuneError"><code>utf8.RuneError</code></a>,
   247  U+FFFD.
   248  </p>
   250  <p>
   251  This program,
   252  </p>
   254  <pre>
   255  import "fmt"
   257  func main() {
   258      fmt.Printf("%+q\n", string(0xD800))
   259  }
   260  </pre>
   262  <p>
   263  printed <code>"\ud800"</code> in Go 1.0, but prints <code>"\ufffd"</code> in Go 1.1.
   264  </p>
   266  <p>
   267  Surrogate-half Unicode values are now illegal in rune and string constants, so constants such as
   268  <code>'\ud800'</code> and <code>"\ud800"</code> are now rejected by the compilers.
   269  When written explicitly as UTF-8 encoded bytes,
   270  such strings can still be created, as in <code>"\xed\xa0\x80"</code>.
   271  However, when such a string is decoded as a sequence of runes, as in a range loop, it will yield only <code>utf8.RuneError</code>
   272  values.
   273  </p>
   275  <p>
   276  The Unicode byte order mark U+FEFF, encoded in UTF-8, is now permitted as the first
   277  character of a Go source file.
   278  Even though its appearance in the byte-order-free UTF-8 encoding is clearly unnecessary,
   279  some editors add the mark as a kind of "magic number" identifying a UTF-8 encoded file.
   280  </p>
   282  <p>
   283  <em>Updating</em>:
   284  Most programs will be unaffected by the surrogate change.
   285  Programs that depend on the old behavior should be modified to avoid the issue.
   286  The byte-order-mark change is strictly backward-compatible.
   287  </p>
   289  <h3 id="race">Race detector</h3>
   291  <p>
   292  A major addition to the tools is a <em>race detector</em>, a way to
   293  find bugs in programs caused by concurrent access of the same
   294  variable, where at least one of the accesses is a write.
   295  This new facility is built into the <code>go</code> tool.
   296  For now, it is only available on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows systems with
   297  64-bit x86 processors.
   298  To enable it, set the <code>-race</code> flag when building or testing your program
   299  (for instance, <code>go test -race</code>).
   300  The race detector is documented in <a href="/doc/articles/race_detector.html">a separate article</a>.
   301  </p>
   303  <h3 id="gc_asm">The gc assemblers</h3>
   305  <p>
   306  Due to the change of the <a href="#int"><code>int</code></a> to 64 bits and
   307  a new internal <a href="//">representation of functions</a>,
   308  the arrangement of function arguments on the stack has changed in the gc tool chain.
   309  Functions written in assembly will need to be revised at least
   310  to adjust frame pointer offsets.
   311  </p>
   313  <p>
   314  <em>Updating</em>:
   315  The <code>go vet</code> command now checks that functions implemented in assembly
   316  match the Go function prototypes they implement.
   317  </p>
   319  <h3 id="gocmd">Changes to the go command</h3>
   321  <p>
   322  The <a href="/cmd/go/"><code>go</code></a> command has acquired several
   323  changes intended to improve the experience for new Go users.
   324  </p>
   326  <p>
   327  First, when compiling, testing, or running Go code, the <code>go</code> command will now give more detailed error messages,
   328  including a list of paths searched, when a package cannot be located.
   329  </p>
   331  <pre>
   332  $ go build foo/quxx
   333  can't load package: package foo/quxx: cannot find package "foo/quxx" in any of:
   334          /home/you/go/src/pkg/foo/quxx (from $GOROOT)
   335          /home/you/src/foo/quxx (from $GOPATH)
   336  </pre>
   338  <p>
   339  Second, the <code>go get</code> command no longer allows <code>$GOROOT</code>
   340  as the default destination when downloading package source.
   341  To use the <code>go get</code>
   342  command, a <a href="/doc/code.html#GOPATH">valid <code>$GOPATH</code></a> is now required.
   343  </p>
   345  <pre>
   346  $ GOPATH= go get
   347  package cannot download, $GOPATH not set. For more details see: go help gopath
   348  </pre>
   350  <p>
   351  Finally, as a result of the previous change, the <code>go get</code> command will also fail
   352  when <code>$GOPATH</code> and <code>$GOROOT</code> are set to the same value.
   353  </p>
   355  <pre>
   356  $ GOPATH=$GOROOT go get
   357  warning: GOPATH set to GOROOT (/home/you/go) has no effect
   358  package cannot download, $GOPATH must not be set to $GOROOT. For more details see: go help gopath
   359  </pre>
   361  <h3 id="gotest">Changes to the go test command</h3>
   363  <p>
   364  The <a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Test_packages"><code>go test</code></a>
   365  command no longer deletes the binary when run with profiling enabled,
   366  to make it easier to analyze the profile.
   367  The implementation sets the <code>-c</code> flag automatically, so after running,
   368  </p>
   370  <pre>
   371  $ go test -cpuprofile cpuprof.out mypackage
   372  </pre>
   374  <p>
   375  the file <code>mypackage.test</code> will be left in the directory where <code>go test</code> was run.
   376  </p>
   378  <p>
   379  The <a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Test_packages"><code>go test</code></a>
   380  command can now generate profiling information
   381  that reports where goroutines are blocked, that is,
   382  where they tend to stall waiting for an event such as a channel communication.
   383  The information is presented as a
   384  <em>blocking profile</em>
   385  enabled with the
   386  <code>-blockprofile</code>
   387  option of
   388  <code>go test</code>.
   389  Run <code>go help test</code> for more information.
   390  </p>
   392  <h3 id="gofix">Changes to the go fix command</h3>
   394  <p>
   395  The <a href="/cmd/fix/"><code>fix</code></a> command, usually run as
   396  <code>go fix</code>, no longer applies fixes to update code from
   397  before Go 1 to use Go 1 APIs.
   398  To update pre-Go 1 code to Go 1.1, use a Go 1.0 tool chain
   399  to convert the code to Go 1.0 first.
   400  </p>
   402  <h3 id="tags">Build constraints</h3>
   404  <p>
   405  The "<code>go1.1</code>" tag has been added to the list of default
   406  <a href="/pkg/go/build/#hdr-Build_Constraints">build constraints</a>.
   407  This permits packages to take advantage of the new features in Go 1.1 while
   408  remaining compatible with earlier versions of Go.
   409  </p>
   411  <p>
   412  To build a file only with Go 1.1 and above, add this build constraint:
   413  </p>
   415  <pre>
   416  // +build go1.1
   417  </pre>
   419  <p>
   420  To build a file only with Go 1.0.x, use the converse constraint:
   421  </p>
   423  <pre>
   424  // +build !go1.1
   425  </pre>
   427  <h3 id="platforms">Additional platforms</h3>
   429  <p>
   430  The Go 1.1 tool chain adds experimental support for <code>freebsd/arm</code>,
   431  <code>netbsd/386</code>, <code>netbsd/amd64</code>, <code>netbsd/arm</code>,
   432  <code>openbsd/386</code> and <code>openbsd/amd64</code> platforms.
   433  </p>
   435  <p>
   436  An ARMv6 or later processor is required for <code>freebsd/arm</code> or
   437  <code>netbsd/arm</code>.
   438  </p>
   440  <p>
   441  Go 1.1 adds experimental support for <code>cgo</code> on <code>linux/arm</code>.
   442  </p>
   444  <h3 id="crosscompile">Cross compilation</h3>
   446  <p>
   447  When cross-compiling, the <code>go</code> tool will disable <code>cgo</code>
   448  support by default.
   449  </p>
   451  <p>
   452  To explicitly enable <code>cgo</code>, set <code>CGO_ENABLED=1</code>.
   453  </p>
   455  <h2 id="performance">Performance</h2>
   457  <p>
   458  The performance of code compiled with the Go 1.1 gc tool suite should be noticeably
   459  better for most Go programs.
   460  Typical improvements relative to Go 1.0 seem to be about 30%-40%, sometimes
   461  much more, but occasionally less or even non-existent.
   462  There are too many small performance-driven tweaks through the tools and libraries
   463  to list them all here, but the following major changes are worth noting:
   464  </p>
   466  <ul>
   467  <li>The gc compilers generate better code in many cases, most noticeably for
   468  floating point on the 32-bit Intel architecture.</li>
   469  <li>The gc compilers do more in-lining, including for some operations
   470  in the run-time such as <a href="/pkg/builtin/#append"><code>append</code></a>
   471  and interface conversions.</li>
   472  <li>There is a new implementation of Go maps with significant reduction in
   473  memory footprint and CPU time.</li>
   474  <li>The garbage collector has been made more parallel, which can reduce
   475  latencies for programs running on multiple CPUs.</li>
   476  <li>The garbage collector is also more precise, which costs a small amount of
   477  CPU time but can reduce the size of the heap significantly, especially
   478  on 32-bit architectures.</li>
   479  <li>Due to tighter coupling of the run-time and network libraries, fewer
   480  context switches are required on network operations.</li>
   481  </ul>
   483  <h2 id="library">Changes to the standard library</h2>
   485  <h3 id="bufio_scanner">bufio.Scanner</h3>
   487  <p>
   488  The various routines to scan textual input in the
   489  <a href="/pkg/bufio/"><code>bufio</code></a>
   490  package,
   491  <a href="/pkg/bufio/#Reader.ReadBytes"><code>ReadBytes</code></a>,
   492  <a href="/pkg/bufio/#Reader.ReadString"><code>ReadString</code></a>
   493  and particularly
   494  <a href="/pkg/bufio/#Reader.ReadLine"><code>ReadLine</code></a>,
   495  are needlessly complex to use for simple purposes.
   496  In Go 1.1, a new type,
   497  <a href="/pkg/bufio/#Scanner"><code>Scanner</code></a>,
   498  has been added to make it easier to do simple tasks such as
   499  read the input as a sequence of lines or space-delimited words.
   500  It simplifies the problem by terminating the scan on problematic
   501  input such as pathologically long lines, and having a simple
   502  default: line-oriented input, with each line stripped of its terminator.
   503  Here is code to reproduce the input a line at a time:
   504  </p>
   506  <pre>
   507  scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
   508  for scanner.Scan() {
   509      fmt.Println(scanner.Text()) // Println will add back the final '\n'
   510  }
   511  if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
   512      fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "reading standard input:", err)
   513  }
   514  </pre>
   516  <p>
   517  Scanning behavior can be adjusted through a function to control subdividing the input
   518  (see the documentation for <a href="/pkg/bufio/#SplitFunc"><code>SplitFunc</code></a>),
   519  but for tough problems or the need to continue past errors, the older interface
   520  may still be required.
   521  </p>
   523  <h3 id="net">net</h3>
   525  <p>
   526  The protocol-specific resolvers in the <a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package were formerly
   527  lax about the network name passed in.
   528  Although the documentation was clear
   529  that the only valid networks for
   530  <a href="/pkg/net/#ResolveTCPAddr"><code>ResolveTCPAddr</code></a>
   531  are <code>"tcp"</code>,
   532  <code>"tcp4"</code>, and <code>"tcp6"</code>, the Go 1.0 implementation silently accepted any string.
   533  The Go 1.1 implementation returns an error if the network is not one of those strings.
   534  The same is true of the other protocol-specific resolvers <a href="/pkg/net/#ResolveIPAddr"><code>ResolveIPAddr</code></a>,
   535  <a href="/pkg/net/#ResolveUDPAddr"><code>ResolveUDPAddr</code></a>, and
   536  <a href="/pkg/net/#ResolveUnixAddr"><code>ResolveUnixAddr</code></a>.
   537  </p>
   539  <p>
   540  The previous implementation of
   541  <a href="/pkg/net/#ListenUnixgram"><code>ListenUnixgram</code></a>
   542  returned a
   543  <a href="/pkg/net/#UDPConn"><code>UDPConn</code></a> as
   544  a representation of the connection endpoint.
   545  The Go 1.1 implementation instead returns a
   546  <a href="/pkg/net/#UnixConn"><code>UnixConn</code></a>
   547  to allow reading and writing
   548  with its
   549  <a href="/pkg/net/#UnixConn.ReadFrom"><code>ReadFrom</code></a>
   550  and
   551  <a href="/pkg/net/#UnixConn.WriteTo"><code>WriteTo</code></a>
   552  methods.
   553  </p>
   555  <p>
   556  The data structures
   557  <a href="/pkg/net/#IPAddr"><code>IPAddr</code></a>,
   558  <a href="/pkg/net/#TCPAddr"><code>TCPAddr</code></a>, and
   559  <a href="/pkg/net/#UDPAddr"><code>UDPAddr</code></a>
   560  add a new string field called <code>Zone</code>.
   561  Code using untagged composite literals (e.g. <code>net.TCPAddr{ip, port}</code>)
   562  instead of tagged literals (<code>net.TCPAddr{IP: ip, Port: port}</code>)
   563  will break due to the new field.
   564  The Go 1 compatibility rules allow this change: client code must use tagged literals to avoid such breakages.
   565  </p>
   567  <p>
   568  <em>Updating</em>:
   569  To correct breakage caused by the new struct field,
   570  <code>go fix</code> will rewrite code to add tags for these types.
   571  More generally, <code>go vet</code> will identify composite literals that
   572  should be revised to use field tags.
   573  </p>
   575  <h3 id="reflect">reflect</h3>
   577  <p>
   578  The <a href="/pkg/reflect/"><code>reflect</code></a> package has several significant additions.
   579  </p>
   581  <p>
   582  It is now possible to run a "select" statement using
   583  the <code>reflect</code> package; see the description of
   584  <a href="/pkg/reflect/#Select"><code>Select</code></a>
   585  and
   586  <a href="/pkg/reflect/#SelectCase"><code>SelectCase</code></a>
   587  for details.
   588  </p>
   590  <p>
   591  The new method
   592  <a href="/pkg/reflect/#Value.Convert"><code>Value.Convert</code></a>
   593  (or
   594  <a href="/pkg/reflect/#Type"><code>Type.ConvertibleTo</code></a>)
   595  provides functionality to execute a Go conversion or type assertion operation
   596  on a
   597  <a href="/pkg/reflect/#Value"><code>Value</code></a>
   598  (or test for its possibility).
   599  </p>
   601  <p>
   602  The new function
   603  <a href="/pkg/reflect/#MakeFunc"><code>MakeFunc</code></a>
   604  creates a wrapper function to make it easier to call a function with existing
   605  <a href="/pkg/reflect/#Value"><code>Values</code></a>,
   606  doing the standard Go conversions among the arguments, for instance
   607  to pass an actual <code>int</code> to a formal <code>interface{}</code>.
   608  </p>
   610  <p>
   611  Finally, the new functions
   612  <a href="/pkg/reflect/#ChanOf"><code>ChanOf</code></a>,
   613  <a href="/pkg/reflect/#MapOf"><code>MapOf</code></a>
   614  and
   615  <a href="/pkg/reflect/#SliceOf"><code>SliceOf</code></a>
   616  construct new
   617  <a href="/pkg/reflect/#Type"><code>Types</code></a>
   618  from existing types, for example to construct the type <code>[]T</code> given
   619  only <code>T</code>.
   620  </p>
   623  <h3 id="time">time</h3>
   624  <p>
   625  On FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, OS X and OpenBSD, previous versions of the
   626  <a href="/pkg/time/"><code>time</code></a> package
   627  returned times with microsecond precision.
   628  The Go 1.1 implementation on these
   629  systems now returns times with nanosecond precision.
   630  Programs that write to an external format with microsecond precision
   631  and read it back, expecting to recover the original value, will be affected
   632  by the loss of precision.
   633  There are two new methods of <a href="/pkg/time/#Time"><code>Time</code></a>,
   634  <a href="/pkg/time/#Time.Round"><code>Round</code></a>
   635  and
   636  <a href="/pkg/time/#Time.Truncate"><code>Truncate</code></a>,
   637  that can be used to remove precision from a time before passing it to
   638  external storage.
   639  </p>
   641  <p>
   642  The new method
   643  <a href="/pkg/time/#Time.YearDay"><code>YearDay</code></a>
   644  returns the one-indexed integral day number of the year specified by the time value.
   645  </p>
   647  <p>
   648  The
   649  <a href="/pkg/time/#Timer"><code>Timer</code></a>
   650  type has a new method
   651  <a href="/pkg/time/#Timer.Reset"><code>Reset</code></a>
   652  that modifies the timer to expire after a specified duration.
   653  </p>
   655  <p>
   656  Finally, the new function
   657  <a href="/pkg/time/#ParseInLocation"><code>ParseInLocation</code></a>
   658  is like the existing
   659  <a href="/pkg/time/#Parse"><code>Parse</code></a>
   660  but parses the time in the context of a location (time zone), ignoring
   661  time zone information in the parsed string.
   662  This function addresses a common source of confusion in the time API.
   663  </p>
   665  <p>
   666  <em>Updating</em>:
   667  Code that needs to read and write times using an external format with
   668  lower precision should be modified to use the new methods.
   669  </p>
   671  <h3 id="exp_old">Exp and old subtrees moved to go.exp and go.text subrepositories</h3>
   673  <p>
   674  To make it easier for binary distributions to access them if desired, the <code>exp</code>
   675  and <code>old</code> source subtrees, which are not included in binary distributions,
   676  have been moved to the new <code>go.exp</code> subrepository at
   677  <code></code>. To access the <code>ssa</code> package,
   678  for example, run
   679  </p>
   681  <pre>
   682  $ go get
   683  </pre>
   685  <p>
   686  and then in Go source,
   687  </p>
   689  <pre>
   690  import ""
   691  </pre>
   693  <p>
   694  The old package <code>exp/norm</code> has also been moved, but to a new repository
   695  <code>go.text</code>, where the Unicode APIs and other text-related packages will
   696  be developed.
   697  </p>
   699  <h3 id="new_packages">New packages</h3>
   701  <p>
   702  There are three new packages.
   703  </p>
   705  <ul>
   706  <li>
   707  The <a href="/pkg/go/format/"><code>go/format</code></a> package provides
   708  a convenient way for a program to access the formatting capabilities of the
   709  <a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Run_gofmt_on_package_sources"><code>go fmt</code></a> command.
   710  It has two functions,
   711  <a href="/pkg/go/format/#Node"><code>Node</code></a> to format a Go parser
   712  <a href="/pkg/go/ast/#Node"><code>Node</code></a>,
   713  and
   714  <a href="/pkg/go/format/#Source"><code>Source</code></a>
   715  to reformat arbitrary Go source code into the standard format as provided by the
   716  <a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Run_gofmt_on_package_sources"><code>go fmt</code></a> command.
   717  </li>
   719  <li>
   720  The <a href="/pkg/net/http/cookiejar/"><code>net/http/cookiejar</code></a> package provides the basics for managing HTTP cookies.
   721  </li>
   723  <li>
   724  The <a href="/pkg/runtime/race/"><code>runtime/race</code></a> package provides low-level facilities for data race detection.
   725  It is internal to the race detector and does not otherwise export any user-visible functionality.
   726  </li>
   727  </ul>
   729  <h3 id="minor_library_changes">Minor changes to the library</h3>
   731  <p>
   732  The following list summarizes a number of minor changes to the library, mostly additions.
   733  See the relevant package documentation for more information about each change.
   734  </p>
   736  <ul>
   737  <li>
   738  The <a href="/pkg/bytes/"><code>bytes</code></a> package has two new functions,
   739  <a href="/pkg/bytes/#TrimPrefix"><code>TrimPrefix</code></a>
   740  and
   741  <a href="/pkg/bytes/#TrimSuffix"><code>TrimSuffix</code></a>,
   742  with self-evident properties.
   743  Also, the <a href="/pkg/bytes/#Buffer"><code>Buffer</code></a> type
   744  has a new method
   745  <a href="/pkg/bytes/#Buffer.Grow"><code>Grow</code></a> that
   746  provides some control over memory allocation inside the buffer.
   747  Finally, the
   748  <a href="/pkg/bytes/#Reader"><code>Reader</code></a> type now has a
   749  <a href="/pkg/strings/#Reader.WriteTo"><code>WriteTo</code></a> method
   750  so it implements the
   751  <a href="/pkg/io/#WriterTo"><code>io.WriterTo</code></a> interface.
   752  </li>
   754  <li>
   755  The <a href="/pkg/compress/gzip/"><code>compress/gzip</code></a> package has
   756  a new <a href="/pkg/compress/gzip/#Writer.Flush"><code>Flush</code></a>
   757  method for its
   758  <a href="/pkg/compress/gzip/#Writer"><code>Writer</code></a>
   759  type that flushes its underlying <code>flate.Writer</code>.
   760  </li>
   762  <li>
   763  The <a href="/pkg/crypto/hmac/"><code>crypto/hmac</code></a> package has a new function,
   764  <a href="/pkg/crypto/hmac/#Equal"><code>Equal</code></a>, to compare two MACs.
   765  </li>
   767  <li>
   768  The <a href="/pkg/crypto/x509/"><code>crypto/x509</code></a> package
   769  now supports PEM blocks (see
   770  <a href="/pkg/crypto/x509/#DecryptPEMBlock"><code>DecryptPEMBlock</code></a> for instance),
   771  and a new function
   772  <a href="/pkg/crypto/x509/#ParseECPrivateKey"><code>ParseECPrivateKey</code></a> to parse elliptic curve private keys.
   773  </li>
   775  <li>
   776  The <a href="/pkg/database/sql/"><code>database/sql</code></a> package
   777  has a new
   778  <a href="/pkg/database/sql/#DB.Ping"><code>Ping</code></a>
   779  method for its
   780  <a href="/pkg/database/sql/#DB"><code>DB</code></a>
   781  type that tests the health of the connection.
   782  </li>
   784  <li>
   785  The <a href="/pkg/database/sql/driver/"><code>database/sql/driver</code></a> package
   786  has a new
   787  <a href="/pkg/database/sql/driver/#Queryer"><code>Queryer</code></a>
   788  interface that a
   789  <a href="/pkg/database/sql/driver/#Conn"><code>Conn</code></a>
   790  may implement to improve performance.
   791  </li>
   793  <li>
   794  The <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/"><code>encoding/json</code></a> package's
   795  <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/#Decoder"><code>Decoder</code></a>
   796  has a new method
   797  <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/#Decoder.Buffered"><code>Buffered</code></a>
   798  to provide access to the remaining data in its buffer,
   799  as well as a new method
   800  <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/#Decoder.UseNumber"><code>UseNumber</code></a>
   801  to unmarshal a value into the new type
   802  <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/#Number"><code>Number</code></a>,
   803  a string, rather than a float64.
   804  </li>
   806  <li>
   807  The <a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/"><code>encoding/xml</code></a> package
   808  has a new function,
   809  <a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/#EscapeText"><code>EscapeText</code></a>,
   810  which writes escaped XML output,
   811  and a method on
   812  <a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/#Encoder"><code>Encoder</code></a>,
   813  <a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/#Encoder.Indent"><code>Indent</code></a>,
   814  to specify indented output.
   815  </li>
   817  <li>
   818  In the <a href="/pkg/go/ast/"><code>go/ast</code></a> package, a
   819  new type <a href="/pkg/go/ast/#CommentMap"><code>CommentMap</code></a>
   820  and associated methods makes it easier to extract and process comments in Go programs.
   821  </li>
   823  <li>
   824  In the <a href="/pkg/go/doc/"><code>go/doc</code></a> package,
   825  the parser now keeps better track of stylized annotations such as <code>TODO(joe)</code>
   826  throughout the code,
   827  information that the <a href="/cmd/godoc/"><code>godoc</code></a>
   828  command can filter or present according to the value of the <code>-notes</code> flag.
   829  </li>
   831  <li>
   832  The undocumented and only partially implemented "noescape" feature of the
   833  <a href="/pkg/html/template/"><code>html/template</code></a>
   834  package has been removed; programs that depend on it will break.
   835  </li>
   837  <li>
   838  The <a href="/pkg/image/jpeg/"><code>image/jpeg</code></a> package now
   839  reads progressive JPEG files and handles a few more subsampling configurations.
   840  </li>
   842  <li>
   843  The <a href="/pkg/io/"><code>io</code></a> package now exports the
   844  <a href="/pkg/io/#ByteWriter"><code>io.ByteWriter</code></a> interface to capture the common
   845  functionality of writing a byte at a time.
   846  It also exports a new error, <a href="/pkg/io/#ErrNoProgress"><code>ErrNoProgress</code></a>,
   847  used to indicate a <code>Read</code> implementation is looping without delivering data.
   848  </li>
   850  <li>
   851  The <a href="/pkg/log/syslog/"><code>log/syslog</code></a> package now provides better support
   852  for OS-specific logging features.
   853  </li>
   855  <li>
   856  The <a href="/pkg/math/big/"><code>math/big</code></a> package's
   857  <a href="/pkg/math/big/#Int"><code>Int</code></a> type
   858  now has methods
   859  <a href="/pkg/math/big/#Int.MarshalJSON"><code>MarshalJSON</code></a>
   860  and
   861  <a href="/pkg/math/big/#Int.UnmarshalJSON"><code>UnmarshalJSON</code></a>
   862  to convert to and from a JSON representation.
   863  Also,
   864  <a href="/pkg/math/big/#Int"><code>Int</code></a>
   865  can now convert directly to and from a <code>uint64</code> using
   866  <a href="/pkg/math/big/#Int.Uint64"><code>Uint64</code></a>
   867  and
   868  <a href="/pkg/math/big/#Int.SetUint64"><code>SetUint64</code></a>,
   869  while
   870  <a href="/pkg/math/big/#Rat"><code>Rat</code></a>
   871  can do the same with <code>float64</code> using
   872  <a href="/pkg/math/big/#Rat.Float64"><code>Float64</code></a>
   873  and
   874  <a href="/pkg/math/big/#Rat.SetFloat64"><code>SetFloat64</code></a>.
   875  </li>
   877  <li>
   878  The <a href="/pkg/mime/multipart/"><code>mime/multipart</code></a> package
   879  has a new method for its
   880  <a href="/pkg/mime/multipart/#Writer"><code>Writer</code></a>,
   881  <a href="/pkg/mime/multipart/#Writer.SetBoundary"><code>SetBoundary</code></a>,
   882  to define the boundary separator used to package the output.
   883  The <a href="/pkg/mime/multipart/#Reader"><code>Reader</code></a> also now
   884  transparently decodes any <code>quoted-printable</code> parts and removes
   885  the <code>Content-Transfer-Encoding</code> header when doing so.
   886  </li>
   888  <li>
   889  The
   890  <a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package's
   891  <a href="/pkg/net/#ListenUnixgram"><code>ListenUnixgram</code></a>
   892  function has changed return types: it now returns a
   893  <a href="/pkg/net/#UnixConn"><code>UnixConn</code></a>
   894  rather than a
   895  <a href="/pkg/net/#UDPConn"><code>UDPConn</code></a>, which was
   896  clearly a mistake in Go 1.0.
   897  Since this API change fixes a bug, it is permitted by the Go 1 compatibility rules.
   898  </li>
   900  <li>
   901  The <a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package includes a new type,
   902  <a href="/pkg/net/#Dialer"><code>Dialer</code></a>, to supply options to
   903  <a href="/pkg/net/#Dialer.Dial"><code>Dial</code></a>.
   904  </li>
   906  <li>
   907  The <a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package adds support for
   908  link-local IPv6 addresses with zone qualifiers, such as <code>fe80::1%lo0</code>.
   909  The address structures <a href="/pkg/net/#IPAddr"><code>IPAddr</code></a>,
   910  <a href="/pkg/net/#UDPAddr"><code>UDPAddr</code></a>, and
   911  <a href="/pkg/net/#TCPAddr"><code>TCPAddr</code></a>
   912  record the zone in a new field, and functions that expect string forms of these addresses, such as
   913  <a href="/pkg/net/#Dial"><code>Dial</code></a>,
   914  <a href="/pkg/net/#ResolveIPAddr"><code>ResolveIPAddr</code></a>,
   915  <a href="/pkg/net/#ResolveUDPAddr"><code>ResolveUDPAddr</code></a>, and
   916  <a href="/pkg/net/#ResolveTCPAddr"><code>ResolveTCPAddr</code></a>,
   917  now accept the zone-qualified form.
   918  </li>
   920  <li>
   921  The <a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package adds
   922  <a href="/pkg/net/#LookupNS"><code>LookupNS</code></a> to its suite of resolving functions.
   923  <code>LookupNS</code> returns the <a href="/pkg/net/#NS">NS records</a> for a host name.
   924  </li>
   926  <li>
   927  The <a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package adds protocol-specific
   928  packet reading and writing methods to
   929  <a href="/pkg/net/#IPConn"><code>IPConn</code></a>
   930  (<a href="/pkg/net/#IPConn.ReadMsgIP"><code>ReadMsgIP</code></a>
   931  and <a href="/pkg/net/#IPConn.WriteMsgIP"><code>WriteMsgIP</code></a>) and
   932  <a href="/pkg/net/#UDPConn"><code>UDPConn</code></a>
   933  (<a href="/pkg/net/#UDPConn.ReadMsgUDP"><code>ReadMsgUDP</code></a> and
   934  <a href="/pkg/net/#UDPConn.WriteMsgUDP"><code>WriteMsgUDP</code></a>).
   935  These are specialized versions of <a href="/pkg/net/#PacketConn"><code>PacketConn</code></a>'s
   936  <code>ReadFrom</code> and <code>WriteTo</code> methods that provide access to out-of-band data associated
   937  with the packets.
   938   </li>
   940   <li>
   941  The <a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package adds methods to
   942  <a href="/pkg/net/#UnixConn"><code>UnixConn</code></a> to allow closing half of the connection
   943  (<a href="/pkg/net/#UnixConn.CloseRead"><code>CloseRead</code></a> and
   944  <a href="/pkg/net/#UnixConn.CloseWrite"><code>CloseWrite</code></a>),
   945  matching the existing methods of <a href="/pkg/net/#TCPConn"><code>TCPConn</code></a>.
   946  </li>
   948  <li>
   949  The <a href="/pkg/net/http/"><code>net/http</code></a> package includes several new additions.
   950  <a href="/pkg/net/http/#ParseTime"><code>ParseTime</code></a> parses a time string, trying
   951  several common HTTP time formats.
   952  The <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Request.PostFormValue"><code>PostFormValue</code></a> method of
   953  <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Request"><code>Request</code></a> is like
   954  <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Request.FormValue"><code>FormValue</code></a> but ignores URL parameters.
   955  The <a href="/pkg/net/http/#CloseNotifier"><code>CloseNotifier</code></a> interface provides a mechanism
   956  for a server handler to discover when a client has disconnected.
   957  The <code>ServeMux</code> type now has a
   958  <a href="/pkg/net/http/#ServeMux.Handler"><code>Handler</code></a> method to access a path's
   959  <code>Handler</code> without executing it.
   960  The <code>Transport</code> can now cancel an in-flight request with
   961  <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Transport.CancelRequest"><code>CancelRequest</code></a>.
   962  Finally, the Transport is now more aggressive at closing TCP connections when
   963  a <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Response"><code>Response.Body</code></a> is closed before
   964  being fully consumed.
   965  </li>
   967  <li>
   968  The <a href="/pkg/net/mail/"><code>net/mail</code></a> package has two new functions,
   969  <a href="/pkg/net/mail/#ParseAddress"><code>ParseAddress</code></a> and
   970  <a href="/pkg/net/mail/#ParseAddressList"><code>ParseAddressList</code></a>,
   971  to parse RFC 5322-formatted mail addresses into
   972  <a href="/pkg/net/mail/#Address"><code>Address</code></a> structures.
   973  </li>
   975  <li>
   976  The <a href="/pkg/net/smtp/"><code>net/smtp</code></a> package's
   977  <a href="/pkg/net/smtp/#Client"><code>Client</code></a> type has a new method,
   978  <a href="/pkg/net/smtp/#Client.Hello"><code>Hello</code></a>,
   979  which transmits a <code>HELO</code> or <code>EHLO</code> message to the server.
   980  </li>
   982  <li>
   983  The <a href="/pkg/net/textproto/"><code>net/textproto</code></a> package
   984  has two new functions,
   985  <a href="/pkg/net/textproto/#TrimBytes"><code>TrimBytes</code></a> and
   986  <a href="/pkg/net/textproto/#TrimString"><code>TrimString</code></a>,
   987  which do ASCII-only trimming of leading and trailing spaces.
   988  </li>
   990  <li>
   991  The new method <a href="/pkg/os/#FileMode.IsRegular"><code>os.FileMode.IsRegular</code></a> makes it easy to ask if a file is a plain file.
   992  </li>
   994  <li>
   995  The <a href="/pkg/os/signal/"><code>os/signal</code></a> package has a new function,
   996  <a href="/pkg/os/signal/#Stop"><code>Stop</code></a>, which stops the package delivering
   997  any further signals to the channel.
   998  </li>
  1000  <li>
  1001  The <a href="/pkg/regexp/"><code>regexp</code></a> package
  1002  now supports Unix-original leftmost-longest matches through the
  1003  <a href="/pkg/regexp/#Regexp.Longest"><code>Regexp.Longest</code></a>
  1004  method, while
  1005  <a href="/pkg/regexp/#Regexp.Split"><code>Regexp.Split</code></a> slices
  1006  strings into pieces based on separators defined by the regular expression.
  1007  </li>
  1009  <li>
  1010  The <a href="/pkg/runtime/debug/"><code>runtime/debug</code></a> package
  1011  has three new functions regarding memory usage.
  1012  The <a href="/pkg/runtime/debug/#FreeOSMemory"><code>FreeOSMemory</code></a>
  1013  function triggers a run of the garbage collector and then attempts to return unused
  1014  memory to the operating system;
  1015  the <a href="/pkg/runtime/debug/#ReadGCStats"><code>ReadGCStats</code></a>
  1016  function retrieves statistics about the collector; and
  1017  <a href="/pkg/runtime/debug/#SetGCPercent"><code>SetGCPercent</code></a>
  1018  provides a programmatic way to control how often the collector runs,
  1019  including disabling it altogether.
  1020  </li>
  1022  <li>
  1023  The <a href="/pkg/sort/"><code>sort</code></a> package has a new function,
  1024  <a href="/pkg/sort/#Reverse"><code>Reverse</code></a>.
  1025  Wrapping the argument of a call to
  1026  <a href="/pkg/sort/#Sort"><code>sort.Sort</code></a>
  1027  with a call to <code>Reverse</code> causes the sort order to be reversed.
  1028  </li>
  1030  <li>
  1031  The <a href="/pkg/strings/"><code>strings</code></a> package has two new functions,
  1032  <a href="/pkg/strings/#TrimPrefix"><code>TrimPrefix</code></a>
  1033  and
  1034  <a href="/pkg/strings/#TrimSuffix"><code>TrimSuffix</code></a>
  1035  with self-evident properties, and the new method
  1036  <a href="/pkg/strings/#Reader.WriteTo"><code>Reader.WriteTo</code></a> so the
  1037  <a href="/pkg/strings/#Reader"><code>Reader</code></a>
  1038  type now implements the
  1039  <a href="/pkg/io/#WriterTo"><code>io.WriterTo</code></a> interface.
  1040  </li>
  1042  <li>
  1043  The <a href="/pkg/syscall/"><code>syscall</code></a> package's
  1044  <a href="/pkg/syscall/#Fchflags"><code>Fchflags</code></a> function on various BSDs
  1045  (including Darwin) has changed signature.
  1046  It now takes an int as the first parameter instead of a string.
  1047  Since this API change fixes a bug, it is permitted by the Go 1 compatibility rules.
  1048  </li>
  1049  <li>
  1050  The <a href="/pkg/syscall/"><code>syscall</code></a> package also has received many updates
  1051  to make it more inclusive of constants and system calls for each supported operating system.
  1052  </li>
  1054  <li>
  1055  The <a href="/pkg/testing/"><code>testing</code></a> package now automates the generation of allocation
  1056  statistics in tests and benchmarks using the new
  1057  <a href="/pkg/testing/#AllocsPerRun"><code>AllocsPerRun</code></a> function. And the
  1058  <a href="/pkg/testing/#B.ReportAllocs"><code>ReportAllocs</code></a>
  1059  method on <a href="/pkg/testing/#B"><code>testing.B</code></a> will enable printing of
  1060  memory allocation statistics for the calling benchmark. It also introduces the
  1061  <a href="/pkg/testing/#BenchmarkResult.AllocsPerOp"><code>AllocsPerOp</code></a> method of
  1062  <a href="/pkg/testing/#BenchmarkResult"><code>BenchmarkResult</code></a>.
  1063  There is also a new
  1064  <a href="/pkg/testing/#Verbose"><code>Verbose</code></a> function to test the state of the <code>-v</code>
  1065  command-line flag,
  1066  and a new
  1067  <a href="/pkg/testing/#B.Skip"><code>Skip</code></a> method of
  1068  <a href="/pkg/testing/#B"><code>testing.B</code></a> and
  1069  <a href="/pkg/testing/#T"><code>testing.T</code></a>
  1070  to simplify skipping an inappropriate test.
  1071  </li>
  1073  <li>
  1074  In the <a href="/pkg/text/template/"><code>text/template</code></a>
  1075  and
  1076  <a href="/pkg/html/template/"><code>html/template</code></a> packages,
  1077  templates can now use parentheses to group the elements of pipelines, simplifying the construction of complex pipelines.
  1078  Also, as part of the new parser, the
  1079  <a href="/pkg/text/template/parse/#Node"><code>Node</code></a> interface got two new methods to provide
  1080  better error reporting.
  1081  Although this violates the Go 1 compatibility rules,
  1082  no existing code should be affected because this interface is explicitly intended only to be used
  1083  by the
  1084  <a href="/pkg/text/template/"><code>text/template</code></a>
  1085  and
  1086  <a href="/pkg/html/template/"><code>html/template</code></a>
  1087  packages and there are safeguards to guarantee that.
  1088  </li>
  1090  <li>
  1091  The implementation of the <a href="/pkg/unicode/"><code>unicode</code></a> package has been updated to Unicode version 6.2.0.
  1092  </li>
  1094  <li>
  1095  In the <a href="/pkg/unicode/utf8/"><code>unicode/utf8</code></a> package,
  1096  the new function <a href="/pkg/unicode/utf8/#ValidRune"><code>ValidRune</code></a> reports whether the rune is a valid Unicode code point.
  1097  To be valid, a rune must be in range and not be a surrogate half.
  1098  </li>
  1099  </ul>