
     1  // Code generated by NodeGenerator. DO NOT EDIT.
     3  // Package node is a generated generator package.
     4  package node
     6  import (
     7  	"strings"
     8  	"unsafe"
     9  )
    11  const (
    12  	unknownQueueType uint8 = iota
    13  	smallQueueType
    14  	mainQueueType
    16  	maxFrequency uint8 = 3
    17  )
    19  const (
    20  	aliveState uint32 = iota
    21  	deadState
    22  )
    24  // Node is a cache entry.
    25  type Node[K comparable, V any] interface {
    26  	// Key returns the key.
    27  	Key() K
    28  	// Value returns the value.
    29  	Value() V
    30  	// AsPointer returns the node as a pointer.
    31  	AsPointer() unsafe.Pointer
    32  	// Prev returns the previous node in the eviction policy.
    33  	Prev() Node[K, V]
    34  	// SetPrev sets the previous node in the eviction policy.
    35  	SetPrev(v Node[K, V])
    36  	// Next returns the next node in the eviction policy.
    37  	Next() Node[K, V]
    38  	// SetNext sets the next node in the eviction policy.
    39  	SetNext(v Node[K, V])
    40  	// PrevExp returns the previous node in the expiration policy.
    41  	PrevExp() Node[K, V]
    42  	// SetPrevExp sets the previous node in the expiration policy.
    43  	SetPrevExp(v Node[K, V])
    44  	// NextExp returns the next node in the expiration policy.
    45  	NextExp() Node[K, V]
    46  	// SetNextExp sets the next node in the expiration policy.
    47  	SetNextExp(v Node[K, V])
    48  	// HasExpired returns true if node has expired.
    49  	HasExpired() bool
    50  	// Expiration returns the expiration time.
    51  	Expiration() uint32
    52  	// Cost returns the cost of the node.
    53  	Cost() uint32
    54  	// IsAlive returns true if the entry is available in the hash-table.
    55  	IsAlive() bool
    56  	// Die sets the node to the dead state.
    57  	Die()
    58  	// Frequency returns the frequency of the node.
    59  	Frequency() uint8
    60  	// IncrementFrequency increments the frequency of the node.
    61  	IncrementFrequency()
    62  	// DecrementFrequency decrements the frequency of the node.
    63  	DecrementFrequency()
    64  	// ResetFrequency resets the frequency.
    65  	ResetFrequency()
    66  	// MarkSmall sets the status to the small queue.
    67  	MarkSmall()
    68  	// IsSmall returns true if node is in the small queue.
    69  	IsSmall() bool
    70  	// MarkMain sets the status to the main queue.
    71  	MarkMain()
    72  	// IsMain returns true if node is in the main queue.
    73  	IsMain() bool
    74  	// Unmark sets the status to unknown.
    75  	Unmark()
    76  }
    78  func Equals[K comparable, V any](a, b Node[K, V]) bool {
    79  	if a == nil {
    80  		return b == nil || b.AsPointer() == nil
    81  	}
    82  	if b == nil {
    83  		return a.AsPointer() == nil
    84  	}
    85  	return a.AsPointer() == b.AsPointer()
    86  }
    88  type Config struct {
    89  	WithExpiration bool
    90  	WithCost       bool
    91  }
    93  type Manager[K comparable, V any] struct {
    94  	create      func(key K, value V, expiration, cost uint32) Node[K, V]
    95  	fromPointer func(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Node[K, V]
    96  }
    98  func NewManager[K comparable, V any](c Config) *Manager[K, V] {
    99  	var sb strings.Builder
   100  	sb.WriteString("b")
   101  	if c.WithExpiration {
   102  		sb.WriteString("e")
   103  	}
   104  	if c.WithCost {
   105  		sb.WriteString("c")
   106  	}
   107  	nodeType := sb.String()
   108  	m := &Manager[K, V]{}
   110  	switch nodeType {
   111  	case "bec":
   112  		m.create = NewBEC[K, V]
   113  		m.fromPointer = CastPointerToBEC[K, V]
   114  	case "bc":
   115  		m.create = NewBC[K, V]
   116  		m.fromPointer = CastPointerToBC[K, V]
   117  	case "be":
   118  		m.create = NewBE[K, V]
   119  		m.fromPointer = CastPointerToBE[K, V]
   120  	case "b":
   121  		m.create = NewB[K, V]
   122  		m.fromPointer = CastPointerToB[K, V]
   123  	default:
   124  		panic("not valid nodeType")
   125  	}
   126  	return m
   127  }
   129  func (m *Manager[K, V]) Create(key K, value V, expiration, cost uint32) Node[K, V] {
   130  	return m.create(key, value, expiration, cost)
   131  }
   133  func (m *Manager[K, V]) FromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Node[K, V] {
   134  	return m.fromPointer(ptr)
   135  }
   137  func minUint8(a, b uint8) uint8 {
   138  	if a < b {
   139  		return a
   140  	}
   142  	return b
   143  }