
     1  // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package main
     7  import (
     8  	"bufio"
     9  	"bytes"
    10  	"container/heap"
    11  	"debug/elf"
    12  	"errors"
    13  	"flag"
    14  	"fmt"
    15  	"go/build"
    16  	"io"
    17  	"io/ioutil"
    18  	"log"
    19  	"os"
    20  	"os/exec"
    21  	"path"
    22  	"path/filepath"
    23  	"regexp"
    24  	"runtime"
    25  	"strconv"
    26  	"strings"
    27  	"sync"
    28  	"time"
    29  )
    31  var cmdBuild = &Command{
    32  	UsageLine: "build [-o output] [-i] [build flags] [packages]",
    33  	Short:     "compile packages and dependencies",
    34  	Long: `
    35  Build compiles the packages named by the import paths,
    36  along with their dependencies, but it does not install the results.
    38  If the arguments to build are a list of .go files, build treats
    39  them as a list of source files specifying a single package.
    41  When compiling a single main package, build writes
    42  the resulting executable to an output file named after
    43  the first source file ('go build ed.go rx.go' writes 'ed' or 'ed.exe')
    44  or the source code directory ('go build unix/sam' writes 'sam' or 'sam.exe').
    45  The '.exe' suffix is added when writing a Windows executable.
    47  When compiling multiple packages or a single non-main package,
    48  build compiles the packages but discards the resulting object,
    49  serving only as a check that the packages can be built.
    51  The -o flag, only allowed when compiling a single package,
    52  forces build to write the resulting executable or object
    53  to the named output file, instead of the default behavior described
    54  in the last two paragraphs.
    56  The -i flag installs the packages that are dependencies of the target.
    58  The build flags are shared by the build, clean, get, install, list, run,
    59  and test commands:
    61  	-a
    62  		force rebuilding of packages that are already up-to-date.
    63  	-n
    64  		print the commands but do not run them.
    65  	-p n
    66  		the number of builds that can be run in parallel.
    67  		The default is the number of CPUs available, except
    68  		on darwin/arm which defaults to 1.
    69  	-race
    70  		enable data race detection.
    71  		Supported only on linux/amd64, freebsd/amd64, darwin/amd64 and windows/amd64.
    72  	-msan
    73  		enable interoperation with memory sanitizer.
    74  		Supported only on linux/amd64.
    75  	-v
    76  		print the names of packages as they are compiled.
    77  	-work
    78  		print the name of the temporary work directory and
    79  		do not delete it when exiting.
    80  	-x
    81  		print the commands.
    83  	-asmflags 'flag list'
    84  		arguments to pass on each go tool asm invocation.
    85  	-buildmode mode
    86  		build mode to use. See 'go help buildmode' for more.
    87  	-compiler name
    88  		name of compiler to use, as in runtime.Compiler (gccgo or gc).
    89  	-gccgoflags 'arg list'
    90  		arguments to pass on each gccgo compiler/linker invocation.
    91  	-gcflags 'arg list'
    92  		arguments to pass on each go tool compile invocation.
    93  	-installsuffix suffix
    94  		a suffix to use in the name of the package installation directory,
    95  		in order to keep output separate from default builds.
    96  		If using the -race flag, the install suffix is automatically set to race
    97  		or, if set explicitly, has _race appended to it.  Likewise for the -msan
    98  		flag.  Using a -buildmode option that requires non-default compile flags
    99  		has a similar effect.
   100  	-ldflags 'flag list'
   101  		arguments to pass on each go tool link invocation.
   102  	-linkshared
   103  		link against shared libraries previously created with
   104  		-buildmode=shared.
   105  	-pkgdir dir
   106  		install and load all packages from dir instead of the usual locations.
   107  		For example, when building with a non-standard configuration,
   108  		use -pkgdir to keep generated packages in a separate location.
   109  	-tags 'tag list'
   110  		a list of build tags to consider satisfied during the build.
   111  		For more information about build tags, see the description of
   112  		build constraints in the documentation for the go/build package.
   113  	-toolexec 'cmd args'
   114  		a program to use to invoke toolchain programs like vet and asm.
   115  		For example, instead of running asm, the go command will run
   116  		'cmd args /path/to/asm <arguments for asm>'.
   118  The list flags accept a space-separated list of strings. To embed spaces
   119  in an element in the list, surround it with either single or double quotes.
   121  For more about specifying packages, see 'go help packages'.
   122  For more about where packages and binaries are installed,
   123  run 'go help gopath'.
   124  For more about calling between Go and C/C++, run 'go help c'.
   126  Note: Build adheres to certain conventions such as those described
   127  by 'go help gopath'. Not all projects can follow these conventions,
   128  however. Installations that have their own conventions or that use
   129  a separate software build system may choose to use lower-level
   130  invocations such as 'go tool compile' and 'go tool link' to avoid
   131  some of the overheads and design decisions of the build tool.
   133  See also: go install, go get, go clean.
   134  	`,
   135  }
   137  func init() {
   138  	// break init cycle
   139  	cmdBuild.Run = runBuild
   140  	cmdInstall.Run = runInstall
   142  	cmdBuild.Flag.BoolVar(&buildI, "i", false, "")
   144  	addBuildFlags(cmdBuild)
   145  	addBuildFlags(cmdInstall)
   147  	if buildContext.GOOS == "darwin" {
   148  		switch buildContext.GOARCH {
   149  		case "arm", "arm64":
   150  			// darwin/arm cannot run multiple tests simultaneously.
   151  			// Parallelism is limited in go_darwin_arm_exec, but
   152  			// also needs to be limited here so go test std does not
   153  			// timeout tests that waiting to run.
   154  			buildP = 1
   155  		}
   156  	}
   157  }
   159  // Flags set by multiple commands.
   160  var buildA bool               // -a flag
   161  var buildN bool               // -n flag
   162  var buildP = runtime.NumCPU() // -p flag
   163  var buildV bool               // -v flag
   164  var buildX bool               // -x flag
   165  var buildI bool               // -i flag
   166  var buildO = cmdBuild.Flag.String("o", "", "output file")
   167  var buildWork bool           // -work flag
   168  var buildAsmflags []string   // -asmflags flag
   169  var buildGcflags []string    // -gcflags flag
   170  var buildLdflags []string    // -ldflags flag
   171  var buildGccgoflags []string // -gccgoflags flag
   172  var buildRace bool           // -race flag
   173  var buildMSan bool           // -msan flag
   174  var buildToolExec []string   // -toolexec flag
   175  var buildBuildmode string    // -buildmode flag
   176  var buildLinkshared bool     // -linkshared flag
   177  var buildPkgdir string       // -pkgdir flag
   179  var buildContext = build.Default
   180  var buildToolchain toolchain = noToolchain{}
   181  var ldBuildmode string
   183  // buildCompiler implements flag.Var.
   184  // It implements Set by updating both
   185  // buildToolchain and buildContext.Compiler.
   186  type buildCompiler struct{}
   188  func (c buildCompiler) Set(value string) error {
   189  	switch value {
   190  	case "gc":
   191  		buildToolchain = gcToolchain{}
   192  	case "gccgo":
   193  		buildToolchain = gccgoToolchain{}
   194  	default:
   195  		return fmt.Errorf("unknown compiler %q", value)
   196  	}
   197  	buildContext.Compiler = value
   198  	return nil
   199  }
   201  func (c buildCompiler) String() string {
   202  	return buildContext.Compiler
   203  }
   205  func init() {
   206  	switch build.Default.Compiler {
   207  	case "gc":
   208  		buildToolchain = gcToolchain{}
   209  	case "gccgo":
   210  		buildToolchain = gccgoToolchain{}
   211  	}
   212  }
   214  // addBuildFlags adds the flags common to the build, clean, get,
   215  // install, list, run, and test commands.
   216  func addBuildFlags(cmd *Command) {
   217  	cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&buildA, "a", false, "")
   218  	cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&buildN, "n", false, "")
   219  	cmd.Flag.IntVar(&buildP, "p", buildP, "")
   220  	cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&buildV, "v", false, "")
   221  	cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&buildX, "x", false, "")
   223  	cmd.Flag.Var((*stringsFlag)(&buildAsmflags), "asmflags", "")
   224  	cmd.Flag.Var(buildCompiler{}, "compiler", "")
   225  	cmd.Flag.StringVar(&buildBuildmode, "buildmode", "default", "")
   226  	cmd.Flag.Var((*stringsFlag)(&buildGcflags), "gcflags", "")
   227  	cmd.Flag.Var((*stringsFlag)(&buildGccgoflags), "gccgoflags", "")
   228  	cmd.Flag.StringVar(&buildContext.InstallSuffix, "installsuffix", "", "")
   229  	cmd.Flag.Var((*stringsFlag)(&buildLdflags), "ldflags", "")
   230  	cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&buildLinkshared, "linkshared", false, "")
   231  	cmd.Flag.StringVar(&buildPkgdir, "pkgdir", "", "")
   232  	cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&buildRace, "race", false, "")
   233  	cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&buildMSan, "msan", false, "")
   234  	cmd.Flag.Var((*stringsFlag)(&buildContext.BuildTags), "tags", "")
   235  	cmd.Flag.Var((*stringsFlag)(&buildToolExec), "toolexec", "")
   236  	cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&buildWork, "work", false, "")
   237  }
   239  func addBuildFlagsNX(cmd *Command) {
   240  	cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&buildN, "n", false, "")
   241  	cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&buildX, "x", false, "")
   242  }
   244  func isSpaceByte(c byte) bool {
   245  	return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r'
   246  }
   248  // fileExtSplit expects a filename and returns the name
   249  // and ext (without the dot). If the file has no
   250  // extension, ext will be empty.
   251  func fileExtSplit(file string) (name, ext string) {
   252  	dotExt := filepath.Ext(file)
   253  	name = file[:len(file)-len(dotExt)]
   254  	if dotExt != "" {
   255  		ext = dotExt[1:]
   256  	}
   257  	return
   258  }
   260  type stringsFlag []string
   262  func (v *stringsFlag) Set(s string) error {
   263  	var err error
   264  	*v, err = splitQuotedFields(s)
   265  	if *v == nil {
   266  		*v = []string{}
   267  	}
   268  	return err
   269  }
   271  func splitQuotedFields(s string) ([]string, error) {
   272  	// Split fields allowing '' or "" around elements.
   273  	// Quotes further inside the string do not count.
   274  	var f []string
   275  	for len(s) > 0 {
   276  		for len(s) > 0 && isSpaceByte(s[0]) {
   277  			s = s[1:]
   278  		}
   279  		if len(s) == 0 {
   280  			break
   281  		}
   282  		// Accepted quoted string. No unescaping inside.
   283  		if s[0] == '"' || s[0] == '\'' {
   284  			quote := s[0]
   285  			s = s[1:]
   286  			i := 0
   287  			for i < len(s) && s[i] != quote {
   288  				i++
   289  			}
   290  			if i >= len(s) {
   291  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unterminated %c string", quote)
   292  			}
   293  			f = append(f, s[:i])
   294  			s = s[i+1:]
   295  			continue
   296  		}
   297  		i := 0
   298  		for i < len(s) && !isSpaceByte(s[i]) {
   299  			i++
   300  		}
   301  		f = append(f, s[:i])
   302  		s = s[i:]
   303  	}
   304  	return f, nil
   305  }
   307  func (v *stringsFlag) String() string {
   308  	return "<stringsFlag>"
   309  }
   311  func pkgsMain(pkgs []*Package) (res []*Package) {
   312  	for _, p := range pkgs {
   313  		if p.Name == "main" {
   314  			res = append(res, p)
   315  		}
   316  	}
   317  	return res
   318  }
   320  func pkgsNotMain(pkgs []*Package) (res []*Package) {
   321  	for _, p := range pkgs {
   322  		if p.Name != "main" {
   323  			res = append(res, p)
   324  		}
   325  	}
   326  	return res
   327  }
   329  var pkgsFilter = func(pkgs []*Package) []*Package { return pkgs }
   331  func buildModeInit() {
   332  	_, gccgo := buildToolchain.(gccgoToolchain)
   333  	var codegenArg string
   334  	platform := goos + "/" + goarch
   335  	switch buildBuildmode {
   336  	case "archive":
   337  		pkgsFilter = pkgsNotMain
   338  	case "c-archive":
   339  		pkgsFilter = func(p []*Package) []*Package {
   340  			if len(p) != 1 || p[0].Name != "main" {
   341  				fatalf("-buildmode=c-archive requires exactly one main package")
   342  			}
   343  			return p
   344  		}
   345  		exeSuffix = ".a"
   346  		ldBuildmode = "c-archive"
   347  	case "c-shared":
   348  		pkgsFilter = pkgsMain
   349  		if gccgo {
   350  			codegenArg = "-fPIC"
   351  		} else {
   352  			switch platform {
   353  			case "linux/amd64", "linux/arm", "linux/arm64", "linux/386",
   354  				"android/amd64", "android/arm", "android/386":
   355  				codegenArg = "-shared"
   356  			case "darwin/amd64":
   357  			default:
   358  				fatalf("-buildmode=c-shared not supported on %s\n", platform)
   359  			}
   360  		}
   361  		ldBuildmode = "c-shared"
   362  	case "default":
   363  		switch platform {
   364  		case "android/arm", "android/arm64", "android/amd64", "android/386":
   365  			codegenArg = "-shared"
   366  			ldBuildmode = "pie"
   367  		default:
   368  			ldBuildmode = "exe"
   369  		}
   370  	case "exe":
   371  		pkgsFilter = pkgsMain
   372  		ldBuildmode = "exe"
   373  	case "pie":
   374  		if gccgo {
   375  			fatalf("-buildmode=pie not supported by gccgo")
   376  		} else {
   377  			switch platform {
   378  			case "linux/386", "linux/amd64", "linux/arm", "linux/arm64", "linux/ppc64le",
   379  				"android/amd64", "android/arm", "android/arm64", "android/386":
   380  				codegenArg = "-shared"
   381  			default:
   382  				fatalf("-buildmode=pie not supported on %s\n", platform)
   383  			}
   384  		}
   385  		ldBuildmode = "pie"
   386  	case "shared":
   387  		pkgsFilter = pkgsNotMain
   388  		if gccgo {
   389  			codegenArg = "-fPIC"
   390  		} else {
   391  			switch platform {
   392  			case "linux/386", "linux/amd64", "linux/arm", "linux/arm64", "linux/ppc64le":
   393  			default:
   394  				fatalf("-buildmode=shared not supported on %s\n", platform)
   395  			}
   396  			codegenArg = "-dynlink"
   397  		}
   398  		if *buildO != "" {
   399  			fatalf("-buildmode=shared and -o not supported together")
   400  		}
   401  		ldBuildmode = "shared"
   402  	default:
   403  		fatalf("buildmode=%s not supported", buildBuildmode)
   404  	}
   405  	if buildLinkshared {
   406  		if gccgo {
   407  			codegenArg = "-fPIC"
   408  		} else {
   409  			switch platform {
   410  			case "linux/386", "linux/amd64", "linux/arm", "linux/arm64", "linux/ppc64le":
   411  				buildAsmflags = append(buildAsmflags, "-D=GOBUILDMODE_shared=1")
   412  			default:
   413  				fatalf("-linkshared not supported on %s\n", platform)
   414  			}
   415  			codegenArg = "-dynlink"
   416  			// TODO(mwhudson): remove -w when that gets fixed in linker.
   417  			buildLdflags = append(buildLdflags, "-linkshared", "-w")
   418  		}
   419  	}
   420  	if codegenArg != "" {
   421  		if gccgo {
   422  			buildGccgoflags = append(buildGccgoflags, codegenArg)
   423  		} else {
   424  			buildAsmflags = append(buildAsmflags, codegenArg)
   425  			buildGcflags = append(buildGcflags, codegenArg)
   426  		}
   427  		if buildContext.InstallSuffix != "" {
   428  			buildContext.InstallSuffix += "_"
   429  		}
   430  		buildContext.InstallSuffix += codegenArg[1:]
   431  	}
   432  }
   434  func runBuild(cmd *Command, args []string) {
   435  	instrumentInit()
   436  	buildModeInit()
   437  	var b builder
   438  	b.init()
   440  	pkgs := packagesForBuild(args)
   442  	if len(pkgs) == 1 && pkgs[0].Name == "main" && *buildO == "" {
   443  		_, *buildO = path.Split(pkgs[0].ImportPath)
   444  		*buildO += exeSuffix
   445  	}
   447  	// sanity check some often mis-used options
   448  	switch buildContext.Compiler {
   449  	case "gccgo":
   450  		if len(buildGcflags) != 0 {
   451  			fmt.Println("go build: when using gccgo toolchain, please pass compiler flags using -gccgoflags, not -gcflags")
   452  		}
   453  		if len(buildLdflags) != 0 {
   454  			fmt.Println("go build: when using gccgo toolchain, please pass linker flags using -gccgoflags, not -ldflags")
   455  		}
   456  	case "gc":
   457  		if len(buildGccgoflags) != 0 {
   458  			fmt.Println("go build: when using gc toolchain, please pass compile flags using -gcflags, and linker flags using -ldflags")
   459  		}
   460  	}
   462  	depMode := modeBuild
   463  	if buildI {
   464  		depMode = modeInstall
   465  	}
   467  	if *buildO != "" {
   468  		if len(pkgs) > 1 {
   469  			fatalf("go build: cannot use -o with multiple packages")
   470  		} else if len(pkgs) == 0 {
   471  			fatalf("no packages to build")
   472  		}
   473  		p := pkgs[0]
   474 = *buildO
   475  		p.Stale = true // must build - not up to date
   476  		a := b.action(modeInstall, depMode, p)
   478  		return
   479  	}
   481  	var a *action
   482  	if buildBuildmode == "shared" {
   483  		a = b.libaction(libname(args), pkgsFilter(packages(args)), modeBuild, depMode)
   484  	} else {
   485  		a = &action{}
   486  		for _, p := range pkgsFilter(packages(args)) {
   487  			a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action(modeBuild, depMode, p))
   488  		}
   489  	}
   491  }
   493  var cmdInstall = &Command{
   494  	UsageLine: "install [build flags] [packages]",
   495  	Short:     "compile and install packages and dependencies",
   496  	Long: `
   497  Install compiles and installs the packages named by the import paths,
   498  along with their dependencies.
   500  For more about the build flags, see 'go help build'.
   501  For more about specifying packages, see 'go help packages'.
   503  See also: go build, go get, go clean.
   504  	`,
   505  }
   507  // libname returns the filename to use for the shared library when using
   508  // -buildmode=shared.  The rules we use are:
   509  //  1) Drop any trailing "/..."s if present
   510  //  2) Change / to -
   511  //  3) Join arguments with ,
   512  // So std ->
   513  //    a b/... -> liba,
   514  // ->
   515  func libname(args []string) string {
   516  	var libname string
   517  	for _, arg := range args {
   518  		arg = strings.TrimSuffix(arg, "/...")
   519  		arg = strings.Replace(arg, "/", "-", -1)
   520  		if libname == "" {
   521  			libname = arg
   522  		} else {
   523  			libname += "," + arg
   524  		}
   525  	}
   526  	// TODO(mwhudson): Needs to change for platforms that use different naming
   527  	// conventions...
   528  	return "lib" + libname + ".so"
   529  }
   531  func runInstall(cmd *Command, args []string) {
   532  	if gobin != "" && !filepath.IsAbs(gobin) {
   533  		fatalf("cannot install, GOBIN must be an absolute path")
   534  	}
   536  	instrumentInit()
   537  	buildModeInit()
   538  	pkgs := pkgsFilter(packagesForBuild(args))
   540  	for _, p := range pkgs {
   541  		if p.Target == "" && (!p.Standard || p.ImportPath != "unsafe") {
   542  			switch {
   543  			case p.gobinSubdir:
   544  				errorf("go install: cannot install cross-compiled binaries when GOBIN is set")
   545  			case p.cmdline:
   546  				errorf("go install: no install location for .go files listed on command line (GOBIN not set)")
   547  			case p.ConflictDir != "":
   548  				errorf("go install: no install location for %s: hidden by %s", p.Dir, p.ConflictDir)
   549  			default:
   550  				errorf("go install: no install location for directory %s outside GOPATH\n"+
   551  					"\tFor more details see: go help gopath", p.Dir)
   552  			}
   553  		}
   554  	}
   555  	exitIfErrors()
   557  	var b builder
   558  	b.init()
   559  	var a *action
   560  	if buildBuildmode == "shared" {
   561  		a = b.libaction(libname(args), pkgs, modeInstall, modeInstall)
   562  	} else {
   563  		a = &action{}
   564  		var tools []*action
   565  		for _, p := range pkgs {
   566  			// If p is a tool, delay the installation until the end of the build.
   567  			// This avoids installing assemblers/compilers that are being executed
   568  			// by other steps in the build.
   569  			// cmd/cgo is handled specially in b.action, so that we can
   570  			// both build and use it in the same 'go install'.
   571  			action := b.action(modeInstall, modeInstall, p)
   572  			if goTools[p.ImportPath] == toTool && p.ImportPath != "cmd/cgo" {
   573  				a.deps = append(a.deps, action.deps...)
   574  				action.deps = append(action.deps, a)
   575  				tools = append(tools, action)
   576  				continue
   577  			}
   578  			a.deps = append(a.deps, action)
   579  		}
   580  		if len(tools) > 0 {
   581  			a = &action{
   582  				deps: tools,
   583  			}
   584  		}
   585  	}
   587  	exitIfErrors()
   589  	// Success. If this command is 'go install' with no arguments
   590  	// and the current directory (the implicit argument) is a command,
   591  	// remove any leftover command binary from a previous 'go build'.
   592  	// The binary is installed; it's not needed here anymore.
   593  	// And worse it might be a stale copy, which you don't want to find
   594  	// instead of the installed one if $PATH contains dot.
   595  	// One way to view this behavior is that it is as if 'go install' first
   596  	// runs 'go build' and the moves the generated file to the install dir.
   597  	// See issue 9645.
   598  	if len(args) == 0 && len(pkgs) == 1 && pkgs[0].Name == "main" {
   599  		// Compute file 'go build' would have created.
   600  		// If it exists and is an executable file, remove it.
   601  		_, targ := filepath.Split(pkgs[0].ImportPath)
   602  		targ += exeSuffix
   603  		if filepath.Join(pkgs[0].Dir, targ) != pkgs[0].Target { // maybe $GOBIN is the current directory
   604  			fi, err := os.Stat(targ)
   605  			if err == nil {
   606  				m := fi.Mode()
   607  				if m.IsRegular() {
   608  					if m&0111 != 0 || goos == "windows" { // windows never sets executable bit
   609  						os.Remove(targ)
   610  					}
   611  				}
   612  			}
   613  		}
   614  	}
   615  }
   617  // Global build parameters (used during package load)
   618  var (
   619  	goarch    string
   620  	goos      string
   621  	exeSuffix string
   622  )
   624  func init() {
   625  	goarch = buildContext.GOARCH
   626  	goos = buildContext.GOOS
   627  	if goos == "windows" {
   628  		exeSuffix = ".exe"
   629  	}
   630  }
   632  // A builder holds global state about a build.
   633  // It does not hold per-package state, because we
   634  // build packages in parallel, and the builder is shared.
   635  type builder struct {
   636  	work        string               // the temporary work directory (ends in filepath.Separator)
   637  	actionCache map[cacheKey]*action // a cache of already-constructed actions
   638  	mkdirCache  map[string]bool      // a cache of created directories
   639  	print       func(args ...interface{}) (int, error)
   641  	output    sync.Mutex
   642  	scriptDir string // current directory in printed script
   644  	exec      sync.Mutex
   645  	readySema chan bool
   646  	ready     actionQueue
   647  }
   649  // An action represents a single action in the action graph.
   650  type action struct {
   651  	p          *Package      // the package this action works on
   652  	deps       []*action     // actions that must happen before this one
   653  	triggers   []*action     // inverse of deps
   654  	cgo        *action       // action for cgo binary if needed
   655  	args       []string      // additional args for runProgram
   656  	testOutput *bytes.Buffer // test output buffer
   658  	f          func(*builder, *action) error // the action itself (nil = no-op)
   659  	ignoreFail bool                          // whether to run f even if dependencies fail
   661  	// Generated files, directories.
   662  	link   bool   // target is executable, not just package
   663  	pkgdir string // the -I or -L argument to use when importing this package
   664  	objdir string // directory for intermediate objects
   665  	objpkg string // the intermediate package .a file created during the action
   666  	target string // goal of the action: the created package or executable
   668  	// Execution state.
   669  	pending  int  // number of deps yet to complete
   670  	priority int  // relative execution priority
   671  	failed   bool // whether the action failed
   672  }
   674  // cacheKey is the key for the action cache.
   675  type cacheKey struct {
   676  	mode  buildMode
   677  	p     *Package
   678  	shlib string
   679  }
   681  // buildMode specifies the build mode:
   682  // are we just building things or also installing the results?
   683  type buildMode int
   685  const (
   686  	modeBuild buildMode = iota
   687  	modeInstall
   688  )
   690  var (
   691  	goroot    = filepath.Clean(runtime.GOROOT())
   692  	gobin     = os.Getenv("GOBIN")
   693  	gorootBin = filepath.Join(goroot, "bin")
   694  	gorootPkg = filepath.Join(goroot, "pkg")
   695  	gorootSrc = filepath.Join(goroot, "src")
   696  )
   698  func (b *builder) init() {
   699  	var err error
   700  	b.print = func(a ...interface{}) (int, error) {
   701  		return fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, a...)
   702  	}
   703  	b.actionCache = make(map[cacheKey]*action)
   704  	b.mkdirCache = make(map[string]bool)
   706  	if buildN {
   707 = "$WORK"
   708  	} else {
   709, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "go-build")
   710  		if err != nil {
   711  			fatalf("%s", err)
   712  		}
   713  		if buildX || buildWork {
   714  			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "WORK=%s\n",
   715  		}
   716  		if !buildWork {
   717  			workdir :=
   718  			atexit(func() { os.RemoveAll(workdir) })
   719  		}
   720  	}
   721  }
   723  // goFilesPackage creates a package for building a collection of Go files
   724  // (typically named on the command line).  The target is named p.a for
   725  // package p or named after the first Go file for package main.
   726  func goFilesPackage(gofiles []string) *Package {
   727  	// TODO: Remove this restriction.
   728  	for _, f := range gofiles {
   729  		if !strings.HasSuffix(f, ".go") {
   730  			fatalf("named files must be .go files")
   731  		}
   732  	}
   734  	var stk importStack
   735  	ctxt := buildContext
   736  	ctxt.UseAllFiles = true
   738  	// Synthesize fake "directory" that only shows the named files,
   739  	// to make it look like this is a standard package or
   740  	// command directory.  So that local imports resolve
   741  	// consistently, the files must all be in the same directory.
   742  	var dirent []os.FileInfo
   743  	var dir string
   744  	for _, file := range gofiles {
   745  		fi, err := os.Stat(file)
   746  		if err != nil {
   747  			fatalf("%s", err)
   748  		}
   749  		if fi.IsDir() {
   750  			fatalf("%s is a directory, should be a Go file", file)
   751  		}
   752  		dir1, _ := filepath.Split(file)
   753  		if dir1 == "" {
   754  			dir1 = "./"
   755  		}
   756  		if dir == "" {
   757  			dir = dir1
   758  		} else if dir != dir1 {
   759  			fatalf("named files must all be in one directory; have %s and %s", dir, dir1)
   760  		}
   761  		dirent = append(dirent, fi)
   762  	}
   763  	ctxt.ReadDir = func(string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) { return dirent, nil }
   765  	var err error
   766  	if dir == "" {
   767  		dir = cwd
   768  	}
   769  	dir, err = filepath.Abs(dir)
   770  	if err != nil {
   771  		fatalf("%s", err)
   772  	}
   774  	bp, err := ctxt.ImportDir(dir, 0)
   775  	pkg := new(Package)
   776  	pkg.local = true
   777  	pkg.cmdline = true
   778  	pkg.load(&stk, bp, err)
   779  	pkg.localPrefix = dirToImportPath(dir)
   780  	pkg.ImportPath = "command-line-arguments"
   781 = ""
   783  	if pkg.Name == "main" {
   784  		_, elem := filepath.Split(gofiles[0])
   785  		exe := elem[:len(elem)-len(".go")] + exeSuffix
   786  		if *buildO == "" {
   787  			*buildO = exe
   788  		}
   789  		if gobin != "" {
   790 = filepath.Join(gobin, exe)
   791  		}
   792  	}
   794  	pkg.Target =
   795  	pkg.Stale = true
   797  	computeStale(pkg)
   798  	return pkg
   799  }
   801  // readpkglist returns the list of packages that were built into the shared library
   802  // at shlibpath. For the native toolchain this list is stored, newline separated, in
   803  // an ELF note with name "Go\x00\x00" and type 1. For GCCGO it is extracted from the
   804  // .go_export section.
   805  func readpkglist(shlibpath string) (pkgs []*Package) {
   806  	var stk importStack
   807  	if _, gccgo := buildToolchain.(gccgoToolchain); gccgo {
   808  		f, _ := elf.Open(shlibpath)
   809  		sect := f.Section(".go_export")
   810  		data, _ := sect.Data()
   811  		scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewBuffer(data))
   812  		for scanner.Scan() {
   813  			t := scanner.Text()
   814  			if strings.HasPrefix(t, "pkgpath ") {
   815  				t = strings.TrimPrefix(t, "pkgpath ")
   816  				t = strings.TrimSuffix(t, ";")
   817  				pkgs = append(pkgs, loadPackage(t, &stk))
   818  			}
   819  		}
   820  	} else {
   821  		pkglistbytes, err := readELFNote(shlibpath, "Go\x00\x00", 1)
   822  		if err != nil {
   823  			fatalf("readELFNote failed: %v", err)
   824  		}
   825  		scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewBuffer(pkglistbytes))
   826  		for scanner.Scan() {
   827  			t := scanner.Text()
   828  			pkgs = append(pkgs, loadPackage(t, &stk))
   829  		}
   830  	}
   831  	return
   832  }
   834  // action returns the action for applying the given operation (mode) to the package.
   835  // depMode is the action to use when building dependencies.
   836  // action never looks for p in a shared library, but may find p's dependencies in a
   837  // shared library if buildLinkshared is true.
   838  func (b *builder) action(mode buildMode, depMode buildMode, p *Package) *action {
   839  	return b.action1(mode, depMode, p, false, "")
   840  }
   842  // action1 returns the action for applying the given operation (mode) to the package.
   843  // depMode is the action to use when building dependencies.
   844  // action1 will look for p in a shared library if lookshared is true.
   845  // forShlib is the shared library that p will become part of, if any.
   846  func (b *builder) action1(mode buildMode, depMode buildMode, p *Package, lookshared bool, forShlib string) *action {
   847  	shlib := ""
   848  	if lookshared {
   849  		shlib = p.Shlib
   850  	}
   851  	key := cacheKey{mode, p, shlib}
   853  	a := b.actionCache[key]
   854  	if a != nil {
   855  		return a
   856  	}
   857  	if shlib != "" {
   858  		key2 := cacheKey{modeInstall, nil, shlib}
   859  		a = b.actionCache[key2]
   860  		if a != nil {
   861  			b.actionCache[key] = a
   862  			return a
   863  		}
   864  		pkgs := readpkglist(shlib)
   865  		a = b.libaction(filepath.Base(shlib), pkgs, modeInstall, depMode)
   866  		b.actionCache[key2] = a
   867  		b.actionCache[key] = a
   868  		return a
   869  	}
   871  	a = &action{p: p, pkgdir:}
   872  	if p.pkgdir != "" { // overrides p.t
   873  		a.pkgdir = p.pkgdir
   874  	}
   875  	b.actionCache[key] = a
   877  	for _, p1 := range p.imports {
   878  		if forShlib != "" {
   879  			// p is part of a shared library.
   880  			if p1.Shlib != "" && p1.Shlib != forShlib {
   881  				// p1 is explicitly part of a different shared library.
   882  				// Put the action for that shared library into a.deps.
   883  				a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action1(depMode, depMode, p1, true, p1.Shlib))
   884  			} else {
   885  				// p1 is (implicitly or not) part of this shared library.
   886  				// Put the action for p1 into a.deps.
   887  				a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action1(depMode, depMode, p1, false, forShlib))
   888  			}
   889  		} else {
   890  			// p is not part of a shared library.
   891  			// If p1 is in a shared library, put the action for that into
   892  			// a.deps, otherwise put the action for p1 into a.deps.
   893  			a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action1(depMode, depMode, p1, buildLinkshared, p1.Shlib))
   894  		}
   895  	}
   897  	// If we are not doing a cross-build, then record the binary we'll
   898  	// generate for cgo as a dependency of the build of any package
   899  	// using cgo, to make sure we do not overwrite the binary while
   900  	// a package is using it.  If this is a cross-build, then the cgo we
   901  	// are writing is not the cgo we need to use.
   902  	if goos == runtime.GOOS && goarch == runtime.GOARCH && !buildRace && !buildMSan {
   903  		if (len(p.CgoFiles) > 0 || p.Standard && p.ImportPath == "runtime/cgo") && !buildLinkshared && buildBuildmode != "shared" {
   904  			var stk importStack
   905  			p1 := loadPackage("cmd/cgo", &stk)
   906  			if p1.Error != nil {
   907  				fatalf("load cmd/cgo: %v", p1.Error)
   908  			}
   909  			a.cgo = b.action(depMode, depMode, p1)
   910  			a.deps = append(a.deps, a.cgo)
   911  		}
   912  	}
   914  	if p.Standard {
   915  		switch p.ImportPath {
   916  		case "builtin", "unsafe":
   917  			// Fake packages - nothing to build.
   918  			return a
   919  		}
   920  		// gccgo standard library is "fake" too.
   921  		if _, ok := buildToolchain.(gccgoToolchain); ok {
   922  			// the target name is needed for cgo.
   923 =
   924  			return a
   925  		}
   926  	}
   928  	if !p.Stale && != "" {
   929  		// p.Stale==false implies that is up-to-date.
   930  		// Record target name for use by actions depending on this one.
   931 =
   932  		return a
   933  	}
   935  	if p.local && == "" {
   936  		// Imported via local path.  No permanent target.
   937  		mode = modeBuild
   938  	}
   939  	work := p.pkgdir
   940  	if work == "" {
   941  		work =
   942  	}
   943  	a.objdir = filepath.Join(work, a.p.ImportPath, "_obj") + string(filepath.Separator)
   944  	a.objpkg = buildToolchain.pkgpath(work, a.p)
   945 = p.Name == "main"
   947  	switch mode {
   948  	case modeInstall:
   949  		a.f = (*builder).install
   950  		a.deps = []*action{b.action1(modeBuild, depMode, p, lookshared, forShlib)}
   951 =
   953  		// Install header for cgo in c-archive and c-shared modes.
   954  		if p.usesCgo() && (buildBuildmode == "c-archive" || buildBuildmode == "c-shared") {
   955  			ah := &action{
   956  				p:      a.p,
   957  				deps:   []*action{a.deps[0]},
   958  				f:      (*builder).installHeader,
   959  				pkgdir: a.pkgdir,
   960  				objdir: a.objdir,
   961  				target:[:len(] + ".h",
   962  			}
   963  			a.deps = append(a.deps, ah)
   964  		}
   966  	case modeBuild:
   967  		a.f = (*builder).build
   968 = a.objpkg
   969  		if {
   970  			// An executable file. (This is the name of a temporary file.)
   971  			// Because we run the temporary file in 'go run' and 'go test',
   972  			// the name will show up in ps listings. If the caller has specified
   973  			// a name, use that instead of a.out. The binary is generated
   974  			// in an otherwise empty subdirectory named exe to avoid
   975  			// naming conflicts.  The only possible conflict is if we were
   976  			// to create a top-level package named exe.
   977  			name := "a.out"
   978  			if p.exeName != "" {
   979  				name = p.exeName
   980  			} else if goos == "darwin" && buildBuildmode == "c-shared" && != "" {
   981  				// On OS X, the linker output name gets recorded in the
   982  				// shared library's LC_ID_DYLIB load command.
   983  				// The code invoking the linker knows to pass only the final
   984  				// path element. Arrange that the path element matches what
   985  				// we'll install it as; otherwise the library is only loadable as "a.out".
   986  				_, name = filepath.Split(
   987  			}
   988 = a.objdir + filepath.Join("exe", name) + exeSuffix
   989  		}
   990  	}
   992  	return a
   993  }
   995  func (b *builder) libaction(libname string, pkgs []*Package, mode, depMode buildMode) *action {
   996  	a := &action{}
   997  	switch mode {
   998  	default:
   999  		fatalf("unrecognized mode %v", mode)
  1001  	case modeBuild:
  1002  		a.f = (*builder).linkShared
  1003 = filepath.Join(, libname)
  1004  		for _, p := range pkgs {
  1005  			if == "" {
  1006  				continue
  1007  			}
  1008  			a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action(depMode, depMode, p))
  1009  		}
  1011  	case modeInstall:
  1012  		// Currently build mode shared forces external linking mode, and
  1013  		// external linking mode forces an import of runtime/cgo (and
  1014  		// math on arm). So if it was not passed on the command line and
  1015  		// it is not present in another shared library, add it here.
  1016  		_, gccgo := buildToolchain.(gccgoToolchain)
  1017  		if !gccgo {
  1018  			seencgo := false
  1019  			for _, p := range pkgs {
  1020  				seencgo = seencgo || (p.Standard && p.ImportPath == "runtime/cgo")
  1021  			}
  1022  			if !seencgo {
  1023  				var stk importStack
  1024  				p := loadPackage("runtime/cgo", &stk)
  1025  				if p.Error != nil {
  1026  					fatalf("load runtime/cgo: %v", p.Error)
  1027  				}
  1028  				computeStale(p)
  1029  				// If runtime/cgo is in another shared library, then that's
  1030  				// also the shared library that contains runtime, so
  1031  				// something will depend on it and so runtime/cgo's staleness
  1032  				// will be checked when processing that library.
  1033  				if p.Shlib == "" || p.Shlib == libname {
  1034  					pkgs = append([]*Package{}, pkgs...)
  1035  					pkgs = append(pkgs, p)
  1036  				}
  1037  			}
  1038  			if goarch == "arm" {
  1039  				seenmath := false
  1040  				for _, p := range pkgs {
  1041  					seenmath = seenmath || (p.Standard && p.ImportPath == "math")
  1042  				}
  1043  				if !seenmath {
  1044  					var stk importStack
  1045  					p := loadPackage("math", &stk)
  1046  					if p.Error != nil {
  1047  						fatalf("load math: %v", p.Error)
  1048  					}
  1049  					computeStale(p)
  1050  					// If math is in another shared library, then that's
  1051  					// also the shared library that contains runtime, so
  1052  					// something will depend on it and so math's staleness
  1053  					// will be checked when processing that library.
  1054  					if p.Shlib == "" || p.Shlib == libname {
  1055  						pkgs = append([]*Package{}, pkgs...)
  1056  						pkgs = append(pkgs, p)
  1057  					}
  1058  				}
  1059  			}
  1060  		}
  1062  		// Figure out where the library will go.
  1063  		var libdir string
  1064  		for _, p := range pkgs {
  1065  			plibdir :=
  1066  			if gccgo {
  1067  				plibdir = filepath.Join(plibdir, "shlibs")
  1068  			}
  1069  			if libdir == "" {
  1070  				libdir = plibdir
  1071  			} else if libdir != plibdir {
  1072  				fatalf("multiple roots %s & %s", libdir, plibdir)
  1073  			}
  1074  		}
  1075 = filepath.Join(libdir, libname)
  1077  		// Now we can check whether we need to rebuild it.
  1078  		stale := false
  1079  		var built time.Time
  1080  		if fi, err := os.Stat(; err == nil {
  1081  			built = fi.ModTime()
  1082  		}
  1083  		for _, p := range pkgs {
  1084  			if == "" {
  1085  				continue
  1086  			}
  1087  			stale = stale || p.Stale
  1088  			lstat, err := os.Stat(
  1089  			if err != nil || lstat.ModTime().After(built) {
  1090  				stale = true
  1091  			}
  1092  			a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action1(depMode, depMode, p, false,
  1093  		}
  1095  		if stale {
  1096  			a.f = (*builder).install
  1097  			buildAction := b.libaction(libname, pkgs, modeBuild, depMode)
  1098  			a.deps = []*action{buildAction}
  1099  			for _, p := range pkgs {
  1100  				if == "" {
  1101  					continue
  1102  				}
  1103  				shlibnameaction := &action{}
  1104  				shlibnameaction.f = (*builder).installShlibname
  1105 =[:len(] + ".shlibname"
  1106  				a.deps = append(a.deps, shlibnameaction)
  1107  				shlibnameaction.deps = append(shlibnameaction.deps, buildAction)
  1108  			}
  1109  		}
  1110  	}
  1111  	return a
  1112  }
  1114  // actionList returns the list of actions in the dag rooted at root
  1115  // as visited in a depth-first post-order traversal.
  1116  func actionList(root *action) []*action {
  1117  	seen := map[*action]bool{}
  1118  	all := []*action{}
  1119  	var walk func(*action)
  1120  	walk = func(a *action) {
  1121  		if seen[a] {
  1122  			return
  1123  		}
  1124  		seen[a] = true
  1125  		for _, a1 := range a.deps {
  1126  			walk(a1)
  1127  		}
  1128  		all = append(all, a)
  1129  	}
  1130  	walk(root)
  1131  	return all
  1132  }
  1134  // allArchiveActions returns a list of the archive dependencies of root.
  1135  // This is needed because if package p depends on package q that is in, the
  1136  // action graph looks like p->>q and so just scanning through p's
  1137  // dependencies does not find the import dir for q.
  1138  func allArchiveActions(root *action) []*action {
  1139  	seen := map[*action]bool{}
  1140  	r := []*action{}
  1141  	var walk func(*action)
  1142  	walk = func(a *action) {
  1143  		if seen[a] {
  1144  			return
  1145  		}
  1146  		seen[a] = true
  1147  		if strings.HasSuffix(, ".so") || a == root {
  1148  			for _, a1 := range a.deps {
  1149  				walk(a1)
  1150  			}
  1151  		} else if strings.HasSuffix(, ".a") {
  1152  			r = append(r, a)
  1153  		}
  1154  	}
  1155  	walk(root)
  1156  	return r
  1157  }
  1159  // do runs the action graph rooted at root.
  1160  func (b *builder) do(root *action) {
  1161  	// Build list of all actions, assigning depth-first post-order priority.
  1162  	// The original implementation here was a true queue
  1163  	// (using a channel) but it had the effect of getting
  1164  	// distracted by low-level leaf actions to the detriment
  1165  	// of completing higher-level actions.  The order of
  1166  	// work does not matter much to overall execution time,
  1167  	// but when running "go test std" it is nice to see each test
  1168  	// results as soon as possible.  The priorities assigned
  1169  	// ensure that, all else being equal, the execution prefers
  1170  	// to do what it would have done first in a simple depth-first
  1171  	// dependency order traversal.
  1172  	all := actionList(root)
  1173  	for i, a := range all {
  1174  		a.priority = i
  1175  	}
  1177  	b.readySema = make(chan bool, len(all))
  1179  	// Initialize per-action execution state.
  1180  	for _, a := range all {
  1181  		for _, a1 := range a.deps {
  1182  			a1.triggers = append(a1.triggers, a)
  1183  		}
  1184  		a.pending = len(a.deps)
  1185  		if a.pending == 0 {
  1186  			b.ready.push(a)
  1187  			b.readySema <- true
  1188  		}
  1189  	}
  1191  	// Handle runs a single action and takes care of triggering
  1192  	// any actions that are runnable as a result.
  1193  	handle := func(a *action) {
  1194  		var err error
  1195  		if a.f != nil && (!a.failed || a.ignoreFail) {
  1196  			err = a.f(b, a)
  1197  		}
  1199  		// The actions run in parallel but all the updates to the
  1200  		// shared work state are serialized through b.exec.
  1201  		b.exec.Lock()
  1202  		defer b.exec.Unlock()
  1204  		if err != nil {
  1205  			if err == errPrintedOutput {
  1206  				setExitStatus(2)
  1207  			} else {
  1208  				errorf("%s", err)
  1209  			}
  1210  			a.failed = true
  1211  		}
  1213  		for _, a0 := range a.triggers {
  1214  			if a.failed {
  1215  				a0.failed = true
  1216  			}
  1217  			if a0.pending--; a0.pending == 0 {
  1218  				b.ready.push(a0)
  1219  				b.readySema <- true
  1220  			}
  1221  		}
  1223  		if a == root {
  1224  			close(b.readySema)
  1225  		}
  1226  	}
  1228  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
  1230  	// Kick off goroutines according to parallelism.
  1231  	// If we are using the -n flag (just printing commands)
  1232  	// drop the parallelism to 1, both to make the output
  1233  	// deterministic and because there is no real work anyway.
  1234  	par := buildP
  1235  	if buildN {
  1236  		par = 1
  1237  	}
  1238  	for i := 0; i < par; i++ {
  1239  		wg.Add(1)
  1240  		go func() {
  1241  			defer wg.Done()
  1242  			for {
  1243  				select {
  1244  				case _, ok := <-b.readySema:
  1245  					if !ok {
  1246  						return
  1247  					}
  1248  					// Receiving a value from b.readySema entitles
  1249  					// us to take from the ready queue.
  1250  					b.exec.Lock()
  1251  					a := b.ready.pop()
  1252  					b.exec.Unlock()
  1253  					handle(a)
  1254  				case <-interrupted:
  1255  					setExitStatus(1)
  1256  					return
  1257  				}
  1258  			}
  1259  		}()
  1260  	}
  1262  	wg.Wait()
  1263  }
  1265  // hasString reports whether s appears in the list of strings.
  1266  func hasString(strings []string, s string) bool {
  1267  	for _, t := range strings {
  1268  		if s == t {
  1269  			return true
  1270  		}
  1271  	}
  1272  	return false
  1273  }
  1275  // build is the action for building a single package or command.
  1276  func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
  1277  	// Return an error if the package has CXX files but it's not using
  1278  	// cgo nor SWIG, since the CXX files can only be processed by cgo
  1279  	// and SWIG.
  1280  	if len(a.p.CXXFiles) > 0 && !a.p.usesCgo() && !a.p.usesSwig() {
  1281  		return fmt.Errorf("can't build package %s because it contains C++ files (%s) but it's not using cgo nor SWIG",
  1282  			a.p.ImportPath, strings.Join(a.p.CXXFiles, ","))
  1283  	}
  1284  	// Same as above for Objective-C files
  1285  	if len(a.p.MFiles) > 0 && !a.p.usesCgo() && !a.p.usesSwig() {
  1286  		return fmt.Errorf("can't build package %s because it contains Objective-C files (%s) but it's not using cgo nor SWIG",
  1287  			a.p.ImportPath, strings.Join(a.p.MFiles, ","))
  1288  	}
  1289  	defer func() {
  1290  		if err != nil && err != errPrintedOutput {
  1291  			err = fmt.Errorf("go build %s: %v", a.p.ImportPath, err)
  1292  		}
  1293  	}()
  1294  	if buildN {
  1295  		// In -n mode, print a banner between packages.
  1296  		// The banner is five lines so that when changes to
  1297  		// different sections of the bootstrap script have to
  1298  		// be merged, the banners give patch something
  1299  		// to use to find its context.
  1300  		b.print("\n#\n# " + a.p.ImportPath + "\n#\n\n")
  1301  	}
  1303  	if buildV {
  1304  		b.print(a.p.ImportPath + "\n")
  1305  	}
  1307  	// Make build directory.
  1308  	obj := a.objdir
  1309  	if err := b.mkdir(obj); err != nil {
  1310  		return err
  1311  	}
  1313  	// make target directory
  1314  	dir, _ := filepath.Split(
  1315  	if dir != "" {
  1316  		if err := b.mkdir(dir); err != nil {
  1317  			return err
  1318  		}
  1319  	}
  1321  	var gofiles, cgofiles, cfiles, sfiles, cxxfiles, objects, cgoObjects, pcCFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS []string
  1323  	gofiles = append(gofiles, a.p.GoFiles...)
  1324  	cgofiles = append(cgofiles, a.p.CgoFiles...)
  1325  	cfiles = append(cfiles, a.p.CFiles...)
  1326  	sfiles = append(sfiles, a.p.SFiles...)
  1327  	cxxfiles = append(cxxfiles, a.p.CXXFiles...)
  1329  	if a.p.usesCgo() || a.p.usesSwig() {
  1330  		if pcCFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS, err = b.getPkgConfigFlags(a.p); err != nil {
  1331  			return
  1332  		}
  1333  	}
  1335  	// Run SWIG on each .swig and .swigcxx file.
  1336  	// Each run will generate two files, a .go file and a .c or .cxx file.
  1337  	// The .go file will use import "C" and is to be processed by cgo.
  1338  	if a.p.usesSwig() {
  1339  		outGo, outC, outCXX, err := b.swig(a.p, obj, pcCFLAGS)
  1340  		if err != nil {
  1341  			return err
  1342  		}
  1343  		cgofiles = append(cgofiles, outGo...)
  1344  		cfiles = append(cfiles, outC...)
  1345  		cxxfiles = append(cxxfiles, outCXX...)
  1346  	}
  1348  	// Run cgo.
  1349  	if a.p.usesCgo() || a.p.usesSwig() {
  1350  		// In a package using cgo, cgo compiles the C, C++ and assembly files with gcc.
  1351  		// There is one exception: runtime/cgo's job is to bridge the
  1352  		// cgo and non-cgo worlds, so it necessarily has files in both.
  1353  		// In that case gcc only gets the gcc_* files.
  1354  		var gccfiles []string
  1355  		if a.p.Standard && a.p.ImportPath == "runtime/cgo" {
  1356  			filter := func(files, nongcc, gcc []string) ([]string, []string) {
  1357  				for _, f := range files {
  1358  					if strings.HasPrefix(f, "gcc_") {
  1359  						gcc = append(gcc, f)
  1360  					} else {
  1361  						nongcc = append(nongcc, f)
  1362  					}
  1363  				}
  1364  				return nongcc, gcc
  1365  			}
  1366  			cfiles, gccfiles = filter(cfiles, cfiles[:0], gccfiles)
  1367  			sfiles, gccfiles = filter(sfiles, sfiles[:0], gccfiles)
  1368  		} else {
  1369  			gccfiles = append(cfiles, sfiles...)
  1370  			cfiles = nil
  1371  			sfiles = nil
  1372  		}
  1374  		cgoExe := tool("cgo")
  1375  		if a.cgo != nil && != "" {
  1376  			cgoExe =
  1377  		}
  1378  		outGo, outObj, err := b.cgo(a.p, cgoExe, obj, pcCFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS, cgofiles, gccfiles, cxxfiles, a.p.MFiles)
  1379  		if err != nil {
  1380  			return err
  1381  		}
  1382  		cgoObjects = append(cgoObjects, outObj...)
  1383  		gofiles = append(gofiles, outGo...)
  1384  	}
  1386  	if len(gofiles) == 0 {
  1387  		return &build.NoGoError{Dir: a.p.Dir}
  1388  	}
  1390  	// If we're doing coverage, preprocess the .go files and put them in the work directory
  1391  	if a.p.coverMode != "" {
  1392  		for i, file := range gofiles {
  1393  			var sourceFile string
  1394  			var coverFile string
  1395  			var key string
  1396  			if strings.HasSuffix(file, ".cgo1.go") {
  1397  				// cgo files have absolute paths
  1398  				base := filepath.Base(file)
  1399  				sourceFile = file
  1400  				coverFile = filepath.Join(obj, base)
  1401  				key = strings.TrimSuffix(base, ".cgo1.go") + ".go"
  1402  			} else {
  1403  				sourceFile = filepath.Join(a.p.Dir, file)
  1404  				coverFile = filepath.Join(obj, file)
  1405  				key = file
  1406  			}
  1407  			cover := a.p.coverVars[key]
  1408  			if cover == nil || isTestFile(file) {
  1409  				// Not covering this file.
  1410  				continue
  1411  			}
  1412  			if err := b.cover(a, coverFile, sourceFile, 0666, cover.Var); err != nil {
  1413  				return err
  1414  			}
  1415  			gofiles[i] = coverFile
  1416  		}
  1417  	}
  1419  	// Prepare Go import path list.
  1420  	inc := b.includeArgs("-I", allArchiveActions(a))
  1422  	// Compile Go.
  1423  	ofile, out, err := buildToolchain.gc(b, a.p, a.objpkg, obj, len(sfiles) > 0, inc, gofiles)
  1424  	if len(out) > 0 {
  1425  		b.showOutput(a.p.Dir, a.p.ImportPath, b.processOutput(out))
  1426  		if err != nil {
  1427  			return errPrintedOutput
  1428  		}
  1429  	}
  1430  	if err != nil {
  1431  		return err
  1432  	}
  1433  	if ofile != a.objpkg {
  1434  		objects = append(objects, ofile)
  1435  	}
  1437  	// Copy .h files named for goos or goarch or goos_goarch
  1438  	// to names using GOOS and GOARCH.
  1439  	// For example, defs_linux_amd64.h becomes defs_GOOS_GOARCH.h.
  1440  	_goos_goarch := "_" + goos + "_" + goarch
  1441  	_goos := "_" + goos
  1442  	_goarch := "_" + goarch
  1443  	for _, file := range a.p.HFiles {
  1444  		name, ext := fileExtSplit(file)
  1445  		switch {
  1446  		case strings.HasSuffix(name, _goos_goarch):
  1447  			targ := file[:len(name)-len(_goos_goarch)] + "_GOOS_GOARCH." + ext
  1448  			if err := b.copyFile(a, obj+targ, filepath.Join(a.p.Dir, file), 0644, true); err != nil {
  1449  				return err
  1450  			}
  1451  		case strings.HasSuffix(name, _goarch):
  1452  			targ := file[:len(name)-len(_goarch)] + "_GOARCH." + ext
  1453  			if err := b.copyFile(a, obj+targ, filepath.Join(a.p.Dir, file), 0644, true); err != nil {
  1454  				return err
  1455  			}
  1456  		case strings.HasSuffix(name, _goos):
  1457  			targ := file[:len(name)-len(_goos)] + "_GOOS." + ext
  1458  			if err := b.copyFile(a, obj+targ, filepath.Join(a.p.Dir, file), 0644, true); err != nil {
  1459  				return err
  1460  			}
  1461  		}
  1462  	}
  1464  	for _, file := range cfiles {
  1465  		out := file[:len(file)-len(".c")] + ".o"
  1466  		if err :=, a.p, obj, obj+out, file); err != nil {
  1467  			return err
  1468  		}
  1469  		objects = append(objects, out)
  1470  	}
  1472  	// Assemble .s files.
  1473  	for _, file := range sfiles {
  1474  		out := file[:len(file)-len(".s")] + ".o"
  1475  		if err := buildToolchain.asm(b, a.p, obj, obj+out, file); err != nil {
  1476  			return err
  1477  		}
  1478  		objects = append(objects, out)
  1479  	}
  1481  	// NOTE(rsc): On Windows, it is critically important that the
  1482  	// gcc-compiled objects (cgoObjects) be listed after the ordinary
  1483  	// objects in the archive.  I do not know why this is.
  1484  	//
  1485  	objects = append(objects, cgoObjects...)
  1487  	// Add system object files.
  1488  	for _, syso := range a.p.SysoFiles {
  1489  		objects = append(objects, filepath.Join(a.p.Dir, syso))
  1490  	}
  1492  	// Pack into archive in obj directory.
  1493  	// If the Go compiler wrote an archive, we only need to add the
  1494  	// object files for non-Go sources to the archive.
  1495  	// If the Go compiler wrote an archive and the package is entirely
  1496  	// Go sources, there is no pack to execute at all.
  1497  	if len(objects) > 0 {
  1498  		if err := buildToolchain.pack(b, a.p, obj, a.objpkg, objects); err != nil {
  1499  			return err
  1500  		}
  1501  	}
  1503  	// Link if needed.
  1504  	if {
  1505  		// The compiler only cares about direct imports, but the
  1506  		// linker needs the whole dependency tree.
  1507  		all := actionList(a)
  1508  		all = all[:len(all)-1] // drop a
  1509  		if err := buildToolchain.ld(b, a,, all, a.objpkg, objects); err != nil {
  1510  			return err
  1511  		}
  1512  	}
  1514  	return nil
  1515  }
  1517  // Calls pkg-config if needed and returns the cflags/ldflags needed to build the package.
  1518  func (b *builder) getPkgConfigFlags(p *Package) (cflags, ldflags []string, err error) {
  1519  	if pkgs := p.CgoPkgConfig; len(pkgs) > 0 {
  1520  		var out []byte
  1521  		out, err = b.runOut(p.Dir, p.ImportPath, nil, "pkg-config", "--cflags", pkgs)
  1522  		if err != nil {
  1523  			b.showOutput(p.Dir, "pkg-config --cflags "+strings.Join(pkgs, " "), string(out))
  1524  			b.print(err.Error() + "\n")
  1525  			err = errPrintedOutput
  1526  			return
  1527  		}
  1528  		if len(out) > 0 {
  1529  			cflags = strings.Fields(string(out))
  1530  		}
  1531  		out, err = b.runOut(p.Dir, p.ImportPath, nil, "pkg-config", "--libs", pkgs)
  1532  		if err != nil {
  1533  			b.showOutput(p.Dir, "pkg-config --libs "+strings.Join(pkgs, " "), string(out))
  1534  			b.print(err.Error() + "\n")
  1535  			err = errPrintedOutput
  1536  			return
  1537  		}
  1538  		if len(out) > 0 {
  1539  			ldflags = strings.Fields(string(out))
  1540  		}
  1541  	}
  1542  	return
  1543  }
  1545  func (b *builder) installShlibname(a *action) error {
  1546  	a1 := a.deps[0]
  1547  	err := ioutil.WriteFile(, []byte(filepath.Base("\n"), 0644)
  1548  	if err != nil {
  1549  		return err
  1550  	}
  1551  	if buildX {
  1552  		b.showcmd("", "echo '%s' > %s # internal", filepath.Base(,
  1553  	}
  1554  	return nil
  1555  }
  1557  func (b *builder) linkShared(a *action) (err error) {
  1558  	allactions := actionList(a)
  1559  	allactions = allactions[:len(allactions)-1]
  1560  	return buildToolchain.ldShared(b, a.deps,, allactions)
  1561  }
  1563  // install is the action for installing a single package or executable.
  1564  func (b *builder) install(a *action) (err error) {
  1565  	defer func() {
  1566  		if err != nil && err != errPrintedOutput {
  1567  			err = fmt.Errorf("go install %s: %v", a.p.ImportPath, err)
  1568  		}
  1569  	}()
  1570  	a1 := a.deps[0]
  1571  	perm := os.FileMode(0644)
  1572  	if {
  1573  		switch buildBuildmode {
  1574  		case "c-archive", "c-shared":
  1575  		default:
  1576  			perm = 0755
  1577  		}
  1578  	}
  1580  	// make target directory
  1581  	dir, _ := filepath.Split(
  1582  	if dir != "" {
  1583  		if err := b.mkdir(dir); err != nil {
  1584  			return err
  1585  		}
  1586  	}
  1588  	// remove object dir to keep the amount of
  1589  	// garbage down in a large build.  On an operating system
  1590  	// with aggressive buffering, cleaning incrementally like
  1591  	// this keeps the intermediate objects from hitting the disk.
  1592  	if !buildWork {
  1593  		defer os.RemoveAll(a1.objdir)
  1594  		defer os.Remove(
  1595  	}
  1597  	return b.moveOrCopyFile(a,,, perm, false)
  1598  }
  1600  // includeArgs returns the -I or -L directory list for access
  1601  // to the results of the list of actions.
  1602  func (b *builder) includeArgs(flag string, all []*action) []string {
  1603  	inc := []string{}
  1604  	incMap := map[string]bool{
  1605    true, // handled later
  1606  		gorootPkg: true,
  1607  		"":        true, // ignore empty strings
  1608  	}
  1610  	// Look in the temporary space for results of test-specific actions.
  1611  	// This is the $WORK/my/package/_test directory for the
  1612  	// package being built, so there are few of these.
  1613  	for _, a1 := range all {
  1614  		if a1.p == nil {
  1615  			continue
  1616  		}
  1617  		if dir := a1.pkgdir; dir != && !incMap[dir] {
  1618  			incMap[dir] = true
  1619  			inc = append(inc, flag, dir)
  1620  		}
  1621  	}
  1623  	// Also look in $WORK for any non-test packages that have
  1624  	// been built but not installed.
  1625  	inc = append(inc, flag,
  1627  	// Finally, look in the installed package directories for each action.
  1628  	for _, a1 := range all {
  1629  		if a1.p == nil {
  1630  			continue
  1631  		}
  1632  		if dir := a1.pkgdir; dir == && !incMap[dir] {
  1633  			incMap[dir] = true
  1634  			inc = append(inc, flag,
  1635  		}
  1636  	}
  1638  	return inc
  1639  }
  1641  // moveOrCopyFile is like 'mv src dst' or 'cp src dst'.
  1642  func (b *builder) moveOrCopyFile(a *action, dst, src string, perm os.FileMode, force bool) error {
  1643  	if buildN {
  1644  		b.showcmd("", "mv %s %s", src, dst)
  1645  		return nil
  1646  	}
  1648  	// If we can update the mode and rename to the dst, do it.
  1649  	// Otherwise fall back to standard copy.
  1650  	if err := os.Chmod(src, perm); err == nil {
  1651  		if err := os.Rename(src, dst); err == nil {
  1652  			if buildX {
  1653  				b.showcmd("", "mv %s %s", src, dst)
  1654  			}
  1655  			return nil
  1656  		}
  1657  	}
  1659  	return b.copyFile(a, dst, src, perm, force)
  1660  }
  1662  // copyFile is like 'cp src dst'.
  1663  func (b *builder) copyFile(a *action, dst, src string, perm os.FileMode, force bool) error {
  1664  	if buildN || buildX {
  1665  		b.showcmd("", "cp %s %s", src, dst)
  1666  		if buildN {
  1667  			return nil
  1668  		}
  1669  	}
  1671  	sf, err := os.Open(src)
  1672  	if err != nil {
  1673  		return err
  1674  	}
  1675  	defer sf.Close()
  1677  	// Be careful about removing/overwriting dst.
  1678  	// Do not remove/overwrite if dst exists and is a directory
  1679  	// or a non-object file.
  1680  	if fi, err := os.Stat(dst); err == nil {
  1681  		if fi.IsDir() {
  1682  			return fmt.Errorf("build output %q already exists and is a directory", dst)
  1683  		}
  1684  		if !force && fi.Mode().IsRegular() && !isObject(dst) {
  1685  			return fmt.Errorf("build output %q already exists and is not an object file", dst)
  1686  		}
  1687  	}
  1689  	// On Windows, remove lingering ~ file from last attempt.
  1690  	if toolIsWindows {
  1691  		if _, err := os.Stat(dst + "~"); err == nil {
  1692  			os.Remove(dst + "~")
  1693  		}
  1694  	}
  1696  	mayberemovefile(dst)
  1697  	df, err := os.OpenFile(dst, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, perm)
  1698  	if err != nil && toolIsWindows {
  1699  		// Windows does not allow deletion of a binary file
  1700  		// while it is executing.  Try to move it out of the way.
  1701  		// If the move fails, which is likely, we'll try again the
  1702  		// next time we do an install of this binary.
  1703  		if err := os.Rename(dst, dst+"~"); err == nil {
  1704  			os.Remove(dst + "~")
  1705  		}
  1706  		df, err = os.OpenFile(dst, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, perm)
  1707  	}
  1708  	if err != nil {
  1709  		return err
  1710  	}
  1712  	_, err = io.Copy(df, sf)
  1713  	df.Close()
  1714  	if err != nil {
  1715  		mayberemovefile(dst)
  1716  		return fmt.Errorf("copying %s to %s: %v", src, dst, err)
  1717  	}
  1718  	return nil
  1719  }
  1721  // Install the cgo export header file, if there is one.
  1722  func (b *builder) installHeader(a *action) error {
  1723  	src := a.objdir + "_cgo_install.h"
  1724  	if _, err := os.Stat(src); os.IsNotExist(err) {
  1725  		// If the file does not exist, there are no exported
  1726  		// functions, and we do not install anything.
  1727  		return nil
  1728  	}
  1730  	dir, _ := filepath.Split(
  1731  	if dir != "" {
  1732  		if err := b.mkdir(dir); err != nil {
  1733  			return err
  1734  		}
  1735  	}
  1737  	return b.moveOrCopyFile(a,, src, 0644, true)
  1738  }
  1740  // cover runs, in effect,
  1741  //	go tool cover -mode=b.coverMode -var="varName" -o dst.go src.go
  1742  func (b *builder) cover(a *action, dst, src string, perm os.FileMode, varName string) error {
  1743  	return, "cover "+a.p.ImportPath, nil,
  1744  		buildToolExec,
  1745  		tool("cover"),
  1746  		"-mode", a.p.coverMode,
  1747  		"-var", varName,
  1748  		"-o", dst,
  1749  		src)
  1750  }
  1752  var objectMagic = [][]byte{
  1753  	{'!', '<', 'a', 'r', 'c', 'h', '>', '\n'}, // Package archive
  1754  	{'\x7F', 'E', 'L', 'F'},                   // ELF
  1755  	{0xFE, 0xED, 0xFA, 0xCE},                  // Mach-O big-endian 32-bit
  1756  	{0xFE, 0xED, 0xFA, 0xCF},                  // Mach-O big-endian 64-bit
  1757  	{0xCE, 0xFA, 0xED, 0xFE},                  // Mach-O little-endian 32-bit
  1758  	{0xCF, 0xFA, 0xED, 0xFE},                  // Mach-O little-endian 64-bit
  1759  	{0x4d, 0x5a, 0x90, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00},      // PE (Windows) as generated by 6l/8l and gcc
  1760  	{0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xEB},                  // Plan 9 i386
  1761  	{0x00, 0x00, 0x8a, 0x97},                  // Plan 9 amd64
  1762  }
  1764  func isObject(s string) bool {
  1765  	f, err := os.Open(s)
  1766  	if err != nil {
  1767  		return false
  1768  	}
  1769  	defer f.Close()
  1770  	buf := make([]byte, 64)
  1771  	io.ReadFull(f, buf)
  1772  	for _, magic := range objectMagic {
  1773  		if bytes.HasPrefix(buf, magic) {
  1774  			return true
  1775  		}
  1776  	}
  1777  	return false
  1778  }
  1780  // mayberemovefile removes a file only if it is a regular file
  1781  // When running as a user with sufficient privileges, we may delete
  1782  // even device files, for example, which is not intended.
  1783  func mayberemovefile(s string) {
  1784  	if fi, err := os.Lstat(s); err == nil && !fi.Mode().IsRegular() {
  1785  		return
  1786  	}
  1787  	os.Remove(s)
  1788  }
  1790  // fmtcmd formats a command in the manner of fmt.Sprintf but also:
  1791  //
  1792  //	If dir is non-empty and the script is not in dir right now,
  1793  //	fmtcmd inserts "cd dir\n" before the command.
  1794  //
  1795  //	fmtcmd replaces the value of with $WORK.
  1796  //	fmtcmd replaces the value of goroot with $GOROOT.
  1797  //	fmtcmd replaces the value of b.gobin with $GOBIN.
  1798  //
  1799  //	fmtcmd replaces the name of the current directory with dot (.)
  1800  //	but only when it is at the beginning of a space-separated token.
  1801  //
  1802  func (b *builder) fmtcmd(dir string, format string, args ...interface{}) string {
  1803  	cmd := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
  1804  	if dir != "" && dir != "/" {
  1805  		cmd = strings.Replace(" "+cmd, " "+dir, " .", -1)[1:]
  1806  		if b.scriptDir != dir {
  1807  			b.scriptDir = dir
  1808  			cmd = "cd " + dir + "\n" + cmd
  1809  		}
  1810  	}
  1811  	if != "" {
  1812  		cmd = strings.Replace(cmd,, "$WORK", -1)
  1813  	}
  1814  	return cmd
  1815  }
  1817  // showcmd prints the given command to standard output
  1818  // for the implementation of -n or -x.
  1819  func (b *builder) showcmd(dir string, format string, args ...interface{}) {
  1820  	b.output.Lock()
  1821  	defer b.output.Unlock()
  1822  	b.print(b.fmtcmd(dir, format, args...) + "\n")
  1823  }
  1825  // showOutput prints "# desc" followed by the given output.
  1826  // The output is expected to contain references to 'dir', usually
  1827  // the source directory for the package that has failed to build.
  1828  // showOutput rewrites mentions of dir with a relative path to dir
  1829  // when the relative path is shorter.  This is usually more pleasant.
  1830  // For example, if fmt doesn't compile and we are in src/html,
  1831  // the output is
  1832  //
  1833  //	$ go build
  1834  //	# fmt
  1835  //	../fmt/print.go:1090: undefined: asdf
  1836  //	$
  1837  //
  1838  // instead of
  1839  //
  1840  //	$ go build
  1841  //	# fmt
  1842  //	/usr/gopher/go/src/fmt/print.go:1090: undefined: asdf
  1843  //	$
  1844  //
  1845  // showOutput also replaces references to the work directory with $WORK.
  1846  //
  1847  func (b *builder) showOutput(dir, desc, out string) {
  1848  	prefix := "# " + desc
  1849  	suffix := "\n" + out
  1850  	if reldir := shortPath(dir); reldir != dir {
  1851  		suffix = strings.Replace(suffix, " "+dir, " "+reldir, -1)
  1852  		suffix = strings.Replace(suffix, "\n"+dir, "\n"+reldir, -1)
  1853  	}
  1854  	suffix = strings.Replace(suffix, " ", " $WORK", -1)
  1856  	b.output.Lock()
  1857  	defer b.output.Unlock()
  1858  	b.print(prefix, suffix)
  1859  }
  1861  // shortPath returns an absolute or relative name for path, whatever is shorter.
  1862  func shortPath(path string) string {
  1863  	if rel, err := filepath.Rel(cwd, path); err == nil && len(rel) < len(path) {
  1864  		return rel
  1865  	}
  1866  	return path
  1867  }
  1869  // relPaths returns a copy of paths with absolute paths
  1870  // made relative to the current directory if they would be shorter.
  1871  func relPaths(paths []string) []string {
  1872  	var out []string
  1873  	pwd, _ := os.Getwd()
  1874  	for _, p := range paths {
  1875  		rel, err := filepath.Rel(pwd, p)
  1876  		if err == nil && len(rel) < len(p) {
  1877  			p = rel
  1878  		}
  1879  		out = append(out, p)
  1880  	}
  1881  	return out
  1882  }
  1884  // errPrintedOutput is a special error indicating that a command failed
  1885  // but that it generated output as well, and that output has already
  1886  // been printed, so there's no point showing 'exit status 1' or whatever
  1887  // the wait status was.  The main executor,, knows not to
  1888  // print this error.
  1889  var errPrintedOutput = errors.New("already printed output - no need to show error")
  1891  var cgoLine = regexp.MustCompile(`\[[^\[\]]+\.cgo1\.go:[0-9]+\]`)
  1892  var cgoTypeSigRe = regexp.MustCompile(`\b_Ctype_\B`)
  1894  // run runs the command given by cmdline in the directory dir.
  1895  // If the command fails, run prints information about the failure
  1896  // and returns a non-nil error.
  1897  func (b *builder) run(dir string, desc string, env []string, cmdargs ...interface{}) error {
  1898  	out, err := b.runOut(dir, desc, env, cmdargs...)
  1899  	if len(out) > 0 {
  1900  		if desc == "" {
  1901  			desc = b.fmtcmd(dir, "%s", strings.Join(stringList(cmdargs...), " "))
  1902  		}
  1903  		b.showOutput(dir, desc, b.processOutput(out))
  1904  		if err != nil {
  1905  			err = errPrintedOutput
  1906  		}
  1907  	}
  1908  	return err
  1909  }
  1911  // processOutput prepares the output of runOut to be output to the console.
  1912  func (b *builder) processOutput(out []byte) string {
  1913  	if out[len(out)-1] != '\n' {
  1914  		out = append(out, '\n')
  1915  	}
  1916  	messages := string(out)
  1917  	// Fix up output referring to cgo-generated code to be more readable.
  1918  	// Replace x.go:19[/tmp/.../x.cgo1.go:18] with x.go:19.
  1919  	// Replace *[100]_Ctype_foo with *[100]
  1920  	// If we're using -x, assume we're debugging and want the full dump, so disable the rewrite.
  1921  	if !buildX && cgoLine.MatchString(messages) {
  1922  		messages = cgoLine.ReplaceAllString(messages, "")
  1923  		messages = cgoTypeSigRe.ReplaceAllString(messages, "C.")
  1924  	}
  1925  	return messages
  1926  }
  1928  // runOut runs the command given by cmdline in the directory dir.
  1929  // It returns the command output and any errors that occurred.
  1930  func (b *builder) runOut(dir string, desc string, env []string, cmdargs ...interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
  1931  	cmdline := stringList(cmdargs...)
  1932  	if buildN || buildX {
  1933  		var envcmdline string
  1934  		for i := range env {
  1935  			envcmdline += env[i]
  1936  			envcmdline += " "
  1937  		}
  1938  		envcmdline += joinUnambiguously(cmdline)
  1939  		b.showcmd(dir, "%s", envcmdline)
  1940  		if buildN {
  1941  			return nil, nil
  1942  		}
  1943  	}
  1945  	nbusy := 0
  1946  	for {
  1947  		var buf bytes.Buffer
  1948  		cmd := exec.Command(cmdline[0], cmdline[1:]...)
  1949  		cmd.Stdout = &buf
  1950  		cmd.Stderr = &buf
  1951  		cmd.Dir = dir
  1952  		cmd.Env = mergeEnvLists(env, envForDir(cmd.Dir, os.Environ()))
  1953  		err := cmd.Run()
  1955  		// cmd.Run will fail on Unix if some other process has the binary
  1956  		// we want to run open for writing.  This can happen here because
  1957  		// we build and install the cgo command and then run it.
  1958  		// If another command was kicked off while we were writing the
  1959  		// cgo binary, the child process for that command may be holding
  1960  		// a reference to the fd, keeping us from running exec.
  1961  		//
  1962  		// But, you might reasonably wonder, how can this happen?
  1963  		// The cgo fd, like all our fds, is close-on-exec, so that we need
  1964  		// not worry about other processes inheriting the fd accidentally.
  1965  		// The answer is that running a command is fork and exec.
  1966  		// A child forked while the cgo fd is open inherits that fd.
  1967  		// Until the child has called exec, it holds the fd open and the
  1968  		// kernel will not let us run cgo.  Even if the child were to close
  1969  		// the fd explicitly, it would still be open from the time of the fork
  1970  		// until the time of the explicit close, and the race would remain.
  1971  		//
  1972  		// On Unix systems, this results in ETXTBSY, which formats
  1973  		// as "text file busy".  Rather than hard-code specific error cases,
  1974  		// we just look for that string.  If this happens, sleep a little
  1975  		// and try again.  We let this happen three times, with increasing
  1976  		// sleep lengths: 100+200+400 ms = 0.7 seconds.
  1977  		//
  1978  		// An alternate solution might be to split the cmd.Run into
  1979  		// separate cmd.Start and cmd.Wait, and then use an RWLock
  1980  		// to make sure that copyFile only executes when no cmd.Start
  1981  		// call is in progress.  However, cmd.Start (really syscall.forkExec)
  1982  		// only guarantees that when it returns, the exec is committed to
  1983  		// happen and succeed.  It uses a close-on-exec file descriptor
  1984  		// itself to determine this, so we know that when cmd.Start returns,
  1985  		// at least one close-on-exec file descriptor has been closed.
  1986  		// However, we cannot be sure that all of them have been closed,
  1987  		// so the program might still encounter ETXTBSY even with such
  1988  		// an RWLock.  The race window would be smaller, perhaps, but not
  1989  		// guaranteed to be gone.
  1990  		//
  1991  		// Sleeping when we observe the race seems to be the most reliable
  1992  		// option we have.
  1993  		//
  1994  		//
  1995  		//
  1996  		if err != nil && nbusy < 3 && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "text file busy") {
  1997  			time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond << uint(nbusy))
  1998  			nbusy++
  1999  			continue
  2000  		}
  2002  		// err can be something like 'exit status 1'.
  2003  		// Add information about what program was running.
  2004  		// Note that if buf.Bytes() is non-empty, the caller usually
  2005  		// shows buf.Bytes() and does not print err at all, so the
  2006  		// prefix here does not make most output any more verbose.
  2007  		if err != nil {
  2008  			err = errors.New(cmdline[0] + ": " + err.Error())
  2009  		}
  2010  		return buf.Bytes(), err
  2011  	}
  2012  }
  2014  // joinUnambiguously prints the slice, quoting where necessary to make the
  2015  // output unambiguous.
  2016  // TODO: See issue 5279. The printing of commands needs a complete redo.
  2017  func joinUnambiguously(a []string) string {
  2018  	var buf bytes.Buffer
  2019  	for i, s := range a {
  2020  		if i > 0 {
  2021  			buf.WriteByte(' ')
  2022  		}
  2023  		q := strconv.Quote(s)
  2024  		if s == "" || strings.Contains(s, " ") || len(q) > len(s)+2 {
  2025  			buf.WriteString(q)
  2026  		} else {
  2027  			buf.WriteString(s)
  2028  		}
  2029  	}
  2030  	return buf.String()
  2031  }
  2033  // mkdir makes the named directory.
  2034  func (b *builder) mkdir(dir string) error {
  2035  	b.exec.Lock()
  2036  	defer b.exec.Unlock()
  2037  	// We can be a little aggressive about being
  2038  	// sure directories exist.  Skip repeated calls.
  2039  	if b.mkdirCache[dir] {
  2040  		return nil
  2041  	}
  2042  	b.mkdirCache[dir] = true
  2044  	if buildN || buildX {
  2045  		b.showcmd("", "mkdir -p %s", dir)
  2046  		if buildN {
  2047  			return nil
  2048  		}
  2049  	}
  2051  	if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0777); err != nil {
  2052  		return err
  2053  	}
  2054  	return nil
  2055  }
  2057  // mkAbs returns an absolute path corresponding to
  2058  // evaluating f in the directory dir.
  2059  // We always pass absolute paths of source files so that
  2060  // the error messages will include the full path to a file
  2061  // in need of attention.
  2062  func mkAbs(dir, f string) string {
  2063  	// Leave absolute paths alone.
  2064  	// Also, during -n mode we use the pseudo-directory $WORK
  2065  	// instead of creating an actual work directory that won't be used.
  2066  	// Leave paths beginning with $WORK alone too.
  2067  	if filepath.IsAbs(f) || strings.HasPrefix(f, "$WORK") {
  2068  		return f
  2069  	}
  2070  	return filepath.Join(dir, f)
  2071  }
  2073  type toolchain interface {
  2074  	// gc runs the compiler in a specific directory on a set of files
  2075  	// and returns the name of the generated output file.
  2076  	// The compiler runs in the directory dir.
  2077  	gc(b *builder, p *Package, archive, obj string, asmhdr bool, importArgs []string, gofiles []string) (ofile string, out []byte, err error)
  2078  	// cc runs the toolchain's C compiler in a directory on a C file
  2079  	// to produce an output file.
  2080  	cc(b *builder, p *Package, objdir, ofile, cfile string) error
  2081  	// asm runs the assembler in a specific directory on a specific file
  2082  	// to generate the named output file.
  2083  	asm(b *builder, p *Package, obj, ofile, sfile string) error
  2084  	// pkgpath builds an appropriate path for a temporary package file.
  2085  	pkgpath(basedir string, p *Package) string
  2086  	// pack runs the archive packer in a specific directory to create
  2087  	// an archive from a set of object files.
  2088  	// typically it is run in the object directory.
  2089  	pack(b *builder, p *Package, objDir, afile string, ofiles []string) error
  2090  	// ld runs the linker to create an executable starting at mainpkg.
  2091  	ld(b *builder, root *action, out string, allactions []*action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string) error
  2092  	// ldShared runs the linker to create a shared library containing the pkgs built by toplevelactions
  2093  	ldShared(b *builder, toplevelactions []*action, out string, allactions []*action) error
  2095  	compiler() string
  2096  	linker() string
  2097  }
  2099  type noToolchain struct{}
  2101  func noCompiler() error {
  2102  	log.Fatalf("unknown compiler %q", buildContext.Compiler)
  2103  	return nil
  2104  }
  2106  func (noToolchain) compiler() string {
  2107  	noCompiler()
  2108  	return ""
  2109  }
  2111  func (noToolchain) linker() string {
  2112  	noCompiler()
  2113  	return ""
  2114  }
  2116  func (noToolchain) gc(b *builder, p *Package, archive, obj string, asmhdr bool, importArgs []string, gofiles []string) (ofile string, out []byte, err error) {
  2117  	return "", nil, noCompiler()
  2118  }
  2120  func (noToolchain) asm(b *builder, p *Package, obj, ofile, sfile string) error {
  2121  	return noCompiler()
  2122  }
  2124  func (noToolchain) pkgpath(basedir string, p *Package) string {
  2125  	noCompiler()
  2126  	return ""
  2127  }
  2129  func (noToolchain) pack(b *builder, p *Package, objDir, afile string, ofiles []string) error {
  2130  	return noCompiler()
  2131  }
  2133  func (noToolchain) ld(b *builder, root *action, out string, allactions []*action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string) error {
  2134  	return noCompiler()
  2135  }
  2137  func (noToolchain) ldShared(b *builder, toplevelactions []*action, out string, allactions []*action) error {
  2138  	return noCompiler()
  2139  }
  2141  func (noToolchain) cc(b *builder, p *Package, objdir, ofile, cfile string) error {
  2142  	return noCompiler()
  2143  }
  2145  // The Go toolchain.
  2146  type gcToolchain struct{}
  2148  func (gcToolchain) compiler() string {
  2149  	return tool("compile")
  2150  }
  2152  func (gcToolchain) linker() string {
  2153  	return tool("link")
  2154  }
  2156  func (gcToolchain) gc(b *builder, p *Package, archive, obj string, asmhdr bool, importArgs []string, gofiles []string) (ofile string, output []byte, err error) {
  2157  	if archive != "" {
  2158  		ofile = archive
  2159  	} else {
  2160  		out := "_go_.o"
  2161  		ofile = obj + out
  2162  	}
  2164  	gcargs := []string{"-p", p.ImportPath}
  2165  	if p.Name == "main" {
  2166  		gcargs[1] = "main"
  2167  	}
  2168  	if p.Standard && (p.ImportPath == "runtime" || strings.HasPrefix(p.ImportPath, "runtime/internal")) {
  2169  		// runtime compiles with a special gc flag to emit
  2170  		// additional reflect type data.
  2171  		gcargs = append(gcargs, "-+")
  2172  	}
  2174  	// If we're giving the compiler the entire package (no C etc files), tell it that,
  2175  	// so that it can give good error messages about forward declarations.
  2176  	// Exceptions: a few standard packages have forward declarations for
  2177  	// pieces supplied behind-the-scenes by package runtime.
  2178  	extFiles := len(p.CgoFiles) + len(p.CFiles) + len(p.CXXFiles) + len(p.MFiles) + len(p.SFiles) + len(p.SysoFiles) + len(p.SwigFiles) + len(p.SwigCXXFiles)
  2179  	if p.Standard {
  2180  		switch p.ImportPath {
  2181  		case "bytes", "net", "os", "runtime/pprof", "sync", "time":
  2182  			extFiles++
  2183  		}
  2184  	}
  2185  	if extFiles == 0 {
  2186  		gcargs = append(gcargs, "-complete")
  2187  	}
  2188  	if buildContext.InstallSuffix != "" {
  2189  		gcargs = append(gcargs, "-installsuffix", buildContext.InstallSuffix)
  2190  	}
  2191  	if p.buildID != "" {
  2192  		gcargs = append(gcargs, "-buildid", p.buildID)
  2193  	}
  2195  	for _, path := range p.Imports {
  2196  		if i := strings.LastIndex(path, "/vendor/"); i >= 0 {
  2197  			gcargs = append(gcargs, "-importmap", path[i+len("/vendor/"):]+"="+path)
  2198  		} else if strings.HasPrefix(path, "vendor/") {
  2199  			gcargs = append(gcargs, "-importmap", path[len("vendor/"):]+"="+path)
  2200  		}
  2201  	}
  2203  	args := []interface{}{buildToolExec, tool("compile"), "-o", ofile, "-trimpath",, buildGcflags, gcargs, "-D", p.localPrefix, importArgs}
  2204  	if ofile == archive {
  2205  		args = append(args, "-pack")
  2206  	}
  2207  	if asmhdr {
  2208  		args = append(args, "-asmhdr", obj+"go_asm.h")
  2209  	}
  2210  	for _, f := range gofiles {
  2211  		args = append(args, mkAbs(p.Dir, f))
  2212  	}
  2214  	output, err = b.runOut(p.Dir, p.ImportPath, nil, args...)
  2215  	return ofile, output, err
  2216  }
  2218  func (gcToolchain) asm(b *builder, p *Package, obj, ofile, sfile string) error {
  2219  	// Add -I pkg/GOOS_GOARCH so #include "textflag.h" works in .s files.
  2220  	inc := filepath.Join(goroot, "pkg", "include")
  2221  	sfile = mkAbs(p.Dir, sfile)
  2222  	args := []interface{}{buildToolExec, tool("asm"), "-o", ofile, "-trimpath",, "-I", obj, "-I", inc, "-D", "GOOS_" + goos, "-D", "GOARCH_" + goarch, buildAsmflags, sfile}
  2223  	if err :=, p.ImportPath, nil, args...); err != nil {
  2224  		return err
  2225  	}
  2226  	return nil
  2227  }
  2229  // toolVerify checks that the command line args writes the same output file
  2230  // if run using newTool instead.
  2231  // Unused now but kept around for future use.
  2232  func toolVerify(b *builder, p *Package, newTool string, ofile string, args []interface{}) error {
  2233  	newArgs := make([]interface{}, len(args))
  2234  	copy(newArgs, args)
  2235  	newArgs[1] = tool(newTool)
  2236  	newArgs[3] = ofile + ".new" // x.6 becomes
  2237  	if err :=, p.ImportPath, nil, newArgs...); err != nil {
  2238  		return err
  2239  	}
  2240  	data1, err := ioutil.ReadFile(ofile)
  2241  	if err != nil {
  2242  		return err
  2243  	}
  2244  	data2, err := ioutil.ReadFile(ofile + ".new")
  2245  	if err != nil {
  2246  		return err
  2247  	}
  2248  	if !bytes.Equal(data1, data2) {
  2249  		return fmt.Errorf("%s and %s produced different output files:\n%s\n%s", filepath.Base(args[1].(string)), newTool, strings.Join(stringList(args...), " "), strings.Join(stringList(newArgs...), " "))
  2250  	}
  2251  	os.Remove(ofile + ".new")
  2252  	return nil
  2253  }
  2255  func (gcToolchain) pkgpath(basedir string, p *Package) string {
  2256  	end := filepath.FromSlash(p.ImportPath + ".a")
  2257  	return filepath.Join(basedir, end)
  2258  }
  2260  func (gcToolchain) pack(b *builder, p *Package, objDir, afile string, ofiles []string) error {
  2261  	var absOfiles []string
  2262  	for _, f := range ofiles {
  2263  		absOfiles = append(absOfiles, mkAbs(objDir, f))
  2264  	}
  2265  	absAfile := mkAbs(objDir, afile)
  2267  	// The archive file should have been created by the compiler.
  2268  	// Since it used to not work that way, verify.
  2269  	if _, err := os.Stat(absAfile); err != nil {
  2270  		fatalf("os.Stat of archive file failed: %v", err)
  2271  	}
  2273  	if buildN || buildX {
  2274  		cmdline := stringList("pack", "r", absAfile, absOfiles)
  2275  		b.showcmd(p.Dir, "%s # internal", joinUnambiguously(cmdline))
  2276  	}
  2277  	if buildN {
  2278  		return nil
  2279  	}
  2280  	if err := packInternal(b, absAfile, absOfiles); err != nil {
  2281  		b.showOutput(p.Dir, p.ImportPath, err.Error()+"\n")
  2282  		return errPrintedOutput
  2283  	}
  2284  	return nil
  2285  }
  2287  func packInternal(b *builder, afile string, ofiles []string) error {
  2288  	dst, err := os.OpenFile(afile, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0)
  2289  	if err != nil {
  2290  		return err
  2291  	}
  2292  	defer dst.Close() // only for error returns or panics
  2293  	w := bufio.NewWriter(dst)
  2295  	for _, ofile := range ofiles {
  2296  		src, err := os.Open(ofile)
  2297  		if err != nil {
  2298  			return err
  2299  		}
  2300  		fi, err := src.Stat()
  2301  		if err != nil {
  2302  			src.Close()
  2303  			return err
  2304  		}
  2305  		// Note: Not using %-16.16s format because we care
  2306  		// about bytes, not runes.
  2307  		name := fi.Name()
  2308  		if len(name) > 16 {
  2309  			name = name[:16]
  2310  		} else {
  2311  			name += strings.Repeat(" ", 16-len(name))
  2312  		}
  2313  		size := fi.Size()
  2314  		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s%-12d%-6d%-6d%-8o%-10d`\n",
  2315  			name, 0, 0, 0, 0644, size)
  2316  		n, err := io.Copy(w, src)
  2317  		src.Close()
  2318  		if err == nil && n < size {
  2319  			err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
  2320  		} else if err == nil && n > size {
  2321  			err = fmt.Errorf("file larger than size reported by stat")
  2322  		}
  2323  		if err != nil {
  2324  			return fmt.Errorf("copying %s to %s: %v", ofile, afile, err)
  2325  		}
  2326  		if size&1 != 0 {
  2327  			w.WriteByte(0)
  2328  		}
  2329  	}
  2331  	if err := w.Flush(); err != nil {
  2332  		return err
  2333  	}
  2334  	return dst.Close()
  2335  }
  2337  // setextld sets the appropriate linker flags for the specified compiler.
  2338  func setextld(ldflags []string, compiler []string) []string {
  2339  	for _, f := range ldflags {
  2340  		if f == "-extld" || strings.HasPrefix(f, "-extld=") {
  2341  			// don't override -extld if supplied
  2342  			return ldflags
  2343  		}
  2344  	}
  2345  	ldflags = append(ldflags, "-extld="+compiler[0])
  2346  	if len(compiler) > 1 {
  2347  		extldflags := false
  2348  		add := strings.Join(compiler[1:], " ")
  2349  		for i, f := range ldflags {
  2350  			if f == "-extldflags" && i+1 < len(ldflags) {
  2351  				ldflags[i+1] = add + " " + ldflags[i+1]
  2352  				extldflags = true
  2353  				break
  2354  			} else if strings.HasPrefix(f, "-extldflags=") {
  2355  				ldflags[i] = "-extldflags=" + add + " " + ldflags[i][len("-extldflags="):]
  2356  				extldflags = true
  2357  				break
  2358  			}
  2359  		}
  2360  		if !extldflags {
  2361  			ldflags = append(ldflags, "-extldflags="+add)
  2362  		}
  2363  	}
  2364  	return ldflags
  2365  }
  2367  func (gcToolchain) ld(b *builder, root *action, out string, allactions []*action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string) error {
  2368  	importArgs := b.includeArgs("-L", allactions)
  2369  	cxx := len(root.p.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(root.p.SwigCXXFiles) > 0
  2370  	for _, a := range allactions {
  2371  		if a.p != nil && (len(a.p.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(a.p.SwigCXXFiles) > 0) {
  2372  			cxx = true
  2373  		}
  2374  	}
  2375  	var ldflags []string
  2376  	if buildContext.InstallSuffix != "" {
  2377  		ldflags = append(ldflags, "-installsuffix", buildContext.InstallSuffix)
  2378  	}
  2379  	if root.p.omitDWARF {
  2380  		ldflags = append(ldflags, "-w")
  2381  	}
  2383  	// If the user has not specified the -extld option, then specify the
  2384  	// appropriate linker. In case of C++ code, use the compiler named
  2385  	// by the CXX environment variable or defaultCXX if CXX is not set.
  2386  	// Else, use the CC environment variable and defaultCC as fallback.
  2387  	var compiler []string
  2388  	if cxx {
  2389  		compiler = envList("CXX", defaultCXX)
  2390  	} else {
  2391  		compiler = envList("CC", defaultCC)
  2392  	}
  2393  	ldflags = setextld(ldflags, compiler)
  2394  	ldflags = append(ldflags, "-buildmode="+ldBuildmode)
  2395  	if root.p.buildID != "" {
  2396  		ldflags = append(ldflags, "-buildid="+root.p.buildID)
  2397  	}
  2398  	ldflags = append(ldflags, buildLdflags...)
  2400  	// On OS X when using external linking to build a shared library,
  2401  	// the argument passed here to -o ends up recorded in the final
  2402  	// shared library in the LC_ID_DYLIB load command.
  2403  	// To avoid putting the temporary output directory name there
  2404  	// (and making the resulting shared library useless),
  2405  	// run the link in the output directory so that -o can name
  2406  	// just the final path element.
  2407  	dir := "."
  2408  	if goos == "darwin" && buildBuildmode == "c-shared" {
  2409  		dir, out = filepath.Split(out)
  2410  	}
  2412  	return, root.p.ImportPath, nil, buildToolExec, tool("link"), "-o", out, importArgs, ldflags, mainpkg)
  2413  }
  2415  func (gcToolchain) ldShared(b *builder, toplevelactions []*action, out string, allactions []*action) error {
  2416  	importArgs := b.includeArgs("-L", allactions)
  2417  	ldflags := []string{"-installsuffix", buildContext.InstallSuffix}
  2418  	ldflags = append(ldflags, "-buildmode=shared")
  2419  	ldflags = append(ldflags, buildLdflags...)
  2420  	cxx := false
  2421  	for _, a := range allactions {
  2422  		if a.p != nil && (len(a.p.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(a.p.SwigCXXFiles) > 0) {
  2423  			cxx = true
  2424  		}
  2425  	}
  2426  	// If the user has not specified the -extld option, then specify the
  2427  	// appropriate linker. In case of C++ code, use the compiler named
  2428  	// by the CXX environment variable or defaultCXX if CXX is not set.
  2429  	// Else, use the CC environment variable and defaultCC as fallback.
  2430  	var compiler []string
  2431  	if cxx {
  2432  		compiler = envList("CXX", defaultCXX)
  2433  	} else {
  2434  		compiler = envList("CC", defaultCC)
  2435  	}
  2436  	ldflags = setextld(ldflags, compiler)
  2437  	for _, d := range toplevelactions {
  2438  		if !strings.HasSuffix(, ".a") { // omit unsafe etc and actions for other shared libraries
  2439  			continue
  2440  		}
  2441  		ldflags = append(ldflags, d.p.ImportPath+"="
  2442  	}
  2443  	return".", out, nil, buildToolExec, tool("link"), "-o", out, importArgs, ldflags)
  2444  }
  2446  func (gcToolchain) cc(b *builder, p *Package, objdir, ofile, cfile string) error {
  2447  	return fmt.Errorf("%s: C source files not supported without cgo", mkAbs(p.Dir, cfile))
  2448  }
  2450  // The Gccgo toolchain.
  2451  type gccgoToolchain struct{}
  2453  var gccgoName, gccgoBin string
  2455  func init() {
  2456  	gccgoName = os.Getenv("GCCGO")
  2457  	if gccgoName == "" {
  2458  		gccgoName = "gccgo"
  2459  	}
  2460  	gccgoBin, _ = exec.LookPath(gccgoName)
  2461  }
  2463  func (gccgoToolchain) compiler() string {
  2464  	return gccgoBin
  2465  }
  2467  func (gccgoToolchain) linker() string {
  2468  	return gccgoBin
  2469  }
  2471  func (tools gccgoToolchain) gc(b *builder, p *Package, archive, obj string, asmhdr bool, importArgs []string, gofiles []string) (ofile string, output []byte, err error) {
  2472  	out := "_go_.o"
  2473  	ofile = obj + out
  2474  	gcargs := []string{"-g"}
  2475  	gcargs = append(gcargs, b.gccArchArgs()...)
  2476  	if pkgpath := gccgoPkgpath(p); pkgpath != "" {
  2477  		gcargs = append(gcargs, "-fgo-pkgpath="+pkgpath)
  2478  	}
  2479  	if p.localPrefix != "" {
  2480  		gcargs = append(gcargs, "-fgo-relative-import-path="+p.localPrefix)
  2481  	}
  2482  	args := stringList(tools.compiler(), importArgs, "-c", gcargs, "-o", ofile, buildGccgoflags)
  2483  	for _, f := range gofiles {
  2484  		args = append(args, mkAbs(p.Dir, f))
  2485  	}
  2487  	output, err = b.runOut(p.Dir, p.ImportPath, nil, args)
  2488  	return ofile, output, err
  2489  }
  2491  func (tools gccgoToolchain) asm(b *builder, p *Package, obj, ofile, sfile string) error {
  2492  	sfile = mkAbs(p.Dir, sfile)
  2493  	defs := []string{"-D", "GOOS_" + goos, "-D", "GOARCH_" + goarch}
  2494  	if pkgpath := gccgoCleanPkgpath(p); pkgpath != "" {
  2495  		defs = append(defs, `-D`, `GOPKGPATH="`+pkgpath+`"`)
  2496  	}
  2497  	defs = tools.maybePIC(defs)
  2498  	defs = append(defs, b.gccArchArgs()...)
  2499  	return, p.ImportPath, nil, tools.compiler(), "-I", obj, "-o", ofile, defs, sfile)
  2500  }
  2502  func (gccgoToolchain) pkgpath(basedir string, p *Package) string {
  2503  	end := filepath.FromSlash(p.ImportPath + ".a")
  2504  	afile := filepath.Join(basedir, end)
  2505  	// add "lib" to the final element
  2506  	return filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(afile), "lib"+filepath.Base(afile))
  2507  }
  2509  func (gccgoToolchain) pack(b *builder, p *Package, objDir, afile string, ofiles []string) error {
  2510  	var absOfiles []string
  2511  	for _, f := range ofiles {
  2512  		absOfiles = append(absOfiles, mkAbs(objDir, f))
  2513  	}
  2514  	return, p.ImportPath, nil, "ar", "rc", mkAbs(objDir, afile), absOfiles)
  2515  }
  2517  func (tools gccgoToolchain) ld(b *builder, root *action, out string, allactions []*action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string) error {
  2518  	// gccgo needs explicit linking with all package dependencies,
  2519  	// and all LDFLAGS from cgo dependencies.
  2520  	apackagesSeen := make(map[*Package]bool)
  2521  	afiles := []string{}
  2522  	shlibs := []string{}
  2523  	xfiles := []string{}
  2524  	ldflags := b.gccArchArgs()
  2525  	cgoldflags := []string{}
  2526  	usesCgo := false
  2527  	cxx := len(root.p.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(root.p.SwigCXXFiles) > 0
  2528  	objc := len(root.p.MFiles) > 0
  2530  	actionsSeen := make(map[*action]bool)
  2531  	// Make a pre-order depth-first traversal of the action graph, taking note of
  2532  	// whether a shared library action has been seen on the way to an action (the
  2533  	// construction of the graph means that if any path to a node passes through
  2534  	// a shared library action, they all do).
  2535  	var walk func(a *action, seenShlib bool)
  2536  	walk = func(a *action, seenShlib bool) {
  2537  		if actionsSeen[a] {
  2538  			return
  2539  		}
  2540  		actionsSeen[a] = true
  2541  		if a.p != nil && !seenShlib {
  2542  			if a.p.Standard {
  2543  				return
  2544  			}
  2545  			// We record the target of the first time we see a .a file
  2546  			// for a package to make sure that we prefer the 'install'
  2547  			// rather than the 'build' location (which may not exist any
  2548  			// more). We still need to traverse the dependencies of the
  2549  			// build action though so saying
  2550  			// if apackagesSeen[a.p] { return }
  2551  			// doesn't work.
  2552  			if !apackagesSeen[a.p] {
  2553  				apackagesSeen[a.p] = true
  2554  				if a.p.fake && a.p.external {
  2555  					// external _tests, if present must come before
  2556  					// internal _tests. Store these on a separate list
  2557  					// and place them at the head after this loop.
  2558  					xfiles = append(xfiles,
  2559  				} else if a.p.fake {
  2560  					// move _test files to the top of the link order
  2561  					afiles = append([]string{}, afiles...)
  2562  				} else {
  2563  					afiles = append(afiles,
  2564  				}
  2565  			}
  2566  		}
  2567  		if strings.HasSuffix(, ".so") {
  2568  			shlibs = append(shlibs,
  2569  			seenShlib = true
  2570  		}
  2571  		for _, a1 := range a.deps {
  2572  			walk(a1, seenShlib)
  2573  		}
  2574  	}
  2575  	for _, a1 := range root.deps {
  2576  		walk(a1, false)
  2577  	}
  2578  	afiles = append(xfiles, afiles...)
  2580  	for _, a := range allactions {
  2581  		// Gather CgoLDFLAGS, but not from standard packages.
  2582  		// The go tool can dig up runtime/cgo from GOROOT and
  2583  		// think that it should use its CgoLDFLAGS, but gccgo
  2584  		// doesn't use runtime/cgo.
  2585  		if a.p == nil {
  2586  			continue
  2587  		}
  2588  		if !a.p.Standard {
  2589  			cgoldflags = append(cgoldflags, a.p.CgoLDFLAGS...)
  2590  		}
  2591  		if len(a.p.CgoFiles) > 0 {
  2592  			usesCgo = true
  2593  		}
  2594  		if a.p.usesSwig() {
  2595  			usesCgo = true
  2596  		}
  2597  		if len(a.p.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(a.p.SwigCXXFiles) > 0 {
  2598  			cxx = true
  2599  		}
  2600  		if len(a.p.MFiles) > 0 {
  2601  			objc = true
  2602  		}
  2603  	}
  2605  	ldflags = append(ldflags, "-Wl,--whole-archive")
  2606  	ldflags = append(ldflags, afiles...)
  2607  	ldflags = append(ldflags, "-Wl,--no-whole-archive")
  2609  	ldflags = append(ldflags, cgoldflags...)
  2610  	ldflags = append(ldflags, envList("CGO_LDFLAGS", "")...)
  2611  	ldflags = append(ldflags, root.p.CgoLDFLAGS...)
  2613  	ldflags = stringList("-Wl,-(", ldflags, "-Wl,-)")
  2615  	for _, shlib := range shlibs {
  2616  		ldflags = append(
  2617  			ldflags,
  2618  			"-L"+filepath.Dir(shlib),
  2619  			"-Wl,-rpath="+filepath.Dir(shlib),
  2620  			"-l"+strings.TrimSuffix(
  2621  				strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Base(shlib), "lib"),
  2622  				".so"))
  2623  	}
  2625  	var realOut string
  2626  	switch ldBuildmode {
  2627  	case "exe":
  2628  		if usesCgo && goos == "linux" {
  2629  			ldflags = append(ldflags, "-Wl,-E")
  2630  		}
  2632  	case "c-archive":
  2633  		// Link the Go files into a single .o, and also link
  2634  		// in -lgolibbegin.
  2635  		//
  2636  		// We need to use --whole-archive with -lgolibbegin
  2637  		// because it doesn't define any symbols that will
  2638  		// cause the contents to be pulled in; it's just
  2639  		// initialization code.
  2640  		//
  2641  		// The user remains responsible for linking against
  2642  		// -lgo -lpthread -lm in the final link.  We can't use
  2643  		// -r to pick them up because we can't combine
  2644  		// split-stack and non-split-stack code in a single -r
  2645  		// link, and libgo picks up non-split-stack code from
  2646  		// libffi.
  2647  		ldflags = append(ldflags, "-Wl,-r", "-nostdlib", "-Wl,--whole-archive", "-lgolibbegin", "-Wl,--no-whole-archive")
  2649  		// We are creating an object file, so we don't want a build ID.
  2650  		ldflags = b.disableBuildID(ldflags)
  2652  		realOut = out
  2653  		out = out + ".o"
  2655  	case "c-shared":
  2656  		ldflags = append(ldflags, "-shared", "-nostdlib", "-Wl,--whole-archive", "-lgolibbegin", "-Wl,--no-whole-archive", "-lgo", "-lgcc_s", "-lgcc")
  2658  	default:
  2659  		fatalf("-buildmode=%s not supported for gccgo", ldBuildmode)
  2660  	}
  2662  	switch ldBuildmode {
  2663  	case "exe", "c-shared":
  2664  		if cxx {
  2665  			ldflags = append(ldflags, "-lstdc++")
  2666  		}
  2667  		if objc {
  2668  			ldflags = append(ldflags, "-lobjc")
  2669  		}
  2670  	}
  2672  	if err :=".", root.p.ImportPath, nil, tools.linker(), "-o", out, ofiles, ldflags, buildGccgoflags); err != nil {
  2673  		return err
  2674  	}
  2676  	switch ldBuildmode {
  2677  	case "c-archive":
  2678  		if err :=".", root.p.ImportPath, nil, "ar", "rc", realOut, out); err != nil {
  2679  			return err
  2680  		}
  2681  	}
  2682  	return nil
  2683  }
  2685  func (tools gccgoToolchain) ldShared(b *builder, toplevelactions []*action, out string, allactions []*action) error {
  2686  	args := []string{"-o", out, "-shared", "-nostdlib", "-zdefs", "-Wl,--whole-archive"}
  2687  	for _, a := range toplevelactions {
  2688  		args = append(args,
  2689  	}
  2690  	args = append(args, "-Wl,--no-whole-archive", "-shared", "-nostdlib", "-lgo", "-lgcc_s", "-lgcc", "-lc")
  2691  	shlibs := []string{}
  2692  	for _, a := range allactions {
  2693  		if strings.HasSuffix(, ".so") {
  2694  			shlibs = append(shlibs,
  2695  		}
  2696  	}
  2697  	for _, shlib := range shlibs {
  2698  		args = append(
  2699  			args,
  2700  			"-L"+filepath.Dir(shlib),
  2701  			"-Wl,-rpath="+filepath.Dir(shlib),
  2702  			"-l"+strings.TrimSuffix(
  2703  				strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Base(shlib), "lib"),
  2704  				".so"))
  2705  	}
  2706  	return".", out, nil, tools.linker(), args, buildGccgoflags)
  2707  }
  2709  func (tools gccgoToolchain) cc(b *builder, p *Package, objdir, ofile, cfile string) error {
  2710  	inc := filepath.Join(goroot, "pkg", "include")
  2711  	cfile = mkAbs(p.Dir, cfile)
  2712  	defs := []string{"-D", "GOOS_" + goos, "-D", "GOARCH_" + goarch}
  2713  	defs = append(defs, b.gccArchArgs()...)
  2714  	if pkgpath := gccgoCleanPkgpath(p); pkgpath != "" {
  2715  		defs = append(defs, `-D`, `GOPKGPATH="`+pkgpath+`"`)
  2716  	}
  2717  	switch goarch {
  2718  	case "386", "amd64":
  2719  		defs = append(defs, "-fsplit-stack")
  2720  	}
  2721  	defs = tools.maybePIC(defs)
  2722  	return, p.ImportPath, nil, envList("CC", defaultCC), "-Wall", "-g",
  2723  		"-I", objdir, "-I", inc, "-o", ofile, defs, "-c", cfile)
  2724  }
  2726  // maybePIC adds -fPIC to the list of arguments if needed.
  2727  func (tools gccgoToolchain) maybePIC(args []string) []string {
  2728  	switch buildBuildmode {
  2729  	case "c-shared", "shared":
  2730  		args = append(args, "-fPIC")
  2731  	}
  2732  	return args
  2733  }
  2735  func gccgoPkgpath(p *Package) string {
  2736  	if && !p.forceLibrary {
  2737  		return ""
  2738  	}
  2739  	return p.ImportPath
  2740  }
  2742  func gccgoCleanPkgpath(p *Package) string {
  2743  	clean := func(r rune) rune {
  2744  		switch {
  2745  		case 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z', 'a' <= r && r <= 'z',
  2746  			'0' <= r && r <= '9':
  2747  			return r
  2748  		}
  2749  		return '_'
  2750  	}
  2751  	return strings.Map(clean, gccgoPkgpath(p))
  2752  }
  2754  // gcc runs the gcc C compiler to create an object from a single C file.
  2755  func (b *builder) gcc(p *Package, out string, flags []string, cfile string) error {
  2756  	return b.ccompile(p, out, flags, cfile, b.gccCmd(p.Dir))
  2757  }
  2759  // gxx runs the g++ C++ compiler to create an object from a single C++ file.
  2760  func (b *builder) gxx(p *Package, out string, flags []string, cxxfile string) error {
  2761  	return b.ccompile(p, out, flags, cxxfile, b.gxxCmd(p.Dir))
  2762  }
  2764  // ccompile runs the given C or C++ compiler and creates an object from a single source file.
  2765  func (b *builder) ccompile(p *Package, out string, flags []string, file string, compiler []string) error {
  2766  	file = mkAbs(p.Dir, file)
  2767  	return, p.ImportPath, nil, compiler, flags, "-o", out, "-c", file)
  2768  }
  2770  // gccld runs the gcc linker to create an executable from a set of object files.
  2771  func (b *builder) gccld(p *Package, out string, flags []string, obj []string) error {
  2772  	var cmd []string
  2773  	if len(p.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(p.SwigCXXFiles) > 0 {
  2774  		cmd = b.gxxCmd(p.Dir)
  2775  	} else {
  2776  		cmd = b.gccCmd(p.Dir)
  2777  	}
  2778  	return, p.ImportPath, nil, cmd, "-o", out, obj, flags)
  2779  }
  2781  // gccCmd returns a gcc command line prefix
  2782  // defaultCC is defined in zdefaultcc.go, written by cmd/dist.
  2783  func (b *builder) gccCmd(objdir string) []string {
  2784  	return b.ccompilerCmd("CC", defaultCC, objdir)
  2785  }
  2787  // gxxCmd returns a g++ command line prefix
  2788  // defaultCXX is defined in zdefaultcc.go, written by cmd/dist.
  2789  func (b *builder) gxxCmd(objdir string) []string {
  2790  	return b.ccompilerCmd("CXX", defaultCXX, objdir)
  2791  }
  2793  // ccompilerCmd returns a command line prefix for the given environment
  2794  // variable and using the default command when the variable is empty.
  2795  func (b *builder) ccompilerCmd(envvar, defcmd, objdir string) []string {
  2796  	// NOTE: env.go's mkEnv knows that the first three
  2797  	// strings returned are "gcc", "-I", objdir (and cuts them off).
  2799  	compiler := envList(envvar, defcmd)
  2800  	a := []string{compiler[0], "-I", objdir}
  2801  	a = append(a, compiler[1:]...)
  2803  	// Definitely want -fPIC but on Windows gcc complains
  2804  	// "-fPIC ignored for target (all code is position independent)"
  2805  	if goos != "windows" {
  2806  		a = append(a, "-fPIC")
  2807  	}
  2808  	a = append(a, b.gccArchArgs()...)
  2809  	// gcc-4.5 and beyond require explicit "-pthread" flag
  2810  	// for multithreading with pthread library.
  2811  	if buildContext.CgoEnabled {
  2812  		switch goos {
  2813  		case "windows":
  2814  			a = append(a, "-mthreads")
  2815  		default:
  2816  			a = append(a, "-pthread")
  2817  		}
  2818  	}
  2820  	if strings.Contains(a[0], "clang") {
  2821  		// disable ASCII art in clang errors, if possible
  2822  		a = append(a, "-fno-caret-diagnostics")
  2823  		// clang is too smart about command-line arguments
  2824  		a = append(a, "-Qunused-arguments")
  2825  	}
  2827  	// disable word wrapping in error messages
  2828  	a = append(a, "-fmessage-length=0")
  2830  	// On OS X, some of the compilers behave as if -fno-common
  2831  	// is always set, and the Mach-O linker in 6l/8l assumes this.
  2832  	// See
  2833  	if goos == "darwin" {
  2834  		a = append(a, "-fno-common")
  2835  	}
  2837  	return a
  2838  }
  2840  // gccArchArgs returns arguments to pass to gcc based on the architecture.
  2841  func (b *builder) gccArchArgs() []string {
  2842  	switch goarch {
  2843  	case "386":
  2844  		return []string{"-m32"}
  2845  	case "amd64", "amd64p32":
  2846  		return []string{"-m64"}
  2847  	case "arm":
  2848  		return []string{"-marm"} // not thumb
  2849  	}
  2850  	return nil
  2851  }
  2853  // envList returns the value of the given environment variable broken
  2854  // into fields, using the default value when the variable is empty.
  2855  func envList(key, def string) []string {
  2856  	v := os.Getenv(key)
  2857  	if v == "" {
  2858  		v = def
  2859  	}
  2860  	return strings.Fields(v)
  2861  }
  2863  // Return the flags to use when invoking the C or C++ compilers, or cgo.
  2864  func (b *builder) cflags(p *Package, def bool) (cppflags, cflags, cxxflags, ldflags []string) {
  2865  	var defaults string
  2866  	if def {
  2867  		defaults = "-g -O2"
  2868  	}
  2870  	cppflags = stringList(envList("CGO_CPPFLAGS", ""), p.CgoCPPFLAGS)
  2871  	cflags = stringList(envList("CGO_CFLAGS", defaults), p.CgoCFLAGS)
  2872  	cxxflags = stringList(envList("CGO_CXXFLAGS", defaults), p.CgoCXXFLAGS)
  2873  	ldflags = stringList(envList("CGO_LDFLAGS", defaults), p.CgoLDFLAGS)
  2874  	return
  2875  }
  2877  var cgoRe = regexp.MustCompile(`[/\\:]`)
  2879  func (b *builder) cgo(p *Package, cgoExe, obj string, pcCFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS, cgofiles, gccfiles, gxxfiles, mfiles []string) (outGo, outObj []string, err error) {
  2880  	cgoCPPFLAGS, cgoCFLAGS, cgoCXXFLAGS, cgoLDFLAGS := b.cflags(p, true)
  2881  	_, cgoexeCFLAGS, _, _ := b.cflags(p, false)
  2882  	cgoCPPFLAGS = append(cgoCPPFLAGS, pcCFLAGS...)
  2883  	cgoLDFLAGS = append(cgoLDFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS...)
  2884  	// If we are compiling Objective-C code, then we need to link against libobjc
  2885  	if len(mfiles) > 0 {
  2886  		cgoLDFLAGS = append(cgoLDFLAGS, "-lobjc")
  2887  	}
  2889  	if buildMSan && p.ImportPath != "runtime/cgo" {
  2890  		cgoCFLAGS = append([]string{"-fsanitize=memory"}, cgoCFLAGS...)
  2891  		cgoLDFLAGS = append([]string{"-fsanitize=memory"}, cgoLDFLAGS...)
  2892  	}
  2894  	// Allows including _cgo_export.h from .[ch] files in the package.
  2895  	cgoCPPFLAGS = append(cgoCPPFLAGS, "-I", obj)
  2897  	// cgo
  2898  	// TODO: CGO_FLAGS?
  2899  	gofiles := []string{obj + "_cgo_gotypes.go"}
  2900  	cfiles := []string{"_cgo_main.c", "_cgo_export.c"}
  2901  	for _, fn := range cgofiles {
  2902  		f := cgoRe.ReplaceAllString(fn[:len(fn)-2], "_")
  2903  		gofiles = append(gofiles, obj+f+"cgo1.go")
  2904  		cfiles = append(cfiles, f+"cgo2.c")
  2905  	}
  2906  	defunC := obj + "_cgo_defun.c"
  2908  	cgoflags := []string{}
  2909  	// TODO: make cgo not depend on $GOARCH?
  2911  	if p.Standard && p.ImportPath == "runtime/cgo" {
  2912  		cgoflags = append(cgoflags, "-import_runtime_cgo=false")
  2913  	}
  2914  	if p.Standard && (p.ImportPath == "runtime/race" || p.ImportPath == "runtime/msan" || p.ImportPath == "runtime/cgo") {
  2915  		cgoflags = append(cgoflags, "-import_syscall=false")
  2916  	}
  2918  	// Update $CGO_LDFLAGS with p.CgoLDFLAGS.
  2919  	var cgoenv []string
  2920  	if len(cgoLDFLAGS) > 0 {
  2921  		flags := make([]string, len(cgoLDFLAGS))
  2922  		for i, f := range cgoLDFLAGS {
  2923  			flags[i] = strconv.Quote(f)
  2924  		}
  2925  		cgoenv = []string{"CGO_LDFLAGS=" + strings.Join(flags, " ")}
  2926  	}
  2928  	if _, ok := buildToolchain.(gccgoToolchain); ok {
  2929  		switch goarch {
  2930  		case "386", "amd64":
  2931  			cgoCFLAGS = append(cgoCFLAGS, "-fsplit-stack")
  2932  		}
  2933  		cgoflags = append(cgoflags, "-gccgo")
  2934  		if pkgpath := gccgoPkgpath(p); pkgpath != "" {
  2935  			cgoflags = append(cgoflags, "-gccgopkgpath="+pkgpath)
  2936  		}
  2937  	}
  2939  	switch buildBuildmode {
  2940  	case "c-archive", "c-shared":
  2941  		// Tell cgo that if there are any exported functions
  2942  		// it should generate a header file that C code can
  2943  		// #include.
  2944  		cgoflags = append(cgoflags, "-exportheader="+obj+"_cgo_install.h")
  2945  	}
  2947  	if err :=, p.ImportPath, cgoenv, buildToolExec, cgoExe, "-objdir", obj, "-importpath", p.ImportPath, cgoflags, "--", cgoCPPFLAGS, cgoexeCFLAGS, cgofiles); err != nil {
  2948  		return nil, nil, err
  2949  	}
  2950  	outGo = append(outGo, gofiles...)
  2952  	// cc _cgo_defun.c
  2953  	_, gccgo := buildToolchain.(gccgoToolchain)
  2954  	if gccgo {
  2955  		defunObj := obj + "_cgo_defun.o"
  2956  		if err :=, p, obj, defunObj, defunC); err != nil {
  2957  			return nil, nil, err
  2958  		}
  2959  		outObj = append(outObj, defunObj)
  2960  	}
  2962  	// gcc
  2963  	var linkobj []string
  2965  	var bareLDFLAGS []string
  2966  	// When linking relocatable objects, various flags need to be
  2967  	// filtered out as they are inapplicable and can cause some linkers
  2968  	// to fail.
  2969  	for i := 0; i < len(cgoLDFLAGS); i++ {
  2970  		f := cgoLDFLAGS[i]
  2971  		switch {
  2972  		// skip "-lc" or "-l somelib"
  2973  		case strings.HasPrefix(f, "-l"):
  2974  			if f == "-l" {
  2975  				i++
  2976  			}
  2977  		// skip "-framework X" on Darwin
  2978  		case goos == "darwin" && f == "-framework":
  2979  			i++
  2980  		// skip "*.{dylib,so,dll}"
  2981  		case strings.HasSuffix(f, ".dylib"),
  2982  			strings.HasSuffix(f, ".so"),
  2983  			strings.HasSuffix(f, ".dll"):
  2984  		// Remove any -fsanitize=foo flags.
  2985  		// Otherwise the compiler driver thinks that we are doing final link
  2986  		// and links sanitizer runtime into the object file. But we are not doing
  2987  		// the final link, we will link the resulting object file again. And
  2988  		// so the program ends up with two copies of sanitizer runtime.
  2989  		// See issue 8788 for details.
  2990  		case strings.HasPrefix(f, "-fsanitize="):
  2991  			continue
  2992  		// runpath flags not applicable unless building a shared
  2993  		// object or executable; see issue 12115 for details.  This
  2994  		// is necessary as Go currently does not offer a way to
  2995  		// specify the set of LDFLAGS that only apply to shared
  2996  		// objects.
  2997  		case strings.HasPrefix(f, "-Wl,-rpath"):
  2998  			if f == "-Wl,-rpath" || f == "-Wl,-rpath-link" {
  2999  				// Skip following argument to -rpath* too.
  3000  				i++
  3001  			}
  3002  		default:
  3003  			bareLDFLAGS = append(bareLDFLAGS, f)
  3004  		}
  3005  	}
  3007  	var staticLibs []string
  3008  	if goos == "windows" {
  3009  		// libmingw32 and libmingwex have some inter-dependencies,
  3010  		// so must use linker groups.
  3011  		staticLibs = []string{"-Wl,--start-group", "-lmingwex", "-lmingw32", "-Wl,--end-group"}
  3012  	}
  3014  	cflags := stringList(cgoCPPFLAGS, cgoCFLAGS)
  3015  	for _, cfile := range cfiles {
  3016  		ofile := obj + cfile[:len(cfile)-1] + "o"
  3017  		if err := b.gcc(p, ofile, cflags, obj+cfile); err != nil {
  3018  			return nil, nil, err
  3019  		}
  3020  		linkobj = append(linkobj, ofile)
  3021  		if !strings.HasSuffix(ofile, "_cgo_main.o") {
  3022  			outObj = append(outObj, ofile)
  3023  		}
  3024  	}
  3026  	for _, file := range gccfiles {
  3027  		ofile := obj + cgoRe.ReplaceAllString(file[:len(file)-1], "_") + "o"
  3028  		if err := b.gcc(p, ofile, cflags, file); err != nil {
  3029  			return nil, nil, err
  3030  		}
  3031  		linkobj = append(linkobj, ofile)
  3032  		outObj = append(outObj, ofile)
  3033  	}
  3035  	cxxflags := stringList(cgoCPPFLAGS, cgoCXXFLAGS)
  3036  	for _, file := range gxxfiles {
  3037  		// Append .o to the file, just in case the pkg has file.c and file.cpp
  3038  		ofile := obj + cgoRe.ReplaceAllString(file, "_") + ".o"
  3039  		if err := b.gxx(p, ofile, cxxflags, file); err != nil {
  3040  			return nil, nil, err
  3041  		}
  3042  		linkobj = append(linkobj, ofile)
  3043  		outObj = append(outObj, ofile)
  3044  	}
  3046  	for _, file := range mfiles {
  3047  		// Append .o to the file, just in case the pkg has file.c and file.m
  3048  		ofile := obj + cgoRe.ReplaceAllString(file, "_") + ".o"
  3049  		if err := b.gcc(p, ofile, cflags, file); err != nil {
  3050  			return nil, nil, err
  3051  		}
  3052  		linkobj = append(linkobj, ofile)
  3053  		outObj = append(outObj, ofile)
  3054  	}
  3056  	linkobj = append(linkobj, p.SysoFiles...)
  3057  	dynobj := obj + "_cgo_.o"
  3058  	pie := (goarch == "arm" && goos == "linux") || goos == "android"
  3059  	if pie { // we need to use -pie for Linux/ARM to get accurate imported sym
  3060  		cgoLDFLAGS = append(cgoLDFLAGS, "-pie")
  3061  	}
  3062  	if err := b.gccld(p, dynobj, cgoLDFLAGS, linkobj); err != nil {
  3063  		return nil, nil, err
  3064  	}
  3065  	if pie { // but we don't need -pie for normal cgo programs
  3066  		cgoLDFLAGS = cgoLDFLAGS[0 : len(cgoLDFLAGS)-1]
  3067  	}
  3069  	if _, ok := buildToolchain.(gccgoToolchain); ok {
  3070  		// we don't use dynimport when using gccgo.
  3071  		return outGo, outObj, nil
  3072  	}
  3074  	// cgo -dynimport
  3075  	importGo := obj + "_cgo_import.go"
  3076  	cgoflags = []string{}
  3077  	if p.Standard && p.ImportPath == "runtime/cgo" {
  3078  		cgoflags = append(cgoflags, "-dynlinker") // record path to dynamic linker
  3079  	}
  3080  	if err :=, p.ImportPath, nil, buildToolExec, cgoExe, "-objdir", obj, "-dynpackage", p.Name, "-dynimport", dynobj, "-dynout", importGo, cgoflags); err != nil {
  3081  		return nil, nil, err
  3082  	}
  3083  	outGo = append(outGo, importGo)
  3085  	ofile := obj + "_all.o"
  3086  	var gccObjs, nonGccObjs []string
  3087  	for _, f := range outObj {
  3088  		if strings.HasSuffix(f, ".o") {
  3089  			gccObjs = append(gccObjs, f)
  3090  		} else {
  3091  			nonGccObjs = append(nonGccObjs, f)
  3092  		}
  3093  	}
  3094  	ldflags := stringList(bareLDFLAGS, "-Wl,-r", "-nostdlib", staticLibs)
  3096  	// We are creating an object file, so we don't want a build ID.
  3097  	ldflags = b.disableBuildID(ldflags)
  3099  	if err := b.gccld(p, ofile, ldflags, gccObjs); err != nil {
  3100  		return nil, nil, err
  3101  	}
  3103  	// NOTE(rsc): The importObj is a 5c/6c/8c object and on Windows
  3104  	// must be processed before the gcc-generated objects.
  3105  	// Put it first.
  3106  	outObj = stringList(nonGccObjs, ofile)
  3108  	return outGo, outObj, nil
  3109  }
  3111  // Run SWIG on all SWIG input files.
  3112  // TODO: Don't build a shared library, once SWIG emits the necessary
  3113  // pragmas for external linking.
  3114  func (b *builder) swig(p *Package, obj string, pcCFLAGS []string) (outGo, outC, outCXX []string, err error) {
  3115  	if err := b.swigVersionCheck(); err != nil {
  3116  		return nil, nil, nil, err
  3117  	}
  3119  	intgosize, err := b.swigIntSize(obj)
  3120  	if err != nil {
  3121  		return nil, nil, nil, err
  3122  	}
  3124  	for _, f := range p.SwigFiles {
  3125  		goFile, cFile, err := b.swigOne(p, f, obj, pcCFLAGS, false, intgosize)
  3126  		if err != nil {
  3127  			return nil, nil, nil, err
  3128  		}
  3129  		if goFile != "" {
  3130  			outGo = append(outGo, goFile)
  3131  		}
  3132  		if cFile != "" {
  3133  			outC = append(outC, cFile)
  3134  		}
  3135  	}
  3136  	for _, f := range p.SwigCXXFiles {
  3137  		goFile, cxxFile, err := b.swigOne(p, f, obj, pcCFLAGS, true, intgosize)
  3138  		if err != nil {
  3139  			return nil, nil, nil, err
  3140  		}
  3141  		if goFile != "" {
  3142  			outGo = append(outGo, goFile)
  3143  		}
  3144  		if cxxFile != "" {
  3145  			outCXX = append(outCXX, cxxFile)
  3146  		}
  3147  	}
  3148  	return outGo, outC, outCXX, nil
  3149  }
  3151  // Make sure SWIG is new enough.
  3152  var (
  3153  	swigCheckOnce sync.Once
  3154  	swigCheck     error
  3155  )
  3157  func (b *builder) swigDoVersionCheck() error {
  3158  	out, err := b.runOut("", "", nil, "swig", "-version")
  3159  	if err != nil {
  3160  		return err
  3161  	}
  3162  	re := regexp.MustCompile(`[vV]ersion +([\d]+)([.][\d]+)?([.][\d]+)?`)
  3163  	matches := re.FindSubmatch(out)
  3164  	if matches == nil {
  3165  		// Can't find version number; hope for the best.
  3166  		return nil
  3167  	}
  3169  	major, err := strconv.Atoi(string(matches[1]))
  3170  	if err != nil {
  3171  		// Can't find version number; hope for the best.
  3172  		return nil
  3173  	}
  3174  	const errmsg = "must have SWIG version >= 3.0.6"
  3175  	if major < 3 {
  3176  		return errors.New(errmsg)
  3177  	}
  3178  	if major > 3 {
  3179  		// 4.0 or later
  3180  		return nil
  3181  	}
  3183  	// We have SWIG version 3.x.
  3184  	if len(matches[2]) > 0 {
  3185  		minor, err := strconv.Atoi(string(matches[2][1:]))
  3186  		if err != nil {
  3187  			return nil
  3188  		}
  3189  		if minor > 0 {
  3190  			// 3.1 or later
  3191  			return nil
  3192  		}
  3193  	}
  3195  	// We have SWIG version 3.0.x.
  3196  	if len(matches[3]) > 0 {
  3197  		patch, err := strconv.Atoi(string(matches[3][1:]))
  3198  		if err != nil {
  3199  			return nil
  3200  		}
  3201  		if patch < 6 {
  3202  			// Before 3.0.6.
  3203  			return errors.New(errmsg)
  3204  		}
  3205  	}
  3207  	return nil
  3208  }
  3210  func (b *builder) swigVersionCheck() error {
  3211  	swigCheckOnce.Do(func() {
  3212  		swigCheck = b.swigDoVersionCheck()
  3213  	})
  3214  	return swigCheck
  3215  }
  3217  // This code fails to build if sizeof(int) <= 32
  3218  const swigIntSizeCode = `
  3219  package main
  3220  const i int = 1 << 32
  3221  `
  3223  // Determine the size of int on the target system for the -intgosize option
  3224  // of swig >= 2.0.9
  3225  func (b *builder) swigIntSize(obj string) (intsize string, err error) {
  3226  	if buildN {
  3227  		return "$INTBITS", nil
  3228  	}
  3229  	src := filepath.Join(, "swig_intsize.go")
  3230  	if err = ioutil.WriteFile(src, []byte(swigIntSizeCode), 0644); err != nil {
  3231  		return
  3232  	}
  3233  	srcs := []string{src}
  3235  	p := goFilesPackage(srcs)
  3237  	if _, _, e := buildToolchain.gc(b, p, "", obj, false, nil, srcs); e != nil {
  3238  		return "32", nil
  3239  	}
  3240  	return "64", nil
  3241  }
  3243  // Run SWIG on one SWIG input file.
  3244  func (b *builder) swigOne(p *Package, file, obj string, pcCFLAGS []string, cxx bool, intgosize string) (outGo, outC string, err error) {
  3245  	cgoCPPFLAGS, cgoCFLAGS, cgoCXXFLAGS, _ := b.cflags(p, true)
  3246  	var cflags []string
  3247  	if cxx {
  3248  		cflags = stringList(cgoCPPFLAGS, pcCFLAGS, cgoCXXFLAGS)
  3249  	} else {
  3250  		cflags = stringList(cgoCPPFLAGS, pcCFLAGS, cgoCFLAGS)
  3251  	}
  3253  	n := 5 // length of ".swig"
  3254  	if cxx {
  3255  		n = 8 // length of ".swigcxx"
  3256  	}
  3257  	base := file[:len(file)-n]
  3258  	goFile := base + ".go"
  3259  	gccBase := base + "_wrap."
  3260  	gccExt := "c"
  3261  	if cxx {
  3262  		gccExt = "cxx"
  3263  	}
  3265  	_, gccgo := buildToolchain.(gccgoToolchain)
  3267  	// swig
  3268  	args := []string{
  3269  		"-go",
  3270  		"-cgo",
  3271  		"-intgosize", intgosize,
  3272  		"-module", base,
  3273  		"-o", obj + gccBase + gccExt,
  3274  		"-outdir", obj,
  3275  	}
  3277  	for _, f := range cflags {
  3278  		if len(f) > 3 && f[:2] == "-I" {
  3279  			args = append(args, f)
  3280  		}
  3281  	}
  3283  	if gccgo {
  3284  		args = append(args, "-gccgo")
  3285  		if pkgpath := gccgoPkgpath(p); pkgpath != "" {
  3286  			args = append(args, "-go-pkgpath", pkgpath)
  3287  		}
  3288  	}
  3289  	if cxx {
  3290  		args = append(args, "-c++")
  3291  	}
  3293  	out, err := b.runOut(p.Dir, p.ImportPath, nil, "swig", args, file)
  3294  	if err != nil {
  3295  		if len(out) > 0 {
  3296  			if bytes.Contains(out, []byte("-intgosize")) || bytes.Contains(out, []byte("-cgo")) {
  3297  				return "", "", errors.New("must have SWIG version >= 3.0.6")
  3298  			}
  3299  			b.showOutput(p.Dir, p.ImportPath, b.processOutput(out)) // swig error
  3300  			return "", "", errPrintedOutput
  3301  		}
  3302  		return "", "", err
  3303  	}
  3304  	if len(out) > 0 {
  3305  		b.showOutput(p.Dir, p.ImportPath, b.processOutput(out)) // swig warning
  3306  	}
  3308  	return obj + goFile, obj + gccBase + gccExt, nil
  3309  }
  3311  // disableBuildID adjusts a linker command line to avoid creating a
  3312  // build ID when creating an object file rather than an executable or
  3313  // shared library.  Some systems, such as Ubuntu, always add
  3314  // --build-id to every link, but we don't want a build ID when we are
  3315  // producing an object file.  On some of those system a plain -r (not
  3316  // -Wl,-r) will turn off --build-id, but clang 3.0 doesn't support a
  3317  // plain -r.  I don't know how to turn off --build-id when using clang
  3318  // other than passing a trailing --build-id=none.  So that is what we
  3319  // do, but only on systems likely to support it, which is to say,
  3320  // systems that normally use gold or the GNU linker.
  3321  func (b *builder) disableBuildID(ldflags []string) []string {
  3322  	switch goos {
  3323  	case "android", "dragonfly", "linux", "netbsd":
  3324  		ldflags = append(ldflags, "-Wl,--build-id=none")
  3325  	}
  3326  	return ldflags
  3327  }
  3329  // An actionQueue is a priority queue of actions.
  3330  type actionQueue []*action
  3332  // Implement heap.Interface
  3333  func (q *actionQueue) Len() int           { return len(*q) }
  3334  func (q *actionQueue) Swap(i, j int)      { (*q)[i], (*q)[j] = (*q)[j], (*q)[i] }
  3335  func (q *actionQueue) Less(i, j int) bool { return (*q)[i].priority < (*q)[j].priority }
  3336  func (q *actionQueue) Push(x interface{}) { *q = append(*q, x.(*action)) }
  3337  func (q *actionQueue) Pop() interface{} {
  3338  	n := len(*q) - 1
  3339  	x := (*q)[n]
  3340  	*q = (*q)[:n]
  3341  	return x
  3342  }
  3344  func (q *actionQueue) push(a *action) {
  3345  	heap.Push(q, a)
  3346  }
  3348  func (q *actionQueue) pop() *action {
  3349  	return heap.Pop(q).(*action)
  3350  }
  3352  func instrumentInit() {
  3353  	if !buildRace && !buildMSan {
  3354  		return
  3355  	}
  3356  	if buildRace && buildMSan {
  3357  		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go %s: may not use -race and -msan simultaneously", flag.Args()[0])
  3358  		os.Exit(2)
  3359  	}
  3360  	if goarch != "amd64" || goos != "linux" && goos != "freebsd" && goos != "darwin" && goos != "windows" {
  3361  		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go %s: -race and -msan are only supported on linux/amd64, freebsd/amd64, darwin/amd64 and windows/amd64\n", flag.Args()[0])
  3362  		os.Exit(2)
  3363  	}
  3364  	if !buildContext.CgoEnabled {
  3365  		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go %s: -race requires cgo; enable cgo by setting CGO_ENABLED=1\n", flag.Args()[0])
  3366  		os.Exit(2)
  3367  	}
  3368  	if buildRace {
  3369  		buildGcflags = append(buildGcflags, "-race")
  3370  		buildLdflags = append(buildLdflags, "-race")
  3371  	} else {
  3372  		buildGcflags = append(buildGcflags, "-msan")
  3373  		buildLdflags = append(buildLdflags, "-msan")
  3374  	}
  3375  	if buildContext.InstallSuffix != "" {
  3376  		buildContext.InstallSuffix += "_"
  3377  	}
  3379  	if buildRace {
  3380  		buildContext.InstallSuffix += "race"
  3381  		buildContext.BuildTags = append(buildContext.BuildTags, "race")
  3382  	} else {
  3383  		buildContext.InstallSuffix += "msan"
  3384  		buildContext.BuildTags = append(buildContext.BuildTags, "msan")
  3385  	}
  3386  }