
     1  package holochain
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"encoding/gob"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	""
     8  	. ""
     9  	peer ""
    10  	. ""
    11  	"os"
    12  	"path/filepath"
    13  	"testing"
    14  	"time"
    15  )
    17  func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
    18  	os.Setenv("_HCTEST", "1")
    19  	// disable UPNP for tests
    20  	os.Setenv("HOLOCHAINCONFIG_ENABLENATUPNP", "false")
    22  	InitializeHolochain()
    23  	os.Exit(m.Run())
    24  }
    26  func TestNewHolochain(t *testing.T) {
    27  	a, _ := NewAgent(LibP2P, "Joe", MakeTestSeed(""))
    29  	Convey("New should fill Holochain struct with provided values and new UUID", t, func() {
    31  		h := NewHolochain(a, "some/path", "json")
    32  		nUUID := string(uuid.NodeID())
    33  		So(nUUID, ShouldEqual, string(h.nucleus.dna.UUID.NodeID())) // this nodeID is from UUID code, i.e the machine's host (not the LibP2P nodeID below)
    34  		So(h.agent.Identity(), ShouldEqual, "Joe")
    35  		So(h.agent.PrivKey(), ShouldEqual, a.PrivKey())
    36  		So(h.encodingFormat, ShouldEqual, "json")
    37  		So(h.rootPath, ShouldEqual, "some/path")
    38  		So(h.UIPath(), ShouldEqual, "some/path/ui")
    39  		So(h.DNAPath(), ShouldEqual, "some/path/dna")
    40  		So(h.DBPath(), ShouldEqual, "some/path/db")
    41  		nodeID, nodeIDStr, _ := h.agent.NodeID()
    42  		So(h.nodeID, ShouldEqual, nodeID)
    43  		So(h.nodeIDStr, ShouldEqual, nodeIDStr)
    44  		So(h.nodeIDStr, ShouldEqual, peer.IDB58Encode(h.nodeID))
    46  		So(h.nucleus.dna.Progenitor.Identity, ShouldEqual, "Joe")
    47  		pk, _ := a.PubKey().Bytes()
    48  		So(string(h.nucleus.dna.Progenitor.PubKey), ShouldEqual, string(pk))
    49  	})
    50  	Convey("New with Zome should fill them", t, func() {
    51  		z := Zome{Name: "zySampleZome",
    52  			Description: "zome desc",
    53  			Code:        "zome_zySampleZome.zy",
    54  			Entries: []EntryDef{
    55  				{Name: "entryTypeFoo", DataFormat: DataFormatString},
    56  				{Name: "entryTypeBar", DataFormat: DataFormatRawZygo},
    57  			},
    58  		}
    60  		h := NewHolochain(a, "some/path", "yaml", z)
    61  		nz, _ := h.GetZome("zySampleZome")
    62  		So(nz.Description, ShouldEqual, "zome desc")
    63  		So(nz.Code, ShouldEqual, "zome_zySampleZome.zy")
    64  		So(fmt.Sprintf("%v", nz.Entries[0]), ShouldEqual, "{entryTypeFoo string   <nil>}")
    65  		So(fmt.Sprintf("%v", nz.Entries[1]), ShouldEqual, "{entryTypeBar zygo   <nil>}")
    66  	})
    68  }
    70  func TestSetupConfig(t *testing.T) {
    71  	Convey("it should set the intervals", t, func() {
    72  		config := Config{}
    73  		config.EnableWorldModel = false
    74  		config.Setup()
    75  		So(config.holdingCheckInterval, ShouldEqual, 0)
    77  		So(config.gossipInterval, ShouldEqual, DefaultGossipInterval)
    78  		So(config.bootstrapRefreshInterval, ShouldEqual, BootstrapTTL)
    79  		So(config.routingRefreshInterval, ShouldEqual, DefaultRoutingRefreshInterval)
    80  		So(config.retryInterval, ShouldEqual, DefaultRetryInterval)
    82  		config.EnableWorldModel = true
    83  		config.Setup()
    84  		So(config.holdingCheckInterval, ShouldEqual, DefaultHoldingCheckInterval)
    85  	})
    87  	Convey("it should honor env variables", t, func() {
    88  		config := Config{}
    89  		So(config.EnableWorldModel, ShouldBeFalse)
    90  		os.Setenv("HC_GOSSIP_INTERVAL", "3")
    91  		os.Setenv("HC_HOLDING_INTERVAL", "2")
    92  		config.Setup()
    93  		So(config.gossipInterval, ShouldEqual, time.Second*3)
    94  		So(config.holdingCheckInterval, ShouldEqual, time.Second*2)
    95  		So(config.EnableWorldModel, ShouldBeTrue)
    96  	})
    97  	os.Unsetenv("HC_GOSSIP_INTERVAL")
    98  	os.Unsetenv("HC_HOLDING_INTERVAL")
   100  }
   102  func TestSetupLogging(t *testing.T) {
   103  	d, _, h := SetupTestChain("test")
   104  	defer CleanupTestChain(h, d)
   105  	Convey("it should initialize the loggers", t, func() {
   106  		err := h.Config.SetupLogging()
   107  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   108  		// test some default configurations
   109  		So(h.Config.Loggers.App.Enabled, ShouldBeFalse)
   110  		So(h.Config.Loggers.DHT.Enabled, ShouldBeFalse)
   111  		So(h.Config.Loggers.World.Enabled, ShouldBeFalse)
   112  		So(h.Config.Loggers.Gossip.Enabled, ShouldBeFalse)
   113  		So(h.Config.Loggers.TestFailed.w, ShouldEqual, os.Stderr)
   114  		// test that a sample color got initialized
   115  		So(fmt.Sprintf("%v", h.Config.Loggers.App.color), ShouldEqual, "&{[36] <nil>}")
   116  	})
   117  	Convey("it should initialize the loggers with env vars", t, func() {
   118  		os.Setenv("HCLOG_APP_ENABLE", "0")
   119  		os.Setenv("HCLOG_DHT_ENABLE", "1")
   120  		os.Setenv("HCLOG_WORLD_ENABLE", "1")
   121  		os.Setenv("HCLOG_GOSSIP_ENABLE", "true")
   122  		os.Setenv("HCLOG_PREFIX", "a prefix:")
   123  		h.Config.Loggers.DHT.Format = "%{message}"
   124  		err := h.Config.SetupLogging()
   125  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   126  		So(h.Config.Loggers.App.Enabled, ShouldBeFalse)
   127  		So(h.Config.Loggers.DHT.Enabled, ShouldBeTrue)
   128  		So(h.Config.Loggers.World.Enabled, ShouldBeTrue)
   129  		So(h.Config.Loggers.Gossip.Enabled, ShouldBeTrue)
   130  		var buf bytes.Buffer
   131  		h.Config.Loggers.DHT.w = &buf
   132  		h.Config.Loggers.DHT.Log("test")
   133  		So(string(buf.Bytes()), ShouldEqual, "a prefix:test\n")
   135  		// restore env
   136  		os.Unsetenv("HCLOG_APP_ENABLE")
   137  		os.Unsetenv("HCLOG_DHT_ENABLE")
   138  		os.Unsetenv("HCLOG_WORLD_ENABLE")
   139  		os.Unsetenv("HCLOG_GOSSIP_ENABLE")
   140  		os.Unsetenv("HCLOG_PREFIX")
   141  		debugLog.SetPrefix("")
   142  		infoLog.SetPrefix("")
   143  	})
   144  }
   146  func TestDebuggingSetup(t *testing.T) {
   147  	d, _, h := SetupTestChain("test")
   148  	defer CleanupTestChain(h, d)
   150  	Convey("it should look in the environment to know if we should turn on debugging", t, func() {
   151  		val, yes := DebuggingRequestedViaEnv()
   152  		So(yes, ShouldBeFalse)
   153  		os.Setenv("HCDEBUG", "0")
   154  		val, yes = DebuggingRequestedViaEnv()
   155  		So(yes, ShouldBeTrue)
   156  		So(val, ShouldBeFalse)
   157  		os.Setenv("HCDEBUG", "false")
   158  		val, yes = DebuggingRequestedViaEnv()
   159  		So(yes, ShouldBeTrue)
   160  		So(val, ShouldBeFalse)
   161  		os.Setenv("HCDEBUG", "FALSE")
   162  		val, yes = DebuggingRequestedViaEnv()
   163  		So(yes, ShouldBeTrue)
   164  		So(val, ShouldBeFalse)
   165  		os.Setenv("HCDEBUG", "1")
   166  		val, yes = DebuggingRequestedViaEnv()
   167  		So(yes, ShouldBeTrue)
   168  		So(val, ShouldBeTrue)
   169  		os.Setenv("HCDEBUG", "True")
   170  		val, yes = DebuggingRequestedViaEnv()
   171  		So(yes, ShouldBeTrue)
   172  		So(val, ShouldBeTrue)
   173  		os.Setenv("HCDEBUG", "true")
   174  		val, yes = DebuggingRequestedViaEnv()
   175  		So(yes, ShouldBeTrue)
   176  		So(val, ShouldBeTrue)
   177  	})
   178  	Convey("it should setup debugging output", t, func() {
   179  		// test the output of the debug log
   180  		var buf bytes.Buffer
   181  		log := &h.Config.Loggers.Debug
   182  		log.w = &buf
   183  		var enabled = log.Enabled
   184  		log.Enabled = true
   186  		h.Debug("test")
   187  		So(string(buf.Bytes()), ShouldContainSubstring, "HC: holochain_test.go.")
   188  		So(string(buf.Bytes()), ShouldContainSubstring, ": test\n")
   190  		// restore state of debug log
   191  		log.w = os.Stdout
   192  		log.Enabled = enabled
   193  	})
   194  }
   196  func TestPrepare(t *testing.T) {
   197  	Convey("it should fail if the requires version is incorrect", t, func() {
   198  		dna := DNA{DHTConfig: DHTConfig{HashType: "sha1"}, RequiresVersion: Version + 1}
   199  		h := Holochain{}
   200  		h.nucleus = NewNucleus(&h, &dna)
   201  		nextVersion := fmt.Sprintf("%d", Version+1)
   202  		err := h.Prepare()
   203  		So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, "Chain requires Holochain version "+nextVersion)
   205  	})
   206  	Convey("it should return no err if the requires version is correct", t, func() {
   207  		d, _, h := SetupTestChain("test")
   208  		defer CleanupTestChain(h, d)
   210  		dna := DNA{DHTConfig: DHTConfig{HashType: "sha1"}, RequiresVersion: Version}
   211  		h.nucleus = NewNucleus(h, &dna)
   212  		err := h.Prepare()
   213  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   214  	})
   215  	//@todo build out test for other tests for prepare
   216  }
   218  func TestPrepareHashType(t *testing.T) {
   220  	Convey("A bad hash type should return an error", t, func() {
   221  		dna := DNA{DHTConfig: DHTConfig{HashType: "bogus"}}
   222  		h := Holochain{}
   223  		h.nucleus = NewNucleus(&h, &dna)
   224  		err := h.PrepareHashType()
   225  		So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, "Unknown hash type: bogus")
   226  	})
   227  	Convey("It should initialized fixed and variable sized hashes", t, func() {
   228  		dna := DNA{DHTConfig: DHTConfig{HashType: "sha1"}}
   229  		h := Holochain{}
   230  		h.nucleus = NewNucleus(&h, &dna)
   231  		err := h.PrepareHashType()
   232  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   233  		var hash Hash
   234  		hash, err = Sum(h.hashSpec, []byte("test data"))
   235  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   236  		So(hash.String(), ShouldEqual, "5duC28CW416wX42vses7TeTeRYwku9")
   238  		h.nucleus.dna.DHTConfig.HashType = "blake2b-256"
   239  		err = h.PrepareHashType()
   240  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   241  		hash, err = Sum(h.hashSpec, []byte("test data"))
   242  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   243  		So(hash.String(), ShouldEqual, "2DrjgbL49zKmX4P7UgdopSCC7MhfVUySNbRHBQzdDuXgaJSNEg")
   244  	})
   245  }
   247  func TestNewEntry(t *testing.T) {
   248  	d, s := setupTestService()
   249  	defer CleanupTestDir(d)
   250  	n := "test"
   251  	path := filepath.Join(s.Path, n)
   252  	h, err := s.MakeTestingApp(path, "toml", InitializeDB, CloneWithNewUUID, nil)
   253  	if err != nil {
   254  		panic(err)
   255  	}
   257  	entryTypeFoo := `(message (from "art") (to "eric") (contents "test"))`
   259  	now := time.Unix(1, 1) // pick a constant time so the test will always work
   261  	e := GobEntry{C: entryTypeFoo}
   262  	headerHash, header, err := h.NewEntry(now, "entryTypeFoo", &e)
   263  	Convey("parameters passed in should be in the header", t, func() {
   264  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   265  		So(header.Time == now, ShouldBeTrue)
   266  		So(header.Type, ShouldEqual, "entryTypeFoo")
   267  		So(header.HeaderLink.IsNullHash(), ShouldBeTrue)
   268  	})
   269  	Convey("the entry hash is correct", t, func() {
   270  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   271  		So(header.EntryLink.String(), ShouldEqual, "QmdRXz53TVT9qBYfbXctHyy2GpTNa6YrpAy6ZcDGG8Xhc5")
   272  	})
   274  	// can't check against a fixed hash because signature created each time test runs is
   275  	// different (though valid) so the header will hash to a different value
   276  	Convey("the returned header hash is the SHA256 of the byte encoded header", t, func() {
   277  		b, _ := header.Marshal()
   278  		var hh Hash
   279  		hh, err = Sum(h.hashSpec, b)
   280  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   281  		So(headerHash.String(), ShouldEqual, hh.String())
   282  	})
   284  	Convey("it should have signed the entry with my key", t, func() {
   285  		sig := header.Sig
   286  		hash := header.EntryLink
   287  		valid, err := h.agent.PrivKey().GetPublic().Verify([]byte(hash), sig.S)
   288  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   289  		So(valid, ShouldBeTrue)
   290  	})
   292  	Convey("it should store the header and entry to the data store", t, func() {
   293  		s1 := fmt.Sprintf("%v", *header)
   294  		d1 := fmt.Sprintf("%v", entryTypeFoo)
   296  		h2, err := h.chain.Get(headerHash)
   297  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   298  		s2 := fmt.Sprintf("%v", *h2)
   299  		So(s2, ShouldEqual, s1)
   301  		Convey("and the returned header should hash to the same value", func() {
   302  			b, _ := (h2).Marshal()
   303  			var hh Hash
   304  			hh, err = Sum(h.hashSpec, b)
   305  			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   306  			So(headerHash.String(), ShouldEqual, hh.String())
   307  		})
   309  		var d2 interface{}
   310  		var d2t string
   311  		d2, d2t, err = h.chain.GetEntry(h2.EntryLink)
   312  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   313  		So(d2t, ShouldEqual, "entryTypeFoo")
   315  		So(d2, ShouldNotBeNil)
   316  		So(d2.(Entry).Content(), ShouldEqual, d1)
   317  	})
   319  	Convey("Top should still work", t, func() {
   320  		hash, err := h.Top()
   321  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   322  		So(hash.Equal(headerHash), ShouldBeTrue)
   323  	})
   325  	e = GobEntry{C: "more data"}
   326  	_, header2, err := h.NewEntry(now, "entryTypeFoo", &e)
   328  	Convey("a second entry should have prev link correctly set", t, func() {
   329  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   330  		So(header2.HeaderLink.String(), ShouldEqual, headerHash.String())
   331  	})
   332  }
   334  func TestHeader(t *testing.T) {
   335  	var h1, h2 Header
   336  	h1 = mkTestHeader("entryTypeFoo")
   338  	var buf bytes.Buffer
   339  	enc := gob.NewEncoder(&buf)
   340  	err := enc.Encode(&h1)
   341  	Convey("it should encode", t, func() {
   342  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   343  	})
   345  	dec := gob.NewDecoder(&buf)
   346  	err = dec.Decode(&h2)
   348  	Convey("it should decode", t, func() {
   349  		s1 := fmt.Sprintf("%v", h1)
   350  		s2 := fmt.Sprintf("%v", h2)
   351  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   352  		So(s1, ShouldEqual, s2)
   353  	})
   354  }
   356  func TestAddAgentEntry(t *testing.T) {
   357  	d, _, h := SetupTestChain("test")
   358  	defer CleanupTestChain(h, d)
   360  	Convey("it should add an agent entry to the chain", t, func() {
   361  		headerHash, agentHash, err := h.AddAgentEntry(&FakeRevocation{data: "some revocation data"})
   362  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   364  		hdr, err := h.chain.Get(headerHash)
   365  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   367  		So(hdr.EntryLink.String(), ShouldEqual, agentHash.String())
   369  		entry, _, err := h.chain.GetEntry(agentHash)
   370  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   372  		a, err := AgentEntryFromJSON(entry.Content().(string))
   373  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   375  		So(a.Identity, ShouldEqual, h.agent.Identity())
   376  		pk, _ := h.agent.EncodePubKey()
   377  		So(string(a.PublicKey), ShouldEqual, string(pk))
   378  		So(string(a.Revocation), ShouldEqual, "some revocation data")
   379  	})
   380  }
   382  func TestGenChain(t *testing.T) {
   383  	d, _, h := SetupTestChain("test")
   384  	defer CleanupTestChain(h, d)
   385  	var err error
   387  	Convey("before GenChain call DNAHash call should fail", t, func() {
   388  		h := h.DNAHash()
   389  		So(h.String(), ShouldEqual, "")
   390  	})
   392  	var headerHash Hash
   393  	Convey("GenChain call works", t, func() {
   394  		headerHash, err = h.GenChain()
   395  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   396  	})
   398  	var header Header
   399  	Convey("top link should be Key entry", t, func() {
   400  		hdr, err := h.chain.Get(headerHash)
   401  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   402  		entry, _, err := h.chain.GetEntry(hdr.EntryLink)
   403  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   404  		header = *hdr
   405  		a, _ := AgentEntryFromJSON(entry.Content().(string))
   406  		So(a.Identity, ShouldEqual, h.agent.Identity())
   407  		pk, _ := h.agent.EncodePubKey()
   408  		So(string(a.PublicKey), ShouldEqual, string(pk))
   409  		So(string(a.Revocation), ShouldEqual, "")
   410  	})
   412  	var dnaHash Hash
   413  	Convey("next link should be the dna entry", t, func() {
   414  		hdr, err := h.chain.Get(header.HeaderLink)
   415  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   416  		entry, et, err := h.chain.GetEntry(hdr.EntryLink)
   417  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   418  		So(et, ShouldEqual, DNAEntryType)
   420  		var buf bytes.Buffer
   421  		err = h.EncodeDNA(&buf)
   422  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   423  		So(string(entry.Content().([]byte)), ShouldEqual, buf.String())
   424  		dnaHash = hdr.EntryLink
   425  	})
   427  	Convey("holochain id and top should have now been set", t, func() {
   428  		id := h.DNAHash()
   429  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   430  		So(id.String(), ShouldEqual, dnaHash.String())
   431  		top, err := h.Top()
   432  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   433  		So(top.String(), ShouldEqual, headerHash.String())
   434  	})
   435  }
   437  func TestWalk(t *testing.T) {
   438  	d, _, h := PrepareTestChain("test")
   439  	defer CleanupTestChain(h, d)
   441  	// add an extra link onto the chain
   442  	entryTypeFoo := `(message (from "art") (to "eric") (contents "test"))`
   443  	now := time.Unix(1, 1) // pick a constant time so the test will always work
   444  	e := GobEntry{C: entryTypeFoo}
   445  	_, _, err := h.NewEntry(now, "entryTypeFoo", &e)
   446  	if err != nil {
   447  		panic(err)
   448  	}
   450  	Convey("walk should call a function on all the elements of a chain", t, func() {
   452  		c := make(map[int]string, 0)
   453  		//	c := make([]string,0)
   454  		idx := 0
   455  		err := h.Walk(func(key *Hash, header *Header, entry Entry) (err error) {
   456  			c[idx] = header.EntryLink.String()
   457  			idx++
   458  			//	c = append(c, header.HeaderLink.String())
   459  			return nil
   460  		}, false)
   461  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   462  		id := h.DNAHash()
   463  		So(c[2], ShouldEqual, id.String())
   464  		//	So(c,ShouldEqual,"fish")
   465  	})
   466  }
   468  func TestGetZome(t *testing.T) {
   469  	d, _, h := SetupTestChain("test")
   470  	defer CleanupTestChain(h, d)
   472  	Convey("it should fail if the zome isn't defined in the DNA", t, func() {
   473  		_, err := h.GetZome("bogusZome")
   474  		So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, "unknown zome: bogusZome")
   475  	})
   476  	Convey("it should return the Zome structure of a defined zome", t, func() {
   477  		z, err := h.GetZome("zySampleZome")
   478  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   479  		So(z.Name, ShouldEqual, "zySampleZome")
   480  	})
   481  }
   483  func TestMakeRibosome(t *testing.T) {
   484  	d, _, h := SetupTestChain("test")
   485  	defer CleanupTestChain(h, d)
   487  	Convey("it should fail if the zome isn't defined in the DNA", t, func() {
   488  		_, _, err := h.MakeRibosome("bogusZome")
   489  		So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, "unknown zome: bogusZome")
   490  	})
   491  	Convey("it should make a ribosome based on the type and return the zome def", t, func() {
   492  		v, zome, err := h.MakeRibosome("zySampleZome")
   493  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   494  		So(zome.Name, ShouldEqual, "zySampleZome")
   495  		z := v.(*ZygoRibosome)
   496  		_, err = z.env.Run()
   497  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   498  	})
   499  }
   501  func TestCall(t *testing.T) {
   502  	d, _, h := PrepareTestChain("test")
   503  	defer CleanupTestChain(h, d)
   505  	Convey("it should call the exposed function", t, func() {
   506  		result, err := h.Call("zySampleZome", "testStrFn1", "arg1 arg2", ZOME_EXPOSURE)
   507  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   508  		So(result.(string), ShouldEqual, "result: arg1 arg2")
   510  		result, err = h.Call("zySampleZome", "addEven", "42", ZOME_EXPOSURE)
   511  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   513  		ph := h.chain.Top().EntryLink
   514  		So(result.(string), ShouldEqual, ph.String())
   516  		_, err = h.Call("zySampleZome", "addEven", "41", ZOME_EXPOSURE)
   517  		So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, "Error calling 'commit': Validation Failed: 41 is not even")
   518  	})
   519  	Convey("it should fail calls to functions not exposed to the given context", t, func() {
   520  		_, err := h.Call("zySampleZome", "testStrFn1", "arg1 arg2", PUBLIC_EXPOSURE)
   521  		So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, "function not available")
   522  	})
   523  }
   525  func TestCommit(t *testing.T) {
   526  	d, _, h := PrepareTestChain("test")
   527  	defer CleanupTestChain(h, d)
   529  	// add an entry onto the chain
   530  	hash := commit(h, "oddNumbers", "7")
   532  	Convey("publicly shared entries should generate a put", t, func() {
   533  		err := h.dht.Exists(hash, StatusLive)
   534  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   535  	})
   537  	profileHash := commit(h, "profile", `{"firstName":"Zippy","lastName":"Pinhead"}`)
   539  	Convey("it should attach links after commit of Links entry", t, func() {
   540  		commit(h, "rating", fmt.Sprintf(`{"Links":[{"Base":"%s","Link":"%s","Tag":"4stars"}]}`, hash.String(), profileHash.String()))
   542  		results, err := h.dht.GetLinks(hash, "4stars", StatusLive)
   543  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   544  		So(fmt.Sprintf("%v", results), ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("[{QmYeinX5vhuA91D3v24YbgyLofw9QAxY6PoATrBHnRwbtt    %s}]", h.nodeIDStr))
   545  	})
   546  }
   548  func TestQuery(t *testing.T) {
   549  	d, _, h := PrepareTestChain("test")
   550  	defer CleanupTestChain(h, d)
   552  	commit(h, "profile", `{"firstName":"Pebbles","lastName":"Flintstone"}`)
   553  	hash1 := commit(h, "oddNumbers", "7")
   554  	commit(h, "secret", "foo")
   555  	hash2 := commit(h, "oddNumbers", "9")
   556  	commit(h, "secret", "bar")
   557  	commit(h, "secret", "baz")
   558  	commit(h, "profile", `{"firstName":"Zippy","lastName":"Pinhead"}`)
   559  	commit(h, "profile", `{"firstName":"Zerbina","lastName":"Pinhead"}`)
   561  	Convey("query with no options should return entire chain entries only", t, func() {
   562  		results, err := h.Query(nil)
   563  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   564  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 10)
   565  		So(results[0].Header.Type, ShouldEqual, DNAEntryType)
   566  		So(results[1].Header.Type, ShouldEqual, AgentEntryType)
   567  		So(results[2].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, `{"firstName":"Pebbles","lastName":"Flintstone"}`)
   568  		So(results[3].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "7")
   569  		So(results[4].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "foo")
   570  		So(results[5].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "9")
   571  		So(results[6].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "bar")
   572  		So(results[7].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "baz")
   573  		So(results[8].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, `{"firstName":"Zippy","lastName":"Pinhead"}`)
   574  		So(results[9].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, `{"firstName":"Zerbina","lastName":"Pinhead"}`)
   575  	})
   576  	Convey("query with order should reverse the order", t, func() {
   577  		results, err := h.Query(&QueryOptions{Order: QueryOrder{Ascending: true}})
   578  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   579  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 10)
   580  		So(results[9].Header.Type, ShouldEqual, DNAEntryType)
   581  		So(results[8].Header.Type, ShouldEqual, AgentEntryType)
   582  		So(results[7].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, `{"firstName":"Pebbles","lastName":"Flintstone"}`)
   583  		So(results[6].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "7")
   584  		So(results[5].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "foo")
   585  		So(results[4].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "9")
   586  		So(results[3].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "bar")
   587  		So(results[2].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "baz")
   588  		So(results[1].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, `{"firstName":"Zippy","lastName":"Pinhead"}`)
   589  		So(results[0].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, `{"firstName":"Zerbina","lastName":"Pinhead"}`)
   590  	})
   592  	Convey("query with with count and page should select items", t, func() {
   593  		q := &QueryOptions{}
   594  		q.Constrain.Count = 2
   595  		q.Constrain.Page = 2 // zero based
   596  		results, err := h.Query(q)
   597  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   598  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 2)
   599  		So(results[0].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "foo")
   600  		So(results[1].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "9")
   601  	})
   603  	Convey("query with with count and page partially past end should select items", t, func() {
   604  		q := &QueryOptions{}
   605  		q.Constrain.Count = 4
   606  		q.Constrain.Page = 2 // zero based
   607  		results, err := h.Query(q)
   608  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   609  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 2)
   610  		So(results[0].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, `{"firstName":"Zippy","lastName":"Pinhead"}`)
   611  		So(results[1].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, `{"firstName":"Zerbina","lastName":"Pinhead"}`)
   612  	})
   614  	Convey("query with with count and page past end should be empty", t, func() {
   615  		q := &QueryOptions{}
   616  		q.Constrain.Count = 10
   617  		q.Constrain.Page = 1 // zero based
   618  		results, err := h.Query(q)
   619  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   620  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 0)
   621  	})
   623  	Convey("query with entry type options should return that type only", t, func() {
   624  		q := &QueryOptions{}
   625  		q.Constrain.EntryTypes = []string{"oddNumbers"}
   626  		results, err := h.Query(q)
   627  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   628  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 2)
   629  		So(results[0].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "7")
   630  		So(results[1].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "9")
   631  	})
   632  	Convey("query with multiple entry type options should return those types only", t, func() {
   633  		q := &QueryOptions{}
   634  		q.Constrain.EntryTypes = []string{"oddNumbers", "secret"}
   635  		results, err := h.Query(q)
   636  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   637  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 5)
   638  		So(results[0].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "7")
   639  		So(results[1].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "foo")
   640  		So(results[2].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "9")
   641  		So(results[3].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "bar")
   642  		So(results[4].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "baz")
   643  	})
   644  	Convey("query with hash options should return only hashes", t, func() {
   645  		q := &QueryOptions{}
   646  		q.Constrain.EntryTypes = []string{"oddNumbers"}
   647  		q.Return.Hashes = true
   648  		results, err := h.Query(q)
   649  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   650  		So(results[0].Header.EntryLink.String(), ShouldEqual, hash1.String())
   651  		So(results[1].Header.EntryLink.String(), ShouldEqual, hash2.String())
   652  		So(results[0].Entry, ShouldBeNil)
   653  		So(results[1].Entry, ShouldBeNil)
   654  	})
   655  	Convey("query with equals constraint", t, func() {
   656  		q := &QueryOptions{}
   657  		q.Constrain.EntryTypes = []string{"secret"}
   658  		q.Constrain.Equals = "foo"
   659  		results, err := h.Query(q)
   660  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   661  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 1)
   662  		So(results[0].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "foo")
   663  	})
   664  	Convey("query with contains constraint", t, func() {
   665  		q := &QueryOptions{}
   666  		q.Constrain.EntryTypes = []string{"secret"}
   667  		q.Constrain.Contains = "o"
   668  		results, err := h.Query(q)
   669  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   670  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 1)
   671  		So(results[0].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "foo")
   672  	})
   673  	Convey("query with matches constraint", t, func() {
   674  		q := &QueryOptions{}
   675  		q.Constrain.EntryTypes = []string{"secret"}
   676  		q.Constrain.Matches = ".a."
   677  		results, err := h.Query(q)
   678  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   679  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 2)
   680  		So(results[0].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "bar")
   681  		So(results[1].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, "baz")
   682  	})
   683  	Convey("query with equals field constraint", t, func() {
   684  		q := &QueryOptions{}
   685  		q.Constrain.EntryTypes = []string{"profile"}
   686  		q.Constrain.Equals = `{"firstName":"Zippy"}`
   687  		results, err := h.Query(q)
   688  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   689  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 1)
   690  		So(results[0].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, `{"firstName":"Zippy","lastName":"Pinhead"}`)
   691  	})
   692  	Convey("query with equals multiple field constraint", t, func() {
   693  		q := &QueryOptions{}
   694  		q.Constrain.EntryTypes = []string{"profile"}
   695  		q.Constrain.Equals = `{"firstName":"Zippy","lastName":"Flintstone"}`
   696  		results, err := h.Query(q)
   697  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   698  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 2)
   699  		So(results[0].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, `{"firstName":"Pebbles","lastName":"Flintstone"}`)
   700  		So(results[1].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, `{"firstName":"Zippy","lastName":"Pinhead"}`)
   702  	})
   703  	Convey("query with contains field constraint", t, func() {
   704  		q := &QueryOptions{}
   705  		q.Constrain.EntryTypes = []string{"profile"}
   706  		q.Constrain.Contains = `{"firstName":"Z"}`
   707  		results, err := h.Query(q)
   708  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   709  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 2)
   710  		So(results[0].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, `{"firstName":"Zippy","lastName":"Pinhead"}`)
   711  		So(results[1].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, `{"firstName":"Zerbina","lastName":"Pinhead"}`)
   712  	})
   713  	Convey("query with matches field constraint", t, func() {
   714  		q := &QueryOptions{}
   715  		q.Constrain.EntryTypes = []string{"profile"}
   716  		q.Constrain.Matches = `{"firstName":".*b"}`
   717  		results, err := h.Query(q)
   718  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   719  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 2)
   720  		So(results[0].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, `{"firstName":"Pebbles","lastName":"Flintstone"}`)
   721  		So(results[1].Entry.Content(), ShouldEqual, `{"firstName":"Zerbina","lastName":"Pinhead"}`)
   722  	})
   723  	Convey("query from bundle", t, func() {
   724  		q := &QueryOptions{Bundle: true}
   725  		_, err := h.Query(q)
   726  		So(err, ShouldEqual, ErrBundleNotStarted)
   727  		h.Chain().StartBundle(0)
   728  		results, err := h.Query(q)
   729  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   730  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 0)
   731  		commit(h, "secret", "flam")
   732  		results, err = h.Query(q)
   733  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   734  		So(len(results), ShouldEqual, 1)
   735  	})
   736  }
   738  func TestGetEntryDef(t *testing.T) {
   739  	d, _, h := SetupTestChain("test")
   740  	defer CleanupTestDir(d)
   741  	Convey("it should fail on bad entry types", t, func() {
   742  		_, _, err := h.GetEntryDef("foobar")
   743  		So(err, ShouldBeError)
   744  		So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, "no definition for entry type: foobar")
   745  	})
   746  	Convey("it should get entry definitions", t, func() {
   747  		zome, def, err := h.GetEntryDef("evenNumbers")
   748  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   749  		So(zome.Name, ShouldEqual, "zySampleZome")
   750  		So(fmt.Sprintf("%v", def), ShouldEqual, "&{evenNumbers zygo public  <nil>}")
   751  	})
   752  	Convey("it should get sys entry definitions", t, func() {
   753  		zome, def, err := h.GetEntryDef(DNAEntryType)
   754  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   755  		So(zome, ShouldBeNil)
   756  		So(def, ShouldEqual, DNAEntryDef)
   757  		zome, def, err = h.GetEntryDef(AgentEntryType)
   758  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   759  		So(zome, ShouldBeNil)
   760  		So(def, ShouldEqual, AgentEntryDef)
   761  		zome, def, err = h.GetEntryDef(KeyEntryType)
   762  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   763  		So(zome, ShouldBeNil)
   764  		So(def, ShouldEqual, KeyEntryDef)
   765  		zome, def, err = h.GetEntryDef(HeadersEntryType)
   766  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   767  		So(zome, ShouldBeNil)
   768  		So(def, ShouldEqual, HeadersEntryDef)
   769  		zome, def, err = h.GetEntryDef(DelEntryType)
   770  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   771  		So(zome, ShouldBeNil)
   772  		So(def, ShouldEqual, DelEntryDef)
   773  		zome, def, err = h.GetEntryDef(MigrateEntryType)
   774  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   775  		So(zome, ShouldBeNil)
   776  		So(def, ShouldEqual, MigrateEntryDef)
   777  	})
   778  	Convey("it should get private entry definition", t, func() {
   779  		zome, def, err := h.GetEntryDef("privateData")
   780  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   781  		So(zome, ShouldNotBeNil)
   782  		So(def, ShouldNotBeNil)
   783  	})
   784  }
   786  func TestGetPrivateEntryDefs(t *testing.T) {
   787  	d, _, h := SetupTestChain("test")
   788  	defer CleanupTestDir(d)
   789  	Convey("it should contain only private entry definition", t, func() {
   790  		_, privateData, _ := h.GetEntryDef("privateData")
   791  		privateDefs := h.GetPrivateEntryDefs()
   792  		So(len(privateDefs), ShouldEqual, 1)
   793  		So(privateDefs[0].Name, ShouldEqual, privateData.Name)
   794  	})
   795  }
   797  func TestSigning(t *testing.T) {
   798  	d, _, h := SetupTestChain("test")
   799  	defer CleanupTestDir(d)
   800  	Convey("a user should be able to sign and verify data", t, func() {
   801  		privKey := h.agent.PrivKey()
   802  		sig, err := privKey.Sign([]byte("3"))
   803  		if err != nil {
   804  			panic(err)
   805  		}
   806  		signature, err := h.Sign([]byte("3"))
   807  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   808  		So(string(signature.S), ShouldEqual, string(sig))
   810  		matched, err := h.VerifySignature(signature, string([]byte("3")), h.agent.PubKey())
   811  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   812  		So(matched, ShouldBeTrue)
   814  		matched, err = h.VerifySignature(signature, string([]byte("32")), h.agent.PubKey())
   815  		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
   816  		So(matched, ShouldBeFalse)
   817  	})
   818  }
   820  //func TestDNADefaults(t *testing.T) {
   821  //	h, err := DecodeDNA(strings.NewReader( [[Zomes]]`
   822  //Name = "test"
   823  //Description = "test-zome"
   824  //RibosomeType = "zygo"`), "toml")
   825  //	if err != nil {
   826  //		return
   827  //	}
   828  //	Convey("it should substitute default values", t, func() {
   829  //		So(h.Zomes[0].Code, ShouldEqual, "test.zy")
   830  //	})
   831  //}
   833  func commit(h *Holochain, entryType, entryStr string) (entryHash Hash) {
   834  	entry := GobEntry{C: entryStr}
   835  	a := NewCommitAction(entryType, &entry)
   836  	fn := &APIFnCommit{}
   837  	fn.SetAction(a)
   838  	r, err := fn.Call(h)
   839  	if err != nil {
   840  		panic(err)
   841  	}
   842  	if r != nil {
   843  		entryHash = r.(Hash)
   844  	}
   845  	if err != nil {
   846  		panic(err)
   847  	}
   848  	return
   849  }