
     1  package controllers
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"errors"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	. ""
    12  	. ""
    13  	appsv1 ""
    14  	corev1 ""
    15  	v1 ""
    16  	k8serr ""
    17  	""
    18  	metav1 ""
    19  	""
    20  	"reflect"
    21  	""
    22  	"strings"
    23  	"time"
    25  	logf ""
    26  	""
    27  )
    29  var (
    30  	ModelaName        = "modela"
    31  	ModelaNamespace   = "modela-system"
    32  	TimeoutInterval   = 60 * time.Second
    33  	PollInterval      = 500 * time.Millisecond
    34  	NotInstalledError = errors.New("not installed")
    35  )
    37  var _ = Context("Inside the default namespace", func() {
    38  	logf.SetLogger(zap.New(zap.WriteTo(GinkgoWriter), zap.UseDevMode(true)))
    39  	ctx := context.Background()
    41  	testModelaResource := &v1alpha1.Modela{
    42  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    43  			Name:      ModelaName,
    44  			Namespace: ModelaNamespace,
    45  		},
    46  		Status: v1alpha1.ModelaStatus{},
    47  		Spec: v1alpha1.ModelaSpec{
    48  			Distribution: "develop",
    49  			Observability: v1alpha1.ObservabilitySpec{
    50  				Loki:       true,
    51  				Prometheus: true,
    52  				Grafana:    true,
    53  			},
    54  			Ingress: v1alpha1.NetworkSpec{},
    55  			License: v1alpha1.ModelaLicenseSpec{},
    56  			Tenants: nil,
    57  			CertManager: v1alpha1.CertManagerSpec{
    58  				Install: true,
    59  			},
    60  			ObjectStore: v1alpha1.ObjectStorageSpec{
    61  				Install: true,
    62  			},
    63  			SystemDatabase: v1alpha1.DatabaseSpec{},
    64  			ControlPlane:   v1alpha1.ControlPlaneSpec{},
    65  			DataPlane:      v1alpha1.DataPlaneSpec{},
    66  			ApiGateway:     v1alpha1.ApiGatewaySpec{},
    67  		},
    68  	}
    70  	certManagerController := components.NewCertManager()
    71  	minioController := components.NewObjectStorage()
    72  	lokiController := components.NewObjectStorage()
    73  	grafanaController := components.NewGrafana()
    74  	prometheusController := components.NewObjectStorage()
    75  	modelaSystemController := components.NewModelaSystem("develop")
    76  	nginxController := components.NewNginx()
    78  	Describe("Modela Operator Controller", func() {
    79  		Context("Modela CRD", func() {
    80  			It("Should create the Modela CR", func() {
    81  				createModelaResource(testModelaResource)
    83  				By("Deleting the created Modela CR")
    84  				Eventually(
    85  					deleteResourceFunc(ctx, client.ObjectKey{Name: ModelaName, Namespace: ModelaNamespace}, testModelaResource),
    86  					time.Second*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
    88  				// Uninstall database, as it should have started installing it
    89  				//_ = components.NewPostgresDatabase("").Uninstall(ctx, testModelaResource)
    90  			})
    91  		})
    92  		Context("After creation", func() {
    94  			/*After(func() {
    95  				Eventually(
    96  					deleteResourceFunc(ctx, client.ObjectKey{Name: ModelaName, Namespace: ModelaNamespace}, testModelaResource),
    97  					time.Second*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
    98  			})*/
   100  			It("Should install the enabled Helm Charts", func() {
   101  				createModelaResource(testModelaResource)
   103  				By("Installing cert-manager and changing the status")
   104  				Eventually(getModelaStatus(ctx), TimeoutInterval, PollInterval).Should(Equal(v1alpha1.ModelaPhaseInstallingCertManager))
   106  				By("Checking if cert-manager was installed")
   107  				Eventually(getComponentInstalled(ctx, certManagerController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   109  				By("Installing minio and changing the status")
   110  				Eventually(getModelaStatus(ctx), TimeoutInterval, PollInterval).Should(Equal(v1alpha1.ModelaPhaseInstallingObjectStorage))
   112  				By("Checking if minio was installed")
   113  				Eventually(getComponentInstalled(ctx, minioController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   115  				By("Installing loki and changing the status")
   116  				Eventually(getModelaStatus(ctx), TimeoutInterval, PollInterval).Should(Equal(v1alpha1.ModelaPhaseInstallingLoki))
   118  				By("Checking if loki was installed")
   119  				Eventually(getComponentInstalled(ctx, lokiController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   121  				By("Installing grafana and changing the status")
   122  				Eventually(getModelaStatus(ctx), TimeoutInterval, PollInterval).Should(Equal(v1alpha1.ModelaPhaseInstallingGrafana))
   124  				By("Checking if grafana was installed")
   125  				Eventually(getComponentInstalled(ctx, grafanaController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   127  				By("Installing prometheus and changing the status")
   128  				Eventually(getModelaStatus(ctx), TimeoutInterval, PollInterval).Should(Equal(v1alpha1.ModelaPhaseInstallingPrometheus))
   130  				By("Checking if prometheus was installed")
   131  				Eventually(getComponentInstalled(ctx, prometheusController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   132  			})
   133  			It("Should install the system database", func() {
   134  				databaseController := components.NewMongoDatabase()
   136  				By("Installing postgres and changing the status")
   137  				Eventually(getModelaStatus(ctx), TimeoutInterval, PollInterval).Should(Equal(v1alpha1.ModelaPhaseInstallingDatabase))
   139  				By("Checking if postgres was installed")
   140  				Eventually(getComponentInstalled(ctx, databaseController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   141  			})
   142  			It("Should install the Modela system", func() {
   143  				Eventually(getModelaStatus(ctx), 2*time.Minute, PollInterval).Should(Equal(v1alpha1.ModelaPhaseInstallingModela))
   144  				Eventually(getComponentInstalled(ctx, modelaSystemController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   145  				Eventually(getComponentReady(ctx, modelaSystemController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   146  			})
   147  			It("Should install the Modela catalog", func() {
   148  				Eventually(getModelaStatus(ctx), TimeoutInterval, PollInterval).Should(Equal(v1alpha1.ModelaPhaseInstallingModela))
   149  				Eventually(func() error {
   150  					ready, err := modelaSystemController.CatalogInstalled(ctx)
   151  					if err != nil {
   152  						return err
   153  					} else if !ready {
   154  						return NotInstalledError
   155  					}
   156  					return nil
   157  				}, time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   158  			})
   159  		})
   160  		When("Changing the spec", func() {
   161  			It("Should uninstall components after changing the spec", func() {
   162  				createModelaResource(testModelaResource)
   163  				Expect(updateObject(testModelaResource, func(object client.Object) error {
   164  					modela := object.(*v1alpha1.Modela)
   165  					modela.Spec.Observability.Grafana = true
   166  					return nil
   167  				})).To(Succeed())
   169  				By("Checking if grafana was installed")
   170  				Eventually(getComponentInstalled(ctx, grafanaController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   172  				Expect(updateObject(testModelaResource, func(object client.Object) error {
   173  					modela := object.(*v1alpha1.Modela)
   174  					modela.Spec.CertManager.Install = false
   175  					modela.Spec.ObjectStore.Install = false
   176  					modela.Spec.Observability.Loki = false
   177  					modela.Spec.Observability.Grafana = false
   178  					modela.Spec.Observability.Prometheus = false
   179  					return nil
   180  				})).To(Succeed())
   182  				By("Changing the status to uninstalling")
   183  				Eventually(getModelaStatus(ctx), TimeoutInterval, PollInterval).Should(Equal(v1alpha1.ModelaPhaseUninstalling))
   185  				By("Checking if cert-manager is installed")
   186  				Eventually(getComponentInstalled(ctx, certManagerController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(Equal(NotInstalledError))
   188  				By("Checking if minio is installed")
   189  				Eventually(getComponentInstalled(ctx, minioController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(Equal(NotInstalledError))
   191  				By("Checking if loki is installed")
   192  				Eventually(getComponentInstalled(ctx, lokiController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(Equal(NotInstalledError))
   194  				By("Checking if prometheus is installed")
   195  				Eventually(getComponentInstalled(ctx, prometheusController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(Equal(NotInstalledError))
   197  				By("Checking if grafana is installed")
   198  				Eventually(getComponentInstalled(ctx, grafanaController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(Equal(NotInstalledError))
   200  				By("Should return to a ready state")
   201  				Eventually(getModelaStatus(ctx), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(Equal(v1alpha1.ModelaPhaseReady))
   202  			})
   203  			It("Should change the container tags of Modela pods when changing the distribution spec", func() {
   204  				testModelaResource.Spec.CertManager.Install = true
   205  				testModelaResource.Spec.ObjectStore.Install = true
   206  				testModelaResource.Spec.Observability.Loki = true
   207  				testModelaResource.Spec.Observability.Grafana = true
   208  				testModelaResource.Spec.Observability.Prometheus = true
   209  				testModelaResource.Status.InstalledVersion = "develop"
   210  				//createModelaResource(testModelaResource)
   212  				Eventually(getComponentReady(ctx, modelaSystemController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   213  				Eventually(getModelaVersion(ctx), TimeoutInterval, PollInterval).Should(Equal("develop"))
   215  				Expect(expectDeploymentTagVersion("modela-system", "modela-control-plane", "develop")()).To(BeTrue())
   217  				By("Changing the distribution and updating the resource")
   218  				Expect(updateObject(testModelaResource, func(object client.Object) error {
   219  					modela := object.(*v1alpha1.Modela)
   220  					modela.Spec.Distribution = "stable"
   221  					return nil
   222  				})).To(Succeed())
   224  				Eventually(expectDeploymentTagVersion("modela-system", "modela-control-plane", "stable"),
   225  					time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeTrue())
   226  			})
   227  			It("Should install tenants added to the spec", func() {
   228  				createModelaResource(testModelaResource)
   230  				Eventually(getComponentReady(ctx, modelaSystemController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   232  				By("Adding a tenant and updating the resource")
   233  				Expect(updateObject(testModelaResource, func(object client.Object) error {
   234  					modela := object.(*v1alpha1.Modela)
   235  					modela.Spec.Tenants = []*v1alpha1.TenantSpec{{
   236  						Name:          "default-tenant",
   237  						AdminPassword: util.StrPtr("test123"),
   238  					}}
   239  					return nil
   240  				})).To(Succeed())
   242  				tenantController := components.NewTenant("default-tenant")
   243  				Eventually(func() error {
   244  					ready, err := tenantController.Ready(context.Background())
   245  					fmt.Println(ready, err)
   246  					if err != nil {
   247  						return err
   248  					} else if !ready {
   249  						return NotInstalledError
   250  					}
   251  					return nil
   252  				}, time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   253  			})
   254  			It("Should uninstall the tenant when removed from the spec", func() {
   255  				createModelaResource(testModelaResource)
   257  				Eventually(getComponentReady(ctx, modelaSystemController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   258  				tenantController := components.NewTenant("default-tenant")
   259  				if installed, _ := tenantController.Installed(context.Background()); !installed {
   260  					By("Adding the tenant and updating the resource")
   261  					Expect(updateObject(testModelaResource, func(object client.Object) error {
   262  						modela := object.(*v1alpha1.Modela)
   263  						modela.Spec.Tenants = []*v1alpha1.TenantSpec{{
   264  							Name:          "default-tenant",
   265  							AdminPassword: util.StrPtr("test123"),
   266  						}}
   267  						return nil
   268  					})).To(Succeed())
   269  					Eventually(func() error {
   270  						ready, err := tenantController.Ready(context.Background())
   271  						if err != nil {
   272  							return err
   273  						} else if !ready {
   274  							return NotInstalledError
   275  						}
   276  						return nil
   277  					}, time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   278  				}
   280  				By("Removing tenants and updating the resource")
   281  				Expect(updateObject(testModelaResource, func(object client.Object) error {
   282  					modela := object.(*v1alpha1.Modela)
   283  					modela.Spec.Tenants = []*v1alpha1.TenantSpec{}
   284  					return nil
   285  				})).To(Succeed())
   287  				Eventually(func() error {
   288  					installed, err := tenantController.Installed(context.Background())
   289  					if err != nil {
   290  						return err
   291  					} else if !installed {
   292  						return NotInstalledError
   293  					}
   294  					return nil
   295  				}, time.Minute*3, PollInterval).ShouldNot(BeNil())
   296  			})
   297  			It("Should install ingress", func() {
   298  				createModelaResource(testModelaResource)
   300  				Eventually(getComponentReady(ctx, modelaSystemController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   302  				By("Enabling ingress updating the resource")
   303  				Expect(updateObject(testModelaResource, func(object client.Object) error {
   304  					modela := object.(*v1alpha1.Modela)
   305  					modela.Spec.Ingress.Hostname = util.StrPtr("localhost")
   306  					modela.Spec.Ingress.Enabled = true
   307  					modela.Spec.Ingress.InstallNginx = true
   308  					modela.SetAnnotations(map[string]string{
   309  						"": "nginx",
   310  					})
   311  					return nil
   312  				})).To(Succeed())
   314  				By("Checking if nginx was installed")
   315  				Eventually(getComponentInstalled(ctx, nginxController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   317  				var ingress v1.Ingress
   318  				By("Checking if the Ingress resource was created")
   319  				Eventually(
   320  					getResourceFunc(context.Background(), client.ObjectKey{Name: "modela-frontend-ingress", Namespace: "modela-system"}, &ingress),
   321  					time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   323  			})
   324  			It("Should modify replicas/resources when changing the deployment specs", func() {
   325  				createModelaResource(testModelaResource)
   327  				Eventually(getComponentReady(ctx, modelaSystemController), time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   329  				resources := corev1.ResourceRequirements{
   330  					Requests: map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity{
   331  						corev1.ResourceMemory: func() resource.Quantity { q, _ := resource.ParseQuantity("506Mi"); return q }(),
   332  						corev1.ResourceCPU:    func() resource.Quantity { q, _ := resource.ParseQuantity("213m"); return q }(),
   333  					},
   334  				}
   336  				By("Enabling ingress updating the resource")
   337  				Expect(updateObject(testModelaResource, func(object client.Object) error {
   338  					modela := object.(*v1alpha1.Modela)
   339  					modela.Spec.ApiGateway.Replicas = util.Int32Ptr(2)
   340  					modela.Spec.ApiGateway.Resources = &resources
   341  					modela.Spec.ControlPlane.Replicas = util.Int32Ptr(2)
   342  					modela.Spec.ControlPlane.Resources = &resources
   343  					modela.Spec.DataPlane.Replicas = util.Int32Ptr(2)
   344  					modela.Spec.DataPlane.Resources = &resources
   345  					return nil
   346  				})).To(Succeed())
   348  				Eventually(func() error {
   349  					for _, nsname := range []types.NamespacedName{
   350  						{Namespace: "modela-system", Name: "modela-control-plane"},
   351  						{Namespace: "modela-system", Name: "modela-data-plane"},
   352  						{Namespace: "modela-system", Name: "modela-api-gateway"},
   353  					} {
   354  						var deployment appsv1.Deployment
   355  						if err := k8sClient.Get(context.Background(), nsname, &deployment); err != nil {
   356  							return err
   357  						}
   359  						if *deployment.Spec.Replicas != 2 && !reflect.DeepEqual(deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Resources, resources) {
   360  							return errors.New("mismatch")
   361  						}
   362  					}
   364  					return nil
   365  				}, time.Minute*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   367  			})
   368  		})
   369  		When("Removing resources belonging to the Modela Operator", func() {
   370  			It("Should re-install the missing resources from the modela-system namespace", func() {
   371  				createModelaResource(testModelaResource)
   373  				By("Deleting the modela control plane")
   374  				var controlPlane appsv1.Deployment
   375  				Eventually(
   376  					deleteResourceFunc(context.Background(), client.ObjectKey{Name: "modela-control-plane", Namespace: ModelaNamespace}, &controlPlane),
   377  					time.Second*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   379  				time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
   381  				By("Expecting it to be re-created")
   382  				Eventually(
   383  					getResourceFunc(context.Background(), client.ObjectKey{Name: "modela-control-plane", Namespace: ModelaNamespace}, &controlPlane),
   384  					TimeoutInterval, PollInterval).Should(BeNil())
   385  			})
   386  		})
   387  	})
   388  })
   390  func createObject(obj client.Object) error {
   391  	err := k8sClient.Create(context.Background(), obj)
   392  	obj.SetResourceVersion("")
   393  	if k8serr.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
   394  		err = nil
   395  	}
   397  	return err
   398  }
   400  func updateObject(obj client.Object, mutate func(client.Object) error) error {
   401  	key := client.ObjectKeyFromObject(obj)
   402  	if err := k8sClient.Get(context.Background(), key, obj); err != nil {
   403  		return err
   404  	}
   406  	if err := mutate(obj); err != nil {
   407  		return err
   408  	}
   410  	return k8sClient.Update(context.Background(), obj)
   411  }
   413  func getResourceFunc(ctx context.Context, key client.ObjectKey, obj client.Object) func() error {
   414  	return func() error {
   415  		return k8sClient.Get(ctx, key, obj)
   416  	}
   417  }
   419  func deleteResourceFunc(ctx context.Context, key client.ObjectKey, obj client.Object) func() error {
   420  	return func() error {
   421  		if err := getResourceFunc(ctx, key, obj)(); err != nil {
   422  			if k8serr.IsNotFound(err) {
   423  				err = nil
   424  			}
   426  			return err
   427  		}
   429  		return k8sClient.Delete(ctx, obj)
   430  	}
   431  }
   433  func getModelaStatus(ctx context.Context) func() string {
   434  	return func() string {
   435  		obj := &v1alpha1.Modela{}
   436  		_ = k8sClient.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKey{Name: ModelaName, Namespace: ModelaNamespace}, obj)
   437  		return string(obj.Status.Phase)
   438  	}
   439  }
   441  func getModelaVersion(ctx context.Context) func() string {
   442  	return func() string {
   443  		obj := &v1alpha1.Modela{}
   444  		_ = k8sClient.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKey{Name: ModelaName, Namespace: ModelaNamespace}, obj)
   445  		return string(obj.Status.InstalledVersion)
   446  	}
   447  }
   449  func getComponentInstalled(ctx context.Context, component ModelaComponent) func() error {
   450  	return func() error {
   451  		installed, err := component.Installed(ctx)
   452  		if err != nil {
   453  			return err
   454  		} else if !installed {
   455  			return NotInstalledError
   456  		}
   457  		return nil
   458  	}
   459  }
   461  func getComponentReady(ctx context.Context, component ModelaComponent) func() error {
   462  	return func() error {
   463  		ready, err := component.Ready(ctx)
   464  		if err != nil {
   465  			return err
   466  		} else if !ready {
   467  			return NotInstalledError
   468  		}
   469  		return nil
   470  	}
   471  }
   473  func expectDeploymentTagVersion(ns, name, version string) func() bool {
   474  	return func() bool {
   475  		var deployment appsv1.Deployment
   476  		err := k8sClient.Get(context.Background(), client.ObjectKey{Name: name, Namespace: ns}, &deployment)
   477  		if err != nil {
   478  			fmt.Printf("Error fetching deployment: %v (name=%s, ns=%s)\n", err, name, ns)
   479  			return false
   480  		}
   481  		for _, container := range deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers {
   482  			if strings.Split(container.Image, ":")[1] != version {
   483  				return false
   484  			}
   485  		}
   486  		return true
   487  	}
   488  }
   490  func createModelaResource(modela *v1alpha1.Modela) {
   491  	_ = kube.CreateNamespace("modela-system", "modela")
   492  	By("Creating a new Modela resource")
   493  	Expect(createObject(modela)).Should(Succeed())
   495  	By("Checking if the Modela resource was created")
   496  	Eventually(
   497  		getResourceFunc(context.Background(), client.ObjectKey{Name: modela.Name, Namespace: modela.Namespace}, modela),
   498  		time.Second*3, PollInterval).Should(BeNil(), "Modela resource %s", modela.Name)
   500  }