
     1  version: '3.2'
     2  services:
     3    fulcio-server:
     4      image: fulcio_fulcio-server
     5      command: [
     6        "fulcio-server",
     7        "serve",
     8        "--host=",
     9        "--port=5555",
    10        "--ca=ephemeralca",
    11        "--ct-log-url=http://ct_server:6962/test",
    12        ]
    13      restart: always # keep the server running
    14      ports:
    15        - "5555:5555"
    16      volumes:
    17        - ./config/config.json:/etc/fulcio-config/config.json:z
    18      healthcheck:
    19        test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:5555/ping"]
    20        interval: 10s
    21        timeout: 3s
    22        retries: 3
    23        start_period: 5s
    24      depends_on:
    25        - dex-idp
    26    mysql:
    27      image:
    28      environment:
    29        - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password
    30        - MYSQL_DATABASE=test
    31        - MYSQL_USER=test
    32        - MYSQL_PASSWORD=password
    33      restart: always # keep the MySQL server running
    34      healthcheck:
    35        test: ["CMD", "/etc/init.d/mysql", "status"]
    36        interval: 30s
    37        timeout: 3s
    38        retries: 3
    39        start_period: 10s
    40    ctfe_init:
    41      build:
    42        context: .
    43        dockerfile: Dockerfile.ctfe_init
    44      depends_on:
    45        - trillian-log-server
    46        - fulcio-server
    47      volumes:
    48        - ctfeConfig:/etc/config/:rw
    49    ct_server:
    50      image:
    51      volumes:
    52        - ctfeConfig:/etc/config/:rw
    53      command: [
    54          "--log_config" ,"/etc/config/ct_server.cfg",
    55          "--log_rpc_server", "trillian-log-server:8096",
    56          "--http_endpoint", "",
    57          "--alsologtostderr",
    58      ]
    59      restart: always # retry while ctfe_init is running
    60      depends_on:
    61        - trillian-log-server
    62        - trillian-log-signer
    63        - ctfe_init
    64      ports:
    65        - "6962:6962"
    66    dex-idp:
    67      image: dexidp/dex:v2.30.0
    68      user: root
    69      command: [
    70        "dex",
    71        "serve",
    72        "/etc/config/docker-compose-config.yaml",
    73        ]
    74      restart: always # keep the server running
    75      ports:
    76        - "8888:8888"
    77      volumes:
    78        - ./config/dex:/etc/config/:ro
    79      healthcheck:
    80        test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:8888/auth/healthz"]
    81        interval: 10s
    82        timeout: 3s
    83        retries: 3
    84        start_period: 5s
    85    trillian-log-server:
    86      image:
    87      command: [
    88        "--storage_system=mysql",
    89        "--mysql_uri=test:password@tcp(mysql:3306)/test",
    90        "--rpc_endpoint=",
    91        "--http_endpoint=",
    92        "--alsologtostderr",
    93      ]
    94      restart: always # retry while mysql is starting up
    95      ports:
    96        - "8096:8096"
    97        - "8095:8095"
    98      depends_on:
    99        - mysql
   100    trillian-log-signer:
   101      image:
   102      command: [
   103        "--storage_system=mysql",
   104        "--mysql_uri=test:password@tcp(mysql:3306)/test",
   105        "--rpc_endpoint=",
   106        "--http_endpoint=",
   107        "--force_master",
   108        "--alsologtostderr",
   109      ]
   110      restart: always # retry while mysql is starting up
   111      ports:
   112        - "8097:8097"
   113      depends_on:
   114        - mysql
   115  volumes:
   116    ctfeConfig: {}