(about) 1 syntax = "proto3"; 2 3 package unrealpb; 4 5 import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; 6 7 option go_package = ""; 8 9 enum MessageType { 10 INVALID = 0; 11 12 // Used by LowLevelSend() in NetConnection/NetDriver. 13 LOW_LEVEL = 100; 14 15 // Used by ChanneldGameInstanceSubsystem to broadcast the ProtoMessageObject from server side. The message is packed as google::protobuf::any to support anonymous types. 16 ANY = 101; 17 18 // Used by ChanneldNetDriver to send/receive UE's native RPC. 19 // See @RemoteFunctionMessage 20 RPC = 102; 21 22 // Used by UE servers to spawn objects on the client. 23 // See @SpawnObjectMessage 24 SPAWN = 103; 25 26 // Used by UE servers to destroy objects on the client. 27 // See @DestroyObjectMessage 28 DESTROY = 104; 29 30 // Used by the UE servers to sync the NetId of the static and well-known objects. 31 SYNC_NET_ID = 107; 32 33 // Deprecated 34 SERVER_PLAYER_SPAWNED = 201; 35 36 // Used by the Master server to broadcast the player leave (@UnsubscribedFromChannelResultMessage) to the spatial servers. 37 SERVER_PLAYER_LEAVE = 202; 38 } 39 40 enum UnrealObjectType 41 { 42 UOT_Unknown = 0; 43 UOT_GameState = 1; 44 UOT_Actor = 2; 45 UOT_Pawn = 3; 46 UOT_Character = 4; 47 UOT_PlayerState = 5; 48 UOT_Controller = 6; 49 UOT_PlayerController = 7; 50 } 51 52 // Maps to UE's FVector AND FRotator struct. 53 // For FRotator, x = pitch, y = yaw, z = roll 54 message FVector { 55 optional float x = 1; 56 optional float y = 2; 57 optional float z = 3; 58 } 59 60 message UnrealObjectRef { 61 optional uint32 netGUID = 1; 62 message GuidCachedObject { 63 uint32 netGUID = 1; 64 string pathName = 2; 65 uint32 outerGUID = 3; 66 } 67 repeated GuidCachedObject context = 2; 68 optional bytes netGUIDBunch = 3; 69 optional uint32 bunchBitsNum = 4; 70 // optional uint32 objType = 5; 71 optional string classPath = 6; 72 optional uint32 owningConnId = 7; 73 } 74 75 message ActorComponentRef { 76 optional UnrealObjectRef owner = 1; 77 optional string compName = 2; 78 } 79 80 message AssetRef { 81 string objectPath = 1; 82 } 83 84 message RemoteFunctionMessage { 85 UnrealObjectRef targetObj = 1; 86 string functionName = 2; 87 bytes paramsPayload = 3; 88 int32 redirectionCounter = 4; 89 string subObjectPath = 5; 90 } 91 92 message SpawnObjectMessage { 93 UnrealObjectRef obj = 1; 94 optional uint32 channelId = 2; 95 optional uint32 localRole = 3; 96 // optional uint32 owningConnId = 4; 97 // Only used by the spatial channel 98 optional FVector location = 5; 99 } 100 101 message DestroyObjectMessage { 102 uint32 netId = 1; 103 uint32 reason = 2; 104 } 105 106 message HandoverContext { 107 UnrealObjectRef obj = 1; 108 // The client that owns the object. Only set for Pawns and PlayerControllers. 109 optional uint32 clientConnId = 2; 110 } 111 112 // Wrapped in 113 // Implements [channeld.HandoverDataPayload] 114 message HandoverData { 115 repeated HandoverContext context = 1; 116 // The channel data message that will be handed over to the destination channel. 117 optional google.protobuf.Any channelData = 2; 118 } 119 120 message GetUnrealObjectRefMessage { 121 repeated uint32 netGUID = 1; 122 } 123 124 message GetUnrealObjectRefResultMessage { 125 repeated UnrealObjectRef objRef = 1; 126 } 127 128 message SyncNetIdMessage { 129 message NetIdPath { 130 uint32 netId = 1; 131 string path = 2; 132 optional uint32 outerNetId = 3; 133 } 134 repeated NetIdPath netIdPaths = 1; 135 } 136 137 message SpatialEntityState { 138 UnrealObjectRef objRef = 1; 139 bool removed = 2; 140 // Full entity channel data. For cross-server handover only. 141 optional google.protobuf.Any entityData = 3; 142 } 143 144 message SpatialChannelData { 145 map<uint32, SpatialEntityState> entities = 1; 146 } 147 148 149 150 message FRepMovement { 151 optional FVector linearVelocity = 1; 152 optional FVector angularVelocity = 2; 153 optional FVector location = 3; 154 optional FVector rotation = 4; 155 optional bool bSimulatedPhysicSleep = 5; 156 optional bool bRepPhysics = 6; 157 } 158 159 message FRepAttachment { 160 optional UnrealObjectRef attachParent = 1; 161 optional FVector locationOffset = 2; 162 optional FVector relativeScale = 3; 163 optional FVector rotationOffset = 4; 164 optional string attachSocket = 5; 165 optional ActorComponentRef attachComponent = 6; 166 } 167 168 message ActorState { 169 bool removed = 1; 170 optional uint32 owningConnId = 2; 171 optional bool bReplicateMovement = 3; 172 optional uint32 localRole = 4; 173 optional uint32 remoteRole = 5; 174 optional UnrealObjectRef owner = 6; 175 optional bool bHidden = 7; 176 optional bool bTearOff = 8; 177 optional bool bCanBeDamaged = 9; 178 optional UnrealObjectRef instigator = 10; 179 optional FRepMovement replicatedMovement = 11; 180 optional FRepAttachment attachmentReplication = 12; 181 } 182 183 message ActorComponentState { 184 // Marks that the state should be removed from the containing map 185 bool removed = 1; 186 optional bool bIsActive = 2; 187 optional bool bReplicated = 3; 188 optional string compName = 4; 189 } 190 191 message ActorComponentStates { 192 map<string, ActorComponentState> states = 1; 193 } 194 195 message SceneComponentState { 196 bool removed = 1; 197 optional bool bAbsoluteLocation = 2; 198 optional bool bAbsoluteRotation = 3; 199 optional bool bAbsoluteScale = 4; 200 optional bool bVisible = 5; 201 optional bool bShouldBeAttached = 6; 202 optional bool bShouldSnapLocationWhenAttached = 7; 203 optional bool bShouldSnapRotationWhenAttached = 8; 204 optional ActorComponentRef attachParent = 9; 205 repeated ActorComponentRef attachChildren = 10; 206 optional string attachSocketName = 11; 207 optional FVector relativeLocation = 12; 208 optional FVector relativeRotation = 13; 209 optional FVector relativeScale = 14; 210 } 211 212 message FBasedMovementInfo { 213 optional ActorComponentRef movementBase = 1; 214 optional string boneName = 2; 215 optional FVector location = 3; 216 optional FVector rotation = 4; 217 optional bool bServerHasBaseComponent = 5; 218 optional bool bRelativeRotation = 6; 219 optional bool bServerHasVelocity = 7; 220 } 221 222 message FRootMotionSource { 223 optional uint32 priority = 1; 224 optional uint32 localId = 2; 225 optional uint32 accumulatedMode = 3; 226 optional string instanceName = 4; 227 optional float startTime = 5; 228 optional float currentTime = 6; 229 optional float previousTime = 7; 230 optional float duration = 8; 231 optional uint32 status = 9; 232 optional uint32 settings = 10; 233 optional bool bInLocalSpace = 11; 234 optional bool bNeedsSimulatedCatchup = 12; 235 optional bool bSimulatedNeedsSmoothing = 13; 236 optional bool bHasRootMotion = 14; 237 optional float blendWeight = 15; 238 message FRootMotionFinishVelocitySettings { 239 optional uint32 mode = 1; 240 optional FVector setVelocity = 2; 241 optional float clampVelocity = 3; 242 } 243 optional FRootMotionFinishVelocitySettings finishVelocityParams = 16; 244 } 245 246 message FRootMotionSourceGroup { 247 repeated FRootMotionSource rootMotionSources = 1; 248 repeated FRootMotionSource pendingAddRootMotionSources = 2; 249 optional bool bHasAdditiveSources = 3; 250 optional bool bHasOverrideSources = 4; 251 optional bool bHasOverrideSourcesWithIgnoreZAccumulate = 5; 252 optional bool bIsAdditiveVelocityApplied = 6; 253 optional uint32 lastAccumulatedSettings = 7; 254 optional FVector lastPreAdditiveVelocity = 8; 255 } 256 257 message FRepRootMotionMontage { 258 optional bool bIsActive = 1; 259 optional UnrealObjectRef animMontage = 2; 260 optional float position = 3; 261 optional FVector location = 4; 262 optional FVector rotation = 5; 263 optional ActorComponentRef movementBase = 6; 264 optional string movementBaseBoneName = 7; 265 optional bool bRelativePosition = 8; 266 optional bool bRelativeRotation = 9; 267 optional FRootMotionSourceGroup authoritativeRootMotion = 10; 268 optional FVector acceleration = 11; 269 optional FVector linearVelocity = 12; 270 } 271 272 message CharacterState { 273 optional FRepRootMotionMontage rootMotion = 2; 274 optional FBasedMovementInfo basedMovement = 3; 275 optional float serverLastTransformUpdateTimeStamp = 4; 276 optional uint32 movementMode = 5; 277 optional bool bIsCrouched = 6; 278 optional bool bProxyIsJumpForceApplied = 7; 279 optional float animRootMotionTranslationScale = 8; 280 optional float replayLastTransformUpdateTimeStamp = 9; 281 } 282 283 message Character_ServerMovePacked_Params { 284 uint32 bitsNum = 1; 285 bytes packedBits = 2; 286 } 287 288 message Character_ClientMoveResponsePacked_Params { 289 uint32 bitsNum = 1; 290 bytes packedBits = 2; 291 } 292 293 message PlayerState { 294 optional float score = 2; 295 optional int32 playerId = 3; 296 optional uint32 ping = 4; 297 optional string playerName = 5; 298 } 299 300 message ControllerState { 301 // APlayerState is an actor. 302 UnrealObjectRef playerState = 2; 303 UnrealObjectRef pawn = 3; 304 } 305 306 message Controller_ClientSetLocation_Params { 307 FVector newLocation = 1; 308 FVector newRotation = 2; 309 } 310 311 message Controller_ClientSetRotation_Params { 312 FVector newRotation = 1; 313 bool bResetCamera = 2; 314 } 315 316 message PlayerControllerState { 317 optional FVector targetViewRotation = 2; 318 optional FVector spawnLocation = 3; 319 } 320 321 message PlayerController_ServerUpdateCamera_Params { 322 FVector camLoc = 1; 323 int32 camPitchAndYaw = 2; 324 } 325 326 message PlayerController_ClientSetHUD_Params { 327 optional string hudClassName = 1; 328 } 329 330 message PlayerController_ClientSetViewTarget_Params { 331 UnrealObjectRef actor = 1; 332 float blendTime = 2; 333 uint32 blendFunction = 3; 334 float blendExp = 4; 335 bool bLockOutgoing = 5; 336 } 337 338 message PlayerController_ClientEnableNetworkVoice_Params { 339 optional bool bEnable = 1; 340 } 341 342 message PlayerController_ClientCapBandwidth_Params { 343 int32 cap = 1; 344 } 345 346 message PlayerController_ClientRestart_Params { 347 UnrealObjectRef pawn = 1; 348 } 349 350 message PlayerController_ClientSetCameraMode_Params { 351 string newCamMode = 1; 352 } 353 354 message PlayerController_ClientRetryClientRestart_Params { 355 UnrealObjectRef pawn = 1; 356 } 357 358 message PlayerController_ServerSetSpectatorLocation_Params { 359 FVector newLoc = 1; 360 FVector newRot = 2; 361 } 362 363 message PlayerController_ServerAcknowledgePossession_Params { 364 UnrealObjectRef pawn = 1; 365 } 366 367 message PlayerController_ClientGotoState_Params { 368 string newState = 1; 369 } 370 371 message PlayerController_ClientReceiveLocalizedMessage_Params { 372 string message = 1; 373 int32 switch = 2; 374 UnrealObjectRef relatedPlayerState_1 = 3; 375 UnrealObjectRef relatedPlayerState_2 = 4; 376 UnrealObjectRef optionalObject = 5; 377 } 378 379 message GameStateBase { 380 optional string spectatorClassName = 2; 381 optional string gameModeClassName = 3; 382 // Compatible with UE 5.2+ 383 optional double replicatedWorldTimeSeconds = 4; 384 optional bool bReplicatedHasBegunPlay = 5; 385 } 386 387 message PawnState { 388 UnrealObjectRef playerState = 1; 389 UnrealObjectRef controller = 2; 390 optional uint32 remoteViewPitch = 3; 391 } 392 393 // For customized FCharacterMoveResponseDataContainer::Serialize 394 message FClientAdjustment { 395 optional bool bAckGoodMove = 1; 396 optional float timeStamp = 2; 397 optional FVector newLoc = 3; 398 optional FVector newVel = 4; 399 optional FVector newRot = 5; 400 optional UnrealObjectRef newBase = 6; 401 optional string newBaseBoneName = 7; 402 optional bool bBaseRelativePosition = 8; 403 optional FRootMotionSourceGroup rootMotionSourceCorrection = 9; 404 optional FVector rootMotionRotation = 10; 405 optional uint32 movementMode = 11; 406 } 407 408 message StaticMeshComponentState { 409 bool removed = 1; 410 AssetRef staticMesh = 2; 411 }