
     1  // Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package helptopics
     6  const Users = `
     8  Juju has understanding of two different types of users:
     9  local users, those stored in the database along side the environments and
    10  entities in those environments; and remote users, those whose authenticiation
    11  is managed by an external service and reserved for future use.
    13  When a Juju System is bootstrapped, an initial user is created when the intial
    14  environment is created. This user is considered the administrator for the Juju
    15  System. This user is the only user able to create other users until Juju has
    16  full fine grained role based permissions.
    18  All user managment functionality is managed though the 'juju user' collection
    19  of commands.
    21  The primary user commands are used by the admin users to create users and
    22  disable or reenable login access.
    24  The change-password command can be used by any user to change their own
    25  password, or, for admins, the command can change another user's password and
    26  generate a new credentials file for them.
    28  The credentials command gives any use the ability to export the credentails
    29  they are using to access an environment to a file that they can use elsewhere
    30  to login to the same Juju System.
    32  See Also:
    33      juju help system
    34      juju help user
    35  `