
     1  // Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package status
     6  import (
     7  	"bytes"
     8  	"encoding/json"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"os"
    11  	"regexp"
    12  	"strings"
    13  	"time"
    15  	""
    16  	jc ""
    17  	gc ""
    18  	""
    19  	goyaml ""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	coretesting ""
    34  	""
    35  )
    37  func runStatus(c *gc.C, args ...string) (code int, stdout, stderr []byte) {
    38  	ctx := coretesting.Context(c)
    39  	code = cmd.Main(envcmd.Wrap(&StatusCommand{}), ctx, args)
    40  	stdout = ctx.Stdout.(*bytes.Buffer).Bytes()
    41  	stderr = ctx.Stderr.(*bytes.Buffer).Bytes()
    42  	return
    43  }
    45  type StatusSuite struct {
    46  	testing.JujuConnSuite
    47  }
    49  var _ = gc.Suite(&StatusSuite{})
    51  type M map[string]interface{}
    53  type L []interface{}
    55  type testCase struct {
    56  	summary string
    57  	steps   []stepper
    58  }
    60  func test(summary string, steps ...stepper) testCase {
    61  	return testCase{summary, steps}
    62  }
    64  type stepper interface {
    65  	step(c *gc.C, ctx *context)
    66  }
    68  //
    69  // context
    70  //
    72  func newContext(c *gc.C, st *state.State, env environs.Environ, adminUserTag string) *context {
    73  	// We make changes in the API server's state so that
    74  	// our changes to presence are immediately noticed
    75  	// in the status.
    76  	return &context{
    77  		st:           st,
    78  		env:          env,
    79  		charms:       make(map[string]*state.Charm),
    80  		pingers:      make(map[string]*presence.Pinger),
    81  		adminUserTag: adminUserTag,
    82  	}
    83  }
    85  type context struct {
    86  	st            *state.State
    87  	env           environs.Environ
    88  	charms        map[string]*state.Charm
    89  	pingers       map[string]*presence.Pinger
    90  	adminUserTag  string // A string repr of the tag.
    91  	expectIsoTime bool
    92  }
    94  func (ctx *context) reset(c *gc.C) {
    95  	for _, up := range ctx.pingers {
    96  		err := up.Kill()
    97  		c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
    98  	}
    99  }
   101  func (ctx *context) run(c *gc.C, steps []stepper) {
   102  	for i, s := range steps {
   103  		c.Logf("step %d", i)
   104  		c.Logf("%#v", s)
   105  		s.step(c, ctx)
   106  	}
   107  }
   109  func (ctx *context) setAgentPresence(c *gc.C, p presence.Presencer) *presence.Pinger {
   110  	pinger, err := p.SetAgentPresence()
   111  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   113  	err = p.WaitAgentPresence(coretesting.LongWait)
   114  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   115  	agentPresence, err := p.AgentPresence()
   116  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   117  	c.Assert(agentPresence, jc.IsTrue)
   118  	return pinger
   119  }
   121  func (s *StatusSuite) newContext(c *gc.C) *context {
   122  	st := s.Environ.(testing.GetStater).GetStateInAPIServer()
   123  	// We make changes in the API server's state so that
   124  	// our changes to presence are immediately noticed
   125  	// in the status.
   126  	return newContext(c, st, s.Environ, s.AdminUserTag(c).String())
   127  }
   129  func (s *StatusSuite) resetContext(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
   130  	ctx.reset(c)
   131  	s.JujuConnSuite.Reset(c)
   132  }
   134  // shortcuts for expected output.
   135  var (
   136  	machine0 = M{
   137  		"agent-state":                "started",
   138  		"dns-name":                   "dummyenv-0.dns",
   139  		"instance-id":                "dummyenv-0",
   140  		"series":                     "quantal",
   141  		"hardware":                   "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M",
   142  		"state-server-member-status": "adding-vote",
   143  	}
   144  	machine1 = M{
   145  		"agent-state": "started",
   146  		"dns-name":    "dummyenv-1.dns",
   147  		"instance-id": "dummyenv-1",
   148  		"series":      "quantal",
   149  		"hardware":    "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M",
   150  	}
   151  	machine2 = M{
   152  		"agent-state": "started",
   153  		"dns-name":    "dummyenv-2.dns",
   154  		"instance-id": "dummyenv-2",
   155  		"series":      "quantal",
   156  		"hardware":    "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M",
   157  	}
   158  	machine3 = M{
   159  		"agent-state": "started",
   160  		"dns-name":    "dummyenv-3.dns",
   161  		"instance-id": "dummyenv-3",
   162  		"series":      "quantal",
   163  		"hardware":    "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M",
   164  	}
   165  	machine4 = M{
   166  		"agent-state": "started",
   167  		"dns-name":    "dummyenv-4.dns",
   168  		"instance-id": "dummyenv-4",
   169  		"series":      "quantal",
   170  		"hardware":    "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M",
   171  	}
   172  	machine1WithContainers = M{
   173  		"agent-state": "started",
   174  		"containers": M{
   175  			"1/lxc/0": M{
   176  				"agent-state": "started",
   177  				"containers": M{
   178  					"1/lxc/0/lxc/0": M{
   179  						"agent-state": "started",
   180  						"dns-name":    "dummyenv-3.dns",
   181  						"instance-id": "dummyenv-3",
   182  						"series":      "quantal",
   183  					},
   184  				},
   185  				"dns-name":    "dummyenv-2.dns",
   186  				"instance-id": "dummyenv-2",
   187  				"series":      "quantal",
   188  			},
   189  			"1/lxc/1": M{
   190  				"instance-id": "pending",
   191  				"series":      "quantal",
   192  			},
   193  		},
   194  		"dns-name":    "dummyenv-1.dns",
   195  		"instance-id": "dummyenv-1",
   196  		"series":      "quantal",
   197  		"hardware":    "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M",
   198  	}
   199  	machine1WithContainersScoped = M{
   200  		"agent-state": "started",
   201  		"containers": M{
   202  			"1/lxc/0": M{
   203  				"agent-state": "started",
   204  				"dns-name":    "dummyenv-2.dns",
   205  				"instance-id": "dummyenv-2",
   206  				"series":      "quantal",
   207  			},
   208  		},
   209  		"dns-name":    "dummyenv-1.dns",
   210  		"instance-id": "dummyenv-1",
   211  		"series":      "quantal",
   212  		"hardware":    "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M",
   213  	}
   214  	unexposedService = M{
   215  		"service-status": M{
   216  			"current": "unknown",
   217  			"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
   218  			"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   219  		},
   220  		"charm":   "cs:quantal/dummy-1",
   221  		"exposed": false,
   222  	}
   223  	exposedService = M{
   224  		"service-status": M{
   225  			"current": "unknown",
   226  			"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
   227  			"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   228  		},
   229  		"charm":   "cs:quantal/dummy-1",
   230  		"exposed": true,
   231  	}
   232  )
   234  type outputFormat struct {
   235  	name      string
   236  	marshal   func(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
   237  	unmarshal func(data []byte, v interface{}) error
   238  }
   240  // statusFormats list all output formats that can be marshalled as structured data,
   241  // supported by status command.
   242  var statusFormats = []outputFormat{
   243  	{"yaml", goyaml.Marshal, goyaml.Unmarshal},
   244  	{"json", json.Marshal, json.Unmarshal},
   245  }
   247  var machineCons = constraints.MustParse("cpu-cores=2 mem=8G root-disk=8G")
   249  var statusTests = []testCase{
   250  	// Status tests
   251  	test(
   252  		"bootstrap and starting a single instance",
   254  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
   255  		expect{
   256  			"simulate juju bootstrap by adding machine/0 to the state",
   257  			M{
   258  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   259  				"machines": M{
   260  					"0": M{
   261  						"instance-id":                "pending",
   262  						"series":                     "quantal",
   263  						"state-server-member-status": "adding-vote",
   264  					},
   265  				},
   266  				"services": M{},
   267  			},
   268  		},
   270  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
   271  		setAddresses{"0", []network.Address{
   272  			network.NewAddress(""),
   273  			network.NewScopedAddress("dummyenv-0.dns", network.ScopePublic),
   274  		}},
   275  		expect{
   276  			"simulate the PA starting an instance in response to the state change",
   277  			M{
   278  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   279  				"machines": M{
   280  					"0": M{
   281  						"agent-state":                "pending",
   282  						"dns-name":                   "dummyenv-0.dns",
   283  						"instance-id":                "dummyenv-0",
   284  						"series":                     "quantal",
   285  						"hardware":                   "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M",
   286  						"state-server-member-status": "adding-vote",
   287  					},
   288  				},
   289  				"services": M{},
   290  			},
   291  		},
   293  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
   294  		expect{
   295  			"simulate the MA started and set the machine status",
   296  			M{
   297  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   298  				"machines": M{
   299  					"0": machine0,
   300  				},
   301  				"services": M{},
   302  			},
   303  		},
   305  		setTools{"0", version.MustParseBinary("1.2.3-trusty-ppc")},
   306  		expect{
   307  			"simulate the MA setting the version",
   308  			M{
   309  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   310  				"machines": M{
   311  					"0": M{
   312  						"dns-name":                   "dummyenv-0.dns",
   313  						"instance-id":                "dummyenv-0",
   314  						"agent-version":              "1.2.3",
   315  						"agent-state":                "started",
   316  						"series":                     "quantal",
   317  						"hardware":                   "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M",
   318  						"state-server-member-status": "adding-vote",
   319  					},
   320  				},
   321  				"services": M{},
   322  			},
   323  		},
   324  	), test(
   325  		"instance with different hardware characteristics",
   326  		addMachine{machineId: "0", cons: machineCons, job: state.JobManageEnviron},
   327  		setAddresses{"0", []network.Address{
   328  			network.NewAddress(""),
   329  			network.NewScopedAddress("dummyenv-0.dns", network.ScopePublic),
   330  		}},
   331  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
   332  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
   333  		expect{
   334  			"machine 0 has specific hardware characteristics",
   335  			M{
   336  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   337  				"machines": M{
   338  					"0": M{
   339  						"agent-state":                "started",
   340  						"dns-name":                   "dummyenv-0.dns",
   341  						"instance-id":                "dummyenv-0",
   342  						"series":                     "quantal",
   343  						"hardware":                   "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=2 mem=8192M root-disk=8192M",
   344  						"state-server-member-status": "adding-vote",
   345  					},
   346  				},
   347  				"services": M{},
   348  			},
   349  		},
   350  	), test(
   351  		"instance without addresses",
   352  		addMachine{machineId: "0", cons: machineCons, job: state.JobManageEnviron},
   353  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
   354  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
   355  		expect{
   356  			"machine 0 has no dns-name",
   357  			M{
   358  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   359  				"machines": M{
   360  					"0": M{
   361  						"agent-state":                "started",
   362  						"instance-id":                "dummyenv-0",
   363  						"series":                     "quantal",
   364  						"hardware":                   "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=2 mem=8192M root-disk=8192M",
   365  						"state-server-member-status": "adding-vote",
   366  					},
   367  				},
   368  				"services": M{},
   369  			},
   370  		},
   371  	), test(
   372  		"test pending and missing machines",
   373  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
   374  		expect{
   375  			"machine 0 reports pending",
   376  			M{
   377  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   378  				"machines": M{
   379  					"0": M{
   380  						"instance-id":                "pending",
   381  						"series":                     "quantal",
   382  						"state-server-member-status": "adding-vote",
   383  					},
   384  				},
   385  				"services": M{},
   386  			},
   387  		},
   389  		startMissingMachine{"0"},
   390  		expect{
   391  			"machine 0 reports missing",
   392  			M{
   393  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   394  				"machines": M{
   395  					"0": M{
   396  						"instance-state":             "missing",
   397  						"instance-id":                "i-missing",
   398  						"agent-state":                "pending",
   399  						"series":                     "quantal",
   400  						"hardware":                   "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M",
   401  						"state-server-member-status": "adding-vote",
   402  					},
   403  				},
   404  				"services": M{},
   405  			},
   406  		},
   407  	), test(
   408  		"add two services and expose one, then add 2 more machines and some units",
   409  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
   410  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
   411  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
   412  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
   413  		addCharm{"dummy"},
   414  		addService{name: "dummy-service", charm: "dummy"},
   415  		addService{name: "exposed-service", charm: "dummy"},
   416  		expect{
   417  			"no services exposed yet",
   418  			M{
   419  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   420  				"machines": M{
   421  					"0": machine0,
   422  				},
   423  				"services": M{
   424  					"dummy-service":   unexposedService,
   425  					"exposed-service": unexposedService,
   426  				},
   427  			},
   428  		},
   430  		setServiceExposed{"exposed-service", true},
   431  		expect{
   432  			"one exposed service",
   433  			M{
   434  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   435  				"machines": M{
   436  					"0": machine0,
   437  				},
   438  				"services": M{
   439  					"dummy-service":   unexposedService,
   440  					"exposed-service": exposedService,
   441  				},
   442  			},
   443  		},
   445  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
   446  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
   447  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
   448  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
   449  		addMachine{machineId: "2", job: state.JobHostUnits},
   450  		setAddresses{"2", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-2.dns")},
   451  		startAliveMachine{"2"},
   452  		setMachineStatus{"2", state.StatusStarted, ""},
   453  		expect{
   454  			"two more machines added",
   455  			M{
   456  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   457  				"machines": M{
   458  					"0": machine0,
   459  					"1": machine1,
   460  					"2": machine2,
   461  				},
   462  				"services": M{
   463  					"dummy-service":   unexposedService,
   464  					"exposed-service": exposedService,
   465  				},
   466  			},
   467  		},
   469  		addAliveUnit{"dummy-service", "1"},
   470  		addAliveUnit{"exposed-service", "2"},
   471  		setAgentStatus{"exposed-service/0", state.StatusError, "You Require More Vespene Gas", nil},
   472  		// Open multiple ports with different protocols,
   473  		// ensure they're sorted on protocol, then number.
   474  		openUnitPort{"exposed-service/0", "udp", 10},
   475  		openUnitPort{"exposed-service/0", "udp", 2},
   476  		openUnitPort{"exposed-service/0", "tcp", 3},
   477  		openUnitPort{"exposed-service/0", "tcp", 2},
   478  		// Simulate some status with no info, while the agent is down.
   479  		// Status used to be down, we no longer support said state.
   480  		// now is one of: pending, started, error.
   481  		setUnitStatus{"dummy-service/0", state.StatusTerminated, "", nil},
   482  		setAgentStatus{"dummy-service/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
   484  		// dummy-service/0 used to expect "agent-state-info": "(started)",
   485  		// which is populated as the previous state by adjustInfoIfAgentDown
   486  		// but sice it no longer is down it no longer applies.
   487  		expect{
   488  			"add two units, one alive (in error state), one started",
   489  			M{
   490  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   491  				"machines": M{
   492  					"0": machine0,
   493  					"1": machine1,
   494  					"2": machine2,
   495  				},
   496  				"services": M{
   497  					"exposed-service": M{
   498  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/dummy-1",
   499  						"exposed": true,
   500  						"service-status": M{
   501  							"current": "error",
   502  							"message": "You Require More Vespene Gas",
   503  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   504  						},
   505  						"units": M{
   506  							"exposed-service/0": M{
   507  								"machine":          "2",
   508  								"agent-state":      "error",
   509  								"agent-state-info": "You Require More Vespene Gas",
   510  								"workload-status": M{
   511  									"current": "error",
   512  									"message": "You Require More Vespene Gas",
   513  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   514  								},
   515  								"agent-status": M{
   516  									"current": "idle",
   517  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   518  								},
   519  								"open-ports": L{
   520  									"2/tcp", "3/tcp", "2/udp", "10/udp",
   521  								},
   522  								"public-address": "dummyenv-2.dns",
   523  							},
   524  						},
   525  					},
   526  					"dummy-service": M{
   527  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/dummy-1",
   528  						"exposed": false,
   529  						"service-status": M{
   530  							"current": "terminated",
   531  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   532  						},
   533  						"units": M{
   534  							"dummy-service/0": M{
   535  								"machine":     "1",
   536  								"agent-state": "stopped",
   537  								"workload-status": M{
   538  									"current": "terminated",
   539  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   540  								},
   541  								"agent-status": M{
   542  									"current": "idle",
   543  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   544  								},
   545  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
   546  							},
   547  						},
   548  					},
   549  				},
   550  			},
   551  		},
   553  		addMachine{machineId: "3", job: state.JobHostUnits},
   554  		startMachine{"3"},
   555  		// Simulate some status with info, while the agent is down.
   556  		setAddresses{"3", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-3.dns")},
   557  		setMachineStatus{"3", state.StatusStopped, "Really?"},
   558  		addMachine{machineId: "4", job: state.JobHostUnits},
   559  		setAddresses{"4", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-4.dns")},
   560  		startAliveMachine{"4"},
   561  		setMachineStatus{"4", state.StatusError, "Beware the red toys"},
   562  		ensureDyingUnit{"dummy-service/0"},
   563  		addMachine{machineId: "5", job: state.JobHostUnits},
   564  		ensureDeadMachine{"5"},
   565  		expect{
   566  			"add three more machine, one with a dead agent, one in error state and one dead itself; also one dying unit",
   567  			M{
   568  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   569  				"machines": M{
   570  					"0": machine0,
   571  					"1": machine1,
   572  					"2": machine2,
   573  					"3": M{
   574  						"dns-name":         "dummyenv-3.dns",
   575  						"instance-id":      "dummyenv-3",
   576  						"agent-state":      "down",
   577  						"agent-state-info": "(stopped: Really?)",
   578  						"series":           "quantal",
   579  						"hardware":         "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M",
   580  					},
   581  					"4": M{
   582  						"dns-name":         "dummyenv-4.dns",
   583  						"instance-id":      "dummyenv-4",
   584  						"agent-state":      "error",
   585  						"agent-state-info": "Beware the red toys",
   586  						"series":           "quantal",
   587  						"hardware":         "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M",
   588  					},
   589  					"5": M{
   590  						"life":        "dead",
   591  						"instance-id": "pending",
   592  						"series":      "quantal",
   593  					},
   594  				},
   595  				"services": M{
   596  					"exposed-service": M{
   597  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/dummy-1",
   598  						"exposed": true,
   599  						"service-status": M{
   600  							"current": "error",
   601  							"message": "You Require More Vespene Gas",
   602  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   603  						},
   604  						"units": M{
   605  							"exposed-service/0": M{
   606  								"machine":          "2",
   607  								"agent-state":      "error",
   608  								"agent-state-info": "You Require More Vespene Gas",
   609  								"workload-status": M{
   610  									"current": "error",
   611  									"message": "You Require More Vespene Gas",
   612  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   613  								},
   614  								"agent-status": M{
   615  									"current": "idle",
   616  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   617  								},
   618  								"open-ports": L{
   619  									"2/tcp", "3/tcp", "2/udp", "10/udp",
   620  								},
   621  								"public-address": "dummyenv-2.dns",
   622  							},
   623  						},
   624  					},
   625  					"dummy-service": M{
   626  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/dummy-1",
   627  						"exposed": false,
   628  						"service-status": M{
   629  							"current": "terminated",
   630  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   631  						},
   632  						"units": M{
   633  							"dummy-service/0": M{
   634  								"machine":     "1",
   635  								"agent-state": "stopped",
   636  								"life":        "dying",
   637  								"workload-status": M{
   638  									"current": "terminated",
   639  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   640  								},
   641  								"agent-status": M{
   642  									"current": "idle",
   643  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   644  								},
   645  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
   646  							},
   647  						},
   648  					},
   649  				},
   650  			},
   651  		},
   653  		scopedExpect{
   654  			"scope status on dummy-service/0 unit",
   655  			[]string{"dummy-service/0"},
   656  			M{
   657  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   658  				"machines": M{
   659  					"1": machine1,
   660  				},
   661  				"services": M{
   662  					"dummy-service": M{
   663  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/dummy-1",
   664  						"exposed": false,
   665  						"service-status": M{
   666  							"current": "terminated",
   667  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   668  						},
   669  						"units": M{
   670  							"dummy-service/0": M{
   671  								"machine":     "1",
   672  								"life":        "dying",
   673  								"agent-state": "stopped",
   674  								"workload-status": M{
   675  									"current": "terminated",
   676  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   677  								},
   678  								"agent-status": M{
   679  									"current": "idle",
   680  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   681  								},
   682  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
   683  							},
   684  						},
   685  					},
   686  				},
   687  			},
   688  		},
   689  		scopedExpect{
   690  			"scope status on exposed-service service",
   691  			[]string{"exposed-service"},
   692  			M{
   693  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   694  				"machines": M{
   695  					"2": machine2,
   696  				},
   697  				"services": M{
   698  					"exposed-service": M{
   699  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/dummy-1",
   700  						"exposed": true,
   701  						"service-status": M{
   702  							"current": "error",
   703  							"message": "You Require More Vespene Gas",
   704  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   705  						},
   706  						"units": M{
   707  							"exposed-service/0": M{
   708  								"machine":          "2",
   709  								"agent-state":      "error",
   710  								"agent-state-info": "You Require More Vespene Gas",
   711  								"workload-status": M{
   712  									"current": "error",
   713  									"message": "You Require More Vespene Gas",
   714  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   715  								},
   716  								"agent-status": M{
   717  									"current": "idle",
   718  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   719  								},
   720  								"open-ports": L{
   721  									"2/tcp", "3/tcp", "2/udp", "10/udp",
   722  								},
   723  								"public-address": "dummyenv-2.dns",
   724  							},
   725  						},
   726  					},
   727  				},
   728  			},
   729  		},
   730  		scopedExpect{
   731  			"scope status on service pattern",
   732  			[]string{"d*-service"},
   733  			M{
   734  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   735  				"machines": M{
   736  					"1": machine1,
   737  				},
   738  				"services": M{
   739  					"dummy-service": M{
   740  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/dummy-1",
   741  						"exposed": false,
   742  						"service-status": M{
   743  							"current": "terminated",
   744  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   745  						},
   746  						"units": M{
   747  							"dummy-service/0": M{
   748  								"machine":     "1",
   749  								"life":        "dying",
   750  								"agent-state": "stopped",
   751  								"workload-status": M{
   752  									"current": "terminated",
   753  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   754  								},
   755  								"agent-status": M{
   756  									"current": "idle",
   757  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   758  								},
   759  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
   760  							},
   761  						},
   762  					},
   763  				},
   764  			},
   765  		},
   766  		scopedExpect{
   767  			"scope status on unit pattern",
   768  			[]string{"e*posed-service/*"},
   769  			M{
   770  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   771  				"machines": M{
   772  					"2": machine2,
   773  				},
   774  				"services": M{
   775  					"exposed-service": M{
   776  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/dummy-1",
   777  						"exposed": true,
   778  						"service-status": M{
   779  							"current": "error",
   780  							"message": "You Require More Vespene Gas",
   781  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   782  						},
   783  						"units": M{
   784  							"exposed-service/0": M{
   785  								"machine":          "2",
   786  								"agent-state":      "error",
   787  								"agent-state-info": "You Require More Vespene Gas",
   788  								"workload-status": M{
   789  									"current": "error",
   790  									"message": "You Require More Vespene Gas",
   791  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   792  								},
   793  								"agent-status": M{
   794  									"current": "idle",
   795  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   796  								},
   797  								"open-ports": L{
   798  									"2/tcp", "3/tcp", "2/udp", "10/udp",
   799  								},
   800  								"public-address": "dummyenv-2.dns",
   801  							},
   802  						},
   803  					},
   804  				},
   805  			},
   806  		},
   807  		scopedExpect{
   808  			"scope status on combination of service and unit patterns",
   809  			[]string{"exposed-service", "dummy-service", "e*posed-service/*", "dummy-service/*"},
   810  			M{
   811  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   812  				"machines": M{
   813  					"1": machine1,
   814  					"2": machine2,
   815  				},
   816  				"services": M{
   817  					"dummy-service": M{
   818  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/dummy-1",
   819  						"exposed": false,
   820  						"service-status": M{
   821  							"current": "terminated",
   822  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   823  						},
   824  						"units": M{
   825  							"dummy-service/0": M{
   826  								"machine":     "1",
   827  								"life":        "dying",
   828  								"agent-state": "stopped",
   829  								"workload-status": M{
   830  									"current": "terminated",
   831  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   832  								},
   833  								"agent-status": M{
   834  									"current": "idle",
   835  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   836  								},
   837  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
   838  							},
   839  						},
   840  					},
   841  					"exposed-service": M{
   842  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/dummy-1",
   843  						"exposed": true,
   844  						"service-status": M{
   845  							"current": "error",
   846  							"message": "You Require More Vespene Gas",
   847  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   848  						},
   849  						"units": M{
   850  							"exposed-service/0": M{
   851  								"machine":          "2",
   852  								"agent-state":      "error",
   853  								"agent-state-info": "You Require More Vespene Gas",
   854  								"workload-status": M{
   855  									"current": "error",
   856  									"message": "You Require More Vespene Gas",
   857  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   858  								},
   859  								"agent-status": M{
   860  									"current": "idle",
   861  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   862  								},
   863  								"open-ports": L{
   864  									"2/tcp", "3/tcp", "2/udp", "10/udp",
   865  								},
   866  								"public-address": "dummyenv-2.dns",
   867  							},
   868  						},
   869  					},
   870  				},
   871  			},
   872  		},
   873  	), test(
   874  		"a unit with a hook relation error",
   875  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
   876  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
   877  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
   878  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
   880  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
   881  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
   882  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
   883  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
   885  		addCharm{"wordpress"},
   886  		addService{name: "wordpress", charm: "wordpress"},
   887  		addAliveUnit{"wordpress", "1"},
   889  		addCharm{"mysql"},
   890  		addService{name: "mysql", charm: "mysql"},
   891  		addAliveUnit{"mysql", "1"},
   893  		relateServices{"wordpress", "mysql"},
   895  		setAgentStatus{"wordpress/0", state.StatusError,
   896  			"hook failed: some-relation-changed",
   897  			map[string]interface{}{"relation-id": 0}},
   899  		expect{
   900  			"a unit with a hook relation error",
   901  			M{
   902  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   903  				"machines": M{
   904  					"0": machine0,
   905  					"1": machine1,
   906  				},
   907  				"services": M{
   908  					"wordpress": M{
   909  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/wordpress-3",
   910  						"exposed": false,
   911  						"relations": M{
   912  							"db": L{"mysql"},
   913  						},
   914  						"service-status": M{
   915  							"current": "error",
   916  							"message": "hook failed: some-relation-changed",
   917  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   918  						},
   919  						"units": M{
   920  							"wordpress/0": M{
   921  								"machine":          "1",
   922  								"agent-state":      "error",
   923  								"agent-state-info": "hook failed: some-relation-changed for mysql:server",
   924  								"workload-status": M{
   925  									"current": "error",
   926  									"message": "hook failed: some-relation-changed for mysql:server",
   927  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   928  								},
   929  								"agent-status": M{
   930  									"current": "idle",
   931  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   932  								},
   933  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
   934  							},
   935  						},
   936  					},
   937  					"mysql": M{
   938  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/mysql-1",
   939  						"exposed": false,
   940  						"relations": M{
   941  							"server": L{"wordpress"},
   942  						},
   943  						"service-status": M{
   944  							"current": "unknown",
   945  							"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
   946  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   947  						},
   948  						"units": M{
   949  							"mysql/0": M{
   950  								"machine":     "1",
   951  								"agent-state": "pending",
   952  								"workload-status": M{
   953  									"current": "unknown",
   954  									"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
   955  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   956  								},
   957  								"agent-status": M{
   958  									"current": "allocating",
   959  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
   960  								},
   961  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
   962  							},
   963  						},
   964  					},
   965  				},
   966  			},
   967  		},
   968  	), test(
   969  		"a unit with a hook relation error when the agent is down",
   970  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
   971  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
   972  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
   973  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
   975  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
   976  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
   977  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
   978  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
   980  		addCharm{"wordpress"},
   981  		addService{name: "wordpress", charm: "wordpress"},
   982  		addAliveUnit{"wordpress", "1"},
   984  		addCharm{"mysql"},
   985  		addService{name: "mysql", charm: "mysql"},
   986  		addAliveUnit{"mysql", "1"},
   988  		relateServices{"wordpress", "mysql"},
   990  		setAgentStatus{"wordpress/0", state.StatusError,
   991  			"hook failed: some-relation-changed",
   992  			map[string]interface{}{"relation-id": 0}},
   994  		expect{
   995  			"a unit with a hook relation error when the agent is down",
   996  			M{
   997  				"environment": "dummyenv",
   998  				"machines": M{
   999  					"0": machine0,
  1000  					"1": machine1,
  1001  				},
  1002  				"services": M{
  1003  					"wordpress": M{
  1004  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/wordpress-3",
  1005  						"exposed": false,
  1006  						"relations": M{
  1007  							"db": L{"mysql"},
  1008  						},
  1009  						"service-status": M{
  1010  							"current": "error",
  1011  							"message": "hook failed: some-relation-changed",
  1012  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1013  						},
  1014  						"units": M{
  1015  							"wordpress/0": M{
  1016  								"machine":          "1",
  1017  								"agent-state":      "error",
  1018  								"agent-state-info": "hook failed: some-relation-changed for mysql:server",
  1019  								"workload-status": M{
  1020  									"current": "error",
  1021  									"message": "hook failed: some-relation-changed for mysql:server",
  1022  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1023  								},
  1024  								"agent-status": M{
  1025  									"current": "idle",
  1026  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1027  								},
  1028  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  1029  							},
  1030  						},
  1031  					},
  1032  					"mysql": M{
  1033  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/mysql-1",
  1034  						"exposed": false,
  1035  						"relations": M{
  1036  							"server": L{"wordpress"},
  1037  						},
  1038  						"service-status": M{
  1039  							"current": "unknown",
  1040  							"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
  1041  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1042  						},
  1043  						"units": M{
  1044  							"mysql/0": M{
  1045  								"machine":     "1",
  1046  								"agent-state": "pending",
  1047  								"workload-status": M{
  1048  									"current": "unknown",
  1049  									"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
  1050  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1051  								},
  1052  								"agent-status": M{
  1053  									"current": "allocating",
  1054  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1055  								},
  1056  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  1057  							},
  1058  						},
  1059  					},
  1060  				},
  1061  			},
  1062  		},
  1063  	), test(
  1064  		"add a dying service",
  1065  		addCharm{"dummy"},
  1066  		addService{name: "dummy-service", charm: "dummy"},
  1067  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  1068  		addAliveUnit{"dummy-service", "0"},
  1069  		ensureDyingService{"dummy-service"},
  1070  		expect{
  1071  			"service shows life==dying",
  1072  			M{
  1073  				"environment": "dummyenv",
  1074  				"machines": M{
  1075  					"0": M{
  1076  						"instance-id": "pending",
  1077  						"series":      "quantal",
  1078  					},
  1079  				},
  1080  				"services": M{
  1081  					"dummy-service": M{
  1082  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/dummy-1",
  1083  						"exposed": false,
  1084  						"life":    "dying",
  1085  						"service-status": M{
  1086  							"current": "unknown",
  1087  							"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
  1088  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1089  						},
  1090  						"units": M{
  1091  							"dummy-service/0": M{
  1092  								"machine":     "0",
  1093  								"agent-state": "pending",
  1094  								"workload-status": M{
  1095  									"current": "unknown",
  1096  									"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
  1097  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1098  								},
  1099  								"agent-status": M{
  1100  									"current": "allocating",
  1101  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1102  								},
  1103  							},
  1104  						},
  1105  					},
  1106  				},
  1107  			},
  1108  		},
  1109  	), test(
  1110  		"a unit where the agent is down shows as lost",
  1111  		addCharm{"dummy"},
  1112  		addService{name: "dummy-service", charm: "dummy"},
  1113  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  1114  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
  1115  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1116  		addUnit{"dummy-service", "0"},
  1117  		setAgentStatus{"dummy-service/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  1118  		setUnitStatus{"dummy-service/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  1119  		expect{
  1120  			"unit shows that agent is lost",
  1121  			M{
  1122  				"environment": "dummyenv",
  1123  				"machines": M{
  1124  					"0": M{
  1125  						"agent-state": "started",
  1126  						"instance-id": "dummyenv-0",
  1127  						"series":      "quantal",
  1128  						"hardware":    "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M",
  1129  					},
  1130  				},
  1131  				"services": M{
  1132  					"dummy-service": M{
  1133  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/dummy-1",
  1134  						"exposed": false,
  1135  						"service-status": M{
  1136  							"current": "active",
  1137  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1138  						},
  1139  						"units": M{
  1140  							"dummy-service/0": M{
  1141  								"machine":     "0",
  1142  								"agent-state": "started",
  1143  								"workload-status": M{
  1144  									"current": "unknown",
  1145  									"message": "agent is lost, sorry! See 'juju status-history dummy-service/0'",
  1146  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1147  								},
  1148  								"agent-status": M{
  1149  									"current": "lost",
  1150  									"message": "agent is not communicating with the server",
  1151  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1152  								},
  1153  							},
  1154  						},
  1155  					},
  1156  				},
  1157  			},
  1158  		},
  1159  	),
  1161  	// Relation tests
  1162  	test(
  1163  		"complex scenario with multiple related services",
  1164  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
  1165  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
  1166  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
  1167  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1168  		addCharm{"wordpress"},
  1169  		addCharm{"mysql"},
  1170  		addCharm{"varnish"},
  1172  		addService{name: "project", charm: "wordpress"},
  1173  		setServiceExposed{"project", true},
  1174  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  1175  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
  1176  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
  1177  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1178  		addAliveUnit{"project", "1"},
  1179  		setAgentStatus{"project/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  1180  		setUnitStatus{"project/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  1182  		addService{name: "mysql", charm: "mysql"},
  1183  		setServiceExposed{"mysql", true},
  1184  		addMachine{machineId: "2", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  1185  		setAddresses{"2", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-2.dns")},
  1186  		startAliveMachine{"2"},
  1187  		setMachineStatus{"2", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1188  		addAliveUnit{"mysql", "2"},
  1189  		setAgentStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  1190  		setUnitStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  1192  		addService{name: "varnish", charm: "varnish"},
  1193  		setServiceExposed{"varnish", true},
  1194  		addMachine{machineId: "3", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  1195  		setAddresses{"3", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-3.dns")},
  1196  		startAliveMachine{"3"},
  1197  		setMachineStatus{"3", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1198  		addAliveUnit{"varnish", "3"},
  1200  		addService{name: "private", charm: "wordpress"},
  1201  		setServiceExposed{"private", true},
  1202  		addMachine{machineId: "4", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  1203  		setAddresses{"4", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-4.dns")},
  1204  		startAliveMachine{"4"},
  1205  		setMachineStatus{"4", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1206  		addAliveUnit{"private", "4"},
  1208  		relateServices{"project", "mysql"},
  1209  		relateServices{"project", "varnish"},
  1210  		relateServices{"private", "mysql"},
  1212  		expect{
  1213  			"multiples services with relations between some of them",
  1214  			M{
  1215  				"environment": "dummyenv",
  1216  				"machines": M{
  1217  					"0": machine0,
  1218  					"1": machine1,
  1219  					"2": machine2,
  1220  					"3": machine3,
  1221  					"4": machine4,
  1222  				},
  1223  				"services": M{
  1224  					"project": M{
  1225  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/wordpress-3",
  1226  						"exposed": true,
  1227  						"service-status": M{
  1228  							"current": "active",
  1229  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1230  						},
  1231  						"units": M{
  1232  							"project/0": M{
  1233  								"machine":     "1",
  1234  								"agent-state": "started",
  1235  								"workload-status": M{
  1236  									"current": "active",
  1237  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1238  								},
  1239  								"agent-status": M{
  1240  									"current": "idle",
  1241  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1242  								},
  1243  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  1244  							},
  1245  						},
  1246  						"relations": M{
  1247  							"db":    L{"mysql"},
  1248  							"cache": L{"varnish"},
  1249  						},
  1250  					},
  1251  					"mysql": M{
  1252  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/mysql-1",
  1253  						"exposed": true,
  1254  						"service-status": M{
  1255  							"current": "active",
  1256  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1257  						},
  1258  						"units": M{
  1259  							"mysql/0": M{
  1260  								"machine":     "2",
  1261  								"agent-state": "started",
  1262  								"workload-status": M{
  1263  									"current": "active",
  1264  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1265  								},
  1266  								"agent-status": M{
  1267  									"current": "idle",
  1268  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1269  								},
  1270  								"public-address": "dummyenv-2.dns",
  1271  							},
  1272  						},
  1273  						"relations": M{
  1274  							"server": L{"private", "project"},
  1275  						},
  1276  					},
  1277  					"varnish": M{
  1278  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/varnish-1",
  1279  						"exposed": true,
  1280  						"service-status": M{
  1281  							"current": "unknown",
  1282  							"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
  1283  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1284  						},
  1285  						"units": M{
  1286  							"varnish/0": M{
  1287  								"machine":     "3",
  1288  								"agent-state": "pending",
  1289  								"workload-status": M{
  1290  									"current": "unknown",
  1291  									"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
  1292  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1293  								},
  1294  								"agent-status": M{
  1295  									"current": "allocating",
  1296  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1297  								},
  1298  								"public-address": "dummyenv-3.dns",
  1299  							},
  1300  						},
  1301  						"relations": M{
  1302  							"webcache": L{"project"},
  1303  						},
  1304  					},
  1305  					"private": M{
  1306  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/wordpress-3",
  1307  						"exposed": true,
  1308  						"service-status": M{
  1309  							"current": "unknown",
  1310  							"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
  1311  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1312  						},
  1313  						"units": M{
  1314  							"private/0": M{
  1315  								"machine":     "4",
  1316  								"agent-state": "pending",
  1317  								"workload-status": M{
  1318  									"current": "unknown",
  1319  									"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
  1320  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1321  								},
  1322  								"agent-status": M{
  1323  									"current": "allocating",
  1324  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1325  								},
  1326  								"public-address": "dummyenv-4.dns",
  1327  							},
  1328  						},
  1329  						"relations": M{
  1330  							"db": L{"mysql"},
  1331  						},
  1332  					},
  1333  				},
  1334  			},
  1335  		},
  1336  	), test(
  1337  		"simple peer scenario",
  1338  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
  1339  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
  1340  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
  1341  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1342  		addCharm{"riak"},
  1343  		addCharm{"wordpress"},
  1345  		addService{name: "riak", charm: "riak"},
  1346  		setServiceExposed{"riak", true},
  1347  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  1348  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
  1349  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
  1350  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1351  		addAliveUnit{"riak", "1"},
  1352  		setAgentStatus{"riak/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  1353  		setUnitStatus{"riak/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  1354  		addMachine{machineId: "2", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  1355  		setAddresses{"2", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-2.dns")},
  1356  		startAliveMachine{"2"},
  1357  		setMachineStatus{"2", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1358  		addAliveUnit{"riak", "2"},
  1359  		setAgentStatus{"riak/1", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  1360  		setUnitStatus{"riak/1", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  1361  		addMachine{machineId: "3", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  1362  		setAddresses{"3", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-3.dns")},
  1363  		startAliveMachine{"3"},
  1364  		setMachineStatus{"3", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1365  		addAliveUnit{"riak", "3"},
  1366  		setAgentStatus{"riak/2", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  1367  		setUnitStatus{"riak/2", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  1369  		expect{
  1370  			"multiples related peer units",
  1371  			M{
  1372  				"environment": "dummyenv",
  1373  				"machines": M{
  1374  					"0": machine0,
  1375  					"1": machine1,
  1376  					"2": machine2,
  1377  					"3": machine3,
  1378  				},
  1379  				"services": M{
  1380  					"riak": M{
  1381  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/riak-7",
  1382  						"exposed": true,
  1383  						"service-status": M{
  1384  							"current": "active",
  1385  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1386  						},
  1387  						"units": M{
  1388  							"riak/0": M{
  1389  								"machine":     "1",
  1390  								"agent-state": "started",
  1391  								"workload-status": M{
  1392  									"current": "active",
  1393  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1394  								},
  1395  								"agent-status": M{
  1396  									"current": "idle",
  1397  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1398  								},
  1399  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  1400  							},
  1401  							"riak/1": M{
  1402  								"machine":     "2",
  1403  								"agent-state": "started",
  1404  								"workload-status": M{
  1405  									"current": "active",
  1406  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1407  								},
  1408  								"agent-status": M{
  1409  									"current": "idle",
  1410  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1411  								},
  1412  								"public-address": "dummyenv-2.dns",
  1413  							},
  1414  							"riak/2": M{
  1415  								"machine":     "3",
  1416  								"agent-state": "started",
  1417  								"workload-status": M{
  1418  									"current": "active",
  1419  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1420  								},
  1421  								"agent-status": M{
  1422  									"current": "idle",
  1423  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1424  								},
  1425  								"public-address": "dummyenv-3.dns",
  1426  							},
  1427  						},
  1428  						"relations": M{
  1429  							"ring": L{"riak"},
  1430  						},
  1431  					},
  1432  				},
  1433  			},
  1434  		},
  1435  	),
  1437  	// Subordinate tests
  1438  	test(
  1439  		"one service with one subordinate service",
  1440  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
  1441  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
  1442  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
  1443  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1444  		addCharm{"wordpress"},
  1445  		addCharm{"mysql"},
  1446  		addCharm{"logging"},
  1448  		addService{name: "wordpress", charm: "wordpress"},
  1449  		setServiceExposed{"wordpress", true},
  1450  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  1451  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
  1452  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
  1453  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1454  		addAliveUnit{"wordpress", "1"},
  1455  		setAgentStatus{"wordpress/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  1456  		setUnitStatus{"wordpress/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  1458  		addService{name: "mysql", charm: "mysql"},
  1459  		setServiceExposed{"mysql", true},
  1460  		addMachine{machineId: "2", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  1461  		setAddresses{"2", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-2.dns")},
  1462  		startAliveMachine{"2"},
  1463  		setMachineStatus{"2", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1464  		addAliveUnit{"mysql", "2"},
  1465  		setAgentStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  1466  		setUnitStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  1468  		addService{name: "logging", charm: "logging"},
  1469  		setServiceExposed{"logging", true},
  1471  		relateServices{"wordpress", "mysql"},
  1472  		relateServices{"wordpress", "logging"},
  1473  		relateServices{"mysql", "logging"},
  1475  		addSubordinate{"wordpress/0", "logging"},
  1476  		addSubordinate{"mysql/0", "logging"},
  1478  		setUnitsAlive{"logging"},
  1479  		setAgentStatus{"logging/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  1480  		setUnitStatus{"logging/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  1481  		setAgentStatus{"logging/1", state.StatusError, "somehow lost in all those logs", nil},
  1483  		expect{
  1484  			"multiples related peer units",
  1485  			M{
  1486  				"environment": "dummyenv",
  1487  				"machines": M{
  1488  					"0": machine0,
  1489  					"1": machine1,
  1490  					"2": machine2,
  1491  				},
  1492  				"services": M{
  1493  					"wordpress": M{
  1494  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/wordpress-3",
  1495  						"exposed": true,
  1496  						"service-status": M{
  1497  							"current": "active",
  1498  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1499  						},
  1500  						"units": M{
  1501  							"wordpress/0": M{
  1502  								"machine":     "1",
  1503  								"agent-state": "started",
  1504  								"workload-status": M{
  1505  									"current": "active",
  1506  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1507  								},
  1508  								"agent-status": M{
  1509  									"current": "idle",
  1510  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1511  								},
  1512  								"subordinates": M{
  1513  									"logging/0": M{
  1514  										"agent-state": "started",
  1515  										"workload-status": M{
  1516  											"current": "active",
  1517  											"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1518  										},
  1519  										"agent-status": M{
  1520  											"current": "idle",
  1521  											"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1522  										},
  1523  										"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  1524  									},
  1525  								},
  1526  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  1527  							},
  1528  						},
  1529  						"relations": M{
  1530  							"db":          L{"mysql"},
  1531  							"logging-dir": L{"logging"},
  1532  						},
  1533  					},
  1534  					"mysql": M{
  1535  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/mysql-1",
  1536  						"exposed": true,
  1537  						"service-status": M{
  1538  							"current": "active",
  1539  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1540  						},
  1541  						"units": M{
  1542  							"mysql/0": M{
  1543  								"machine":     "2",
  1544  								"agent-state": "started",
  1545  								"workload-status": M{
  1546  									"current": "active",
  1547  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1548  								},
  1549  								"agent-status": M{
  1550  									"current": "idle",
  1551  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1552  								},
  1553  								"subordinates": M{
  1554  									"logging/1": M{
  1555  										"agent-state":      "error",
  1556  										"agent-state-info": "somehow lost in all those logs",
  1557  										"workload-status": M{
  1558  											"current": "error",
  1559  											"message": "somehow lost in all those logs",
  1560  											"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1561  										},
  1562  										"agent-status": M{
  1563  											"current": "idle",
  1564  											"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1565  										},
  1566  										"public-address": "dummyenv-2.dns",
  1567  									},
  1568  								},
  1569  								"public-address": "dummyenv-2.dns",
  1570  							},
  1571  						},
  1572  						"relations": M{
  1573  							"server":    L{"wordpress"},
  1574  							"juju-info": L{"logging"},
  1575  						},
  1576  					},
  1577  					"logging": M{
  1578  						"charm":          "cs:quantal/logging-1",
  1579  						"exposed":        true,
  1580  						"service-status": M{},
  1581  						"relations": M{
  1582  							"logging-directory": L{"wordpress"},
  1583  							"info":              L{"mysql"},
  1584  						},
  1585  						"subordinate-to": L{"mysql", "wordpress"},
  1586  					},
  1587  				},
  1588  			},
  1589  		},
  1591  		// scoped on 'logging'
  1592  		scopedExpect{
  1593  			"subordinates scoped on logging",
  1594  			[]string{"logging"},
  1595  			M{
  1596  				"environment": "dummyenv",
  1597  				"machines": M{
  1598  					"1": machine1,
  1599  					"2": machine2,
  1600  				},
  1601  				"services": M{
  1602  					"wordpress": M{
  1603  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/wordpress-3",
  1604  						"exposed": true,
  1605  						"service-status": M{
  1606  							"current": "active",
  1607  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1608  						},
  1609  						"units": M{
  1610  							"wordpress/0": M{
  1611  								"machine":     "1",
  1612  								"agent-state": "started",
  1613  								"workload-status": M{
  1614  									"current": "active",
  1615  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1616  								},
  1617  								"agent-status": M{
  1618  									"current": "idle",
  1619  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1620  								},
  1621  								"subordinates": M{
  1622  									"logging/0": M{
  1623  										"agent-state": "started",
  1624  										"workload-status": M{
  1625  											"current": "active",
  1626  											"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1627  										},
  1628  										"agent-status": M{
  1629  											"current": "idle",
  1630  											"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1631  										},
  1632  										"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  1633  									},
  1634  								},
  1635  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  1636  							},
  1637  						},
  1638  						"relations": M{
  1639  							"db":          L{"mysql"},
  1640  							"logging-dir": L{"logging"},
  1641  						},
  1642  					},
  1643  					"mysql": M{
  1644  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/mysql-1",
  1645  						"exposed": true,
  1646  						"service-status": M{
  1647  							"current": "active",
  1648  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1649  						},
  1650  						"units": M{
  1651  							"mysql/0": M{
  1652  								"machine":     "2",
  1653  								"agent-state": "started",
  1654  								"workload-status": M{
  1655  									"current": "active",
  1656  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1657  								},
  1658  								"agent-status": M{
  1659  									"current": "idle",
  1660  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1661  								},
  1662  								"subordinates": M{
  1663  									"logging/1": M{
  1664  										"agent-state": "error",
  1665  										"workload-status": M{
  1666  											"current": "error",
  1667  											"message": "somehow lost in all those logs",
  1668  											"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1669  										},
  1670  										"agent-status": M{
  1671  											"current": "idle",
  1672  											"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1673  										},
  1674  										"agent-state-info": "somehow lost in all those logs",
  1675  										"public-address":   "dummyenv-2.dns",
  1676  									},
  1677  								},
  1678  								"public-address": "dummyenv-2.dns",
  1679  							},
  1680  						},
  1681  						"relations": M{
  1682  							"server":    L{"wordpress"},
  1683  							"juju-info": L{"logging"},
  1684  						},
  1685  					},
  1686  					"logging": M{
  1687  						"charm":          "cs:quantal/logging-1",
  1688  						"exposed":        true,
  1689  						"service-status": M{},
  1690  						"relations": M{
  1691  							"logging-directory": L{"wordpress"},
  1692  							"info":              L{"mysql"},
  1693  						},
  1694  						"subordinate-to": L{"mysql", "wordpress"},
  1695  					},
  1696  				},
  1697  			},
  1698  		},
  1700  		// scoped on wordpress/0
  1701  		scopedExpect{
  1702  			"subordinates scoped on logging",
  1703  			[]string{"wordpress/0"},
  1704  			M{
  1705  				"environment": "dummyenv",
  1706  				"machines": M{
  1707  					"1": machine1,
  1708  				},
  1709  				"services": M{
  1710  					"wordpress": M{
  1711  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/wordpress-3",
  1712  						"exposed": true,
  1713  						"service-status": M{
  1714  							"current": "active",
  1715  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1716  						},
  1717  						"units": M{
  1718  							"wordpress/0": M{
  1719  								"machine":     "1",
  1720  								"agent-state": "started",
  1721  								"workload-status": M{
  1722  									"current": "active",
  1723  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1724  								},
  1725  								"agent-status": M{
  1726  									"current": "idle",
  1727  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1728  								},
  1729  								"subordinates": M{
  1730  									"logging/0": M{
  1731  										"agent-state": "started",
  1732  										"workload-status": M{
  1733  											"current": "active",
  1734  											"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1735  										},
  1736  										"agent-status": M{
  1737  											"current": "idle",
  1738  											"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1739  										},
  1740  										"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  1741  									},
  1742  								},
  1743  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  1744  							},
  1745  						},
  1746  						"relations": M{
  1747  							"db":          L{"mysql"},
  1748  							"logging-dir": L{"logging"},
  1749  						},
  1750  					},
  1751  					"logging": M{
  1752  						"charm":          "cs:quantal/logging-1",
  1753  						"exposed":        true,
  1754  						"service-status": M{},
  1755  						"relations": M{
  1756  							"logging-directory": L{"wordpress"},
  1757  							"info":              L{"mysql"},
  1758  						},
  1759  						"subordinate-to": L{"mysql", "wordpress"},
  1760  					},
  1761  				},
  1762  			},
  1763  		},
  1764  	),
  1765  	test(
  1766  		"machines with containers",
  1767  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
  1768  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
  1769  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
  1770  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1771  		addCharm{"mysql"},
  1772  		addService{name: "mysql", charm: "mysql"},
  1773  		setServiceExposed{"mysql", true},
  1775  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  1776  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
  1777  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
  1778  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1779  		addAliveUnit{"mysql", "1"},
  1780  		setAgentStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  1781  		setUnitStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  1783  		// A container on machine 1.
  1784  		addContainer{"1", "1/lxc/0", state.JobHostUnits},
  1785  		setAddresses{"1/lxc/0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-2.dns")},
  1786  		startAliveMachine{"1/lxc/0"},
  1787  		setMachineStatus{"1/lxc/0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1788  		addAliveUnit{"mysql", "1/lxc/0"},
  1789  		setAgentStatus{"mysql/1", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  1790  		setUnitStatus{"mysql/1", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  1791  		addContainer{"1", "1/lxc/1", state.JobHostUnits},
  1793  		// A nested container.
  1794  		addContainer{"1/lxc/0", "1/lxc/0/lxc/0", state.JobHostUnits},
  1795  		setAddresses{"1/lxc/0/lxc/0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-3.dns")},
  1796  		startAliveMachine{"1/lxc/0/lxc/0"},
  1797  		setMachineStatus{"1/lxc/0/lxc/0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1799  		expect{
  1800  			"machines with nested containers",
  1801  			M{
  1802  				"environment": "dummyenv",
  1803  				"machines": M{
  1804  					"0": machine0,
  1805  					"1": machine1WithContainers,
  1806  				},
  1807  				"services": M{
  1808  					"mysql": M{
  1809  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/mysql-1",
  1810  						"exposed": true,
  1811  						"service-status": M{
  1812  							"current": "active",
  1813  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1814  						},
  1815  						"units": M{
  1816  							"mysql/0": M{
  1817  								"machine":     "1",
  1818  								"agent-state": "started",
  1819  								"workload-status": M{
  1820  									"current": "active",
  1821  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1822  								},
  1823  								"agent-status": M{
  1824  									"current": "idle",
  1825  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1826  								},
  1827  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  1828  							},
  1829  							"mysql/1": M{
  1830  								"machine":     "1/lxc/0",
  1831  								"agent-state": "started",
  1832  								"workload-status": M{
  1833  									"current": "active",
  1834  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1835  								},
  1836  								"agent-status": M{
  1837  									"current": "idle",
  1838  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1839  								},
  1840  								"public-address": "dummyenv-2.dns",
  1841  							},
  1842  						},
  1843  					},
  1844  				},
  1845  			},
  1846  		},
  1848  		// once again, with a scope on mysql/1
  1849  		scopedExpect{
  1850  			"machines with nested containers",
  1851  			[]string{"mysql/1"},
  1852  			M{
  1853  				"environment": "dummyenv",
  1854  				"machines": M{
  1855  					"1": M{
  1856  						"agent-state": "started",
  1857  						"containers": M{
  1858  							"1/lxc/0": M{
  1859  								"agent-state": "started",
  1860  								"dns-name":    "dummyenv-2.dns",
  1861  								"instance-id": "dummyenv-2",
  1862  								"series":      "quantal",
  1863  							},
  1864  						},
  1865  						"dns-name":    "dummyenv-1.dns",
  1866  						"instance-id": "dummyenv-1",
  1867  						"series":      "quantal",
  1868  						"hardware":    "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M",
  1869  					},
  1870  				},
  1871  				"services": M{
  1872  					"mysql": M{
  1873  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/mysql-1",
  1874  						"exposed": true,
  1875  						"service-status": M{
  1876  							"current": "active",
  1877  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1878  						},
  1879  						"units": M{
  1880  							"mysql/1": M{
  1881  								"machine":     "1/lxc/0",
  1882  								"agent-state": "started",
  1883  								"workload-status": M{
  1884  									"current": "active",
  1885  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1886  								},
  1887  								"agent-status": M{
  1888  									"current": "idle",
  1889  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1890  								},
  1891  								"public-address": "dummyenv-2.dns",
  1892  							},
  1893  						},
  1894  					},
  1895  				},
  1896  			},
  1897  		},
  1898  	), test(
  1899  		"service with out of date charm",
  1900  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
  1901  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
  1902  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
  1903  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1904  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  1905  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
  1906  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
  1907  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1908  		addCharm{"mysql"},
  1909  		addService{name: "mysql", charm: "mysql"},
  1910  		setServiceExposed{"mysql", true},
  1911  		addCharmPlaceholder{"mysql", 23},
  1912  		addAliveUnit{"mysql", "1"},
  1914  		expect{
  1915  			"services and units with correct charm status",
  1916  			M{
  1917  				"environment": "dummyenv",
  1918  				"machines": M{
  1919  					"0": machine0,
  1920  					"1": machine1,
  1921  				},
  1922  				"services": M{
  1923  					"mysql": M{
  1924  						"charm":          "cs:quantal/mysql-1",
  1925  						"can-upgrade-to": "cs:quantal/mysql-23",
  1926  						"exposed":        true,
  1927  						"service-status": M{
  1928  							"current": "unknown",
  1929  							"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
  1930  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1931  						},
  1932  						"units": M{
  1933  							"mysql/0": M{
  1934  								"machine":     "1",
  1935  								"agent-state": "pending",
  1936  								"workload-status": M{
  1937  									"current": "unknown",
  1938  									"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
  1939  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1940  								},
  1941  								"agent-status": M{
  1942  									"current": "allocating",
  1943  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1944  								},
  1945  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  1946  							},
  1947  						},
  1948  					},
  1949  				},
  1950  			},
  1951  		},
  1952  	), test(
  1953  		"unit with out of date charm",
  1954  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
  1955  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
  1956  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
  1957  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1958  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  1959  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
  1960  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
  1961  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  1962  		addCharm{"mysql"},
  1963  		addService{name: "mysql", charm: "mysql"},
  1964  		setServiceExposed{"mysql", true},
  1965  		addAliveUnit{"mysql", "1"},
  1966  		setUnitCharmURL{"mysql/0", "cs:quantal/mysql-1"},
  1967  		addCharmWithRevision{addCharm{"mysql"}, "local", 1},
  1968  		setServiceCharm{"mysql", "local:quantal/mysql-1"},
  1970  		expect{
  1971  			"services and units with correct charm status",
  1972  			M{
  1973  				"environment": "dummyenv",
  1974  				"machines": M{
  1975  					"0": machine0,
  1976  					"1": machine1,
  1977  				},
  1978  				"services": M{
  1979  					"mysql": M{
  1980  						"charm":   "local:quantal/mysql-1",
  1981  						"exposed": true,
  1982  						"service-status": M{
  1983  							"current": "active",
  1984  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1985  						},
  1986  						"units": M{
  1987  							"mysql/0": M{
  1988  								"machine":     "1",
  1989  								"agent-state": "started",
  1990  								"workload-status": M{
  1991  									"current": "active",
  1992  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1993  								},
  1994  								"agent-status": M{
  1995  									"current": "idle",
  1996  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  1997  								},
  1998  								"upgrading-from": "cs:quantal/mysql-1",
  1999  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  2000  							},
  2001  						},
  2002  					},
  2003  				},
  2004  			},
  2005  		},
  2006  	), test(
  2007  		"service and unit with out of date charms",
  2008  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
  2009  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
  2010  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
  2011  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  2012  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  2013  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
  2014  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
  2015  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  2016  		addCharm{"mysql"},
  2017  		addService{name: "mysql", charm: "mysql"},
  2018  		setServiceExposed{"mysql", true},
  2019  		addAliveUnit{"mysql", "1"},
  2020  		setUnitCharmURL{"mysql/0", "cs:quantal/mysql-1"},
  2021  		addCharmWithRevision{addCharm{"mysql"}, "cs", 2},
  2022  		setServiceCharm{"mysql", "cs:quantal/mysql-2"},
  2023  		addCharmPlaceholder{"mysql", 23},
  2025  		expect{
  2026  			"services and units with correct charm status",
  2027  			M{
  2028  				"environment": "dummyenv",
  2029  				"machines": M{
  2030  					"0": machine0,
  2031  					"1": machine1,
  2032  				},
  2033  				"services": M{
  2034  					"mysql": M{
  2035  						"charm":          "cs:quantal/mysql-2",
  2036  						"can-upgrade-to": "cs:quantal/mysql-23",
  2037  						"exposed":        true,
  2038  						"service-status": M{
  2039  							"current": "active",
  2040  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2041  						},
  2042  						"units": M{
  2043  							"mysql/0": M{
  2044  								"machine":     "1",
  2045  								"agent-state": "started",
  2046  								"workload-status": M{
  2047  									"current": "active",
  2048  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2049  								},
  2050  								"agent-status": M{
  2051  									"current": "idle",
  2052  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2053  								},
  2054  								"upgrading-from": "cs:quantal/mysql-1",
  2055  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  2056  							},
  2057  						},
  2058  					},
  2059  				},
  2060  			},
  2061  		},
  2062  	), test(
  2063  		"service with local charm not shown as out of date",
  2064  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
  2065  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
  2066  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
  2067  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  2068  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  2069  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
  2070  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
  2071  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  2072  		addCharm{"mysql"},
  2073  		addService{name: "mysql", charm: "mysql"},
  2074  		setServiceExposed{"mysql", true},
  2075  		addAliveUnit{"mysql", "1"},
  2076  		setUnitCharmURL{"mysql/0", "cs:quantal/mysql-1"},
  2077  		addCharmWithRevision{addCharm{"mysql"}, "local", 1},
  2078  		setServiceCharm{"mysql", "local:quantal/mysql-1"},
  2079  		addCharmPlaceholder{"mysql", 23},
  2081  		expect{
  2082  			"services and units with correct charm status",
  2083  			M{
  2084  				"environment": "dummyenv",
  2085  				"machines": M{
  2086  					"0": machine0,
  2087  					"1": machine1,
  2088  				},
  2089  				"services": M{
  2090  					"mysql": M{
  2091  						"charm":   "local:quantal/mysql-1",
  2092  						"exposed": true,
  2093  						"service-status": M{
  2094  							"current": "active",
  2095  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2096  						},
  2097  						"units": M{
  2098  							"mysql/0": M{
  2099  								"machine":     "1",
  2100  								"agent-state": "started",
  2101  								"workload-status": M{
  2102  									"current": "active",
  2103  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2104  								},
  2105  								"agent-status": M{
  2106  									"current": "idle",
  2107  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2108  								},
  2109  								"upgrading-from": "cs:quantal/mysql-1",
  2110  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  2111  							},
  2112  						},
  2113  					},
  2114  				},
  2115  			},
  2116  		},
  2117  	), test(
  2118  		"deploy two services; set meter statuses on one",
  2119  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
  2120  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
  2121  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
  2122  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  2124  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  2125  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
  2126  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
  2127  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  2129  		addMachine{machineId: "2", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  2130  		setAddresses{"2", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-2.dns")},
  2131  		startAliveMachine{"2"},
  2132  		setMachineStatus{"2", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  2134  		addMachine{machineId: "3", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  2135  		setAddresses{"3", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-3.dns")},
  2136  		startAliveMachine{"3"},
  2137  		setMachineStatus{"3", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  2139  		addMachine{machineId: "4", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  2140  		setAddresses{"4", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-4.dns")},
  2141  		startAliveMachine{"4"},
  2142  		setMachineStatus{"4", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  2144  		addCharm{"mysql"},
  2145  		addService{name: "mysql", charm: "mysql"},
  2146  		setServiceExposed{"mysql", true},
  2148  		addService{name: "servicewithmeterstatus", charm: "mysql"},
  2150  		addAliveUnit{"mysql", "1"},
  2151  		addAliveUnit{"servicewithmeterstatus", "2"},
  2152  		addAliveUnit{"servicewithmeterstatus", "3"},
  2153  		addAliveUnit{"servicewithmeterstatus", "4"},
  2155  		setServiceExposed{"mysql", true},
  2157  		setAgentStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  2158  		setUnitStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  2159  		setAgentStatus{"servicewithmeterstatus/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  2160  		setUnitStatus{"servicewithmeterstatus/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  2161  		setAgentStatus{"servicewithmeterstatus/1", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  2162  		setUnitStatus{"servicewithmeterstatus/1", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  2163  		setAgentStatus{"servicewithmeterstatus/2", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  2164  		setUnitStatus{"servicewithmeterstatus/2", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  2166  		setUnitMeterStatus{"servicewithmeterstatus/1", "GREEN", "test green status"},
  2167  		setUnitMeterStatus{"servicewithmeterstatus/2", "RED", "test red status"},
  2169  		expect{
  2170  			"simulate just the two services and a bootstrap node",
  2171  			M{
  2172  				"environment": "dummyenv",
  2173  				"machines": M{
  2174  					"0": machine0,
  2175  					"1": machine1,
  2176  					"2": machine2,
  2177  					"3": machine3,
  2178  					"4": machine4,
  2179  				},
  2180  				"services": M{
  2181  					"mysql": M{
  2182  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/mysql-1",
  2183  						"exposed": true,
  2184  						"service-status": M{
  2185  							"current": "active",
  2186  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2187  						},
  2188  						"units": M{
  2189  							"mysql/0": M{
  2190  								"machine":     "1",
  2191  								"agent-state": "started",
  2192  								"workload-status": M{
  2193  									"current": "active",
  2194  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2195  								},
  2196  								"agent-status": M{
  2197  									"current": "idle",
  2198  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2199  								},
  2200  								"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  2201  							},
  2202  						},
  2203  					},
  2205  					"servicewithmeterstatus": M{
  2206  						"charm":   "cs:quantal/mysql-1",
  2207  						"exposed": false,
  2208  						"service-status": M{
  2209  							"current": "active",
  2210  							"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2211  						},
  2212  						"units": M{
  2213  							"servicewithmeterstatus/0": M{
  2214  								"machine":     "2",
  2215  								"agent-state": "started",
  2216  								"workload-status": M{
  2217  									"current": "active",
  2218  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2219  								},
  2220  								"agent-status": M{
  2221  									"current": "idle",
  2222  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2223  								},
  2224  								"public-address": "dummyenv-2.dns",
  2225  							},
  2226  							"servicewithmeterstatus/1": M{
  2227  								"machine":     "3",
  2228  								"agent-state": "started",
  2229  								"workload-status": M{
  2230  									"current": "active",
  2231  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2232  								},
  2233  								"agent-status": M{
  2234  									"current": "idle",
  2235  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2236  								},
  2237  								"meter-status": M{
  2238  									"color":   "green",
  2239  									"message": "test green status",
  2240  								},
  2241  								"public-address": "dummyenv-3.dns",
  2242  							},
  2243  							"servicewithmeterstatus/2": M{
  2244  								"machine":     "4",
  2245  								"agent-state": "started",
  2246  								"workload-status": M{
  2247  									"current": "active",
  2248  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2249  								},
  2250  								"agent-status": M{
  2251  									"current": "idle",
  2252  									"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  2253  								},
  2254  								"meter-status": M{
  2255  									"color":   "red",
  2256  									"message": "test red status",
  2257  								},
  2258  								"public-address": "dummyenv-4.dns",
  2259  							},
  2260  						},
  2261  					},
  2262  				},
  2263  			},
  2264  		},
  2265  	),
  2266  }
  2268  // TODO(dfc) test failing components by destructively mutating the state under the hood
  2270  type addMachine struct {
  2271  	machineId string
  2272  	cons      constraints.Value
  2273  	job       state.MachineJob
  2274  }
  2276  func (am addMachine) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2277  	m, err :={
  2278  		Series:      "quantal",
  2279  		Constraints: am.cons,
  2280  		Jobs:        []state.MachineJob{am.job},
  2281  	})
  2282  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2283  	c.Assert(m.Id(), gc.Equals, am.machineId)
  2284  }
  2286  type addNetwork struct {
  2287  	name       string
  2288  	providerId network.Id
  2289  	cidr       string
  2290  	vlanTag    int
  2291  }
  2293  func (an addNetwork) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2294  	n, err :={
  2295  		Name:,
  2296  		ProviderId: an.providerId,
  2297  		CIDR:       an.cidr,
  2298  		VLANTag:    an.vlanTag,
  2299  	})
  2300  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2301  	c.Assert(n.Name(), gc.Equals,
  2302  }
  2304  type addContainer struct {
  2305  	parentId  string
  2306  	machineId string
  2307  	job       state.MachineJob
  2308  }
  2310  func (ac addContainer) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2311  	template := state.MachineTemplate{
  2312  		Series: "quantal",
  2313  		Jobs:   []state.MachineJob{ac.job},
  2314  	}
  2315  	m, err :=, ac.parentId, instance.LXC)
  2316  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2317  	c.Assert(m.Id(), gc.Equals, ac.machineId)
  2318  }
  2320  type startMachine struct {
  2321  	machineId string
  2322  }
  2324  func (sm startMachine) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2325  	m, err :=
  2326  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2327  	cons, err := m.Constraints()
  2328  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2329  	inst, hc := testing.AssertStartInstanceWithConstraints(c, ctx.env, m.Id(), cons)
  2330  	err = m.SetProvisioned(inst.Id(), "fake_nonce", hc)
  2331  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2332  }
  2334  type startMissingMachine struct {
  2335  	machineId string
  2336  }
  2338  func (sm startMissingMachine) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2339  	m, err :=
  2340  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2341  	cons, err := m.Constraints()
  2342  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2343  	_, hc := testing.AssertStartInstanceWithConstraints(c, ctx.env, m.Id(), cons)
  2344  	err = m.SetProvisioned("i-missing", "fake_nonce", hc)
  2345  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2346  	err = m.SetInstanceStatus("missing")
  2347  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2348  }
  2350  type startAliveMachine struct {
  2351  	machineId string
  2352  }
  2354  func (sam startAliveMachine) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2355  	m, err :=
  2356  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2357  	pinger := ctx.setAgentPresence(c, m)
  2358  	cons, err := m.Constraints()
  2359  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2360  	inst, hc := testing.AssertStartInstanceWithConstraints(c, ctx.env, m.Id(), cons)
  2361  	err = m.SetProvisioned(inst.Id(), "fake_nonce", hc)
  2362  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2363  	ctx.pingers[m.Id()] = pinger
  2364  }
  2366  type setAddresses struct {
  2367  	machineId string
  2368  	addresses []network.Address
  2369  }
  2371  func (sa setAddresses) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2372  	m, err :=
  2373  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2374  	err = m.SetProviderAddresses(sa.addresses...)
  2375  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2376  }
  2378  type setTools struct {
  2379  	machineId string
  2380  	version   version.Binary
  2381  }
  2383  func (st setTools) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2384  	m, err :=
  2385  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2386  	err = m.SetAgentVersion(st.version)
  2387  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2388  }
  2390  type setUnitTools struct {
  2391  	unitName string
  2392  	version  version.Binary
  2393  }
  2395  func (st setUnitTools) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2396  	m, err :=
  2397  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2398  	err = m.SetAgentVersion(st.version)
  2399  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2400  }
  2402  type addCharm struct {
  2403  	name string
  2404  }
  2406  func (ac addCharm) addCharmStep(c *gc.C, ctx *context, scheme string, rev int) {
  2407  	ch := testcharms.Repo.CharmDir(
  2408  	name := ch.Meta().Name
  2409  	curl := charm.MustParseURL(fmt.Sprintf("%s:quantal/%s-%d", scheme, name, rev))
  2410  	dummy, err :=, curl, "dummy-path", fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d-sha256", name, rev))
  2411  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2412  	ctx.charms[] = dummy
  2413  }
  2415  func (ac addCharm) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2416  	ch := testcharms.Repo.CharmDir(
  2417  	ac.addCharmStep(c, ctx, "cs", ch.Revision())
  2418  }
  2420  type addCharmWithRevision struct {
  2421  	addCharm
  2422  	scheme string
  2423  	rev    int
  2424  }
  2426  func (ac addCharmWithRevision) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2427  	ac.addCharmStep(c, ctx, ac.scheme, ac.rev)
  2428  }
  2430  type addService struct {
  2431  	name     string
  2432  	charm    string
  2433  	networks []string
  2434  	cons     constraints.Value
  2435  }
  2437  func (as addService) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2438  	ch, ok := ctx.charms[as.charm]
  2439  	c.Assert(ok, jc.IsTrue)
  2440  	svc, err :=, ctx.adminUserTag, ch, as.networks, nil)
  2441  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2442  	if svc.IsPrincipal() {
  2443  		err = svc.SetConstraints(as.cons)
  2444  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2445  	}
  2446  }
  2448  type setServiceExposed struct {
  2449  	name    string
  2450  	exposed bool
  2451  }
  2453  func (sse setServiceExposed) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2454  	s, err :=
  2455  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2456  	err = s.ClearExposed()
  2457  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2458  	if {
  2459  		err = s.SetExposed()
  2460  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2461  	}
  2462  }
  2464  type setServiceCharm struct {
  2465  	name  string
  2466  	charm string
  2467  }
  2469  func (ssc setServiceCharm) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2470  	ch, err :=
  2471  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2472  	s, err :=
  2473  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2474  	err = s.SetCharm(ch, false)
  2475  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2476  }
  2478  type addCharmPlaceholder struct {
  2479  	name string
  2480  	rev  int
  2481  }
  2483  func (ac addCharmPlaceholder) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2484  	ch := testcharms.Repo.CharmDir(
  2485  	name := ch.Meta().Name
  2486  	curl := charm.MustParseURL(fmt.Sprintf("cs:quantal/%s-%d", name, ac.rev))
  2487  	err :=
  2488  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2489  }
  2491  type addUnit struct {
  2492  	serviceName string
  2493  	machineId   string
  2494  }
  2496  func (au addUnit) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2497  	s, err :=
  2498  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2499  	u, err := s.AddUnit()
  2500  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2501  	m, err :=
  2502  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2503  	err = u.AssignToMachine(m)
  2504  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2505  }
  2507  type addAliveUnit struct {
  2508  	serviceName string
  2509  	machineId   string
  2510  }
  2512  func (aau addAliveUnit) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2513  	s, err :=
  2514  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2515  	u, err := s.AddUnit()
  2516  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2517  	pinger := ctx.setAgentPresence(c, u)
  2518  	m, err :=
  2519  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2520  	err = u.AssignToMachine(m)
  2521  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2522  	ctx.pingers[u.Name()] = pinger
  2523  }
  2525  type setUnitsAlive struct {
  2526  	serviceName string
  2527  }
  2529  func (sua setUnitsAlive) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2530  	s, err :=
  2531  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2532  	us, err := s.AllUnits()
  2533  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2534  	for _, u := range us {
  2535  		ctx.pingers[u.Name()] = ctx.setAgentPresence(c, u)
  2536  	}
  2537  }
  2539  type setUnitMeterStatus struct {
  2540  	unitName string
  2541  	color    string
  2542  	message  string
  2543  }
  2545  func (s setUnitMeterStatus) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2546  	u, err :=
  2547  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2548  	err = u.SetMeterStatus(s.color, s.message)
  2549  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2550  }
  2552  type setUnitStatus struct {
  2553  	unitName   string
  2554  	status     state.Status
  2555  	statusInfo string
  2556  	statusData map[string]interface{}
  2557  }
  2559  func (sus setUnitStatus) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2560  	u, err :=
  2561  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2562  	err = u.SetStatus(sus.status, sus.statusInfo, sus.statusData)
  2563  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2564  }
  2566  type setAgentStatus struct {
  2567  	unitName   string
  2568  	status     state.Status
  2569  	statusInfo string
  2570  	statusData map[string]interface{}
  2571  }
  2573  func (sus setAgentStatus) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2574  	u, err :=
  2575  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2576  	err = u.SetAgentStatus(sus.status, sus.statusInfo, sus.statusData)
  2577  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2578  }
  2580  type setUnitCharmURL struct {
  2581  	unitName string
  2582  	charm    string
  2583  }
  2585  func (uc setUnitCharmURL) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2586  	u, err :=
  2587  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2588  	curl := charm.MustParseURL(uc.charm)
  2589  	err = u.SetCharmURL(curl)
  2590  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2591  	err = u.SetStatus(state.StatusActive, "", nil)
  2592  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2593  	err = u.SetAgentStatus(state.StatusIdle, "", nil)
  2594  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2596  }
  2598  type openUnitPort struct {
  2599  	unitName string
  2600  	protocol string
  2601  	number   int
  2602  }
  2604  func (oup openUnitPort) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2605  	u, err :=
  2606  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2607  	err = u.OpenPort(oup.protocol, oup.number)
  2608  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2609  }
  2611  type ensureDyingUnit struct {
  2612  	unitName string
  2613  }
  2615  func (e ensureDyingUnit) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2616  	u, err :=
  2617  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2618  	err = u.Destroy()
  2619  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2620  	c.Assert(u.Life(), gc.Equals, state.Dying)
  2621  }
  2623  type ensureDyingService struct {
  2624  	serviceName string
  2625  }
  2627  func (e ensureDyingService) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2628  	svc, err :=
  2629  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2630  	err = svc.Destroy()
  2631  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2632  	err = svc.Refresh()
  2633  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2634  	c.Assert(svc.Life(), gc.Equals, state.Dying)
  2635  }
  2637  type ensureDeadMachine struct {
  2638  	machineId string
  2639  }
  2641  func (e ensureDeadMachine) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2642  	m, err :=
  2643  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2644  	err = m.EnsureDead()
  2645  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2646  	c.Assert(m.Life(), gc.Equals, state.Dead)
  2647  }
  2649  type setMachineStatus struct {
  2650  	machineId  string
  2651  	status     state.Status
  2652  	statusInfo string
  2653  }
  2655  func (sms setMachineStatus) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2656  	m, err :=
  2657  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2658  	err = m.SetStatus(sms.status, sms.statusInfo, nil)
  2659  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2660  }
  2662  type relateServices struct {
  2663  	ep1, ep2 string
  2664  }
  2666  func (rs relateServices) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2667  	eps, err :=, rs.ep2)
  2668  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2669  	_, err =
  2670  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2671  }
  2673  type addSubordinate struct {
  2674  	prinUnit   string
  2675  	subService string
  2676  }
  2678  func (as addSubordinate) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2679  	u, err :=
  2680  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2681  	eps, err :=, as.subService)
  2682  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2683  	rel, err :=
  2684  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2685  	ru, err := rel.Unit(u)
  2686  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2687  	err = ru.EnterScope(nil)
  2688  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2689  }
  2691  type scopedExpect struct {
  2692  	what   string
  2693  	scope  []string
  2694  	output M
  2695  }
  2697  type expect struct {
  2698  	what   string
  2699  	output M
  2700  }
  2702  // substituteFakeTime replaces all "since" values
  2703  // in actual status output with a known fake value.
  2704  func substituteFakeSinceTime(c *gc.C, in []byte, expectIsoTime bool) []byte {
  2705  	// This regexp will work for yaml and json.
  2706  	exp := regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<since>"?since"?:\ ?)(?P<quote>"?)(?P<timestamp>[^("|\n)]*)*"?`)
  2707  	// Before the substritution is done, check that the timestamp produced
  2708  	// by status is in the correct format.
  2709  	if matches := exp.FindStringSubmatch(string(in)); matches != nil {
  2710  		for i, name := range exp.SubexpNames() {
  2711  			if name != "timestamp" {
  2712  				continue
  2713  			}
  2714  			timeFormat := "02 Jan 2006 15:04:05Z07:00"
  2715  			if expectIsoTime {
  2716  				timeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05Z"
  2717  			}
  2718  			_, err := time.Parse(timeFormat, matches[i])
  2719  			c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2720  		}
  2721  	}
  2723  	out := exp.ReplaceAllString(string(in), `$since$quote<timestamp>$quote`)
  2724  	// Substitute a made up time used in our expected output.
  2725  	out = strings.Replace(out, "<timestamp>", "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00", -1)
  2726  	return []byte(out)
  2727  }
  2729  func (e scopedExpect) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2730  	c.Logf("\nexpect: %s %s\n", e.what, strings.Join(e.scope, " "))
  2732  	// Now execute the command for each format.
  2733  	for _, format := range statusFormats {
  2734  		c.Logf("format %q",
  2735  		// Run command with the required format.
  2736  		args := []string{"--format",}
  2737  		if ctx.expectIsoTime {
  2738  			args = append(args, "--utc")
  2739  		}
  2740  		args = append(args, e.scope...)
  2741  		c.Logf("running status %s", strings.Join(args, " "))
  2742  		code, stdout, stderr := runStatus(c, args...)
  2743  		c.Assert(code, gc.Equals, 0)
  2744  		if !c.Check(stderr, gc.HasLen, 0) {
  2745  			c.Fatalf("status failed: %s", string(stderr))
  2746  		}
  2748  		// Prepare the output in the same format.
  2749  		buf, err := format.marshal(e.output)
  2750  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2751  		expected := make(M)
  2752  		err = format.unmarshal(buf, &expected)
  2753  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2755  		// Check the output is as expected.
  2756  		actual := make(M)
  2757  		out := substituteFakeSinceTime(c, stdout, ctx.expectIsoTime)
  2758  		err = format.unmarshal(out, &actual)
  2759  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  2760  		c.Assert(actual, jc.DeepEquals, expected)
  2761  	}
  2762  }
  2764  func (e expect) step(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  2765  	scopedExpect{e.what, nil, e.output}.step(c, ctx)
  2766  }
  2768  func (s *StatusSuite) TestStatusAllFormats(c *gc.C) {
  2769  	for i, t := range statusTests {
  2770  		c.Logf("test %d: %s", i, t.summary)
  2771  		func(t testCase) {
  2772  			// Prepare context and run all steps to setup.
  2773  			ctx := s.newContext(c)
  2774  			defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  2775, t.steps)
  2776  		}(t)
  2777  	}
  2778  }
  2780  type fakeApiClient struct {
  2781  	statusReturn *params.FullStatus
  2782  	patternsUsed []string
  2783  	closeCalled  bool
  2784  }
  2786  func newFakeApiClient(statusReturn *params.FullStatus) fakeApiClient {
  2787  	return fakeApiClient{
  2788  		statusReturn: statusReturn,
  2789  	}
  2790  }
  2792  func (a *fakeApiClient) Status(patterns []string) (*params.FullStatus, error) {
  2793  	a.patternsUsed = patterns
  2794  	return a.statusReturn, nil
  2795  }
  2797  func (a *fakeApiClient) Close() error {
  2798  	a.closeCalled = true
  2799  	return nil
  2800  }
  2802  // Check that the client works with an older server which doesn't
  2803  // return the top level Relations field nor the unit and machine level
  2804  // Agent field (they were introduced at the same time).
  2805  func (s *StatusSuite) TestStatusWithPreRelationsServer(c *gc.C) {
  2806  	// Construct an older style status response
  2807  	client := newFakeApiClient(&params.FullStatus{
  2808  		EnvironmentName: "dummyenv",
  2809  		Machines: map[string]params.MachineStatus{
  2810  			"0": {
  2811  				// Agent field intentionally not set
  2812  				Id:             "0",
  2813  				InstanceId:     instance.Id("dummyenv-0"),
  2814  				AgentState:     "down",
  2815  				AgentStateInfo: "(started)",
  2816  				Series:         "quantal",
  2817  				Containers:     map[string]params.MachineStatus{},
  2818  				Jobs:           []multiwatcher.MachineJob{multiwatcher.JobManageEnviron},
  2819  				HasVote:        false,
  2820  				WantsVote:      true,
  2821  			},
  2822  			"1": {
  2823  				// Agent field intentionally not set
  2824  				Id:             "1",
  2825  				InstanceId:     instance.Id("dummyenv-1"),
  2826  				AgentState:     "started",
  2827  				AgentStateInfo: "hello",
  2828  				Series:         "quantal",
  2829  				Containers:     map[string]params.MachineStatus{},
  2830  				Jobs:           []multiwatcher.MachineJob{multiwatcher.JobHostUnits},
  2831  				HasVote:        false,
  2832  				WantsVote:      false,
  2833  			},
  2834  		},
  2835  		Services: map[string]params.ServiceStatus{
  2836  			"mysql": {
  2837  				Charm: "local:quantal/mysql-1",
  2838  				Relations: map[string][]string{
  2839  					"server": {"wordpress"},
  2840  				},
  2841  				Units: map[string]params.UnitStatus{
  2842  					"mysql/0": {
  2843  						// Agent field intentionally not set
  2844  						Machine:    "1",
  2845  						AgentState: "allocating",
  2846  					},
  2847  				},
  2848  			},
  2849  			"wordpress": {
  2850  				Charm: "local:quantal/wordpress-3",
  2851  				Relations: map[string][]string{
  2852  					"db": {"mysql"},
  2853  				},
  2854  				Units: map[string]params.UnitStatus{
  2855  					"wordpress/0": {
  2856  						// Agent field intentionally not set
  2857  						AgentState:     "error",
  2858  						AgentStateInfo: "blam",
  2859  						Machine:        "1",
  2860  					},
  2861  				},
  2862  			},
  2863  		},
  2864  		Networks: map[string]params.NetworkStatus{},
  2865  		// Relations field intentionally not set
  2866  	})
  2867  	s.PatchValue(&newApiClientForStatus, func(_ *StatusCommand) (statusAPI, error) {
  2868  		return &client, nil
  2869  	})
  2871  	expected := expect{
  2872  		"sane output with an older client that doesn't return Agent or Relations fields",
  2873  		M{
  2874  			"environment": "dummyenv",
  2875  			"machines": M{
  2876  				"0": M{
  2877  					"agent-state":                "down",
  2878  					"agent-state-info":           "(started)",
  2879  					"instance-id":                "dummyenv-0",
  2880  					"series":                     "quantal",
  2881  					"state-server-member-status": "adding-vote",
  2882  				},
  2883  				"1": M{
  2884  					"agent-state":      "started",
  2885  					"agent-state-info": "hello",
  2886  					"instance-id":      "dummyenv-1",
  2887  					"series":           "quantal",
  2888  				},
  2889  			},
  2890  			"services": M{
  2891  				"mysql": M{
  2892  					"charm":   "local:quantal/mysql-1",
  2893  					"exposed": false,
  2894  					"relations": M{
  2895  						"server": L{"wordpress"},
  2896  					},
  2897  					"service-status": M{},
  2898  					"units": M{
  2899  						"mysql/0": M{
  2900  							"machine":         "1",
  2901  							"agent-state":     "allocating",
  2902  							"workload-status": M{},
  2903  							"agent-status":    M{},
  2904  						},
  2905  					},
  2906  				},
  2907  				"wordpress": M{
  2908  					"charm":   "local:quantal/wordpress-3",
  2909  					"exposed": false,
  2910  					"relations": M{
  2911  						"db": L{"mysql"},
  2912  					},
  2913  					"service-status": M{},
  2914  					"units": M{
  2915  						"wordpress/0": M{
  2916  							"machine":          "1",
  2917  							"agent-state":      "error",
  2918  							"agent-state-info": "blam",
  2919  							"workload-status":  M{},
  2920  							"agent-status":     M{},
  2921  						},
  2922  					},
  2923  				},
  2924  			},
  2925  		},
  2926  	}
  2927  	ctx := s.newContext(c)
  2928  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  2929, []stepper{expected})
  2930  }
  2932  func (s *StatusSuite) TestStatusWithFormatSummary(c *gc.C) {
  2933  	ctx := s.newContext(c)
  2934  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  2935  	steps := []stepper{
  2936  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
  2937  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("localhost")},
  2938  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
  2939  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  2940  		addCharm{"wordpress"},
  2941  		addCharm{"mysql"},
  2942  		addCharm{"logging"},
  2943  		addService{name: "wordpress", charm: "wordpress"},
  2944  		setServiceExposed{"wordpress", true},
  2945  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  2946  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("localhost")},
  2947  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
  2948  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  2949  		addAliveUnit{"wordpress", "1"},
  2950  		setAgentStatus{"wordpress/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  2951  		setUnitStatus{"wordpress/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  2952  		addService{name: "mysql", charm: "mysql"},
  2953  		setServiceExposed{"mysql", true},
  2954  		addMachine{machineId: "2", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  2955  		setAddresses{"2", network.NewAddresses("")},
  2956  		startAliveMachine{"2"},
  2957  		setMachineStatus{"2", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  2958  		addAliveUnit{"mysql", "2"},
  2959  		setAgentStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  2960  		setUnitStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  2961  		addService{name: "logging", charm: "logging"},
  2962  		setServiceExposed{"logging", true},
  2963  		relateServices{"wordpress", "mysql"},
  2964  		relateServices{"wordpress", "logging"},
  2965  		relateServices{"mysql", "logging"},
  2966  		addSubordinate{"wordpress/0", "logging"},
  2967  		addSubordinate{"mysql/0", "logging"},
  2968  		setUnitsAlive{"logging"},
  2969  		setAgentStatus{"logging/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  2970  		setUnitStatus{"logging/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  2971  		setAgentStatus{"logging/1", state.StatusError, "somehow lost in all those logs", nil},
  2972  	}
  2973  	for _, s := range steps {
  2974  		s.step(c, ctx)
  2975  	}
  2976  	code, stdout, stderr := runStatus(c, "--format", "summary")
  2977  	c.Check(code, gc.Equals, 0)
  2978  	c.Check(string(stderr), gc.Equals, "")
  2979  	c.Assert(
  2980  		string(stdout),
  2981  		gc.Equals,
  2982  		"Running on subnets:, \n"+
  2983  			"Utilizing ports:                            \n"+
  2984  			" # MACHINES: (3)\n"+
  2985  			"    started:  3 \n"+
  2986  			"            \n"+
  2987  			"    # UNITS: (4)\n"+
  2988  			"      error:  1 \n"+
  2989  			"    started:  3 \n"+
  2990  			"            \n"+
  2991  			" # SERVICES:  (3)\n"+
  2992  			"     logging  1/1 exposed\n"+
  2993  			"       mysql  1/1 exposed\n"+
  2994  			"   wordpress  1/1 exposed\n"+
  2995  			"\n",
  2996  	)
  2997  }
  2998  func (s *StatusSuite) TestStatusWithFormatOneline(c *gc.C) {
  2999  	ctx := s.newContext(c)
  3000  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  3001  	steps := []stepper{
  3002  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
  3003  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
  3004  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
  3005  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  3006  		addCharm{"wordpress"},
  3007  		addCharm{"mysql"},
  3008  		addCharm{"logging"},
  3010  		addService{name: "wordpress", charm: "wordpress"},
  3011  		setServiceExposed{"wordpress", true},
  3012  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  3013  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
  3014  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
  3015  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  3016  		addAliveUnit{"wordpress", "1"},
  3017  		setAgentStatus{"wordpress/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  3018  		setUnitStatus{"wordpress/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  3020  		addService{name: "mysql", charm: "mysql"},
  3021  		setServiceExposed{"mysql", true},
  3022  		addMachine{machineId: "2", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  3023  		setAddresses{"2", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-2.dns")},
  3024  		startAliveMachine{"2"},
  3025  		setMachineStatus{"2", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  3026  		addAliveUnit{"mysql", "2"},
  3027  		setAgentStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  3028  		setUnitStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  3030  		addService{name: "logging", charm: "logging"},
  3031  		setServiceExposed{"logging", true},
  3033  		relateServices{"wordpress", "mysql"},
  3034  		relateServices{"wordpress", "logging"},
  3035  		relateServices{"mysql", "logging"},
  3037  		addSubordinate{"wordpress/0", "logging"},
  3038  		addSubordinate{"mysql/0", "logging"},
  3040  		setUnitsAlive{"logging"},
  3041  		setAgentStatus{"logging/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  3042  		setUnitStatus{"logging/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  3043  		setAgentStatus{"logging/1", state.StatusError, "somehow lost in all those logs", nil},
  3044  	}
  3046, steps)
  3048  	const expectedV1 = `
  3049  - mysql/0: dummyenv-2.dns (started)
  3050    - logging/1: dummyenv-2.dns (error)
  3051  - wordpress/0: dummyenv-1.dns (started)
  3052    - logging/0: dummyenv-1.dns (started)
  3053  `
  3054  	assertOneLineStatus(c, expectedV1)
  3056  	const expectedV2 = `
  3057  - mysql/0: dummyenv-2.dns (agent:idle, workload:active)
  3058    - logging/1: dummyenv-2.dns (agent:idle, workload:error)
  3059  - wordpress/0: dummyenv-1.dns (agent:idle, workload:active)
  3060    - logging/0: dummyenv-1.dns (agent:idle, workload:active)
  3061  `
  3062  	s.PatchEnvironment(osenv.JujuCLIVersion, "2")
  3063  	assertOneLineStatus(c, expectedV2)
  3064  }
  3066  func assertOneLineStatus(c *gc.C, expected string) {
  3067  	code, stdout, stderr := runStatus(c, "--format", "oneline")
  3068  	c.Check(code, gc.Equals, 0)
  3069  	c.Check(string(stderr), gc.Equals, "")
  3070  	c.Assert(string(stdout), gc.Equals, expected)
  3072  	c.Log(`Check that "short" is an alias for oneline.`)
  3073  	code, stdout, stderr = runStatus(c, "--format", "short")
  3074  	c.Check(code, gc.Equals, 0)
  3075  	c.Check(string(stderr), gc.Equals, "")
  3076  	c.Assert(string(stdout), gc.Equals, expected)
  3078  	c.Log(`Check that "line" is an alias for oneline.`)
  3079  	code, stdout, stderr = runStatus(c, "--format", "line")
  3080  	c.Check(code, gc.Equals, 0)
  3081  	c.Check(string(stderr), gc.Equals, "")
  3082  	c.Assert(string(stdout), gc.Equals, expected)
  3083  }
  3085  func (s *StatusSuite) prepareTabularData(c *gc.C) *context {
  3086  	ctx := s.newContext(c)
  3087  	steps := []stepper{
  3088  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
  3089  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
  3090  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
  3091  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  3092  		addCharm{"wordpress"},
  3093  		addCharm{"mysql"},
  3094  		addCharm{"logging"},
  3095  		addService{name: "wordpress", charm: "wordpress"},
  3096  		setServiceExposed{"wordpress", true},
  3097  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  3098  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
  3099  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
  3100  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  3101  		addAliveUnit{"wordpress", "1"},
  3102  		setAgentStatus{"wordpress/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  3103  		setUnitStatus{"wordpress/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  3104  		setUnitTools{"wordpress/0", version.MustParseBinary("1.2.3-trusty-ppc")},
  3105  		addService{name: "mysql", charm: "mysql"},
  3106  		setServiceExposed{"mysql", true},
  3107  		addMachine{machineId: "2", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  3108  		setAddresses{"2", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-2.dns")},
  3109  		startAliveMachine{"2"},
  3110  		setMachineStatus{"2", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  3111  		addAliveUnit{"mysql", "2"},
  3112  		setAgentStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  3113  		setUnitStatus{
  3114  			"mysql/0",
  3115  			state.StatusMaintenance,
  3116  			"installing all the things", nil},
  3117  		setUnitTools{"mysql/0", version.MustParseBinary("1.2.3-trusty-ppc")},
  3118  		addService{name: "logging", charm: "logging"},
  3119  		setServiceExposed{"logging", true},
  3120  		relateServices{"wordpress", "mysql"},
  3121  		relateServices{"wordpress", "logging"},
  3122  		relateServices{"mysql", "logging"},
  3123  		addSubordinate{"wordpress/0", "logging"},
  3124  		addSubordinate{"mysql/0", "logging"},
  3125  		setUnitsAlive{"logging"},
  3126  		setAgentStatus{"logging/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  3127  		setUnitStatus{"logging/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  3128  		setAgentStatus{"logging/1", state.StatusError, "somehow lost in all those logs", nil},
  3129  	}
  3130  	for _, s := range steps {
  3131  		s.step(c, ctx)
  3132  	}
  3133  	return ctx
  3134  }
  3136  func (s *StatusSuite) testStatusWithFormatTabular(c *gc.C, useFeatureFlag bool) {
  3137  	ctx := s.prepareTabularData(c)
  3138  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  3139  	var args []string
  3140  	if !useFeatureFlag {
  3141  		args = []string{"--format", "tabular"}
  3142  	}
  3143  	code, stdout, stderr := runStatus(c, args...)
  3144  	c.Check(code, gc.Equals, 0)
  3145  	c.Check(string(stderr), gc.Equals, "")
  3146  	c.Assert(
  3147  		string(stdout),
  3148  		gc.Equals,
  3149  		"[Services] \n"+
  3150  			"NAME       STATUS      EXPOSED CHARM                  \n"+
  3151  			"logging                true    cs:quantal/logging-1   \n"+
  3152  			"mysql      maintenance true    cs:quantal/mysql-1     \n"+
  3153  			"wordpress  active      true    cs:quantal/wordpress-3 \n"+
  3154  			"\n"+
  3155  			"[Units]     \n"+
  3157  			"mysql/0     maintenance    idle        1.2.3   2             dummyenv-2.dns installing all the things      \n"+
  3158  			"  logging/1 error          idle                              dummyenv-2.dns somehow lost in all those logs \n"+
  3159  			"wordpress/0 active         idle        1.2.3   1             dummyenv-1.dns                                \n"+
  3160  			"  logging/0 active         idle                              dummyenv-1.dns                                \n"+
  3161  			"\n"+
  3162  			"[Machines] \n"+
  3163  			"ID         STATE   VERSION DNS            INS-ID     SERIES  HARDWARE                                         \n"+
  3164  			"0          started         dummyenv-0.dns dummyenv-0 quantal arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M \n"+
  3165  			"1          started         dummyenv-1.dns dummyenv-1 quantal arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M \n"+
  3166  			"2          started         dummyenv-2.dns dummyenv-2 quantal arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=8192M \n"+
  3167  			"\n",
  3168  	)
  3169  }
  3171  func (s *StatusSuite) TestStatusV2(c *gc.C) {
  3172  	s.PatchEnvironment(osenv.JujuCLIVersion, "2")
  3173  	s.testStatusWithFormatTabular(c, true)
  3174  }
  3176  func (s *StatusSuite) TestStatusWithFormatTabular(c *gc.C) {
  3177  	s.testStatusWithFormatTabular(c, false)
  3178  }
  3180  func (s *StatusSuite) TestFormatTabularHookActionName(c *gc.C) {
  3181  	status := formattedStatus{
  3182  		Services: map[string]serviceStatus{
  3183  			"foo": serviceStatus{
  3184  				Units: map[string]unitStatus{
  3185  					"foo/0": unitStatus{
  3186  						AgentStatusInfo: statusInfoContents{
  3187  							Current: params.StatusExecuting,
  3188  							Message: "running config-changed hook",
  3189  						},
  3190  						WorkloadStatusInfo: statusInfoContents{
  3191  							Current: params.StatusMaintenance,
  3192  							Message: "doing some work",
  3193  						},
  3194  					},
  3195  					"foo/1": unitStatus{
  3196  						AgentStatusInfo: statusInfoContents{
  3197  							Current: params.StatusExecuting,
  3198  							Message: "running action backup database",
  3199  						},
  3200  						WorkloadStatusInfo: statusInfoContents{
  3201  							Current: params.StatusMaintenance,
  3202  							Message: "doing some work",
  3203  						},
  3204  					},
  3205  				},
  3206  			},
  3207  		},
  3208  	}
  3209  	out, err := FormatTabular(status)
  3210  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  3211  	c.Assert(
  3212  		string(out),
  3213  		gc.Equals,
  3214  		"[Services] \n"+
  3215  			"NAME       STATUS EXPOSED CHARM \n"+
  3216  			"foo               false         \n"+
  3217  			"\n"+
  3218  			"[Units] \n"+
  3220  			"foo/0   maintenance    executing                                        (config-changed) doing some work  \n"+
  3221  			"foo/1   maintenance    executing                                        (backup database) doing some work \n"+
  3222  			"\n"+
  3223  			"[Machines] \n"+
  3225  	)
  3226  }
  3228  func (s *StatusSuite) TestStatusWithNilStatusApi(c *gc.C) {
  3229  	ctx := s.newContext(c)
  3230  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  3231  	steps := []stepper{
  3232  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
  3233  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
  3234  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
  3235  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  3236  	}
  3238  	for _, s := range steps {
  3239  		s.step(c, ctx)
  3240  	}
  3242  	client := fakeApiClient{}
  3243  	var status = client.Status
  3244  	s.PatchValue(&status, func(_ []string) (*params.FullStatus, error) {
  3245  		return nil, nil
  3246  	})
  3247  	s.PatchValue(&newApiClientForStatus, func(_ *StatusCommand) (statusAPI, error) {
  3248  		return &client, nil
  3249  	})
  3251  	code, _, stderr := runStatus(c, "--format", "tabular")
  3252  	c.Check(code, gc.Equals, 1)
  3253  	c.Check(string(stderr), gc.Equals, "error: unable to obtain the current status\n")
  3254  }
  3256  //
  3257  // Filtering Feature
  3258  //
  3260  func (s *StatusSuite) FilteringTestSetup(c *gc.C) *context {
  3261  	ctx := s.newContext(c)
  3263  	steps := []stepper{
  3264  		// Given a machine is started
  3265  		// And the machine's ID is "0"
  3266  		// And the machine's job is to manage the environment
  3267  		addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
  3268  		startAliveMachine{"0"},
  3269  		setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  3270  		// And the machine's address is "dummyenv-0.dns"
  3271  		setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
  3272  		// And the "wordpress" charm is available
  3273  		addCharm{"wordpress"},
  3274  		addService{name: "wordpress", charm: "wordpress"},
  3275  		// And the "mysql" charm is available
  3276  		addCharm{"mysql"},
  3277  		addService{name: "mysql", charm: "mysql"},
  3278  		// And the "logging" charm is available
  3279  		addCharm{"logging"},
  3280  		// And a machine is started
  3281  		// And the machine's ID is "1"
  3282  		// And the machine's job is to host units
  3283  		addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  3284  		startAliveMachine{"1"},
  3285  		setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  3286  		// And the machine's address is "dummyenv-1.dns"
  3287  		setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
  3288  		// And a unit of "wordpress" is deployed to machine "1"
  3289  		addAliveUnit{"wordpress", "1"},
  3290  		// And the unit is started
  3291  		setAgentStatus{"wordpress/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  3292  		setUnitStatus{"wordpress/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  3293  		// And a machine is started
  3295  		// And the machine's ID is "2"
  3296  		// And the machine's job is to host units
  3297  		addMachine{machineId: "2", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  3298  		startAliveMachine{"2"},
  3299  		setMachineStatus{"2", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  3300  		// And the machine's address is "dummyenv-2.dns"
  3301  		setAddresses{"2", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-2.dns")},
  3302  		// And a unit of "mysql" is deployed to machine "2"
  3303  		addAliveUnit{"mysql", "2"},
  3304  		// And the unit is started
  3305  		setAgentStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  3306  		setUnitStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  3307  		// And the "logging" service is added
  3308  		addService{name: "logging", charm: "logging"},
  3309  		// And the service is exposed
  3310  		setServiceExposed{"logging", true},
  3311  		// And the "wordpress" service is related to the "mysql" service
  3312  		relateServices{"wordpress", "mysql"},
  3313  		// And the "wordpress" service is related to the "logging" service
  3314  		relateServices{"wordpress", "logging"},
  3315  		// And the "mysql" service is related to the "logging" service
  3316  		relateServices{"mysql", "logging"},
  3317  		// And the "logging" service is a subordinate to unit 0 of the "wordpress" service
  3318  		addSubordinate{"wordpress/0", "logging"},
  3319  		setAgentStatus{"logging/0", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  3320  		setUnitStatus{"logging/0", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  3321  		// And the "logging" service is a subordinate to unit 0 of the "mysql" service
  3322  		addSubordinate{"mysql/0", "logging"},
  3323  		setAgentStatus{"logging/1", state.StatusIdle, "", nil},
  3324  		setUnitStatus{"logging/1", state.StatusActive, "", nil},
  3325  		setUnitsAlive{"logging"},
  3326  	}
  3328, steps)
  3329  	return ctx
  3330  }
  3332  // Scenario: One unit is in an errored state and user filters to started
  3333  func (s *StatusSuite) TestFilterToStarted(c *gc.C) {
  3334  	ctx := s.FilteringTestSetup(c)
  3335  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  3337  	// Given unit 1 of the "logging" service has an error
  3338  	setAgentStatus{"logging/1", state.StatusError, "mock error", nil}.step(c, ctx)
  3339  	// And unit 0 of the "mysql" service has an error
  3340  	setAgentStatus{"mysql/0", state.StatusError, "mock error", nil}.step(c, ctx)
  3341  	// When I run juju status --format oneline started
  3342  	_, stdout, stderr := runStatus(c, "--format", "oneline", "started")
  3343  	c.Assert(string(stderr), gc.Equals, "")
  3344  	// Then I should receive output prefixed with:
  3345  	const expected = `
  3347  - wordpress/0: dummyenv-1.dns (started)
  3348    - logging/0: dummyenv-1.dns (started)
  3349  `
  3351  	c.Assert(string(stdout), gc.Equals, expected[1:])
  3352  }
  3354  // Scenario: One unit is in an errored state and user filters to errored
  3355  func (s *StatusSuite) TestFilterToErrored(c *gc.C) {
  3356  	ctx := s.FilteringTestSetup(c)
  3357  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  3359  	// Given unit 1 of the "logging" service has an error
  3360  	setAgentStatus{"logging/1", state.StatusError, "mock error", nil}.step(c, ctx)
  3361  	// When I run juju status --format oneline error
  3362  	_, stdout, stderr := runStatus(c, "--format", "oneline", "error")
  3363  	c.Assert(stderr, gc.IsNil)
  3364  	// Then I should receive output prefixed with:
  3365  	const expected = `
  3367  - mysql/0: dummyenv-2.dns (started)
  3368    - logging/1: dummyenv-2.dns (error)
  3369  `
  3371  	c.Assert(string(stdout), gc.Equals, expected[1:])
  3372  }
  3374  // Scenario: User filters to mysql service
  3375  func (s *StatusSuite) TestFilterToService(c *gc.C) {
  3376  	ctx := s.FilteringTestSetup(c)
  3377  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  3379  	// When I run juju status --format oneline error
  3380  	_, stdout, stderr := runStatus(c, "--format", "oneline", "mysql")
  3381  	c.Assert(stderr, gc.IsNil)
  3382  	// Then I should receive output prefixed with:
  3383  	const expected = `
  3385  - mysql/0: dummyenv-2.dns (started)
  3386    - logging/1: dummyenv-2.dns (started)
  3387  `
  3389  	c.Assert(string(stdout), gc.Equals, expected[1:])
  3390  }
  3392  // Scenario: User filters to exposed services
  3393  func (s *StatusSuite) TestFilterToExposedService(c *gc.C) {
  3394  	ctx := s.FilteringTestSetup(c)
  3395  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  3397  	// Given unit 1 of the "mysql" service is exposed
  3398  	setServiceExposed{"mysql", true}.step(c, ctx)
  3399  	// And the logging service is not exposed
  3400  	setServiceExposed{"logging", false}.step(c, ctx)
  3401  	// And the wordpress service is not exposed
  3402  	setServiceExposed{"wordpress", false}.step(c, ctx)
  3403  	// When I run juju status --format oneline exposed
  3404  	_, stdout, stderr := runStatus(c, "--format", "oneline", "exposed")
  3405  	c.Assert(stderr, gc.IsNil)
  3406  	// Then I should receive output prefixed with:
  3407  	const expected = `
  3409  - mysql/0: dummyenv-2.dns (started)
  3410    - logging/1: dummyenv-2.dns (started)
  3411  `
  3413  	c.Assert(string(stdout), gc.Equals, expected[1:])
  3414  }
  3416  // Scenario: User filters to non-exposed services
  3417  func (s *StatusSuite) TestFilterToNotExposedService(c *gc.C) {
  3418  	ctx := s.FilteringTestSetup(c)
  3419  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  3421  	setServiceExposed{"mysql", true}.step(c, ctx)
  3422  	// When I run juju status --format oneline not exposed
  3423  	_, stdout, stderr := runStatus(c, "--format", "oneline", "not", "exposed")
  3424  	c.Assert(stderr, gc.IsNil)
  3425  	// Then I should receive output prefixed with:
  3426  	const expected = `
  3428  - wordpress/0: dummyenv-1.dns (started)
  3429    - logging/0: dummyenv-1.dns (started)
  3430  `
  3432  	c.Assert(string(stdout), gc.Equals, expected[1:])
  3433  }
  3435  // Scenario: Filtering on Subnets
  3436  func (s *StatusSuite) TestFilterOnSubnet(c *gc.C) {
  3437  	ctx := s.FilteringTestSetup(c)
  3438  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  3440  	// Given the address for machine "1" is "localhost"
  3441  	setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("localhost")}.step(c, ctx)
  3442  	// And the address for machine "2" is ""
  3443  	setAddresses{"2", network.NewAddresses("")}.step(c, ctx)
  3444  	// When I run juju status --format oneline
  3445  	_, stdout, stderr := runStatus(c, "--format", "oneline", "")
  3446  	c.Assert(stderr, gc.IsNil)
  3447  	// Then I should receive output prefixed with:
  3448  	const expected = `
  3450  - wordpress/0: localhost (started)
  3451    - logging/0: localhost (started)
  3452  `
  3454  	c.Assert(string(stdout), gc.Equals, expected[1:])
  3455  }
  3457  // Scenario: Filtering on Ports
  3458  func (s *StatusSuite) TestFilterOnPorts(c *gc.C) {
  3459  	ctx := s.FilteringTestSetup(c)
  3460  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  3462  	// Given the address for machine "1" is "localhost"
  3463  	setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("localhost")}.step(c, ctx)
  3464  	// And the address for machine "2" is ""
  3465  	setAddresses{"2", network.NewAddresses("")}.step(c, ctx)
  3466  	openUnitPort{"wordpress/0", "tcp", 80}.step(c, ctx)
  3467  	// When I run juju status --format oneline 80/tcp
  3468  	_, stdout, stderr := runStatus(c, "--format", "oneline", "80/tcp")
  3469  	c.Assert(stderr, gc.IsNil)
  3470  	// Then I should receive output prefixed with:
  3471  	const expected = `
  3473  - wordpress/0: localhost (started) 80/tcp
  3474    - logging/0: localhost (started)
  3475  `
  3477  	c.Assert(string(stdout), gc.Equals, expected[1:])
  3478  }
  3480  // Scenario: User filters out a parent, but not its subordinate
  3481  func (s *StatusSuite) TestFilterParentButNotSubordinate(c *gc.C) {
  3482  	ctx := s.FilteringTestSetup(c)
  3483  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  3485  	// When I run juju status --format oneline 80/tcp
  3486  	_, stdout, stderr := runStatus(c, "--format", "oneline", "logging")
  3487  	c.Assert(stderr, gc.IsNil)
  3488  	// Then I should receive output prefixed with:
  3489  	const expected = `
  3491  - mysql/0: dummyenv-2.dns (started)
  3492    - logging/1: dummyenv-2.dns (started)
  3493  - wordpress/0: dummyenv-1.dns (started)
  3494    - logging/0: dummyenv-1.dns (started)
  3495  `
  3497  	c.Assert(string(stdout), gc.Equals, expected[1:])
  3498  }
  3500  // Scenario: User filters out a subordinate, but not its parent
  3501  func (s *StatusSuite) TestFilterSubordinateButNotParent(c *gc.C) {
  3502  	ctx := s.FilteringTestSetup(c)
  3503  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  3505  	// Given the wordpress service is exposed
  3506  	setServiceExposed{"wordpress", true}.step(c, ctx)
  3507  	// When I run juju status --format oneline not exposed
  3508  	_, stdout, stderr := runStatus(c, "--format", "oneline", "not", "exposed")
  3509  	c.Assert(stderr, gc.IsNil)
  3510  	// Then I should receive output prefixed with:
  3511  	const expected = `
  3513  - mysql/0: dummyenv-2.dns (started)
  3514    - logging/1: dummyenv-2.dns (started)
  3515  `
  3517  	c.Assert(string(stdout), gc.Equals, expected[1:])
  3518  }
  3520  func (s *StatusSuite) TestFilterMultipleHomogenousPatterns(c *gc.C) {
  3521  	ctx := s.FilteringTestSetup(c)
  3522  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  3524  	_, stdout, stderr := runStatus(c, "--format", "oneline", "wordpress/0", "mysql/0")
  3525  	c.Assert(stderr, gc.IsNil)
  3526  	// Then I should receive output prefixed with:
  3527  	const expected = `
  3529  - mysql/0: dummyenv-2.dns (started)
  3530    - logging/1: dummyenv-2.dns (started)
  3531  - wordpress/0: dummyenv-1.dns (started)
  3532    - logging/0: dummyenv-1.dns (started)
  3533  `
  3535  	c.Assert(string(stdout), gc.Equals, expected[1:])
  3536  }
  3538  func (s *StatusSuite) TestFilterMultipleHeterogenousPatterns(c *gc.C) {
  3539  	ctx := s.FilteringTestSetup(c)
  3540  	defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  3542  	_, stdout, stderr := runStatus(c, "--format", "oneline", "wordpress/0", "started")
  3543  	c.Assert(stderr, gc.IsNil)
  3544  	// Then I should receive output prefixed with:
  3545  	const expected = `
  3547  - mysql/0: dummyenv-2.dns (started)
  3548    - logging/1: dummyenv-2.dns (started)
  3549  - wordpress/0: dummyenv-1.dns (started)
  3550    - logging/0: dummyenv-1.dns (started)
  3551  `
  3553  	c.Assert(string(stdout), gc.Equals, expected[1:])
  3554  }
  3556  // TestSummaryStatusWithUnresolvableDns is result of bug# 1410320.
  3557  func (s *StatusSuite) TestSummaryStatusWithUnresolvableDns(c *gc.C) {
  3558  	formatter := &summaryFormatter{}
  3559  	formatter.resolveAndTrackIp("invalidDns")
  3560  	// Test should not panic.
  3561  }
  3563  func initStatusCommand(args ...string) (*StatusCommand, error) {
  3564  	com := &StatusCommand{}
  3565  	return com, coretesting.InitCommand(envcmd.Wrap(com), args)
  3566  }
  3568  var statusInitTests = []struct {
  3569  	args    []string
  3570  	envVar  string
  3571  	isoTime bool
  3572  	err     string
  3573  }{
  3574  	{
  3575  		isoTime: false,
  3576  	}, {
  3577  		args:    []string{"--utc"},
  3578  		isoTime: true,
  3579  	}, {
  3580  		envVar:  "true",
  3581  		isoTime: true,
  3582  	}, {
  3583  		envVar: "foo",
  3584  		err:    "invalid JUJU_STATUS_ISO_TIME env var, expected true|false.*",
  3585  	},
  3586  }
  3588  func (*StatusSuite) TestStatusCommandInit(c *gc.C) {
  3589  	defer os.Setenv(osenv.JujuStatusIsoTimeEnvKey, os.Getenv(osenv.JujuStatusIsoTimeEnvKey))
  3591  	for i, t := range statusInitTests {
  3592  		c.Logf("test %d", i)
  3593  		os.Setenv(osenv.JujuStatusIsoTimeEnvKey, t.envVar)
  3594  		com, err := initStatusCommand(t.args...)
  3595  		if t.err != "" {
  3596  			c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.err)
  3597  		} else {
  3598  			c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  3599  		}
  3600  		c.Check(com.isoTime, gc.DeepEquals, t.isoTime)
  3601  	}
  3602  }
  3604  var statusTimeTest = test(
  3605  	"status generates timestamps as UTC in ISO format",
  3606  	addMachine{machineId: "0", job: state.JobManageEnviron},
  3607  	setAddresses{"0", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-0.dns")},
  3608  	startAliveMachine{"0"},
  3609  	setMachineStatus{"0", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  3610  	addCharm{"dummy"},
  3611  	addService{name: "dummy-service", charm: "dummy"},
  3613  	addMachine{machineId: "1", job: state.JobHostUnits},
  3614  	startAliveMachine{"1"},
  3615  	setAddresses{"1", network.NewAddresses("dummyenv-1.dns")},
  3616  	setMachineStatus{"1", state.StatusStarted, ""},
  3618  	addAliveUnit{"dummy-service", "1"},
  3619  	expect{
  3620  		"add two units, one alive (in error state), one started",
  3621  		M{
  3622  			"environment": "dummyenv",
  3623  			"machines": M{
  3624  				"0": machine0,
  3625  				"1": machine1,
  3626  			},
  3627  			"services": M{
  3628  				"dummy-service": M{
  3629  					"charm":   "cs:quantal/dummy-1",
  3630  					"exposed": false,
  3631  					"service-status": M{
  3632  						"current": "unknown",
  3633  						"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
  3634  						"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  3635  					},
  3636  					"units": M{
  3637  						"dummy-service/0": M{
  3638  							"machine":     "1",
  3639  							"agent-state": "pending",
  3640  							"workload-status": M{
  3641  								"current": "unknown",
  3642  								"message": "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
  3643  								"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  3644  							},
  3645  							"agent-status": M{
  3646  								"current": "allocating",
  3647  								"since":   "01 Apr 15 01:23+10:00",
  3648  							},
  3649  							"public-address": "dummyenv-1.dns",
  3650  						},
  3651  					},
  3652  				},
  3653  			},
  3654  		},
  3655  	},
  3656  )
  3658  func (s *StatusSuite) TestIsoTimeFormat(c *gc.C) {
  3659  	func(t testCase) {
  3660  		// Prepare context and run all steps to setup.
  3661  		ctx := s.newContext(c)
  3662  		ctx.expectIsoTime = true
  3663  		defer s.resetContext(c, ctx)
  3664, t.steps)
  3665  	}(statusTimeTest)
  3666  }