
     1  package main
     3  /*import (
     4  	"archive/zip"
     5  	""
     6  	"bufio"
     7  	"bytes"
     8  	"encoding/base64"
     9  	"encoding/xml"
    10  	"errors"
    11  	"fmt"
    12  	"io/ioutil"
    13  	"os"
    14  	"path/filepath"
    15  	"reflect"
    16  	"strconv" 
    17  	"strings"
    18  	"time"
    19  )*/
    20  /*
    21  type ForceConnectedApps []ForceConnectedApp
    23  type ForceConnectedApp struct {
    24  	Name string `xml:"fullName"`
    25  	Id   string `xml:"id"`
    26  	Type string `xml:"type"`
    27  }
    29  type ComponentFailure struct {
    30  	Changed     bool   `xml:"changed"`
    31  	Created     bool   `xml:"created"`
    32  	Deleted     bool   `xml:"deleted"`
    33  	FileName    string `xml:"fileName"`
    34  	FullName    string `xml:"fullName"`
    35  	LineNumber  int    `xml:"lineNumber"`
    36  	Problem     string `xml:"problem"`
    37  	ProblemType string `xml:"problemType"`
    38  	Success     bool   `xml:"success"`
    39  }
    41  type ComponentSuccess struct {
    42  	Changed  bool   `xml:"changed"`
    43  	Created  bool   `xml:"created"`
    44  	Deleted  bool   `xml:"deleted"`
    45  	FileName string `xml:"fileName"`
    46  	FullName string `xml:"fullName"`
    47  	Id       string `xml:"id"`
    48  	Success  bool   `xml:"success"`
    49  }
    51  type RunTestResult struct {
    52  	NumberOfFailures int `xml:"numFailures"`
    53  	NumberOfTestsRun int `xml:"numTestsRun"`
    54  	TotalTime        int `xml:"totalTime"`
    55  }
    57  type ComponentDetails struct {
    58  	ComponentSuccesses []ComponentSuccess `xml:"componentSuccesses"`
    59  	ComponentFailures  []ComponentFailure `xml:"componentFailures"`
    60  }
    62  type ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult struct {
    63  	CheckOnly                bool             `xml:"checkOnly"`
    64  	CompletedDate            time.Time        `xml:"completedDate"`
    65  	CreatedDate              time.Time        `xml:"createdDate"`
    66  	Details                  ComponentDetails `xml:"details"`
    67  	Done                     bool             `xml:"done"`
    68  	Id                       string           `xml:"id"`
    69  	NumberComponentErrors    int              `xml:"numberComponentErrors"`
    70  	NumberComponentsDeployed int              `xml:"numberComponentsDeployed"`
    71  	NumberComponentsTotal    int              `xml:"numberComponentsTotal"`
    72  	NumberTestErrors         int              `xml:"numberTestErrors"`
    73  	NumberTestsCompleted     int              `xml:"numberTestsCompleted"`
    74  	NumberTestsTotal         int              `xml:"numberTestsTotal"`
    75  	RollbackOnError          bool             `xml:"rollbackOnError"`
    76  	Status                   string           `xml:"status"`
    77  	Success                  bool             `xml:"success"`
    78  }
    80  type ForceMetadataDeployProblem struct {
    81  	Changed     bool   `xml:"changed"`
    82  	Created     bool   `xml:"created"`
    83  	Deleted     bool   `xml:"deleted"`
    84  	Filename    string `xml:"fileName"`
    85  	Name        string `xml:"fullName"`
    86  	Problem     string `xml:"problem"`
    87  	ProblemType string `xml:"problemType"`
    88  	Success     bool   `xml:"success"`
    89  }
    91  type ForceMetadataQueryElement struct {
    92  	Name    string
    93  	Members []string
    94  }
    96  type ForceMetadataQuery []ForceMetadataQueryElement
    98  type ForceMetadataFiles map[string][]byte
   100  type ForceMetadata struct {
   101  	ApiVersion string
   102  	Force      *Force
   103  }
   105  type ForceDeployOptions struct {
   106  	AllowMissingFiles bool     `xml:"allowMissingFiles"`
   107  	AutoUpdatePackage bool     `xml:"autoUpdatePackage"`
   108  	CheckOnly         bool     `xml:"checkOnly"`
   109  	IgnoreWarnings    bool     `xml:"ignoreWarnings"`
   110  	PerformRetrieve   bool     `xml:"performRetrieve"`
   111  	PurgeOnDelete     bool     `xml:"purgeOnDelete"`
   112  	RollbackOnError   bool     `xml:"rollbackOnError"`
   113  	RunAllTests       bool     `xml:"runAllTests"`
   114  	runTests          []string `xml:"runTests"`
   115  	SinglePackage     bool     `xml:"singlePackage"`
   116  }
   117  */
   118  /* These structs define which options are available and which are
   119     required for the various field types you can create. Reflection
   120     is used to leverage these structs in validating options when creating
   121     a custom field.
   122  */
   123  /*
   124  type GeolocationFieldRequired struct {
   125  	DisplayLocationInDecimal bool `xml:"displayLocationInDecimal"`
   126  	Scale                    int  `xml:"scale"`
   127  }
   129  type GeolocationField struct {
   130  	DsiplayLocationInDecimal bool   `xml:"displayLocationInDecimal"`
   131  	Required                 bool   `xml:"required"`
   132  	Scale                    int    `xml:"scale"`
   133  	Description              string `xml:"description"`
   134  	HelpText                 string `xml:"helpText"`
   135  }
   137  type AutoNumberFieldRequired struct {
   138  	StartingNumber int    `xml:"startingNumber"`
   139  	DisplayFormat  string `xml:"displayFormat"`
   140  }
   142  type AutoNumberField struct {
   143  	StartingNumber int    `xml:"startingNumber"`
   144  	DisplayFormat  string `xml:"displayFormat"`
   145  	Description    string `xml:"description"`
   146  	HelpText       string `xml:"helpText"`
   147  	ExternalId     bool   `xml:"externalId"`
   148  }
   150  type FloatFieldRequired struct {
   151  	Precision int `xml:"precision"`
   152  	Scale     int `xml:"scale"`
   153  }
   155  type FloatField struct {
   156  	Description          string `xml:"description"`
   157  	HelpText             string `xml:"helpText"`
   158  	Unique               bool   `xml:"unique"`
   159  	ExternalId           bool   `xml:"externalId"`
   160  	DefaultValue         uint   `xml:"defaultValue"`
   161  	Precision            int    `xml:"precision"`
   162  	Scale                int    `xml:"scale"`
   163  	Formula              string `xml:"formula"`
   164  	FormulaTreatBlanksAs string `xml:"formulaTreatBlanksAs"`
   165  }
   167  type NumberFieldRequired struct {
   168  	Precision int `xml:"precision"`
   169  	Scale     int `xml:"scale"`
   170  }
   172  type NumberField struct {
   173  	Description          string `xml:"description"`
   174  	HelpText             string `xml:"helpText"`
   175  	Unique               bool   `xml:"unique"`
   176  	ExternalId           bool   `xml:"externalId"`
   177  	DefaultValue         uint   `xml:"defaultValue"`
   178  	Formula              string `xml:"formula"`
   179  	FormulaTreatBlanksAs string `xml:"formulaTreatBlanksAs"`
   180  	Precision            int    `xml:"precision"`
   181  	Scale                int    `xml:"scale"`
   182  }
   184  type DatetimeFieldRequired struct {
   185  }
   187  type DatetimeField struct {
   188  	Description          string    `xml:"description"`
   189  	HelpText             string    `xml:"helpText"`
   190  	DefaultValue         time.Time `xml:"defaultValue"`
   191  	Required             bool      `xml:"required"`
   192  	Formula              string    `xml:"formula"`
   193  	FormulaTreatBlanksAs string    `xml:"formulaTreatBlanksAs"`
   194  }
   196  type PicklistValue struct {
   197  	FullName string `xml:"fullName"`
   198  	Default  bool   `xml:"default"`
   199  }
   201  type PicklistFieldRequired struct {
   202  	Picklist []PicklistValue `xml:"picklist>picklistValues"`
   203  }
   205  type PicklistField struct {
   206  	Picklist []PicklistValue `xml:"picklist>picklistValues"`
   207  }
   209  type BoolFieldRequired struct {
   210  	DefaultValue bool `xml:"defaultValue"`
   211  }
   213  type BoolField struct {
   214  	Description          string `xml:"description"`
   215  	HelpText             string `xml:"helpText"`
   216  	DefaultValue         bool   `xml:"defaultValue"`
   217  	Formula              string `xml:"formula"`
   218  	FormulaTreatBlanksAs string `xml:"formulaTreatBlanksAs"`
   219  }
   221  type DescribeMetadataObject struct {
   222  	ChildXmlNames []string `xml:"childXmlNames"`
   223  	DirectoryName string   `xml:"directoryName"`
   224  	InFolder      bool     `xml:"inFolder"`
   225  	MetaFile      bool     `xml:"metaFile"`
   226  	Suffix        string   `xml:"suffix"`
   227  	XmlName       string   `xml:"xmlName"`
   228  }
   230  type MetadataDescribeResult struct {
   231  	NamespacePrefix    string                   `xml:"organizationNamespace"`
   232  	PartialSaveAllowed bool                     `xml:"partialSaveAllowed"`
   233  	TestRequired       bool                     `xml:"testRequired"`
   234  	MetadataObjects    []DescribeMetadataObject `xml:"metadataObjects"`
   235  }
   237  type MetadataDescribeValueTypeResult struct {
   238  	ValueTypeFields []MetadataValueTypeField `xml:"result"`
   239  }
   241  type MetadataValueTypeField struct {
   242  	//Fields 						MetadataValueTypeField
   243  	ForeignKeyDomain string
   244  	IsForeignKey     bool
   245  	IsNameField      bool
   246  	MinOccurs        int
   247  	Name             string
   248  	SoapType         string
   249  }
   251  type MDFileProperties struct {
   252  	CreatedById        string    `xml:"createdById"`
   253  	CreateByName       string    `xml:"createdByName"`
   254  	CreateDate         time.Time `xml:"createdDate"`
   255  	FileName           string    `xml:"fileName"`
   256  	FullName           string    `xml:"fullName"`
   257  	Id                 string    `xml:"id"`
   258  	LastModifiedById   string    `xml:"lastModifiedById"`
   259  	LastModifiedByName string    `xml:"lastModifiedByName"`
   260  	LastModifedByDate  time.Time `xml:"lastModifiedByDate"`
   261  	ManageableState    string    `xml:"manageableState"`
   262  	NamespacePrefix    string    `xml:"namespacePrefix"`
   263  	Type               string    `xml:"type"`
   264  }
   266  type ListMetadataResponse struct {
   267  	Result []MDFileProperties `xml:"result"`
   268  }
   270  type EncryptedFieldRequired struct {
   271  	Length   int    `xml:"length"`
   272  	MaskType string `xml:"maskType"`
   273  	MaskChar string `xml:"maskChar"`
   274  }
   276  type EncryptedField struct {
   277  	Label       string `xml:"label"`
   278  	Name        string `xml:"fullName"`
   279  	Required    bool   `xml:"required"`
   280  	Length      int    `xml:"length"`
   281  	Description string `xml:"description"`
   282  	HelpText    string `xml:"helpText"`
   283  	MaskType    string `xml:"maskType"`
   284  	MaskChar    string `xml:"maskChar"`
   285  }
   287  type StringFieldRequired struct {
   288  	Length int `xml:"length"`
   289  }
   291  type StringField struct {
   292  	Label                string `xml:"label"`
   293  	Name                 string `xml:"fullName"`
   294  	Required             bool   `xml:"required"`
   295  	Length               int    `xml:"length"`
   296  	Description          string `xml:"description"`
   297  	HelpText             string `xml:"helpText"`
   298  	Unique               bool   `xml:"unique"`
   299  	CaseSensitive        bool   `xml:"caseSensitive"`
   300  	ExternalId           bool   `xml:"externalId"`
   301  	DefaultValue         string `xml:"defaultValue"`
   302  	Formula              string `xml:"formula"`
   303  	FormulaTreatBlanksAs string `xml:"formulaTreatBlanksAs"`
   304  }
   306  type PhoneFieldRequired struct {
   307  }
   309  type PhoneField struct {
   310  	Label        string `xml:"label"`
   311  	Name         string `xml:"fullName"`
   312  	Required     bool   `xml:"required"`
   313  	Description  string `xml:"description"`
   314  	HelpText     string `xml:"helpText"`
   315  	DefaultValue string `xml:"defaultValue"`
   316  }
   318  type EmailFieldRequired struct {
   319  }
   321  type TextAreaFieldRequired struct {
   322  }
   324  type TextAreaField struct {
   325  	Label        string `xml:"label"`
   326  	Name         string `xml:"fullName"`
   327  	Required     bool   `xml:"required"`
   328  	Description  string `xml:"description"`
   329  	HelpText     string `xml:"helpText"`
   330  	DefaultValue string `xml:"defaultValue"`
   331  }
   333  type LongTextAreaFieldRequired struct {
   334  	Length       int `xml:"length"`
   335  	VisibleLines int `xml:"visibleLines"`
   336  }
   338  type LongTextAreaField struct {
   339  	Label        string `xml:"label"`
   340  	Name         string `xml:"fullName"`
   341  	Required     bool   `xml:"required"`
   342  	Description  string `xml:"description"`
   343  	HelpText     string `xml:"helpText"`
   344  	DefaultValue string `xml:"defaultValue"`
   345  	Length       int    `xml:"length"`
   346  	VisibleLines int    `xml:"visibleLines"`
   347  }
   349  type RichTextAreaFieldRequired struct {
   350  	Length       int `xml:"length"`
   351  	VisibleLines int `xml:"visibleLines"`
   352  }
   354  type RichTextAreaField struct {
   355  	Label        string `xml:"label"`
   356  	Name         string `xml:"fullName"`
   357  	Required     bool   `xml:"required"`
   358  	Description  string `xml:"description"`
   359  	HelpText     string `xml:"helpText"`
   360  	Length       int    `xml:"length"`
   361  	VisibleLines int    `xml:"visibleLines"`
   362  }
   364  type LookupFieldRequired struct{}
   366  type LookupField struct {
   367  	ReferenceTo       string `xml:"referenceTo"`
   368  	RelationshipLabel string `xml:"relationshipLabel"`
   369  	RelationshipName  string `xml:"relationshipName"`
   370  }
   372  type MasterDetailRequired struct{}
   374  type MasterDetail struct {
   375  	ReferenceTo       string `xml:"referenceTo"`
   376  	RelationshipLabel string `xml:"relationshipLabel"`
   377  	RelationshipName  string `xml:"relationshipName"`
   378  }
   380  type MetaData struct {
   381  	FullName 		string
   382  }
   384  type MetaDataWithContent struct {
   385  	MetaData
   386  	Content 			[]byte
   387  }
   389  type CustomField struct {
   390  	MetaData
   391  	CaseSensitive 				bool
   392  	DefaultValue   				bool
   393  	DeleteConstraint 			DeleteConstraint
   394  	Deprecated					bool
   395  	Description 				string
   396  	DisplayFormat 				string
   397  	DisplayLocationInDecimal 	bool
   398  	Encrypted 					bool
   399  	ExternalDeveloperName 		string
   400  	ExternalId 					bool
   401  	Formula 					string
   402  	FormulaTreatBlankAs 		TreatBlankAs
   403  	Indexed 					bool
   404  	InlineHelperText 			string
   405  	IsFilteringDisabled 		bool
   406  	IsNameField 				bool
   407  	IsSortingDisabled 			bool
   408  	ReparentableMasterDetail 	bool
   409  	Label 						string
   410  	Length 						int
   411  	LookupFilter 				LookupFilter
   412  	MaskChar 					EncryptedFieldMaskChar
   413  	MaskType 					EncryptedFieldMaskType
   414  	Picklist 					Picklist
   415  	PopulateExistingRows		bool
   416  	Precision 					int
   417  	ReferenceTargetField		string
   418  	ReferenceTo 				string
   419  	RelationshipLabel 			string
   420  	RelationshipName 			string
   421  	RelationshipOrder 			int
   422  	Required 					bool
   423  	Scale 						int
   424  	StartingNumber 				int
   425  	StripMarkup 				bool
   426  	SummarizedField 			string
   427  	SummaryFilterItems 			[]FilterItem
   428  	SummaryForeignKey 			string
   429  	SummaryOperations 			SummaryOperations
   430  	TrackFeedHistory 			bool
   431  	TrackHistory 				bool
   432  	TrackTrending 				bool
   433  	TrueValueIndexed 			bool
   434  	Type 						FieldType
   435  	Unique 						bool
   436  	VisibleLines 				int
   437  	WriteRequiresMasterRead 	bool
   438  }
   440  type EncryptedFieldMaskChar int
   441  const (
   442  	Asterisk EncryptedFieldMaskChar = 1 + iota
   443  	X
   444  )
   445  var encryptedFieldMaskChars = [...]string {
   446  	"asterisk",
   447  	"X",
   448  }
   449  func (efm EncryptedFieldMaskChar) String() string { return encryptedFieldMaskChars[efm - 1] }
   451  type EncryptedFieldMaskType int
   452  const (
   453  	All EncryptedFieldMaskType = 1 + iota
   454  	CreditCard
   455  	Ssn
   456  	LastFour
   457  	Sin
   458  	Nino
   459  )
   460  var encryptedFieldMaskTypes = [...]string {
   461  	"all",
   462  	"creditCard",
   463  	"ssn",
   464  	"lastFour",
   465  	"sin",
   466  	"nino",
   467  }
   468  func (efmt EncryptedFieldMaskType) String() string { return encryptedFieldMaskTypes[efmt - 1] }
   470  type DeleteConstraint int
   471  const (
   472  	SetNull DeleteConstraint = 1 + iota
   473  	Restrict
   474  	Cascade
   475  )
   476  var deleteConstraints = [...]string {
   477  	"SetNull",
   478  	"Restrict",
   479  	"Cascade",
   480  }
   481  func (dc DeleteConstraint) String() string { return deleteConstraints[dc - 1] }
   483  type TreatBlankAs int
   484  const (
   485  	BlankAsBlank TreatBlankAs = 1 + iota
   486  	BlankAsZero
   487  )
   488  var treatBlankAs = [...]string {
   489  	"BlankAsBlank",
   490  	"BlankAsZero",
   491  }
   492  func (tba TreatBlankAs) String() string { return treatBlankAs[tba - 1] }
   494  type FilterOperation int
   495  const (
   496  	Equals FilterOperation = 1 + iota
   497  	NotEqual
   498  	LessThan
   499  	GreaterThan
   500  	LessOrEqual
   501  	GreaterOrEqual
   502  	Contains
   503  	NotContain
   504  	StartsWith
   505  	Includes
   506  	Excludes
   507  	Within
   508  )
   509  var filterOperations = [...]string {
   510  	"equals",
   511  	"notEqual",
   512  	"lessThan",
   513  	"greaterThan",
   514  	"lessOrEqual",
   515  	"greaterOrEqual",
   516  	"contains",
   517  	"notContain",
   518  	"startsWith",
   519  	"includes",
   520  	"excludes",
   521  	"within",
   522  }
   523  func (fo FilterOperation) String() string { return filterOperations[fo - 1] }
   525  type PickList struct {
   526  	ControllingField 			string
   527  	PicklistValues 				[]PicklistValue
   528  	Sorted 						bool
   529  }
   531  type FilterItem struct {
   532  	Field 			string
   533  	Operation 		FilterOperation
   534  	Value 			string
   535  	ValueField 		string
   536  }
   538  type LookupFilter struct {
   539  	Active 				bool
   540  	BooleanFilter 		string
   541  	Description 		string
   542  	ErrorMessage 		string
   543  	FilterItems 		[]FilterItem
   544  	InfoMessage 		string
   545  	IsOptional 			bool
   546  }
   549  // Example of how to use Go's reflection
   550  // Print the attributes of a Data Model
   551  func getAttributes(m interface{}) map[string]reflect.StructField {
   552  	typ := reflect.TypeOf(m)
   553  	// if a pointer to a struct is passed, get the type of the dereferenced object
   554  	if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
   555  		typ = typ.Elem()
   556  	}
   558  	// create an attribute data structure as a map of types keyed by a string.
   559  	attrs := make(map[string]reflect.StructField)
   560  	// Only structs are supported so return an empty result if the passed object
   561  	// isn't a struct
   562  	if typ.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
   563  		fmt.Printf("%v type can't have attributes inspected\n", typ.Kind())
   564  		return attrs
   565  	}
   567  	// loop through the struct's fields and set the map
   568  	for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
   569  		p := typ.Field(i)
   570  		if !p.Anonymous {
   571  			attrs[strings.ToLower(p.Name)] = p
   572  		}
   573  	}
   575  	return attrs
   576  }
   578  func ValidateOptionsAndDefaults(typ string, fields map[string]reflect.StructField, requiredDefaults reflect.Value, options map[string]string) (newOptions map[string]string, err error) {
   579  	newOptions = make(map[string]string)
   580  	// validate optional attributes
   581  	for name, value := range options {
   582  		fmt.Printf("%-v", fields)
   583  		field, ok := fields[strings.ToLower(name)]
   584  		if !ok {
   585  			ErrorAndExit(fmt.Sprintf("validation error: %s:%s is not a valid option for field type %s", name, value, typ))
   586  		} else {
   587  			newOptions[field.Tag.Get("xml")] = options[name]
   588  		}
   589  	}
   591  	// validate required attributes
   592  	s := requiredDefaults
   593  	tod := s.Type()
   594  	for i := 0; i < s.NumField(); i++ {
   595  		_, ok := options[strings.ToLower(tod.Field(i).Name)]
   596  		if !ok {
   597  			switch s.Field(i).Type().Name() {
   598  			case "int":
   599  				newOptions[tod.Field(i).Tag.Get("xml")] = strconv.Itoa(s.Field(i).Interface().(int))
   600  				break
   601  			case "bool":
   602  				if typ == "bool" {
   603  					if _, ok = options["formula"]; ok {
   604  						if tod.Field(i).Tag.Get("xml") == "defaultValue" {
   605  							break
   606  						}
   607  					}
   608  				} //else {
   609  				newOptions[tod.Field(i).Tag.Get("xml")] = strconv.FormatBool(s.Field(i).Interface().(bool))
   610  				//}
   611  				break
   612  			case "string":
   613  				newOptions[tod.Field(i).Tag.Get("xml")] = s.Field(i).Interface().(string)
   614  				break
   615  			}
   616  		} else {
   617  			newOptions[tod.Field(i).Tag.Get("xml")] = options[strings.ToLower(tod.Field(i).Name)]
   618  		}
   619  	}
   620  	return newOptions, err
   621  }
   623  func (fm *ForceMetadata) ValidateFieldOptions(typ string, options map[string]string) (newOptions map[string]string, err error) {
   625  	newOptions = make(map[string]string)
   626  	var attrs map[string]reflect.StructField
   627  	var s reflect.Value
   629  	switch typ {
   630  	case "picklist":
   631  		attrs = getAttributes(&PicklistField{})
   632  		s = reflect.ValueOf(&PicklistFieldRequired{}).Elem()
   633  	case "phone":
   634  		attrs = getAttributes(&PhoneField{})
   635  		s = reflect.ValueOf(&PhoneFieldRequired{}).Elem()
   636  		break
   637  	case "email", "url":
   638  		attrs = getAttributes(&StringField{})
   639  		s = reflect.ValueOf(&EmailFieldRequired{}).Elem()
   640  		break
   641  	case "encryptedtext":
   642  		attrs = getAttributes(&EncryptedField{})
   643  		s = reflect.ValueOf(&EncryptedFieldRequired{175, "all", "asterisk"}).Elem()
   644  		break
   645  	case "string", "text":
   646  		attrs = getAttributes(&StringField{})
   647  		if _, ok := options["formula"]; ok {
   648  			s = reflect.ValueOf(&StringFieldRequired{}).Elem()
   649  		} else {
   650  			s = reflect.ValueOf(&StringFieldRequired{255}).Elem()
   651  		}
   652  		break
   653  	case "textarea":
   654  		attrs = getAttributes(&TextAreaField{})
   655  		s = reflect.ValueOf(&TextAreaFieldRequired{}).Elem()
   656  		break
   657  	case "longtextarea":
   658  		attrs = getAttributes(&LongTextAreaField{})
   659  		s = reflect.ValueOf(&LongTextAreaFieldRequired{32768, 5}).Elem()
   660  		break
   661  	case "richtextarea":
   662  		attrs = getAttributes(&RichTextAreaField{})
   663  		s = reflect.ValueOf(&RichTextAreaFieldRequired{32768, 5}).Elem()
   664  		break
   665  	case "bool", "boolean", "checkbox":
   666  		attrs = getAttributes(&BoolField{})
   667  		if _, ok := options["formula"]; ok {
   668  			s = reflect.ValueOf(&BoolFieldRequired{}).Elem()
   669  		} else {
   670  			s = reflect.ValueOf(&BoolFieldRequired{false}).Elem()
   671  		}
   672  		break
   673  	case "datetime", "date":
   674  		attrs = getAttributes(&DatetimeField{})
   675  		s = reflect.ValueOf(&DatetimeFieldRequired{}).Elem()
   676  		break
   677  	case "float", "double", "percent", "currency":
   678  		attrs = getAttributes(&FloatField{})
   679  		s = reflect.ValueOf(&FloatFieldRequired{16, 2}).Elem()
   680  		break
   681  	case "number", "int":
   682  		attrs = getAttributes(&NumberField{})
   683  		s = reflect.ValueOf(&NumberFieldRequired{18, 0}).Elem()
   684  		break
   685  	case "autonumber":
   686  		attrs = getAttributes(&AutoNumberField{})
   687  		s = reflect.ValueOf(&AutoNumberFieldRequired{0, "AN-{00000}"}).Elem()
   688  		break
   689  	case "geolocation":
   690  		attrs = getAttributes(&GeolocationField{})
   691  		s = reflect.ValueOf(&GeolocationFieldRequired{true, 5}).Elem()
   692  		break
   693  	case "lookup":
   694  		attrs = getAttributes(&LookupField{})
   695  		s = reflect.ValueOf(&LookupFieldRequired{}).Elem()
   696  		break
   697  	case "masterdetail":
   698  		attrs = getAttributes(&MasterDetail{})
   699  		s = reflect.ValueOf(&MasterDetailRequired{}).Elem()
   700  		break
   701  	default:
   702  		//ErrorAndExit(fmt.Sprintf("Field type %s is not implemented.", typ))
   703  		break
   704  	}
   706  	fmt.Println("Attrs: ", s)
   707  	newOptions, err = ValidateOptionsAndDefaults(typ, attrs, s, options)
   709  	return newOptions, nil
   710  }
   712  func NewForceMetadata(force *Force) (fm *ForceMetadata) {
   713  	fm = &ForceMetadata{ApiVersion: apiVersionNumber, Force: force}
   714  	return
   715  }
   716  */