
     1  # Examples
     3  here is some list to demonstrate the usage of `milvus-sdk-go`
     5  - [Basic Usage](basic/basic.go) Shows some basic DDL(data definition language) like operations. Create collection, create partitions...
     6  - [Insert and Search](insert/insert.go) Insert & search example, parses [films.csv](films.csv) and insert into collection and do searching
     7  - [Index building](index/index.go) Index related creation/search example, time consumption compared as well
     8  - [Calculate Distance](calcdistance/calc_distance.go) Calculate distance between vectors. Both ids or raw vectors example are presented.
     9  - [Hello Milvus](hello_milvus/hello_milvus.go) Golang version of [hello_milvus](
    10  - [Use database](database/database.go) Create, use and drop database of Milvus, isolate your data in the unique Milvus cluster.