
     1  ---
     2  layout: "intro"
     3  page_title: "Next Steps"
     4  sidebar_current: "gettingstarted-nextsteps"
     5  description: |-
     6    That concludes the getting started guide for Terraform. Hopefully you're now able to not only see what Terraform is useful for, but you're also able to put this knowledge to use to improve building your own infrastructure.
     7  ---
     9  # Next Steps
    11  That concludes the getting started guide for Terraform. Hopefully
    12  you're now able to not only see what Terraform is useful for, but
    13  you're also able to put this knowledge to use to improve building
    14  your own infrastructure.
    16  We've covered the basics for all of these features in this guide.
    18  As a next step, the following resources are available:
    20  * [Documentation](/docs/index.html) - The documentation is an in-depth
    21    reference guide to all the features of Terraform, including
    22    technical details about the internals of how Terraform operates.
    24  * [Examples](/intro/examples/index.html) - The examples have more full
    25    featured configuration files, showing some of the possibilities
    26    with Terraform.
    28  * [Import](/docs/import/index.html) - The import section of the documentation
    29    covers importing existing infrastructure into Terraform.