
     1  # @format
     3  swagger: "2.0"
     4  info:
     5    title: MinIO Console Server
     6    version: 0.1.0
     7  consumes:
     8    - application/json
     9  produces:
    10    - application/json
    11  schemes:
    12    - http
    13    - ws
    14  basePath: /api/v1
    15  # We are going to be taking `Authorization: Bearer TOKEN` header for our authentication
    16  securityDefinitions:
    17    key:
    18      type: oauth2
    19      flow: accessCode
    20      authorizationUrl:
    21      tokenUrl:
    22    anonymous:
    23      name: X-Anonymous
    24      in: header
    25      type: apiKey
    26  # Apply the key security definition to all APIs
    27  security:
    28    - key: []
    29  parameters:
    30    limit:
    31      name: limit
    32      in: query
    33      type: number
    34      format: int32
    35      default: 20
    36    offset:
    37      name: offset
    38      in: query
    39      type: number
    40      format: int32
    41      default: 0
    42  paths:
    43    /login:
    44      get:
    45        summary: Returns login strategy, form or sso.
    46        operationId: LoginDetail
    47        responses:
    48          200:
    49            description: A successful response.
    50            schema:
    51              $ref: "#/definitions/loginDetails"
    52          default:
    53            description: Generic error response.
    54            schema:
    55              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
    56        # Exclude this API from the authentication requirement
    57        security: []
    58        tags:
    59          - Auth
    60      post:
    61        summary: Login to Console
    62        operationId: Login
    63        parameters:
    64          - name: body
    65            in: body
    66            required: true
    67            schema:
    68              $ref: "#/definitions/loginRequest"
    69        responses:
    70          204:
    71            description: A successful login.
    72          default:
    73            description: Generic error response.
    74            schema:
    75              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
    76        # Exclude this API from the authentication requirement
    77        security: []
    78        tags:
    79          - Auth
    80    /login/oauth2/auth:
    81      post:
    82        summary: Identity Provider oauth2 callback endpoint.
    83        operationId: LoginOauth2Auth
    84        parameters:
    85          - name: body
    86            in: body
    87            required: true
    88            schema:
    89              $ref: "#/definitions/loginOauth2AuthRequest"
    90        responses:
    91          204:
    92            description: A successful login.
    93          default:
    94            description: Generic error response.
    95            schema:
    96              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
    97        security: []
    98        tags:
    99          - Auth
   101    /logout:
   102      post:
   103        summary: Logout from Console.
   104        operationId: Logout
   105        parameters:
   106          - name: body
   107            in: body
   108            required: true
   109            schema:
   110              $ref: "#/definitions/logoutRequest"
   111        responses:
   112          200:
   113            description: A successful response.
   114          default:
   115            description: Generic error response.
   116            schema:
   117              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   118        tags:
   119          - Auth
   121    /session:
   122      get:
   123        summary: Endpoint to check if your session is still valid
   124        operationId: SessionCheck
   125        responses:
   126          200:
   127            description: A successful response.
   128            schema:
   129              $ref: "#/definitions/sessionResponse"
   130          default:
   131            description: Generic error response.
   132            schema:
   133              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   134        tags:
   135          - Auth
   137    /account/change-password:
   138      post:
   139        summary: Change password of currently logged in user.
   140        operationId: AccountChangePassword
   141        parameters:
   142          - name: body
   143            in: body
   144            required: true
   145            schema:
   146              $ref: "#/definitions/accountChangePasswordRequest"
   147        responses:
   148          204:
   149            description: A successful login.
   150          default:
   151            description: Generic error response.
   152            schema:
   153              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   154        tags:
   155          - Account
   157    /account/change-user-password:
   158      post:
   159        summary: Change password of currently logged in user.
   160        operationId: ChangeUserPassword
   161        parameters:
   162          - name: body
   163            in: body
   164            required: true
   165            schema:
   166              $ref: "#/definitions/changeUserPasswordRequest"
   167        responses:
   168          201:
   169            description: Password successfully changed.
   170          default:
   171            description: Generic error response.
   172            schema:
   173              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   174        tags:
   175          - Account
   177    /buckets:
   178      get:
   179        summary: List Buckets
   180        operationId: ListBuckets
   181        responses:
   182          200:
   183            description: A successful response.
   184            schema:
   185              $ref: "#/definitions/listBucketsResponse"
   186          default:
   187            description: Generic error response.
   188            schema:
   189              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   190        tags:
   191          - Bucket
   192      post:
   193        summary: Make bucket
   194        operationId: MakeBucket
   195        parameters:
   196          - name: body
   197            in: body
   198            required: true
   199            schema:
   200              $ref: "#/definitions/makeBucketRequest"
   201        responses:
   202          200:
   203            description: A successful response.
   204            schema:
   205              $ref: "#/definitions/makeBucketsResponse"
   206          default:
   207            description: Generic error response.
   208            schema:
   209              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   210        tags:
   211          - Bucket
   213    /buckets/{name}:
   214      get:
   215        summary: Bucket Info
   216        operationId: BucketInfo
   217        parameters:
   218          - name: name
   219            in: path
   220            required: true
   221            type: string
   222        responses:
   223          200:
   224            description: A successful response.
   225            schema:
   226              $ref: "#/definitions/bucket"
   227          default:
   228            description: Generic error response.
   229            schema:
   230              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   231        tags:
   232          - Bucket
   233      delete:
   234        summary: Delete Bucket
   235        operationId: DeleteBucket
   236        parameters:
   237          - name: name
   238            in: path
   239            required: true
   240            type: string
   241        responses:
   242          204:
   243            description: A successful response.
   244          default:
   245            description: Generic error response.
   246            schema:
   247              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   248        tags:
   249          - Bucket
   251    /buckets/{bucket_name}/retention:
   252      get:
   253        summary: Get Bucket's retention config
   254        operationId: GetBucketRetentionConfig
   255        parameters:
   256          - name: bucket_name
   257            in: path
   258            required: true
   259            type: string
   260        responses:
   261          200:
   262            description: A successful response.
   263            schema:
   264              $ref: "#/definitions/getBucketRetentionConfig"
   265          default:
   266            description: Generic error response.
   267            schema:
   268              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   269        tags:
   270          - Bucket
   271      put:
   272        summary: Set Bucket's retention config
   273        operationId: SetBucketRetentionConfig
   274        parameters:
   275          - name: bucket_name
   276            in: path
   277            required: true
   278            type: string
   279          - name: body
   280            in: body
   281            required: true
   282            schema:
   283              $ref: "#/definitions/putBucketRetentionRequest"
   284        responses:
   285          200:
   286            description: A successful response.
   287          default:
   288            description: Generic error response.
   289            schema:
   290              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   291        tags:
   292          - Bucket
   294    /buckets/{bucket_name}/objects:
   295      get:
   296        summary: List Objects
   297        security:
   298          - key: []
   299          - anonymous: []
   300        operationId: ListObjects
   301        parameters:
   302          - name: bucket_name
   303            in: path
   304            required: true
   305            type: string
   306          - name: prefix
   307            in: query
   308            required: false
   309            type: string
   310          - name: recursive
   311            in: query
   312            required: false
   313            type: boolean
   314          - name: with_versions
   315            in: query
   316            required: false
   317            type: boolean
   318          - name: with_metadata
   319            in: query
   320            required: false
   321            type: boolean
   322          - $ref: "#/parameters/limit"
   323        responses:
   324          200:
   325            description: A successful response.
   326            schema:
   327              $ref: "#/definitions/listObjectsResponse"
   328          default:
   329            description: Generic error response.
   330            schema:
   331              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   332        tags:
   333          - Object
   334      delete:
   335        summary: Delete Object
   336        operationId: DeleteObject
   337        parameters:
   338          - name: bucket_name
   339            in: path
   340            required: true
   341            type: string
   342          - name: prefix
   343            in: query
   344            required: true
   345            type: string
   346          - name: version_id
   347            in: query
   348            required: false
   349            type: string
   350          - name: recursive
   351            in: query
   352            required: false
   353            type: boolean
   354          - name: all_versions
   355            in: query
   356            required: false
   357            type: boolean
   358          - name: non_current_versions
   359            in: query
   360            required: false
   361            type: boolean
   362          - name: bypass
   363            in: query
   364            required: false
   365            type: boolean
   366        responses:
   367          200:
   368            description: A successful response.
   369          default:
   370            description: Generic error response.
   371            schema:
   372              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   373        tags:
   374          - Object
   376    /buckets/{bucket_name}/delete-objects:
   377      post:
   378        summary: Delete Multiple Objects
   379        operationId: DeleteMultipleObjects
   380        parameters:
   381          - name: bucket_name
   382            in: path
   383            required: true
   384            type: string
   385          - name: all_versions
   386            in: query
   387            required: false
   388            type: boolean
   389          - name: bypass
   390            in: query
   391            required: false
   392            type: boolean
   393          - name: files
   394            in: body
   395            required: true
   396            schema:
   397              type: array
   398              items:
   399                $ref: "#/definitions/deleteFile"
   400        responses:
   401          200:
   402            description: A successful response.
   403          default:
   404            description: Generic error response.
   405            schema:
   406              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   407        tags:
   408          - Object
   410    /buckets/{bucket_name}/objects/upload:
   411      post:
   412        summary: Uploads an Object.
   413        security:
   414          - key: []
   415          - anonymous: []
   416        consumes:
   417          - multipart/form-data
   418        parameters:
   419          - name: bucket_name
   420            in: path
   421            required: true
   422            type: string
   423          - name: prefix
   424            in: query
   425            type: string
   426        responses:
   427          200:
   428            description: A successful response.
   429          default:
   430            description: Generic error response.
   431            schema:
   432              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   433        tags:
   434          - Object
   436    /buckets/{bucket_name}/objects/download-multiple:
   437      post:
   438        summary: Download Multiple Objects
   439        operationId: DownloadMultipleObjects
   440        security:
   441          - key: []
   442          - anonymous: []
   443        produces:
   444          - application/octet-stream
   445        parameters:
   446          - name: bucket_name
   447            in: path
   448            required: true
   449            type: string
   450          - name: objectList
   451            in: body
   452            required: true
   453            schema:
   454              type: array
   455              items:
   456                type: string
   457        responses:
   458          200:
   459            description: A successful response.
   460            schema:
   461              type: file
   462          default:
   463            description: Generic error response.
   464            schema:
   465              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   466        tags:
   467          - Object
   469    /buckets/{bucket_name}/objects/download:
   470      get:
   471        summary: Download Object
   472        operationId: Download Object
   473        security:
   474          - key: []
   475          - anonymous: []
   476        produces:
   477          - application/octet-stream
   478        parameters:
   479          - name: bucket_name
   480            in: path
   481            required: true
   482            type: string
   483          - name: prefix
   484            in: query
   485            required: true
   486            type: string
   487          - name: version_id
   488            in: query
   489            required: false
   490            type: string
   491          - name: preview
   492            in: query
   493            required: false
   494            type: boolean
   495            default: false
   496          - name: override_file_name
   497            in: query
   498            required: false
   499            type: string
   500            default: ""
   501        responses:
   502          200:
   503            description: A successful response.
   504            schema:
   505              type: file
   506          default:
   507            description: Generic error response.
   508            schema:
   509              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   510        tags:
   511          - Object
   513    /buckets/{bucket_name}/objects/share:
   514      get:
   515        summary: Shares an Object on a url
   516        operationId: ShareObject
   517        parameters:
   518          - name: bucket_name
   519            in: path
   520            required: true
   521            type: string
   522          - name: prefix
   523            in: query
   524            required: true
   525            type: string
   526          - name: version_id
   527            in: query
   528            required: true
   529            type: string
   530          - name: expires
   531            in: query
   532            required: false
   533            type: string
   534        responses:
   535          200:
   536            description: A successful response.
   537            schema:
   538              type: string
   539          default:
   540            description: Generic error response.
   541            schema:
   542              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   543        tags:
   544          - Object
   545    /buckets/{bucket_name}/objects/legalhold:
   546      put:
   547        summary: Put Object's legalhold status
   548        operationId: PutObjectLegalHold
   549        parameters:
   550          - name: bucket_name
   551            in: path
   552            required: true
   553            type: string
   554          - name: prefix
   555            in: query
   556            required: true
   557            type: string
   558          - name: version_id
   559            in: query
   560            required: true
   561            type: string
   562          - name: body
   563            in: body
   564            required: true
   565            schema:
   566              $ref: "#/definitions/putObjectLegalHoldRequest"
   567        responses:
   568          200:
   569            description: A successful response.
   570          default:
   571            description: Generic error response.
   572            schema:
   573              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   574        tags:
   575          - Object
   577    /buckets/{bucket_name}/objects/retention:
   578      put:
   579        summary: Put Object's retention status
   580        operationId: PutObjectRetention
   581        parameters:
   582          - name: bucket_name
   583            in: path
   584            required: true
   585            type: string
   586          - name: prefix
   587            in: query
   588            required: true
   589            type: string
   590          - name: version_id
   591            in: query
   592            required: true
   593            type: string
   594          - name: body
   595            in: body
   596            required: true
   597            schema:
   598              $ref: "#/definitions/putObjectRetentionRequest"
   599        responses:
   600          200:
   601            description: A successful response.
   602          default:
   603            description: Generic error response.
   604            schema:
   605              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   606        tags:
   607          - Object
   608      delete:
   609        summary: Delete Object retention from an object
   610        operationId: DeleteObjectRetention
   611        parameters:
   612          - name: bucket_name
   613            in: path
   614            required: true
   615            type: string
   616          - name: prefix
   617            in: query
   618            required: true
   619            type: string
   620          - name: version_id
   621            in: query
   622            required: true
   623            type: string
   624        responses:
   625          200:
   626            description: A successful response.
   627          default:
   628            description: Generic error response.
   629            schema:
   630              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   631        tags:
   632          - Object
   634    /buckets/{bucket_name}/objects/tags:
   635      put:
   636        summary: Put Object's tags
   637        operationId: PutObjectTags
   638        parameters:
   639          - name: bucket_name
   640            in: path
   641            required: true
   642            type: string
   643          - name: prefix
   644            in: query
   645            required: true
   646            type: string
   647          - name: version_id
   648            in: query
   649            required: true
   650            type: string
   651          - name: body
   652            in: body
   653            required: true
   654            schema:
   655              $ref: "#/definitions/putObjectTagsRequest"
   656        responses:
   657          200:
   658            description: A successful response.
   659          default:
   660            description: Generic error response.
   661            schema:
   662              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   663        tags:
   664          - Object
   666    /buckets/{bucket_name}/objects/restore:
   667      put:
   668        summary: Restore Object to a selected version
   669        operationId: PutObjectRestore
   670        parameters:
   671          - name: bucket_name
   672            in: path
   673            required: true
   674            type: string
   675          - name: prefix
   676            in: query
   677            required: true
   678            type: string
   679          - name: version_id
   680            in: query
   681            required: true
   682            type: string
   683        responses:
   684          200:
   685            description: A successful response.
   686          default:
   687            description: Generic error response.
   688            schema:
   689              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   690        tags:
   691          - Object
   693    /buckets/{bucket_name}/objects/metadata:
   694      get:
   695        summary: Gets the metadata of an object
   696        operationId: GetObjectMetadata
   697        parameters:
   698          - name: bucket_name
   699            in: path
   700            required: true
   701            type: string
   702          - name: prefix
   703            in: query
   704            required: true
   705            type: string
   706          - name: versionID
   707            in: query
   708            type: string
   709        responses:
   710          200:
   711            description: A successful response.
   712            schema:
   713              $ref: "#/definitions/metadata"
   714          default:
   715            description: Generic error response.
   716            schema:
   717              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   718        tags:
   719          - Object
   721    /buckets/{bucket_name}/tags:
   722      put:
   723        summary: Put Bucket's tags
   724        operationId: PutBucketTags
   725        parameters:
   726          - name: bucket_name
   727            in: path
   728            required: true
   729            type: string
   730          - name: body
   731            in: body
   732            required: true
   733            schema:
   734              $ref: "#/definitions/putBucketTagsRequest"
   735        responses:
   736          200:
   737            description: A successful response.
   738          default:
   739            description: Generic error response.
   740            schema:
   741              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   742        tags:
   743          - Bucket
   745    /buckets/{name}/set-policy:
   746      put:
   747        summary: Bucket Set Policy
   748        operationId: BucketSetPolicy
   749        parameters:
   750          - name: name
   751            in: path
   752            required: true
   753            type: string
   754          - name: body
   755            in: body
   756            required: true
   757            schema:
   758              $ref: "#/definitions/setBucketPolicyRequest"
   759        responses:
   760          200:
   761            description: A successful response.
   762            schema:
   763              $ref: "#/definitions/bucket"
   764          default:
   765            description: Generic error response.
   766            schema:
   767              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   768        tags:
   769          - Bucket
   771    /buckets/{name}/quota:
   772      get:
   773        summary: Get Bucket Quota
   774        operationId: GetBucketQuota
   775        parameters:
   776          - name: name
   777            in: path
   778            required: true
   779            type: string
   780        responses:
   781          200:
   782            description: A successful response.
   783            schema:
   784              $ref: "#/definitions/bucketQuota"
   785          default:
   786            description: Generic error response.
   787            schema:
   788              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   789        tags:
   790          - Bucket
   791      put:
   792        summary: Bucket Quota
   793        operationId: SetBucketQuota
   794        parameters:
   795          - name: name
   796            in: path
   797            required: true
   798            type: string
   799          - name: body
   800            in: body
   801            required: true
   802            schema:
   803              $ref: "#/definitions/setBucketQuota"
   804        responses:
   805          200:
   806            description: A successful response.
   807            schema:
   808              $ref: "#/definitions/bucket"
   809          default:
   810            description: Generic error response.
   811            schema:
   812              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   813        tags:
   814          - Bucket
   816    /buckets/{bucket_name}/events:
   817      get:
   818        summary: List Bucket Events
   819        operationId: ListBucketEvents
   820        parameters:
   821          - name: bucket_name
   822            in: path
   823            required: true
   824            type: string
   825          - $ref: "#/parameters/offset"
   826          - $ref: "#/parameters/limit"
   827        responses:
   828          200:
   829            description: A successful response.
   830            schema:
   831              $ref: "#/definitions/listBucketEventsResponse"
   832          default:
   833            description: Generic error response.
   834            schema:
   835              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   836        tags:
   837          - Bucket
   838      post:
   839        summary: Create Bucket Event
   840        operationId: CreateBucketEvent
   841        parameters:
   842          - name: bucket_name
   843            in: path
   844            required: true
   845            type: string
   846          - name: body
   847            in: body
   848            required: true
   849            schema:
   850              $ref: "#/definitions/bucketEventRequest"
   851        responses:
   852          201:
   853            description: A successful response.
   854          default:
   855            description: Generic error response.
   856            schema:
   857              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   858        tags:
   859          - Bucket
   861    /buckets/{bucket_name}/events/{arn}:
   862      delete:
   863        summary: Delete Bucket Event
   864        operationId: DeleteBucketEvent
   865        parameters:
   866          - name: bucket_name
   867            in: path
   868            required: true
   869            type: string
   870          - name: arn
   871            in: path
   872            required: true
   873            type: string
   874          - name: body
   875            in: body
   876            required: true
   877            schema:
   878              $ref: "#/definitions/notificationDeleteRequest"
   879        responses:
   880          204:
   881            description: A successful response.
   882          default:
   883            description: Generic error response.
   884            schema:
   885              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   886        tags:
   887          - Bucket
   889    /buckets/{bucket_name}/replication:
   890      get:
   891        summary: Bucket Replication
   892        operationId: GetBucketReplication
   893        parameters:
   894          - name: bucket_name
   895            in: path
   896            required: true
   897            type: string
   898        responses:
   899          200:
   900            description: A successful response.
   901            schema:
   902              $ref: "#/definitions/bucketReplicationResponse"
   903          default:
   904            description: Generic error response.
   905            schema:
   906              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   907        tags:
   908          - Bucket
   910    /buckets/{bucket_name}/replication/{rule_id}:
   911      get:
   912        summary: Bucket Replication
   913        operationId: GetBucketReplicationRule
   914        parameters:
   915          - name: bucket_name
   916            in: path
   917            required: true
   918            type: string
   919          - name: rule_id
   920            in: path
   921            required: true
   922            type: string
   923        responses:
   924          200:
   925            description: A successful response.
   926            schema:
   927              $ref: "#/definitions/bucketReplicationRule"
   928          default:
   929            description: Generic error response.
   930            schema:
   931              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   932        tags:
   933          - Bucket
   935      put:
   936        summary: Update Replication rule
   937        operationId: UpdateMultiBucketReplication
   938        parameters:
   939          - name: bucket_name
   940            in: path
   941            required: true
   942            type: string
   943          - name: rule_id
   944            in: path
   945            required: true
   946            type: string
   947          - name: body
   948            in: body
   949            required: true
   950            schema:
   951              $ref: "#/definitions/multiBucketReplicationEdit"
   952        responses:
   953          201:
   954            description: A successful response.
   955          default:
   956            description: Generic error response.
   957            schema:
   958              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   959        tags:
   960          - Bucket
   962      delete:
   963        summary: Bucket Replication Rule Delete
   964        operationId: DeleteBucketReplicationRule
   965        parameters:
   966          - name: bucket_name
   967            in: path
   968            required: true
   969            type: string
   970          - name: rule_id
   971            in: path
   972            required: true
   973            type: string
   975        responses:
   976          204:
   977            description: A successful response.
   978          default:
   979            description: Generic error response.
   980            schema:
   981              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
   982        tags:
   983          - Bucket
   985    /buckets/{bucket_name}/delete-all-replication-rules:
   986      delete:
   987        summary: Deletes all replication rules from a bucket
   988        operationId: DeleteAllReplicationRules
   989        parameters:
   990          - name: bucket_name
   991            in: path
   992            required: true
   993            type: string
   994        responses:
   995          204:
   996            description: A successful response.
   997          default:
   998            description: Generic error response.
   999            schema:
  1000              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1001        tags:
  1002          - Bucket
  1004    /buckets/{bucket_name}/delete-selected-replication-rules:
  1005      delete:
  1006        summary: Deletes selected replication rules from a bucket
  1007        operationId: DeleteSelectedReplicationRules
  1008        parameters:
  1009          - name: bucket_name
  1010            in: path
  1011            required: true
  1012            type: string
  1013          - name: rules
  1014            in: body
  1015            required: true
  1016            schema:
  1017              $ref: "#/definitions/bucketReplicationRuleList"
  1018        responses:
  1019          204:
  1020            description: A successful response.
  1021          default:
  1022            description: Generic error response.
  1023            schema:
  1024              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1025        tags:
  1026          - Bucket
  1028    /buckets/{bucket_name}/versioning:
  1029      get:
  1030        summary: Bucket Versioning
  1031        operationId: GetBucketVersioning
  1032        parameters:
  1033          - name: bucket_name
  1034            in: path
  1035            required: true
  1036            type: string
  1037        responses:
  1038          200:
  1039            description: A successful response.
  1040            schema:
  1041              $ref: "#/definitions/bucketVersioningResponse"
  1042          default:
  1043            description: Generic error response.
  1044            schema:
  1045              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1046        tags:
  1047          - Bucket
  1048      put:
  1049        summary: Set Bucket Versioning
  1050        operationId: SetBucketVersioning
  1051        parameters:
  1052          - name: bucket_name
  1053            in: path
  1054            required: true
  1055            type: string
  1056          - name: body
  1057            in: body
  1058            required: true
  1059            schema:
  1060              $ref: "#/definitions/setBucketVersioning"
  1061        responses:
  1062          201:
  1063            description: A successful response.
  1064          default:
  1065            description: Generic error response.
  1066            schema:
  1067              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1068        tags:
  1069          - Bucket
  1071    /buckets/{bucket_name}/object-locking:
  1072      get:
  1073        summary: Returns the status of object locking support on the bucket
  1074        operationId: GetBucketObjectLockingStatus
  1075        parameters:
  1076          - name: bucket_name
  1077            in: path
  1078            required: true
  1079            type: string
  1080        responses:
  1081          200:
  1082            description: A successful response.
  1083            schema:
  1084              $ref: "#/definitions/bucketObLockingResponse"
  1085          default:
  1086            description: Generic error response.
  1087            schema:
  1088              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1089        tags:
  1090          - Bucket
  1092    /buckets/{bucket_name}/encryption/enable:
  1093      post:
  1094        summary: Enable bucket encryption.
  1095        operationId: EnableBucketEncryption
  1096        parameters:
  1097          - name: bucket_name
  1098            in: path
  1099            required: true
  1100            type: string
  1101          - name: body
  1102            in: body
  1103            required: true
  1104            schema:
  1105              $ref: "#/definitions/bucketEncryptionRequest"
  1106        responses:
  1107          200:
  1108            description: A successful response.
  1109          default:
  1110            description: Generic error response.
  1111            schema:
  1112              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1113        tags:
  1114          - Bucket
  1116    /buckets/{bucket_name}/encryption/disable:
  1117      post:
  1118        summary: Disable bucket encryption.
  1119        operationId: DisableBucketEncryption
  1120        parameters:
  1121          - name: bucket_name
  1122            in: path
  1123            required: true
  1124            type: string
  1125        responses:
  1126          200:
  1127            description: A successful response.
  1128          default:
  1129            description: Generic error response.
  1130            schema:
  1131              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1132        tags:
  1133          - Bucket
  1135    /buckets/{bucket_name}/encryption/info:
  1136      get:
  1137        summary: Get bucket encryption information.
  1138        operationId: GetBucketEncryptionInfo
  1139        parameters:
  1140          - name: bucket_name
  1141            in: path
  1142            required: true
  1143            type: string
  1144        responses:
  1145          200:
  1146            description: A successful response.
  1147            schema:
  1148              $ref: "#/definitions/bucketEncryptionInfo"
  1149          default:
  1150            description: Generic error response.
  1151            schema:
  1152              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1153        tags:
  1154          - Bucket
  1156    /buckets/{bucket_name}/lifecycle:
  1157      get:
  1158        summary: Bucket Lifecycle
  1159        operationId: GetBucketLifecycle
  1160        parameters:
  1161          - name: bucket_name
  1162            in: path
  1163            required: true
  1164            type: string
  1165        responses:
  1166          200:
  1167            description: A successful response.
  1168            schema:
  1169              $ref: "#/definitions/bucketLifecycleResponse"
  1170          default:
  1171            description: Generic error response.
  1172            schema:
  1173              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1174        tags:
  1175          - Bucket
  1176      post:
  1177        summary: Add Bucket Lifecycle
  1178        operationId: AddBucketLifecycle
  1179        parameters:
  1180          - name: bucket_name
  1181            in: path
  1182            required: true
  1183            type: string
  1184          - name: body
  1185            in: body
  1186            required: true
  1187            schema:
  1188              $ref: "#/definitions/addBucketLifecycle"
  1189        responses:
  1190          201:
  1191            description: A successful response.
  1192          default:
  1193            description: Generic error response.
  1194            schema:
  1195              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1196        tags:
  1197          - Bucket
  1199    /buckets/multi-lifecycle:
  1200      post:
  1201        summary: Add Multi Bucket Lifecycle
  1202        operationId: AddMultiBucketLifecycle
  1203        parameters:
  1204          - name: body
  1205            in: body
  1206            required: true
  1207            schema:
  1208              $ref: "#/definitions/addMultiBucketLifecycle"
  1209        responses:
  1210          200:
  1211            description: A successful response.
  1212            schema:
  1213              $ref: "#/definitions/multiLifecycleResult"
  1214          default:
  1215            description: Generic error response.
  1216            schema:
  1217              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1218        tags:
  1219          - Bucket
  1221    /buckets/{bucket_name}/lifecycle/{lifecycle_id}:
  1222      put:
  1223        summary: Update Lifecycle rule
  1224        operationId: UpdateBucketLifecycle
  1225        parameters:
  1226          - name: bucket_name
  1227            in: path
  1228            required: true
  1229            type: string
  1230          - name: lifecycle_id
  1231            in: path
  1232            required: true
  1233            type: string
  1234          - name: body
  1235            in: body
  1236            required: true
  1237            schema:
  1238              $ref: "#/definitions/updateBucketLifecycle"
  1239        responses:
  1240          200:
  1241            description: A successful response.
  1242          default:
  1243            description: Generic error response.
  1244            schema:
  1245              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1246        tags:
  1247          - Bucket
  1249      delete:
  1250        summary: Delete Lifecycle rule
  1251        operationId: DeleteBucketLifecycleRule
  1252        parameters:
  1253          - name: bucket_name
  1254            in: path
  1255            required: true
  1256            type: string
  1257          - name: lifecycle_id
  1258            in: path
  1259            required: true
  1260            type: string
  1261        responses:
  1262          204:
  1263            description: A successful response.
  1264          default:
  1265            description: Generic error response.
  1266            schema:
  1267              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1268        tags:
  1269          - Bucket
  1271    /buckets/{bucket_name}/rewind/{date}:
  1272      get:
  1273        summary: Get objects in a bucket for a rewind date
  1274        operationId: GetBucketRewind
  1275        parameters:
  1276          - name: bucket_name
  1277            in: path
  1278            required: true
  1279            type: string
  1280          - name: date
  1281            in: path
  1282            required: true
  1283            type: string
  1284          - name: prefix
  1285            in: query
  1286            required: false
  1287            type: string
  1288        responses:
  1289          200:
  1290            description: A successful response.
  1291            schema:
  1292              $ref: "#/definitions/rewindResponse"
  1293          default:
  1294            description: Generic error response.
  1295            schema:
  1296              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1297        tags:
  1298          - Bucket
  1300    /buckets/max-share-exp:
  1301      get:
  1302        summary: Get max expiration time for share link in seconds
  1303        operationId: GetMaxShareLinkExp
  1304        responses:
  1305          200:
  1306            description: A successful response.
  1307            schema:
  1308              $ref: "#/definitions/maxShareLinkExpResponse"
  1309          default:
  1310            description: Generic error response.
  1311            schema:
  1312              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1313        tags:
  1314          - Bucket
  1316    /list-external-buckets:
  1317      post:
  1318        summary: Lists an External list of buckets using custom credentials
  1319        operationId: ListExternalBuckets
  1320        parameters:
  1321          - name: body
  1322            in: body
  1323            required: true
  1324            schema:
  1325              $ref: "#/definitions/listExternalBucketsParams"
  1326        responses:
  1327          200:
  1328            description: A successful response.
  1329            schema:
  1330              $ref: "#/definitions/listBucketsResponse"
  1331          default:
  1332            description: Generic error response.
  1333            schema:
  1334              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1335        tags:
  1336          - Bucket
  1338    /buckets-replication:
  1339      post:
  1340        summary: Sets Multi Bucket Replication in multiple Buckets
  1341        operationId: SetMultiBucketReplication
  1342        parameters:
  1343          - name: body
  1344            in: body
  1345            required: true
  1346            schema:
  1347              $ref: "#/definitions/multiBucketReplication"
  1348        responses:
  1349          200:
  1350            description: A successful response.
  1351            schema:
  1352              $ref: "#/definitions/multiBucketResponseState"
  1353          default:
  1354            description: Generic error response.
  1355            schema:
  1356              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1357        tags:
  1358          - Bucket
  1360    /service-accounts:
  1361      get:
  1362        summary: List User's Service Accounts
  1363        operationId: ListUserServiceAccounts
  1364        parameters:
  1365          - $ref: "#/parameters/offset"
  1366          - $ref: "#/parameters/limit"
  1367        responses:
  1368          200:
  1369            description: A successful response.
  1370            schema:
  1371              $ref: "#/definitions/serviceAccounts"
  1372          default:
  1373            description: Generic error response.
  1374            schema:
  1375              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1376        tags:
  1377          - ServiceAccount
  1378      post:
  1379        summary: Create Service Account
  1380        operationId: CreateServiceAccount
  1381        parameters:
  1382          - name: body
  1383            in: body
  1384            required: true
  1385            schema:
  1386              $ref: "#/definitions/serviceAccountRequest"
  1387        responses:
  1388          201:
  1389            description: A successful response.
  1390            schema:
  1391              $ref: "#/definitions/serviceAccountCreds"
  1392          default:
  1393            description: Generic error response.
  1394            schema:
  1395              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1396        tags:
  1397          - ServiceAccount
  1399    /service-account-credentials:
  1400      post:
  1401        summary: Create Service Account With Credentials
  1402        operationId: CreateServiceAccountCreds
  1403        parameters:
  1404          - name: body
  1405            in: body
  1406            required: true
  1407            schema:
  1408              $ref: "#/definitions/serviceAccountRequestCreds"
  1409        responses:
  1410          201:
  1411            description: A successful response.
  1412            schema:
  1413              $ref: "#/definitions/serviceAccountCreds"
  1414          default:
  1415            description: Generic error response.
  1416            schema:
  1417              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1418        tags:
  1419          - ServiceAccount
  1421    /service-accounts/delete-multi:
  1422      delete:
  1423        summary: Delete Multiple Service Accounts
  1424        operationId: DeleteMultipleServiceAccounts
  1425        parameters:
  1426          - name: selectedSA
  1427            in: body
  1428            required: true
  1429            schema:
  1430              $ref: "#/definitions/selectedSAs"
  1431        responses:
  1432          204:
  1433            description: A successful response.
  1434          default:
  1435            description: Generic error response.
  1436            schema:
  1437              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1438        tags:
  1439          - ServiceAccount
  1441    /service-accounts/{access_key}:
  1442      get:
  1443        summary: Get Service Account
  1444        operationId: GetServiceAccount
  1445        parameters:
  1446          - name: access_key
  1447            in: path
  1448            required: true
  1449            type: string
  1450        responses:
  1451          200:
  1452            description: A successful response.
  1453            schema:
  1454              $ref: "#/definitions/serviceAccount"
  1455          default:
  1456            description: Generic error response.
  1457            schema:
  1458              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1459        tags:
  1460          - ServiceAccount
  1461      put:
  1462        summary: Set Service Account Policy
  1463        operationId: UpdateServiceAccount
  1464        parameters:
  1465          - name: access_key
  1466            in: path
  1467            required: true
  1468            type: string
  1469          - name: body
  1470            in: body
  1471            required: true
  1472            schema:
  1473              $ref: "#/definitions/updateServiceAccountRequest"
  1474        responses:
  1475          200:
  1476            description: A successful response.
  1477          default:
  1478            description: Generic error response.
  1479            schema:
  1480              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1481        tags:
  1482          - ServiceAccount
  1483      delete:
  1484        summary: Delete Service Account
  1485        operationId: DeleteServiceAccount
  1486        parameters:
  1487          - name: access_key
  1488            in: path
  1489            required: true
  1490            type: string
  1491        responses:
  1492          204:
  1493            description: A successful response.
  1494          default:
  1495            description: Generic error response.
  1496            schema:
  1497              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1498        tags:
  1499          - ServiceAccount
  1501    /users:
  1502      get:
  1503        summary: List Users
  1504        operationId: ListUsers
  1505        parameters:
  1506          - $ref: "#/parameters/offset"
  1507          - $ref: "#/parameters/limit"
  1508        responses:
  1509          200:
  1510            description: A successful response.
  1511            schema:
  1512              $ref: "#/definitions/listUsersResponse"
  1513          default:
  1514            description: Generic error response.
  1515            schema:
  1516              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1517        tags:
  1518          - User
  1519      post:
  1520        summary: Add User
  1521        operationId: AddUser
  1522        parameters:
  1523          - name: body
  1524            in: body
  1525            required: true
  1526            schema:
  1527              $ref: "#/definitions/addUserRequest"
  1528        responses:
  1529          201:
  1530            description: A successful response.
  1531            schema:
  1532              $ref: "#/definitions/user"
  1533          default:
  1534            description: Generic error response.
  1535            schema:
  1536              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1537        tags:
  1538          - User
  1540    /users/service-accounts:
  1541      post:
  1542        summary: Check number of service accounts for each user specified
  1543        operationId: CheckUserServiceAccounts
  1544        parameters:
  1545          - name: selectedUsers
  1546            in: body
  1547            required: true
  1548            schema:
  1549              $ref: "#/definitions/selectedUsers"
  1550        responses:
  1551          200:
  1552            description: A successful response.
  1553            schema:
  1554              $ref: "#/definitions/userServiceAccountSummary"
  1555          default:
  1556            description: Generic error response.
  1557            schema:
  1558              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1559        tags:
  1560          - User
  1562    /user/{name}:
  1563      get:
  1564        summary: Get User Info
  1565        operationId: GetUserInfo
  1566        parameters:
  1567          - name: name
  1568            in: path
  1569            required: true
  1570            type: string
  1571        responses:
  1572          200:
  1573            description: A successful response.
  1574            schema:
  1575              $ref: "#/definitions/user"
  1576          default:
  1577            description: Generic error response.
  1578            schema:
  1579              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1580        tags:
  1581          - User
  1582      put:
  1583        summary: Update User Info
  1584        operationId: UpdateUserInfo
  1585        parameters:
  1586          - name: name
  1587            in: path
  1588            required: true
  1589            type: string
  1590          - name: body
  1591            in: body
  1592            required: true
  1593            schema:
  1594              $ref: "#/definitions/updateUser"
  1595        responses:
  1596          200:
  1597            description: A successful response.
  1598            schema:
  1599              $ref: "#/definitions/user"
  1600          default:
  1601            description: Generic error response.
  1602            schema:
  1603              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1604        tags:
  1605          - User
  1606      delete:
  1607        summary: Remove user
  1608        operationId: RemoveUser
  1609        parameters:
  1610          - name: name
  1611            in: path
  1612            required: true
  1613            type: string
  1614        responses:
  1615          204:
  1616            description: A successful response.
  1617          default:
  1618            description: Generic error response.
  1619            schema:
  1620              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1621        tags:
  1622          - User
  1624    /user/{name}/groups:
  1625      put:
  1626        summary: Update Groups for a user
  1627        operationId: UpdateUserGroups
  1628        parameters:
  1629          - name: name
  1630            in: path
  1631            required: true
  1632            type: string
  1633          - name: body
  1634            in: body
  1635            required: true
  1636            schema:
  1637              $ref: "#/definitions/updateUserGroups"
  1638        responses:
  1639          200:
  1640            description: A successful response.
  1641            schema:
  1642              $ref: "#/definitions/user"
  1643          default:
  1644            description: Generic error response.
  1645            schema:
  1646              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1647        tags:
  1648          - User
  1649    /user/policy:
  1650      get:
  1651        summary: returns policies for logged in user
  1652        operationId: GetUserPolicy
  1653        responses:
  1654          200:
  1655            description: A successful response.
  1656            schema:
  1657              type: string
  1658          default:
  1659            description: Generic error response.
  1660            schema:
  1661              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1662        tags:
  1663          - Policy
  1664    /user/{name}/policies:
  1665      get:
  1666        summary: returns policies assigned for a specified user
  1667        operationId: GetSAUserPolicy
  1668        parameters:
  1669          - name: name
  1670            in: path
  1671            required: true
  1672            type: string
  1673        responses:
  1674          200:
  1675            description: A successful response.
  1676            schema:
  1677              $ref: "#/definitions/aUserPolicyResponse"
  1678          default:
  1679            description: Generic error response.
  1680            schema:
  1681              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1682        tags:
  1683          - Policy
  1684    /user/{name}/service-accounts:
  1685      get:
  1686        summary: returns a list of service accounts for a user
  1687        operationId: ListAUserServiceAccounts
  1688        parameters:
  1689          - name: name
  1690            in: path
  1691            required: true
  1692            type: string
  1693        responses:
  1694          200:
  1695            description: A successful response.
  1696            schema:
  1697              $ref: "#/definitions/serviceAccounts"
  1698          default:
  1699            description: Generic error response.
  1700            schema:
  1701              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1702        tags:
  1703          - User
  1704      post:
  1705        summary: Create Service Account for User
  1706        operationId: CreateAUserServiceAccount
  1707        parameters:
  1708          - name: name
  1709            in: path
  1710            required: true
  1711            type: string
  1712          - name: body
  1713            in: body
  1714            required: true
  1715            schema:
  1716              $ref: "#/definitions/serviceAccountRequest"
  1717        responses:
  1718          201:
  1719            description: A successful response.
  1720            schema:
  1721              $ref: "#/definitions/serviceAccountCreds"
  1722          default:
  1723            description: Generic error response.
  1724            schema:
  1725              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1726        tags:
  1727          - User
  1729    /user/{name}/service-account-credentials:
  1730      post:
  1731        summary: Create Service Account for User With Credentials
  1732        operationId: CreateServiceAccountCredentials
  1733        parameters:
  1734          - name: name
  1735            in: path
  1736            required: true
  1737            type: string
  1738          - name: body
  1739            in: body
  1740            required: true
  1741            schema:
  1742              $ref: "#/definitions/serviceAccountRequestCreds"
  1743        responses:
  1744          201:
  1745            description: A successful response.
  1746            schema:
  1747              $ref: "#/definitions/serviceAccountCreds"
  1748          default:
  1749            description: Generic error response.
  1750            schema:
  1751              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1752        tags:
  1753          - User
  1755    /users-groups-bulk:
  1756      put:
  1757        summary: Bulk functionality to Add Users to Groups
  1758        operationId: BulkUpdateUsersGroups
  1759        parameters:
  1760          - name: body
  1761            in: body
  1762            required: true
  1763            schema:
  1764              $ref: "#/definitions/bulkUserGroups"
  1765        responses:
  1766          200:
  1767            description: A successful response.
  1768          default:
  1769            description: Generic error response.
  1770            schema:
  1771              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1772        tags:
  1773          - User
  1775    /groups:
  1776      get:
  1777        summary: List Groups
  1778        operationId: ListGroups
  1779        parameters:
  1780          - $ref: "#/parameters/offset"
  1781          - $ref: "#/parameters/limit"
  1782        responses:
  1783          200:
  1784            description: A successful response.
  1785            schema:
  1786              $ref: "#/definitions/listGroupsResponse"
  1787          default:
  1788            description: Generic error response.
  1789            schema:
  1790              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1791        tags:
  1792          - Group
  1793      post:
  1794        summary: Add Group
  1795        operationId: AddGroup
  1796        parameters:
  1797          - name: body
  1798            in: body
  1799            required: true
  1800            schema:
  1801              $ref: "#/definitions/addGroupRequest"
  1802        responses:
  1803          201:
  1804            description: A successful response.
  1805          default:
  1806            description: Generic error response.
  1807            schema:
  1808              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1809        tags:
  1810          - Group
  1812    /group/{name}:
  1813      get:
  1814        summary: Group info
  1815        operationId: GroupInfo
  1816        parameters:
  1817          - name: name
  1818            in: path
  1819            required: true
  1820            type: string
  1821        responses:
  1822          200:
  1823            description: A successful response.
  1824            schema:
  1825              $ref: "#/definitions/group"
  1826          default:
  1827            description: Generic error response.
  1828            schema:
  1829              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1830        tags:
  1831          - Group
  1832      delete:
  1833        summary: Remove group
  1834        operationId: RemoveGroup
  1835        parameters:
  1836          - name: name
  1837            in: path
  1838            required: true
  1839            type: string
  1840        responses:
  1841          204:
  1842            description: A successful response.
  1843          default:
  1844            description: Generic error response.
  1845            schema:
  1846              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1847        tags:
  1848          - Group
  1849      put:
  1850        summary: Update Group Members or Status
  1851        operationId: UpdateGroup
  1852        parameters:
  1853          - name: name
  1854            in: path
  1855            required: true
  1856            type: string
  1857          - name: body
  1858            in: body
  1859            required: true
  1860            schema:
  1861              $ref: "#/definitions/updateGroupRequest"
  1862        responses:
  1863          200:
  1864            description: A successful response.
  1865            schema:
  1866              $ref: "#/definitions/group"
  1867          default:
  1868            description: Generic error response.
  1869            schema:
  1870              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1871        tags:
  1872          - Group
  1874    /policies:
  1875      get:
  1876        summary: List Policies
  1877        operationId: ListPolicies
  1878        parameters:
  1879          - $ref: "#/parameters/offset"
  1880          - $ref: "#/parameters/limit"
  1881        responses:
  1882          200:
  1883            description: A successful response.
  1884            schema:
  1885              $ref: "#/definitions/listPoliciesResponse"
  1886          default:
  1887            description: Generic error response.
  1888            schema:
  1889              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1890        tags:
  1891          - Policy
  1892      post:
  1893        summary: Add Policy
  1894        operationId: AddPolicy
  1895        parameters:
  1896          - name: body
  1897            in: body
  1898            required: true
  1899            schema:
  1900              $ref: "#/definitions/addPolicyRequest"
  1901        responses:
  1902          201:
  1903            description: A successful response.
  1904            schema:
  1905              $ref: "#/definitions/policy"
  1906          default:
  1907            description: Generic error response.
  1908            schema:
  1909              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1910        tags:
  1911          - Policy
  1913    /policies/{policy}/users:
  1914      get:
  1915        summary: List Users for a Policy
  1916        operationId: ListUsersForPolicy
  1917        parameters:
  1918          - name: policy
  1919            in: path
  1920            required: true
  1921            type: string
  1922        responses:
  1923          200:
  1924            description: A successful response.
  1925            schema:
  1926              type: array
  1927              items:
  1928                type: string
  1929          default:
  1930            description: Generic error response.
  1931            schema:
  1932              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1933        tags:
  1934          - Policy
  1936    /policies/{policy}/groups:
  1937      get:
  1938        summary: List Groups for a Policy
  1939        operationId: ListGroupsForPolicy
  1940        parameters:
  1941          - name: policy
  1942            in: path
  1943            required: true
  1944            type: string
  1945        responses:
  1946          200:
  1947            description: A successful response.
  1948            schema:
  1949              type: array
  1950              items:
  1951                type: string
  1952          default:
  1953            description: Generic error response.
  1954            schema:
  1955              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1956        tags:
  1957          - Policy
  1959    /bucket-policy/{bucket}:
  1960      get:
  1961        summary: List Policies With Given Bucket
  1962        operationId: ListPoliciesWithBucket
  1963        parameters:
  1964          - name: bucket
  1965            in: path
  1966            required: true
  1967            type: string
  1968          - $ref: "#/parameters/offset"
  1969          - $ref: "#/parameters/limit"
  1970        responses:
  1971          200:
  1972            description: A successful response.
  1973            schema:
  1974              $ref: "#/definitions/listPoliciesResponse"
  1975          default:
  1976            description: Generic error response.
  1977            schema:
  1978              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  1979        tags:
  1980          - Bucket
  1982    /bucket/{bucket}/access-rules:
  1983      put:
  1984        summary: Add Access Rule To Given Bucket
  1985        operationId: SetAccessRuleWithBucket
  1986        parameters:
  1987          - name: bucket
  1988            in: path
  1989            required: true
  1990            type: string
  1991          - name: prefixaccess
  1992            in: body
  1993            required: true
  1994            schema:
  1995              $ref: "#/definitions/prefixAccessPair"
  1996        responses:
  1997          200:
  1998            description: A successful response.
  1999            schema:
  2000              type: boolean
  2001          default:
  2002            description: Generic error response.
  2003            schema:
  2004              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2005        tags:
  2006          - Bucket
  2007      get:
  2008        summary: List Access Rules With Given Bucket
  2009        operationId: ListAccessRulesWithBucket
  2010        parameters:
  2011          - name: bucket
  2012            in: path
  2013            required: true
  2014            type: string
  2015          - $ref: "#/parameters/offset"
  2016          - $ref: "#/parameters/limit"
  2017        responses:
  2018          200:
  2019            description: A successful response.
  2020            schema:
  2021              $ref: "#/definitions/listAccessRulesResponse"
  2022          default:
  2023            description: Generic error response.
  2024            schema:
  2025              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2026        tags:
  2027          - Bucket
  2028      delete:
  2029        summary: Delete Access Rule From Given Bucket
  2030        operationId: DeleteAccessRuleWithBucket
  2031        parameters:
  2032          - name: bucket
  2033            in: path
  2034            required: true
  2035            type: string
  2036          - name: prefix
  2037            in: body
  2038            required: true
  2039            schema:
  2040              $ref: "#/definitions/prefixWrapper"
  2041        responses:
  2042          200:
  2043            description: A successful response.
  2044            schema:
  2045              type: boolean
  2046          default:
  2047            description: Generic error response.
  2048            schema:
  2049              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2050        tags:
  2051          - Bucket
  2053    /bucket-users/{bucket}:
  2054      get:
  2055        summary: List Users With Access to a Given Bucket
  2056        operationId: ListUsersWithAccessToBucket
  2057        parameters:
  2058          - name: bucket
  2059            in: path
  2060            required: true
  2061            type: string
  2062          - $ref: "#/parameters/offset"
  2063          - $ref: "#/parameters/limit"
  2064        responses:
  2065          200:
  2066            description: A successful response.
  2067            schema:
  2068              type: array
  2069              items:
  2070                type: string
  2071          default:
  2072            description: Generic error response.
  2073            schema:
  2074              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2075        tags:
  2076          - Bucket
  2078    /policy/{name}:
  2079      get:
  2080        summary: Policy info
  2081        operationId: PolicyInfo
  2082        parameters:
  2083          - name: name
  2084            in: path
  2085            required: true
  2086            type: string
  2087        responses:
  2088          200:
  2089            description: A successful response.
  2090            schema:
  2091              $ref: "#/definitions/policy"
  2092          default:
  2093            description: Generic error response.
  2094            schema:
  2095              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2096        tags:
  2097          - Policy
  2098      delete:
  2099        summary: Remove policy
  2100        operationId: RemovePolicy
  2101        parameters:
  2102          - name: name
  2103            in: path
  2104            required: true
  2105            type: string
  2106        responses:
  2107          204:
  2108            description: A successful response.
  2109          default:
  2110            description: Generic error response.
  2111            schema:
  2112              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2113        tags:
  2114          - Policy
  2116    /configs:
  2117      get:
  2118        summary: List Configurations
  2119        operationId: ListConfig
  2120        parameters:
  2121          - $ref: "#/parameters/offset"
  2122          - $ref: "#/parameters/limit"
  2123        responses:
  2124          200:
  2125            description: A successful response.
  2126            schema:
  2127              $ref: "#/definitions/listConfigResponse"
  2128          default:
  2129            description: Generic error response.
  2130            schema:
  2131              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2132        tags:
  2133          - Configuration
  2135    /set-policy:
  2136      put:
  2137        summary: Set policy
  2138        operationId: SetPolicy
  2139        parameters:
  2140          - name: body
  2141            in: body
  2142            required: true
  2143            schema:
  2144              $ref: "#/definitions/setPolicyNameRequest"
  2145        responses:
  2146          204:
  2147            description: A successful response.
  2148          default:
  2149            description: Generic error response.
  2150            schema:
  2151              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2152        tags:
  2153          - Policy
  2155    /set-policy-multi:
  2156      put:
  2157        summary: Set policy to multiple users/groups
  2158        operationId: SetPolicyMultiple
  2159        parameters:
  2160          - name: body
  2161            in: body
  2162            required: true
  2163            schema:
  2164              $ref: "#/definitions/setPolicyMultipleNameRequest"
  2165        responses:
  2166          204:
  2167            description: A successful response.
  2168          default:
  2169            description: Generic error response.
  2170            schema:
  2171              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2172        tags:
  2173          - Policy
  2175    /configs/{name}:
  2176      get:
  2177        summary: Configuration info
  2178        operationId: ConfigInfo
  2179        parameters:
  2180          - name: name
  2181            in: path
  2182            required: true
  2183            type: string
  2184        responses:
  2185          200:
  2186            description: A successful response.
  2187            schema:
  2188              type: array
  2189              items:
  2190                $ref: "#/definitions/configuration"
  2191          default:
  2192            description: Generic error response.
  2193            schema:
  2194              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2195        tags:
  2196          - Configuration
  2197      put:
  2198        summary: Set Configuration
  2199        operationId: SetConfig
  2200        parameters:
  2201          - name: name
  2202            in: path
  2203            required: true
  2204            type: string
  2205          - name: body
  2206            in: body
  2207            required: true
  2208            schema:
  2209              $ref: "#/definitions/setConfigRequest"
  2210        responses:
  2211          200:
  2212            description: A successful response.
  2213            schema:
  2214              $ref: "#/definitions/setConfigResponse"
  2215          default:
  2216            description: Generic error response.
  2217            schema:
  2218              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2219        tags:
  2220          - Configuration
  2222    /configs/{name}/reset:
  2223      post:
  2224        summary: Configuration reset
  2225        operationId: ResetConfig
  2226        parameters:
  2227          - name: name
  2228            in: path
  2229            required: true
  2230            type: string
  2231        responses:
  2232          200:
  2233            description: A successful response.
  2234            schema:
  2235              $ref: "#/definitions/setConfigResponse"
  2236          default:
  2237            description: Generic error response.
  2238            schema:
  2239              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2240        tags:
  2241          - Configuration
  2243    /configs/export:
  2244      get:
  2245        summary: Export the current config from MinIO server
  2246        operationId: ExportConfig
  2247        responses:
  2248          200:
  2249            description: A successful response.
  2250            schema:
  2251              $ref: "#/definitions/configExportResponse"
  2252          default:
  2253            description: Generic error response.
  2254            schema:
  2255              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2256        tags:
  2257          - Configuration
  2258    /configs/import:
  2259      post:
  2260        summary: Uploads a file to import MinIO server config.
  2261        consumes:
  2262          - multipart/form-data
  2263        parameters:
  2264          - name: file
  2265            in: formData
  2266            required: true
  2267            type: file
  2268        responses:
  2269          200:
  2270            description: A successful response.
  2271          default:
  2272            description: Generic error response.
  2273            schema:
  2274              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2275        tags:
  2276          - Configuration
  2277    /service/restart:
  2278      post:
  2279        summary: Restart Service
  2280        operationId: RestartService
  2281        responses:
  2282          204:
  2283            description: A successful response.
  2284          default:
  2285            description: Generic error response.
  2286            schema:
  2287              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2288        tags:
  2289          - Service
  2290    /profiling/start:
  2291      post:
  2292        summary: Start recording profile data
  2293        operationId: ProfilingStart
  2294        parameters:
  2295          - name: body
  2296            in: body
  2297            required: true
  2298            schema:
  2299              $ref: "#/definitions/profilingStartRequest"
  2300        responses:
  2301          201:
  2302            description: A successful response.
  2303            schema:
  2304              $ref: "#/definitions/startProfilingList"
  2305          default:
  2306            description: Generic error response.
  2307            schema:
  2308              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2309        tags:
  2310          - Profile
  2312    /profiling/stop:
  2313      post:
  2314        summary: Stop and download profile data
  2315        operationId: ProfilingStop
  2316        produces:
  2317          - application/zip
  2318        responses:
  2319          201:
  2320            description: A successful response.
  2321            schema:
  2322              type: file
  2323          default:
  2324            description: Generic error response.
  2325            schema:
  2326              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2327        tags:
  2328          - Profile
  2329    /subnet/registration-token:
  2330      get:
  2331        summary: SUBNET registraton token
  2332        operationId: SubnetRegToken
  2333        responses:
  2334          200:
  2335            description: A successful response.
  2336            schema:
  2337              $ref: "#/definitions/SubnetRegTokenResponse"
  2338          default:
  2339            description: Generic error response.
  2340            schema:
  2341              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2342        tags:
  2343          - Subnet
  2344    /subnet/info:
  2345      get:
  2346        summary: Subnet info
  2347        operationId: SubnetInfo
  2348        responses:
  2349          200:
  2350            description: A successful response.
  2351            schema:
  2352              $ref: "#/definitions/license"
  2353          default:
  2354            description: Generic error response.
  2355            schema:
  2356              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2357        tags:
  2358          - Subnet
  2359    /subnet/apikey:
  2360      get:
  2361        summary: Subnet api key
  2362        operationId: SubnetApiKey
  2363        parameters:
  2364          - name: token
  2365            in: query
  2366            required: true
  2367            type: string
  2368        responses:
  2369          200:
  2370            description: A successful response.
  2371            schema:
  2372              $ref: "#/definitions/apiKey"
  2373          default:
  2374            description: Generic error response.
  2375            schema:
  2376              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2377        tags:
  2378          - Subnet
  2379    /subnet/register:
  2380      post:
  2381        summary: Register cluster with Subnet
  2382        operationId: SubnetRegister
  2383        parameters:
  2384          - name: body
  2385            in: body
  2386            required: true
  2387            schema:
  2388              $ref: "#/definitions/subnetRegisterRequest"
  2389        responses:
  2390          200:
  2391            description: A successful response.
  2392          #          schema:
  2393          #            $ref: "#/definitions/subnetRegisterResponse"
  2394          default:
  2395            description: Generic error response.
  2396            schema:
  2397              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2398        tags:
  2399          - Subnet
  2401    /subnet/login:
  2402      post:
  2403        summary: Login to SUBNET
  2404        operationId: SubnetLogin
  2405        parameters:
  2406          - name: body
  2407            in: body
  2408            required: true
  2409            schema:
  2410              $ref: "#/definitions/subnetLoginRequest"
  2411        responses:
  2412          200:
  2413            description: A successful response.
  2414            schema:
  2415              $ref: "#/definitions/subnetLoginResponse"
  2416          default:
  2417            description: Generic error response.
  2418            schema:
  2419              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2420        tags:
  2421          - Subnet
  2423    /subnet/login/mfa:
  2424      post:
  2425        summary: Login to SUBNET using mfa
  2426        operationId: SubnetLoginMFA
  2427        parameters:
  2428          - name: body
  2429            in: body
  2430            required: true
  2431            schema:
  2432              $ref: "#/definitions/subnetLoginMFARequest"
  2433        responses:
  2434          200:
  2435            description: A successful response.
  2436            schema:
  2437              $ref: "#/definitions/subnetLoginResponse"
  2438          default:
  2439            description: Generic error response.
  2440            schema:
  2441              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2442        tags:
  2443          - Subnet
  2445    /admin/info:
  2446      get:
  2447        summary: Returns information about the deployment
  2448        operationId: AdminInfo
  2449        parameters:
  2450          - name: defaultOnly
  2451            in: query
  2452            required: false
  2453            type: boolean
  2454            default: false
  2455        responses:
  2456          200:
  2457            description: A successful response.
  2458            schema:
  2459              $ref: "#/definitions/adminInfoResponse"
  2460          default:
  2461            description: Generic error response.
  2462            schema:
  2463              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2464        tags:
  2465          - System
  2467    /admin/info/widgets/{widgetId}:
  2468      get:
  2469        summary: Returns information about the deployment
  2470        operationId: DashboardWidgetDetails
  2471        parameters:
  2472          - name: widgetId
  2473            in: path
  2474            type: integer
  2475            format: int32
  2476            required: true
  2477          - name: start
  2478            in: query
  2479            type: integer
  2480          - name: end
  2481            in: query
  2482            type: integer
  2483          - name: step
  2484            in: query
  2485            type: integer
  2486            format: int32
  2487        responses:
  2488          200:
  2489            description: A successful response.
  2490            schema:
  2491              $ref: "#/definitions/widgetDetails"
  2492          default:
  2493            description: Generic error response.
  2494            schema:
  2495              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2496        tags:
  2497          - System
  2499    /admin/arns:
  2500      get:
  2501        summary: Returns a list of active ARNs in the instance
  2502        operationId: ArnList
  2503        responses:
  2504          200:
  2505            description: A successful response.
  2506            schema:
  2507              $ref: "#/definitions/arnsResponse"
  2508          default:
  2509            description: Generic error response.
  2510            schema:
  2511              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2512        tags:
  2513          - System
  2515    /admin/notification_endpoints:
  2516      get:
  2517        summary: Returns a list of active notification endpoints
  2518        operationId: NotificationEndpointList
  2519        responses:
  2520          200:
  2521            description: A successful response.
  2522            schema:
  2523              $ref: "#/definitions/notifEndpointResponse"
  2524          default:
  2525            description: Generic error response.
  2526            schema:
  2527              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2528        tags:
  2529          - Configuration
  2530      post:
  2531        summary: Allows to configure a new notification endpoint
  2532        operationId: AddNotificationEndpoint
  2533        parameters:
  2534          - name: body
  2535            in: body
  2536            required: true
  2537            schema:
  2538              $ref: "#/definitions/notificationEndpoint"
  2539        responses:
  2540          201:
  2541            description: A successful response.
  2542            schema:
  2543              $ref: "#/definitions/setNotificationEndpointResponse"
  2544          default:
  2545            description: Generic error response.
  2546            schema:
  2547              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2548        tags:
  2549          - Configuration
  2551    /admin/site-replication:
  2552      get:
  2553        summary: Get list of Replication Sites
  2554        operationId: GetSiteReplicationInfo
  2555        responses:
  2556          200:
  2557            description: A successful response.
  2558            schema:
  2559              $ref: "#/definitions/siteReplicationInfoResponse"
  2560          default:
  2561            description: Generic error response.
  2562            schema:
  2563              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2564        tags:
  2565          - SiteReplication
  2566      post:
  2567        summary: Add a Replication Site
  2568        operationId: SiteReplicationInfoAdd
  2569        parameters:
  2570          - name: body
  2571            in: body
  2572            required: true
  2573            schema:
  2574              $ref: "#/definitions/siteReplicationAddRequest"
  2575        responses:
  2576          200:
  2577            description: A successful response.
  2578            schema:
  2579              $ref: "#/definitions/siteReplicationAddResponse"
  2580          default:
  2581            description: Generic error response.
  2582            schema:
  2583              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2584        tags:
  2585          - SiteReplication
  2586      put:
  2587        summary: Edit a Replication Site
  2588        operationId: SiteReplicationEdit
  2589        parameters:
  2590          - name: body
  2591            in: body
  2592            required: true
  2593            schema:
  2594              $ref: "#/definitions/peerInfo"
  2595        responses:
  2596          200:
  2597            description: A successful response.
  2598            schema:
  2599              $ref: "#/definitions/peerSiteEditResponse"
  2600          default:
  2601            description: Generic error response.
  2602            schema:
  2603              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2604        tags:
  2605          - SiteReplication
  2606      delete:
  2607        summary: Remove a Replication Site
  2608        operationId: SiteReplicationRemove
  2609        parameters:
  2610          - name: body
  2611            in: body
  2612            required: true
  2613            schema:
  2614              $ref: "#/definitions/peerInfoRemove"
  2615        responses:
  2616          204:
  2617            description: A successful response.
  2618            schema:
  2619              $ref: "#/definitions/peerSiteRemoveResponse"
  2620          default:
  2621            description: Generic error response.
  2622            schema:
  2623              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2624        tags:
  2625          - SiteReplication
  2627    /admin/site-replication/status:
  2628      get:
  2629        summary: Display overall site replication status
  2630        operationId: GetSiteReplicationStatus
  2631        parameters:
  2632          - name: buckets
  2633            description: Include Bucket stats
  2634            in: query
  2635            type: boolean
  2636            default: true
  2637          - name: groups
  2638            description: Include Group stats
  2639            in: query
  2640            type: boolean
  2641            default: true
  2642          - name: policies
  2643            description: Include Policies stats
  2644            in: query
  2645            type: boolean
  2646            default: true
  2647          - name: users
  2648            description: Include Policies stats
  2649            in: query
  2650            type: boolean
  2651            default: true
  2652          - name: entityType
  2653            description: Entity Type to lookup
  2654            in: query
  2655            type: string
  2656            required: false
  2657          - name: entityValue
  2658            description: Entity Value to lookup
  2659            in: query
  2660            type: string
  2661            required: false
  2662        responses:
  2663          200:
  2664            description: A successful response.
  2665            schema:
  2666              $ref: "#/definitions/siteReplicationStatusResponse"
  2667          default:
  2668            description: Generic error response.
  2669            schema:
  2670              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2671        tags:
  2672          - SiteReplication
  2674    /admin/tiers:
  2675      get:
  2676        summary: Returns a list of tiers for ilm
  2677        operationId: TiersList
  2678        responses:
  2679          200:
  2680            description: A successful response.
  2681            schema:
  2682              $ref: "#/definitions/tierListResponse"
  2683          default:
  2684            description: Generic error response.
  2685            schema:
  2686              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2687        tags:
  2688          - Tiering
  2689      post:
  2690        summary: Allows to configure a new tier
  2691        operationId: AddTier
  2692        parameters:
  2693          - name: body
  2694            in: body
  2695            required: true
  2696            schema:
  2697              $ref: "#/definitions/tier"
  2698        responses:
  2699          201:
  2700            description: A successful response.
  2701          default:
  2702            description: Generic error response.
  2703            schema:
  2704              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2705        tags:
  2706          - Tiering
  2708    /admin/tiers/{type}/{name}:
  2709      get:
  2710        summary: Get Tier
  2711        operationId: GetTier
  2712        parameters:
  2713          - name: type
  2714            in: path
  2715            required: true
  2716            type: string
  2717            enum:
  2718              - s3
  2719              - gcs
  2720              - azure
  2721              - minio
  2722          - name: name
  2723            in: path
  2724            required: true
  2725            type: string
  2726        responses:
  2727          200:
  2728            description: A successful response.
  2729            schema:
  2730              $ref: "#/definitions/tier"
  2731          default:
  2732            description: Generic error response.
  2733            schema:
  2734              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2735        tags:
  2736          - Tiering
  2738    /admin/tiers/{type}/{name}/credentials:
  2739      put:
  2740        summary: Edit Tier Credentials
  2741        operationId: EditTierCredentials
  2742        parameters:
  2743          - name: type
  2744            in: path
  2745            required: true
  2746            type: string
  2747            enum:
  2748              - s3
  2749              - gcs
  2750              - azure
  2751              - minio
  2752          - name: name
  2753            in: path
  2754            required: true
  2755            type: string
  2756          - name: body
  2757            in: body
  2758            required: true
  2759            schema:
  2760              $ref: "#/definitions/tierCredentialsRequest"
  2761        responses:
  2762          200:
  2763            description: A successful response.
  2764          default:
  2765            description: Generic error response.
  2766            schema:
  2767              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2768        tags:
  2769          - Tiering
  2771    /nodes:
  2772      get:
  2773        summary: Lists Nodes
  2774        operationId: ListNodes
  2775        responses:
  2776          200:
  2777            description: A successful response.
  2778            schema:
  2779              type: array
  2780              items:
  2781                type: string
  2782          default:
  2783            description: Generic error response.
  2784            schema:
  2785              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2786        tags:
  2787          - System
  2789    /remote-buckets:
  2790      get:
  2791        summary: List Remote Buckets
  2792        operationId: ListRemoteBuckets
  2793        responses:
  2794          200:
  2795            description: A successful response.
  2796            schema:
  2797              $ref: "#/definitions/listRemoteBucketsResponse"
  2798          default:
  2799            description: Generic error response.
  2800            schema:
  2801              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2802        tags:
  2803          - Bucket
  2804      post:
  2805        summary: Add Remote Bucket
  2806        operationId: AddRemoteBucket
  2807        parameters:
  2808          - name: body
  2809            in: body
  2810            required: true
  2811            schema:
  2812              $ref: "#/definitions/createRemoteBucket"
  2813        responses:
  2814          201:
  2815            description: A successful response.
  2816          default:
  2817            description: Generic error response.
  2818            schema:
  2819              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2820        tags:
  2821          - Bucket
  2823    /remote-buckets/{name}:
  2824      get:
  2825        summary: Remote Bucket Details
  2826        operationId: RemoteBucketDetails
  2827        parameters:
  2828          - name: name
  2829            in: path
  2830            required: true
  2831            type: string
  2832        responses:
  2833          200:
  2834            description: A successful response.
  2835            schema:
  2836              $ref: "#/definitions/remoteBucket"
  2837          default:
  2838            description: Generic error response.
  2839            schema:
  2840              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2841        tags:
  2842          - Bucket
  2843    /remote-buckets/{source-bucket-name}/{arn}:
  2844      delete:
  2845        summary: Delete Remote Bucket
  2846        operationId: DeleteRemoteBucket
  2847        parameters:
  2848          - name: source-bucket-name
  2849            in: path
  2850            required: true
  2851            type: string
  2852          - name: arn
  2853            in: path
  2854            required: true
  2855            type: string
  2856        responses:
  2857          204:
  2858            description: A successful response.
  2859          default:
  2860            description: Generic error response.
  2861            schema:
  2862              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2863        tags:
  2864          - Bucket
  2865    /logs/search:
  2866      get:
  2867        summary: Search the logs
  2868        operationId: LogSearch
  2869        parameters:
  2870          - name: fp
  2871            description: Filter Parameters
  2872            in: query
  2873            collectionFormat: multi
  2874            type: array
  2875            items:
  2876              type: string
  2877          - name: pageSize
  2878            in: query
  2879            type: number
  2880            format: int32
  2881            default: 10
  2882          - name: pageNo
  2883            in: query
  2884            type: number
  2885            format: int32
  2886            default: 0
  2887          - name: order
  2888            in: query
  2889            type: string
  2890            enum: [timeDesc, timeAsc]
  2891            default: timeDesc
  2892          - name: timeStart
  2893            in: query
  2894            type: string
  2895          - name: timeEnd
  2896            in: query
  2897            type: string
  2898        responses:
  2899          200:
  2900            description: A successful response.
  2901            schema:
  2902              $ref: "#/definitions/logSearchResponse"
  2903          default:
  2904            description: Generic error response.
  2905            schema:
  2906              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2907        tags:
  2908          - Logging
  2910    /kms/status:
  2911      get:
  2912        summary: KMS status
  2913        operationId: KMSStatus
  2914        responses:
  2915          200:
  2916            description: A successful response.
  2917            schema:
  2918              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsStatusResponse"
  2919          default:
  2920            description: Generic error response.
  2921            schema:
  2922              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2923        tags:
  2924          - KMS
  2925    /kms/metrics:
  2926      get:
  2927        summary: KMS metrics
  2928        operationId: KMSMetrics
  2929        responses:
  2930          200:
  2931            description: A successful response.
  2932            schema:
  2933              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsMetricsResponse"
  2934          default:
  2935            description: Generic error response.
  2936            schema:
  2937              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2938        tags:
  2939          - KMS
  2940    /kms/apis:
  2941      get:
  2942        summary: KMS apis
  2943        operationId: KMSAPIs
  2944        responses:
  2945          200:
  2946            description: A successful response.
  2947            schema:
  2948              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsAPIsResponse"
  2949          default:
  2950            description: Generic error response.
  2951            schema:
  2952              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2953        tags:
  2954          - KMS
  2955    /kms/version:
  2956      get:
  2957        summary: KMS version
  2958        operationId: KMSVersion
  2959        responses:
  2960          200:
  2961            description: A successful response.
  2962            schema:
  2963              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsVersionResponse"
  2964          default:
  2965            description: Generic error response.
  2966            schema:
  2967              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2968        tags:
  2969          - KMS
  2970    /kms/keys:
  2971      post:
  2972        summary: KMS create key
  2973        operationId: KMSCreateKey
  2974        parameters:
  2975          - name: body
  2976            in: body
  2977            required: true
  2978            schema:
  2979              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsCreateKeyRequest"
  2980        responses:
  2981          201:
  2982            description: A successful response.
  2983          default:
  2984            description: Generic error response.
  2985            schema:
  2986              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  2987        tags:
  2988          - KMS
  2989      get:
  2990        summary: KMS list keys
  2991        operationId: KMSListKeys
  2992        parameters:
  2993          - name: pattern
  2994            description: pattern to retrieve keys
  2995            in: query
  2996            type: string
  2997        responses:
  2998          200:
  2999            description: A successful response.
  3000            schema:
  3001              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsListKeysResponse"
  3002          default:
  3003            description: Generic error response.
  3004            schema:
  3005              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3006        tags:
  3007          - KMS
  3008    /kms/keys/{name}:
  3009      get:
  3010        summary: KMS key status
  3011        operationId: KMSKeyStatus
  3012        parameters:
  3013          - name: name
  3014            description: KMS key name
  3015            in: path
  3016            required: true
  3017            type: string
  3018        responses:
  3019          200:
  3020            description: A successful response.
  3021            schema:
  3022              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsKeyStatusResponse"
  3023          default:
  3024            description: Generic error response.
  3025            schema:
  3026              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3027        tags:
  3028          - KMS
  3029      delete:
  3030        summary: KMS delete key
  3031        operationId: KMSDeleteKey
  3032        parameters:
  3033          - name: name
  3034            description: KMS key name
  3035            in: path
  3036            required: true
  3037            type: string
  3038        responses:
  3039          200:
  3040            description: A successful response.
  3041          default:
  3042            description: Generic error response.
  3043            schema:
  3044              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3045        tags:
  3046          - KMS
  3047    /kms/keys/{name}/import:
  3048      post:
  3049        summary: KMS import key
  3050        operationId: KMSImportKey
  3051        parameters:
  3052          - name: body
  3053            in: body
  3054            required: true
  3055            schema:
  3056              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsImportKeyRequest"
  3057          - name: name
  3058            description: KMS key name
  3059            in: path
  3060            required: true
  3061            type: string
  3062        responses:
  3063          201:
  3064            description: A successful response.
  3065          default:
  3066            description: Generic error response.
  3067            schema:
  3068              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3069        tags:
  3070          - KMS
  3071    /kms/policies:
  3072      post:
  3073        summary: KMS set policy
  3074        operationId: KMSSetPolicy
  3075        parameters:
  3076          - name: body
  3077            in: body
  3078            required: true
  3079            schema:
  3080              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsSetPolicyRequest"
  3081        responses:
  3082          200:
  3083            description: A successful response.
  3084          default:
  3085            description: Generic error response.
  3086            schema:
  3087              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3088        tags:
  3089          - KMS
  3090      get:
  3091        summary: KMS list policies
  3092        operationId: KMSListPolicies
  3093        parameters:
  3094          - name: pattern
  3095            description: pattern to retrieve policies
  3096            in: query
  3097            type: string
  3098        responses:
  3099          200:
  3100            description: A successful response.
  3101            schema:
  3102              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsListPoliciesResponse"
  3103          default:
  3104            description: Generic error response.
  3105            schema:
  3106              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3107        tags:
  3108          - KMS
  3109    /kms/policies/{name}:
  3110      get:
  3111        summary: KMS get policy
  3112        operationId: KMSGetPolicy
  3113        parameters:
  3114          - name: name
  3115            description: KMS policy name
  3116            in: path
  3117            required: true
  3118            type: string
  3119        responses:
  3120          200:
  3121            description: A successful response.
  3122            schema:
  3123              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsGetPolicyResponse"
  3124          default:
  3125            description: Generic error response.
  3126            schema:
  3127              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3128        tags:
  3129          - KMS
  3130      delete:
  3131        summary: KMS delete policy
  3132        operationId: KMSDeletePolicy
  3133        parameters:
  3134          - name: name
  3135            description: KMS policy name
  3136            in: path
  3137            required: true
  3138            type: string
  3139        responses:
  3140          200:
  3141            description: A successful response.
  3142          default:
  3143            description: Generic error response.
  3144            schema:
  3145              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3146        tags:
  3147          - KMS
  3148    /kms/policies/{name}/assign:
  3149      post:
  3150        summary: KMS assign policy
  3151        operationId: KMSAssignPolicy
  3152        parameters:
  3153          - name: body
  3154            in: body
  3155            required: true
  3156            schema:
  3157              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsAssignPolicyRequest"
  3158          - name: name
  3159            description: KMS policy name
  3160            in: path
  3161            required: true
  3162            type: string
  3163        responses:
  3164          200:
  3165            description: A successful response.
  3166          default:
  3167            description: Generic error response.
  3168            schema:
  3169              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3170        tags:
  3171          - KMS
  3172    /kms/policies/{name}/describe:
  3173      get:
  3174        summary: KMS describe policy
  3175        operationId: KMSDescribePolicy
  3176        parameters:
  3177          - name: name
  3178            description: KMS policy name
  3179            in: path
  3180            required: true
  3181            type: string
  3182        responses:
  3183          200:
  3184            description: A successful response.
  3185            schema:
  3186              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsDescribePolicyResponse"
  3187          default:
  3188            description: Generic error response.
  3189            schema:
  3190              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3191        tags:
  3192          - KMS
  3193    /kms/identities/{name}:
  3194      delete:
  3195        summary: KMS delete identity
  3196        operationId: KMSDeleteIdentity
  3197        parameters:
  3198          - name: name
  3199            description: KMS identity name
  3200            in: path
  3201            required: true
  3202            type: string
  3203        responses:
  3204          200:
  3205            description: A successful response.
  3206          default:
  3207            description: Generic error response.
  3208            schema:
  3209              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3210        tags:
  3211          - KMS
  3212    /kms/identities/{name}/describe:
  3213      get:
  3214        summary: KMS describe identity
  3215        operationId: KMSDescribeIdentity
  3216        parameters:
  3217          - name: name
  3218            description: KMS identity name
  3219            in: path
  3220            required: true
  3221            type: string
  3222        responses:
  3223          200:
  3224            description: A successful response.
  3225            schema:
  3226              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsDescribeIdentityResponse"
  3227          default:
  3228            description: Generic error response.
  3229            schema:
  3230              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3231        tags:
  3232          - KMS
  3233    /kms/describe-self/identity:
  3234      get:
  3235        summary: KMS describe self identity
  3236        operationId: KMSDescribeSelfIdentity
  3237        responses:
  3238          200:
  3239            description: A successful response.
  3240            schema:
  3241              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsDescribeSelfIdentityResponse"
  3242          default:
  3243            description: Generic error response.
  3244            schema:
  3245              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3246        tags:
  3247          - KMS
  3248    /kms/identities:
  3249      get:
  3250        summary: KMS list identities
  3251        operationId: KMSListIdentities
  3252        parameters:
  3253          - name: pattern
  3254            description: pattern to retrieve identities
  3255            in: query
  3256            type: string
  3257        responses:
  3258          200:
  3259            description: A successful response.
  3260            schema:
  3261              $ref: "#/definitions/kmsListIdentitiesResponse"
  3262          default:
  3263            description: Generic error response.
  3264            schema:
  3265              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3266        tags:
  3267          - KMS
  3269    /admin/inspect:
  3270      get:
  3271        summary: Inspect Files on Drive
  3272        operationId: Inspect
  3273        produces:
  3274          - application/octet-stream
  3275        parameters:
  3276          - name: file
  3277            in: query
  3278            required: true
  3279            type: string
  3280          - name: volume
  3281            in: query
  3282            required: true
  3283            type: string
  3284          - name: encrypt
  3285            in: query
  3286            required: false
  3287            type: boolean
  3289        responses:
  3290          200:
  3291            description: A successful response.
  3292            schema:
  3293              type: file
  3294          default:
  3295            description: Generic error response.
  3296            schema:
  3297              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3298        tags:
  3299          - Inspect
  3300    /idp/{type}:
  3301      post:
  3302        summary: Create IDP Configuration
  3303        operationId: CreateConfiguration
  3304        consumes:
  3305          - application/json
  3306        parameters:
  3307          - name: type
  3308            description: IDP Configuration Type
  3309            in: path
  3310            required: true
  3311            type: string
  3312          - name: body
  3313            in: body
  3314            required: true
  3315            schema:
  3316              $ref: "#/definitions/idpServerConfiguration"
  3317        responses:
  3318          201:
  3319            description: A successful response.
  3320            schema:
  3321              $ref: "#/definitions/setIDPResponse"
  3322          default:
  3323            description: Generic error response.
  3324            schema:
  3325              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3326        tags:
  3327          - idp
  3328      get:
  3329        summary: List IDP Configurations
  3330        operationId: ListConfigurations
  3331        parameters:
  3332          - name: type
  3333            description: IDP Configuration Type
  3334            in: path
  3335            required: true
  3336            type: string
  3337        responses:
  3338          200:
  3339            description: A successful response.
  3340            schema:
  3341              $ref: "#/definitions/idpListConfigurationsResponse"
  3342          default:
  3343            description: Generic error response.
  3344            schema:
  3345              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3346        tags:
  3347          - idp
  3348    /idp/{type}/{name}:
  3349      get:
  3350        summary: Get IDP Configuration
  3351        operationId: GetConfiguration
  3352        parameters:
  3353          - name: name
  3354            description: IDP Configuration Name
  3355            in: path
  3356            required: true
  3357            type: string
  3358          - name: type
  3359            description: IDP Configuration Type
  3360            in: path
  3361            required: true
  3362            type: string
  3363        responses:
  3364          200:
  3365            description: A successful response.
  3366            schema:
  3367              $ref: "#/definitions/idpServerConfiguration"
  3368          default:
  3369            description: Generic error response.
  3370            schema:
  3371              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3372        tags:
  3373          - idp
  3374      delete:
  3375        summary: Delete IDP Configuration
  3376        operationId: DeleteConfiguration
  3377        parameters:
  3378          - name: name
  3379            description: IDP Configuration Name
  3380            in: path
  3381            required: true
  3382            type: string
  3383          - name: type
  3384            description: IDP Configuration Type
  3385            in: path
  3386            required: true
  3387            type: string
  3388        responses:
  3389          200:
  3390            description: A successful response.
  3391            schema:
  3392              $ref: "#/definitions/setIDPResponse"
  3393          default:
  3394            description: Generic error response.
  3395            schema:
  3396              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3397        tags:
  3398          - idp
  3399      put:
  3400        summary: Update IDP Configuration
  3401        operationId: UpdateConfiguration
  3402        consumes:
  3403          - application/json
  3404        parameters:
  3405          - name: body
  3406            in: body
  3407            required: true
  3408            schema:
  3409              $ref: "#/definitions/idpServerConfiguration"
  3410          - name: name
  3411            description: IDP Configuration Name
  3412            in: path
  3413            required: true
  3414            type: string
  3415          - name: type
  3416            description: IDP Configuration Type
  3417            in: path
  3418            required: true
  3419            type: string
  3420        responses:
  3421          200:
  3422            description: A successful response.
  3423            schema:
  3424              $ref: "#/definitions/setIDPResponse"
  3425          default:
  3426            description: Generic error response.
  3427            schema:
  3428              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3429        tags:
  3430          - idp
  3432    /ldap-entities:
  3433      post:
  3434        summary: Get LDAP Entities
  3435        operationId: GetLDAPEntities
  3436        parameters:
  3437          - name: body
  3438            in: body
  3439            required: true
  3440            schema:
  3441              $ref: "#/definitions/ldapEntitiesRequest"
  3442        responses:
  3443          200:
  3444            description: A successful response.
  3445            schema:
  3446              $ref: "#/definitions/ldapEntities"
  3447          default:
  3448            description: Generic error response.
  3449            schema:
  3450              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3451        tags:
  3452          - idp
  3454    /releases:
  3455      get:
  3456        summary: Get repo releases for a given version
  3457        operationId: ListReleases
  3458        parameters:
  3459          - name: repo
  3460            description: repo name
  3461            in: query
  3462            type: string
  3463            required: true
  3464          - name: current
  3465            description: Current Release
  3466            in: query
  3467            type: string
  3468          - name: search
  3469            description: search content
  3470            in: query
  3471            type: string
  3472          - name: filter
  3473            description: filter releases
  3474            in: query
  3475            type: string
  3476        responses:
  3477          200:
  3478            description: A successful response.
  3479            schema:
  3480              $ref: "#/definitions/releaseListResponse"
  3481          default:
  3482            description: Generic error response.
  3483            schema:
  3484              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3485        tags:
  3486          - release
  3488    /support/callhome:
  3489      get:
  3490        summary: Get Callhome current status
  3491        operationId: GetCallHomeOptionValue
  3492        responses:
  3493          200:
  3494            description: A successful response.
  3495            schema:
  3496              $ref: "#/definitions/callHomeGetResponse"
  3497          default:
  3498            description: Generic error response.
  3499            schema:
  3500              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3501        tags:
  3502          - Support
  3504      put:
  3505        summary: Sets callhome status
  3506        operationId: SetCallHomeStatus
  3507        parameters:
  3508          - name: body
  3509            in: body
  3510            required: true
  3511            schema:
  3512              $ref: "#/definitions/callHomeSetStatus"
  3513        responses:
  3514          204:
  3515            description: A successful response.
  3516          default:
  3517            description: Generic error response.
  3518            schema:
  3519              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3520        tags:
  3521          - Support
  3523    /download-shared-object/{url}:
  3524      get:
  3525        summary: Downloads an object from a presigned url
  3526        operationId: DownloadSharedObject
  3527        security: []
  3528        produces:
  3529          - application/octet-stream
  3530        parameters:
  3531          - name: url
  3532            in: path
  3533            required: true
  3534            type: string
  3535        responses:
  3536          200:
  3537            description: A successful response.
  3538            schema:
  3539              type: file
  3540          default:
  3541            description: Generic error response.
  3542            schema:
  3543              $ref: "#/definitions/ApiError"
  3544        tags:
  3545          - Public
  3547  definitions:
  3548    accountChangePasswordRequest:
  3549      type: object
  3550      required:
  3551        - current_secret_key
  3552        - new_secret_key
  3553      properties:
  3554        current_secret_key:
  3555          type: string
  3556        new_secret_key:
  3557          type: string
  3559    changeUserPasswordRequest:
  3560      type: object
  3561      required:
  3562        - selectedUser
  3563        - newSecretKey
  3564      properties:
  3565        selectedUser:
  3566          type: string
  3567        newSecretKey:
  3568          type: string
  3570    bucketEncryptionType:
  3571      type: string
  3572      enum:
  3573        - sse-s3
  3574        - sse-kms
  3575      default: sse-s3
  3577    bucketAccess:
  3578      type: string
  3579      enum:
  3580        - PRIVATE
  3581        - PUBLIC
  3582        - CUSTOM
  3583      default: PRIVATE
  3585    userServiceAccountItem:
  3586      type: object
  3587      properties:
  3588        userName:
  3589          type: string
  3590        numSAs:
  3591          type: integer
  3592          format: int64
  3594    bucket:
  3595      type: object
  3596      required:
  3597        - name
  3598      properties:
  3599        name:
  3600          type: string
  3601          minLength: 3
  3602        size:
  3603          type: integer
  3604          format: int64
  3605        access:
  3606          $ref: "#/definitions/bucketAccess"
  3607        definition:
  3608          type: string
  3609        rw_access:
  3610          type: object
  3611          properties:
  3612            write:
  3613              type: boolean
  3614            read:
  3615              type: boolean
  3616        objects:
  3617          type: integer
  3618          format: int64
  3619        details:
  3620          type: object
  3621          properties:
  3622            versioning:
  3623              type: boolean
  3624            versioningSuspended:
  3625              type: boolean
  3626            locking:
  3627              type: boolean
  3628            replication:
  3629              type: boolean
  3630            tags:
  3631              type: object
  3632              additionalProperties:
  3633                type: string
  3634            quota:
  3635              type: object
  3636              properties:
  3637                quota:
  3638                  type: integer
  3639                  format: int64
  3640                type:
  3641                  type: string
  3642                  enum:
  3643                    - hard
  3644        creation_date:
  3645          type: string
  3647    bucketEncryptionRequest:
  3648      type: object
  3649      properties:
  3650        encType:
  3651          $ref: "#/definitions/bucketEncryptionType"
  3652        kmsKeyID:
  3653          type: string
  3655    bucketEncryptionInfo:
  3656      type: object
  3657      properties:
  3658        kmsMasterKeyID:
  3659          type: string
  3660        algorithm:
  3661          type: string
  3663    listBucketsResponse:
  3664      type: object
  3665      properties:
  3666        buckets:
  3667          type: array
  3668          items:
  3669            $ref: "#/definitions/bucket"
  3670          title: list of resulting buckets
  3671        total:
  3672          type: integer
  3673          format: int64
  3674          title: number of buckets accessible to the user
  3676    userServiceAccountSummary:
  3677      type: object
  3678      properties:
  3679        userServiceAccountList:
  3680          type: array
  3681          items:
  3682            $ref: "#/definitions/userServiceAccountItem"
  3683          title: list of users with number of service accounts
  3684        hasSA:
  3685          type: boolean
  3687    listObjectsResponse:
  3688      type: object
  3689      properties:
  3690        objects:
  3691          type: array
  3692          items:
  3693            $ref: "#/definitions/bucketObject"
  3694          title: list of resulting objects
  3695        total:
  3696          type: integer
  3697          format: int64
  3698          title: number of objects
  3700    bucketObject:
  3701      type: object
  3702      properties:
  3703        name:
  3704          type: string
  3705        size:
  3706          type: integer
  3707          format: int64
  3708        content_type:
  3709          type: string
  3710        last_modified:
  3711          type: string
  3712        is_latest:
  3713          type: boolean
  3714        is_delete_marker:
  3715          type: boolean
  3716        version_id:
  3717          type: string
  3718        user_tags:
  3719          type: object
  3720          additionalProperties:
  3721            type: string
  3722        expiration:
  3723          type: string
  3724        expiration_rule_id:
  3725          type: string
  3726        legal_hold_status:
  3727          type: string
  3728        retention_mode:
  3729          type: string
  3730        retention_until_date:
  3731          type: string
  3732        etag:
  3733          type: string
  3734        tags:
  3735          type: object
  3736          additionalProperties:
  3737            type: string
  3738        metadata:
  3739          type: object
  3740          additionalProperties:
  3741            type: string
  3742        user_metadata:
  3743          type: object
  3744          additionalProperties:
  3745            type: string
  3747    makeBucketRequest:
  3748      type: object
  3749      required:
  3750        - name
  3751      properties:
  3752        name:
  3753          type: string
  3754        locking:
  3755          type: boolean
  3756        versioning:
  3757          $ref: "#/definitions/setBucketVersioning"
  3758        quota:
  3759          $ref: "#/definitions/setBucketQuota"
  3760        retention:
  3761          $ref: "#/definitions/putBucketRetentionRequest"
  3762    ApiError:
  3763      type: object
  3764      properties:
  3765        message:
  3766          type: string
  3767        detailedMessage:
  3768          type: string
  3769    user:
  3770      type: object
  3771      properties:
  3772        accessKey:
  3773          type: string
  3774        policy:
  3775          type: array
  3776          items:
  3777            type: string
  3778        memberOf:
  3779          type: array
  3780          items:
  3781            type: string
  3782        status:
  3783          type: string
  3784        hasPolicy:
  3785          type: boolean
  3787    listUsersResponse:
  3788      type: object
  3789      properties:
  3790        users:
  3791          type: array
  3792          items:
  3793            $ref: "#/definitions/user"
  3794          title: list of resulting users
  3795    selectedUsers:
  3796      type: array
  3797      items:
  3798        type: string
  3799    addUserRequest:
  3800      type: object
  3801      required:
  3802        - accessKey
  3803        - secretKey
  3804        - groups
  3805        - policies
  3806      properties:
  3807        accessKey:
  3808          type: string
  3809        secretKey:
  3810          type: string
  3811        groups:
  3812          type: array
  3813          items:
  3814            type: string
  3815        policies:
  3816          type: array
  3817          items:
  3818            type: string
  3819    group:
  3820      type: object
  3821      properties:
  3822        name:
  3823          type: string
  3824        status:
  3825          type: string
  3826        members:
  3827          type: array
  3828          items:
  3829            type: string
  3830        policy:
  3831          type: string
  3832    addGroupRequest:
  3833      type: object
  3834      required:
  3835        - group
  3836        - members
  3837      properties:
  3838        group:
  3839          type: string
  3840        members:
  3841          type: array
  3842          items:
  3843            type: string
  3844    listGroupsResponse:
  3845      type: object
  3846      properties:
  3847        groups:
  3848          type: array
  3849          items:
  3850            type: string
  3851          title: list of groups
  3852        total:
  3853          type: integer
  3854          format: int64
  3855          title: total number of groups
  3856    policy:
  3857      type: object
  3858      properties:
  3859        name:
  3860          type: string
  3861        policy:
  3862          type: string
  3863    policyEntity:
  3864      type: string
  3865      enum:
  3866        - user
  3867        - group
  3868      default: user
  3869    setPolicyRequest:
  3870      type: object
  3871      required:
  3872        - entityType
  3873        - entityName
  3874      properties:
  3875        entityType:
  3876          $ref: "#/definitions/policyEntity"
  3877        entityName:
  3878          type: string
  3880    setPolicyNameRequest:
  3881      type: object
  3882      required:
  3883        - name
  3884        - entityType
  3885        - entityName
  3886      properties:
  3887        name:
  3888          type: array
  3889          items:
  3890            type: string
  3891        entityType:
  3892          $ref: "#/definitions/policyEntity"
  3893        entityName:
  3894          type: string
  3896    setPolicyMultipleNameRequest:
  3897      type: object
  3898      properties:
  3899        name:
  3900          type: array
  3901          items:
  3902            type: string
  3903        users:
  3904          type: array
  3905          items:
  3906            $ref: "#/definitions/iamEntity"
  3907        groups:
  3908          type: array
  3909          items:
  3910            $ref: "#/definitions/iamEntity"
  3912    iamEntity:
  3913      type: string
  3914      pattern: '^[\w+=,.@-]{1,64}$'
  3916    addPolicyRequest:
  3917      type: object
  3918      required:
  3919        - name
  3920        - policy
  3921      properties:
  3922        name:
  3923          type: string
  3924        policy:
  3925          type: string
  3927    updateServiceAccountRequest:
  3928      type: object
  3929      required:
  3930        - policy
  3931      properties:
  3932        policy:
  3933          type: string
  3934        secretKey:
  3935          type: string
  3936        name:
  3937          type: string
  3938        description:
  3939          type: string
  3940        expiry:
  3941          type: string
  3942        status:
  3943          type: string
  3945    listPoliciesResponse:
  3946      type: object
  3947      properties:
  3948        policies:
  3949          type: array
  3950          items:
  3951            $ref: "#/definitions/policy"
  3952          title: list of policies
  3953        total:
  3954          type: integer
  3955          format: int64
  3956          title: total number of policies
  3958    listAccessRulesResponse:
  3959      type: object
  3960      properties:
  3961        accessRules:
  3962          type: array
  3963          items:
  3964            $ref: "#/definitions/accessRule"
  3965          title: list of policies
  3966        total:
  3967          type: integer
  3968          format: int64
  3969          title: total number of policies
  3971    accessRule:
  3972      type: object
  3973      properties:
  3974        prefix:
  3975          type: string
  3976        access:
  3977          type: string
  3979    updateGroupRequest:
  3980      type: object
  3981      required:
  3982        - members
  3983        - status
  3984      properties:
  3985        members:
  3986          type: array
  3987          items:
  3988            type: string
  3989        status:
  3990          type: string
  3991    configDescription:
  3992      type: object
  3993      properties:
  3994        key:
  3995          type: string
  3996        description:
  3997          type: string
  3998    configurationKV:
  3999      type: object
  4000      properties:
  4001        key:
  4002          type: string
  4003        value:
  4004          type: string
  4005        env_override:
  4006          $ref: "#/definitions/envOverride"
  4007    envOverride:
  4008      type: object
  4009      properties:
  4010        name:
  4011          type: string
  4012        value:
  4013          type: string
  4014    configuration:
  4015      type: object
  4016      properties:
  4017        name:
  4018          type: string
  4019        key_values:
  4020          type: array
  4021          items:
  4022            $ref: "#/definitions/configurationKV"
  4023    listConfigResponse:
  4024      type: object
  4025      properties:
  4026        configurations:
  4027          type: array
  4028          items:
  4029            $ref: "#/definitions/configDescription"
  4030        total:
  4031          type: integer
  4032          format: int64
  4033          title: total number of configurations
  4034    setConfigRequest:
  4035      type: object
  4036      required:
  4037        - key_values
  4038      properties:
  4039        key_values:
  4040          type: array
  4041          minItems: 1
  4042          items:
  4043            $ref: "#/definitions/configurationKV"
  4044        arn_resource_id:
  4045          type: string
  4046          title: Used if configuration is an event notification's target
  4047    notificationEventType:
  4048      type: string
  4049      enum:
  4050        - put
  4051        - delete
  4052        - get
  4053        - replica
  4054        - ilm
  4055        - scanner
  4056    notificationConfig:
  4057      type: object
  4058      required:
  4059        - arn
  4060      properties:
  4061        id:
  4062          type: string
  4063        arn:
  4064          type: string
  4065        events:
  4066          type: array
  4067          items:
  4068            $ref: "#/definitions/notificationEventType"
  4069          title: "filter specific type of event. Defaults to all event (default: '[put,delete,get]')"
  4070        prefix:
  4071          type: string
  4072          title: "filter event associated to the specified prefix"
  4073        suffix:
  4074          type: string
  4075          title: "filter event associated to the specified suffix"
  4076    notificationDeleteRequest:
  4077      type: object
  4078      required:
  4079        - events
  4080        - prefix
  4081        - suffix
  4082      properties:
  4083        events:
  4084          type: array
  4085          minLength: 1
  4086          items:
  4087            $ref: "#/definitions/notificationEventType"
  4088          title: "filter specific type of event. Defaults to all event (default: '[put,delete,get]')"
  4089        prefix:
  4090          type: string
  4091          title: "filter event associated to the specified prefix"
  4092        suffix:
  4093          type: string
  4094          title: "filter event associated to the specified suffix"
  4095    bucketEventRequest:
  4096      type: object
  4097      required:
  4098        - configuration
  4099      properties:
  4100        configuration:
  4101          $ref: "#/definitions/notificationConfig"
  4102        ignoreExisting:
  4103          type: boolean
  4104    bucketReplicationDestination:
  4105      type: object
  4106      properties:
  4107        bucket:
  4108          type: string
  4109    bucketReplicationRule:
  4110      type: object
  4111      properties:
  4112        id:
  4113          type: string
  4114        status:
  4115          type: string
  4116          enum:
  4117            - Enabled
  4118            - Disabled
  4119        priority:
  4120          type: integer
  4121          format: int32
  4122        syncMode:
  4123          type: string
  4124          enum:
  4125            - async
  4126            - sync
  4127          default: async
  4128        bandwidth:
  4129          type: string
  4130        healthCheckPeriod:
  4131          type: integer
  4132        delete_marker_replication:
  4133          type: boolean
  4134        deletes_replication:
  4135          type: boolean
  4136        existingObjects:
  4137          type: boolean
  4138        metadata_replication:
  4139          type: boolean
  4140        prefix:
  4141          type: string
  4142        tags:
  4143          type: string
  4144        storageClass:
  4145          type: string
  4146        destination:
  4147          $ref: "#/definitions/bucketReplicationDestination"
  4149    bucketReplicationRuleList:
  4150      type: object
  4151      properties:
  4152        rules:
  4153          type: array
  4154          items:
  4155            type: string
  4157    bucketReplicationResponse:
  4158      type: object
  4159      properties:
  4160        rules:
  4161          type: array
  4162          items:
  4163            $ref: "#/definitions/bucketReplicationRule"
  4164      # missing
  4165      #  "Filter": {
  4166      #   "And": {},
  4167      #   "Tag": {}
  4168      #  }
  4169      # }
  4170      #}
  4172    listExternalBucketsParams:
  4173      required:
  4174        - accessKey
  4175        - secretKey
  4176        - targetURL
  4177        - useTLS
  4178      properties:
  4179        accessKey:
  4180          type: string
  4181          minLength: 3
  4182        secretKey:
  4183          type: string
  4184          minLength: 8
  4185        targetURL:
  4186          type: string
  4187        useTLS:
  4188          type: boolean
  4189        region:
  4190          type: string
  4192    multiBucketReplication:
  4193      required:
  4194        - accessKey
  4195        - secretKey
  4196        - targetURL
  4197        - bucketsRelation
  4198      properties:
  4199        accessKey:
  4200          type: string
  4201          minLength: 3
  4202        secretKey:
  4203          type: string
  4204          minLength: 8
  4205        targetURL:
  4206          type: string
  4207        region:
  4208          type: string
  4209        syncMode:
  4210          type: string
  4211          enum:
  4212            - async
  4213            - sync
  4214          default: async
  4215        bandwidth:
  4216          type: integer
  4217          format: int64
  4218        healthCheckPeriod:
  4219          type: integer
  4220          format: int32
  4221        prefix:
  4222          type: string
  4223        tags:
  4224          type: string
  4225        replicateExistingObjects:
  4226          type: boolean
  4227        replicateDeleteMarkers:
  4228          type: boolean
  4229        replicateDeletes:
  4230          type: boolean
  4231        replicateMetadata:
  4232          type: boolean
  4233        priority:
  4234          type: integer
  4235          format: int32
  4236          default: 0
  4237        storageClass:
  4238          type: string
  4239          default: ""
  4240        bucketsRelation:
  4241          type: array
  4242          minLength: 1
  4243          items:
  4244            $ref: "#/definitions/multiBucketsRelation"
  4246    multiBucketReplicationEdit:
  4247      properties:
  4248        ruleState:
  4249          type: boolean
  4250        arn:
  4251          type: string
  4252        prefix:
  4253          type: string
  4254        tags:
  4255          type: string
  4256          default: ""
  4257        replicateDeleteMarkers:
  4258          type: boolean
  4259        replicateDeletes:
  4260          type: boolean
  4261        replicateMetadata:
  4262          type: boolean
  4263        replicateExistingObjects:
  4264          type: boolean
  4265        priority:
  4266          type: integer
  4267          format: int32
  4268          default: 0
  4269        storageClass:
  4270          type: string
  4271          default: ""
  4273    multiBucketsRelation:
  4274      type: object
  4275      properties:
  4276        originBucket:
  4277          type: string
  4278        destinationBucket:
  4279          type: string
  4281    multiBucketResponseItem:
  4282      type: object
  4283      properties:
  4284        originBucket:
  4285          type: string
  4286        targetBucket:
  4287          type: string
  4288        errorString:
  4289          type: string
  4291    multiBucketResponseState:
  4292      type: object
  4293      properties:
  4294        replicationState:
  4295          type: array
  4296          items:
  4297            $ref: "#/definitions/multiBucketResponseItem"
  4299    addBucketReplication:
  4300      type: object
  4301      properties:
  4302        arn:
  4303          type: string
  4304        destination_bucket:
  4305          type: string
  4307    makeBucketsResponse:
  4308      type: object
  4309      properties:
  4310        bucketName:
  4311          type: string
  4313    listBucketEventsResponse:
  4314      type: object
  4315      properties:
  4316        events:
  4317          type: array
  4318          items:
  4319            $ref: "#/definitions/notificationConfig"
  4320        total:
  4321          type: integer
  4322          format: int64
  4323          title: total number of bucket events
  4324    setBucketPolicyRequest:
  4325      type: object
  4326      required:
  4327        - access
  4328      properties:
  4329        access:
  4330          $ref: "#/definitions/bucketAccess"
  4331        definition:
  4332          type: string
  4333    bucketQuota:
  4334      type: object
  4335      properties:
  4336        quota:
  4337          type: integer
  4338        type:
  4339          type: string
  4340          enum:
  4341            - hard
  4342    setBucketQuota:
  4343      type: object
  4344      required:
  4345        - enabled
  4346      properties:
  4347        enabled:
  4348          type: boolean
  4349        quota_type:
  4350          type: string
  4351          enum:
  4352            - hard
  4353        amount:
  4354          type: integer
  4355    loginDetails:
  4356      type: object
  4357      properties:
  4358        loginStrategy:
  4359          type: string
  4360          enum: [form, redirect, service-account, redirect-service-account]
  4361        redirectRules:
  4362          type: array
  4363          items:
  4364            $ref: "#/definitions/redirectRule"
  4365        isK8S:
  4366          type: boolean
  4367        animatedLogin:
  4368          type: boolean
  4369    loginOauth2AuthRequest:
  4370      type: object
  4371      required:
  4372        - state
  4373        - code
  4374      properties:
  4375        state:
  4376          type: string
  4377        code:
  4378          type: string
  4379    loginRequest:
  4380      type: object
  4381      properties:
  4382        accessKey:
  4383          type: string
  4384        secretKey:
  4385          type: string
  4386        sts:
  4387          type: string
  4388        features:
  4389          type: object
  4390          properties:
  4391            hide_menu:
  4392              type: boolean
  4393    loginResponse:
  4394      type: object
  4395      properties:
  4396        sessionId:
  4397          type: string
  4398        IDPRefreshToken:
  4399          type: string
  4400    logoutRequest:
  4401      type: object
  4402      properties:
  4403        state:
  4404          type: string
  4405    # Structure that holds the `Bearer {TOKEN}` present on authenticated requests
  4406    principal:
  4407      type: object
  4408      properties:
  4409        STSAccessKeyID:
  4410          type: string
  4411        STSSecretAccessKey:
  4412          type: string
  4413        STSSessionToken:
  4414          type: string
  4415        accountAccessKey:
  4416          type: string
  4417        hm:
  4418          type: boolean
  4419        ob:
  4420          type: boolean
  4421        customStyleOb:
  4422          type: string
  4423    startProfilingItem:
  4424      type: object
  4425      properties:
  4426        nodeName:
  4427          type: string
  4428        success:
  4429          type: boolean
  4430        error:
  4431          type: string
  4432    startProfilingList:
  4433      type: object
  4434      properties:
  4435        total:
  4436          type: integer
  4437          format: int64
  4438          title: number of start results
  4439        startResults:
  4440          type: array
  4441          items:
  4442            $ref: "#/definitions/startProfilingItem"
  4443    profilingStartRequest:
  4444      type: object
  4445      required:
  4446        - type
  4447      properties:
  4448        type:
  4449          type: string
  4450    sessionResponse:
  4451      type: object
  4452      properties:
  4453        features:
  4454          type: array
  4455          items:
  4456            type: string
  4457        status:
  4458          type: string
  4459          enum: [ok]
  4460        operator:
  4461          type: boolean
  4462        distributedMode:
  4463          type: boolean
  4464        serverEndPoint:
  4465          type: string
  4466        permissions:
  4467          type: object
  4468          additionalProperties:
  4469            type: array
  4470            items:
  4471              type: string
  4472        customStyles:
  4473          type: string
  4474        allowResources:
  4475          type: array
  4476          items:
  4477            $ref: "#/definitions/permissionResource"
  4478        envConstants:
  4479          $ref: "#/definitions/environmentConstants"
  4481    widgetResult:
  4482      type: object
  4483      properties:
  4484        metric:
  4485          type: object
  4486          additionalProperties:
  4487            type: string
  4488        values:
  4489          type: array
  4490          items: {}
  4491    resultTarget:
  4492      type: object
  4493      properties:
  4494        legendFormat:
  4495          type: string
  4496        resultType:
  4497          type: string
  4498        result:
  4499          type: array
  4500          items:
  4501            $ref: "#/definitions/widgetResult"
  4502    widget:
  4503      type: object
  4504      properties:
  4505        title:
  4506          type: string
  4507        type:
  4508          type: string
  4509        id:
  4510          type: integer
  4511          format: int32
  4512        options:
  4513          type: object
  4514          properties:
  4515            reduceOptions:
  4516              type: object
  4517              properties:
  4518                calcs:
  4519                  type: array
  4520                  items:
  4521                    type: string
  4522        targets:
  4523          type: array
  4524          items:
  4525            $ref: "#/definitions/resultTarget"
  4526    widgetDetails:
  4527      type: object
  4528      properties:
  4529        title:
  4530          type: string
  4531        type:
  4532          type: string
  4533        id:
  4534          type: integer
  4535          format: int32
  4536        options:
  4537          type: object
  4538          properties:
  4539            reduceOptions:
  4540              type: object
  4541              properties:
  4542                calcs:
  4543                  type: array
  4544                  items:
  4545                    type: string
  4546        targets:
  4547          type: array
  4548          items:
  4549            $ref: "#/definitions/resultTarget"
  4550    adminInfoResponse:
  4551      type: object
  4552      properties:
  4553        buckets:
  4554          type: integer
  4555        objects:
  4556          type: integer
  4557        usage:
  4558          type: integer
  4559        advancedMetricsStatus:
  4560          type: string
  4561          enum:
  4562            - not configured
  4563            - available
  4564            - unavailable
  4565        widgets:
  4566          type: array
  4567          items:
  4568            $ref: "#/definitions/widget"
  4569        servers:
  4570          type: array
  4571          items:
  4572            $ref: "#/definitions/serverProperties"
  4573        backend:
  4574          $ref: "#/definitions/BackendProperties"
  4575    serverProperties:
  4576      type: object
  4577      properties:
  4578        state:
  4579          type: string
  4580        endpoint:
  4581          type: string
  4582        uptime:
  4583          type: integer
  4584        version:
  4585          type: string
  4586        commitID:
  4587          type: string
  4588        poolNumber:
  4589          type: integer
  4590        network:
  4591          type: object
  4592          additionalProperties:
  4593            type: string
  4594        drives:
  4595          type: array
  4596          items:
  4597            $ref: "#/definitions/serverDrives"
  4598    serverDrives:
  4599      type: object
  4600      properties:
  4601        uuid:
  4602          type: string
  4603        state:
  4604          type: string
  4605        endpoint:
  4606          type: string
  4607        drivePath:
  4608          type: string
  4609        rootDisk:
  4610          type: boolean
  4611        healing:
  4612          type: boolean
  4613        model:
  4614          type: string
  4615        totalSpace:
  4616          type: integer
  4617        usedSpace:
  4618          type: integer
  4619        availableSpace:
  4620          type: integer
  4621    BackendProperties:
  4622      type: object
  4623      properties:
  4624        backendType:
  4625          type: string
  4626        rrSCParity:
  4627          type: integer
  4628        standardSCParity:
  4629          type: integer
  4630        onlineDrives:
  4631          type: integer
  4632        offlineDrives:
  4633          type: integer
  4634    arnsResponse:
  4635      type: object
  4636      properties:
  4637        arns:
  4638          type: array
  4639          items:
  4640            type: string
  4641    updateUserGroups:
  4642      type: object
  4643      required:
  4644        - groups
  4645      properties:
  4646        groups:
  4647          type: array
  4648          items:
  4649            type: string
  4650    nofiticationService:
  4651      type: string
  4652      enum:
  4653        - webhook
  4654        - amqp
  4655        - kafka
  4656        - mqtt
  4657        - nats
  4658        - nsq
  4659        - mysql
  4660        - postgres
  4661        - elasticsearch
  4662        - redis
  4663    notificationEndpointItem:
  4664      type: object
  4665      properties:
  4666        service:
  4667          $ref: "#/definitions/nofiticationService"
  4668        account_id:
  4669          type: string
  4670        status:
  4671          type: string
  4672    notificationEndpoint:
  4673      type: object
  4674      required:
  4675        - service
  4676        - account_id
  4677        - properties
  4678      properties:
  4679        service:
  4680          $ref: "#/definitions/nofiticationService"
  4681        account_id:
  4682          type: string
  4683        properties:
  4684          type: object
  4685          additionalProperties:
  4686            type: string
  4687    setNotificationEndpointResponse:
  4688      type: object
  4689      required:
  4690        - service
  4691        - account_id
  4692        - properties
  4693      properties:
  4694        service:
  4695          $ref: "#/definitions/nofiticationService"
  4696        account_id:
  4697          type: string
  4698        properties:
  4699          type: object
  4700          additionalProperties:
  4701            type: string
  4702        restart:
  4703          type: boolean
  4704    notifEndpointResponse:
  4705      type: object
  4706      properties:
  4707        notification_endpoints:
  4708          type: array
  4709          items:
  4710            $ref: "#/definitions/notificationEndpointItem"
  4712    peerSiteRemoveResponse:
  4713      type: object
  4714      properties:
  4715        status:
  4716          type: string
  4717        errorDetail:
  4718          type: string
  4720    peerSiteEditResponse:
  4721      type: object
  4722      properties:
  4723        success:
  4724          type: boolean
  4725        status:
  4726          type: string
  4727        errorDetail:
  4728          type: string
  4730    peerSite:
  4731      type: object
  4732      properties:
  4733        name:
  4734          type: string
  4735        endpoint:
  4736          type: string
  4737        accessKey:
  4738          type: string
  4739        secretKey:
  4740          type: string
  4742    peerInfo:
  4743      type: object
  4744      properties:
  4745        endpoint:
  4746          type: string
  4747        name:
  4748          type: string
  4749        deploymentID:
  4750          type: string
  4752    peerInfoRemove:
  4753      type: object
  4754      required:
  4755        - sites
  4756      properties:
  4757        all:
  4758          type: boolean
  4759        sites:
  4760          type: array
  4761          items:
  4762            type: string
  4764    siteReplicationAddRequest:
  4765      type: array
  4766      items:
  4767        $ref: "#/definitions/peerSite"
  4769    siteReplicationAddResponse:
  4770      type: object
  4771      properties:
  4772        success:
  4773          type: boolean
  4774        status:
  4775          type: string
  4776        errorDetail:
  4777          type: string
  4778        initialSyncErrorMessage:
  4779          type: string
  4781    siteReplicationInfoResponse:
  4782      type: object
  4783      properties:
  4784        enabled:
  4785          type: boolean
  4786        name:
  4787          type: string
  4788        sites:
  4789          type: array
  4790          items:
  4791            $ref: "#/definitions/peerInfo"
  4792        serviceAccountAccessKey:
  4793          type: string
  4795    siteReplicationStatusResponse:
  4796      type: object
  4797      properties:
  4798        enabled:
  4799          type: boolean
  4800        maxBuckets:
  4801          type: integer
  4802        maxUsers:
  4803          type: integer
  4804        maxGroups:
  4805          type: integer
  4806        maxPolicies:
  4807          type: integer
  4808        sites:
  4809          type: object
  4810        statsSummary:
  4811          type: object
  4812        bucketStats:
  4813          type: object
  4814        policyStats:
  4815          type: object
  4816        userStats:
  4817          type: object
  4818        groupStats:
  4819          type: object
  4821    updateUser:
  4822      type: object
  4823      required:
  4824        - status
  4825        - groups
  4826      properties:
  4827        status:
  4828          type: string
  4829        groups:
  4830          type: array
  4831          items:
  4832            type: string
  4833    bulkUserGroups:
  4834      type: object
  4835      required:
  4836        - users
  4837        - groups
  4838      properties:
  4839        users:
  4840          type: array
  4841          items:
  4842            type: string
  4843        groups:
  4844          type: array
  4845          items:
  4846            type: string
  4847    serviceAccount:
  4848      type: object
  4849      properties:
  4850        parentUser:
  4851          type: string
  4852        accountStatus:
  4853          type: string
  4854        impliedPolicy:
  4855          type: boolean
  4856        policy:
  4857          type: string
  4858        name:
  4859          type: string
  4860        description:
  4861          type: string
  4862        expiration:
  4863          type: string
  4864    serviceAccounts:
  4865      type: array
  4866      items:
  4867        type: object
  4868        properties:
  4869          accountStatus:
  4870            type: string
  4871          name:
  4872            type: string
  4873          description:
  4874            type: string
  4875          expiration:
  4876            type: string
  4877          accessKey:
  4878            type: string
  4880    serviceAccountRequest:
  4881      type: object
  4882      properties:
  4883        policy:
  4884          type: string
  4885          title: "policy to be applied to the Service Account if any"
  4886        name:
  4887          type: string
  4888        description:
  4889          type: string
  4890        expiry:
  4891          type: string
  4892        comment:
  4893          type: string
  4894    serviceAccountRequestCreds:
  4895      type: object
  4896      properties:
  4897        policy:
  4898          type: string
  4899          title: "policy to be applied to the Service Account if any"
  4900        accessKey:
  4901          type: string
  4902        secretKey:
  4903          type: string
  4904        name:
  4905          type: string
  4906        description:
  4907          type: string
  4908        expiry:
  4909          type: string
  4910        comment:
  4911          type: string
  4912    serviceAccountCreds:
  4913      type: object
  4914      properties:
  4915        accessKey:
  4916          type: string
  4917        secretKey:
  4918          type: string
  4919        url:
  4920          type: string
  4921    remoteBucket:
  4922      type: object
  4923      required:
  4924        - accessKey
  4925        - sourceBucket
  4926        - remoteARN
  4927      properties:
  4928        accessKey:
  4929          type: string
  4930          minLength: 3
  4931        secretKey:
  4932          type: string
  4933          minLength: 8
  4934        sourceBucket:
  4935          type: string
  4936        targetURL:
  4937          type: string
  4938        targetBucket:
  4939          type: string
  4940        remoteARN:
  4941          type: string
  4942        status:
  4943          type: string
  4944        service:
  4945          type: string
  4946          enum: [replication]
  4947        syncMode:
  4948          type: string
  4949        bandwidth:
  4950          type: integer
  4951          format: int64
  4952        healthCheckPeriod:
  4953          type: integer
  4954    createRemoteBucket:
  4955      required:
  4956        - accessKey
  4957        - secretKey
  4958        - targetURL
  4959        - sourceBucket
  4960        - targetBucket
  4961      properties:
  4962        accessKey:
  4963          type: string
  4964          minLength: 3
  4965        secretKey:
  4966          type: string
  4967          minLength: 8
  4968        targetURL:
  4969          type: string
  4970        sourceBucket:
  4971          type: string
  4972        targetBucket:
  4973          type: string
  4974        region:
  4975          type: string
  4976        syncMode:
  4977          type: string
  4978          enum:
  4979            - async
  4980            - sync
  4981          default: async
  4982        bandwidth:
  4983          type: integer
  4984          format: int64
  4985        healthCheckPeriod:
  4986          type: integer
  4987          format: int32
  4988    listRemoteBucketsResponse:
  4989      type: object
  4990      properties:
  4991        buckets:
  4992          type: array
  4993          items:
  4994            $ref: "#/definitions/remoteBucket"
  4995          title: list of remote buckets
  4996        total:
  4997          type: integer
  4998          format: int64
  4999          title: number of remote buckets accessible to user
  5000    bucketVersioningResponse:
  5001      type: object
  5002      properties:
  5003        status:
  5004          type: string
  5005        MFADelete:
  5006          type: string
  5007        excludedPrefixes:
  5008          type: array
  5009          items:
  5010            type: object
  5011            properties:
  5012              prefix:
  5013                type: string
  5014        excludeFolders:
  5015          type: boolean
  5017    setBucketVersioning:
  5018      type: object
  5019      properties:
  5020        enabled:
  5021          type: boolean
  5022        excludePrefixes:
  5023          type: array
  5024          maxLength: 10
  5025          items:
  5026            type: string
  5027        excludeFolders:
  5028          type: boolean
  5030    bucketObLockingResponse:
  5031      type: object
  5032      properties:
  5033        object_locking_enabled:
  5034          type: boolean
  5036    logSearchResponse:
  5037      type: object
  5038      properties:
  5039        results:
  5040          type: object
  5041          title: list of log search responses
  5043    objectLegalHoldStatus:
  5044      type: string
  5045      enum:
  5046        - enabled
  5047        - disabled
  5049    putObjectLegalHoldRequest:
  5050      type: object
  5051      required:
  5052        - status
  5053      properties:
  5054        status:
  5055          $ref: "#/definitions/objectLegalHoldStatus"
  5057    objectRetentionMode:
  5058      type: string
  5059      enum:
  5060        - governance
  5061        - compliance
  5063    putObjectRetentionRequest:
  5064      type: object
  5065      required:
  5066        - mode
  5067        - expires
  5068      properties:
  5069        mode:
  5070          $ref: "#/definitions/objectRetentionMode"
  5071        expires:
  5072          type: string
  5073        governance_bypass:
  5074          type: boolean
  5076    putObjectTagsRequest:
  5077      type: object
  5078      properties:
  5079        tags:
  5080          additionalProperties:
  5081            type: string
  5083    putBucketTagsRequest:
  5084      type: object
  5085      properties:
  5086        tags:
  5087          additionalProperties:
  5088            type: string
  5090    objectRetentionUnit:
  5091      type: string
  5092      enum:
  5093        - days
  5094        - years
  5096    putBucketRetentionRequest:
  5097      type: object
  5098      required:
  5099        - mode
  5100        - unit
  5101        - validity
  5102      properties:
  5103        mode:
  5104          $ref: "#/definitions/objectRetentionMode"
  5105        unit:
  5106          $ref: "#/definitions/objectRetentionUnit"
  5107        validity:
  5108          type: integer
  5109          format: int32
  5111    getBucketRetentionConfig:
  5112      type: object
  5113      properties:
  5114        mode:
  5115          $ref: "#/definitions/objectRetentionMode"
  5116        unit:
  5117          $ref: "#/definitions/objectRetentionUnit"
  5118        validity:
  5119          type: integer
  5120          format: int32
  5122    bucketLifecycleResponse:
  5123      type: object
  5124      properties:
  5125        lifecycle:
  5126          type: array
  5127          items:
  5128            $ref: "#/definitions/objectBucketLifecycle"
  5130    expirationResponse:
  5131      type: object
  5132      properties:
  5133        date:
  5134          type: string
  5135        days:
  5136          type: integer
  5137          format: int64
  5138        delete_marker:
  5139          type: boolean
  5140        delete_all:
  5141          type: boolean
  5142        noncurrent_expiration_days:
  5143          type: integer
  5144          format: int64
  5145        newer_noncurrent_expiration_versions:
  5146          type: integer
  5147          format: int64
  5149    transitionResponse:
  5150      type: object
  5151      properties:
  5152        date:
  5153          type: string
  5154        storage_class:
  5155          type: string
  5156        days:
  5157          type: integer
  5158          format: int64
  5159        noncurrent_transition_days:
  5160          type: integer
  5161          format: int64
  5162        noncurrent_storage_class:
  5163          type: string
  5165    lifecycleTag:
  5166      type: object
  5167      properties:
  5168        key:
  5169          type: string
  5170        value:
  5171          type: string
  5173    objectBucketLifecycle:
  5174      type: object
  5175      properties:
  5176        id:
  5177          type: string
  5178        prefix:
  5179          type: string
  5180        status:
  5181          type: string
  5182        expiration:
  5183          $ref: "#/definitions/expirationResponse"
  5184        transition:
  5185          $ref: "#/definitions/transitionResponse"
  5186        tags:
  5187          type: array
  5188          items:
  5189            $ref: "#/definitions/lifecycleTag"
  5191    addBucketLifecycle:
  5192      type: object
  5193      properties:
  5194        type:
  5195          description: ILM Rule type (Expiry or transition)
  5196          type: string
  5197          enum:
  5198            - expiry
  5199            - transition
  5200        prefix:
  5201          description: Non required field, it matches a prefix to perform ILM operations on it
  5202          type: string
  5203        tags:
  5204          description: Non required field, tags to match ILM files
  5205          type: string
  5206        expiry_days:
  5207          description: Required in case of expiry_date or transition fields are not set. it defines an expiry days for ILM
  5208          type: integer
  5209          format: int32
  5210          default: 0
  5211        transition_days:
  5212          description: Required in case of transition_date or expiry fields are not set. it defines a transition days for ILM
  5213          type: integer
  5214          format: int32
  5215          default: 0
  5216        storage_class:
  5217          description: Required only in case of transition is set. it refers to a tier
  5218          type: string
  5219        disable:
  5220          description: Non required, toggle to disable or enable rule
  5221          type: boolean
  5222        expired_object_delete_marker:
  5223          description: Non required, toggle to disable or enable rule
  5224          type: boolean
  5225        expired_object_delete_all:
  5226          description: Non required, toggle to disable or enable rule
  5227          type: boolean
  5228        noncurrentversion_expiration_days:
  5229          description: Non required, can be set in case of expiration is enabled
  5230          type: integer
  5231          format: int32
  5232          default: 0
  5233        noncurrentversion_transition_days:
  5234          description: Non required, can be set in case of transition is enabled
  5235          type: integer
  5236          format: int32
  5237          default: 0
  5238        newer_noncurrentversion_expiration_versions:
  5239          description: Non required, can be set in case of expiration is enabled
  5240          type: integer
  5241          format: int32
  5242          default: 0
  5243        noncurrentversion_transition_storage_class:
  5244          description: Non required, can be set in case of transition is enabled
  5245          type: string
  5247    updateBucketLifecycle:
  5248      type: object
  5249      required:
  5250        - type
  5251      properties:
  5252        type:
  5253          description: ILM Rule type (Expiry or transition)
  5254          type: string
  5255          enum:
  5256            - expiry
  5257            - transition
  5258        prefix:
  5259          description: Non required field, it matches a prefix to perform ILM operations on it
  5260          type: string
  5261        tags:
  5262          description: Non required field, tags to match ILM files
  5263          type: string
  5264        expiry_days:
  5265          description: Required in case of expiry_date or transition fields are not set. it defines an expiry days for ILM
  5266          type: integer
  5267          format: int32
  5268          default: 0
  5269        transition_days:
  5270          description: Required in case of transition_date or expiry fields are not set. it defines a transition days for ILM
  5271          type: integer
  5272          format: int32
  5273          default: 0
  5274        storage_class:
  5275          description: Required only in case of transition is set. it refers to a tier
  5276          type: string
  5277        disable:
  5278          description: Non required, toggle to disable or enable rule
  5279          type: boolean
  5280        expired_object_delete_marker:
  5281          description: Non required, toggle to disable or enable rule
  5282          type: boolean
  5283        expired_object_delete_all:
  5284          description: Non required, toggle to disable or enable rule
  5285          type: boolean
  5286        noncurrentversion_expiration_days:
  5287          description: Non required, can be set in case of expiration is enabled
  5288          type: integer
  5289          format: int32
  5290          default: 0
  5291        noncurrentversion_transition_days:
  5292          description: Non required, can be set in case of transition is enabled
  5293          type: integer
  5294          format: int32
  5295          default: 0
  5296        noncurrentversion_transition_storage_class:
  5297          description: Non required, can be set in case of transition is enabled
  5298          type: string
  5300    addMultiBucketLifecycle:
  5301      type: object
  5302      required:
  5303        - buckets
  5304        - type
  5305      properties:
  5306        buckets:
  5307          type: array
  5308          items:
  5309            type: string
  5310        type:
  5311          description: ILM Rule type (Expiry or transition)
  5312          type: string
  5313          enum:
  5314            - expiry
  5315            - transition
  5316        prefix:
  5317          description: Non required field, it matches a prefix to perform ILM operations on it
  5318          type: string
  5319        tags:
  5320          description: Non required field, tags to match ILM files
  5321          type: string
  5322        expiry_days:
  5323          description: Required in case of expiry_date or transition fields are not set. it defines an expiry days for ILM
  5324          type: integer
  5325          format: int32
  5326          default: 0
  5327        transition_days:
  5328          description: Required in case of transition_date or expiry fields are not set. it defines a transition days for ILM
  5329          type: integer
  5330          format: int32
  5331          default: 0
  5332        storage_class:
  5333          description: Required only in case of transition is set. it refers to a tier
  5334          type: string
  5335        expired_object_delete_marker:
  5336          description: Non required, toggle to disable or enable rule
  5337          type: boolean
  5338        expired_object_delete_all:
  5339          description: Non required, toggle to disable or enable rule
  5340          type: boolean
  5341        noncurrentversion_expiration_days:
  5342          description: Non required, can be set in case of expiration is enabled
  5343          type: integer
  5344          format: int32
  5345          default: 0
  5346        noncurrentversion_transition_days:
  5347          description: Non required, can be set in case of transition is enabled
  5348          type: integer
  5349          format: int32
  5350          default: 0
  5351        noncurrentversion_transition_storage_class:
  5352          description: Non required, can be set in case of transition is enabled
  5353          type: string
  5355    multicycleResultItem:
  5356      type: object
  5357      properties:
  5358        bucketName:
  5359          type: string
  5360        error:
  5361          type: string
  5363    multiLifecycleResult:
  5364      properties:
  5365        results:
  5366          type: array
  5367          items:
  5368            $ref: "#/definitions/multicycleResultItem"
  5370    prefixAccessPair:
  5371      type: object
  5372      properties:
  5373        prefix:
  5374          type: string
  5375        access:
  5376          type: string
  5378    prefixWrapper:
  5379      type: object
  5380      properties:
  5381        prefix:
  5382          type: string
  5384    setConfigResponse:
  5385      type: object
  5386      properties:
  5387        restart:
  5388          description: Returns wheter server needs to restart to apply changes or not
  5389          type: boolean
  5391    configExportResponse:
  5392      type: object
  5393      properties:
  5394        value:
  5395          description: Returns base64 encoded value
  5396          type: string
  5397        status:
  5398          type: string
  5400    license:
  5401      type: object
  5402      properties:
  5403        email:
  5404          type: string
  5405        organization:
  5406          type: string
  5407        account_id:
  5408          type: integer
  5409        storage_capacity:
  5410          type: integer
  5411        plan:
  5412          type: string
  5413        expires_at:
  5414          type: string
  5415    apiKey:
  5416      type: object
  5417      properties:
  5418        apiKey:
  5419          type: string
  5421    policyArgs:
  5422      type: object
  5423      properties:
  5424        id:
  5425          type: string
  5426        action:
  5427          type: string
  5428        bucket_name:
  5429          type: string
  5431    tier_s3:
  5432      type: object
  5433      properties:
  5434        name:
  5435          type: string
  5436        endpoint:
  5437          type: string
  5438        accesskey:
  5439          type: string
  5440        secretkey:
  5441          type: string
  5442        bucket:
  5443          type: string
  5444        prefix:
  5445          type: string
  5446        region:
  5447          type: string
  5448        storageclass:
  5449          type: string
  5450        usage:
  5451          type: string
  5452        objects:
  5453          type: string
  5454        versions:
  5455          type: string
  5457    tier_minio:
  5458      type: object
  5459      properties:
  5460        name:
  5461          type: string
  5462        endpoint:
  5463          type: string
  5464        accesskey:
  5465          type: string
  5466        secretkey:
  5467          type: string
  5468        bucket:
  5469          type: string
  5470        prefix:
  5471          type: string
  5472        region:
  5473          type: string
  5474        storageclass:
  5475          type: string
  5476        usage:
  5477          type: string
  5478        objects:
  5479          type: string
  5480        versions:
  5481          type: string
  5483    tier_azure:
  5484      type: object
  5485      properties:
  5486        name:
  5487          type: string
  5488        endpoint:
  5489          type: string
  5490        accountname:
  5491          type: string
  5492        accountkey:
  5493          type: string
  5494        bucket:
  5495          type: string
  5496        prefix:
  5497          type: string
  5498        region:
  5499          type: string
  5500        usage:
  5501          type: string
  5502        objects:
  5503          type: string
  5504        versions:
  5505          type: string
  5507    tier_gcs:
  5508      type: object
  5509      properties:
  5510        name:
  5511          type: string
  5512        endpoint:
  5513          type: string
  5514        creds:
  5515          type: string
  5516        bucket:
  5517          type: string
  5518        prefix:
  5519          type: string
  5520        region:
  5521          type: string
  5522        usage:
  5523          type: string
  5524        objects:
  5525          type: string
  5526        versions:
  5527          type: string
  5529    deleteFile:
  5530      type: object
  5531      properties:
  5532        path:
  5533          type: string
  5534        versionID:
  5535          type: string
  5536        recursive:
  5537          type: boolean
  5539    userSAs:
  5540      type: object
  5541      properties:
  5542        path:
  5543          type: string
  5544        versionID:
  5545          type: string
  5546        recursive:
  5547          type: boolean
  5549    tier:
  5550      type: object
  5551      properties:
  5552        status:
  5553          type: boolean
  5554        type:
  5555          type: string
  5556          enum:
  5557            - s3
  5558            - gcs
  5559            - azure
  5560            - minio
  5561            - unsupported
  5562        s3:
  5563          type: object
  5564          $ref: "#/definitions/tier_s3"
  5565        gcs:
  5566          type: object
  5567          $ref: "#/definitions/tier_gcs"
  5568        azure:
  5569          type: object
  5570          $ref: "#/definitions/tier_azure"
  5571        minio:
  5572          type: object
  5573          $ref: "#/definitions/tier_minio"
  5575    tierListResponse:
  5576      type: object
  5577      properties:
  5578        items:
  5579          type: array
  5580          items:
  5581            $ref: "#/definitions/tier"
  5583    tierCredentialsRequest:
  5584      type: object
  5585      properties:
  5586        access_key:
  5587          type: string
  5588        secret_key:
  5589          type: string
  5590        creds:
  5591          type: string
  5592          description: a base64 encoded value
  5594    rewindItem:
  5595      type: object
  5596      properties:
  5597        last_modified:
  5598          type: string
  5599        size:
  5600          type: integer
  5601          format: int64
  5602        version_id:
  5603          type: string
  5604        delete_flag:
  5605          type: boolean
  5606        action:
  5607          type: string
  5608        name:
  5609          type: string
  5610        is_latest:
  5611          type: boolean
  5613    rewindResponse:
  5614      type: object
  5615      properties:
  5616        objects:
  5617          type: array
  5618          items:
  5619            $ref: "#/definitions/rewindItem"
  5621    iamPolicy:
  5622      type: object
  5623      properties:
  5624        version:
  5625          type: string
  5626        statement:
  5627          type: array
  5628          items:
  5629            $ref: "#/definitions/iamPolicyStatement"
  5631    iamPolicyStatement:
  5632      type: object
  5633      properties:
  5634        effect:
  5635          type: string
  5636        action:
  5637          type: array
  5638          items:
  5639            type: string
  5640        resource:
  5641          type: array
  5642          items:
  5643            type: string
  5644        condition:
  5645          type: object
  5646          additionalProperties:
  5647            type: object
  5649    metadata:
  5650      type: object
  5651      properties:
  5652        objectMetadata:
  5653          type: object
  5654          additionalProperties: true
  5656    subnetLoginResponse:
  5657      type: object
  5658      properties:
  5659        access_token:
  5660          type: string
  5661        organizations:
  5662          type: array
  5663          items:
  5664            $ref: "#/definitions/subnetOrganization"
  5665        mfa_token:
  5666          type: string
  5667        registered:
  5668          type: boolean
  5670    subnetLoginRequest:
  5671      type: object
  5672      properties:
  5673        username:
  5674          type: string
  5675        password:
  5676          type: string
  5677        apiKey:
  5678          type: string
  5680    subnetLoginMFARequest:
  5681      type: object
  5682      required:
  5683        - username
  5684        - otp
  5685        - mfa_token
  5686      properties:
  5687        username:
  5688          type: string
  5689        otp:
  5690          type: string
  5691        mfa_token:
  5692          type: string
  5694    subnetRegisterRequest:
  5695      type: object
  5696      required:
  5697        - token
  5698        - account_id
  5699      properties:
  5700        token:
  5701          type: string
  5702        account_id:
  5703          type: string
  5705    SubnetRegTokenResponse:
  5706      type: object
  5707      properties:
  5708        regToken:
  5709          type: string
  5711    subnetOrganization:
  5712      type: object
  5713      properties:
  5714        userId:
  5715          type: integer
  5716        accountId:
  5717          type: integer
  5718        subscriptionStatus:
  5719          type: string
  5720        isAccountOwner:
  5721          type: boolean
  5722        company:
  5723          type: string
  5724        shortName:
  5725          type: string
  5727    permissionResource:
  5728      type: object
  5729      properties:
  5730        resource:
  5731          type: string
  5732        conditionOperator:
  5733          type: string
  5734        prefixes:
  5735          type: array
  5736          items:
  5737            type: string
  5739    aUserPolicyResponse:
  5740      type: object
  5741      properties:
  5742        policy:
  5743          type: string
  5745    kmsStatusResponse:
  5746      type: object
  5747      properties:
  5748        name:
  5749          type: string
  5750        defaultKeyID:
  5751          type: string
  5752        endpoints:
  5753          type: array
  5754          items:
  5755            $ref: "#/definitions/kmsEndpoint"
  5756    kmsEndpoint:
  5757      type: object
  5758      properties:
  5759        url:
  5760          type: string
  5761        status:
  5762          type: string
  5764    kmsKeyStatusResponse:
  5765      type: object
  5766      properties:
  5767        keyID:
  5768          type: string
  5769        encryptionErr:
  5770          type: string
  5771        decryptionErr:
  5772          type: string
  5773    kmsCreateKeyRequest:
  5774      type: object
  5775      required:
  5776        - key
  5777      properties:
  5778        key:
  5779          type: string
  5780    kmsImportKeyRequest:
  5781      type: object
  5782      required:
  5783        - bytes
  5784      properties:
  5785        bytes:
  5786          type: string
  5787    kmDeleteKeyRequest:
  5788      type: object
  5789    kmsListKeysResponse:
  5790      type: object
  5791      properties:
  5792        results:
  5793          type: array
  5794          items:
  5795            $ref: "#/definitions/kmsKeyInfo"
  5796    kmsKeyInfo:
  5797      type: object
  5798      properties:
  5799        name:
  5800          type: string
  5801        createdAt:
  5802          type: string
  5803        createdBy:
  5804          type: string
  5806    kmsGetPolicyResponse:
  5807      type: object
  5808      properties:
  5809        allow:
  5810          type: array
  5811          items:
  5812            type: string
  5813        deny:
  5814          type: array
  5815          items:
  5816            type: string
  5817    kmsSetPolicyRequest:
  5818      type: object
  5819      required:
  5820        - policy
  5821      properties:
  5822        policy:
  5823          type: string
  5824        allow:
  5825          type: array
  5826          items:
  5827            type: string
  5828        deny:
  5829          type: array
  5830          items:
  5831            type: string
  5832    kmsDescribePolicyResponse:
  5833      type: object
  5834      properties:
  5835        createdAt:
  5836          type: string
  5837        createdBy:
  5838          type: string
  5839        name:
  5840          type: string
  5841    kmsAssignPolicyRequest:
  5842      type: object
  5843      properties:
  5844        identity:
  5845          type: string
  5846    kmsListPoliciesResponse:
  5847      type: object
  5848      properties:
  5849        results:
  5850          type: array
  5851          items:
  5852            $ref: "#/definitions/kmsPolicyInfo"
  5853    kmsPolicyInfo:
  5854      type: object
  5855      properties:
  5856        name:
  5857          type: string
  5858        createdAt:
  5859          type: string
  5860        createdBy:
  5861          type: string
  5863    kmsDescribeIdentityResponse:
  5864      type: object
  5865      properties:
  5866        policy:
  5867          type: string
  5868        identity:
  5869          type: string
  5870        admin:
  5871          type: boolean
  5872        createdAt:
  5873          type: string
  5874        createdBy:
  5875          type: string
  5876    kmsDescribeSelfIdentityResponse:
  5877      type: object
  5878      properties:
  5879        identity:
  5880          type: string
  5881        policyName:
  5882          type: string
  5883        admin:
  5884          type: boolean
  5885        createdAt:
  5886          type: string
  5887        createdBy:
  5888          type: string
  5889        policy:
  5890          $ref: "#/definitions/kmsGetPolicyResponse"
  5891    kmsListIdentitiesResponse:
  5892      type: object
  5893      properties:
  5894        results:
  5895          type: array
  5896          items:
  5897            $ref: "#/definitions/kmsIdentityInfo"
  5898    kmsIdentityInfo:
  5899      type: object
  5900      properties:
  5901        identity:
  5902          type: string
  5903        policy:
  5904          type: string
  5905        error:
  5906          type: string
  5907        createdAt:
  5908          type: string
  5909        createdBy:
  5910          type: string
  5911    kmsMetricsResponse:
  5912      type: object
  5913      required:
  5914        - requestOK
  5915        - requestErr
  5916        - requestFail
  5917        - requestActive
  5918        - auditEvents
  5919        - errorEvents
  5920        - latencyHistogram
  5921        - uptime
  5922        - cpus
  5923        - usableCPUs
  5924        - threads
  5925        - heapAlloc
  5926        - stackAlloc
  5927      properties:
  5928        requestOK:
  5929          type: integer
  5930        requestErr:
  5931          type: integer
  5932        requestFail:
  5933          type: integer
  5934        requestActive:
  5935          type: integer
  5936        auditEvents:
  5937          type: integer
  5938        errorEvents:
  5939          type: integer
  5940        latencyHistogram:
  5941          type: array
  5942          items:
  5943            $ref: "#/definitions/kmsLatencyHistogram"
  5944        uptime:
  5945          type: integer
  5946        cpus:
  5947          type: integer
  5948        usableCPUs:
  5949          type: integer
  5950        threads:
  5951          type: integer
  5952        heapAlloc:
  5953          type: integer
  5954        heapObjects:
  5955          type: integer
  5956        stackAlloc:
  5957          type: integer
  5958    kmsLatencyHistogram:
  5959      type: object
  5960      properties:
  5961        duration:
  5962          type: integer
  5963        total:
  5964          type: integer
  5966    kmsAPIsResponse:
  5967      type: object
  5968      properties:
  5969        results:
  5970          type: array
  5971          items:
  5972            $ref: "#/definitions/kmsAPI"
  5973    kmsAPI:
  5974      type: object
  5975      properties:
  5976        method:
  5977          type: string
  5978        path:
  5979          type: string
  5980        maxBody:
  5981          type: integer
  5982        timeout:
  5983          type: integer
  5984    kmsVersionResponse:
  5985      type: object
  5986      properties:
  5987        version:
  5988          type: string
  5990    environmentConstants:
  5991      type: object
  5992      properties:
  5993        maxConcurrentUploads:
  5994          type: integer
  5995        maxConcurrentDownloads:
  5996          type: integer
  5998    redirectRule:
  5999      type: object
  6000      properties:
  6001        redirect:
  6002          type: string
  6003        displayName:
  6004          type: string
  6005        serviceType:
  6006          type: string
  6008    idpServerConfiguration:
  6009      type: object
  6010      properties:
  6011        name:
  6012          type: string
  6013        input:
  6014          type: string
  6015        type:
  6016          type: string
  6017        enabled:
  6018          type: boolean
  6019        info:
  6020          type: array
  6021          items:
  6022            $ref: "#/definitions/idpServerConfigurationInfo"
  6023    idpServerConfigurationInfo:
  6024      type: object
  6025      properties:
  6026        key:
  6027          type: string
  6028        value:
  6029          type: string
  6030        isCfg:
  6031          type: boolean
  6032        isEnv:
  6033          type: boolean
  6034    idpListConfigurationsResponse:
  6035      type: object
  6036      properties:
  6037        results:
  6038          type: array
  6039          items:
  6040            $ref: "#/definitions/idpServerConfiguration"
  6041    setIDPResponse:
  6042      type: object
  6043      properties:
  6044        restart:
  6045          type: boolean
  6047    releaseListResponse:
  6048      type: object
  6049      properties:
  6050        results:
  6051          type: array
  6052          items:
  6053            $ref: "#/definitions/releaseInfo"
  6054    releaseInfo:
  6055      type: object
  6056      properties:
  6057        metadata:
  6058          $ref: "#/definitions/releaseMetadata"
  6059        notesContent:
  6060          type: string
  6061        securityContent:
  6062          type: string
  6063        breakingChangesContent:
  6064          type: string
  6065        contextContent:
  6066          type: string
  6067        newFeaturesContent:
  6068          type: string
  6070    releaseMetadata:
  6071      type: object
  6072      properties:
  6073        tag_name:
  6074          type: string
  6075        target_commitish:
  6076          type: string
  6077        name:
  6078          type: string
  6079        draft:
  6080          type: boolean
  6081        prerelease:
  6082          type: boolean
  6083        id:
  6084          type: integer
  6085        created_at:
  6086          type: string
  6087        published_at:
  6088          type: string
  6089        url:
  6090          type: string
  6091        html_url:
  6092          type: string
  6093        assets_url:
  6094          type: string
  6095        upload_url:
  6096          type: string
  6097        zipball_url:
  6098          type: string
  6099        tarball_url:
  6100          type: string
  6101        author:
  6102          $ref: "#/definitions/releaseAuthor"
  6103        node_id:
  6104          type: string
  6105    releaseAuthor:
  6106      type: object
  6107      properties:
  6108        login:
  6109          type: string
  6110        id:
  6111          type: integer
  6112        node_id:
  6113          type: string
  6114        avatar_url:
  6115          type: string
  6116        html_url:
  6117          type: string
  6118        gravatar_id:
  6119          type: string
  6120        type:
  6121          type: string
  6122        site_admin:
  6123          type: boolean
  6124        url:
  6125          type: string
  6126        events_url:
  6127          type: string
  6128        following_url:
  6129          type: string
  6130        followers_url:
  6131          type: string
  6132        gists_url:
  6133          type: string
  6134        organizations_url:
  6135          type: string
  6136        receivedEvents_url:
  6137          type: string
  6138        repos_url:
  6139          type: string
  6140        starred_url:
  6141          type: string
  6142        subscriptions_url:
  6143          type: string
  6145    callHomeGetResponse:
  6146      type: object
  6147      properties:
  6148        diagnosticsStatus:
  6149          type: boolean
  6150        logsStatus:
  6151          type: boolean
  6153    callHomeSetStatus:
  6154      type: object
  6155      required:
  6156        - diagState
  6157        - logsState
  6158      properties:
  6159        diagState:
  6160          type: boolean
  6161        logsState:
  6162          type: boolean
  6164    ldapEntitiesRequest:
  6165      type: object
  6166      properties:
  6167        users:
  6168          type: array
  6169          items:
  6170            type: string
  6171        groups:
  6172          type: array
  6173          items:
  6174            type: string
  6175        policies:
  6176          type: array
  6177          items:
  6178            type: string
  6180    ldapEntities:
  6181      type: object
  6182      properties:
  6183        timestamp:
  6184          type: string
  6185        users:
  6186          type: array
  6187          items:
  6188            $ref: "#/definitions/ldapUserPolicyEntity"
  6189        groups:
  6190          type: array
  6191          items:
  6192            $ref: "#/definitions/ldapGroupPolicyEntity"
  6193        policies:
  6194          type: array
  6195          items:
  6196            $ref: "#/definitions/ldapPolicyEntity"
  6198    ldapUserPolicyEntity:
  6199      type: object
  6200      properties:
  6201        user:
  6202          type: string
  6203        policies:
  6204          type: array
  6205          items:
  6206            type: string
  6208    ldapGroupPolicyEntity:
  6209      type: object
  6210      properties:
  6211        group:
  6212          type: string
  6213        policies:
  6214          type: array
  6215          items:
  6216            type: string
  6218    ldapPolicyEntity:
  6219      type: object
  6220      properties:
  6221        policy:
  6222          type: string
  6223        users:
  6224          type: array
  6225          items:
  6226            type: string
  6227        groups:
  6228          type: array
  6229          items:
  6230            type: string
  6232    maxShareLinkExpResponse:
  6233      type: object
  6234      properties:
  6235        exp:
  6236          type: number
  6237          format: int64
  6238      required:
  6239        - exp
  6241    selectedSAs:
  6242      type: array
  6243      items:
  6244        type: string