
     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2016-2017 Mirantis
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package main
    19  import (
    20  	"encoding/json"
    21  	"flag"
    22  	"fmt"
    23  	"os"
    24  	"syscall"
    26  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  )
    36  const (
    37  	fdSocketPath    = "/var/lib/virtlet/tapfdserver.sock"
    38  	defaultEmulator = "/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64" // FIXME
    39  	vmsProcFile     = "/var/lib/virtlet/vms.procfile"
    40  )
    42  type reexecArg struct {
    43  	Args []string
    44  }
    46  func handleReexec(arg interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
    47  	args := arg.(*reexecArg).Args
    48  	if err := syscall.Exec(args[0], args, os.Environ()); err != nil {
    49  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Can't exec emulator: %v", err)
    50  	}
    51  	return nil, nil // unreachable
    52  }
    54  func main() {
    55  	nsfix.RegisterReexec("vmwrapper", handleReexec, reexecArg{})
    56  	nsfix.HandleReexec()
    58  	// configure glog (apparently no better way to do it ...)
    59  	flag.CommandLine.Parse([]string{"-v=3", "-logtostderr=true"})
    61  	runInAnotherContainer := os.Getuid() != 0
    63  	var pid int
    64  	var err error
    65  	if runInAnotherContainer {
    66  		glog.V(0).Infof("Obtaining PID of the VM container process...")
    67  		pid, err = utils.WaitForProcess(vmsProcFile)
    68  		if err != nil {
    69  			glog.Errorf("Can't obtain PID of the VM container process")
    70  			os.Exit(1)
    71  		}
    72  	}
    74  	// FIXME: move the pid of qemu instance out of kubelet-managed
    75  	// for cgroups that aren't managed by libvirt.
    76  	// If we don't do this, the VM pod will be killed by kubelet when Virtlet pod
    77  	// is removed dnd cgroup-per-qos is enabled in kubelet settings.
    78  	cm := cgroups.NewManager(os.Getpid(), nil)
    79  	for _, ctl := range []string{"hugetlb", "systemd", "pids"} {
    80  		if _, err := cm.GetProcessController(ctl); err == nil {
    81  			err = cm.MoveProcess(ctl, "/")
    82  			if err != nil {
    83  				glog.Warningf("failed to move pid into cgroup %q path /: %v", ctl, err)
    84  			}
    85  		}
    86  	}
    88  	emulator := os.Getenv(config.EmulatorEnvVarName)
    89  	emulatorArgs := os.Args[1:]
    90  	var netArgs []string
    91  	if emulator == "" {
    92  		// this happens during 'qemu -help' invocation by libvirt
    93  		// (capability check)
    94  		emulator = defaultEmulator
    95  	} else {
    96  		netFdKey := os.Getenv(config.NetKeyEnvVarName)
    97  		nextToUseHostdevNo := 0
    99  		if netFdKey != "" {
   100  			c := tapmanager.NewFDClient(fdSocketPath)
   101  			fds, marshaledData, err := c.GetFDs(netFdKey)
   102  			if err != nil {
   103  				glog.Errorf("Failed to obtain tap fds for key %q: %v", netFdKey, err)
   104  				os.Exit(1)
   105  			}
   107  			var descriptions []tapmanager.InterfaceDescription
   108  			if err := json.Unmarshal(marshaledData, &descriptions); err != nil {
   109  				glog.Errorf("Failed to unmarshal network interface info: %v", err)
   110  				os.Exit(1)
   111  			}
   113  			for i, desc := range descriptions {
   114  				switch desc.Type {
   115  				case network.InterfaceTypeTap:
   116  					netArgs = append(netArgs,
   117  						"-netdev",
   118  						fmt.Sprintf("tap,id=tap%d,fd=%d", desc.FdIndex, fds[desc.FdIndex]),
   119  						"-device",
   120  						fmt.Sprintf("virtio-net-pci,netdev=tap%d,id=net%d,mac=%s", desc.FdIndex, i, desc.HardwareAddr),
   121  					)
   122  				case network.InterfaceTypeVF:
   123  					netArgs = append(netArgs,
   124  						"-device",
   125  						fmt.Sprintf("vfio-pci,host=%s,id=hostdev%d",
   126  							desc.PCIAddress[5:],
   127  							nextToUseHostdevNo,
   128  						),
   129  					)
   130  					nextToUseHostdevNo += 1
   131  				default:
   132  					// Impossible situation when tapmanager is built from other sources than vmwrapper
   133  					glog.Errorf("Received unknown interface type: %d", int(desc.Type))
   134  					os.Exit(1)
   135  				}
   136  			}
   137  		}
   138  	}
   140  	args := append([]string{emulator}, emulatorArgs...)
   141  	args = append(args, netArgs...)
   142  	env := os.Environ()
   143  	if runInAnotherContainer {
   144  		nsFixCall := nsfix.NewCall("vmwrapper").
   145  			TargetPid(pid).
   146  			Arg(&reexecArg{args}).
   147  			RemountSys()
   148  		// Currently we don't drop privs when SR-IOV support is enabled
   149  		// because of an unresolved emulator permission problem.
   150  		if os.Getenv("VMWRAPPER_KEEP_PRIVS") == "" {
   151  			nsFixCall.DropPrivs()
   152  		}
   153  		if err := nsFixCall.SwitchToNamespaces(); err != nil {
   154  			glog.Fatalf("Error reexecuting vmwrapper: %v", err)
   155  		}
   156  	} else {
   157  		if err := setupCPUSets(cm); err != nil {
   158  			glog.Errorf("Can't set cpusets for emulator: %v", err)
   159  			os.Exit(1)
   160  		}
   161  		// this log hides errors returned by libvirt virError
   162  		// because of libvirt's output parsing approach
   163  		// glog.V(0).Infof("Executing emulator: %s", strings.Join(args, " "))
   164  		if err := syscall.Exec(args[0], args, env); err != nil {
   165  			glog.Errorf("Can't exec emulator: %v", err)
   166  			os.Exit(1)
   167  		}
   168  	}
   169  }
   171  func setupCPUSets(cm cgroups.Manager) error {
   172  	cpusets := os.Getenv(config.CpusetsEnvVarName)
   173  	if cpusets == "" {
   174  		return nil
   175  	}
   177  	controller, err := cm.GetProcessController("cpuset")
   178  	if err != nil {
   179  		return err
   180  	}
   182  	return controller.Set("cpus", cpusets)
   183  }