
     1  # Passing environment variables to VM
     3  Virtlet uses [cloud-init](../ mechanism to pass
     4  the environment variables from pod definition to the VM.
     6  ## Virtlet-aware images
     8  Virtlet uses `write_files` cloud-init module (`write_files` key in `user_data`)
     9  to write the pod-defined environment variables into `/etc/cloud/environment`
    10  using the same `KEY=value` format as used by `/etc/environment`. If the image
    11  was prepared specifically for Virtlet it can then utilize this file to load
    12  these values.
    14  ## Simplified access to environment variables
    16  Most Linux distributions use /etc/environment file to store the system-wide
    17  list of environment variables.
    18  Using [bootcmd](
    19  feature Virtlet can provide a script, which then will merge the content
    20  of `/etc/environment` adding new lines from `/etc/cloud/environment` and setting
    21  existing variables to values from the last file.
    23  This could be done by extending the following script:
    24  ```bash
    25  TMPFILE=/tmp/env_$$
    26  cp /etc/cloud/environment ${TMPFILE}
    27  cat /etc/environment | while read line ; do
    28    VARIABLE="$(echo $line | sed s/=.*//)"
    29    if ! egrep -q "^${VARIABLE}=" /etc/cloud/environment ; then
    30      echo "$line" >>${TMPFILE}
    31    fi
    32  done
    33  mv ${TMPFILE} /etc/environment
    34  ```
    36  This way one can combine the content of `/etc/environment` and
    37  `/etc/cloud/environment` with values from the latter taking precedence.
    39  ## Forcing keeping original system environment values
    41  We may additionally implement a method to pass information, that environment
    42  values for variables from `/etc/environment` should be kept even when there
    43  are new values for them in pod definition. Assuming that this will be controlled
    44  with annotation `VirtletKeepVMEnvVars: true` - merge script should add variables
    45  in reverse order - at start it should copy `/etc/environment` into temporary
    46  file, then it should add lines from `/etc/cloud/environment` not found
    47  in `/etc/environment`.