
     1  #!/bin/bash
     2  set -eo pipefail
     4  # Places cursor at start of line, so that subsequent text replaces existing text. For example;
     5  # "remote: Updated branch 'master' of 'repo'. Deploying to dev." becomes
     6  # "Updated branch 'master' of 'repo'. Deploying to dev."
     7  strip_remote_prefix() {
     8      sed -u "s/^/"$'\e[1G'"/"
     9  }
    11  GITUSER=${GITUSER:-git}
    12  GITHOME="/home/$GITUSER"
    13  SELF=`which $0`
    15  case "$1" in
    17  # called by sshd on each `git push`
    18    run)
    19      export RECEIVE_USER=$2
    20      export RECEIVE_FINGERPRINT=$3
    21      # ssh provides the original requested command in $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND
    22      SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND="$(echo $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND | sed 's/\///g' )" # remove any '/'s
    23      export RECEIVE_REPO="$(echo $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/'\''//g')"
    25      if [ ! -d $REPO_PATH ]; then
    26        mkdir -p $REPO_PATH
    27        cd $REPO_PATH
    28        git init --bare > /dev/null
    29      fi
    30      cd $GITHOME
    31      PRERECEIVE_HOOK="$REPO_PATH/hooks/pre-receive"
    32      # inject a pre-receive hook
    33      cat > $PRERECEIVE_HOOK <<EOF
    34  #!/bin/bash
    35  cat | $SELF pre-receive
    36  EOF
    37      chmod +x $PRERECEIVE_HOOK
    38      # call the original git-shell
    39      git-shell -c "$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND"
    40      ;;
    42    pre-receive)
    43      while read oldrev newrev refname
    44      do
    45        # check for authorization on this repo
    46        $GITHOME/receiver "$RECEIVE_REPO" "$newrev" "$RECEIVE_USER" "$RECEIVE_FINGERPRINT"
    47        rc=$?
    48        if [[ $rc != 0 ]] ; then
    49          echo "      ERROR: failed on rev $newrev - push denied"
    50          exit $rc
    51        fi
    52        # builder assumes that we are running this script from $GITHOME
    53        cd $GITHOME
    54        # if we're processing a receive-pack on an existing repo, run a build
    55        if [[ $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND == git-receive-pack* ]]; then
    56          # SECURITY: git user runs the builder as root (for docker access)
    57          sudo $GITHOME/builder $RECEIVE_USER $RECEIVE_REPO $newrev 2>&1 | strip_remote_prefix
    58        fi
    59      done
    60      ;;
    62    *)
    63      echo "Usage: gitreceive <command> [options]"
    64      ;;
    65  esac