(about) 1 variable "region" { 2 default = "us-central1" 3 } 4 5 variable "region_zone" { 6 default = "us-central1-f" 7 } 8 9 variable "project_name" { 10 description = "The ID of the Google Cloud project" 11 } 12 13 variable "credentials_file_path" { 14 description = "Path to the JSON file used to describe your account credentials" 15 default = "~/.gcloud/Terraform.json" 16 } 17 18 variable "public_key_path" { 19 description = "Path to file containing public key" 20 default = "~/.ssh/" 21 } 22 23 variable "private_key_path" { 24 description = "Path to file containing private key" 25 default = "~/.ssh/gcloud_id_rsa" 26 } 27 28 variable "install_script_src_path" { 29 description = "Path to install script within this repository" 30 default = "scripts/" 31 } 32 33 variable "install_script_dest_path" { 34 description = "Path to put the install script on each destination resource" 35 default = "/tmp/" 36 }