
     1  package isolated
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  	""
     6  	""
     7  	. ""
     8  	. ""
     9  	. ""
    10  	. ""
    11  )
    13  var _ = Describe("update-service command", func() {
    14  	Describe("help", func() {
    15  		When("--help flag is set", func() {
    16  			It("displays command usage to output", func() {
    17  				session := helpers.CF("update-service", "--help")
    18  				Eventually(session).Should(Say("NAME:"))
    19  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+update-service - Update a service instance`))
    20  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`USAGE:`))
    21  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+cf update-service SERVICE_INSTANCE \[-p NEW_PLAN\] \[-c PARAMETERS_AS_JSON\] \[-t TAGS\] \[--upgrade\]`))
    22  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+Optionally provide service-specific configuration parameters in a valid JSON object in-line:`))
    23  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+cf update-service SERVICE_INSTANCE -c '{\"name\":\"value\",\"name\":\"value\"}'`))
    24  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+Optionally provide a file containing service-specific configuration parameters in a valid JSON object\.`))
    25  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+The path to the parameters file can be an absolute or relative path to a file:`))
    26  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+cf update-service SERVICE_INSTANCE -c PATH_TO_FILE`))
    27  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+Example of valid JSON object:`))
    28  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+{`))
    29  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+\"cluster_nodes\": {`))
    30  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+\"count\": 5,`))
    31  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+\"memory_mb\": 1024`))
    32  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+}`))
    33  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+}`))
    34  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+ Optionally provide a list of comma-delimited tags that will be written to the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable for any bound applications.`))
    35  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`EXAMPLES:`))
    36  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+cf update-service mydb -p gold`))
    37  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+cf update-service mydb -c '{\"ram_gb\":4}'`))
    38  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+cf update-service mydb -c ~/workspace/tmp/instance_config.json`))
    39  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+cf update-service mydb -t "list, of, tags"`))
    40  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+cf update-service mydb --upgrade`))
    41  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+cf update-service mydb --upgrade --force`))
    42  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`OPTIONS:`))
    43  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+-c\s+Valid JSON object containing service-specific configuration parameters, provided either in-line or in a file\. For a list of supported configuration parameters, see documentation for the particular service offering\.`))
    44  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+-p\s+Change service plan for a service instance`))
    45  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+-t\s+User provided tags`))
    46  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+--upgrade, -u\s+Upgrade the service instance to the latest version of the service plan available. It cannot be combined with flags: -c, -p, -t.`))
    47  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+--force, -f\s+Force the upgrade to the latest available version of the service plan. It can only be used with: -u, --upgrade.`))
    48  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`SEE ALSO:`))
    49  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+rename-service, services, update-user-provided-service`))
    50  				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
    51  			})
    52  		})
    53  	})
    55  	When("the environment is not setup correctly", func() {
    56  		BeforeEach(func() {
    57  			helpers.SkipIfVersionLessThan(ccversion.MinVersionUpdateServiceInstanceMaintenanceInfoV2)
    58  		})
    60  		It("fails with the appropriate errors", func() {
    61  			// the upgrade flag is passed here to exercise a particular code path before refactoring
    62  			helpers.CheckEnvironmentTargetedCorrectly(true, true, ReadOnlyOrg, "update-service", "foo", "--upgrade")
    63  		})
    64  	})
    66  	When("an api is targeted, the user is logged in, and an org and space are targeted", func() {
    67  		var (
    68  			orgName string
    69  		)
    71  		BeforeEach(func() {
    72  			orgName = helpers.NewOrgName()
    73  			var spaceName = helpers.NewSpaceName()
    74  			helpers.SetupCF(orgName, spaceName)
    75  		})
    77  		AfterEach(func() {
    78  			helpers.QuickDeleteOrg(orgName)
    79  		})
    81  		When("there are no service instances", func() {
    82  			When("upgrading", func() {
    83  				BeforeEach(func() {
    84  					helpers.SkipIfVersionLessThan(ccversion.MinVersionUpdateServiceInstanceMaintenanceInfoV2)
    85  				})
    87  				It("displays an informative error before prompting and exits 1", func() {
    88  					session := helpers.CF("update-service", "non-existent-service", "--upgrade")
    89  					Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("Service instance non-existent-service not found"))
    90  					Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
    91  				})
    92  			})
    93  		})
    95  		When("providing other arguments while upgrading", func() {
    96  			It("displays an informative error message and exits 1", func() {
    97  				session := helpers.CF("update-service", "irrelevant", "--upgrade", "-c", "{\"hello\": \"world\"}")
    98  				Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("Incorrect Usage: The following arguments cannot be used together: --upgrade, -t, -c, -p"))
    99  				Eventually(session).Should(Say("FAILED"))
   100  				Eventually(session).Should(Say("USAGE:"))
   101  				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
   102  			})
   103  		})
   105  		When("there is a service instance", func() {
   106  			var (
   107  				broker              *fakeservicebroker.FakeServiceBroker
   108  				serviceInstanceName string
   109  				username            string
   110  			)
   112  			BeforeEach(func() {
   113  				broker = fakeservicebroker.New().EnsureBrokerIsAvailable()
   114  				Eventually(helpers.CF("enable-service-access", broker.ServiceName())).Should(Exit(0))
   116  				serviceInstanceName = helpers.PrefixedRandomName("SI")
   117  				Eventually(helpers.CF("create-service", broker.ServiceName(), broker.ServicePlanName(), serviceInstanceName)).Should(Exit(0))
   119  				username, _ = helpers.GetCredentials()
   120  			})
   122  			AfterEach(func() {
   123  				Eventually(helpers.CF("delete-service", serviceInstanceName, "-f")).Should(Exit(0))
   124  				broker.Destroy()
   125  			})
   127  			When("updating to a service plan that does not exist", func() {
   128  				It("displays an informative error message, exits 1", func() {
   129  					session := helpers.CF("update-service", serviceInstanceName, "-p", "non-existing-service-plan")
   130  					Eventually(session).Should(Say("Plan does not exist for the %s service", broker.ServiceName()))
   131  					Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
   132  				})
   133  			})
   135  			When("updating to the same service plan (no-op)", func() {
   136  				It("displays an informative success message, exits 0", func() {
   137  					session := helpers.CF("update-service", serviceInstanceName, "-p", broker.ServicePlanName())
   138  					Eventually(session).Should(Say("Updating service instance %s as %s...", serviceInstanceName, username))
   139  					Eventually(session).Should(Say("OK"))
   140  					Eventually(session).Should(Say("No changes were made"))
   141  					Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
   142  				})
   143  			})
   145  			When("upgrading", func() {
   146  				var buffer *Buffer
   148  				BeforeEach(func() {
   149  					buffer = NewBuffer()
   150  				})
   152  				When("the user provides --upgrade in an unsupported CAPI version", func() {
   153  					BeforeEach(func() {
   154  						helpers.SkipIfVersionAtLeast(ccversion.MinVersionUpdateServiceInstanceMaintenanceInfoV2)
   155  					})
   157  					It("should report that the version of CAPI is too low", func() {
   158  						session := helpers.CF("update-service", serviceInstanceName, "--upgrade")
   159  						Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`Option '--upgrade' requires CF API version %s or higher. Your target is 2\.\d+\.\d+`, ccversion.MinVersionUpdateServiceInstanceMaintenanceInfoV2))
   160  						Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
   161  					})
   162  				})
   164  				When("when CAPI supports service instance maintenance_info updates", func() {
   165  					BeforeEach(func() {
   166  						helpers.SkipIfVersionLessThan(ccversion.MinVersionUpdateServiceInstanceMaintenanceInfoV2)
   167  					})
   169  					When("cancelling the update", func() {
   170  						BeforeEach(func() {
   171  							_, err := buffer.Write([]byte("n\n"))
   172  							Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
   173  						})
   175  						It("does not proceed", func() {
   176  							session := helpers.CFWithStdin(buffer, "update-service", serviceInstanceName, "--upgrade")
   177  							Eventually(session).Should(Say("You are about to update %s", serviceInstanceName))
   178  							Eventually(session).Should(Say("Warning: This operation may be long running and will block further operations on the service until complete."))
   179  							Eventually(session).Should(Say("Really update service %s\\? \\[yN\\]:", serviceInstanceName))
   180  							Eventually(session).Should(Say("Update cancelled"))
   181  							Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
   182  						})
   183  					})
   185  					When("proceeding with the update", func() {
   186  						BeforeEach(func() {
   187  							_, err := buffer.Write([]byte("y\n"))
   188  							Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
   189  						})
   191  						When("upgrade is available", func() {
   192  							BeforeEach(func() {
   193  								broker.Services[0].Plans[0].MaintenanceInfo.Version = "9.1.2"
   194  								broker.Update()
   195  							})
   197  							It("updates the service", func() {
   198  								session := helpers.CFWithStdin(buffer, "update-service", serviceInstanceName, "--upgrade")
   200  								By("displaying an informative message")
   201  								Eventually(session).Should(Say("You are about to update %s", serviceInstanceName))
   202  								Eventually(session).Should(Say("Warning: This operation may be long running and will block further operations on the service until complete."))
   203  								Eventually(session).Should(Say("Really update service %s\\? \\[yN\\]:", serviceInstanceName))
   204  								Eventually(session).Should(Say("Updating service instance %s as %s...", serviceInstanceName, username))
   205  								Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
   207  								By("requesting an upgrade from the platform")
   208  								session = helpers.CF("service", serviceInstanceName)
   209  								Eventually(session).Should(Say("status:\\s+update succeeded"))
   210  							})
   211  						})
   213  						When("no upgrade is available", func() {
   214  							It("does not update the service and outputs informative message", func() {
   215  								session := helpers.CFWithStdin(buffer, "update-service", serviceInstanceName, "--upgrade")
   217  								Eventually(session).Should(Say("You are about to update %s", serviceInstanceName))
   218  								Eventually(session).Should(Say("Warning: This operation may be long running and will block further operations on the service until complete."))
   219  								Eventually(session).Should(Say("Really update service %s\\? \\[yN\\]:", serviceInstanceName))
   220  								Eventually(session).Should(Say("Updating service instance %s as %s...", serviceInstanceName, username))
   221  								Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("No upgrade is available."))
   222  								Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("TIP: To find out if upgrade is available run `cf service %s`.", serviceInstanceName))
   223  								Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
   224  							})
   225  						})
   226  					})
   228  					When("providing --force argument and upgrade is available", func() {
   229  						BeforeEach(func() {
   230  							broker.Services[0].Plans[0].MaintenanceInfo.Version = "9.1.2"
   231  							broker.Update()
   232  						})
   234  						It("updates the service without prompting", func() {
   235  							session := helpers.CFWithStdin(buffer, "update-service", serviceInstanceName, "--upgrade", "--force")
   237  							By("displaying an informative message")
   238  							Eventually(session).Should(Say("Updating service instance %s as %s...", serviceInstanceName, username))
   239  							Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
   241  							By("requesting an upgrade from the platform")
   242  							session = helpers.CF("service", serviceInstanceName)
   243  							Eventually(session).Should(Say("status:\\s+update succeeded"))
   244  						})
   245  					})
   246  				})
   247  			})
   248  		})
   249  	})
   250  })