(about) 1 // This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain under The Unlicense ( 2 // main repo: 3 // author: 王一 Wang Yi <> 4 // contributors: Reini Urban, Dietrich Epp, Joshua Haberman, Tommy Ettinger, Daniel Lemire, Otmar Ertl, cocowalla, leo-yuriev, Diego Barrios Romero, paulie-g, dumblob, Yann Collet, ivte-ms, hyb, James Z.M. Gao, easyaspi314 (Devin), TheOneric 5 6 /* quick example: 7 string s="fjsakfdsjkf"; 8 uint64_t hash=wyhash(s.c_str(), s.size(), 0, _wyp); 9 */ 10 11 #ifndef wyhash_final_version_3 12 #define wyhash_final_version_3 13 14 #ifndef WYHASH_CONDOM 15 //protections that produce different results: 16 //1: normal valid behavior 17 //2: extra protection against entropy loss (probability=2^-63), aka. "blind multiplication" 18 #define WYHASH_CONDOM 1 19 #endif 20 21 #ifndef WYHASH_32BIT_MUM 22 //0: normal version, slow on 32 bit systems 23 //1: faster on 32 bit systems but produces different results, incompatible with wy2u0k function 24 #define WYHASH_32BIT_MUM 0 25 #endif 26 27 //includes 28 #include <stdint.h> 29 #include <string.h> 30 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64) 31 #include <intrin.h> 32 #pragma intrinsic(_umul128) 33 #endif 34 35 //likely and unlikely macros 36 #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__clang__) 37 #define _likely_(x) __builtin_expect(x,1) 38 #define _unlikely_(x) __builtin_expect(x,0) 39 #else 40 #define _likely_(x) (x) 41 #define _unlikely_(x) (x) 42 #endif 43 44 //128bit multiply function 45 static inline uint64_t _wyrot(uint64_t x) { return (x>>32)|(x<<32); } 46 static inline void _wymum(uint64_t *A, uint64_t *B){ 47 #if(WYHASH_32BIT_MUM) 48 uint64_t hh=(*A>>32)*(*B>>32), hl=(*A>>32)*(uint32_t)*B, lh=(uint32_t)*A*(*B>>32), ll=(uint64_t)(uint32_t)*A*(uint32_t)*B; 49 #if(WYHASH_CONDOM>1) 50 *A^=_wyrot(hl)^hh; *B^=_wyrot(lh)^ll; 51 #else 52 *A=_wyrot(hl)^hh; *B=_wyrot(lh)^ll; 53 #endif 54 #elif defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) 55 __uint128_t r=*A; r*=*B; 56 #if(WYHASH_CONDOM>1) 57 *A^=(uint64_t)r; *B^=(uint64_t)(r>>64); 58 #else 59 *A=(uint64_t)r; *B=(uint64_t)(r>>64); 60 #endif 61 #elif defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64) 62 #if(WYHASH_CONDOM>1) 63 uint64_t a, b; 64 a=_umul128(*A,*B,&b); 65 *A^=a; *B^=b; 66 #else 67 *A=_umul128(*A,*B,B); 68 #endif 69 #else 70 uint64_t ha=*A>>32, hb=*B>>32, la=(uint32_t)*A, lb=(uint32_t)*B, hi, lo; 71 uint64_t rh=ha*hb, rm0=ha*lb, rm1=hb*la, rl=la*lb, t=rl+(rm0<<32), c=t<rl; 72 lo=t+(rm1<<32); c+=lo<t; hi=rh+(rm0>>32)+(rm1>>32)+c; 73 #if(WYHASH_CONDOM>1) 74 *A^=lo; *B^=hi; 75 #else 76 *A=lo; *B=hi; 77 #endif 78 #endif 79 } 80 81 //multiply and xor mix function, aka MUM 82 static inline uint64_t _wymix(uint64_t A, uint64_t B){ _wymum(&A,&B); return A^B; } 83 84 //endian macros 85 #ifndef WYHASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN 86 #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) || (defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__) 87 #define WYHASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 88 #elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) || (defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) 89 #define WYHASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0 90 #else 91 #warning could not determine endianness! Falling back to little endian. 92 #define WYHASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 93 #endif 94 #endif 95 96 //read functions 97 #if (WYHASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN) 98 static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return v;} 99 static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return v;} 100 #elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__clang__) 101 static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return __builtin_bswap64(v);} 102 static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return __builtin_bswap32(v);} 103 #elif defined(_MSC_VER) 104 static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return _byteswap_uint64(v);} 105 static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return _byteswap_ulong(v);} 106 #else 107 static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { 108 uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); 109 return (((v >> 56) & 0xff)| ((v >> 40) & 0xff00)| ((v >> 24) & 0xff0000)| ((v >> 8) & 0xff000000)| ((v << 8) & 0xff00000000)| ((v << 24) & 0xff0000000000)| ((v << 40) & 0xff000000000000)| ((v << 56) & 0xff00000000000000)); 110 } 111 static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { 112 uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); 113 return (((v >> 24) & 0xff)| ((v >> 8) & 0xff00)| ((v << 8) & 0xff0000)| ((v << 24) & 0xff000000)); 114 } 115 #endif 116 static inline uint64_t _wyr3(const uint8_t *p, size_t k) { return (((uint64_t)p[0])<<16)|(((uint64_t)p[k>>1])<<8)|p[k-1];} 117 //wyhash main function 118 static inline uint64_t wyhash(const void *key, size_t len, uint64_t seed, const uint64_t *secret){ 119 const uint8_t *p=(const uint8_t *)key; seed^=*secret; uint64_t a, b; 120 if(_likely_(len<=16)){ 121 if(_likely_(len>=4)){ a=(_wyr4(p)<<32)|_wyr4(p+((len>>3)<<2)); b=(_wyr4(p+len-4)<<32)|_wyr4(p+len-4-((len>>3)<<2)); } 122 else if(_likely_(len>0)){ a=_wyr3(p,len); b=0;} 123 else a=b=0; 124 } 125 else{ 126 size_t i=len; 127 if(_unlikely_(i>48)){ 128 uint64_t see1=seed, see2=seed; 129 do{ 130 seed=_wymix(_wyr8(p)^secret[1],_wyr8(p+8)^seed); 131 see1=_wymix(_wyr8(p+16)^secret[2],_wyr8(p+24)^see1); 132 see2=_wymix(_wyr8(p+32)^secret[3],_wyr8(p+40)^see2); 133 p+=48; i-=48; 134 }while(_likely_(i>48)); 135 seed^=see1^see2; 136 } 137 while(_unlikely_(i>16)){ seed=_wymix(_wyr8(p)^secret[1],_wyr8(p+8)^seed); i-=16; p+=16; } 138 a=_wyr8(p+i-16); b=_wyr8(p+i-8); 139 } 140 return _wymix(secret[1]^len,_wymix(a^secret[1],b^seed)); 141 } 142 143 //the default secret parameters 144 static const uint64_t _wyp[4] = {0xa0761d6478bd642full, 0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull, 0x8ebc6af09c88c6e3ull, 0x589965cc75374cc3ull}; 145 146 //a useful 64bit-64bit mix function to produce deterministic pseudo random numbers that can pass BigCrush and PractRand 147 static inline uint64_t wyhash64(uint64_t A, uint64_t B){ A^=0xa0761d6478bd642full; B^=0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull; _wymum(&A,&B); return _wymix(A^0xa0761d6478bd642full,B^0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull);} 148 149 //The wyrand PRNG that pass BigCrush and PractRand 150 static inline uint64_t wyrand(uint64_t *seed){ *seed+=0xa0761d6478bd642full; return _wymix(*seed,*seed^0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull);} 151 152 //convert any 64 bit pseudo random numbers to uniform distribution [0,1). It can be combined with wyrand, wyhash64 or wyhash. 153 static inline double wy2u01(uint64_t r){ const double _wynorm=1.0/(1ull<<52); return (r>>12)*_wynorm;} 154 155 //convert any 64 bit pseudo random numbers to APPROXIMATE Gaussian distribution. It can be combined with wyrand, wyhash64 or wyhash. 156 static inline double wy2gau(uint64_t r){ const double _wynorm=1.0/(1ull<<20); return ((r&0x1fffff)+((r>>21)&0x1fffff)+((r>>42)&0x1fffff))*_wynorm-3.0;} 157 158 #if(!WYHASH_32BIT_MUM) 159 //fast range integer random number generation on [0,k) credit to Daniel Lemire. May not work when WYHASH_32BIT_MUM=1. It can be combined with wyrand, wyhash64 or wyhash. 160 static inline uint64_t wy2u0k(uint64_t r, uint64_t k){ _wymum(&r,&k); return k; } 161 #endif 162 163 //make your own secret 164 static inline void make_secret(uint64_t seed, uint64_t *secret){ 165 uint8_t c[] = {15, 23, 27, 29, 30, 39, 43, 45, 46, 51, 53, 54, 57, 58, 60, 71, 75, 77, 78, 83, 85, 86, 89, 90, 92, 99, 101, 102, 105, 106, 108, 113, 114, 116, 120, 135, 139, 141, 142, 147, 149, 150, 153, 154, 156, 163, 165, 166, 169, 170, 172, 177, 178, 180, 184, 195, 197, 198, 201, 202, 204, 209, 210, 212, 216, 225, 226, 228, 232, 240 }; 166 for(size_t i=0;i<4;i++){ 167 uint8_t ok; 168 do{ 169 ok=1; secret[i]=0; 170 for(size_t j=0;j<64;j+=8) secret[i]|=((uint64_t)c[wyrand(&seed)%sizeof(c)])<<j; 171 if(secret[i]%2==0){ ok=0; continue; } 172 for(size_t j=0;j<i;j++) { 173 #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__clang__) 174 if(__builtin_popcountll(secret[j]^secret[i])!=32){ ok=0; break; } 175 #elif defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64) 176 if(_mm_popcnt_u64(secret[j]^secret[i])!=32){ ok=0; break; } 177 #else 178 //manual popcount 179 uint64_t x = secret[j]^secret[i]; 180 x -= (x >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555; 181 x = (x & 0x3333333333333333) + ((x >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333); 182 x = (x + (x >> 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f; 183 x = (x * 0x0101010101010101) >> 56; 184 if(x!=32){ ok=0; break; } 185 #endif 186 } 187 }while(!ok); 188 } 189 } 190 191 /* This is world's fastest hash map: 2x faster than bytell_hash_map. 192 It does not store the keys, but only the hash/signature of keys. 193 First we use pos=hash1(key) to approximately locate the bucket. 194 Then we search signature=hash2(key) from pos linearly. 195 If we find a bucket with matched signature we report the bucket 196 Or if we meet a bucket whose signature=0, we report a new position to insert 197 The signature collision probability is very low as we usually searched N~10 buckets. 198 By combining hash1 and hash2, we acturally have 128 bit anti-collision strength. 199 hash1 and hash2 can be the same function, resulting lower collision resistance but faster. 200 The signature is 64 bit, but can be modified to 32 bit if necessary for save space. 201 The above two can be activated by define WYHASHMAP_WEAK_SMALL_FAST 202 simple examples: 203 const size_t size=213432; 204 vector<wyhashmap_t> idx(size); // allocate the index of fixed size. idx MUST be zeroed. 205 vector<value_class> value(size); // we only care about the index, user should maintain his own value vectors. 206 string key="dhskfhdsj" // the object to be inserted into idx 207 size_t pos=wyhashmap(, idx.size(), key.c_str(), key.size(), 1); // get the position and insert 208 if(pos<size) value[pos]++; // we process the vallue 209 else cerr<<"map is full\n"; 210 pos=wyhashmap(, idx.size(), key.c_str(), key.size(), 0); // just lookup by setting insert=0 211 if(pos<size) value[pos]++; // we process the vallue 212 else cerr<<"the key does not exist\n"; 213 */ 214 /* 215 #ifdef WYHASHMAP_WEAK_SMALL_FAST // for small hashmaps whose size < 2^24 and acceptable collision 216 typedef uint32_t wyhashmap_t; 217 #else 218 typedef uint64_t wyhashmap_t; 219 #endif 220 static inline size_t wyhashmap(wyhashmap_t *idx, size_t idx_size, const void *key, size_t key_size, uint8_t insert, uint64_t *secret){ 221 size_t i=1; uint64_t h2; wyhashmap_t sig; 222 do{ sig=h2=wyhash(key,key_size,i,secret); i++; }while(_unlikely_(!sig)); 223 #ifdef WYHASHMAP_WEAK_SMALL_FAST 224 size_t i0=wy2u0k(h2,idx_size); 225 #else 226 size_t i0=wy2u0k(wyhash(key,key_size,0,secret),idx_size); 227 #endif 228 for(i=i0; i<idx_size&&idx[i]&&idx[i]!=sig; i++); 229 if(_unlikely_(i==idx_size)){ 230 for(i=0; i<i0&&idx[i]&&idx[i]!=sig; i++); 231 if(i==i0) return idx_size; 232 } 233 if(!idx[i]){ 234 if(insert) idx[i]=sig; 235 else return idx_size; 236 } 237 return i; 238 } 239 */ 240 #endif 241 242 /* The Unlicense 243 This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. 244 Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or 245 distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled 246 binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any 247 means. 248 In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors 249 of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the 250 software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit 251 of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and 252 successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of 253 relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this 254 software under copyright law. 255 THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, 256 EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF 257 MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. 258 IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR 259 OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, 260 ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR 261 OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 262 For more information, please refer to <> 263 */