
     1  openapi: 3.0.2
     2  info:
     3    description: Moov Image Cash Letter (ICL) implements an HTTP API for creating, parsing, and validating ImageCashLetter files.
     4    version: v1
     5    title: ImageCashLetter API
     6    contact:
     7      url:
     8    license:
     9      name: Apache 2.0
    10      url:
    11  servers:
    12    - url: http://localhost:8083
    13      description: Local development
    15  tags:
    16    - name: 'Image Cash Letter Files'
    17      description: |
    18        Files contain ImageCashLetter Cash Letters and Bundles.
    19  paths:
    20    /ping:
    21      get:
    22        tags: ['Image Cash Letter Files']
    23        summary: Ping ImageCashLetter service
    24        operationId: ping
    25        responses:
    26          '200':
    27            description: Service is running properly
    28    /files:
    29      get:
    30        tags: ['Image Cash Letter Files']
    31        summary: List files
    32        operationId: getICLFiles
    33        security:
    34          - bearerAuth: []
    35          - cookieAuth: []
    36        parameters:
    37          - name: X-Request-ID
    38            in: header
    39            description: Optional Request ID allows application developer to trace requests through the system's logs
    40            example: rs4f9915
    41            schema:
    42              type: string
    43        responses:
    44          '200':
    45            description: A list of File objects
    46            headers:
    47              X-Total-Count:
    48                description: The total number of Originators
    49                schema:
    50                  type: integer
    51            content:
    52              application/json:
    53                schema:
    54                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/ICLFiles'
    55    /files/create:
    56      post:
    57        tags: ['Image Cash Letter Files']
    58        summary: Create file
    59        operationId: createICLFile
    60        security:
    61          - bearerAuth: []
    62          - cookieAuth: []
    63        parameters:
    64          - name: X-Request-ID
    65            in: header
    66            description: Optional Request ID allows application developer to trace requests through the system's logs
    67            example: rs4f9915
    68            schema:
    69              type: string
    70        requestBody:
    71          description: Content of the ImageCashLetter file (in json or raw text)
    72          required: true
    73          content:
    74            application/json:
    75              schema:
    76                $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreateICLFile'
    77            text/plain:
    78              schema:
    79                $ref: '#/components/schemas/RawICLFile'
    80        responses:
    81          '201':
    82            description: A JSON object containing a new File
    83            headers:
    84              Location:
    85                description: The location of the new resource
    86                schema:
    87                  type: string
    88                  format: uri
    89            content:
    90              application/json:
    91                schema:
    92                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/ICLFile'
    93          '400':
    94            description: "Invalid File Header Object"
    95            content:
    96              application/json:
    97                schema:
    98                  $ref: ''
    99    /files/{fileID}:
   100      get:
   101        tags: ['Image Cash Letter Files']
   102        summary: Retrieve file
   103        description: Retrieves the details of an existing File. You need only supply the unique File identifier that was returned upon creation.
   104        operationId: getICLFileByID
   105        security:
   106          - bearerAuth: []
   107          - cookieAuth: []
   108        parameters:
   109          - name: X-Request-ID
   110            in: header
   111            description: Optional Request ID allows application developer to trace requests through the system's logs
   112            example: rs4f9915
   113            schema:
   114              type: string
   115          - name: fileID
   116            in: path
   117            description: File ID
   118            required: true
   119            schema:
   120              type: string
   121              example: 3f2d23ee214
   122        responses:
   123          '200':
   124            description: A File object for the supplied ID
   125            content:
   126              application/json:
   127                schema:
   128                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/ICLFile'
   129          '404':
   130            description: A resource with the specified ID was not found
   131      post:
   132        tags: ['Image Cash Letter Files']
   133        summary: Update file header
   134        description: Updates the specified File Header by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.
   135        operationId: updateICLFile
   136        security:
   137          - bearerAuth: []
   138          - cookieAuth: []
   139        parameters:
   140          - name: X-Request-ID
   141            in: header
   142            description: Optional Request ID allows application developer to trace requests through the system's logs
   143            example: rs4f9915
   144            schema:
   145              type: string
   146          - name: fileID
   147            in: path
   148            description: File ID
   149            required: true
   150            schema:
   151              type: string
   152              example: 3f2d23ee214
   153        requestBody:
   154          required: true
   155          content:
   156            application/json:
   157              schema:
   158                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ICLFileHeader'
   159        responses:
   160          '201':
   161            description: A JSON object containing a new File
   162            headers:
   163              Location:
   164                description: The location of the new resource
   165                schema:
   166                  type: string
   167                  format: uri
   168            content:
   169              application/json:
   170                schema:
   171                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/ICLFile'
   172          '400':
   173            description: "Invalid File Header Object"
   174            content:
   175              application/json:
   176                schema:
   177                  $ref: ''
   178      delete:
   179        tags: ['Image Cash Letter Files']
   180        summary: Delete file
   181        description: Permanently deletes a File and associated CashLetters and Bundles. It cannot be undone.
   182        operationId: deleteICLFile
   183        security:
   184          - bearerAuth: []
   185          - cookieAuth: []
   186        parameters:
   187          - name: fileID
   188            in: path
   189            description: File ID
   190            required: true
   191            schema:
   192              type: string
   193              example: 3f2d23ee214
   194          - name: X-Request-ID
   195            in: header
   196            description: Optional Request ID allows application developer to trace requests through the system's logs
   197            example: rs4f9915
   198            schema:
   199              type: string
   200        responses:
   201          '200':
   202            description: Permanently deleted File.
   203          '400':
   204            description: A problem was encountered deleting the file, check errors.
   205    /files/{fileID}/contents:
   206      get:
   207        tags: ['Image Cash Letter Files']
   208        summary: Get file contents
   209        description: Assembles the existing file records (Cash Letters, Bundles, and Controls), computes sequence numbers and totals. Returns plaintext file.
   210        operationId: getICLFileContents
   211        security:
   212          - bearerAuth: []
   213          - cookieAuth: []
   214        parameters:
   215          - name: X-Request-ID
   216            in: header
   217            description: Optional Request ID allows application developer to trace requests through the system's logs
   218            example: rs4f9915
   219            schema:
   220              type: string
   221          - name: fileID
   222            in: path
   223            description: File ID
   224            required: true
   225            schema:
   226              type: string
   227              example: 3f2d23ee214
   228        responses:
   229          '200':
   230            description: File built successfully without errors.
   231            content:
   232              text/plain:
   233                schema:
   234                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/RawICLFile'
   235          '400':
   236            description: A problem was encountered getting the file, check errors.
   237    /files/{fileID}/validate:
   238      get:
   239        tags: ['Image Cash Letter Files']
   240        summary: Validate file
   241        description: Validates the existing file. You need only supply the unique File identifier that was returned upon creation.
   242        operationId: validateICLFile
   243        security:
   244          - bearerAuth: []
   245          - cookieAuth: []
   246        parameters:
   247          - name: X-Request-ID
   248            in: header
   249            description: Optional Request ID allows application developer to trace requests through the system's logs
   250            example: rs4f9915
   251            schema:
   252              type: string
   253          - name: fileID
   254            in: path
   255            description: File ID
   256            required: true
   257            schema:
   258              type: string
   259              example: 3f2d23ee214
   260        responses:
   261          '200':
   262            description: File validated successfully without errors.
   263            content:
   264              application/json:
   265                schema:
   266                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/ICLFile'
   267          '400':
   268            description: Validation failed. Check response for errors
   269    /files/{fileID}/cashLetters:
   270      post:
   271        tags: ['Image Cash Letter Files']
   272        summary: Add cash letter to file
   273        operationId: addICLToFile
   274        security:
   275          - bearerAuth: []
   276          - cookieAuth: []
   277        parameters:
   278          - name: X-Request-ID
   279            in: header
   280            description: Optional Request ID allows application developer to trace requests through the system's logs
   281            example: rs4f9915
   282            schema:
   283              type: string
   284          - name: fileID
   285            in: path
   286            description: File ID
   287            required: true
   288            schema:
   289              type: string
   290              example: 3f2d23ee214
   291        requestBody:
   292          required: true
   293          content:
   294            application/json:
   295              schema:
   296                $ref: '#/components/schemas/CashLetter'
   297        responses:
   298          '200':
   299            description: CashLetter added to File
   300    /files/{fileID}/cashLetters/{cashLetterID}:
   301      delete:
   302        tags: ['Image Cash Letter Files']
   303        summary: Delete cash letter from file
   304        operationId: deleteICLFromFile
   305        security:
   306          - bearerAuth: []
   307          - cookieAuth: []
   308        parameters:
   309          - name: X-Request-ID
   310            in: header
   311            description: Optional Request ID allows application developer to trace requests through the system's logs
   312            example: rs4f9915
   313            schema:
   314              type: string
   315          - name: fileID
   316            in: path
   317            description: File ID
   318            required: true
   319            schema:
   320              type: string
   321              example: 3f2d23ee214
   322          - name: cashLetterID
   323            in: path
   324            description: CashLetter ID
   325            required: true
   326            schema:
   327              type: string
   328              example: 45758063
   329        responses:
   330          '200':
   331            description: CashLetter deleted
   332          '404':
   333            description: CashLetter or File not found
   334    /v2/files:
   335      post:
   336        tags: ['Image Cash Letter Files']
   337        summary: Create file
   338        operationId: createICLFileV2
   339        requestBody:
   340          description: |
   341            Content of the ImageCashLetter file in JSON, or X9 (ASCII or EBCDIC) format.
   342            Use the `Accept` header to specify the response format.
   343          required: true
   344          content:
   345            application/json:
   346              schema:
   347                $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreateICLFile'
   348            multipart/form-data:
   349              schema:
   350                type: object
   351                properties:
   352                  file:
   353                    description: |
   354                      The file to upload. Set this section's `Content-Type` to `text/plain` for 
   355                      ASCII-encoded files, or `application/octet-stream` for binary files. 
   356                    type: string
   357                    format: binary
   358        responses:
   359          '201':
   360            description: The file was created successfully 
   361            headers:
   362              Location:
   363                description: The location of the new resource
   364                required: true
   365                schema:
   366                  type: string
   367                  format: url
   368            content:
   369              application/json:
   370                schema:
   371                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/ICLFile'
   372              application/octet-stream:
   373                schema:
   374                  type: string
   375                  format: binary
   376              text/plain:
   377                schema:
   378                  type: string
   379                  format: binary
   380          '400':
   381            description: The request was invalid
   382            content:
   383              application/json:
   384                schema:
   385                  $ref: ''
   388  components:
   389    schemas:
   390      CreateICLFile:
   391        properties:
   392          ID:
   393            type: string
   394            description: File ID
   395            example: 3f2d23ee214
   396          fileHeader:
   397            $ref: '#/components/schemas/ICLFileHeader'
   398          cashLetters:
   399            type: array
   400            items:
   401              $ref: '#/components/schemas/CashLetter'
   402          bundles:
   403            type: array
   404            items:
   405              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Bundle'
   406          fileControl:
   407            $ref: '#/components/schemas/ICLFileControl'
   408        required:
   409          - fileHeader
   410      ICLFile:
   411        properties:
   412          ID:
   413            type: string
   414            description: File ID
   415            example: 3f2d23ee214
   416          fileHeader:
   417            $ref: '#/components/schemas/ICLFileHeader'
   418          cashLetters:
   419            type: array
   420            items:
   421              $ref: '#/components/schemas/CashLetter'
   422          bundles:
   423            type: array
   424            items:
   425              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Bundle'
   426          fileControl:
   427            $ref: '#/components/schemas/ICLFileControl'
   428      ICLFileHeader:
   429        properties:
   430          ID:
   431            description: FileHeader ID
   432            type: string
   433            example: d1e26288
   434          standardLevel:
   435            type: string
   436            maxLength: 2
   437            enum:
   438              - '03'
   439              - '30'
   440              - '35'
   441            description: |
   442              StandardLevel identifies the standard level of the file.
   444              * `03` - DSTU X9.37-2003
   445              * `30` - X9.100-187-2008
   446              * `35` - X9.100-187-2013 and X9.100-187-2016
   447            example: '35'
   448          testIndicator:
   449            type: string
   450            maxLength: 1
   451            enum:
   452              - 'T'
   453              - 'P'
   454            description: |
   455              TestIndicator identifies whether the file is a test or production file.
   457              * `T` - Test File
   458              * `P` - Production File
   459            example: 'P'
   460          immediateDestination:
   461            type: string
   462            maxLength: 9
   463            description: |
   464              ImmediateDestination is the routing and transit number of the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB)
   465              or receiver to which the file is being sent.
   466            example: '231380102'
   467          immediateOrigin:
   468            type: string
   469            maxLength: 9
   470            description: |
   471              ImmediateOrigin is the routing and transit number of the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB)
   472              or originator from which the file is being sent.
   473            example: '201982859'
   474          fileCreationDate:
   475            type: string
   476            format: 'date-time'
   477            description: FileCreationDate is the date the immediate origin institution creates the file.
   478            example: '2020-10-23T00:00:00Z'
   479          fileCreationTime:
   480            type: string
   481            format: 'date-time'
   482            description: FileCreationTime is the time the immediate origin institution creates the file.
   483            example: '0000-01-01T09:11:00Z'
   484          resendIndicator:
   485            type: string
   486            maxLength: 1
   487            description: ResendIndicator indicates whether the file has been previously transmitted. (Y - Yes, N - No)
   488            example: 'Y'
   489          immediateDestinationName:
   490            type: string
   491            maxLength: 18
   492            description: ImmediateDestinationName identifies the short name of the institution that receives the file.
   493            example: 'ABC Bank'
   494          immediateOriginName:
   495            type: string
   496            maxLength: 18
   497            description: immediateOriginName identifies the short name of the institution that sends the file.
   498            example: 'Bank One'
   499          fileIDModifier:
   500            type: string
   501            maxLength: 1
   502            description: |
   503              FileIDModifier is a code that permits multiple files, created on the same date, at the same time, and sent between the
   504              same institutions, to be distinguished from one another. If FileHeader ImmediateDestination, ImmediateOrigin, FileCreationDate, and
   505              FileCreationTime in a previous file are equal to the same fields in this file, FileIDModifier must be defined.
   506            example: 'A'
   507          countryCode:
   508            type: string
   509            maxLength: 2
   510            description: |
   511              CountryCode is a 2-character code as approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) used
   512              to identify the country in which the payer bank is located.
   513            example: 'US'
   514          userField:
   515            type: string
   516            maxLength: 4
   517            description: UserField identifies a field used at the discretion of users of the standard.
   518            example: 'ZZZZ'
   519          companionDocumentIndicator:
   520            type: string
   521            maxLength: 1
   522            description: |
   523              CompanionDocumentIndicator indicates the Companion Document being used.
   524              It shall be present only under clearing arrangements, where Companion Document usage and values are
   525              defined.
   526              Values:
   527              * 0–9 - Reserved for United States use
   528              * A–J - Reserved for Canadian use
   529              * Other - Defined by clearing arrangements
   530            example: '1'
   531        required:
   532          - standardLevel
   533          - testIndicator
   534          - resendIndicator
   535          - immediateDestination
   536          - immediateOrigin
   537          - fileCreationDate
   538          - fileCreationTime
   539      ICLFileControl:
   540        properties:
   541          ID:
   542            type: string
   543            description: FileControl ID
   544            example: 'd1e26288'
   545          cashLetterCount:
   546            type: integer
   547            description: CashLetterCount identifies the total number of cash letters within the file.
   548            example: 1
   549          totalRecordCount:
   550            type: integer
   551            description: TotalRecordCount identifies the total number of records of all types sent in the file, including the FileControl.
   552            example: 1
   553          totalItemCount:
   554            type: integer
   555            description: totalItemCount identifies the total number of Items sent within the file.
   556            example: 5
   557          fileTotalAmount:
   558            type: integer
   559            description: FileTotalAmount identifies the total Item amount of the complete file.
   560            example: 100
   561          immediateOriginContactName:
   562            type: string
   563            maxLength: 14
   564            description: immediateOriginContactName identifies a contact at the institution that creates the file.
   565            example: 'John Smith'
   566          immediateOriginContactPhoneNumber:
   567            type: string
   568            maxLength: 10
   569            description: ImmediateOriginContactPhoneNumber identifies the phone number of the contact at the institution that creates the file.
   570            example: '555-555-1212'
   571          creditTotalIndicator:
   572            type: integer
   573            enum:
   574              - 0
   575              - 1
   576            description: |
   577              CreditTotalIndicator is a code that indicates whether Credit Items are included in this record’s totals. If so, they will be included in TotalItemCount and FileTotalAmount.
   578              TotalRecordCount includes all records of all types regardless of the value of this field.
   579              * ` ` - No Credit Items
   580              * `0` - Credit Items are not included in totals
   581              * `1` - Credit Items are included in totals
   582            example: 1
   583        required:
   584          - cashLetterCount
   585          - totalRecordCount
   586          - totalItemCount
   587          - fileTotalAmount
   588      RawICLFile:
   589        type: string
   590        description: A plaintext ImageCashLetter file. See our test files or examples for a complete ICL/X9 file.
   591        example: |
   592          0135T061000146026073150202010230911NWave Money        Wave Money        1      1
   593          9900000100000012000000010000000000010000                        0
   594      ICLFiles:
   595        type: array
   596        items:
   597          $ref: '#/components/schemas/ICLFile'
   598      CashLetter:
   599        properties:
   600          cashLetterHeader:
   601            $ref: '#/components/schemas/CashLetterHeader'
   602          # Current Implementation: CreditItem(s) Precede Check(s) - CreditItem(s) outside the leading Bundle
   603          # and Within the First Cash Letter.  Please adjust reader and writer, and openAPI for your specific clearing arrangement
   604          # implementation or contact MOOV for your particular implementation.
   605          creditItems:
   606            type: array
   607            items:
   608              $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreditItem'
   609          bundles:
   610            type: array
   611            items:
   612              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Bundle'
   613          routingNumberSummary:
   614            type: array
   615            items:
   616              $ref: '#/components/schemas/RoutingNumberSummary'
   617          cashLetterControl:
   618            $ref: '#/components/schemas/CashLetterControl'
   619      CashLetterHeader:
   620        properties:
   621          ID:
   622            description: CashLetterHeader ID
   623            type: string
   624            example: 'd1e26288'
   625          collectionTypeIndicator:
   626            type: string
   627            maxLength: 2
   628            enum:
   629              - '00'
   630              - '01'
   631              - '02'
   632              - '03'
   633              - '04'
   634              - '05'
   635              - '06'
   636              - '20'
   637              - '99'
   638            description: |
   639              CollectionTypeIndicator is a code that identifies the type of cash letter.
   641              * `00` - Preliminary Forward Information
   642              * `01` - Forward Presentment
   643              * `02` - Forward Presentment - Same-Day Settlement
   644              * `03` - Return
   645              * `04` - Return Notification
   646              * `05` - Preliminary Return Notification
   647              * `06` - Final Return Notification
   648              * `20` - No Detail
   649              * `99` - Bundles not the same collection type. Use of the value is only allowed by clearing arrangement.
   650            example:
   651              '00'
   652          destinationRoutingNumber:
   653            type: string
   654            maxLength: 9
   655            description: DestinationRoutingNumber is the routing and transit number of the institution that receives and processes the cash letter or the bundle.
   656            example: '999282654'
   657          eceInstitutionRoutingNumber:
   658            type: string
   659            maxLength: 9
   660            description: ECEInstitutionRoutingNumber is the routing and transit number of the institution that creates the Cash Letter Header record.
   661            example : '217876527'
   662          cashLetterBusinessDate:
   663            type: string
   664            format: 'date-time'
   665            description: cashLetterBusinessDate is the business date of the cash letter.
   666            example: '2020-10-23T00:00:00Z'
   667          cashLetterCreationDate:
   668            type: string
   669            format: 'date-time'
   670            description: cashLetterCreationDate is the date that the cash letter is created.
   671            example: '2020-10-23T00:00:00Z'
   672          cashLetterCreationTime:
   673            type: string
   674            format: 'date-time'
   675            description: CashLetterCreationTime is the time that the cash letter is created.
   676            example: '0000-01-01T09:11:00Z'
   677          recordTypeIndicator:
   678            type: string
   679            maxLength: 1
   680            enum:
   681              - 'N'
   682              - 'E'
   683              - 'I'
   684              - 'F'
   685            description: |
   686              RecordTypeIndicator is a code that indicates the presence of records or the type of records contained in the cash letter.
   687              If an image is associated with any Check or Return, the cash letter must have a RecordTypeIndicator of I or F.
   689              * `N` - No electronic check records or image records (Type 2x’s, 3x’s, 5x’s); e.g., an empty cash letter.
   690              * `E` - Cash letter contains electronic check records with no images (Type 2x’s and 3x’s only).
   691              * `I` - Cash letter contains electronic check records (Type 2x’s, 3x’s) and image records (Type 5x’s).
   692              * `F` - Cash letter contains electronic check records (Type 2x’s and 3x’s) and image records (Type 5x’s)
   693              that correspond to a previously sent cash letter (i.e., E file).
   694            example: 'I'
   695          documentationTypeIndicator:
   696            type: string
   697            maxLength: 1
   698            enum:
   699              - 'A'
   700              - 'B'
   701              - 'C'
   702              - 'D'
   703              - 'E'
   704              - 'F'
   705              - 'G'
   706              - 'H'
   707              - 'I'
   708              - 'J'
   709              - 'K'
   710              - 'L'
   711              - 'M'
   712              - 'Z'
   713            description: |
   714              DocumentationTypeIndicator is a code that indicates the type of documentation that supports all check records in the cash letter.
   716              * `A` - No image provided, paper provided separately
   717              * `B` - No image provided, paper provided separately, image upon request
   718              * `C` - Image provided separately, no paper provided
   719              * `D` - Image provided separately, no paper provided, image upon request
   720              * `E` - Image and paper provided separately
   721              * `F` - Image and paper provided separately, image upon request
   722              * `G` - Image included, no paper provided
   723              * `H` - Image included, no paper provided, image upon request
   724              * `I` - Image included, paper provided separately
   725              * `J` - Image included, paper provided separately, image upon request
   726              * `K` - No image provided, no paper provided
   727              * `L` - No image provided, no paper provided, image upon request
   728              * `M` - No image provided, Electronic Check provided separately
   729              * `Z` - Not Same Type–Documentation associated with each item in Cash Letter will be different.
   730            example: 'A'
   731          cashLetterID:
   732            type: string
   733            maxLength: 8
   734            description: CashLetterID uniquely identifies the cash letter. It is assigned by the institution that creates the cash
   735              letter and must be unique within a Cash Letter Business Date.
   736            example: '1'
   737          originatorContactName:
   738            type: string
   739            maxLength: 14
   740            description: OriginatorContactName is the name of a contact at the institution that creates the cash letter.
   741            example: "John Smith"
   742          originatorContactPhoneNumber:
   743            type: string
   744            maxLength: 10
   745            description: OriginatorContactPhoneNumber is the phone number of the contact at the institution that creates the cash letter.
   746            example: '5685551212'
   747          fedWorkType:
   748            type: string
   749            maxLength: 1
   750            description: fedWorkType is any valid code specified by the Federal Reserve Bank.
   751            example: 'V'
   752          returnsIndicator:
   753            type: string
   754            maxLength: 1
   755            enum:
   756              - 'E'
   757              - 'R'
   758              - 'J'
   759            description: |
   760              ReturnsIndicator identifies type of returns.
   762              * ` ` - Original Message
   763              * `E` - Administrative - items being returned that are handled by the bank and usually do not directly
   764              affect the customer or its account.
   765              * `R` - Customer–items being returned that directly affect a customer’s account.
   766              * `J` - Reject Return
   767          userField:
   768            type: string
   769            maxLength: 1
   770            description: UserField is a field used at the discretion of users of the standard
   771            example: 'V'
   772      CashLetterControl:
   773        properties:
   774          ID:
   775            type: string
   776            description: CashLetterControl ID
   777            example: 'd1e26288'
   778          cashLetterBundleCount:
   779            type: integer
   780            description: CashLetterBundleCount identifies the total number of bundles within the cash letter.
   781            example: 1
   782          cashLetterItemsCount:
   783            type: integer
   784            description: CashLetterItemsCount identifies the total number of items within the cash letter.
   785            example: 1
   786          cashLetterTotalAmount:
   787            type: integer
   788            description: CashLetterTotalAmount identifies the total dollar value of all item amounts within the cash letter.
   789            example: 100
   790          cashLetterImagesCount:
   791            type: integer
   792            description: CashLetterImagesCount identifies the total number of ImageViewDetail(s) within the CashLetter.
   793            example: 1
   794          eceInstitutionName:
   795            type: string
   796            maxLength: 18
   797            description: ECEInstitutionName identifies the short name of the institution that creates the CashLetterControl.
   798            example: "Citadel"
   799          settlementDate:
   800            type: string
   801            format: 'date-time'
   802            description: SettlementDate identifies the date that the institution that creates the cash letter expects settlement.
   803            example: '2018-10-03T00:00:00Z'
   804          creditTotalIndicator:
   805            type: integer
   806            enum:
   807              - 0
   808              - 1
   809            description: |
   810              CreditTotalIndicator is a code that indicates whether Credit Items are included in this record’s totals.
   811              If so, they will be included in TotalItemCount and FileTotalAmount. TotalRecordCount includes all records of
   812              all types regardless of the value of this field.
   813              * ` ` - No Credit Items
   814              * `0` - Credit Items are not included in totals
   815              * `1` - Credit Items are included in totals
   816            example: 1
   817        required:
   818          - cashLetterItemsCount
   819          - cashLetterTotalAmount
   820          - settlementDate
   821      CashLetters:
   822        type: array
   823        items:
   824          $ref: '#/components/schemas/CashLetter'
   825      Bundle:
   826        properties:
   827          bundleHeader:
   828            $ref: '#/components/schemas/BundleHeader'
   829          checks:
   830            type: array
   831            items:
   832              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Checks'
   833          returns:
   834            type: array
   835            items:
   836              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Returns'
   837          bundleControl:
   838            $ref: '#/components/schemas/BundleControl'
   839      BundleHeader:
   840        properties:
   841          ID:
   842            type: string
   843            description: BundleHeader ID
   844            example: 'd1e26288'
   845          collectionTypeIndicator:
   846            type: string
   847            maxLength: 2
   848            enum:
   849              - '00'
   850              - '01'
   851              - '02'
   852              - '03'
   853              - '04'
   854              - '05'
   855              - '06'
   856            description: |
   857              A code that identifies the type of bundle. It is the same value as the CollectionTypeIndicator
   858              in the CashLetterHeader within which the bundle is contained, unless the CollectionTypeIndicator
   859              in the CashLetterHeader is 99.
   861              * `00` - Preliminary Forward Information
   862              * `01` - Forward Presentment
   863              * `02` - Forward Presentment - Same-Day Settlement
   864              * `03` - Return
   865              * `04` - Return Notification
   866              * `05` - Preliminary Return Notification
   867              * `06` - Final Return Notification
   868            example:
   869              '00'
   870          destinationRoutingNumber:
   871            type: string
   872            maxLength: 9
   873            description: DestinationRoutingNumber contains the routing and transit number of the institution that
   874              receives and processes the cash letter or the bundle.
   875            example: '231987654'
   876          eceInstitutionRoutingNumber:
   877            type: string
   878            maxLength: 9
   879            description: ECEInstitutionRoutingNumber contains the routing and transit number of the institution that
   880              that creates the bundle header.
   881            example: '233431587'
   882          bundleBusinessDate:
   883            type: string
   884            format: 'date-time'
   885            description: BundleBusinessDate is the business date of the bundle.
   886            example: '2018-10-03T00:00:00Z'
   887          bundleCreationDate:
   888            type: string
   889            format: 'date-time'
   890            description: BundleCreationDate is the date that the bundle is created.
   891            example: '2018-10-03T00:00:00Z'
   892          bundleID:
   893            type: string
   894            maxLength: 10
   895            description: BundleID is a number that identifies the bundle, assigned by the institution that creates the bundle.
   896            example:  '9999'
   897          bundleSequenceNumber:
   898            type: string
   899            maxLength: 4
   900            description: BundleSequenceNumber is a number assigned by the institution that creates the bundle. Usually denotes
   901              the relative position of the bundle within the cash letter.
   902            example:  '1'
   903          cycleNumber:
   904            type: string
   905            maxLength: 2
   906            description: CycleNumber is a code assigned by the institution that creates the bundle.  Denotes the cycle under which
   907              the bundle is created.
   908            example: "01"
   909          returnLocationRoutingNumber:
   910            type: string
   911            maxLength: 9
   912            description: ReturnLocationRoutingNumber is a bank routing number used by some processors. This will be blank in the resulting file if it is empty.
   913            example: "987654320"
   914          userField:
   915            type: string
   916            maxLength: 5
   917            description: UserField identifies a field used at the discretion of users of the standard.
   918            example: "B1234"
   919      BundleControl:
   920        properties:
   921          ID:
   922            type: string
   923            description: BundleControl ID
   924            example: 'd1e26288'
   925          bundleItemsCount:
   926            type: integer
   927            description: BundleItemsCount identifies the total number of items within the bundle.
   928            example: 1
   929          bundleTotalAmount:
   930            type: integer
   931            description: BundleTotalAmount identifies the total amount of item amounts within the bundle.
   932            example: 100
   933          micrValidTotalAmount:
   934            type: integer
   935            description: MICRValidTotalAmount identifies the total amount of all Check Records within the bundle which
   936              contain 1 in the MICRValidIndicator.
   937            example: 100
   938          bundleImagesCount:
   939            type: integer
   940            description: BundleImagesCount identifies the total number of ImageViewDetail Records  within the bundle.
   941            example: 1
   942          userField:
   943            type: string
   944            maxLength: 20
   945            description: UserField identifies a field used at the discretion of users of the standard.
   946            example: "B12345678"
   947          creditTotalIndicator:
   948            type: integer
   949            maxLength: 1
   950            enum:
   951              - 0
   952              - 1
   953            description: |
   954              CreditTotalIndicator is a code that indicates whether Credit Items are included in the totals.
   955              If so, they will be included in this record’s BundleItemsCount, BundleTotalAmount, and BundleImagesCount.
   956              * ` ` - No Credit Items
   957              * `0` - Credit Items are not included in totals
   958              * `1` - Credit Items are included in totals
   959            example: 1
   960        required:
   961          - bundleItemsCount
   962          - bundleTotalAmount
   963      Checks:
   964        properties:
   965          ID:
   966            type: string
   967            description: Check ID
   968            example: d1e26288
   969          auxiliaryOnUs:
   970            type: string
   971            maxLength: 15
   972            description: AuxiliaryOnUs identifies a code used on commercial checks at the discretion of the payor bank.
   973            example: '1001'
   974          externalProcessingCode:
   975            type: string
   976            maxLength: 1
   977            description: ExternalProcessingCode identifies a code used for special purposes as authorized by the Accredited
   978              Standards Committee X9. Also known as Position 44.
   979            example: '1'
   980          payorBankRoutingNumber:
   981            type: string
   982            maxLength: 8
   983            description: |
   984              PayorBankRoutingNumber identifies the institution by or through which the item is
   985              payable. Must be a valid routing and transit number issued by the ABA’s Routing Number Registrar. Shall
   986              represent the first 8 digits of a 9-digit routing number or 8 numeric digits of a 4 dash 4 routing number.
   987              A valid routing number consists of 2 fields: the eight-digit Payor Bank Routing Number and the
   988              one-digit Payor Bank Routing Number Check Digit.
   989            example: '01120036'
   990          payorBankCheckDigit:
   991            type: string
   992            maxLength: 1
   993            description: |
   994              PayorBankCheckDigit identifies the routing number check digit.  The
   995              combination of Payor Bank Routing Number and Payor Bank Routing Number Check Digit must be a mod-checked
   996              routing number with a valid check digit.
   997            example: '5'
   998          onUs:
   999            type: string
  1000            maxLength: 20
  1001            description: OnUs identifies data specified by the payor bank. On-Us data usually consists of the payor’s account number,
  1002              a serial number or transaction code, or both.
  1003            example: '5558881'
  1004          itemAmount:
  1005            type: integer
  1006            description: Amount identifies the amount of the check.  All amounts fields have two implied decimal points.
  1007                e.g., 100000 is $1,000.00.
  1008            example: 100000
  1009          eceInstitutionItemSequenceNumber:
  1010            type: string
  1011            maxLength: 15
  1012            description: ECEInstitutionItemSequenceNumber identifies a number assigned by the institution that creates the Check.
  1013              Field must contain a numeric value. It cannot be all blanks.
  1014            example: '24531'
  1015          documentationTypeIndicator:
  1016            type: string
  1017            maxLength: 1
  1018            enum:
  1019              - 'A'
  1020              - 'B'
  1021              - 'C'
  1022              - 'D'
  1023              - 'E'
  1024              - 'F'
  1025              - 'G'
  1026              - 'H'
  1027              - 'I'
  1028              - 'J'
  1029              - 'K'
  1030              - 'L'
  1031              - 'M'
  1032            description: |
  1033              DocumentationTypeIndicator identifies a code that indicates the type of documentation that supports the check
  1034              record.  This field is superseded by the Cash Letter Documentation Type Indicator in the Cash Letter Header
  1035              Record for all Defined Values except ‘Z’ Not Same Type. In the case of Defined Value of ‘Z’, the
  1036              Documentation Type Indicator in this record takes precedent.
  1038              Shall be present when Cash Letter Documentation Type Indicator in the Cash Letter Header Record
  1039              is Defined Value of ‘Z’.
  1041              * `A` - No image provided, paper provided separately
  1042              * `B` - No image provided, paper provided separately, image upon request
  1043              * `C` - Image provided separately, no paper provided
  1044              * `D` - Image provided separately, no paper provided, image upon request
  1045              * `E` - Image and paper provided separately
  1046              * `F` - Image and paper provided separately, image upon request
  1047              * `G` - Image included, no paper provided
  1048              * `H` - Image included, no paper provided, image upon request
  1049              * `I` - Image included, paper provided separately
  1050              * `J` - Image included, paper provided separately, image upon request
  1051              * `K` - No image provided, no paper provided
  1052              * `L` - No image provided, no paper provided, image upon request
  1053              * `M` - No image provided, Electronic Check provided separately
  1054            example: 'A'
  1055          returnAcceptanceIndicator:
  1056            type: string
  1057            maxLength: 1
  1058            enum:
  1059              - '0'
  1060              - '1'
  1061              - '2'
  1062              - '3'
  1063              - '4'
  1064              - '5'
  1065              - '6'
  1066              - '7'
  1067              - '8'
  1068              - '9'
  1069              - 'A'
  1070              - 'B'
  1071              - 'C'
  1072              - 'D'
  1073              - 'E'
  1074              - 'F'
  1075            description: |
  1076              ReturnAcceptanceIndicator is a code that indicates whether the institution that creates the Check
  1077              will or will not support electronic return processing.
  1079              * `0` -	Will not accept any electronic information
  1080              * `1` -	Will accept preliminary return notifications, returns, and final return notifications
  1081              * `2` -	Will accept preliminary return notifications and returns
  1082              * `3` -	Will accept preliminary return notifications and final return notifications
  1083              * `4` -	Will accept returns and final return notifications
  1084              * `5` -	Will accept preliminary return notifications only
  1085              * `6` -	Will accept returns only
  1086              * `7` -	Will accept final return notifications only
  1087              * `8` -	Will accept preliminary return notifications, returns, final return notifications, and image returns
  1088              * `9` -	Will accept preliminary return notifications, returns and image returns
  1089              * `A` -	Will accept preliminary return notifications, final return notifications and image returns
  1090              * `B` -	Will accept returns, final return notifications and image returns
  1091              * `C` -	Will accept preliminary return notifications and image returns
  1092              * `D` -	Will accept returns and image returns
  1093              * `E` -	Will accept final return notifications and image returns
  1094              * `F` -	Will accept image returns only
  1095            example: '1'
  1096          mICRValidIndicator:
  1097            type: integer
  1098            enum:
  1099              - 1
  1100              - 2
  1101              - 3
  1102              - 4
  1103            description: |
  1104              MICRValidIndicator is a code that indicates whether any character in the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
  1105              (MICR) property is unreadable, or the OnUs property is missing from the Check.
  1106              * `1` - Good read
  1107              * `2` - Good read, missing field
  1108              * `3` - Read error encountered
  1109              * `4` - Missing field and read error encountered
  1110            example: 1
  1111          bOFDIndicator:
  1112            type: string
  1113            maxLength: 1
  1114            enum:
  1115              - 'Y'
  1116              - 'N'
  1117              - 'U'
  1118            description: |
  1119              BOFDIndicator is a code that indicates whether the ECE institution indicated on the Bundle Header Record (Type 20)
  1120              is the Bank of First Deposit (BOFD). This field shall be consistent with values contained in the Check Detail
  1121              Addendum A Record (Type 26) and Check Detail Addendum C Record (Type 28).
  1122              * `Y` - ECE institution is BOFD
  1123              * `N` - ECE institution is not BOFD
  1124              * `U` - ECE institution relationship to BOFD is undetermined
  1125            example: 'Y'
  1126          addendumCount:
  1127            type: integer
  1128            minimum: 0
  1129            maximum: 99
  1130            description: AddendumCount is a number of Check Detail Record Addenda to follow. This represents the number of
  1131              CheckDetailAddendumA, CheckDetailAddendumB, and CheckDetailAddendumC types. It matches the total number
  1132              of addendum records associated with this item. The standard supports up to 99 addendum records.
  1133            example: 3
  1134          correctionIndicator:
  1135            type: integer
  1136            enum:
  1137              - 0
  1138              - 1
  1139              - 2
  1140              - 3
  1141              - 4
  1142            description: |
  1143              CorrectionIndicator identifies whether and how the MICR line was repaired, for fields other than Payor Bank
  1144              Routing Number and Amount.
  1145              * `0` - No Repair
  1146              * `1` - Repaired (form of repair unknown)
  1147              * `2` - Repaired without Operator intervention
  1148              * `3` - Repaired with Operator intervention
  1149              * `4` - Undetermined if repair has been done or not
  1150            example: 0
  1151          archiveTypeIndicator:
  1152            type: string
  1153            enum:
  1154              - 'A'
  1155              - 'B'
  1156              - 'C'
  1157              - 'D'
  1158              - 'E'
  1159              - 'F'
  1160              - 'G'
  1161              - 'H'
  1162              - 'I'
  1163            description: |
  1164              ArchiveTypeIndicator is a code that indicates the type of archive that supports this Check.
  1165              Access method, availability, and time frames shall be defined by clearing arrangements.
  1167              * `A` - Microfilm
  1168              * `B` - Image
  1169              * `C` - Paper
  1170              * `D` - Microfilm and image
  1171              * `E` - Microfilm and paper
  1172              * `F` - Image and paper
  1173              * `G` - Microfilm, image and paper
  1174              * `H` - Electronic Check Instrument
  1175              * `I` - None
  1176            example: 'A'
  1177          checkDetailAddendumA:
  1178            type: array
  1179            items:
  1180              $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckDetailAddendumA'
  1181          checkDetailAddendumB:
  1182            type: array
  1183            items:
  1184              $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckDetailAddendumB'
  1185          checkDetailAddendumC:
  1186            type: array
  1187            items:
  1188              $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckDetailAddendumC'
  1189          imageViewDetail:
  1190            type: array
  1191            items:
  1192              $ref: '#/components/schemas/ImageViewDetail'
  1193          imageViewData:
  1194            type: array
  1195            items:
  1196              $ref: '#/components/schemas/ImageViewData'
  1197          imageViewAnalysis:
  1198            type: array
  1199            items:
  1200              $ref: '#/components/schemas/ImageViewAnalysis'
  1201      Returns:
  1202        properties:
  1203          ID:
  1204            type: string
  1205            description: Return ID
  1206            example: d1e26288
  1207          payorBankRoutingNumber:
  1208            type: string
  1209            maxLength: 8
  1210            description: |
  1211              PayorBankRoutingNumber identifies the institution by or through which the item is
  1212              payable. Must be a valid routing and transit number issued by the ABA’s Routing Number Registrar. Shall
  1213              represent the first 8 digits of a 9-digit routing number or 8 numeric digits of a 4 dash 4 routing number.
  1214              A valid routing number consists of 2 fields: the eight-digit Payor Bank Routing Number and the
  1215              one-digit Payor Bank Routing Number Check Digit.
  1216            example: '01120036'
  1217          payorBankCheckDigit:
  1218            type: string
  1219            maxLength: 1
  1220            description: |
  1221              PayorBankCheckDigit identifies the routing number check digit.  The
  1222              combination of Payor Bank Routing Number and Payor Bank Routing Number Check Digit must be a mod-checked
  1223              routing number with a valid check digit.
  1224            example: 5
  1225          onUs:
  1226            type: string
  1227            maxLength: 20
  1228            description: OnUs identifies data specified by the payor bank. On-Us data usually consists of the payor’s account number,
  1229              a serial number or transaction code, or both.
  1230            example: '5558881'
  1231          itemAmount:
  1232            type: integer
  1233            description: Amount identifies the amount of the check.  All amounts fields have two implied decimal points.
  1234              e.g., 100000 is $1,000.00.
  1235            example: 100000
  1236          returnReason:
  1237            type: string
  1238            description: ReturnReason is a code that indicates the reason for non-payment.
  1239          addendumCount:
  1240            type: integer
  1241            minimum: 0
  1242            maximum: 99
  1243            description: AddendumCount is a number of Check Detail Record Addenda to follow. This represents the number of
  1244              CheckDetailAddendumA, CheckDetailAddendumB, and CheckDetailAddendumC types. It matches the total number
  1245              of addendum records associated with this item. The standard supports up to 99 addendum records.
  1246            example: 4
  1247          documentationTypeIndicator:
  1248            type: string
  1249            maxLength: 1
  1250            enum:
  1251              - 'A'
  1252              - 'B'
  1253              - 'C'
  1254              - 'D'
  1255              - 'E'
  1256              - 'F'
  1257              - 'G'
  1258              - 'H'
  1259              - 'I'
  1260              - 'J'
  1261              - 'K'
  1262              - 'L'
  1263              - 'M'
  1264            description: |
  1265              DocumentationTypeIndicator identifies a code that indicates the type of documentation that supports the check
  1266              record.  This field is superseded by the Cash Letter Documentation Type Indicator in the Cash Letter Header
  1267              Record for all Defined Values except ‘Z’ Not Same Type. In the case of Defined Value of ‘Z’, the
  1268              Documentation Type Indicator in this record takes precedent.
  1270              Shall be present when Cash Letter Documentation Type Indicator in the Cash Letter Header Record
  1271              is Defined Value of ‘Z’.
  1273              * `A` - No image provided, paper provided separately
  1274              * `B` - No image provided, paper provided separately, image upon request
  1275              * `C` - Image provided separately, no paper provided
  1276              * `D` - Image provided separately, no paper provided, image upon request
  1277              * `E` - Image and paper provided separately
  1278              * `F` - Image and paper provided separately, image upon request
  1279              * `G` - Image included, no paper provided
  1280              * `H` - Image included, no paper provided, image upon request
  1281              * `I` - Image included, paper provided separately
  1282              * `J` - Image included, paper provided separately, image upon request
  1283              * `K` - No image provided, no paper provided
  1284              * `L` - No image provided, no paper provided, image upon request
  1285              * `M` - No image provided, Electronic Check provided separately
  1286            example: 'A'
  1287          forwardBundleDate:
  1288            type: string
  1289            format: 'date-time'
  1290            description: ForwardBundleDate represents for electronic check exchange items, the year, month, and day that
  1291              designate the business date of the original forward bundle. This data is transferred from the BundleHeader
  1292              BundleBusinessDate.  For items presented in paper cash letters, the year, month, and day that the cash
  1293              letter was created.
  1294            example: '2018-10-03T00:00:00Z'
  1295          eceInstitutionItemSequenceNumber:
  1296            type: string
  1297            maxLength: 15
  1298            description: ECEInstitutionItemSequenceNumber identifies a number assigned by the institution that creates the CheckDetail.
  1299              Field must contain a numeric value. It cannot be all blanks.
  1300            example: '24531'
  1301          externalProcessingCode:
  1302            type: string
  1303            maxLength: 1
  1304            description: ExternalProcessingCode identifies a code used for special purposes as authorized by the Accredited
  1305              Standards Committee X9. Also known as Position 44.
  1306            example: '9'
  1307          returnNotificationIndicator:
  1308            type: string
  1309            maxLength: 1
  1310            enum:
  1311              - '1'
  1312              - '2'
  1313            description: |
  1314              ReturnNotificationIndicator is a code that identifies the type of notification. The
  1315              CashLetterHeader.CollectionTypeIndicator and BundleHeader.CollectionTypeIndicator equalling `05` or `06`
  1316              takes precedence over this field.
  1318              * `1` - Preliminary notification
  1319              * `2` - Final notification
  1320          archiveTypeIndicator:
  1321            type: string
  1322            maxLength: 1
  1323            enum:
  1324              - 'A'
  1325              - 'B'
  1326              - 'C'
  1327              - 'D'
  1328              - 'E'
  1329              - 'F'
  1330              - 'G'
  1331              - 'H'
  1332              - 'I'
  1333            description: |
  1334              ArchiveTypeIndicator is a code that indicates the type of archive that supports this Check.
  1335              Access method, availability, and time frames shall be defined by clearing arrangements.
  1336              * `A` - Microfilm
  1337              * `B` - Image
  1338              * `C` - Paper
  1339              * `D` - Microfilm and image
  1340              * `E` - Microfilm and paper
  1341              * `F` - Image and paper
  1342              * `G` - Microfilm, image, and paper
  1343              * `H` - Electronic Check Instrument
  1344              * `I` - None
  1345          timesReturned:
  1346            type: integer
  1347            enum:
  1348              - 0
  1349              - 1
  1350              - 2
  1351              - 3
  1352            description: |
  1353              TimesReturned is a code used to indicate the number of times the paying bank has returned this item.
  1355              * `0` - The item has been returned an unknown number of times
  1356              * `1` - The item has been returned once
  1357              * `2` - The item has been returned twice
  1358              * `3` - The item has been returned three times
  1359          returnDetailAddendumA:
  1360            type: array
  1361            items:
  1362              $ref: '#/components/schemas/ReturnDetailAddendumA'
  1363          returnDetailAddendumB:
  1364            type: array
  1365            items:
  1366              $ref: '#/components/schemas/ReturnDetailAddendumB'
  1367          returnDetailAddendumC:
  1368            type: array
  1369            items:
  1370              $ref: '#/components/schemas/ReturnDetailAddendumC'
  1371          returnDetailAddendumD:
  1372            type: array
  1373            items:
  1374              $ref: '#/components/schemas/ReturnDetailAddendumD'
  1375          imageViewDetail:
  1376            type: array
  1377            items:
  1378              $ref: '#/components/schemas/ImageViewDetail'
  1379          imageViewData:
  1380            type: array
  1381            items:
  1382              $ref: '#/components/schemas/ImageViewData'
  1383          imageViewAnalysis:
  1384            type: array
  1385            items:
  1386              $ref: '#/components/schemas/ImageViewAnalysis'
  1387      CreditItem:
  1388        properties:
  1389          ID:
  1390            type: string
  1391            description: CreditItem ID
  1392            example: d1e26288
  1393          auxiliaryOnUs:
  1394            type: string
  1395            maxLength: 15
  1396            description: AuxiliaryOnUs identifies a code used at the discretion of the creating bank. The handling of
  1397              dashes and spaces shall be determined between the exchange partners.
  1398            example: '1001'
  1399          externalProcessingCode:
  1400            type: string
  1401            maxLength: 1
  1402            description: ExternalProcessingCode identifies a code used for special purposes as authorized by the Accredited
  1403              Standards Committee X9. Also known as Position 44.
  1404            example: '9'
  1405          postingBankRoutingNumber:
  1406            type: string
  1407            maxLength: 9
  1408            description: PostingBankRoutingNumber is a routing number assigned by the posting bank to identify this credit.
  1409            example: '231986436'
  1410          onUs:
  1411            type: string
  1412            maxLength: 20
  1413            description: OnUs identifies data specified by the payor bank. On-Us data usually consists of the payor’s
  1414              account number, a serial number or transaction code, or both.
  1415            example: '5558881'
  1416          itemAmount:
  1417            type: integer
  1418            description: Amount identifies the amount of the check.  All amounts fields have two implied decimal points.
  1419              e.g., 100000 is $1,000.00.
  1420            example: 100000
  1421          creditItemSequenceNumber:
  1422            type: string
  1423            description: CreditItemSequenceNumber identifies a number assigned by the institution that creates the CreditItem.
  1424            example: '1'
  1425          documentationTypeIndicator:
  1426            type: string
  1427            maxLength: 1
  1428            enum:
  1429              - 'A'
  1430              - 'B'
  1431              - 'C'
  1432              - 'D'
  1433              - 'E'
  1434              - 'F'
  1435              - 'G'
  1436              - 'H'
  1437              - 'I'
  1438              - 'J'
  1439              - 'K'
  1440              - 'L'
  1441            description: |
  1442              DocumentationTypeIndicator is a code used to indicate the type of documentation that supports this record.
  1443              Shall be present when Cash Letter Documentation Type Indicator in the Cash Letter Header Record is Defined
  1444              Value of ‘Z’.
  1446              * `A` - No image provided, paper provided separately
  1447              * `B` - No image provided, paper provided separately, image upon request
  1448              * `C` - Image provided separately, no paper provided
  1449              * `D` - Image provided separately, no paper provided, image upon request
  1450              * `E` - Image and paper provided separately
  1451              * `F` - Image and paper provided separately, image upon request
  1452              * `G` - Image included, no paper provided
  1453              * `H` - Image included, no paper provided, image upon request
  1454              * `I` - Image included, paper provided separately
  1455              * `J` - Image included, paper provided separately, image upon request
  1456              * `K` - No image provided, no paper provided
  1457              * `L` - No image provided, no paper provided, image upon request
  1458            example: 'A'
  1459          acccountTypeCode:
  1460            type: string
  1461            maxLength: 1
  1462            enum:
  1463              - '0'
  1464              - '1'
  1465              - '2'
  1466              - '3'
  1467              - '4'
  1468              - '5'
  1469            description: |
  1470              AccountTypeCode is a code that indicates the type of account to which this CreditItem is associated.
  1472              * `0` - Unknown
  1473              * `1` - DDA account
  1474              * `2` - General Ledger account
  1475              * `3` - Savings account
  1476              * `4` - Money Market account
  1477              * `5` - Other Account
  1478            example: '1'
  1479          sourceWorkCode:
  1480            type: string
  1481            maxLength: 2
  1482            description: |
  1483              SourceWorkCode is a code used to identify the source of the work associated with this CreditItem.
  1485              * `00` - Unknown
  1486              * `01` - Internal–ATM
  1487              * `02` - Internal–Branch
  1488              * `03` - Internal–Other
  1489              * `04` - External–Bank to Bank (Correspondent)
  1490              * `05` - External–Business to Bank (Customer)
  1491              * `06` - External–Business to Bank Remote Capture
  1492              * `07` - External–Processor to Bank
  1493              * `08` - External–Bank to Processor
  1494              * `09` - Lockbox
  1495              * `10` - International–Internal
  1496              * `11` - International–External
  1497              * `21–50` - User Defined
  1498            example: '01'
  1499          userField:
  1500            type: string
  1501            maxLength: 16
  1502            description: UserField identifies a field used at the discretion of users of the standard.
  1503            example: "B12345678"
  1504        required:
  1505          - PostingBankRoutingNumber
  1506          - CreditItemSequenceNumbe
  1507      RoutingNumberSummary:
  1508        properties:
  1509          ID:
  1510            type: string
  1511            description: RoutingNumberSummary ID
  1512            example: d1e26288
  1513          cashLetterRoutingNumber:
  1514            type: string
  1515            maxLength: 9
  1516            description: CashLetterRoutingNumber is a number that identifies a given payor bank within a cash letter
  1517              containing one or more payor banks.
  1518            example: '231380104'
  1519          routingNumberTotalAmount:
  1520            type: integer
  1521            description: RoutingNumberTotalAmount is the total amount for all Check Records associated with the
  1522              payor bank routing number designated in the Routing Number within the Cash Letter.
  1523            example: 10000
  1524          routingNumberItemCount:
  1525            type: integer
  1526            description: RoutingNumberItemCount is the the total number of all Check Records associated with the
  1527              payor bank routing number designated in the Routing Number within the Cash Letter.
  1528            example: 10
  1529          userField:
  1530            type: string
  1531            maxLength: 24
  1532            description: UserField identifies a field used at the discretion of users of the standard.
  1533            example: "B1234567891012345"
  1534        required:
  1535          - cashLetterRoutingNumber
  1536      CheckDetailAddendumA:
  1537        properties:
  1538          ID:
  1539            type: string
  1540            description: CheckDetailAddendumA ID
  1541            example: d1e26288
  1542          recordNumber:
  1543            type: integer
  1544            minimum: 1
  1545            maximum: 99
  1546            description: RecordNumber is a number representing the order in which each CheckDetailAddendumA was created.
  1547              CheckDetailAddendumA shall be in sequential order starting with 1.
  1548            example: 1
  1549          returnLocationRoutingNumber:
  1550            type: string
  1551            maxLength: 9
  1552            description: ReturnLocationRoutingNumber is a valid routing and transit number indicating where returns,
  1553              final return notifications, and preliminary return notifications are sent, usually the BOFD.
  1554            example: '231486745'
  1555          bOFDEndorsementDate:
  1556            type: string
  1557            format: 'date-time'
  1558            description: BOFDEndorsementDate is the date of endorsement.
  1559            example: '2018-10-03T00:00:00Z'
  1560          bOFDItemSequenceNumber:
  1561            type: string
  1562            maxLength: 15
  1563            description: BOFDItemSequenceNumber is a number that identifies the item in the CheckDetailAddendumA.
  1564            example: '1'
  1565          bOFDAccountNumber:
  1566            type: string
  1567            maxLength: 18
  1568            description: BOFDAccountNumber is a number that identifies the depository account at the Bank of First Deposit.
  1569            example: '938383'
  1570          bOFDBranchCode:
  1571            type: string
  1572            maxLength: 5
  1573            description: BOFDBranchCode is a code that identifies the branch at the Bank of First Deposit.
  1574            example: '01'
  1575          payeeName:
  1576            type: string
  1577            maxLength: 15
  1578            description: PayeeName is the name of the payee from the check.
  1579            example: 'Payee Name'
  1580          truncationIndicator:
  1581            type: string
  1582            maxLength: 1
  1583            enum:
  1584              - 'Y'
  1585              - 'N'
  1586            description: TruncationIndicator identifies if the institution truncated the original check item.
  1587            example: 'Y'
  1588          bOFDConversionIndicator:
  1589            type: string
  1590            maxLength: 1
  1591            enum:
  1592              - '0'
  1593              - '1'
  1594              - '2'
  1595              - '3'
  1596              - '4'
  1597              - '5'
  1598              - '6'
  1599              - '7'
  1600              - '8'
  1601            description: |
  1602              BOFDConversionIndicator is a code that indicates the conversion within the processing institution
  1603              between original paper check, image, and IRD. The indicator is specific to the action of the institution that created
  1604              this record.
  1606              * `0` - Did not convert physical document
  1607              * `1` - Original paper converted to IRD
  1608              * `2` - Original paper converted to image
  1609              * `3` - IRD converted to another IRD
  1610              * `4` - IRD converted to image of IRD
  1611              * `5` - Image converted to an IRD
  1612              * `6` - Image converted to another image (e.g., transcoded)
  1613              * `7` - Did not convert image (e.g., same as source)
  1614              * `8` - Undetermined
  1615            example: '1'
  1616          BOFDCorrectionIndicator:
  1617            type: integer
  1618            enum:
  1619              - 0
  1620              - 1
  1621              - 2
  1622              - 3
  1623              - 4
  1624            description: |
  1625              BOFDCorrectionIndicator identifies whether and how the MICR line of this item was repaired by the
  1626              creator of this CheckDetailAddendumA Record for fields other than Payor Bank Routing Number and Amount.
  1627              * `0` - No Repair
  1628              * `1` - Repaired (form of repair unknown)
  1629              * `2` - Repaired without Operator intervention
  1630              * `3` - Repaired with Operator intervention
  1631              * `4` - Undetermined if repair has been done or not
  1632            example: 1
  1633          userField:
  1634            type: string
  1635            maxLength: 4
  1636            description: UserField identifies a field used at the discretion of users of the standard.
  1637            example: 'Z'
  1638        required:
  1639          - recordNumber
  1640          - returnLocationRoutingNumber
  1641          - bofdEndorsementDate
  1642          - bofdItemSequenceNumber
  1643          - truncationIndicator
  1644      CheckDetailAddendumB:
  1645        properties:
  1646          ID:
  1647            type: string
  1648            description: CheckDetailAddendumB ID
  1649            example: d1e26288
  1650          imageReferenceKeyIndicator:
  1651            type: integer
  1652            enum:
  1653              - 0
  1654              - 1
  1655            description: |
  1656              ImageReferenceKeyIndicator identifies whether ImageReferenceKeyLength contains a variable value within the
  1657              allowable range, or contains a defined value and the content is ItemReferenceKey.
  1659              * `0` - ImageReferenceKeyIndicator has a Defined Value of 0034 and ImageReferenceKey contains the Image
  1660              Reference Key.
  1661              * `1`- ImageReferenceKeyIndicator contains a value other than 0034; or ImageReferenceKeyIndicator
  1662              contains Value 0034, which is not a Defined Value, and the content of ImageReferenceKey has no special
  1663              significance with regards to an Image Reference Key; or ImageReferenceKeyIndicator is 0000, meaning the
  1664              ImageReferenceKey is not present.
  1665            example: 1
  1666          microfilmArchiveSequenceNumber:
  1667            type: string
  1668            maxLength: 15
  1669            description: microfilmArchiveSequenceNumber is a number that identifies the item in the microfilm archive system;
  1670              it may be different than the Check.ECEInstitutionItemSequenceNumber and from the ImageReferenceKey.
  1671            example: '1'
  1672          lengthImageReferenceKey:
  1673            type: string
  1674            description: |
  1675              ImageReferenceKeyLength is the number of characters in the ImageReferenceKey.
  1677              * `0034` - ImageReferenceKey contains the ImageReferenceKey (ImageReferenceKeyIndicator is 0).
  1678              * `0000` - ImageReferenceKey not present (ImageReferenceKeyIndicator is 1).
  1679              * `0001` - 9999: May include Value 0034, and ImageReferenceKey has no special significance to Image Reference
  1680              Key (ImageReferenceKey is 1).
  1681            example: "0000"
  1682          imageReferenceKey:
  1683            type: string
  1684            description: |
  1685              ImageReferenceKey is used to find the image of the item in the image data system.  Size is variable based on lengthImageReferenceKey.
  1686              The position within the file is variable based on the lengthImageReferenceKey.
  1687            example: '0'
  1688          descript:
  1689            type: string
  1690            maxLength: 15
  1691            description: Descript describes the transaction.  The position within the file is variable based on the lengthImageReferenceKey.
  1692            example: 'Payment'
  1693          userField:
  1694            type: string
  1695            maxLength: 4
  1696            description: UserField identifies a field used at the discretion of users of the standard.
  1697            example: 'ZZZZ'
  1698        required:
  1699          - microfilmArchiveSequenceNumber
  1700      CheckDetailAddendumC:
  1701        properties:
  1702          ID:
  1703            type: string
  1704            description:  CheckDetailAddendumC ID
  1705            example: d1e26288
  1706          recordNumber:
  1707            type: integer
  1708            minimum: 1
  1709            maximum: 99
  1710            description: RecordNumber is a number representing the order in which each CheckDetailAddendumC was created.
  1711              CheckDetailAddendumC shall be in sequential order starting with 1.
  1712            example: 1
  1713          endorsingBankRoutingNumber:
  1714            type: string
  1715            maxLength: 9
  1716            description: EndorsingBankRoutingNumber is a valid routing and transit number indicating the bank that
  1717              endorsed the check.
  1718            example: '231486745'
  1719          bOFDEndorsementBusinessDate:
  1720            type: string
  1721            format: 'date-time'
  1722            description: BOFDEndorsementBusinessDate is the date of endorsement.
  1723            example: '2018-10-03T00:00:00Z'
  1724          endorsingBankSequenceNumber:
  1725            type: string
  1726            maxLength: 15
  1727            description: EndorsingItemSequenceNumber is a number that identifies the item at the endorsing bank.
  1728            example: '1'
  1729          truncationIndicator:
  1730            type: string
  1731            maxLength: 1
  1732            enum:
  1733              - 'Y'
  1734              - 'N'
  1735            description: TruncationIndicator identifies if the institution truncated the original check item.
  1736            example: 'Y'
  1737          endorsingBankConversionIndicator:
  1738            type: string
  1739            maxLength: 1
  1740            enum:
  1741              - '0'
  1742              - '1'
  1743              - '2'
  1744              - '3'
  1745              - '4'
  1746              - '5'
  1747              - '6'
  1748              - '7'
  1749              - '8'
  1750            description: |
  1751              EndorsingBankConversionIndicator is a code that indicates the conversion within the processing institution
  1752              between original paper check, image, and IRD. The indicator is specific to the action of the institution identified in the
  1753              EndorsingBankRoutingNumber.
  1755              * `0` - Did not convert physical document
  1756              * `1` - Original paper converted to IRD
  1757              * `2` - Original paper converted to image
  1758              * `3` - IRD converted to another IRD
  1759              * `4` - IRD converted to image of IRD
  1760              * `5` - Image converted to an IRD
  1761              * `6` - Image converted to another image (e.g., transcoded)
  1762              * `7` - Did not convert image (e.g., same as source)
  1763              * `8` - Undetermined
  1764            example: '1'
  1765          endorsingBankCorrectionIndicator:
  1766            type: integer
  1767            enum:
  1768              - 0
  1769              - 1
  1770              - 2
  1771              - 3
  1772              - 4
  1773            description: |
  1774              EndorsingBankCorrectionIndicator identifies whether and how the MICR line of this item was repaired by the
  1775              creator of this CheckDetailAddendumC Record for fields other than Payor Bank Routing Number and Amount.
  1777              * `0` - No Repair
  1778              * `1` - Repaired (form of repair unknown)
  1779              * `2` - Repaired without Operator intervention
  1780              * `3` - Repaired with Operator intervention
  1781              * `4` - Undetermined if repair has been done or not
  1782            example: 1
  1783          returnReason:
  1784            type: string
  1785            description: ReturnReason is a code that indicates the reason for non-payment.
  1786          userField:
  1787            type: string
  1788            maxLength: 19
  1789            description: UserField identifies a field used at the discretion of users of the standard.
  1790            example: 'Z'
  1791          endorsingBankIdentifier:
  1792            type: integer
  1793            enum:
  1794              - 0
  1795              - 1
  1796              - 2
  1797              - 3
  1798            description: |
  1799             * `0` - Depository Bank (BOFD) - this value is used when the CheckDetailAddendumC Record reflects the Return
  1800             * `Processing Bank in lieu of BOFD.
  1801             * `1` - Other Collecting Bank
  1802             * `2` - Other Returning Bank
  1803             * `3` - Payor Bank
  1804            example: 0
  1805        required:
  1806          - recordNumber
  1807          - endorsingBankRoutingNumber
  1808          - bofdEndorsementBusinessDate
  1809          - endorsingBankItemSequenceNumber
  1810          - truncationIndicator
  1811      ImageViewDetail:
  1812        properties:
  1813          ID:
  1814            type: string
  1815            description: ImageViewDetail ID
  1816            example: d1e26288
  1817          imageIndicator:
  1818            type: integer
  1819            minimum: 0
  1820            maximum: 3
  1821            enum:
  1822              - 0
  1823              - 1
  1824              - 2
  1825              - 3
  1826            description: |
  1827              ImageIndicator is a code that indicates the presence and disposition of an image view conveyed in the related
  1828              ImageViewData.  When an image view is not present (0) then certain conditional fields in this ImageViewDetail and
  1829              the related ImageViewData shall not be present and will be filled with blank space.
  1831              * `0` - Image view not present
  1832              * `1` - Image view present, actual check
  1833              * `2` - Image view present, not actual check
  1834              * `3` - Image view present, unable to determine if value is 1 or 2
  1835            example: 1
  1836          imageCreatorRoutingNumber:
  1837            type: string
  1838            maxLength: 9
  1839            description: ImageCreatorRoutingNumber identifies the financial institution that created the image view.
  1840            example: '2139876354'
  1841          imageCreatorDate:
  1842            type: string
  1843            format: 'date-time'
  1844            description: |
  1845              ImageCreatorDate is the date assigned by the image creator for the image view conveyed in the related ImageData.
  1846            example: '2018-10-03T00:00:00Z'
  1847          imageViewFormatIndicator:
  1848            type: string
  1849            maxLength: 2
  1850            enum:
  1851              - '00'
  1852              - '01'
  1853              - '20'
  1854              - '22'
  1855              - '23'
  1856            description: |
  1857              ImageViewFormatIndicator is a code that identifies the type of image format used in the related
  1858              ImageViewData.ImageData. The image format type is also commonly specified by reference to the file extension
  1859              used when image data is saved as an image file.
  1861              Agreement not required:
  1862              * `00` - TIFF 6; Extension: TIF
  1864              Agreement required:
  1865              * `01` - IOCA FS 11; Extension: ICA
  1866              * `20` - PNG (Portable Network Graphics); Extension: PNG ‘21’	JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format); Extension: JPG
  1867              * `22` - SPIFF (Still Picture Interchange File Format) (ITU-T Rec. T.84 Annex F); Extension: SPF
  1868              * `23` - JBIG data stream (ITU-T Rec. T.82/ISO/IEC 11544:1993); Extension: JBG ‘24’	JPEG 2000 (ISO/IEC 15444-1:2000); Extension: JP2
  1869            example: '00'
  1870          imageViewCompressionAlgorithm:
  1871            type: string
  1872            maxLength: 2
  1873            enum:
  1874              - '00'
  1875              - '01'
  1876              - '02'
  1877              - '21'
  1878              - '22'
  1879              - '23'
  1880            description: |
  1881              ImageViewCompressionAlgorithm is a code that identifies the algorithm or method used to compress the Image Data
  1882              in the related ImageViewData.ImageData.
  1884              Agreement not required:
  1885              * `00` - Group 4 facsimile compression (ITU-T Rec. T.563/CCITT Rec. T.6)
  1887              Agreement required:
  1888              * `01` - JPEG Baseline (JPEG Interchange Format) (ITU-T Rec. T.81/ISO/IEC 10918)
  1889              * `02` - ABIC
  1890              * `21` - PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
  1891              * `22` - JBIG (ITU-T Rec. T.82/ISO/IEC 11544:1993)
  1892              * `23` - JPEG 2000 (ISO/IEC 15444–1:2000)
  1893            example: '02'
  1894          imageViewDataSize:
  1895            type: string
  1896            description: |
  1897                ImageViewDataSize is the total number of bytes in ImageViewData.ImageData.  Use of this field is NOT recommended. If data is present it shall be ignored, and ImageViewData.ImageDataLength shall take precedence.
  1898            example: "1024"
  1899          viewSideIndicator:
  1900            type: integer
  1901            enum:
  1902              - 0
  1903              - 1
  1904            description: |
  1905              ViewSideIndicator is a code that indicates the image view conveyed in the related ImageViewData.
  1906              An image view may be a full view of the item (i.e., the entire full face of the document)
  1907              or may be a partial view (snippet) as determined by viewDescriptor.
  1909              * `0` - Front image view
  1910              * `1` - Rear image view
  1911            example: 0
  1912          viewDescriptor:
  1913            type: string
  1914            maxLength: 2
  1915            description: |
  1916              ViewDescriptor is a code that indicates the nature of the image view based on ImageViewData.ImageData.
  1918              * `00` -  Full view
  1919              * `01` -  Partial view–unspecified Area of Interest
  1920              * `02` -  Partial view–date Area of Interest
  1921              * `03` -  Partial view–payee Area of Interest
  1922              * `04` -  Partial view–convenience amount Area of Interest
  1923              * `05` -  Partial view–amount in words (legal amount) Area of Interest
  1924              * `06` -  Partial view–signature Area(s) of Interest
  1925              * `07` -  Partial view–payor name and address Area of Interest
  1926              * `08` -  Partial view–MICR line Area of Interest
  1927              * `09` -  Partial view–memo line Area of Interest
  1928              * `10` -  Partial view–payor bank name and address Area of Interest
  1929              * `11` -  Partial view–payee endorsement Area of Interest
  1930              * `12` -  Partial view–Bank Of First Deposit (BOFD) endorsement Area of Interest
  1931              * `13` -  Partial view–transit endorsement Area of Interest
  1932              * `14 - 99` -  Reserved for X9
  1933            example: '00'
  1934          digitalSignatureIndicator:
  1935            type: integer
  1936            enum:
  1937              - 0
  1938              - 1
  1939            description: |
  1940              DigitalSignatureIndicator is a code that indicates the presence or absence of a digital signature for the image
  1941              view contained in ImageViewData.ImageData. If present, the Digital Signature is conveyed in the related DigitalSignature.
  1943              * `0` - Digital Signature is not present
  1944              * `1` - Digital Signature is present
  1945            example:  0
  1946          digitalSignatureMethod:
  1947            type: string
  1948            maxLength: 2
  1949            description: |
  1950              DigitalSignatureMethod is a code that identifies the cryptographic algorithm used to generate and validate the
  1951              Digital Signature in ImageViewData.DigitalSignature.
  1952              * `00` - Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) with SHA1 (ANSI X9.30)
  1953              * `01` - RSA with MD5 (ANSI X9.31)
  1954              * `02` - RSA with MDC2 (ANSI X9.31)
  1955              * `03` - RSA with SHA1 (ANSI X9.31)
  1956              * `04` - Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) with SHA1 (ANSI X9.62)
  1957              * `05 - 99` - Reserved for emerging cryptographic algorithms.
  1958            example: '00'
  1959          securityKeySize:
  1960            type: integer
  1961            minimum: 0
  1962            maximum: 99999
  1963            description: SecurityKeySize is the length in bits of the cryptographic algorithm key used to create the Digital Signature.
  1964              Valid values 0–99999
  1965            example: 1
  1966          protectedDataStart:
  1967            type: integer
  1968            minimum: 0
  1969            maximum: 9999999
  1970            description: |
  1971              ProtectedDataStart is a number that represents the offset in bytes from the first byte (counted as byte 1)
  1972              of the image data in ImageViewData.ImageData to the first byte of the image data protected by the
  1973              digital signature.
  1975              * 0000000 - Digital Signature is applied to entire image data
  1976              * 000001–9999999 - Valid offset values
  1977            example: 0
  1978          protectedDataLength:
  1979            type: integer
  1980            minimum: 0
  1981            maximum: 9999999
  1982            description: |
  1983              ProtectedDataLength is a number of contiguous bytes of image data in the related ImageViewData.ImageData
  1984              protected by the digital signature starting with the byte indicated by the value of the ProtectedDataStart in
  1985              this ImageViewDetail. The ProtectedDataLength value shall not exceed the ImageViewData.ImageDataLength.
  1987              * 0000000 - Digital Signature is applied to entire image data
  1988              * 000001–9999999 - Valid length values
  1989            example: 0
  1990          imageRecreateIndicator:
  1991            type: integer
  1992            enum:
  1993              - 0
  1994              - 1
  1995            description: |
  1996              ImageRecreateIndicator is a code that indicates whether the sender has the ability to recreate the image view
  1997              conveyed in the related ImageViewData.ImageData.
  1999              * `0` - Sender can recreate the image view for the duration of the agreed upon retention time frames.
  2000              * `1` - Sender cannot recreate image view.
  2001            example: 0
  2002          userField:
  2003            type: string
  2004            maxLength: 8
  2005            description: UserField identifies a field used at the discretion of users of the standard.
  2006            example: 'Z'
  2007          overrideIndicator:
  2008            type: string
  2009            maxLength: 1
  2010            enum:
  2011              - '0'
  2012              - '1'
  2013              - 'A'
  2014              - 'B'
  2015              - 'C'
  2016              - 'D'
  2017              - 'E'
  2018              - 'F'
  2019              - 'G'
  2020              - 'H'
  2021              - 'I'
  2022              - 'J'
  2023              - 'K'
  2024              - 'L'
  2025              - 'M'
  2026              - 'N'
  2027              - 'O'
  2028            description: |
  2029              OverrideIndicator is a code that indicates to a receiving exchange partner that this image view has a detected
  2030              image test failure that cannot be corrected and that this view shall be accepted regardless of any image test
  2031              failures.
  2033              * ` ` -  blank/space indicates no observed image test failure present
  2034              * `0` -  No override information for this view or not applicable
  2035              * `1` -  Imperfect image
  2036              * `A` -  IQA Fail–Image view reviewed and deemed usable—no alternate format
  2037              * `B` -  IQA Fail–Image view reviewed and deemed usable—alternate format included in this file
  2038              * `C` -  IQA Fail–Image view reviewed and deemed usable–alternate format included in this file and original document available
  2039              * `D` -  IQA Fail–Image view reviewed and deemed usable–alternate format available
  2040              * `E` -  IQA Fail–Image view reviewed and deemed usable–original document available
  2041              * `F` -  IQA Fail–Image view reviewed and deemed usable–original document and alternate format available
  2042              * `G` -  IQA Fail–Image view reviewed and deemed unusable–no alternate format
  2043              * `H` -  IQA Fail–Image view reviewed and deemed unusable–alternate format included in this file
  2044              * `I` -  IQA Fail–Image view reviewed and deemed unusable–alternate format included in this file and original document available
  2045              * `J` -  IQA Fail–Image view reviewed and deemed unusable–alternate format available
  2046              * `K` -  IQA Fail–Image view reviewed and deemed unusable–original document available
  2047              * `L` -  IQA Fail–Image view reviewed and deemed unusable–original document and alternate format available
  2048              * `M` -  IQA Fail–Image view not reviewed–no alternate format
  2049              * `N` -  IQA Fail–Image view not reviewed–alternate format included in this file
  2050              * `O` -  IQA Fail–Image view not reviewed–alternate format included in this file and original
  2051            example: '0'
  2052      ImageViewData:
  2053        properties:
  2054          ID:
  2055            type: string
  2056            description: ImageViewData ID
  2057            example: 'd1e26288'
  2058          eceInstitutionRoutingNumber:
  2059            type: string
  2060            maxLength: 9
  2061            description: ECEInstitutionRoutingNumber contains the routing and transit number of the institution that creates the
  2062              bundle header.  This number is imported from the Bundle Header Record (Clause 9.4) associated with the image view conveyed
  2063              in this Image View Data Property.
  2064            example: '2318769876'
  2065          bundleBusinessDate:
  2066            type: string
  2067            format: 'date-time'
  2068            description: BundleBusinessDate is the business date of the bundle.
  2069            example: '2018-10-03T00:00:00Z'
  2070          cycleNumber:
  2071            type: string
  2072            maxLength: 2
  2073            description: CycleNumber is a code assigned by the institution that creates the bundle.  Denotes the cycle under which
  2074              the bundle is created.
  2075            example: '1'
  2076          ivData.ECEInstitutionItemSequenceNumber:
  2077            type: string
  2078            maxLength: 15
  2079            description: ECEInstitutionItemSequenceNumber is a number assigned by the institution that creates the
  2080              Check or Return.  This number is imported from the Check.ECEInstitutionItemSequenceNumber or
  2081              Return.ECEInstitutionItemSequenceNumber associated with the image view conveyed in this Image View Data Record.
  2082              The ECE institution must construct the sequence number to guarantee uniqueness for a given routing number,
  2083              business day, and cycle number. Must contain a numeric value.
  2084            example: '1'
  2085          ivData.SecurityOriginatorName:
  2086            type: string
  2087            maxLength: 16
  2088            description: SecurityOriginatorName is a unique name that creates the Digital Signature for data to be exchanged.
  2089              Shall be present only under clearing arrangements and when ImageViewDetail.DigitalSignatureIndicator is 1
  2090              Shall not be present when ImageViewDetail.ImageIndicator is 0.
  2091            example: 'Name'
  2092          ivData.SecurityAuthenticatorName:
  2093            type: string
  2094            maxLength: 16
  2095            description: SecurityAuthenticatorName is the unique name that performs authentication on received data.
  2096              Shall be present only under clearing arrangements and when ImageViewDetail.DigitalSignatureIndicator is 1
  2097              Shall not be present when ImageViewDetail.ImageIndicator is 0.
  2098            example: 'Name'
  2099          ivData.SecurityKeyName:
  2100            type: string
  2101            maxLength: 16
  2102            description: SecurityKeyName is a name or character sequence used by the signer (originator) to communicate a
  2103              key identifierto the recipient (authenticator) so the recipient can obtain the key needed to validate the
  2104              signature. The name is typically used as an identifier related to the key pair used to sign the image. The
  2105              name is mutually known to the security originator and the security authenticator and is unique to this
  2106              relationship.
  2107              Shall be present only under clearing arrangements and when ImageViewDetail.DigitalSignatureIndicator is 1
  2108              Shall not be present when ImageViewDetail.ImageIndicator is 0.
  2109            example: 'SECURE'
  2110          ivData.ClippingOrigin:
  2111            type: integer
  2112            enum:
  2113              - 0
  2114              - 1
  2115              - 2
  2116              - 3
  2117              - 4
  2118            description: |
  2119              ClippingOrigin is a code that defines the corner of the conveyed image view that is taken as the
  2120              reference point for the clipping coordinates. Top, bottom, left, and right references apply to a view that
  2121              presents a visually correct orientation. When clipping information is present, the nature of the Area of
  2122              Interest defined by the clipping rectangle is determined by the value of the ImageViewDetail.ViewDescriptor.
  2123              Primary front and rear views shall only have a Defined Value of 0.  Can be blank.
  2125              * `0` - Clipping information is not present–full view present
  2126              * `1` - Clipping origin is top left corner of image view
  2127              * `2` - Clipping origin is top right corner of image view
  2128              * `3` - Clipping origin is bottom right corner of image view
  2129              * `4` - Clipping origin is bottom left corner of image view
  2130            example: 1
  2131          ivData.ClippingCoordinateH1:
  2132            type: string
  2133            maxLength: 4
  2134            description: ClippingCoordinateH1 is a number that represents the horizontal offset in pixels from the
  2135              clipping origin to the nearest vertical side of the clipping rectangle. The clipping coordinates
  2136              (h1, h2, v1, v2) convey the clipping rectangle’s offsets in both horizontal (h) and vertical (v)
  2137              directions. The offset values collectively establish the boundary sides of the clipping rectangle. Pixels
  2138              on the boundary of the clipping rectangle are included in the selected array of pixels. That is, the first
  2139              pixel of the selected array is at offset (h1, v1) and the last pixel of the selected array is at offset
  2140              (h2, v2). The corner pixel at the origin of the image view is assumed to have the offset value (0, 0).
  2141              Shall be present if Image View Data.ClippingOrigin is present and non-zero.
  2142              Shall not be present when ImageViewDetail.ImageIndicator is 0.
  2143              Valid values - 0000–9999
  2144            example: '0001'
  2145          ivData.ClippingCoordinateH2:
  2146            type: string
  2147            maxLength: 4
  2148            description: ClippingCoordinateH2 is a number that represents the horizontal offset in pixels from the
  2149              clipping origin to the furthermost vertical side of the clipping rectangle.
  2150              Shall be present if Image View Data.ClippingOrigin is present and non-zero.
  2151              Shall not be present when ImageViewDetail.ImageIndicator is 0.
  2152              Valid values - 0000–9999
  2153            example: '0001'
  2154          ivData.ClippingCoordinateV1:
  2155            type: string
  2156            maxLength: 4
  2157            description: ClippingCoordinateV1 is a number that represents the vertical offset in pixels from the
  2158             clipping origin to the nearest horizontal side of the clipping rectangle.
  2159             Shall be present if Image View Data.ClippingOrigin is present and non-zero.
  2160             Shall not be present when ImageViewDetail.ImageIndicator is 0.
  2161             Valid values - 0000–9999
  2162            example: '0001'
  2163          ivData.ClippingCoordinateV2:
  2164            type: string
  2165            maxLength: 4
  2166            description: ClippingCoordinateV2 is a number that represents the vertical offset in pixels from the
  2167              clipping origin to the furthermost horizontal side of the clipping rectangle.
  2168              Shall be present if Image View Data.ClippingOrigin is present and non-zero.
  2169              Shall not be present when ImageViewDetail.ImageIndicator is 0.
  2170              Valid values - 0000–9999
  2171            example: '0001'
  2172          ivData.LengthImageReferenceKey:
  2173            type: string
  2174            maxLength: 4
  2175            description: LengthImageReferenceKey is the number of characters in the ImageViewData.ImageReferenceKey.
  2176              Shall not be present when ImageViewDetail.ImageIndicator is 0.
  2177              Valid values -
  2178              0000	ImageReferenceKey is not present
  2179              0001–9999  Valid when ImageReferenceKey is present
  2180            example: '0001'
  2181          ivData.ImageReferenceKey:
  2182            type: string
  2183            maxLength: 4
  2184            description: ImageReferenceKey is assigned by the ECE institution that creates the CheckDetail or Return, and the related
  2185             Image View Records. This designator, when used, shall uniquely identify the item image to the ECE institution.
  2186             This designator is a special key with significance to the creating institution. It is intended to be used to
  2187             locate within an archive the unique image associated with the item. The designator could be a full access path
  2188             and name that would allow direct look up and access to the image, for example a URL. This shall match
  2189             CheckDetailAddendumB.ImageReferenceKey, or ReturnAddendumCImageReferenceKey Record, if used.
  2190             Valid size - 0 – 9999
  2191            example: '0'
  2192          ivData.LengthDigitalSignature:
  2193            type: string
  2194            maxLength: 4
  2195            description: LengthDigitalSignature is the number of bytes in the Image View Data.DigitalSignature.
  2196              Shall not be present when ImageViewDetail.ImageIndicator is 0.
  2197            example: '0    '
  2198          ivData.DigitalSignature:
  2199            type: string
  2200            maxLength: 5
  2201            description: DigitalSignature is created by applying the cryptographic algorithm and private/secret key
  2202              against the data to be protected. The Digital Signature provides user authentication and data integrity.
  2203              Shall be present only under clearing arrangements and when ImageViewDetail.DigitalSignatureIndicator is 1
  2204              Shall not be present when ImageViewDetail.ImageIndicator is 0.
  2205              Valid size - 0-99999
  2206            example: '0101'
  2207          ivData.LengthImageData:
  2208            type: string
  2209            maxLength: 8
  2210            description: LengthImageData is the number of bytes in the ImageViewData.ImageData.
  2211             Shall be present when ImageViewDetail.ImageIndicator is NOT 0
  2212             Valid values - 0000001–99999999
  2213            example: '0000001'
  2214          ivData.ImageData:
  2215            type: string
  2216            maxLength: 7
  2217            description: ImageData contains the image view. The Image Data generally consists of an image header and the
  2218              image raster data. The image header provides information that is required to interpret the image raster
  2219              data. The image raster data contains the scanned image of the physical item in raster (line by line) format.
  2220              Each scan line comprises a set of concatenated pixels. The image comprises a set of scan lines. The image
  2221              raster data is typically compressed to reduce the number of bytes needed to transmit and store the image.
  2222              The header/image format type is defined by the ImageViewDetail.ImageViewFormatIndicator. The syntax and
  2223              semantics of the image header/image format are understood by referring to the appropriate image format
  2224              specification. The compression scheme used to compress the image raster data is specified in the
  2225              ImageViewCompressionAlgorithmIdentifier and in the image header portion of the Image Data or by
  2226              association with the selected image format.
  2227              The data may be provided in standard Base64 encoding and will be decoded on file generation.
  2228              Shall be present when ImageViewDetail.ImageIndicator Record is NOT 0.
  2229              Valid size - 0-9999999
  2230            example: '0101'
  2231      ImageViewAnalysis:
  2232        properties:
  2233          ID:
  2234            type: string
  2235            description: ImageViewAnalysis ID
  2236            example: 'd1e26288'
  2237          globalImageQuality:
  2238            type: integer
  2239            enum:
  2240              - 0
  2241              - 1
  2242              - 2
  2243            description: |
  2244              GlobalImageQuality is a code that indicates whether the image view was tested for any of the conditions related
  2245              to image quality defined in the Image Quality Information.
  2247              * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2248              * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2249              * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2250            example: 0
  2251          globalImageUsability:
  2252            type: integer
  2253            enum:
  2254              - 0
  2255              - 1
  2256              - 2
  2257            description: |
  2258              GlobalImageUsability is a code that indicates whether the image view was tested for any of the conditions
  2259              related to image usability defined in the Image Usability Information.
  2261              * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2262              * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2263              * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2264            example: 0
  2265          imagingBankSpecificTest:
  2266            type: integer
  2267            enum:
  2268              - 0
  2269              - 1
  2270              - 2
  2271            description: |
  2272              ImagingBankSpecificTest designates the capture institution may be able to perform specific tests that can
  2273              indicate a potentially problematic image view caused by conditions other than those listed in the Image Quality
  2274              and Image Usability Information fields. By mutual agreement, clearing partners can use the UserField to report
  2275              the presence or absence of additional image conditions found through tests that are particular to the specific
  2276              imaging institution. The meaning and interpretation of the User Field data must be understood and agreed upon
  2277              between participants.
  2280              * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2281              * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2282              * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2283            example: 0
  2284          partialImage:
  2285            type: integer
  2286            enum:
  2287              - 0
  2288              - 1
  2289              - 2
  2290            description: |
  2291              PartialImage is a code that indicates if only a portion of the image view is represented digitally while the
  2292              other portion is suspected to be missing or corrupt.
  2294              * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2295              * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2296              * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2297            example: 0
  2298          excessiveImageSkew:
  2299            type: integer
  2300            enum:
  2301              - 0
  2302              - 1
  2303              - 2
  2304            description: |
  2305              ExcessiveImageSkew is a code that indicates if the image view skew exceeds an acceptable value. This value is
  2306              specific to the imaging institution’s own defined requirements and/or constraints.
  2308              * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2309              * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2310              * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2311            example: 0
  2312          piggybackImage:
  2313            type: integer
  2314            enum:
  2315              - 0
  2316              - 1
  2317              - 2
  2318            description: |
  2319              PiggybackImage is a code that indicates if a “piggyback” condition has been detected. With a “piggyback”
  2320              condition, the intended image view may be extended, obscured, or replaced by image(s) of additional document(s).
  2321              A piggyback occurs when two or more documents are fed together and captured as one document when only a single
  2322              document should have been fed and captured.
  2324              * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2325              * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2326              * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2327            example: 0
  2328          tooLightOrTooDark:
  2329            type: integer
  2330            enum:
  2331              - 0
  2332              - 1
  2333              - 2
  2334            description: |
  2335              TooLightOrTooDark is a code that indicates if the image view is too light or too dark. The value is specific to
  2336              the imaging institution’s own defined requirements and/or constraints.
  2338              * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2339              * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2340              * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2341            example: 0
  2342          streaksAndOrBands:
  2343              type: integer
  2344              enum:
  2345                - 0
  2346                - 1
  2347                - 2
  2348              description: |
  2349                StreaksAndOrBands is a A code that indicates if the image view is likely corrupted due to streaks and/or bands.
  2350                Streaks and bands can be caused by such problems as dirt, dust, ink, or debris on a lens or in the optical path,
  2351                and failures in the imaging equipment scanner.
  2353                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2354                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2355                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2356              example: 0
  2357          belowMinimumImageSize:
  2358              type: integer
  2359              enum:
  2360                - 0
  2361                - 1
  2362                - 2
  2363              description: |
  2364                BelowMinimumImageSize is a code that indicates if the size of the compressed image view is below an acceptable
  2365                value. The value is specific to the imaging institution’s own defined requirements and/or constraints.
  2367                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2368                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2369                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2370              example: 0
  2371          exceedsMaximumImageSize:
  2372              type: integer
  2373              enum:
  2374                - 0
  2375                - 1
  2376                - 2
  2377              description: |
  2378                ExceedsMaximumImageSize is a code that indicates if the size of the compressed image view is above an
  2379                acceptable value. The value is specific to the imaging institution’s own defined requirements and/or
  2380                constraints.
  2382                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2383                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2384                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2385              example: 0
  2386          imageEnabledPOD:
  2387              type: integer
  2388              enum:
  2389                - 0
  2390                - 1
  2391                - 2
  2392              description: |
  2393                ImageEnabledPOD is a code that indicates if the image view was used within an image-enabled POD
  2394                (Proof of Deposit) application.
  2396                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2397                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2398                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2399              example: 0
  2400          sourceDocumentBad:
  2401              type: integer
  2402              enum:
  2403                - 0
  2404                - 1
  2405                - 2
  2406              description: |
  2407                SourceDocumentBad is a code that indicates if it is possible to obtain a better image from the source document
  2408                when it is known that the current image of the document is unusable.
  2410                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2411                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2412                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2413              example: 0
  2414          dateUsability:
  2415              type: integer
  2416              enum:
  2417                - 0
  2418                - 1
  2419                - 2
  2420              description: |
  2421                DateUsability is a code that indicates if the date Area of Interest is usable and readable from the image. The
  2422                definition of the Area of Interest for image usability testing purposes is specific to the imaging institution's
  2423                own defined requirements and/or constraint
  2425                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2426                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2427                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2428              example: 0
  2429          payeeUsability:
  2430              type: integer
  2431              enum:
  2432                - 0
  2433                - 1
  2434                - 2
  2435              description: |
  2436                PayeeUsability is a code that indicates if the payee name Area of Interest is usable and readable from the
  2437                image. The definition of the Area of Interest for image usability testing purposes is specific to the imaging
  2438                institution's own defined requirements and/or constraints.
  2440                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2441                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2442                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2443              example: 0
  2444          convenienceAmountUsability:
  2445              type: integer
  2446              enum:
  2447                - 0
  2448                - 1
  2449                - 2
  2450              description: |
  2451                ConvenienceAmountUsability is a code that indicates if the convenience amount Area of Interest is usable and
  2452                readable from the image. The definition of the Area of Interest for image usability testing purposes is
  2453                specific to the imaging institution's own defined requirements and/or constraints.
  2455                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2456                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2457                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2458              example: 0
  2459          amountInWordsUsability:
  2460              type: integer
  2461              enum:
  2462                - 0
  2463                - 1
  2464                - 2
  2465              description: |
  2466                AmountInWordsUsability is a code that indicates if the amount in words (legal amount) Area of Interest is usable
  2467                and readable from the image. The definition of the Area of Interest for image usability testing purposes is
  2468                specific to the imaging institution's own defined requirements and/or constraints.
  2470                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2471                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2472                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2473              example: 0
  2474          signatureUsability:
  2475              type: integer
  2476              enum:
  2477                - 0
  2478                - 1
  2479                - 2
  2480              description: |
  2481                SignatureUsability is a code that indicates if the signature Area of Interest is usable and readable from the
  2482                image. The definition of the Area of Interest for image usability testing purposes is specific to the imaging
  2483                institution's own defined requirements and/or constraints.
  2485                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2486                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2487                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2488              example: 0
  2489          payorNameAddressUsability:
  2490              type: integer
  2491              enum:
  2492                - 0
  2493                - 1
  2494                - 2
  2495              description: |
  2496                PayorNameAddressUsability is a code that indicates if the payor name and address Area of Interest is usable and
  2497                readable from the image. The definition of the Area of Interest for image usability testing purposes is specific
  2498                to the imaging institution's own defined requirements and/or constraints.
  2500                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2501                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2502                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2503              example: 0
  2504          mICRLineUsability:
  2505              type: integer
  2506              enum:
  2507                - 0
  2508                - 1
  2509                - 2
  2510              description: |
  2511                MICRLineUsability is a code that indicates if the MICR line Area of Interest is usable and readable from the
  2512                image. The definition of the Area of Interest for image usability testing purposes is specific to the imaging
  2513                institution's own defined requirements and/or constraints.
  2515                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2516                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2517                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2518              example: 0
  2519          memoLineUsability:
  2520              type: integer
  2521              enum:
  2522                - 0
  2523                - 1
  2524                - 2
  2525              description: |
  2526                MemoLineUsability is a code that indicates if the memo line Area of Interest is usable and readable from the
  2527                image. The definition of the Area of Interest for image usability testing purposes is specific to the imaging
  2528                institution's own defined requirements and/or constraints.
  2530                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2531                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2532                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2533              example: 0
  2534          payorBankNameAddressUsability:
  2535              type: integer
  2536              enum:
  2537                - 0
  2538                - 1
  2539                - 2
  2540              description: |
  2541                PayorBankNameAddressUsability is a code that indicates if the payor bank name and address Area of Interest is
  2542                usable and readable from the image. The definition of the Area of Interest for image usability testing purposes
  2543                is specific to the imaging institution's own defined requirements and/or constraints.
  2545                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2546                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2547                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2548              example: 0
  2549          payeeEndorsementUsability:
  2550              type: integer
  2551              enum:
  2552                - 0
  2553                - 1
  2554                - 2
  2555              description: |
  2556                PayeeEndorsementUsability is a code that indicates if the payee endorsement Area of Interest is usable and
  2557                readable from the image. The definition of the Area of Interest for image usability testing purposes is specific
  2558                to the imaging institution's own defined requirements and/or constraints.
  2560                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2561                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2562                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2563              example: 0
  2564          bOFDEndorsementUsability:
  2565              type: integer
  2566              enum:
  2567                - 0
  2568                - 1
  2569                - 2
  2570              description: |
  2571                BOFDEndorsementUsability is a code that indicates if the Bank of First Deposit (BOFD) endorsement Area of
  2572                Interest is usable and readable from the image. The definition of the Area of Interest for image usability
  2573                testing purposes is specific to the imaging institution's own defined requirements and/or constraints.
  2575                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2576                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2577                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2578              example: 0
  2579          transitEndorsementUsability:
  2580              type: integer
  2581              enum:
  2582                - 0
  2583                - 1
  2584                - 2
  2585              description: |
  2586                TransitEndorsementUsability is a code that indicates if the transit endorsement Area of Interest is usable and
  2587                readable from the image. The definition of the Area of Interest for image usability testing purposes is specific
  2588                to the imaging institution's own defined requirements and/or constraints.
  2590                * `0` -  The image was not tested for any of the image quality conditions
  2591                * `1` -  The image was tested and one or more image quality conditions were reported
  2592                * `2` -  The image was tested and no image quality conditions were reported
  2593              example: 0
  2594          userField:
  2595              type: string
  2596              maxLength: 20
  2597              description: UserField identifies a field used at the discretion of users of the standard.
  2598              example: 'ZZZZZ'
  2599      ReturnDetailAddendumA:
  2600        properties:
  2601          ID:
  2602            type: string
  2603            description: ReturnDetailAddendumA ID
  2604            example: d1e26288
  2605          recordNumber:
  2606            type: integer
  2607            minimum: 1
  2608            maximum: 9
  2609            description: RecordNumber is a number representing the order in which each ReturnDetailAddendumA was created.
  2610              ReturnDetailAddendumA shall be in sequential order starting with 1.
  2611            example: 1
  2612          returnLocationRoutingNumber:
  2613            type: string
  2614            maxLength: 9
  2615            description: ReturnLocationRoutingNumber is a valid routing and transit number indicating where returns,
  2616              final return notifications, and preliminary return notifications are sent, usually the BOFD.
  2617            example: '231486745'
  2618          bOFDEndorsementDate:
  2619            type: string
  2620            format: 'date-time'
  2621            description: BOFDEndorsementDate is the date of endorsement.
  2622            example: '2018-10-03T00:00:00Z'
  2623          bOFDItemSequenceNumber:
  2624            type: string
  2625            maxLength: 15
  2626            description: BOFDItemSequenceNumber is a number that identifies the item in the CheckDetailAddendumA.
  2627            example: '1'
  2628          bOFDAccountNumber:
  2629            type: string
  2630            maxLength: 18
  2631            description: BOFDAccountNumber is a number that identifies the depository account at the Bank of First Deposit.
  2632            example: '938383'
  2633          bOFDBranchCode:
  2634            type: string
  2635            maxLength: 5
  2636            description: BOFDBranchCode is a code that identifies the branch at the Bank of First Deposit.
  2637            example: '01'
  2638          payeeName:
  2639            type: string
  2640            maxLength: 15
  2641            description: PayeeName is the name of the payee from the check.
  2642            example: 'Payee Name'
  2643          truncationIndicator:
  2644            type: string
  2645            maxLength: 1
  2646            enum:
  2647              - 'Y'
  2648              - 'N'
  2649            description: TruncationIndicator identifies if the institution truncated the original check item.
  2650            example: 'Y'
  2651          bOFDConversionIndicator:
  2652            type: string
  2653            maxLength: 1
  2654            enum:
  2655              - '0'
  2656              - '1'
  2657              - '2'
  2658              - '3'
  2659              - '4'
  2660              - '5'
  2661              - '6'
  2662              - '7'
  2663              - '8'
  2664            description: |
  2665              BOFDConversionIndicator is a code that indicates the conversion within the processing institution
  2666              between original paper check, image, and IRD. The indicator is specific to the action of the institution that created
  2667              this record.
  2669              * `0` - Did not convert physical document
  2670              * `1` - Original paper converted to IRD
  2671              * `2` - Original paper converted to image
  2672              * `3` - IRD converted to another IRD
  2673              * `4` - IRD converted to image of IRD
  2674              * `5` - Image converted to an IRD
  2675              * `6` - Image converted to another image (e.g., transcoded)
  2676              * `7` - Did not convert image (e.g., same as source)
  2677              * `8` - Undetermined
  2678            example: '1'
  2679          BOFDCorrectionIndicator:
  2680            type: integer
  2681            enum:
  2682              - 0
  2683              - 1
  2684              - 2
  2685              - 3
  2686              - 4
  2687            description: |
  2688              BOFDCorrectionIndicator identifies whether and how the MICR line of this item was repaired by the
  2689              creator of this CheckDetailAddendumA Record for fields other than Payor Bank Routing Number and Amount.
  2690              * `0` - No Repair
  2691              * `1` - Repaired (form of repair unknown)
  2692              * `2` - Repaired without Operator intervention
  2693              * `3` - Repaired with Operator intervention
  2694              * `4` - Undetermined if repair has been done or not
  2695            example: 1
  2696          userField:
  2697            type: string
  2698            maxLength: 1
  2699            description: UserField identifies a field used at the discretion of users of the standard.
  2700            example: 'Z'
  2701        required:
  2702          - recordNumber
  2703          - returnLocationRoutingNumber
  2704          - bofdEndorsementDate
  2705          - bofdItemSequenceNumber
  2706          - truncationIndicator
  2707      ReturnDetailAddendumB:
  2708        properties:
  2709          ID:
  2710            type: string
  2711            description: ReturnDetailAddendumB ID
  2712            example: d1e26288
  2713          payorBankName:
  2714            type: string
  2715            maxLength: 18
  2716            description: PayorBankName is short name of the institution by or through which the item is payable.
  2717            example: 'Bank Short Name'
  2718          auxiliaryOnUs:
  2719            type: string
  2720            maxLength: 15
  2721            description: AuxiliaryOnUs identifies a code used on commercial checks at the discretion of the payor bank.
  2722            example: '012349'
  2723          payorBankSequenceNumber:
  2724            type: string
  2725            maxLength: 15
  2726            description: PayorBankSequenceNumber is a number that identifies the item at the payor bank.
  2727            example: '1'
  2728          payorBankBusinessDate:
  2729            type: string
  2730            format: 'date-time'
  2731            description: PayorBankBusinessDate is the year, month, and day the payor bank processed the Return Record.
  2732            example: '2018-10-03T00:00:00Z'
  2733          payorAccountName:
  2734            type: string
  2735            maxLength: 22
  2736            description: PayorAccountName is the account name from payor bank records.
  2737            example: 'Account Name'
  2738        required:
  2739          - PayorBankSequenceNumber
  2740          - PayorBankBusinessDate
  2741      ReturnDetailAddendumC:
  2742        properties:
  2743          ID:
  2744            type: string
  2745            description:  ReturnDetailAddendumC ID
  2746            example: d1e26288
  2747          imageReferenceKeyIndicator:
  2748            type: integer
  2749            enum:
  2750              - 0
  2751              - 1
  2752            description: |
  2753              ImageReferenceKeyIndicator identifies whether ImageReferenceKeyLength contains a variable value within the
  2754              allowable range, or contains a defined value and the content is ItemReferenceKey.
  2756              * `0` - ImageReferenceKeyIndicator has a Defined Value of 0034 and ImageReferenceKey contains the Image
  2757              Reference Key.
  2758              * `1`- ImageReferenceKeyIndicator contains a value other than 0034; or ImageReferenceKeyIndicator
  2759              contains Value 0034, which is not a Defined Value, and the content of ImageReferenceKey has no special
  2760              significance with regards to an Image Reference Key; or ImageReferenceKeyIndicator is 0000, meaning the
  2761              ImageReferenceKey is not present.
  2762            example: 1
  2763          microfilmArchiveSequenceNumber:
  2764            type: string
  2765            maxLength: 15
  2766            description: microfilmArchiveSequenceNumber is a number that identifies the item in the microfilm archive system;
  2767              it may be different than the Check.ECEInstitutionItemSequenceNumber and from the ImageReferenceKey.
  2768            example: '1'
  2769          lengthImageReferenceKey:
  2770            type: string
  2771            description: |
  2772              ImageReferenceKeyLength is the number of characters in the ImageReferenceKey.
  2774              * `0034` - ImageReferenceKey contains the ImageReferenceKey (ImageReferenceKeyIndicator is 0).
  2775              * `0000` - ImageReferenceKey not present (ImageReferenceKeyIndicator is 1).
  2776              * `0001` - 9999: May include Value 0034, and ImageReferenceKey has no special significance to Image Reference
  2777              Key (ImageReferenceKey is 1).
  2778            example: "0000"
  2779          imageReferenceKey:
  2780            type: string
  2781            description: |
  2782              ImageReferenceKey is used to find the image of the item in the image data system.  Size is variable based on lengthImageReferenceKey.
  2783              The position within the file is variable based on the lengthImageReferenceKey.
  2784            example: '0'
  2785          descript:
  2786            type: string
  2787            maxLength: 15
  2788            description: Descript describes the transaction.  The position within the file is variable based on the lengthImageReferenceKey.
  2789            example: 'Payment'
  2790          userField:
  2791            type: string
  2792            maxLength: 4
  2793            description: UserField identifies a field used at the discretion of users of the standard.
  2794            example: 'ZZZZ'
  2795      ReturnDetailAddendumD:
  2796        properties:
  2797          ID:
  2798            type: string
  2799            description:  ReturnDetailAddendumD ID
  2800            example: d1e26288
  2801          recordNumber:
  2802            type: integer
  2803            minimum: 1
  2804            maximum: 99
  2805            description: |
  2806              RecordNumber is a number representing the order in which each ReturnDetailAddendumD was created.
  2807              ReturnDetailAddendumD shall be in sequential order starting with 1.  Maximum 99.
  2808            example: 1
  2809          endorsingBankRoutingNumber:
  2810            type: string
  2811            maxLength: 9
  2812            description: EndorsingBankRoutingNumber is a valid routing and transit number indicating the bank that
  2813              endorsed the check.
  2814            example: '231486745'
  2815          bOFDEndorsementBusinessDate:
  2816            type: string
  2817            format: 'date-time'
  2818            description: BOFDEndorsementBusinessDate is the date of endorsement.
  2819            example: '2018-10-03T00:00:00Z'
  2820          endorsingBankSequenceNumber:
  2821            type: string
  2822            maxLength: 15
  2823            description: EndorsingItemSequenceNumber is a number that identifies the item at the endorsing bank.
  2824            example: '1'
  2825          truncationIndicator:
  2826            type: string
  2827            maxLength: 1
  2828            enum:
  2829              - 'Y'
  2830              - 'N'
  2831            description: TruncationIndicator identifies if the institution truncated the original check item.
  2832            example: 'Y'
  2833          endorsingBankConversionIndicator:
  2834            type: string
  2835            maxLength: 1
  2836            enum:
  2837              - '0'
  2838              - '1'
  2839              - '2'
  2840              - '3'
  2841              - '4'
  2842              - '5'
  2843              - '6'
  2844              - '7'
  2845              - '8'
  2846            description: |
  2847              EndorsingBankConversionIndicator is a code that indicates the conversion within the processing institution
  2848              between original paper check, image, and IRD. The indicator is specific to the action of the institution identified in the
  2849              EndorsingBankRoutingNumber.
  2851              * `0` - Did not convert physical document
  2852              * `1` - Original paper converted to IRD
  2853              * `2` - Original paper converted to image
  2854              * `3` - IRD converted to another IRD
  2855              * `4` - IRD converted to image of IRD
  2856              * `5` - Image converted to an IRD
  2857              * `6` - Image converted to another image (e.g., transcoded)
  2858              * `7` - Did not convert image (e.g., same as source)
  2859              * `8` - Undetermined
  2860            example: '1'
  2861          endorsingBankCorrectionIndicator:
  2862            type: integer
  2863            enum:
  2864              - 0
  2865              - 1
  2866              - 2
  2867              - 3
  2868              - 4
  2869            description: |
  2870              EndorsingBankCorrectionIndicator identifies whether and how the MICR line of this item was repaired by the
  2871              creator of this CheckDetailAddendumC Record for fields other than Payor Bank Routing Number and Amount.
  2873              * `0` - No Repair
  2874              * `1` - Repaired (form of repair unknown)
  2875              * `2` - Repaired without Operator intervention
  2876              * `3` - Repaired with Operator intervention
  2877              * `4` - Undetermined if repair has been done or not
  2878            example: 1
  2879          returnReason:
  2880            type: string
  2881            description: ReturnReason is a code that indicates the reason for non-payment.
  2882            example: "A"
  2883          userField:
  2884            type: string
  2885            maxLength: 19
  2886            description: UserField identifies a field used at the discretion of users of the standard.
  2887            example: 'Z'
  2888          endorsingBankIdentifier:
  2889            type: integer
  2890            enum:
  2891              - 0
  2892              - 1
  2893              - 2
  2894              - 3
  2895            description: |
  2896              * `0` - Depository Bank (BOFD) - this value is used when the CheckDetailAddendumC Record reflects the Return
  2897              * `Processing Bank in lieu of BOFD.
  2898              * `1` - Other Collecting Bank
  2899              * `2` - Other Returning Bank
  2900              * `3` - Payor Bank
  2901            example: 0
  2902        required:
  2903          - endorsingBankRoutingNumber
  2904          - bOFDEndorsementBusinessDate
  2905          - endorsingBankItemSequenceNumber
  2906          - truncationIndicator