
     1  // Copyright 2020 The Moov Authors
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by an Apache License
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package imagecashletter
     7  import (
     8  	"encoding/json"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"strings"
    11  	"time"
    12  	"unicode/utf8"
    13  )
    15  // The User Payee Endorsement Format Record is conditional, and contains a user controlled number of fields.  The
    16  // record is used based on clearing arrangements.  The Record can occur anywhere in the file based on those clearing
    17  // arrangements, HOWEVER it is typically recommended that it appear in the checkDetail or ReturnDetail.
    18  // The current implementation of the User Payee Endorsement Format Record is for the Concrete Type Only.
    19  // For reader and writer implementation, please adjust based on specific clearing arrangements, or contact MOOV for
    20  // your particular implementation.
    22  // UserPayeeEndorsement Record
    23  type UserPayeeEndorsement struct {
    24  	// ID is a client defined string used as a reference to this record.
    25  	ID string `json:"id"`
    26  	// RecordType defines the type of record.
    27  	recordType string
    28  	// OwnerIdentifierIndicator indicates the type of number represented in OwnerIdentifier
    29  	OwnerIdentifierIndicator int `json:"ownerIdentifierIndicator"`
    30  	// OwnerIdentifier is a number used by the organization that controls the definition and formatting of this record.
    31  	OwnerIdentifier string `json:"ownerIdentifier"`
    32  	// OwnerIdentifierModifier is a modifier which uniquely identifies the owner within the owning organization.
    33  	OwnerIdentifierModifier string `json:"ownerIdentifierModifier"`
    34  	// UserRecordFormatType uniquely identifies the particular format used to parse and interrogate this record.
    35  	// Provides a means for differentiating user record data layouts. This field shall not be populated with 001
    36  	// since this is reserved for the UserRecordFormatType 001 PayeeEndorsement.
    37  	UserRecordFormatType string `json:"userRecordFormatType"`
    38  	// FormatTypeVersionLevel is a code identifies the version of the UserRecordFormatType. Provides a means for
    39  	// identifying different versions of a record layout.
    40  	FormatTypeVersionLevel string `json:"formatTypeVersionLevel"`
    41  	// LengthUserData is the number of characters or bytes contained in the UserData and must be greater than 0.
    42  	LengthUserData string `json:"LengthUserData"`
    43  	// PayeeName is the payee name to which the check is written.
    44  	PayeeName string `json:"payeeName"`
    45  	// EndorsementDate The year, month, and day that the immediate origin institution creates the file which
    46  	// shall be in Eastern Time zone format. Other time zones may be used under clearing arrangements.
    47  	// Format: YYYYMMDD, where: YYYY year, MM month, DD day
    48  	// Values:
    49  	// YYYY 1993 through 9999
    50  	// MM 01 through 12
    51  	// DD 01 through 31
    52  	EndorsementDate time.Time `json:"endorsementDate"`
    53  	// BankRoutingNumber is a number that identifies the institution or the organization where the item is being
    54  	// deposited. (note: should be the routing number associated with the BankAccountNumber.
    55  	// Format: TTTTAAAAC, where:
    56  	// TTTT Federal Reserve Prefix
    57  	// AAAA ABA Institution Identifier
    58  	// C Check Digit
    59  	// For a number that identifies a non-financial institution: NNNNNNNNN
    60  	BankRoutingNumber string `json:"bankRoutingNumber"`
    61  	// BankAccountNumber is the Bank Account Number of the endorsing organization.
    62  	BankAccountNumber string `json:"bankAccountNumber"`
    63  	// CustomerIdentifier is a number or code identifying the customer of the endorser (e.g., driver’s license number
    64  	// or shopper number, etc.).
    65  	CustomerIdentifier string `json:"customerIdentifier"`
    66  	// CustomerContactInformation is Customer contact information (e.g., phone number, e-mail, addresses, etc).
    67  	// Unique field data shall be separated by commas.
    68  	CustomerContactInformation string `json:"customerContactInformation"`
    69  	// StoreMerchantProcessingSiteNumber is a number or code identifying the merchant, store or processing site.
    70  	StoreMerchantProcessingSiteNumber string `json:"storeMerchantProcessingSiteNumber"`
    71  	// InternalControlSequenceNumber is a number or code defined by the customer for audit proposes
    72  	// (i.e., this can include item sequence, pocket, pass information).
    73  	InternalControlSequenceNumber string `json:"internalControlSequenceNumber"`
    74  	// Time is the time associated with this transaction. The default time shall be in Eastern Time zone format. The
    75  	// local time zone or a specific time zone may be used under clearing arrangements.
    76  	// Format: hhmm, where: hh hour, mm minute
    77  	// Values:
    78  	// hh '00' through '23'
    79  	// mm '00' through '59'
    80  	Time time.Time `json:"time"`
    81  	// OperatorNameInitials is the name or initials of the operator or clerk processing the item.
    82  	OperatorName string `json:"operatorName"`
    83  	// OperatorNumber is a number or code identifying the operator or clerk processing the item.
    84  	OperatorNumber string `json:"operatorNumber"`
    85  	// ManagerName is The name or initials of the manager or supervisor approving the transaction.
    86  	ManagerName string `json:"managerName"`
    87  	// ManagerNumber is a number or code identifying the manager or supervisor approving the transaction.
    88  	ManagerNumber string `json:"managerNumber"`
    89  	// EquipmentNumber is  number or code of the equipment/system used to process this transaction.
    90  	EquipmentNumber string `json:"equipmentNumber"`
    91  	// EndorsementIndicator is an indicator to identify the type of electronic payee endorsement associated with
    92  	// this transaction.
    93  	// Values:
    94  	// 0: Endorsed in Blank–Instrument becomes payable to bearer
    95  	// 1: For Deposit Only
    96  	// 2: For Collection Only
    97  	// 3: Anomalous Endorsement–Endorsement made by person who is not holder of instrument
    98  	// 4: Restrictive Endorsement–Limiting to a particular person or situation
    99  	// 5: Guaranteed Endorsement–Deposit to the account of within named payee absence of endorsement guaranteed by
   100  	// the bank whose Routing Number appears in BankRoutingNumber
   101  	// 9: Other
   102  	EndorsementIndicator int `json:"endorsementIndicator"`
   103  	// UserField is a field used at the discretion of users of this record.
   104  	UserField string `json:"userField"`
   105  	// validator is composed for ImageCashLetter data validation
   106  	validator
   107  	// converters is composed for  to golang Converters
   108  	converters
   109  }
   111  // NewUserPayeeEndorsement returns a new UserPayeeEndorsement with default values for non exported fields
   112  func NewUserPayeeEndorsement() *UserPayeeEndorsement {
   113  	upe := &UserPayeeEndorsement{
   114  		UserRecordFormatType: "001",
   115  	}
   116  	upe.setRecordType()
   117  	return upe
   118  }
   120  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) setRecordType() {
   121  	if upe == nil {
   122  		return
   123  	}
   124  	upe.recordType = "68"
   125  }
   127  // Parse takes the input record string and parses the UserPayeeEndorsement values
   128  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) Parse(record string) {
   129  	if utf8.RuneCountInString(record) < 335 {
   130  		return
   131  	}
   133  	// Character position 1-2, Always "68"
   134  	upe.setRecordType()
   135  	// 03-03
   136  	upe.OwnerIdentifierIndicator = upe.parseNumField(record[2:3])
   137  	// 04-12
   138  	upe.OwnerIdentifier = upe.parseStringField(record[3:12])
   139  	// 13-32
   140  	upe.OwnerIdentifierModifier = upe.parseStringField(record[12:32])
   141  	// 33-35
   142  	upe.UserRecordFormatType = "001"
   143  	// 36-38
   144  	upe.FormatTypeVersionLevel = upe.parseStringField(record[35:38])
   145  	// 39-45
   146  	upe.LengthUserData = upe.parseStringField(record[38:45])
   147  	// 46-95
   148  	upe.PayeeName = upe.parseStringField(record[45:95])
   149  	// 96–103
   150  	upe.EndorsementDate = upe.parseYYYYMMDDDate(record[95:103])
   151  	// 104–112
   152  	upe.BankRoutingNumber = upe.parseStringField(record[103:112])
   153  	// 113–132
   154  	upe.BankAccountNumber = upe.parseStringField(record[112:132])
   155  	// 133–152
   156  	upe.CustomerIdentifier = upe.parseStringField(record[132:152])
   157  	// 153–202
   158  	upe.CustomerContactInformation = upe.parseStringField(record[152:202])
   159  	// 203–210
   160  	upe.StoreMerchantProcessingSiteNumber = upe.parseStringField(record[202:210])
   161  	// 211–235
   162  	upe.InternalControlSequenceNumber = upe.parseStringField(record[210:235])
   163  	// 236–239
   164  	upe.Time = upe.parseSimpleTime(record[235:239])
   165  	// 240–269
   166  	upe.OperatorName = upe.parseStringField(record[239:269])
   167  	// 270–274
   168  	upe.OperatorNumber = upe.parseStringField(record[269:274])
   169  	// 275–304
   170  	upe.ManagerName = upe.parseStringField(record[274:304])
   171  	// 305–309
   172  	upe.ManagerNumber = upe.parseStringField(record[304:309])
   173  	// 310–324
   174  	upe.EquipmentNumber = upe.parseStringField(record[309:324])
   175  	// 325–325
   176  	upe.EndorsementIndicator = upe.parseNumField(record[324:325])
   177  	// 326-335
   178  	upe.UserField = upe.parseStringField(record[325:335])
   179  }
   181  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
   182  	type Alias UserPayeeEndorsement
   183  	aux := struct {
   184  		*Alias
   185  	}{
   186  		(*Alias)(upe),
   187  	}
   188  	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &aux); err != nil {
   189  		return err
   190  	}
   191  	upe.setRecordType()
   192  	return nil
   193  }
   195  // String writes the UserPayeeEndorsement struct to a variable length string.
   196  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) String() string {
   197  	if upe == nil {
   198  		return ""
   199  	}
   201  	var buf strings.Builder
   202  	buf.Grow(335)
   203  	buf.WriteString(upe.recordType)
   204  	buf.WriteString(upe.OwnerIdentifierIndicatorField())
   205  	buf.WriteString(upe.OwnerIdentifierField())
   206  	buf.WriteString(upe.OwnerIdentifierModifierField())
   207  	buf.WriteString(upe.UserRecordFormatTypeField())
   208  	buf.WriteString(upe.FormatTypeVersionLevelField())
   209  	buf.WriteString(upe.LengthUserDataField())
   210  	buf.WriteString(upe.PayeeNameField())
   211  	buf.WriteString(upe.EndorsementDateField())
   212  	buf.WriteString(upe.BankRoutingNumberField())
   213  	buf.WriteString(upe.BankAccountNumberField())
   214  	buf.WriteString(upe.CustomerIdentifierField())
   215  	buf.WriteString(upe.CustomerContactInformationField())
   216  	buf.WriteString(upe.StoreMerchantProcessingSiteNumberField())
   217  	buf.WriteString(upe.InternalControlSequenceNumberField())
   218  	buf.WriteString(upe.TimeField())
   219  	buf.WriteString(upe.OperatorNameField())
   220  	buf.WriteString(upe.OperatorNumberField())
   221  	buf.WriteString(upe.ManagerNameField())
   222  	buf.WriteString(upe.ManagerNumberField())
   223  	buf.WriteString(upe.EquipmentNumberField())
   224  	buf.WriteString(upe.EndorsementIndicatorField())
   225  	buf.WriteString(upe.UserFieldField())
   226  	return buf.String()
   227  }
   229  // Validate performs imagecashletter format rule checks on the record and returns an error if not Validated
   230  // The first error encountered is returned and stops the parsing.
   231  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) Validate() error {
   232  	if err := upe.fieldInclusion(); err != nil {
   233  		return err
   234  	}
   235  	if upe.recordType != "68" {
   236  		msg := fmt.Sprintf(msgRecordType, 68)
   237  		return &FieldError{FieldName: "recordType", Value: upe.recordType, Msg: msg}
   238  	}
   239  	if upe.UserRecordFormatType != "001" {
   240  		msg := fmt.Sprint(msgInvalid)
   241  		return &FieldError{FieldName: "UserRecordFormatType", Value: upe.UserRecordFormatType, Msg: msg}
   242  	}
   243  	if err := upe.isNumeric(upe.FormatTypeVersionLevel); err != nil {
   244  		return &FieldError{FieldName: "FormatTypeVersionLevel",
   245  			Value: upe.FormatTypeVersionLevel, Msg: msgNumeric}
   246  	}
   247  	if err := upe.validateOwnerFields(); err != nil {
   248  		return err
   249  	}
   250  	if upe.CustomerIdentifier != "" {
   251  		if err := upe.isAlphanumericSpecial(upe.CustomerIdentifier); err != nil {
   252  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "CustomerIdentifier", Value: upe.CustomerIdentifier, Msg: err.Error()}
   253  		}
   254  	}
   255  	if upe.CustomerContactInformation != "" {
   256  		if err := upe.isAlphanumericSpecial(upe.CustomerContactInformation); err != nil {
   257  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "CustomerContactInformation",
   258  				Value: upe.CustomerContactInformation, Msg: err.Error()}
   259  		}
   260  	}
   261  	if upe.StoreMerchantProcessingSiteNumber != "" {
   262  		if err := upe.isAlphanumericSpecial(upe.StoreMerchantProcessingSiteNumber); err != nil {
   263  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "StoreMerchantProcessingSiteNumber",
   264  				Value: upe.StoreMerchantProcessingSiteNumber, Msg: err.Error()}
   265  		}
   266  	}
   267  	if upe.InternalControlSequenceNumber != "" {
   268  		if err := upe.isAlphanumericSpecial(upe.InternalControlSequenceNumber); err != nil {
   269  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "InternalControlSequenceNumber",
   270  				Value: upe.InternalControlSequenceNumber, Msg: err.Error()}
   271  		}
   272  	}
   273  	if upe.EndorsementIndicatorField() != "" {
   274  		if err := upe.isEndorsementIndicator(upe.EndorsementIndicator); err != nil {
   275  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "EndorsementIndicator",
   276  				Value: upe.EndorsementIndicatorField(), Msg: err.Error()}
   277  		}
   278  	}
   280  	if upe.UserField != "" {
   281  		if err := upe.isAlphanumericSpecial(upe.UserField); err != nil {
   282  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "UserField", Value: upe.UserField, Msg: err.Error()}
   283  		}
   284  	}
   286  	if err := upe.validateNameNumberFields(); err != nil {
   287  		return err
   288  	}
   289  	return nil
   291  }
   293  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) validateNameNumberFields() error {
   294  	if upe.PayeeName != "" {
   295  		if err := upe.isAlphanumericSpecial(upe.PayeeName); err != nil {
   296  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "PayeeName", Value: upe.PayeeName, Msg: err.Error()}
   297  		}
   298  	}
   299  	if upe.BankRoutingNumber != "" {
   300  		if err := upe.isNumeric(upe.BankRoutingNumber); err != nil {
   301  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "BankRoutingNumber", Value: upe.BankRoutingNumber, Msg: err.Error()}
   302  		}
   303  	}
   304  	if upe.BankAccountNumber != "" {
   305  		if err := upe.isAlphanumericSpecial(upe.BankAccountNumber); err != nil {
   306  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "BankAccountNumber", Value: upe.BankAccountNumber, Msg: err.Error()}
   307  		}
   308  	}
   309  	if upe.OperatorName != "" {
   310  		if err := upe.isAlphanumericSpecial(upe.OperatorName); err != nil {
   311  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "OperatorName", Value: upe.OperatorName, Msg: err.Error()}
   312  		}
   313  	}
   314  	if upe.OperatorNumber != "" {
   315  		if err := upe.isAlphanumericSpecial(upe.OperatorNumber); err != nil {
   316  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "OperatorNumber", Value: upe.OperatorNumber, Msg: err.Error()}
   317  		}
   318  	}
   319  	if upe.ManagerName != "" {
   320  		if err := upe.isAlphanumericSpecial(upe.ManagerName); err != nil {
   321  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "ManagerName", Value: upe.ManagerName, Msg: err.Error()}
   322  		}
   323  	}
   324  	if upe.ManagerNumber != "" {
   325  		if err := upe.isAlphanumericSpecial(upe.ManagerNumber); err != nil {
   326  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "ManagerNumber", Value: upe.ManagerNumber, Msg: err.Error()}
   327  		}
   328  	}
   329  	if upe.EquipmentNumber != "" {
   330  		if err := upe.isAlphanumericSpecial(upe.EquipmentNumber); err != nil {
   331  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "EquipmentNumber", Value: upe.EquipmentNumber, Msg: err.Error()}
   332  		}
   333  	}
   335  	return nil
   336  }
   338  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) validateOwnerFields() error {
   340  	if err := upe.isOwnerIdentifierIndicator(upe.OwnerIdentifierIndicator); err != nil {
   341  		return &FieldError{FieldName: "OwnerIdentifierIndicator",
   342  			Value: upe.OwnerIdentifierIndicatorField(), Msg: err.Error()}
   343  	}
   344  	if upe.OwnerIdentifierModifier != "" {
   345  		if err := upe.isAlphanumericSpecial(upe.OwnerIdentifierModifier); err != nil {
   346  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "OwnerIdentifierModifier", Value: upe.OwnerIdentifierModifier, Msg: err.Error()}
   347  		}
   348  	}
   350  	switch upe.OwnerIdentifierIndicator {
   351  	case 0:
   352  		if upe.OwnerIdentifier != "" {
   353  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "OwnerIdentifier", Value: upe.OwnerIdentifier, Msg: msgInvalid}
   354  		}
   355  	case 1, 2, 3:
   356  		if err := upe.isNumeric(upe.OwnerIdentifier); err != nil {
   357  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "OwnerIdentifier", Value: upe.OwnerIdentifier, Msg: err.Error()}
   358  		}
   359  	case 4:
   360  		if err := upe.isAlphanumericSpecial(upe.OwnerIdentifier); err != nil {
   361  			return &FieldError{FieldName: "OwnerIdentifier", Value: upe.OwnerIdentifier, Msg: err.Error()}
   362  		}
   363  	default:
   364  	}
   365  	if upe.LengthUserData != "0000290" {
   366  		return &FieldError{FieldName: "LengthUserData", Value: upe.LengthUserData, Msg: msgInvalid}
   367  	}
   368  	return nil
   369  }
   371  // fieldInclusion validate mandatory fields are not default values. If fields are
   372  // invalid the Electronic Exchange will be returned.
   373  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) fieldInclusion() error {
   374  	if upe.recordType == "" {
   375  		return &FieldError{FieldName: "recordType",
   376  			Value: upe.recordType,
   377  			Msg:   msgFieldInclusion + ", did you use UserPayeeEndorsement()?"}
   378  	}
   379  	if upe.UserRecordFormatType == "" {
   380  		return &FieldError{FieldName: "UserRecordFormatType",
   381  			Value: upe.UserRecordFormatType,
   382  			Msg:   msgFieldInclusion + ", did you use UserPayeeEndorsement()?"}
   383  	}
   384  	if upe.FormatTypeVersionLevel == "" {
   385  		return &FieldError{FieldName: "FormatTypeVersionLevel",
   386  			Value: upe.FormatTypeVersionLevel,
   387  			Msg:   msgFieldInclusion + ", did you use UserPayeeEndorsement()?"}
   388  	}
   389  	if upe.LengthUserData == "" {
   390  		return &FieldError{FieldName: "LengthUserData",
   391  			Value: upe.LengthUserData,
   392  			Msg:   msgFieldInclusion + ", did you use UserPayeeEndorsement()?"}
   393  	}
   394  	return nil
   395  }
   397  // OwnerIdentifierIndicatorField gets the OwnerIdentifierIndicator field
   398  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) OwnerIdentifierIndicatorField() string {
   399  	return upe.numericField(upe.OwnerIdentifierIndicator, 1)
   400  }
   402  // OwnerIdentifierField gets the OwnerIdentifier field
   403  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) OwnerIdentifierField() string {
   404  	return upe.alphaField(upe.OwnerIdentifier, 9)
   405  }
   407  // OwnerIdentifierModifierField gets the OwnerIdentifierModifier field
   408  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) OwnerIdentifierModifierField() string {
   409  	return upe.alphaField(upe.OwnerIdentifierModifier, 20)
   410  }
   412  // UserRecordFormatTypeField gets the UserRecordFormatType field
   413  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) UserRecordFormatTypeField() string {
   414  	return upe.alphaField(upe.UserRecordFormatType, 3)
   415  }
   417  // FormatTypeVersionLevelField gets the FormatTypeVersionLevel field
   418  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) FormatTypeVersionLevelField() string {
   419  	return upe.alphaField(upe.FormatTypeVersionLevel, 3)
   420  }
   422  // LengthUserDataField gets the LengthUserData field
   423  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) LengthUserDataField() string {
   424  	return upe.alphaField(upe.LengthUserData, 7)
   425  }
   427  // PayeeNameField gets the PayeeName field
   428  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) PayeeNameField() string {
   429  	return upe.alphaField(upe.PayeeName, 50)
   430  }
   432  // EndorsementDateField gets the EndorsementDate field
   433  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) EndorsementDateField() string {
   434  	return upe.formatYYYYMMDDDate(upe.EndorsementDate)
   435  }
   437  // BankRoutingNumberField gets the BankRoutingNumber field
   438  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) BankRoutingNumberField() string {
   439  	return upe.alphaField(upe.BankRoutingNumber, 9)
   440  }
   442  // BankAccountNumberField gets the BankAccountNumber field
   443  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) BankAccountNumberField() string {
   444  	return upe.alphaField(upe.BankAccountNumber, 20)
   445  }
   447  // CustomerIdentifierField gets the CustomerIdentifier field
   448  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) CustomerIdentifierField() string {
   449  	return upe.alphaField(upe.CustomerIdentifier, 20)
   450  }
   452  // CustomerContactInformationField gets the CustomerContactInformation field
   453  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) CustomerContactInformationField() string {
   454  	return upe.alphaField(upe.CustomerContactInformation, 50)
   455  }
   457  // StoreMerchantProcessingSiteNumberField gets the StoreMerchantProcessingSiteNumber field
   458  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) StoreMerchantProcessingSiteNumberField() string {
   459  	return upe.alphaField(upe.StoreMerchantProcessingSiteNumber, 8)
   460  }
   462  // InternalControlSequenceNumberField gets the InternalControlSequenceNumber field
   463  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) InternalControlSequenceNumberField() string {
   464  	return upe.alphaField(upe.InternalControlSequenceNumber, 25)
   465  }
   467  // TimeField gets the Time field
   468  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) TimeField() string {
   469  	return upe.formatSimpleTime(upe.Time)
   470  }
   472  // OperatorNameField gets the OperatorName field
   473  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) OperatorNameField() string {
   474  	return upe.alphaField(upe.OperatorName, 30)
   475  }
   477  // OperatorNumberField gets the OperatorNumber field
   478  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) OperatorNumberField() string {
   479  	return upe.alphaField(upe.OperatorNumber, 5)
   480  }
   482  // ManagerNameField gets the ManagerName field
   483  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) ManagerNameField() string {
   484  	return upe.alphaField(upe.ManagerName, 30)
   485  }
   487  // ManagerNumberField gets the ManagerNumber field
   488  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) ManagerNumberField() string {
   489  	return upe.alphaField(upe.ManagerNumber, 5)
   490  }
   492  // EquipmentNumberField gets the EquipmentNumber field
   493  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) EquipmentNumberField() string {
   494  	return upe.alphaField(upe.EquipmentNumber, 15)
   495  }
   497  // EndorsementIndicatorField gets the EndorsementIndicator field
   498  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) EndorsementIndicatorField() string {
   499  	return upe.numericField(upe.EndorsementIndicator, 1)
   500  }
   502  // UserFieldField gets the UserField field
   503  func (upe *UserPayeeEndorsement) UserFieldField() string {
   504  	return upe.alphaField(upe.UserField, 10)
   505  }