
     1  // Copyright © 2014 Steve Francia <>.
     2  //
     3  // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
     4  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  // Viper is an application configuration system.
     7  // It believes that applications can be configured a variety of ways
     8  // via flags, ENVIRONMENT variables, configuration files retrieved
     9  // from the file system, or a remote key/value store.
    11  // Each item takes precedence over the item below it:
    13  // overrides
    14  // flag
    15  // env
    16  // config
    17  // key/value store
    18  // default
    20  package viper
    22  import (
    23  	"bytes"
    24  	"encoding/csv"
    25  	"encoding/json"
    26  	"errors"
    27  	"fmt"
    28  	"io"
    29  	"log"
    30  	"os"
    31  	"path/filepath"
    32  	"reflect"
    33  	"strconv"
    34  	"strings"
    35  	"sync"
    36  	"time"
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	jww ""
    47  	""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    51  )
    53  // ConfigMarshalError happens when failing to marshal the configuration.
    54  type ConfigMarshalError struct {
    55  	err error
    56  }
    58  // Error returns the formatted configuration error.
    59  func (e ConfigMarshalError) Error() string {
    60  	return fmt.Sprintf("While marshaling config: %s", e.err.Error())
    61  }
    63  var v *Viper
    65  type RemoteResponse struct {
    66  	Value []byte
    67  	Error error
    68  }
    70  func init() {
    71  	v = New()
    72  }
    74  type remoteConfigFactory interface {
    75  	Get(rp RemoteProvider) (io.Reader, error)
    76  	Watch(rp RemoteProvider) (io.Reader, error)
    77  	WatchChannel(rp RemoteProvider) (<-chan *RemoteResponse, chan bool)
    78  }
    80  // RemoteConfig is optional, see the remote package
    81  var RemoteConfig remoteConfigFactory
    83  // UnsupportedConfigError denotes encountering an unsupported
    84  // configuration filetype.
    85  type UnsupportedConfigError string
    87  // Error returns the formatted configuration error.
    88  func (str UnsupportedConfigError) Error() string {
    89  	return fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported Config Type %q", string(str))
    90  }
    92  // UnsupportedRemoteProviderError denotes encountering an unsupported remote
    93  // provider. Currently only etcd and Consul are supported.
    94  type UnsupportedRemoteProviderError string
    96  // Error returns the formatted remote provider error.
    97  func (str UnsupportedRemoteProviderError) Error() string {
    98  	return fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported Remote Provider Type %q", string(str))
    99  }
   101  // RemoteConfigError denotes encountering an error while trying to
   102  // pull the configuration from the remote provider.
   103  type RemoteConfigError string
   105  // Error returns the formatted remote provider error
   106  func (rce RemoteConfigError) Error() string {
   107  	return fmt.Sprintf("Remote Configurations Error: %s", string(rce))
   108  }
   110  // ConfigFileNotFoundError denotes failing to find configuration file.
   111  type ConfigFileNotFoundError struct {
   112  	name, locations string
   113  }
   115  // Error returns the formatted configuration error.
   116  func (fnfe ConfigFileNotFoundError) Error() string {
   117  	return fmt.Sprintf("Config File %q Not Found in %q",, fnfe.locations)
   118  }
   120  // ConfigFileAlreadyExistsError denotes failure to write new configuration file.
   121  type ConfigFileAlreadyExistsError string
   123  // Error returns the formatted error when configuration already exists.
   124  func (faee ConfigFileAlreadyExistsError) Error() string {
   125  	return fmt.Sprintf("Config File %q Already Exists", string(faee))
   126  }
   128  // A DecoderConfigOption can be passed to viper.Unmarshal to configure
   129  // mapstructure.DecoderConfig options
   130  type DecoderConfigOption func(*mapstructure.DecoderConfig)
   132  // DecodeHook returns a DecoderConfigOption which overrides the default
   133  // DecoderConfig.DecodeHook value, the default is:
   134  //
   135  //  mapstructure.ComposeDecodeHookFunc(
   136  //		mapstructure.StringToTimeDurationHookFunc(),
   137  //		mapstructure.StringToSliceHookFunc(","),
   138  //	)
   139  func DecodeHook(hook mapstructure.DecodeHookFunc) DecoderConfigOption {
   140  	return func(c *mapstructure.DecoderConfig) {
   141  		c.DecodeHook = hook
   142  	}
   143  }
   145  // Viper is a prioritized configuration registry. It
   146  // maintains a set of configuration sources, fetches
   147  // values to populate those, and provides them according
   148  // to the source's priority.
   149  // The priority of the sources is the following:
   150  // 1. overrides
   151  // 2. flags
   152  // 3. env. variables
   153  // 4. config file
   154  // 5. key/value store
   155  // 6. defaults
   156  //
   157  // For example, if values from the following sources were loaded:
   158  //
   159  //  Defaults : {
   160  //  	"secret": "",
   161  //  	"user": "default",
   162  //  	"endpoint": "https://localhost"
   163  //  }
   164  //  Config : {
   165  //  	"user": "root"
   166  //  	"secret": "defaultsecret"
   167  //  }
   168  //  Env : {
   169  //  	"secret": "somesecretkey"
   170  //  }
   171  //
   172  // The resulting config will have the following values:
   173  //
   174  //	{
   175  //		"secret": "somesecretkey",
   176  //		"user": "root",
   177  //		"endpoint": "https://localhost"
   178  //	}
   179  type Viper struct {
   180  	// Delimiter that separates a list of keys
   181  	// used to access a nested value in one go
   182  	keyDelim string
   184  	// A set of paths to look for the config file in
   185  	configPaths []string
   187  	// The filesystem to read config from.
   188  	fs afero.Fs
   190  	// A set of remote providers to search for the configuration
   191  	remoteProviders []*defaultRemoteProvider
   193  	// Name of file to look for inside the path
   194  	configName        string
   195  	configFile        string
   196  	configType        string
   197  	configPermissions os.FileMode
   198  	envPrefix         string
   200  	automaticEnvApplied bool
   201  	envKeyReplacer      StringReplacer
   202  	allowEmptyEnv       bool
   204  	config         map[string]interface{}
   205  	override       map[string]interface{}
   206  	defaults       map[string]interface{}
   207  	kvstore        map[string]interface{}
   208  	pflags         map[string]FlagValue
   209  	env            map[string][]string
   210  	aliases        map[string]string
   211  	typeByDefValue bool
   213  	// Store read properties on the object so that we can write back in order with comments.
   214  	// This will only be used if the configuration read is a properties file.
   215  	properties *properties.Properties
   217  	onConfigChange func(fsnotify.Event)
   219  	lock *sync.RWMutex
   220  }
   222  // New returns an initialized Viper instance.
   223  func New() *Viper {
   224  	v := new(Viper)
   225  	v.keyDelim = "."
   226  	v.configName = "config"
   227  	v.configPermissions = os.FileMode(0644)
   228  	v.fs = afero.NewOsFs()
   229  	v.config = make(map[string]interface{})
   230  	v.override = make(map[string]interface{})
   231  	v.defaults = make(map[string]interface{})
   232  	v.kvstore = make(map[string]interface{})
   233  	v.pflags = make(map[string]FlagValue)
   234  	v.env = make(map[string][]string)
   235  	v.aliases = make(map[string]string)
   236  	v.typeByDefValue = false
   237  	v.lock = &sync.RWMutex{}
   239  	return v
   240  }
   242  // Option configures Viper using the functional options paradigm popularized by Rob Pike and Dave Cheney.
   243  // If you're unfamiliar with this style,
   244  // see and
   245  //
   246  type Option interface {
   247  	apply(v *Viper)
   248  }
   250  type optionFunc func(v *Viper)
   252  func (fn optionFunc) apply(v *Viper) {
   253  	fn(v)
   254  }
   256  // KeyDelimiter sets the delimiter used for determining key parts.
   257  // By default it's value is ".".
   258  func KeyDelimiter(d string) Option {
   259  	return optionFunc(func(v *Viper) {
   260  		v.keyDelim = d
   261  	})
   262  }
   264  // StringReplacer applies a set of replacements to a string.
   265  type StringReplacer interface {
   266  	// Replace returns a copy of s with all replacements performed.
   267  	Replace(s string) string
   268  }
   270  // EnvKeyReplacer sets a replacer used for mapping environment variables to internal keys.
   271  func EnvKeyReplacer(r StringReplacer) Option {
   272  	return optionFunc(func(v *Viper) {
   273  		v.envKeyReplacer = r
   274  	})
   275  }
   277  // NewWithOptions creates a new Viper instance.
   278  func NewWithOptions(opts ...Option) *Viper {
   279  	v := New()
   281  	for _, opt := range opts {
   282  		opt.apply(v)
   283  	}
   285  	return v
   286  }
   288  // Reset is intended for testing, will reset all to default settings.
   289  // In the public interface for the viper package so applications
   290  // can use it in their testing as well.
   291  func Reset() {
   292  	v = New()
   293  	SupportedExts = []string{"json", "toml", "yaml", "yml", "properties", "props", "prop", "hcl", "dotenv", "env", "ini"}
   294  	SupportedRemoteProviders = []string{"etcd", "consul", "firestore"}
   295  }
   297  type defaultRemoteProvider struct {
   298  	provider      string
   299  	endpoint      string
   300  	path          string
   301  	secretKeyring string
   302  }
   304  func (rp defaultRemoteProvider) Provider() string {
   305  	return rp.provider
   306  }
   308  func (rp defaultRemoteProvider) Endpoint() string {
   309  	return rp.endpoint
   310  }
   312  func (rp defaultRemoteProvider) Path() string {
   313  	return rp.path
   314  }
   316  func (rp defaultRemoteProvider) SecretKeyring() string {
   317  	return rp.secretKeyring
   318  }
   320  // RemoteProvider stores the configuration necessary
   321  // to connect to a remote key/value store.
   322  // Optional secretKeyring to unencrypt encrypted values
   323  // can be provided.
   324  type RemoteProvider interface {
   325  	Provider() string
   326  	Endpoint() string
   327  	Path() string
   328  	SecretKeyring() string
   329  }
   331  // SupportedExts are universally supported extensions.
   332  var SupportedExts = []string{"json", "toml", "yaml", "yml", "properties", "props", "prop", "hcl", "dotenv", "env", "ini"}
   334  // SupportedRemoteProviders are universally supported remote providers.
   335  var SupportedRemoteProviders = []string{"etcd", "consul", "firestore"}
   337  func OnConfigChange(run func(in fsnotify.Event)) { v.OnConfigChange(run) }
   338  func (v *Viper) OnConfigChange(run func(in fsnotify.Event)) {
   339  	v.onConfigChange = run
   340  }
   342  func WatchConfig() { v.WatchConfig() }
   344  func (v *Viper) WatchConfig() {
   345  	initWG := sync.WaitGroup{}
   346  	initWG.Add(1)
   347  	go func() {
   348  		watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()
   349  		if err != nil {
   350  			log.Fatal(err)
   351  		}
   352  		defer watcher.Close()
   353  		// we have to watch the entire directory to pick up renames/atomic saves in a cross-platform way
   354  		filename, err := v.getConfigFile()
   355  		if err != nil {
   356  			log.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
   357  			initWG.Done()
   358  			return
   359  		}
   361  		configFile := filepath.Clean(filename)
   362  		configDir, _ := filepath.Split(configFile)
   363  		realConfigFile, _ := filepath.EvalSymlinks(filename)
   365  		eventsWG := sync.WaitGroup{}
   366  		eventsWG.Add(1)
   367  		go func() {
   368  			for {
   369  				select {
   370  				case event, ok := <-watcher.Events:
   371  					if !ok { // 'Events' channel is closed
   372  						eventsWG.Done()
   373  						return
   374  					}
   375  					currentConfigFile, _ := filepath.EvalSymlinks(filename)
   376  					// we only care about the config file with the following cases:
   377  					// 1 - if the config file was modified or created
   378  					// 2 - if the real path to the config file changed (eg: k8s ConfigMap replacement)
   379  					const writeOrCreateMask = fsnotify.Write | fsnotify.Create
   380  					if (filepath.Clean(event.Name) == configFile &&
   381  						event.Op&writeOrCreateMask != 0) ||
   382  						(currentConfigFile != "" && currentConfigFile != realConfigFile) {
   383  						realConfigFile = currentConfigFile
   384  						err := v.ReadInConfig()
   385  						if err != nil {
   386  							log.Printf("error reading config file: %v\n", err)
   387  						}
   388  						if v.onConfigChange != nil {
   389  							v.onConfigChange(event)
   390  						}
   391  					} else if filepath.Clean(event.Name) == configFile &&
   392  						event.Op&fsnotify.Remove&fsnotify.Remove != 0 {
   393  						eventsWG.Done()
   394  						return
   395  					}
   397  				case err, ok := <-watcher.Errors:
   398  					if ok { // 'Errors' channel is not closed
   399  						log.Printf("watcher error: %v\n", err)
   400  					}
   401  					eventsWG.Done()
   402  					return
   403  				}
   404  			}
   405  		}()
   406  		watcher.Add(configDir)
   407  		initWG.Done()   // done initializing the watch in this go routine, so the parent routine can move on...
   408  		eventsWG.Wait() // now, wait for event loop to end in this go-routine...
   409  	}()
   410  	initWG.Wait() // make sure that the go routine above fully ended before returning
   411  }
   413  // SetConfigFile explicitly defines the path, name and extension of the config file.
   414  // Viper will use this and not check any of the config paths.
   415  func SetConfigFile(in string) { v.SetConfigFile(in) }
   417  func (v *Viper) SetConfigFile(in string) {
   418  	if in != "" {
   419  		v.configFile = in
   420  	}
   421  }
   423  // SetEnvPrefix defines a prefix that ENVIRONMENT variables will use.
   424  // E.g. if your prefix is "spf", the env registry will look for env
   425  // variables that start with "SPF_".
   426  func SetEnvPrefix(in string) { v.SetEnvPrefix(in) }
   428  func (v *Viper) SetEnvPrefix(in string) {
   429  	if in != "" {
   430  		v.envPrefix = in
   431  	}
   432  }
   434  func (v *Viper) mergeWithEnvPrefix(in string) string {
   435  	if v.envPrefix != "" {
   436  		return strings.ToUpper(v.envPrefix + "_" + in)
   437  	}
   439  	return strings.ToUpper(in)
   440  }
   442  // AllowEmptyEnv tells Viper to consider set,
   443  // but empty environment variables as valid values instead of falling back.
   444  // For backward compatibility reasons this is false by default.
   445  func AllowEmptyEnv(allowEmptyEnv bool) { v.AllowEmptyEnv(allowEmptyEnv) }
   447  func (v *Viper) AllowEmptyEnv(allowEmptyEnv bool) {
   448  	v.allowEmptyEnv = allowEmptyEnv
   449  }
   451  // TODO: should getEnv logic be moved into find(). Can generalize the use of
   452  // rewriting keys many things, Ex: Get('someKey') -> some_key
   453  // (camel case to snake case for JSON keys perhaps)
   455  // getEnv is a wrapper around os.Getenv which replaces characters in the original
   456  // key. This allows env vars which have different keys than the config object
   457  // keys.
   458  func (v *Viper) getEnv(key string) (string, bool) {
   459  	if v.envKeyReplacer != nil {
   460  		key = v.envKeyReplacer.Replace(key)
   461  	}
   463  	val, ok := os.LookupEnv(key)
   465  	return val, ok && (v.allowEmptyEnv || val != "")
   466  }
   468  // ConfigFileUsed returns the file used to populate the config registry.
   469  func ConfigFileUsed() string            { return v.ConfigFileUsed() }
   470  func (v *Viper) ConfigFileUsed() string { return v.configFile }
   472  // AddConfigPath adds a path for Viper to search for the config file in.
   473  // Can be called multiple times to define multiple search paths.
   474  func AddConfigPath(in string) { v.AddConfigPath(in) }
   476  func (v *Viper) AddConfigPath(in string) {
   477  	if in != "" {
   478  		absin := absPathify(in)
   479  		jww.INFO.Println("adding", absin, "to paths to search")
   480  		if !stringInSlice(absin, v.configPaths) {
   481  			v.configPaths = append(v.configPaths, absin)
   482  		}
   483  	}
   484  }
   486  // AddRemoteProvider adds a remote configuration source.
   487  // Remote Providers are searched in the order they are added.
   488  // provider is a string value: "etcd", "consul" or "firestore" are currently supported.
   489  // endpoint is the url.  etcd requires http://ip:port  consul requires ip:port
   490  // path is the path in the k/v store to retrieve configuration
   491  // To retrieve a config file called myapp.json from /configs/myapp.json
   492  // you should set path to /configs and set config name (SetConfigName()) to
   493  // "myapp"
   494  func AddRemoteProvider(provider, endpoint, path string) error {
   495  	return v.AddRemoteProvider(provider, endpoint, path)
   496  }
   498  func (v *Viper) AddRemoteProvider(provider, endpoint, path string) error {
   499  	if !stringInSlice(provider, SupportedRemoteProviders) {
   500  		return UnsupportedRemoteProviderError(provider)
   501  	}
   502  	if provider != "" && endpoint != "" {
   503  		jww.INFO.Printf("adding %s:%s to remote provider list", provider, endpoint)
   504  		rp := &defaultRemoteProvider{
   505  			endpoint: endpoint,
   506  			provider: provider,
   507  			path:     path,
   508  		}
   509  		if !v.providerPathExists(rp) {
   510  			v.remoteProviders = append(v.remoteProviders, rp)
   511  		}
   512  	}
   513  	return nil
   514  }
   516  // AddSecureRemoteProvider adds a remote configuration source.
   517  // Secure Remote Providers are searched in the order they are added.
   518  // provider is a string value: "etcd", "consul" or "firestore" are currently supported.
   519  // endpoint is the url.  etcd requires http://ip:port  consul requires ip:port
   520  // secretkeyring is the filepath to your openpgp secret keyring.  e.g. /etc/secrets/myring.gpg
   521  // path is the path in the k/v store to retrieve configuration
   522  // To retrieve a config file called myapp.json from /configs/myapp.json
   523  // you should set path to /configs and set config name (SetConfigName()) to
   524  // "myapp"
   525  // Secure Remote Providers are implemented with
   526  func AddSecureRemoteProvider(provider, endpoint, path, secretkeyring string) error {
   527  	return v.AddSecureRemoteProvider(provider, endpoint, path, secretkeyring)
   528  }
   530  func (v *Viper) AddSecureRemoteProvider(provider, endpoint, path, secretkeyring string) error {
   531  	if !stringInSlice(provider, SupportedRemoteProviders) {
   532  		return UnsupportedRemoteProviderError(provider)
   533  	}
   534  	if provider != "" && endpoint != "" {
   535  		jww.INFO.Printf("adding %s:%s to remote provider list", provider, endpoint)
   536  		rp := &defaultRemoteProvider{
   537  			endpoint:      endpoint,
   538  			provider:      provider,
   539  			path:          path,
   540  			secretKeyring: secretkeyring,
   541  		}
   542  		if !v.providerPathExists(rp) {
   543  			v.remoteProviders = append(v.remoteProviders, rp)
   544  		}
   545  	}
   546  	return nil
   547  }
   549  func (v *Viper) providerPathExists(p *defaultRemoteProvider) bool {
   550  	for _, y := range v.remoteProviders {
   551  		if reflect.DeepEqual(y, p) {
   552  			return true
   553  		}
   554  	}
   555  	return false
   556  }
   558  // searchMap recursively searches for a value for path in source map.
   559  // Returns nil if not found.
   560  // Note: This assumes that the path entries and map keys are lower cased.
   561  func (v *Viper) searchMap(source map[string]interface{}, path []string) interface{} {
   562  	if len(path) == 0 {
   563  		return source
   564  	}
   566  	v.lock.RLock()
   567  	defer v.lock.RUnlock()
   569  	next, ok := source[path[0]]
   570  	if ok {
   571  		// Fast path
   572  		if len(path) == 1 {
   573  			return next
   574  		}
   576  		// Nested case
   577  		switch next.(type) {
   578  		case map[interface{}]interface{}:
   579  			return v.searchMap(cast.ToStringMap(next), path[1:])
   580  		case map[string]interface{}:
   581  			// Type assertion is safe here since it is only reached
   582  			// if the type of `next` is the same as the type being asserted
   583  			return v.searchMap(next.(map[string]interface{}), path[1:])
   584  		default:
   585  			// got a value but nested key expected, return "nil" for not found
   586  			return nil
   587  		}
   588  	}
   589  	return nil
   590  }
   592  // searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes recursively searches for a value for path in source map/slice.
   593  //
   594  // While searchMap() considers each path element as a single map key or slice index, this
   595  // function searches for, and prioritizes, merged path elements.
   596  // e.g., if in the source, "foo" is defined with a sub-key "bar", and ""
   597  // is also defined, this latter value is returned for path ["foo", "bar"].
   598  //
   599  // This should be useful only at config level (other maps may not contain dots
   600  // in their keys).
   601  //
   602  // Note: This assumes that the path entries and map keys are lower cased.
   603  func (v *Viper) searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes(source interface{}, path []string) interface{} {
   604  	if len(path) == 0 {
   605  		return source
   606  	}
   608  	// search for path prefixes, starting from the longest one
   609  	for i := len(path); i > 0; i-- {
   610  		prefixKey := strings.ToLower(strings.Join(path[0:i], v.keyDelim))
   612  		var val interface{}
   613  		switch sourceIndexable := source.(type) {
   614  		case []interface{}:
   615  			val = v.searchSliceWithPathPrefixes(sourceIndexable, prefixKey, i, path)
   616  		case map[string]interface{}:
   617  			val = v.searchMapWithPathPrefixes(sourceIndexable, prefixKey, i, path)
   618  		}
   619  		if val != nil {
   620  			return val
   621  		}
   622  	}
   624  	// not found
   625  	return nil
   626  }
   628  // searchSliceWithPathPrefixes searches for a value for path in sourceSlice
   629  //
   630  // This function is part of the searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes recurring search and
   631  // should not be called directly from functions other than searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes.
   632  func (v *Viper) searchSliceWithPathPrefixes(
   633  	sourceSlice []interface{},
   634  	prefixKey string,
   635  	pathIndex int,
   636  	path []string,
   637  ) interface{} {
   638  	// if the prefixKey is not a number or it is out of bounds of the slice
   639  	index, err := strconv.Atoi(prefixKey)
   640  	if err != nil || len(sourceSlice) <= index {
   641  		return nil
   642  	}
   644  	next := sourceSlice[index]
   646  	// Fast path
   647  	if pathIndex == len(path) {
   648  		return next
   649  	}
   651  	switch n := next.(type) {
   652  	case map[interface{}]interface{}:
   653  		return v.searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes(cast.ToStringMap(n), path[pathIndex:])
   654  	case map[string]interface{}, []interface{}:
   655  		return v.searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes(n, path[pathIndex:])
   656  	default:
   657  		// got a value but nested key expected, do nothing and look for next prefix
   658  	}
   660  	// not found
   661  	return nil
   662  }
   664  // searchMapWithPathPrefixes searches for a value for path in sourceMap
   665  //
   666  // This function is part of the searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes recurring search and
   667  // should not be called directly from functions other than searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes.
   668  func (v *Viper) searchMapWithPathPrefixes(
   669  	sourceMap map[string]interface{},
   670  	prefixKey string,
   671  	pathIndex int,
   672  	path []string,
   673  ) interface{} {
   674  	next, ok := sourceMap[prefixKey]
   675  	if !ok {
   676  		return nil
   677  	}
   679  	// Fast path
   680  	if pathIndex == len(path) {
   681  		return next
   682  	}
   684  	// Nested case
   685  	switch n := next.(type) {
   686  	case map[interface{}]interface{}:
   687  		return v.searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes(cast.ToStringMap(n), path[pathIndex:])
   688  	case map[string]interface{}, []interface{}:
   689  		return v.searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes(n, path[pathIndex:])
   690  	default:
   691  		// got a value but nested key expected, do nothing and look for next prefix
   692  	}
   694  	// not found
   695  	return nil
   696  }
   698  // isPathShadowedInDeepMap makes sure the given path is not shadowed somewhere
   699  // on its path in the map.
   700  // e.g., if "" has a value in the given map, it “shadows”
   701  //       "" in a lower-priority map
   702  func (v *Viper) isPathShadowedInDeepMap(path []string, m map[string]interface{}) string {
   703  	var parentVal interface{}
   704  	for i := 1; i < len(path); i++ {
   705  		parentVal = v.searchMap(m, path[0:i])
   706  		if parentVal == nil {
   707  			// not found, no need to add more path elements
   708  			return ""
   709  		}
   710  		switch parentVal.(type) {
   711  		case map[interface{}]interface{}:
   712  			continue
   713  		case map[string]interface{}:
   714  			continue
   715  		default:
   716  			// parentVal is a regular value which shadows "path"
   717  			return strings.Join(path[0:i], v.keyDelim)
   718  		}
   719  	}
   720  	return ""
   721  }
   723  // isPathShadowedInFlatMap makes sure the given path is not shadowed somewhere
   724  // in a sub-path of the map.
   725  // e.g., if "" has a value in the given map, it “shadows”
   726  //       "" in a lower-priority map
   727  func (v *Viper) isPathShadowedInFlatMap(path []string, mi interface{}) string {
   728  	// unify input map
   729  	var m map[string]interface{}
   730  	switch mi.(type) {
   731  	case map[string]string, map[string]FlagValue:
   732  		m = cast.ToStringMap(mi)
   733  	default:
   734  		return ""
   735  	}
   737  	// scan paths
   738  	var parentKey string
   739  	for i := 1; i < len(path); i++ {
   740  		parentKey = strings.Join(path[0:i], v.keyDelim)
   741  		if _, ok := m[parentKey]; ok {
   742  			return parentKey
   743  		}
   744  	}
   745  	return ""
   746  }
   748  // isPathShadowedInAutoEnv makes sure the given path is not shadowed somewhere
   749  // in the environment, when automatic env is on.
   750  // e.g., if "" has a value in the environment, it “shadows”
   751  //       "" in a lower-priority map
   752  func (v *Viper) isPathShadowedInAutoEnv(path []string) string {
   753  	var parentKey string
   754  	for i := 1; i < len(path); i++ {
   755  		parentKey = strings.Join(path[0:i], v.keyDelim)
   756  		if _, ok := v.getEnv(v.mergeWithEnvPrefix(parentKey)); ok {
   757  			return parentKey
   758  		}
   759  	}
   760  	return ""
   761  }
   763  // SetTypeByDefaultValue enables or disables the inference of a key value's
   764  // type when the Get function is used based upon a key's default value as
   765  // opposed to the value returned based on the normal fetch logic.
   766  //
   767  // For example, if a key has a default value of []string{} and the same key
   768  // is set via an environment variable to "a b c", a call to the Get function
   769  // would return a string slice for the key if the key's type is inferred by
   770  // the default value and the Get function would return:
   771  //
   772  //   []string {"a", "b", "c"}
   773  //
   774  // Otherwise the Get function would return:
   775  //
   776  //   "a b c"
   777  func SetTypeByDefaultValue(enable bool) { v.SetTypeByDefaultValue(enable) }
   779  func (v *Viper) SetTypeByDefaultValue(enable bool) {
   780  	v.typeByDefValue = enable
   781  }
   783  // GetViper gets the global Viper instance.
   784  func GetViper() *Viper {
   785  	return v
   786  }
   788  // Get can retrieve any value given the key to use.
   789  // Get is case-insensitive for a key.
   790  // Get has the behavior of returning the value associated with the first
   791  // place from where it is set. Viper will check in the following order:
   792  // override, flag, env, config file, key/value store, default
   793  //
   794  // Get returns an interface. For a specific value use one of the Get____ methods.
   795  func Get(key string) interface{} { return v.Get(key) }
   797  func (v *Viper) Get(key string) interface{} {
   798  	lcaseKey := strings.ToLower(key)
   799  	val := v.find(lcaseKey, true)
   800  	if val == nil {
   801  		return nil
   802  	}
   804  	if v.typeByDefValue {
   805  		// TODO(bep) this branch isn't covered by a single test.
   806  		valType := val
   807  		path := strings.Split(lcaseKey, v.keyDelim)
   808  		defVal := v.searchMap(v.defaults, path)
   809  		if defVal != nil {
   810  			valType = defVal
   811  		}
   813  		switch valType.(type) {
   814  		case bool:
   815  			return cast.ToBool(val)
   816  		case string:
   817  			return cast.ToString(val)
   818  		case int32, int16, int8, int:
   819  			return cast.ToInt(val)
   820  		case uint:
   821  			return cast.ToUint(val)
   822  		case uint32:
   823  			return cast.ToUint32(val)
   824  		case uint64:
   825  			return cast.ToUint64(val)
   826  		case int64:
   827  			return cast.ToInt64(val)
   828  		case float64, float32:
   829  			return cast.ToFloat64(val)
   830  		case time.Time:
   831  			return cast.ToTime(val)
   832  		case time.Duration:
   833  			return cast.ToDuration(val)
   834  		case []string:
   835  			return cast.ToStringSlice(val)
   836  		case []int:
   837  			return cast.ToIntSlice(val)
   838  		}
   839  	}
   841  	return val
   842  }
   844  // Sub returns new Viper instance representing a sub tree of this instance.
   845  // Sub is case-insensitive for a key.
   846  func Sub(key string) *Viper { return v.Sub(key) }
   848  func (v *Viper) Sub(key string) *Viper {
   849  	subv := New()
   850  	data := v.Get(key)
   851  	if data == nil {
   852  		return nil
   853  	}
   855  	if reflect.TypeOf(data).Kind() == reflect.Map {
   856  		subv.config = cast.ToStringMap(data)
   857  		return subv
   858  	}
   859  	return nil
   860  }
   862  // GetString returns the value associated with the key as a string.
   863  func GetString(key string) string { return v.GetString(key) }
   865  func (v *Viper) GetString(key string) string {
   866  	return cast.ToString(v.Get(key))
   867  }
   869  // GetBool returns the value associated with the key as a boolean.
   870  func GetBool(key string) bool { return v.GetBool(key) }
   872  func (v *Viper) GetBool(key string) bool {
   873  	return cast.ToBool(v.Get(key))
   874  }
   876  // GetInt returns the value associated with the key as an integer.
   877  func GetInt(key string) int { return v.GetInt(key) }
   879  func (v *Viper) GetInt(key string) int {
   880  	return cast.ToInt(v.Get(key))
   881  }
   883  // GetInt32 returns the value associated with the key as an integer.
   884  func GetInt32(key string) int32 { return v.GetInt32(key) }
   886  func (v *Viper) GetInt32(key string) int32 {
   887  	return cast.ToInt32(v.Get(key))
   888  }
   890  // GetInt64 returns the value associated with the key as an integer.
   891  func GetInt64(key string) int64 { return v.GetInt64(key) }
   893  func (v *Viper) GetInt64(key string) int64 {
   894  	return cast.ToInt64(v.Get(key))
   895  }
   897  // GetUint returns the value associated with the key as an unsigned integer.
   898  func GetUint(key string) uint { return v.GetUint(key) }
   900  func (v *Viper) GetUint(key string) uint {
   901  	return cast.ToUint(v.Get(key))
   902  }
   904  // GetUint32 returns the value associated with the key as an unsigned integer.
   905  func GetUint32(key string) uint32 { return v.GetUint32(key) }
   907  func (v *Viper) GetUint32(key string) uint32 {
   908  	return cast.ToUint32(v.Get(key))
   909  }
   911  // GetUint64 returns the value associated with the key as an unsigned integer.
   912  func GetUint64(key string) uint64 { return v.GetUint64(key) }
   914  func (v *Viper) GetUint64(key string) uint64 {
   915  	return cast.ToUint64(v.Get(key))
   916  }
   918  // GetFloat64 returns the value associated with the key as a float64.
   919  func GetFloat64(key string) float64 { return v.GetFloat64(key) }
   921  func (v *Viper) GetFloat64(key string) float64 {
   922  	return cast.ToFloat64(v.Get(key))
   923  }
   925  // GetTime returns the value associated with the key as time.
   926  func GetTime(key string) time.Time { return v.GetTime(key) }
   928  func (v *Viper) GetTime(key string) time.Time {
   929  	return cast.ToTime(v.Get(key))
   930  }
   932  // GetDuration returns the value associated with the key as a duration.
   933  func GetDuration(key string) time.Duration { return v.GetDuration(key) }
   935  func (v *Viper) GetDuration(key string) time.Duration {
   936  	return cast.ToDuration(v.Get(key))
   937  }
   939  // GetIntSlice returns the value associated with the key as a slice of int values.
   940  func GetIntSlice(key string) []int { return v.GetIntSlice(key) }
   942  func (v *Viper) GetIntSlice(key string) []int {
   943  	return cast.ToIntSlice(v.Get(key))
   944  }
   946  // GetStringSlice returns the value associated with the key as a slice of strings.
   947  func GetStringSlice(key string) []string { return v.GetStringSlice(key) }
   949  func (v *Viper) GetStringSlice(key string) []string {
   950  	return cast.ToStringSlice(v.Get(key))
   951  }
   953  // GetStringMap returns the value associated with the key as a map of interfaces.
   954  func GetStringMap(key string) map[string]interface{} { return v.GetStringMap(key) }
   956  func (v *Viper) GetStringMap(key string) map[string]interface{} {
   957  	return cast.ToStringMap(v.Get(key))
   958  }
   960  // GetStringMapString returns the value associated with the key as a map of strings.
   961  func GetStringMapString(key string) map[string]string { return v.GetStringMapString(key) }
   963  func (v *Viper) GetStringMapString(key string) map[string]string {
   964  	return cast.ToStringMapString(v.Get(key))
   965  }
   967  // GetStringMapStringSlice returns the value associated with the key as a map to a slice of strings.
   968  func GetStringMapStringSlice(key string) map[string][]string { return v.GetStringMapStringSlice(key) }
   970  func (v *Viper) GetStringMapStringSlice(key string) map[string][]string {
   971  	return cast.ToStringMapStringSlice(v.Get(key))
   972  }
   974  // GetSizeInBytes returns the size of the value associated with the given key
   975  // in bytes.
   976  func GetSizeInBytes(key string) uint { return v.GetSizeInBytes(key) }
   978  func (v *Viper) GetSizeInBytes(key string) uint {
   979  	sizeStr := cast.ToString(v.Get(key))
   980  	return parseSizeInBytes(sizeStr)
   981  }
   983  // UnmarshalKey takes a single key and unmarshals it into a Struct.
   984  func UnmarshalKey(key string, rawVal interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
   985  	return v.UnmarshalKey(key, rawVal, opts...)
   986  }
   988  func (v *Viper) UnmarshalKey(key string, rawVal interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
   989  	return decode(v.Get(key), defaultDecoderConfig(rawVal, opts...))
   990  }
   992  // Unmarshal unmarshals the config into a Struct. Make sure that the tags
   993  // on the fields of the structure are properly set.
   994  func Unmarshal(rawVal interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
   995  	return v.Unmarshal(rawVal, opts...)
   996  }
   998  func (v *Viper) Unmarshal(rawVal interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
   999  	return decode(v.AllSettings(), defaultDecoderConfig(rawVal, opts...))
  1000  }
  1002  // defaultDecoderConfig returns default mapsstructure.DecoderConfig with suppot
  1003  // of time.Duration values & string slices
  1004  func defaultDecoderConfig(output interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) *mapstructure.DecoderConfig {
  1005  	c := &mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
  1006  		Metadata:         nil,
  1007  		Result:           output,
  1008  		WeaklyTypedInput: true,
  1009  		DecodeHook: mapstructure.ComposeDecodeHookFunc(
  1010  			mapstructure.StringToTimeDurationHookFunc(),
  1011  			mapstructure.StringToSliceHookFunc(","),
  1012  		),
  1013  	}
  1014  	for _, opt := range opts {
  1015  		opt(c)
  1016  	}
  1017  	return c
  1018  }
  1020  // A wrapper around mapstructure.Decode that mimics the WeakDecode functionality
  1021  func decode(input interface{}, config *mapstructure.DecoderConfig) error {
  1022  	decoder, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(config)
  1023  	if err != nil {
  1024  		return err
  1025  	}
  1026  	return decoder.Decode(input)
  1027  }
  1029  // UnmarshalExact unmarshals the config into a Struct, erroring if a field is nonexistent
  1030  // in the destination struct.
  1031  func UnmarshalExact(rawVal interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
  1032  	return v.UnmarshalExact(rawVal, opts...)
  1033  }
  1035  func (v *Viper) UnmarshalExact(rawVal interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
  1036  	config := defaultDecoderConfig(rawVal, opts...)
  1037  	config.ErrorUnused = true
  1039  	return decode(v.AllSettings(), config)
  1040  }
  1042  // BindPFlags binds a full flag set to the configuration, using each flag's long
  1043  // name as the config key.
  1044  func BindPFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) error { return v.BindPFlags(flags) }
  1046  func (v *Viper) BindPFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) error {
  1047  	return v.BindFlagValues(pflagValueSet{flags})
  1048  }
  1050  // BindPFlag binds a specific key to a pflag (as used by cobra).
  1051  // Example (where serverCmd is a Cobra instance):
  1052  //
  1053  //	 serverCmd.Flags().Int("port", 1138, "Port to run Application server on")
  1054  //	 Viper.BindPFlag("port", serverCmd.Flags().Lookup("port"))
  1055  //
  1056  func BindPFlag(key string, flag *pflag.Flag) error { return v.BindPFlag(key, flag) }
  1058  func (v *Viper) BindPFlag(key string, flag *pflag.Flag) error {
  1059  	if flag == nil {
  1060  		return fmt.Errorf("flag for %q is nil", key)
  1061  	}
  1062  	return v.BindFlagValue(key, pflagValue{flag})
  1063  }
  1065  // BindFlagValues binds a full FlagValue set to the configuration, using each flag's long
  1066  // name as the config key.
  1067  func BindFlagValues(flags FlagValueSet) error { return v.BindFlagValues(flags) }
  1069  func (v *Viper) BindFlagValues(flags FlagValueSet) (err error) {
  1070  	flags.VisitAll(func(flag FlagValue) {
  1071  		if err = v.BindFlagValue(flag.Name(), flag); err != nil {
  1072  			return
  1073  		}
  1074  	})
  1075  	return nil
  1076  }
  1078  // BindFlagValue binds a specific key to a FlagValue.
  1079  func BindFlagValue(key string, flag FlagValue) error { return v.BindFlagValue(key, flag) }
  1081  func (v *Viper) BindFlagValue(key string, flag FlagValue) error {
  1082  	if flag == nil {
  1083  		return fmt.Errorf("flag for %q is nil", key)
  1084  	}
  1085  	v.pflags[strings.ToLower(key)] = flag
  1086  	return nil
  1087  }
  1089  // BindEnv binds a Viper key to a ENV variable.
  1090  // ENV variables are case sensitive.
  1091  // If only a key is provided, it will use the env key matching the key, uppercased.
  1092  // If more arguments are provided, they will represent the env variable names that
  1093  // should bind to this key and will be taken in the specified order.
  1094  // EnvPrefix will be used when set when env name is not provided.
  1095  func BindEnv(input ...string) error { return v.BindEnv(input...) }
  1097  func (v *Viper) BindEnv(input ...string) error {
  1098  	if len(input) == 0 {
  1099  		return fmt.Errorf("missing key to bind to")
  1100  	}
  1102  	key := strings.ToLower(input[0])
  1104  	if len(input) == 1 {
  1105  		v.env[key] = append(v.env[key], v.mergeWithEnvPrefix(key))
  1106  	} else {
  1107  		v.env[key] = append(v.env[key], input[1:]...)
  1108  	}
  1110  	return nil
  1111  }
  1113  // Given a key, find the value.
  1114  //
  1115  // Viper will check to see if an alias exists first.
  1116  // Viper will then check in the following order:
  1117  // flag, env, config file, key/value store.
  1118  // Lastly, if no value was found and flagDefault is true, and if the key
  1119  // corresponds to a flag, the flag's default value is returned.
  1120  //
  1121  // Note: this assumes a lower-cased key given.
  1122  func (v *Viper) find(lcaseKey string, flagDefault bool) interface{} {
  1123  	var (
  1124  		val    interface{}
  1125  		exists bool
  1126  		path   = strings.Split(lcaseKey, v.keyDelim)
  1127  		nested = len(path) > 1
  1128  	)
  1130  	// compute the path through the nested maps to the nested value
  1131  	if nested && v.isPathShadowedInDeepMap(path, castMapStringToMapInterface(v.aliases)) != "" {
  1132  		return nil
  1133  	}
  1135  	// if the requested key is an alias, then return the proper key
  1136  	lcaseKey = v.realKey(lcaseKey)
  1137  	path = strings.Split(lcaseKey, v.keyDelim)
  1138  	nested = len(path) > 1
  1140  	// Set() override first
  1141  	val = v.searchMap(v.override, path)
  1142  	if val != nil {
  1143  		return val
  1144  	}
  1145  	if nested && v.isPathShadowedInDeepMap(path, v.override) != "" {
  1146  		return nil
  1147  	}
  1149  	// PFlag override next
  1150  	flag, exists := v.pflags[lcaseKey]
  1151  	if exists && flag.HasChanged() {
  1152  		switch flag.ValueType() {
  1153  		case "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64":
  1154  			return cast.ToInt(flag.ValueString())
  1155  		case "bool":
  1156  			return cast.ToBool(flag.ValueString())
  1157  		case "stringSlice":
  1158  			s := strings.TrimPrefix(flag.ValueString(), "[")
  1159  			s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, "]")
  1160  			res, _ := readAsCSV(s)
  1161  			return res
  1162  		case "intSlice":
  1163  			s := strings.TrimPrefix(flag.ValueString(), "[")
  1164  			s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, "]")
  1165  			res, _ := readAsCSV(s)
  1166  			return cast.ToIntSlice(res)
  1167  		case "stringToString":
  1168  			return stringToStringConv(flag.ValueString())
  1169  		default:
  1170  			return flag.ValueString()
  1171  		}
  1172  	}
  1173  	if nested && v.isPathShadowedInFlatMap(path, v.pflags) != "" {
  1174  		return nil
  1175  	}
  1177  	// Env override next
  1178  	if v.automaticEnvApplied {
  1179  		// even if it hasn't been registered, if automaticEnv is used,
  1180  		// check any Get request
  1181  		if val, ok := v.getEnv(v.mergeWithEnvPrefix(lcaseKey)); ok {
  1182  			return val
  1183  		}
  1184  		if nested && v.isPathShadowedInAutoEnv(path) != "" {
  1185  			return nil
  1186  		}
  1187  	}
  1188  	envkeys, exists := v.env[lcaseKey]
  1189  	if exists {
  1190  		for _, envkey := range envkeys {
  1191  			if val, ok := v.getEnv(envkey); ok {
  1192  				return val
  1193  			}
  1194  		}
  1195  	}
  1196  	if nested && v.isPathShadowedInFlatMap(path, v.env) != "" {
  1197  		return nil
  1198  	}
  1200  	// Config file next
  1201  	val = v.searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes(v.config, path)
  1202  	if val != nil {
  1203  		return val
  1204  	}
  1205  	if nested && v.isPathShadowedInDeepMap(path, v.config) != "" {
  1206  		return nil
  1207  	}
  1209  	// K/V store next
  1210  	val = v.searchMap(v.kvstore, path)
  1211  	if val != nil {
  1212  		return val
  1213  	}
  1214  	if nested && v.isPathShadowedInDeepMap(path, v.kvstore) != "" {
  1215  		return nil
  1216  	}
  1218  	// Default next
  1219  	val = v.searchMap(v.defaults, path)
  1220  	if val != nil {
  1221  		return val
  1222  	}
  1223  	if nested && v.isPathShadowedInDeepMap(path, v.defaults) != "" {
  1224  		return nil
  1225  	}
  1227  	if flagDefault {
  1228  		// last chance: if no value is found and a flag does exist for the key,
  1229  		// get the flag's default value even if the flag's value has not been set.
  1230  		if flag, exists := v.pflags[lcaseKey]; exists {
  1231  			switch flag.ValueType() {
  1232  			case "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64":
  1233  				return cast.ToInt(flag.ValueString())
  1234  			case "bool":
  1235  				return cast.ToBool(flag.ValueString())
  1236  			case "stringSlice":
  1237  				s := strings.TrimPrefix(flag.ValueString(), "[")
  1238  				s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, "]")
  1239  				res, _ := readAsCSV(s)
  1240  				return res
  1241  			case "intSlice":
  1242  				s := strings.TrimPrefix(flag.ValueString(), "[")
  1243  				s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, "]")
  1244  				res, _ := readAsCSV(s)
  1245  				return cast.ToIntSlice(res)
  1246  			case "stringToString":
  1247  				return stringToStringConv(flag.ValueString())
  1248  			default:
  1249  				return flag.ValueString()
  1250  			}
  1251  		}
  1252  		// last item, no need to check shadowing
  1253  	}
  1255  	return nil
  1256  }
  1258  func readAsCSV(val string) ([]string, error) {
  1259  	if val == "" {
  1260  		return []string{}, nil
  1261  	}
  1262  	stringReader := strings.NewReader(val)
  1263  	csvReader := csv.NewReader(stringReader)
  1264  	return csvReader.Read()
  1265  }
  1267  // mostly copied from pflag's implementation of this operation here
  1268  // alterations are: errors are swallowed, map[string]interface{} is returned in order to enable cast.ToStringMap
  1269  func stringToStringConv(val string) interface{} {
  1270  	val = strings.Trim(val, "[]")
  1271  	// An empty string would cause an empty map
  1272  	if len(val) == 0 {
  1273  		return map[string]interface{}{}
  1274  	}
  1275  	r := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(val))
  1276  	ss, err := r.Read()
  1277  	if err != nil {
  1278  		return nil
  1279  	}
  1280  	out := make(map[string]interface{}, len(ss))
  1281  	for _, pair := range ss {
  1282  		kv := strings.SplitN(pair, "=", 2)
  1283  		if len(kv) != 2 {
  1284  			return nil
  1285  		}
  1286  		out[kv[0]] = kv[1]
  1287  	}
  1288  	return out
  1289  }
  1291  // IsSet checks to see if the key has been set in any of the data locations.
  1292  // IsSet is case-insensitive for a key.
  1293  func IsSet(key string) bool { return v.IsSet(key) }
  1295  func (v *Viper) IsSet(key string) bool {
  1296  	lcaseKey := strings.ToLower(key)
  1297  	val := v.find(lcaseKey, false)
  1298  	return val != nil
  1299  }
  1301  // AutomaticEnv makes Viper check if environment variables match any of the existing keys
  1302  // (config, default or flags). If matching env vars are found, they are loaded into Viper.
  1303  func AutomaticEnv() { v.AutomaticEnv() }
  1305  func (v *Viper) AutomaticEnv() {
  1306  	v.automaticEnvApplied = true
  1307  }
  1309  // SetEnvKeyReplacer sets the strings.Replacer on the viper object
  1310  // Useful for mapping an environmental variable to a key that does
  1311  // not match it.
  1312  func SetEnvKeyReplacer(r *strings.Replacer) { v.SetEnvKeyReplacer(r) }
  1314  func (v *Viper) SetEnvKeyReplacer(r *strings.Replacer) {
  1315  	v.envKeyReplacer = r
  1316  }
  1318  // RegisterAlias creates an alias that provides another accessor for the same key.
  1319  // This enables one to change a name without breaking the application.
  1320  func RegisterAlias(alias string, key string) { v.RegisterAlias(alias, key) }
  1322  func (v *Viper) RegisterAlias(alias string, key string) {
  1323  	v.registerAlias(alias, strings.ToLower(key))
  1324  }
  1326  func (v *Viper) registerAlias(alias string, key string) {
  1327  	alias = strings.ToLower(alias)
  1328  	if alias != key && alias != v.realKey(key) {
  1329  		_, exists := v.aliases[alias]
  1331  		if !exists {
  1332  			// if we alias something that exists in one of the maps to another
  1333  			// name, we'll never be able to get that value using the original
  1334  			// name, so move the config value to the new realkey.
  1335  			if val, ok := v.config[alias]; ok {
  1336  				delete(v.config, alias)
  1337  				v.config[key] = val
  1338  			}
  1339  			if val, ok := v.kvstore[alias]; ok {
  1340  				delete(v.kvstore, alias)
  1341  				v.kvstore[key] = val
  1342  			}
  1343  			if val, ok := v.defaults[alias]; ok {
  1344  				delete(v.defaults, alias)
  1345  				v.defaults[key] = val
  1346  			}
  1347  			if val, ok := v.override[alias]; ok {
  1348  				delete(v.override, alias)
  1349  				v.override[key] = val
  1350  			}
  1351  			v.aliases[alias] = key
  1352  		}
  1353  	} else {
  1354  		jww.WARN.Println("Creating circular reference alias", alias, key, v.realKey(key))
  1355  	}
  1356  }
  1358  func (v *Viper) realKey(key string) string {
  1359  	newkey, exists := v.aliases[key]
  1360  	if exists {
  1361  		jww.DEBUG.Println("Alias", key, "to", newkey)
  1362  		return v.realKey(newkey)
  1363  	}
  1364  	return key
  1365  }
  1367  // InConfig checks to see if the given key (or an alias) is in the config file.
  1368  func InConfig(key string) bool { return v.InConfig(key) }
  1370  func (v *Viper) InConfig(key string) bool {
  1371  	// if the requested key is an alias, then return the proper key
  1372  	key = v.realKey(key)
  1374  	_, exists := v.config[key]
  1375  	return exists
  1376  }
  1378  // SetDefault sets the default value for this key.
  1379  // SetDefault is case-insensitive for a key.
  1380  // Default only used when no value is provided by the user via flag, config or ENV.
  1381  func SetDefault(key string, value interface{}) { v.SetDefault(key, value) }
  1383  func (v *Viper) SetDefault(key string, value interface{}) {
  1384  	// If alias passed in, then set the proper default
  1385  	key = v.realKey(strings.ToLower(key))
  1386  	value = toCaseInsensitiveValue(value)
  1388  	path := strings.Split(key, v.keyDelim)
  1389  	lastKey := strings.ToLower(path[len(path)-1])
  1390  	deepestMap := deepSearch(v.defaults, path[0:len(path)-1])
  1392  	// set innermost value
  1393  	deepestMap[lastKey] = value
  1394  }
  1396  // Set sets the value for the key in the override register.
  1397  // Set is case-insensitive for a key.
  1398  // Will be used instead of values obtained via
  1399  // flags, config file, ENV, default, or key/value store.
  1400  func Set(key string, value interface{}) { v.Set(key, value) }
  1402  func (v *Viper) Set(key string, value interface{}) {
  1403  	// If alias passed in, then set the proper override
  1404  	key = v.realKey(strings.ToLower(key))
  1405  	value = toCaseInsensitiveValue(value)
  1407  	path := strings.Split(key, v.keyDelim)
  1408  	lastKey := strings.ToLower(path[len(path)-1])
  1409  	deepestMap := deepSearch(v.override, path[0:len(path)-1])
  1411  	v.lock.Lock()
  1412  	defer v.lock.Unlock()
  1414  	// set innermost value
  1415  	deepestMap[lastKey] = value
  1416  }
  1418  // ReadInConfig will discover and load the configuration file from disk
  1419  // and key/value stores, searching in one of the defined paths.
  1420  func ReadInConfig() error { return v.ReadInConfig() }
  1422  func (v *Viper) ReadInConfig() error {
  1423  	jww.INFO.Println("Attempting to read in config file")
  1424  	filename, err := v.getConfigFile()
  1425  	if err != nil {
  1426  		return err
  1427  	}
  1429  	if !stringInSlice(v.getConfigType(), SupportedExts) {
  1430  		return UnsupportedConfigError(v.getConfigType())
  1431  	}
  1433  	jww.DEBUG.Println("Reading file: ", filename)
  1434  	file, err := afero.ReadFile(v.fs, filename)
  1435  	if err != nil {
  1436  		return err
  1437  	}
  1439  	config := make(map[string]interface{})
  1441  	err = v.unmarshalReader(bytes.NewReader(file), config)
  1442  	if err != nil {
  1443  		return err
  1444  	}
  1446  	v.config = config
  1447  	return nil
  1448  }
  1450  // MergeInConfig merges a new configuration with an existing config.
  1451  func MergeInConfig() error { return v.MergeInConfig() }
  1453  func (v *Viper) MergeInConfig() error {
  1454  	jww.INFO.Println("Attempting to merge in config file")
  1455  	filename, err := v.getConfigFile()
  1456  	if err != nil {
  1457  		return err
  1458  	}
  1460  	if !stringInSlice(v.getConfigType(), SupportedExts) {
  1461  		return UnsupportedConfigError(v.getConfigType())
  1462  	}
  1464  	file, err := afero.ReadFile(v.fs, filename)
  1465  	if err != nil {
  1466  		return err
  1467  	}
  1469  	return v.MergeConfig(bytes.NewReader(file))
  1470  }
  1472  // ReadConfig will read a configuration file, setting existing keys to nil if the
  1473  // key does not exist in the file.
  1474  func ReadConfig(in io.Reader) error { return v.ReadConfig(in) }
  1476  func (v *Viper) ReadConfig(in io.Reader) error {
  1477  	v.config = make(map[string]interface{})
  1478  	return v.unmarshalReader(in, v.config)
  1479  }
  1481  // MergeConfig merges a new configuration with an existing config.
  1482  func MergeConfig(in io.Reader) error { return v.MergeConfig(in) }
  1484  func (v *Viper) MergeConfig(in io.Reader) error {
  1485  	cfg := make(map[string]interface{})
  1486  	if err := v.unmarshalReader(in, cfg); err != nil {
  1487  		return err
  1488  	}
  1489  	return v.MergeConfigMap(cfg)
  1490  }
  1492  // MergeConfigMap merges the configuration from the map given with an existing config.
  1493  // Note that the map given may be modified.
  1494  func MergeConfigMap(cfg map[string]interface{}) error { return v.MergeConfigMap(cfg) }
  1496  func (v *Viper) MergeConfigMap(cfg map[string]interface{}) error {
  1497  	if v.config == nil {
  1498  		v.config = make(map[string]interface{})
  1499  	}
  1500  	insensitiviseMap(cfg)
  1501  	mergeMaps(cfg, v.config, nil)
  1502  	return nil
  1503  }
  1505  // WriteConfig writes the current configuration to a file.
  1506  func WriteConfig() error { return v.WriteConfig() }
  1508  func (v *Viper) WriteConfig() error {
  1509  	filename, err := v.getConfigFile()
  1510  	if err != nil {
  1511  		return err
  1512  	}
  1513  	return v.writeConfig(filename, true)
  1514  }
  1516  // SafeWriteConfig writes current configuration to file only if the file does not exist.
  1517  func SafeWriteConfig() error { return v.SafeWriteConfig() }
  1519  func (v *Viper) SafeWriteConfig() error {
  1520  	if len(v.configPaths) < 1 {
  1521  		return errors.New("missing configuration for 'configPath'")
  1522  	}
  1523  	return v.SafeWriteConfigAs(filepath.Join(v.configPaths[0], v.configName+"."+v.configType))
  1524  }
  1526  // WriteConfigAs writes current configuration to a given filename.
  1527  func WriteConfigAs(filename string) error { return v.WriteConfigAs(filename) }
  1529  func (v *Viper) WriteConfigAs(filename string) error {
  1530  	return v.writeConfig(filename, true)
  1531  }
  1533  // SafeWriteConfigAs writes current configuration to a given filename if it does not exist.
  1534  func SafeWriteConfigAs(filename string) error { return v.SafeWriteConfigAs(filename) }
  1536  func (v *Viper) SafeWriteConfigAs(filename string) error {
  1537  	alreadyExists, err := afero.Exists(v.fs, filename)
  1538  	if alreadyExists && err == nil {
  1539  		return ConfigFileAlreadyExistsError(filename)
  1540  	}
  1541  	return v.writeConfig(filename, false)
  1542  }
  1544  func (v *Viper) writeConfig(filename string, force bool) error {
  1545  	jww.INFO.Println("Attempting to write configuration to file.")
  1546  	var configType string
  1548  	ext := filepath.Ext(filename)
  1549  	if ext != "" {
  1550  		configType = ext[1:]
  1551  	} else {
  1552  		configType = v.configType
  1553  	}
  1554  	if configType == "" {
  1555  		return fmt.Errorf("config type could not be determined for %s", filename)
  1556  	}
  1558  	if !stringInSlice(configType, SupportedExts) {
  1559  		return UnsupportedConfigError(configType)
  1560  	}
  1561  	if v.config == nil {
  1562  		v.config = make(map[string]interface{})
  1563  	}
  1564  	flags := os.O_CREATE | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_WRONLY
  1565  	if !force {
  1566  		flags |= os.O_EXCL
  1567  	}
  1568  	f, err := v.fs.OpenFile(filename, flags, v.configPermissions)
  1569  	if err != nil {
  1570  		return err
  1571  	}
  1572  	defer f.Close()
  1574  	if err := v.marshalWriter(f, configType); err != nil {
  1575  		return err
  1576  	}
  1578  	return f.Sync()
  1579  }
  1581  // Unmarshal a Reader into a map.
  1582  // Should probably be an unexported function.
  1583  func unmarshalReader(in io.Reader, c map[string]interface{}) error {
  1584  	return v.unmarshalReader(in, c)
  1585  }
  1587  func (v *Viper) unmarshalReader(in io.Reader, c map[string]interface{}) error {
  1588  	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
  1589  	buf.ReadFrom(in)
  1591  	switch strings.ToLower(v.getConfigType()) {
  1592  	case "yaml", "yml":
  1593  		if err := yaml.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &c); err != nil {
  1594  			return ConfigParseError{err}
  1595  		}
  1597  	case "json":
  1598  		if err := json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &c); err != nil {
  1599  			return ConfigParseError{err}
  1600  		}
  1602  	case "hcl":
  1603  		obj, err := hcl.Parse(buf.String())
  1604  		if err != nil {
  1605  			return ConfigParseError{err}
  1606  		}
  1607  		if err = hcl.DecodeObject(&c, obj); err != nil {
  1608  			return ConfigParseError{err}
  1609  		}
  1611  	case "toml":
  1612  		tree, err := toml.LoadReader(buf)
  1613  		if err != nil {
  1614  			return ConfigParseError{err}
  1615  		}
  1616  		tmap := tree.ToMap()
  1617  		for k, v := range tmap {
  1618  			c[k] = v
  1619  		}
  1621  	case "dotenv", "env":
  1622  		env, err := gotenv.StrictParse(buf)
  1623  		if err != nil {
  1624  			return ConfigParseError{err}
  1625  		}
  1626  		for k, v := range env {
  1627  			c[k] = v
  1628  		}
  1630  	case "properties", "props", "prop":
  1631 = properties.NewProperties()
  1632  		var err error
  1633  		if, err = properties.Load(buf.Bytes(), properties.UTF8); err != nil {
  1634  			return ConfigParseError{err}
  1635  		}
  1636  		for _, key := range {
  1637  			value, _ :=
  1638  			// recursively build nested maps
  1639  			path := strings.Split(key, ".")
  1640  			lastKey := strings.ToLower(path[len(path)-1])
  1641  			deepestMap := deepSearch(c, path[0:len(path)-1])
  1642  			// set innermost value
  1643  			deepestMap[lastKey] = value
  1644  		}
  1646  	case "ini":
  1647  		cfg := ini.Empty()
  1648  		err := cfg.Append(buf.Bytes())
  1649  		if err != nil {
  1650  			return ConfigParseError{err}
  1651  		}
  1652  		sections := cfg.Sections()
  1653  		for i := 0; i < len(sections); i++ {
  1654  			section := sections[i]
  1655  			keys := section.Keys()
  1656  			for j := 0; j < len(keys); j++ {
  1657  				key := keys[j]
  1658  				value := cfg.Section(section.Name()).Key(key.Name()).String()
  1659  				c[section.Name()+"."+key.Name()] = value
  1660  			}
  1661  		}
  1662  	}
  1664  	insensitiviseMap(c)
  1665  	return nil
  1666  }
  1668  // Marshal a map into Writer.
  1669  func (v *Viper) marshalWriter(f afero.File, configType string) error {
  1670  	c := v.AllSettings()
  1671  	switch configType {
  1672  	case "json":
  1673  		b, err := json.MarshalIndent(c, "", "  ")
  1674  		if err != nil {
  1675  			return ConfigMarshalError{err}
  1676  		}
  1677  		_, err = f.WriteString(string(b))
  1678  		if err != nil {
  1679  			return ConfigMarshalError{err}
  1680  		}
  1682  	case "hcl":
  1683  		b, err := json.Marshal(c)
  1684  		if err != nil {
  1685  			return ConfigMarshalError{err}
  1686  		}
  1687  		ast, err := hcl.Parse(string(b))
  1688  		if err != nil {
  1689  			return ConfigMarshalError{err}
  1690  		}
  1691  		err = printer.Fprint(f, ast.Node)
  1692  		if err != nil {
  1693  			return ConfigMarshalError{err}
  1694  		}
  1696  	case "prop", "props", "properties":
  1697  		if == nil {
  1698 = properties.NewProperties()
  1699  		}
  1700  		p :=
  1701  		for _, key := range v.AllKeys() {
  1702  			_, _, err := p.Set(key, v.GetString(key))
  1703  			if err != nil {
  1704  				return ConfigMarshalError{err}
  1705  			}
  1706  		}
  1707  		_, err := p.WriteComment(f, "#", properties.UTF8)
  1708  		if err != nil {
  1709  			return ConfigMarshalError{err}
  1710  		}
  1712  	case "dotenv", "env":
  1713  		lines := []string{}
  1714  		for _, key := range v.AllKeys() {
  1715  			envName := strings.ToUpper(strings.Replace(key, ".", "_", -1))
  1716  			val := v.Get(key)
  1717  			lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v", envName, val))
  1718  		}
  1719  		s := strings.Join(lines, "\n")
  1720  		if _, err := f.WriteString(s); err != nil {
  1721  			return ConfigMarshalError{err}
  1722  		}
  1724  	case "toml":
  1725  		t, err := toml.TreeFromMap(c)
  1726  		if err != nil {
  1727  			return ConfigMarshalError{err}
  1728  		}
  1729  		s := t.String()
  1730  		if _, err := f.WriteString(s); err != nil {
  1731  			return ConfigMarshalError{err}
  1732  		}
  1734  	case "yaml", "yml":
  1735  		b, err := yaml.Marshal(c)
  1736  		if err != nil {
  1737  			return ConfigMarshalError{err}
  1738  		}
  1739  		if _, err = f.WriteString(string(b)); err != nil {
  1740  			return ConfigMarshalError{err}
  1741  		}
  1743  	case "ini":
  1744  		keys := v.AllKeys()
  1745  		cfg := ini.Empty()
  1746  		ini.PrettyFormat = false
  1747  		for i := 0; i < len(keys); i++ {
  1748  			key := keys[i]
  1749  			lastSep := strings.LastIndex(key, ".")
  1750  			sectionName := key[:(lastSep)]
  1751  			keyName := key[(lastSep + 1):]
  1752  			if sectionName == "default" {
  1753  				sectionName = ""
  1754  			}
  1755  			cfg.Section(sectionName).Key(keyName).SetValue(v.Get(key).(string))
  1756  		}
  1757  		cfg.WriteTo(f)
  1758  	}
  1759  	return nil
  1760  }
  1762  func keyExists(k string, m map[string]interface{}) string {
  1763  	lk := strings.ToLower(k)
  1764  	for mk := range m {
  1765  		lmk := strings.ToLower(mk)
  1766  		if lmk == lk {
  1767  			return mk
  1768  		}
  1769  	}
  1770  	return ""
  1771  }
  1773  func castToMapStringInterface(
  1774  	src map[interface{}]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
  1775  	tgt := map[string]interface{}{}
  1776  	for k, v := range src {
  1777  		tgt[fmt.Sprintf("%v", k)] = v
  1778  	}
  1779  	return tgt
  1780  }
  1782  func castMapStringSliceToMapInterface(src map[string][]string) map[string]interface{} {
  1783  	tgt := map[string]interface{}{}
  1784  	for k, v := range src {
  1785  		tgt[k] = v
  1786  	}
  1787  	return tgt
  1788  }
  1790  func castMapStringToMapInterface(src map[string]string) map[string]interface{} {
  1791  	tgt := map[string]interface{}{}
  1792  	for k, v := range src {
  1793  		tgt[k] = v
  1794  	}
  1795  	return tgt
  1796  }
  1798  func castMapFlagToMapInterface(src map[string]FlagValue) map[string]interface{} {
  1799  	tgt := map[string]interface{}{}
  1800  	for k, v := range src {
  1801  		tgt[k] = v
  1802  	}
  1803  	return tgt
  1804  }
  1806  // mergeMaps merges two maps. The `itgt` parameter is for handling go-yaml's
  1807  // insistence on parsing nested structures as `map[interface{}]interface{}`
  1808  // instead of using a `string` as the key for nest structures beyond one level
  1809  // deep. Both map types are supported as there is a go-yaml fork that uses
  1810  // `map[string]interface{}` instead.
  1811  func mergeMaps(
  1812  	src, tgt map[string]interface{}, itgt map[interface{}]interface{}) {
  1813  	for sk, sv := range src {
  1814  		tk := keyExists(sk, tgt)
  1815  		if tk == "" {
  1816  			jww.TRACE.Printf("tk=\"\", tgt[%s]=%v", sk, sv)
  1817  			tgt[sk] = sv
  1818  			if itgt != nil {
  1819  				itgt[sk] = sv
  1820  			}
  1821  			continue
  1822  		}
  1824  		tv, ok := tgt[tk]
  1825  		if !ok {
  1826  			jww.TRACE.Printf("tgt[%s] != ok, tgt[%s]=%v", tk, sk, sv)
  1827  			tgt[sk] = sv
  1828  			if itgt != nil {
  1829  				itgt[sk] = sv
  1830  			}
  1831  			continue
  1832  		}
  1834  		svType := reflect.TypeOf(sv)
  1835  		tvType := reflect.TypeOf(tv)
  1836  		if svType != tvType {
  1837  			jww.ERROR.Printf(
  1838  				"svType != tvType; key=%s, st=%v, tt=%v, sv=%v, tv=%v",
  1839  				sk, svType, tvType, sv, tv)
  1840  			continue
  1841  		}
  1843  		jww.TRACE.Printf("processing key=%s, st=%v, tt=%v, sv=%v, tv=%v",
  1844  			sk, svType, tvType, sv, tv)
  1846  		switch ttv := tv.(type) {
  1847  		case map[interface{}]interface{}:
  1848  			jww.TRACE.Printf("merging maps (must convert)")
  1849  			tsv := sv.(map[interface{}]interface{})
  1850  			ssv := castToMapStringInterface(tsv)
  1851  			stv := castToMapStringInterface(ttv)
  1852  			mergeMaps(ssv, stv, ttv)
  1853  		case map[string]interface{}:
  1854  			jww.TRACE.Printf("merging maps")
  1855  			mergeMaps(sv.(map[string]interface{}), ttv, nil)
  1856  		default:
  1857  			jww.TRACE.Printf("setting value")
  1858  			tgt[tk] = sv
  1859  			if itgt != nil {
  1860  				itgt[tk] = sv
  1861  			}
  1862  		}
  1863  	}
  1864  }
  1866  // ReadRemoteConfig attempts to get configuration from a remote source
  1867  // and read it in the remote configuration registry.
  1868  func ReadRemoteConfig() error { return v.ReadRemoteConfig() }
  1870  func (v *Viper) ReadRemoteConfig() error {
  1871  	return v.getKeyValueConfig()
  1872  }
  1874  func WatchRemoteConfig() error { return v.WatchRemoteConfig() }
  1875  func (v *Viper) WatchRemoteConfig() error {
  1876  	return v.watchKeyValueConfig()
  1877  }
  1879  func (v *Viper) WatchRemoteConfigOnChannel() error {
  1880  	return v.watchKeyValueConfigOnChannel()
  1881  }
  1883  // Retrieve the first found remote configuration.
  1884  func (v *Viper) getKeyValueConfig() error {
  1885  	if RemoteConfig == nil {
  1886  		return RemoteConfigError("Enable the remote features by doing a blank import of the viper/remote package: '_'")
  1887  	}
  1889  	for _, rp := range v.remoteProviders {
  1890  		val, err := v.getRemoteConfig(rp)
  1891  		if err != nil {
  1892  			jww.ERROR.Printf("get remote config: %s", err)
  1894  			continue
  1895  		}
  1897  		v.kvstore = val
  1899  		return nil
  1900  	}
  1901  	return RemoteConfigError("No Files Found")
  1902  }
  1904  func (v *Viper) getRemoteConfig(provider RemoteProvider) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
  1905  	reader, err := RemoteConfig.Get(provider)
  1906  	if err != nil {
  1907  		return nil, err
  1908  	}
  1909  	err = v.unmarshalReader(reader, v.kvstore)
  1910  	return v.kvstore, err
  1911  }
  1913  // Retrieve the first found remote configuration.
  1914  func (v *Viper) watchKeyValueConfigOnChannel() error {
  1915  	for _, rp := range v.remoteProviders {
  1916  		respc, _ := RemoteConfig.WatchChannel(rp)
  1917  		// Todo: Add quit channel
  1918  		go func(rc <-chan *RemoteResponse) {
  1919  			for {
  1920  				b := <-rc
  1921  				reader := bytes.NewReader(b.Value)
  1922  				v.unmarshalReader(reader, v.kvstore)
  1923  			}
  1924  		}(respc)
  1925  		return nil
  1926  	}
  1927  	return RemoteConfigError("No Files Found")
  1928  }
  1930  // Retrieve the first found remote configuration.
  1931  func (v *Viper) watchKeyValueConfig() error {
  1932  	for _, rp := range v.remoteProviders {
  1933  		val, err := v.watchRemoteConfig(rp)
  1934  		if err != nil {
  1935  			continue
  1936  		}
  1937  		v.kvstore = val
  1938  		return nil
  1939  	}
  1940  	return RemoteConfigError("No Files Found")
  1941  }
  1943  func (v *Viper) watchRemoteConfig(provider RemoteProvider) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
  1944  	reader, err := RemoteConfig.Watch(provider)
  1945  	if err != nil {
  1946  		return nil, err
  1947  	}
  1948  	err = v.unmarshalReader(reader, v.kvstore)
  1949  	return v.kvstore, err
  1950  }
  1952  // AllKeys returns all keys holding a value, regardless of where they are set.
  1953  // Nested keys are returned with a v.keyDelim separator
  1954  func AllKeys() []string { return v.AllKeys() }
  1956  func (v *Viper) AllKeys() []string {
  1957  	m := map[string]bool{}
  1958  	// add all paths, by order of descending priority to ensure correct shadowing
  1959  	m = v.flattenAndMergeMap(m, castMapStringToMapInterface(v.aliases), "")
  1960  	m = v.flattenAndMergeMap(m, v.override, "")
  1961  	m = v.mergeFlatMap(m, castMapFlagToMapInterface(v.pflags))
  1962  	m = v.mergeFlatMap(m, castMapStringSliceToMapInterface(v.env))
  1963  	m = v.flattenAndMergeMap(m, v.config, "")
  1964  	m = v.flattenAndMergeMap(m, v.kvstore, "")
  1965  	m = v.flattenAndMergeMap(m, v.defaults, "")
  1967  	// convert set of paths to list
  1968  	a := make([]string, 0, len(m))
  1969  	for x := range m {
  1970  		a = append(a, x)
  1971  	}
  1972  	return a
  1973  }
  1975  // flattenAndMergeMap recursively flattens the given map into a map[string]bool
  1976  // of key paths (used as a set, easier to manipulate than a []string):
  1977  // - each path is merged into a single key string, delimited with v.keyDelim
  1978  // - if a path is shadowed by an earlier value in the initial shadow map,
  1979  //   it is skipped.
  1980  // The resulting set of paths is merged to the given shadow set at the same time.
  1981  func (v *Viper) flattenAndMergeMap(shadow map[string]bool, m map[string]interface{}, prefix string) map[string]bool {
  1982  	if shadow != nil && prefix != "" && shadow[prefix] {
  1983  		// prefix is shadowed => nothing more to flatten
  1984  		return shadow
  1985  	}
  1986  	if shadow == nil {
  1987  		shadow = make(map[string]bool)
  1988  	}
  1990  	var m2 map[string]interface{}
  1991  	if prefix != "" {
  1992  		prefix += v.keyDelim
  1993  	}
  1994  	for k, val := range m {
  1995  		fullKey := prefix + k
  1996  		switch val.(type) {
  1997  		case map[string]interface{}:
  1998  			m2 = val.(map[string]interface{})
  1999  		case map[interface{}]interface{}:
  2000  			m2 = cast.ToStringMap(val)
  2001  		default:
  2002  			// immediate value
  2003  			shadow[strings.ToLower(fullKey)] = true
  2004  			continue
  2005  		}
  2006  		// recursively merge to shadow map
  2007  		shadow = v.flattenAndMergeMap(shadow, m2, fullKey)
  2008  	}
  2009  	return shadow
  2010  }
  2012  // mergeFlatMap merges the given maps, excluding values of the second map
  2013  // shadowed by values from the first map.
  2014  func (v *Viper) mergeFlatMap(shadow map[string]bool, m map[string]interface{}) map[string]bool {
  2015  	// scan keys
  2016  outer:
  2017  	for k := range m {
  2018  		path := strings.Split(k, v.keyDelim)
  2019  		// scan intermediate paths
  2020  		var parentKey string
  2021  		for i := 1; i < len(path); i++ {
  2022  			parentKey = strings.Join(path[0:i], v.keyDelim)
  2023  			if shadow[parentKey] {
  2024  				// path is shadowed, continue
  2025  				continue outer
  2026  			}
  2027  		}
  2028  		// add key
  2029  		shadow[strings.ToLower(k)] = true
  2030  	}
  2031  	return shadow
  2032  }
  2034  // AllSettings merges all settings and returns them as a map[string]interface{}.
  2035  func AllSettings() map[string]interface{} { return v.AllSettings() }
  2037  func (v *Viper) AllSettings() map[string]interface{} {
  2038  	m := map[string]interface{}{}
  2039  	// start from the list of keys, and construct the map one value at a time
  2040  	for _, k := range v.AllKeys() {
  2041  		value := v.Get(k)
  2042  		if value == nil {
  2043  			// should not happen, since AllKeys() returns only keys holding a value,
  2044  			// check just in case anything changes
  2045  			continue
  2046  		}
  2047  		path := strings.Split(k, v.keyDelim)
  2048  		lastKey := strings.ToLower(path[len(path)-1])
  2049  		deepestMap := deepSearch(m, path[0:len(path)-1])
  2050  		// set innermost value
  2051  		deepestMap[lastKey] = value
  2052  	}
  2053  	return m
  2054  }
  2056  // SetFs sets the filesystem to use to read configuration.
  2057  func SetFs(fs afero.Fs) { v.SetFs(fs) }
  2059  func (v *Viper) SetFs(fs afero.Fs) {
  2060  	v.fs = fs
  2061  }
  2063  // SetConfigName sets name for the config file.
  2064  // Does not include extension.
  2065  func SetConfigName(in string) { v.SetConfigName(in) }
  2067  func (v *Viper) SetConfigName(in string) {
  2068  	if in != "" {
  2069  		v.configName = in
  2070  		v.configFile = ""
  2071  	}
  2072  }
  2074  // SetConfigType sets the type of the configuration returned by the
  2075  // remote source, e.g. "json".
  2076  func SetConfigType(in string) { v.SetConfigType(in) }
  2078  func (v *Viper) SetConfigType(in string) {
  2079  	if in != "" {
  2080  		v.configType = in
  2081  	}
  2082  }
  2084  // SetConfigPermissions sets the permissions for the config file.
  2085  func SetConfigPermissions(perm os.FileMode) { v.SetConfigPermissions(perm) }
  2087  func (v *Viper) SetConfigPermissions(perm os.FileMode) {
  2088  	v.configPermissions = perm.Perm()
  2089  }
  2091  func (v *Viper) getConfigType() string {
  2092  	if v.configType != "" {
  2093  		return v.configType
  2094  	}
  2096  	cf, err := v.getConfigFile()
  2097  	if err != nil {
  2098  		return ""
  2099  	}
  2101  	ext := filepath.Ext(cf)
  2103  	if len(ext) > 1 {
  2104  		return ext[1:]
  2105  	}
  2107  	return ""
  2108  }
  2110  func (v *Viper) getConfigFile() (string, error) {
  2111  	if v.configFile == "" {
  2112  		cf, err := v.findConfigFile()
  2113  		if err != nil {
  2114  			return "", err
  2115  		}
  2116  		v.configFile = cf
  2117  	}
  2118  	return v.configFile, nil
  2119  }
  2121  func (v *Viper) searchInPath(in string) (filename string) {
  2122  	jww.DEBUG.Println("Searching for config in ", in)
  2123  	for _, ext := range SupportedExts {
  2124  		jww.DEBUG.Println("Checking for", filepath.Join(in, v.configName+"."+ext))
  2125  		if b, _ := exists(v.fs, filepath.Join(in, v.configName+"."+ext)); b {
  2126  			jww.DEBUG.Println("Found: ", filepath.Join(in, v.configName+"."+ext))
  2127  			return filepath.Join(in, v.configName+"."+ext)
  2128  		}
  2129  	}
  2131  	if v.configType != "" {
  2132  		if b, _ := exists(v.fs, filepath.Join(in, v.configName)); b {
  2133  			return filepath.Join(in, v.configName)
  2134  		}
  2135  	}
  2137  	return ""
  2138  }
  2140  // Search all configPaths for any config file.
  2141  // Returns the first path that exists (and is a config file).
  2142  func (v *Viper) findConfigFile() (string, error) {
  2143  	jww.INFO.Println("Searching for config in ", v.configPaths)
  2145  	for _, cp := range v.configPaths {
  2146  		file := v.searchInPath(cp)
  2147  		if file != "" {
  2148  			return file, nil
  2149  		}
  2150  	}
  2151  	return "", ConfigFileNotFoundError{v.configName, fmt.Sprintf("%s", v.configPaths)}
  2152  }
  2154  // Debug prints all configuration registries for debugging
  2155  // purposes.
  2156  func Debug() { v.Debug() }
  2158  func (v *Viper) Debug() {
  2159  	fmt.Printf("Aliases:\n%#v\n", v.aliases)
  2160  	fmt.Printf("Override:\n%#v\n", v.override)
  2161  	fmt.Printf("PFlags:\n%#v\n", v.pflags)
  2162  	fmt.Printf("Env:\n%#v\n", v.env)
  2163  	fmt.Printf("Key/Value Store:\n%#v\n", v.kvstore)
  2164  	fmt.Printf("Config:\n%#v\n", v.config)
  2165  	fmt.Printf("Defaults:\n%#v\n", v.defaults)
  2166  }