
     1  package main
     3  import (
     4  	"os"
     5  	"os/exec"
     6  	"path/filepath"
     7  	"reflect"
     8  	"runtime"
     9  	"strings"
    10  	"sync"
    11  	"testing"
    13  	""
    14  )
    16  func TestDoCreate(t *testing.T) {
    17  	defer func(orig func(cmd *exec.Cmd) error) {
    18  		cmdutil.CommandRunner = orig
    19  	}(cmdutil.CommandRunner)
    20  	var lastCmd *exec.Cmd
    21  	cmdutil.CommandRunner = func(cmd *exec.Cmd) error {
    22  		lastCmd = cmd
    23  		return nil
    24  	}
    25  	defer func(orig string) { _home = orig }(_home)
    26  	_home = ""
    27  	homeOnce = &sync.Once{}
    28  	tmpd := newTempDir(t)
    29  	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpd)
    30  	defer func(orig []string) { _localRepositoryRoots = orig }(_localRepositoryRoots)
    31  	defer tmpEnv(envGhqRoot, tmpd)()
    32  	_localRepositoryRoots = nil
    33  	localRepoOnce = &sync.Once{}
    35  	testCases := []struct {
    36  		name      string
    37  		input     []string
    38  		want      []string
    39  		wantDir   string
    40  		errStr    string
    41  		setup     func() func()
    42  		skipOnWin bool
    43  	}{{
    44  		name:    "simple",
    45  		input:   []string{"create", "motemen/ghqq"},
    46  		want:    []string{"git", "init"},
    47  		wantDir: filepath.Join(tmpd, ""),
    48  	}, {
    49  		name:  "empty directory exists",
    50  		input: []string{"create", "motemen/ghqqq"},
    51  		want:  []string{"git", "init"},
    52  		setup: func() func() {
    53  			os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(tmpd, ""), 0755)
    54  			return func() {}
    55  		},
    56  		wantDir: filepath.Join(tmpd, ""),
    57  	}, {
    58  		name:    "Mercurial",
    59  		input:   []string{"create", "--vcs=hg", "motemen/ghq-hg"},
    60  		want:    []string{"hg", "init"},
    61  		wantDir: filepath.Join(tmpd, ""),
    62  	}, {
    63  		name:    "Darcs",
    64  		input:   []string{"create", "--vcs=darcs", "motemen/ghq-darcs"},
    65  		want:    []string{"darcs", "init"},
    66  		wantDir: filepath.Join(tmpd, ""),
    67  	}, {
    68  		name:    "Bazzar",
    69  		input:   []string{"create", "--vcs=bzr", "motemen/ghq-bzr"},
    70  		want:    []string{"bzr", "init"},
    71  		wantDir: filepath.Join(tmpd, ""),
    72  	}, {
    73  		name:    "Fossil",
    74  		input:   []string{"create", "--vcs=fossil", "motemen/ghq-fossil"},
    75  		want:    []string{"fossil", "open", fossilRepoName},
    76  		wantDir: filepath.Join(tmpd, ""),
    77  	}, {
    78  		name:   "unsupported VCS",
    79  		input:  []string{"create", "--vcs=svn", "motemen/ghq-svn"},
    80  		errStr: "unsupported VCS",
    81  	}, {
    82  		name:  "not permitted",
    83  		input: []string{"create", "motemen/ghq-notpermitted"},
    84  		setup: func() func() {
    85  			f := filepath.Join(tmpd, "")
    86  			os.MkdirAll(f, 0)
    87  			return func() {
    88  				os.Chmod(f, 0755)
    89  			}
    90  		},
    91  		errStr:    "permission denied",
    92  		skipOnWin: true,
    93  	}, {
    94  		name:  "not empty",
    95  		input: []string{"create", "motemen/ghq-notempty"},
    96  		setup: func() func() {
    97  			f := filepath.Join(tmpd, "", "dummy")
    98  			os.MkdirAll(f, 0755)
    99  			return func() {}
   100  		},
   101  		errStr: "already exists and not empty",
   102  	}}
   104  	for _, tc := range testCases {
   105  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   106  			if tc.skipOnWin && runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   107  				t.SkipNow()
   108  			}
   109  			lastCmd = nil
   110  			if tc.setup != nil {
   111  				teardown := tc.setup()
   112  				defer teardown()
   113  			}
   115  			var err error
   116  			out, _, _ := capture(func() {
   117  				err = newApp().Run(append([]string{""}, tc.input...))
   118  			})
   119  			out = strings.TrimSpace(out)
   121  			if tc.errStr == "" {
   122  				if err != nil {
   123  					t.Errorf("error should be nil, but: %s", err)
   124  				}
   125  			} else {
   126  				if e, g := tc.errStr, err.Error(); !strings.Contains(g, e) {
   127  					t.Errorf("err.Error() should contains %q, but not: %q", e, g)
   128  				}
   129  			}
   131  			if len(tc.want) > 0 {
   132  				if !reflect.DeepEqual(lastCmd.Args, tc.want) {
   133  					t.Errorf("cmd.Args = %v, want: %v", lastCmd.Args, tc.want)
   134  				}
   136  				if lastCmd.Dir != tc.wantDir {
   137  					t.Errorf("cmd.Dir = %q, want: %q", lastCmd.Dir, tc.wantDir)
   138  				}
   139  			}
   141  			if tc.errStr == "" {
   142  				if out != tc.wantDir {
   143  					t.Errorf("cmd.Dir = %q, want: %q", out, tc.wantDir)
   144  				}
   145  			} else {
   146  				if out != "" {
   147  					t.Errorf("output should be empty but: %s", out)
   148  				}
   149  			}
   150  		})
   151  	}
   152  }