
     1  // Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  syntax = "proto3";
    17  option java_multiple_files = true;
    18  option java_package = "";
    19  option java_outer_classname = "TrillianProto";
    20  option go_package = "";
    22  package trillian;
    24  import "crypto/keyspb/keyspb.proto";
    25  import "crypto/sigpb/sigpb.proto";
    26  import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
    27  import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
    28  import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
    31  // LogRootFormat specifies the fields that are covered by the
    32  // SignedLogRoot signature, as well as their ordering and formats.
    33  enum LogRootFormat {
    35     LOG_ROOT_FORMAT_V1 = 1;
    36  }
    38  // MapRootFormat specifies the fields that are covered by the
    39  // SignedMapRoot signature, as well as their ordering and formats.
    40  enum MapRootFormat {
    42     MAP_ROOT_FORMAT_V1 = 1;
    43  }
    46  // What goes in here?
    47  // Things which are exposed through the public trillian APIs.
    49  // Defines the way empty / node / leaf hashes are constructed incorporating
    50  // preimage protection, which can be application specific.
    51  enum HashStrategy {
    52    // Hash strategy cannot be determined. Included to enable detection of
    53    // mismatched proto versions being used. Represents an invalid value.
    56    // Certificate Transparency strategy: leaf hash prefix = 0x00, node prefix =
    57    // 0x01, empty hash is digest([]byte{}), as defined in the specification.
    58    RFC6962_SHA256 = 1;
    60    // Sparse Merkle Tree strategy:  leaf hash prefix = 0x00, node prefix = 0x01,
    61    // empty branch is recursively computed from empty leaf nodes.
    62    // NOT secure in a multi tree environment. For testing only.
    63    TEST_MAP_HASHER = 2;
    65    // Append-only log strategy where leaf nodes are defined as the ObjectHash.
    66    // All other properties are equal to RFC6962_SHA256.
    67    OBJECT_RFC6962_SHA256 = 3;
    69    // The CONIKS sparse tree hasher with SHA512_256 as the hash algorithm.
    70    CONIKS_SHA512_256 = 4;
    71  }
    73  // State of the tree.
    74  enum TreeState {
    75    // Tree state cannot be determined. Included to enable detection of
    76    // mismatched proto versions being used. Represents an invalid value.
    77    UNKNOWN_TREE_STATE = 0;
    79    // Active trees are able to respond to both read and write requests.
    80    ACTIVE = 1;
    82    // Frozen trees are only able to respond to read requests, writing to a frozen
    83    // tree is forbidden. Trees should not be frozen when there are entries
    84    // in the queue that have not yet been integrated. See the DRAINING
    85    // state for this case.
    86    FROZEN = 2;
    88    // Deprecated: now tracked in Tree.deleted.
    89    DEPRECATED_SOFT_DELETED = 3 [deprecated = true];
    91    // Deprecated: now tracked in Tree.deleted.
    92    DEPRECATED_HARD_DELETED = 4 [deprecated = true];
    94    // A tree that is draining will continue to integrate queued entries.
    95    // No new entries should be accepted.
    96    DRAINING = 5;
    97  }
    99  // Type of the tree.
   100  enum TreeType {
   101    // Tree type cannot be determined. Included to enable detection of mismatched
   102    // proto versions being used. Represents an invalid value.
   103    UNKNOWN_TREE_TYPE = 0;
   105    // Tree represents a verifiable log.
   106    LOG = 1;
   108    // Tree represents a verifiable map.
   109    MAP = 2;
   111    // Tree represents a verifiable pre-ordered log, i.e., a log whose entries are
   112    // placed according to sequence numbers assigned outside of Trillian.
   113    PREORDERED_LOG = 3;
   114  }
   116  // Represents a tree, which may be either a verifiable log or map.
   117  // Readonly attributes are assigned at tree creation, after which they may not
   118  // be modified.
   119  //
   120  // Note: Many APIs within the rest of the code require these objects to
   121  // be provided. For safety they should be obtained via Admin API calls and
   122  // not created dynamically.
   123  message Tree {
   124    // ID of the tree.
   125    // Readonly.
   126    int64 tree_id = 1;
   128    // State of the tree.
   129    // Trees are ACTIVE after creation. At any point the tree may transition
   130    // between ACTIVE, DRAINING and FROZEN states.
   131    TreeState tree_state = 2;
   133    // Type of the tree.
   134    // Readonly after Tree creation. Exception: Can be switched from
   135    // PREORDERED_LOG to LOG if the Tree is and remains in the FROZEN state.
   136    TreeType tree_type = 3;
   138    // Hash strategy to be used by the tree.
   139    // Readonly.
   140    HashStrategy hash_strategy = 4;
   142    // Hash algorithm to be used by the tree.
   143    // Readonly.
   144    sigpb.DigitallySigned.HashAlgorithm hash_algorithm = 5;
   146    // Signature algorithm to be used by the tree.
   147    // Readonly.
   148    sigpb.DigitallySigned.SignatureAlgorithm signature_algorithm = 6;
   150    reserved 18; // Signature cipher suite (removed)
   151    reserved 7;  // DuplicatePolicy (removed)
   153    // Display name of the tree.
   154    // Optional.
   155    string display_name = 8;
   157    // Description of the tree,
   158    // Optional.
   159    string description = 9;
   161    reserved 10;  // create_time_millis_since_epoch (removed)
   162    reserved 11;  // update_time_millis_since_epoch (removed)
   164    // Identifies the private key used for signing tree heads and entry
   165    // timestamps.
   166    // This can be any type of message to accommodate different key management
   167    // systems, e.g. PEM files, HSMs, etc.
   168    // Private keys are write-only: they're never returned by RPCs.
   169    // The private_key message can be changed after a tree is created, but the
   170    // underlying key must remain the same - this is to enable migrating a key
   171    // from one provider to another.
   172    google.protobuf.Any private_key = 12;
   174    // Storage-specific settings.
   175    // Varies according to the storage implementation backing Trillian.
   176    google.protobuf.Any storage_settings = 13;
   178    // The public key used for verifying tree heads and entry timestamps.
   179    // Readonly.
   180    keyspb.PublicKey public_key = 14;
   182    // Interval after which a new signed root is produced even if there have been
   183    // no submission.  If zero, this behavior is disabled.
   184    google.protobuf.Duration max_root_duration = 15;
   186    // Time of tree creation.
   187    // Readonly.
   188    google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 16;
   190    // Time of last tree update.
   191    // Readonly (automatically assigned on updates).
   192    google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 17;
   194    // If true, the tree has been deleted.
   195    // Deleted trees may be undeleted during a certain time window, after which
   196    // they're permanently deleted (and unrecoverable).
   197    // Readonly.
   198    bool deleted = 19;
   200    // Time of tree deletion, if any.
   201    // Readonly.
   202    google.protobuf.Timestamp delete_time = 20;
   203  }
   205  message SignedEntryTimestamp {
   206    int64 timestamp_nanos = 1;
   207    int64 log_id = 2;
   208    sigpb.DigitallySigned signature = 3;
   209  }
   211  // SignedLogRoot represents a commitment by a Log to a particular tree.
   212  message SignedLogRoot {
   213    // Deprecated: TimestampNanos moved to LogRoot.
   214    int64 timestamp_nanos = 1;
   215    // Deprecated: RootHash moved to LogRoot.
   216    bytes root_hash = 2;
   217    // Deprecated: TreeSize moved to LogRoot.
   218    int64 tree_size = 3;
   219    // Deprecated: TreeRevision moved to LogRoot.
   220    int64 tree_revision = 6;
   222    // Deleted: Signature replaced by LogRootSignature.
   223    reserved 4;
   225    // Deleted: LogID is associated with the public key that validates signature.
   226    reserved 5;
   228    // key_hint is a hint to identify the public key for signature verification.
   229    // key_hint is not authenticated and may be incorrect or missing, in which
   230    // case all known public keys may be used to verify the signature.
   231    // When directly communicating with a Trillian gRPC server, the key_hint will
   232    // typically contain the LogID encoded as a big-endian 64-bit integer;
   233    // however, in other contexts the key_hint is likely to have different
   234    // contents (e.g. it could be a GUID, a URL + TreeID, or it could be
   235    // derived from the public key itself).
   236    bytes key_hint = 7;
   238    // log_root holds the TLS-serialization of the following structure (described
   239    // in RFC5246 notation): Clients should validate log_root_signature with
   240    // VerifySignedLogRoot before deserializing log_root.
   241    // enum { v1(1), (65535)} Version;
   242    // struct {
   243    //   uint64 tree_size;
   244    //   opaque root_hash<0..128>;
   245    //   uint64 timestamp_nanos;
   246    //   uint64 revision;
   247    //   opaque metadata<0..65535>;
   248    // } LogRootV1;
   249    // struct {
   250    //   Version version;
   251    //   select(version) {
   252    //     case v1: LogRootV1;
   253    //   }
   254    // } LogRoot;
   255    bytes log_root = 8;
   257    // log_root_signature is the raw signature over log_root.
   258    bytes log_root_signature = 9;
   259  }
   261  // SignedMapRoot represents a commitment by a Map to a particular tree.
   262  message SignedMapRoot {
   263    reserved 1; // Deprecated: Was timestamp_nanos. Use map_root.
   264    reserved 2; // Deprecated: Was root_hash. Use map_root.
   265    reserved 3; // Deprecated: Was MapperMetadata. Use map_root.
   266    reserved 5; // Deprecated: Was map_id. Use signature.
   267    reserved 6; // Deprecated: Was map_revision. Use map_root.
   268    reserved 7; // Deprecated: Was metadata Any. Use map_root.
   269    reserved 8; // Deprecated: Was metadata bytes. Use map_root.
   271    // map_root holds the TLS-serialization of the following structure (described
   272    // in RFC5246 notation): Clients should validate signature with
   273    // VerifySignedMapRoot before deserializing map_root.
   274    // enum { v1(1), (65535)} Version;
   275    // struct {
   276    //   opaque root_hash<0..128>;
   277    //   uint64 timestamp_nanos;
   278    //   uint64 revision;
   279    //   opaque metadata<0..65535>;
   280    // } MapRootV1;
   281    // struct {
   282    //   Version version;
   283    //   select(version) {
   284    //     case v1: MapRootV1;
   285    //   }
   286    // } MapRoot;
   287    bytes map_root = 9;
   288    // Signature is the raw signature over MapRoot.
   289    bytes signature = 4;
   290  }