
     1  // Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  syntax = "proto3";
    17  package trillian;
    19  option go_package = "";
    20  option java_multiple_files = true;
    21  option java_outer_classname = "TrillianLogApiProto";
    22  option java_package = "";
    24  import "google/api/annotations.proto";
    25  import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
    26  import "google/rpc/status.proto";
    27  import "trillian.proto";
    29  // Provides access to a Verifiable Log data structure as defined in the
    30  // [Verifiable Data Structures](docs/VerifiableDataStructures.pdf) paper.
    31  //
    32  // The API supports adding new entries to be integrated into the log's tree. It
    33  // does not provide arbitrary tree modifications. Additionally, it has read
    34  // operations such as obtaining tree leaves, inclusion/consistency proofs etc.
    35  service TrillianLog {
    36      // Adds a single leaf to the queue.
    37      rpc QueueLeaf (QueueLeafRequest) returns (QueueLeafResponse) {
    38        option (google.api.http) = {
    39          post: "/v1beta1/logs/{log_id}/leaves"
    40          body: "*"
    41        };
    42      }
    44      // Adds a single leaf with an assigned sequence number.
    45      // Warning: This RPC is under development, don't use it.
    46      rpc AddSequencedLeaf (AddSequencedLeafRequest) returns (AddSequencedLeafResponse) {
    47        option (google.api.http) = {
    48          post: "/v1beta1/logs/{log_id}/leaves:sequenced"
    49          body: "*"
    50        };
    51      }
    53      //
    54      // No direct equivalent at the storage level.
    55      //
    57      // Returns inclusion proof for a leaf with a given index in a given tree.
    58      rpc GetInclusionProof (GetInclusionProofRequest) returns (GetInclusionProofResponse) {
    59        option (google.api.http) = {
    60          get: "/v1beta1/logs/{log_id}/leaves/{leaf_index}:inclusion_proof"
    61        };
    62      }
    63      // Returns inclusion proof for a leaf with a given identity hash in a given
    64      // tree.
    65      rpc GetInclusionProofByHash (GetInclusionProofByHashRequest) returns (GetInclusionProofByHashResponse) {
    66         option (google.api.http) = {
    67          get: "/v1beta1/logs/{log_id}/leaves:inclusion_by_hash"
    68         };
    69      }
    70      // Returns consistency proof between two versions of a given tree.
    71      rpc GetConsistencyProof (GetConsistencyProofRequest) returns (GetConsistencyProofResponse) {
    72        option (google.api.http) = {
    73          get: "/v1beta1/logs/{log_id}:consistency_proof"
    74        };
    75      }
    77      // Returns the latest signed log root for a given tree. Corresponds to the
    78      // ReadOnlyLogTreeTX.LatestSignedLogRoot storage interface.
    79      rpc GetLatestSignedLogRoot (GetLatestSignedLogRootRequest) returns (GetLatestSignedLogRootResponse) {
    80        option (google.api.http) = {
    81          get: "/v1beta1/logs/{log_id}/roots:latest"
    82        };
    83      }
    85      // Returns the total number of leaves that have been integrated into the
    86      // given tree. Corresponds to the ReadOnlyLogTreeTX.GetSequencedLeafCount
    87      // storage interface.
    89      rpc GetSequencedLeafCount (GetSequencedLeafCountRequest) returns (GetSequencedLeafCountResponse) {
    90        option (google.api.http) = {
    91          get: "/v1beta1/logs/{log_id}/leaves:sequenced_count"
    92        };
    93      }
    95      // Returns log entry and the corresponding inclusion proof for a given leaf
    96      // index in a given tree. If the requested tree is unavailable but the leaf is in scope
    97      // for the current tree, return a proof in that tree instead.
    98      rpc GetEntryAndProof (GetEntryAndProofRequest) returns (GetEntryAndProofResponse) {
    99        option (google.api.http) = {
   100          get: "/v1beta1/logs/{log_id}/leaves/{leaf_index}"
   101        };
   102      }
   104      //
   105      // Initialisation APIs.
   106      //
   108      rpc InitLog (InitLogRequest) returns (InitLogResponse) {
   109        option (google.api.http) = {
   110          post: "/v1beta1/logs/{log_id}:init"
   111        };
   112      }
   114      //
   115      // Batch APIs. Correspond to `storage.ReadOnlyLogTreeTX` batch queries.
   116      //
   118      // Adds a batch of leaves to the queue.
   119      rpc QueueLeaves (QueueLeavesRequest) returns (QueueLeavesResponse) {
   120      }
   122      // Stores leaves from the provided batch and associates them with the log
   123      // positions according to the `LeafIndex` field. The indices must be
   124      // contiguous.
   125      //
   126      // Warning: This RPC is under development, don't use it.
   127      rpc AddSequencedLeaves (AddSequencedLeavesRequest) returns (AddSequencedLeavesResponse) {
   128      }
   130      // Returns a batch of leaves located in the provided positions.
   131      rpc GetLeavesByIndex (GetLeavesByIndexRequest) returns (GetLeavesByIndexResponse) {
   132      }
   133      // Returns a batch of leaves in a sequential range.
   134      rpc GetLeavesByRange (GetLeavesByRangeRequest) returns (GetLeavesByRangeResponse) {
   135      }
   136      // Returns a batch of leaves by their `merkle_leaf_hash` values.
   137      rpc GetLeavesByHash (GetLeavesByHashRequest) returns (GetLeavesByHashResponse) {
   138      }
   139  }
   141  // ChargeTo describes the user(s) associated with the request whose quota should
   142  // be checked and charged.
   143  message ChargeTo {
   144    // user is a list of personality-defined strings.
   145    // Trillian will treat them as /User/%{user}/... keys when checking and
   146    // charging quota.
   147    // If one or more of the specified users has insufficient quota, the
   148    // request will be denied.
   149    //
   150    // As an example, a Certificate Transparency frontend might set the following
   151    // user strings when sending a QueueLeaves request to the Trillian log:
   152    //   - The requesting IP address.
   153    //     This would limit the number of requests per IP.
   154    //   - The "intermediate-<hash>" for each of the intermediate certificates in
   155    //     the submitted chain.
   156    //     This would have the effect of limiting the rate of submissions under
   157    //     a given intermediate/root.
   158    repeated string user = 1;
   159  }
   161  message QueueLeafRequest {
   162      int64 log_id = 1;
   163      LogLeaf leaf = 2;
   164      ChargeTo charge_to = 3;
   165  }
   167  message QueueLeafResponse {
   168      QueuedLogLeaf queued_leaf = 2;
   169  }
   171  message AddSequencedLeafRequest {
   172      int64 log_id = 1;
   173      LogLeaf leaf = 2;
   174      ChargeTo charge_to = 3;
   175  }
   177  message AddSequencedLeafResponse {
   178      QueuedLogLeaf result = 2;
   179  }
   181  message GetInclusionProofRequest {
   182      int64 log_id = 1;
   183      int64 leaf_index = 2;
   184      int64 tree_size = 3;
   185      ChargeTo charge_to = 4;
   186  }
   188  message GetInclusionProofResponse {
   189      Proof proof = 2;
   190      SignedLogRoot signed_log_root = 3;
   191  }
   193  message GetInclusionProofByHashRequest {
   194      int64 log_id = 1;
   195      bytes leaf_hash = 2;
   196      int64 tree_size = 3;
   197      bool order_by_sequence = 4;
   198      ChargeTo charge_to = 5;
   199  }
   201  message GetInclusionProofByHashResponse {
   202      // Logs can potentially contain leaves with duplicate hashes so it's possible
   203      // for this to return multiple proofs.
   204      repeated Proof proof = 2;
   205      SignedLogRoot signed_log_root = 3;
   206  }
   208  message GetConsistencyProofRequest {
   209      int64 log_id = 1;
   210      int64 first_tree_size = 2;
   211      int64 second_tree_size = 3;
   212      ChargeTo charge_to = 4;
   213  }
   215  message GetConsistencyProofResponse {
   216      Proof proof = 2;
   217      SignedLogRoot signed_log_root = 3;
   218  }
   220  message GetLatestSignedLogRootRequest {
   221      int64 log_id = 1;
   222      ChargeTo charge_to = 2;
   223  }
   225  message GetLatestSignedLogRootResponse {
   226      SignedLogRoot signed_log_root = 2;
   227  }
   229  message GetSequencedLeafCountRequest {
   230      int64 log_id = 1;
   231      ChargeTo charge_to = 2;
   232  }
   234  message GetSequencedLeafCountResponse {
   235      int64 leaf_count = 2;
   236  }
   238  message GetEntryAndProofRequest {
   239      int64 log_id = 1;
   240      int64 leaf_index = 2;
   241      int64 tree_size = 3;
   242      ChargeTo charge_to = 4;
   243  }
   245  message GetEntryAndProofResponse {
   246      Proof proof = 2;
   247      LogLeaf leaf = 3;
   248      SignedLogRoot signed_log_root = 4;
   249  }
   251  message InitLogRequest {
   252      int64 log_id = 1;
   253      ChargeTo charge_to = 2;
   254  }
   256  message InitLogResponse {
   257      SignedLogRoot created = 1;
   258  }
   260  message QueueLeavesRequest {
   261      int64 log_id = 1;
   262      repeated LogLeaf leaves = 2;
   263      ChargeTo charge_to = 3;
   264  }
   266  message QueueLeavesResponse {
   267      // Same number and order as in the corresponding request.
   268      repeated QueuedLogLeaf queued_leaves = 2;
   269  }
   271  message AddSequencedLeavesRequest {
   272      int64 log_id = 1;
   273      repeated LogLeaf leaves = 2;
   274      ChargeTo charge_to = 4;
   275  }
   277  message AddSequencedLeavesResponse {
   278      // Same number and order as in the corresponding request.
   279      repeated QueuedLogLeaf results = 2;
   280  }
   282  message GetLeavesByIndexRequest {
   283      int64 log_id = 1;
   284      repeated int64 leaf_index = 2;
   285      ChargeTo charge_to = 5;
   286  }
   288  message GetLeavesByIndexResponse {
   289      // TODO(gbelvin) reply with error codes. Reuse QueuedLogLeaf?
   290      repeated LogLeaf leaves = 2;
   291      SignedLogRoot signed_log_root = 3;
   292  }
   294  message GetLeavesByRangeRequest {
   295      int64 log_id = 1;
   296      int64 start_index = 2;
   297      int64 count = 3;
   298      ChargeTo charge_to = 4;
   299  }
   301  message GetLeavesByRangeResponse {
   302      // Returned log leaves starting from the `start_index` of the request, in
   303      // order. There may be fewer than `request.count` leaves returned, if the
   304      // requested range extended beyond the size of the tree or if the server opted
   305      // to return fewer leaves than requested.
   306      repeated LogLeaf leaves = 1;
   307      SignedLogRoot signed_log_root = 2;
   308  }
   310  message GetLeavesByHashRequest {
   311      int64 log_id = 1;
   312      repeated bytes leaf_hash = 2;
   313      bool order_by_sequence = 3;
   314      ChargeTo charge_to = 5;
   315  }
   317  message GetLeavesByHashResponse {
   318      // TODO(gbelvin) reply with error codes. Reuse QueuedLogLeaf?
   319      repeated LogLeaf leaves = 2;
   320      SignedLogRoot signed_log_root = 3;
   321  }
   323  // A result of submitting an entry to the log. Output only.
   324  // TODO(pavelkalinnikov): Consider renaming it to AddLogLeafResult or the like.
   325  message QueuedLogLeaf {
   326      // The leaf as it was stored by Trillian. Empty unless `status.code` is:
   327      //  - `google.rpc.OK`: the `leaf` data is the same as in the request.
   328      //  - `google.rpc.ALREADY_EXISTS` or 'google.rpc.FAILED_PRECONDITION`: the
   329      //    `leaf` is the conflicting one already in the log.
   330      LogLeaf leaf = 1;
   332      // The status of adding the leaf.
   333      //  - `google.rpc.OK`: successfully added.
   334      //  - `google.rpc.ALREADY_EXISTS`: the leaf is a duplicate of an already
   335      //    existing one. Either `leaf_identity_hash` is the same in the `LOG`
   336      //    mode, or `leaf_index` in the `PREORDERED_LOG`.
   337      //  - `google.rpc.FAILED_PRECONDITION`: A conflicting entry is already
   338      //    present in the log, e.g., same `leaf_index` but different `leaf_data`.
   339      google.rpc.Status status = 2;
   340  }
   342  // A leaf of the log's Merkle tree, corresponds to a single log entry. Each leaf
   343  // has a unique `leaf_index` in the scope of this tree.
   344  message LogLeaf {
   345      // Output only. The hash over `leaf_data`.
   346      bytes merkle_leaf_hash = 1;
   348      // Required. The arbitrary data associated with this log entry. Validity of
   349      // this field is governed by the call site (personality).
   350      bytes leaf_value = 2;
   351      // The arbitrary metadata, e.g., a timestamp.
   352      bytes extra_data = 3;
   354      // Output only in `LOG` mode. Required in `PREORDERED_LOG` mode.
   355      // The index of the leaf in the Merkle tree, i.e., the position of the
   356      // corresponding entry in the log. For normal logs this value will be
   357      // assigned by the LogSigner.
   358      int64 leaf_index = 4;
   360      // The hash over the identity of this leaf. If empty, assumed to be the same
   361      // as `merkle_leaf_hash`. It is a mechanism for the personality to provide a
   362      // hint to Trillian that two leaves should be considered "duplicates" even
   363      // though their `leaf_value`s differ.
   364      //
   365      // E.g., in a CT personality multiple `add-chain` calls for an identical
   366      // certificate would produce differing `leaf_data` bytes (due to the
   367      // presence of SCT elements), with just this information Trillian would be
   368      // unable to determine that. Within the context of the CT personality, these
   369      // entries are dupes, so it sets `leaf_identity_hash` to `H(cert)`, which
   370      // allows Trillian to detect the duplicates.
   371      //
   372      // Continuing the CT example, for a CT mirror personality (which must allow
   373      // dupes since the source log could contain them), the part of the
   374      // personality which fetches and submits the entries might set
   375      // `leaf_identity_hash` to `H(leaf_index||cert)`.
   376      // TODO(pavelkalinnikov): Consider instead using `H(cert)` and allowing
   377      // identity hash dupes in `PREORDERED_LOG` mode, for it can later be
   378      // upgraded to `LOG` which will need to correctly detect duplicates with
   379      // older entries when new ones get queued.
   380      bytes leaf_identity_hash = 5;
   382      // Output only. The time at which this leaf was passed to `QueueLeaves`.
   383      // This value will be determined and set by the LogServer. Equals zero if
   384      // the entry was submitted without queuing.
   385      google.protobuf.Timestamp queue_timestamp = 6;
   386      // Output only. The time at which this leaf was integrated into the tree.
   387      // This value will be determined and set by the LogSigner.
   388      google.protobuf.Timestamp integrate_timestamp = 7;
   389  }
   391  // A consistency or inclusion proof for a Merkle tree. Output only.
   392  message Proof {
   393      int64 leaf_index = 1;
   394      reserved 2; // Contained internal node details, no longer provided to clients.
   395      repeated bytes hashes = 3;
   396  }