
     1  periodics:
     2  # build a couple times a day so our status stays green :-)
     3  # this is extremely cheap to run currently
     4  - interval: 6h
     5    name: ci-kind-build
     6    decorate: true
     7    extra_refs:
     8    - org: kubernetes-sigs
     9      repo: kind
    10      base_ref: master
    11      path_alias:
    12    always_run: true
    13    spec:
    14      containers:
    15      - image:
    16        command:
    17        - "./hack/ci/"
    18  # conformance test against kubernetes master branch with `kind`
    19  - interval: 1h
    20    name: ci-kubernetes-kind-conformance
    21    labels:
    22      preset-service-account: "true"
    23      preset-bazel-scratch-dir: "true"
    24      preset-bazel-remote-cache-enabled: "true"
    25      preset-dind-enabled: "true"
    26    spec:
    27      containers:
    28      - image:
    29        args:
    30        - "--job=$(JOB_NAME)"
    31        - "--root=/go/src"
    32        - ""
    33        - ""
    34        - "--service-account=/etc/service-account/service-account.json"
    35        - "--upload=gs://kubernetes-jenkins/logs"
    36        - "--scenario=execute"
    37        - "--"
    38        - "./../../"
    39        # we need privileged mode in order to do docker in docker
    40        securityContext:
    41          privileged: true
    42        # kind needs /lib/modules and cgroups from the host
    43        volumeMounts:
    44        - mountPath: /lib/modules
    45          name: modules
    46          readOnly: true
    47        - mountPath: /sys/fs/cgroup
    48          name: cgroup
    49        resources:
    50          requests:
    51            # these are both a bit below peak usage during build
    52            # this is mostly for building kubernetes
    53            memory: "9000Mi"
    54            # during the tests more like 3-20m is used
    55            cpu: 2000m
    56      volumes:
    57      - name: modules
    58        hostPath:
    59          path: /lib/modules
    60          type: Directory
    61      - name: cgroup
    62        hostPath:
    63          path: /sys/fs/cgroup
    64          type: Directory
    65      # trialing this on kind jobs, we are using FQDN for in-cluster services, now
    66      # so use ndots 1 to improve dns performance
    67      # TODO(bentheelder): consider setting this at the cluster level instead
    68      dnsConfig:
    69        options:
    70          - name: ndots
    71            value: "1"
    72  # conformance test against kubernetes master branch with `kind`, skipping
    73  # serial tests so it runs in ~20m
    74  - interval: 20m
    75    name: ci-kubernetes-kind-conformance-parallel
    76    labels:
    77      preset-service-account: "true"
    78      preset-bazel-scratch-dir: "true"
    79      preset-bazel-remote-cache-enabled: "true"
    80      preset-dind-enabled: "true"
    81    spec:
    82      containers:
    83      - image:
    84        env:
    85        # skip serial tests and run with --ginkgo-parallel
    86        - name: "PARALLEL"
    87          value: "true"
    88        args:
    89        - "--job=$(JOB_NAME)"
    90        - "--root=/go/src"
    91        - ""
    92        - ""
    93        - "--service-account=/etc/service-account/service-account.json"
    94        - "--upload=gs://kubernetes-jenkins/logs"
    95        - "--scenario=execute"
    96        - "--"
    97        - "./../../"
    98        # we need privileged mode in order to do docker in docker
    99        securityContext:
   100          privileged: true
   101        # kind needs /lib/modules and cgroups from the host
   102        volumeMounts:
   103        - mountPath: /lib/modules
   104          name: modules
   105          readOnly: true
   106        - mountPath: /sys/fs/cgroup
   107          name: cgroup
   108        resources:
   109          requests:
   110            # these are both a bit below peak usage during build
   111            # this is mostly for building kubernetes
   112            memory: "9000Mi"
   113            # during the tests more like 3-20m is used
   114            cpu: 2000m
   115      volumes:
   116      - name: modules
   117        hostPath:
   118          path: /lib/modules
   119          type: Directory
   120      - name: cgroup
   121        hostPath:
   122          path: /sys/fs/cgroup
   123          type: Directory
   124      # trialing this on kind jobs, we are using FQDN for in-cluster services, now
   125      # so use ndots 1 to improve dns performance
   126      # TODO(bentheelder): consider setting this at the cluster level instead
   127      dnsConfig:
   128        options:
   129          - name: ndots
   130            value: "1"
   131  # conformance test against kubernetes release-1.11 branch with `kind`
   132  - interval: 1h
   133    name: ci-kubernetes-kind-conformance-latest-1-11
   134    labels:
   135      preset-service-account: "true"
   136      preset-bazel-scratch-dir: "true"
   137      preset-bazel-remote-cache-enabled: "true"
   138      preset-dind-enabled: "true"
   139    spec:
   140      containers:
   141      - image:
   142        args:
   143        - "--job=$(JOB_NAME)"
   144        - "--root=/go/src"
   145        - ""
   146        - ""
   147        - "--service-account=/etc/service-account/service-account.json"
   148        - "--upload=gs://kubernetes-jenkins/logs"
   149        - "--scenario=execute"
   150        - "--"
   151        - "./../../"
   152        # we need privileged mode in order to do docker in docker
   153        securityContext:
   154          privileged: true
   155        # kind needs /lib/modules and cgroups from the host
   156        volumeMounts:
   157        - mountPath: /lib/modules
   158          name: modules
   159          readOnly: true
   160        - mountPath: /sys/fs/cgroup
   161          name: cgroup
   162        resources:
   163          requests:
   164            # these are both a bit below peak usage during build
   165            # this is mostly for building kubernetes
   166            memory: "9000Mi"
   167            # during the tests more like 3-20m is used
   168            cpu: 2000m
   169      volumes:
   170      - name: modules
   171        hostPath:
   172          path: /lib/modules
   173          type: Directory
   174      - name: cgroup
   175        hostPath:
   176          path: /sys/fs/cgroup
   177          type: Directory
   178      # trialing this on kind jobs, we are using FQDN for in-cluster services, now
   179      # so use ndots 1 to improve dns performance
   180      # TODO(bentheelder): consider setting this at the cluster level instead
   181      dnsConfig:
   182        options:
   183          - name: ndots
   184            value: "1"
   185  # conformance test against kubernetes release-1.12 branch with `kind`
   186  - interval: 1h
   187    name: ci-kubernetes-kind-conformance-latest-1-12
   188    labels:
   189      preset-service-account: "true"
   190      preset-bazel-scratch-dir: "true"
   191      preset-bazel-remote-cache-enabled: "true"
   192      preset-dind-enabled: "true"
   193    spec:
   194      containers:
   195      - image:
   196        args:
   197        - "--job=$(JOB_NAME)"
   198        - "--root=/go/src"
   199        - ""
   200        - ""
   201        - "--service-account=/etc/service-account/service-account.json"
   202        - "--upload=gs://kubernetes-jenkins/logs"
   203        - "--scenario=execute"
   204        - "--"
   205        - "./../../"
   206        # we need privileged mode in order to do docker in docker
   207        securityContext:
   208          privileged: true
   209        # kind needs /lib/modules and cgroups from the host
   210        volumeMounts:
   211        - mountPath: /lib/modules
   212          name: modules
   213          readOnly: true
   214        - mountPath: /sys/fs/cgroup
   215          name: cgroup
   216        resources:
   217          requests:
   218            # these are both a bit below peak usage during build
   219            # this is mostly for building kubernetes
   220            memory: "9000Mi"
   221            # during the tests more like 3-20m is used
   222            cpu: 2000m
   223      volumes:
   224      - name: modules
   225        hostPath:
   226          path: /lib/modules
   227          type: Directory
   228      - name: cgroup
   229        hostPath:
   230          path: /sys/fs/cgroup
   231          type: Directory
   232      # trialing this on kind jobs, we are using FQDN for in-cluster services, now
   233      # so use ndots 1 to improve dns performance
   234      # TODO(bentheelder): consider setting this at the cluster level instead
   235      dnsConfig:
   236        options:
   237          - name: ndots
   238            value: "1"