
     1  # this file should contain all periodic jobs that use the fejta-bot token
     2  periodics:
     3  - name: periodic-test-infra-close
     4    interval: 1h
     5    decorate: true
     6    spec:
     7      containers:
     8      - image:
     9        command:
    10        - /commenter
    11        args:
    12        - |-
    13          --query=org:kubernetes
    14          -label:lifecycle/frozen
    15          label:lifecycle/rotten
    16        - --updated=720h
    17        - --token=/etc/token/bot-github-token
    18        - |-
    19          --comment=Rotten issues close after 30d of inactivity.
    20          Reopen the issue with `/reopen`.
    21          Mark the issue as fresh with `/remove-lifecycle rotten`.
    23          Send feedback to sig-testing, kubernetes/test-infra and/or [fejta](
    24          /close
    25        - --template
    26        - --ceiling=10
    27        - --confirm
    28        volumeMounts:
    29        - name: token
    30          mountPath: /etc/token
    31      volumes:
    32      - name: token
    33        secret:
    34          secretName: fejta-bot-token
    36  - name: periodic-test-infra-retester
    37    interval: 20m  # Retest at most 1 PR per 20m, which should not DOS the queue.
    38    decorate: true
    39    spec:
    40      containers:
    41      - image:
    42        command:
    43        - /commenter
    44        args:
    45        - |-
    46          --query=is:pr
    47          -label:do-not-merge
    48          -label:do-not-merge/blocked-paths
    49          -label:do-not-merge/cherry-pick-not-approved
    50          -label:do-not-merge/hold
    51          -label:do-not-merge/invalid-owners-file
    52          -label:do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed
    53          -label:do-not-merge/work-in-progress
    54          label:lgtm
    55          label:approved
    56          status:failure
    57          -label:needs-rebase
    58          -label:needs-ok-to-test
    59          -label:"cncf-cla: no"
    60          repo:kubernetes/kubernetes
    61        - --token=/etc/token/bot-github-token
    62        - |-
    63          --comment=/retest
    64          This bot automatically retries jobs that failed/flaked on approved PRs (send feedback to [fejta](
    66          Review the [full test history]({{.Number}}) for this PR.
    68          Silence the bot with an `/lgtm cancel` or `/hold` comment for consistent failures.
    70        - --template
    71        - --ceiling=1
    72        - --confirm
    73        volumeMounts:
    74        - name: token
    75          mountPath: /etc/token
    76      volumes:
    77      - name: token
    78        secret:
    79          secretName: fejta-bot-token
    81  - name: periodic-test-infra-rotten
    82    interval: 1h
    83    decorate: true
    84    spec:
    85      containers:
    86      - image:
    87        command:
    88        - /commenter
    89        args:
    90        - |-
    91          --query=org:kubernetes
    92          -label:lifecycle/frozen
    93          label:lifecycle/stale
    94          -label:lifecycle/rotten
    95        - --updated=720h
    96        - --token=/etc/token/bot-github-token
    97        - |-
    98          --comment=Stale issues rot after 30d of inactivity.
    99          Mark the issue as fresh with `/remove-lifecycle rotten`.
   100          Rotten issues close after an additional 30d of inactivity.
   102          If this issue is safe to close now please do so with `/close`.
   104          Send feedback to sig-testing, kubernetes/test-infra and/or [fejta](
   105          /lifecycle rotten
   106        - --template
   107        - --ceiling=10
   108        - --confirm
   109        volumeMounts:
   110        - name: token
   111          mountPath: /etc/token
   112      volumes:
   113      - name: token
   114        secret:
   115          secretName: fejta-bot-token
   117  - name: periodic-test-infra-stale
   118    interval: 1h
   119    decorate: true
   120    spec:
   121      containers:
   122      - image:
   123        command:
   124        - /commenter
   125        args:
   126        - |-
   127          --query=org:kubernetes
   128          -label:lifecycle/frozen
   129          -label:lifecycle/stale
   130          -label:lifecycle/rotten
   131        - --updated=2160h
   132        - --token=/etc/token/bot-github-token
   133        - |-
   134          --comment=Issues go stale after 90d of inactivity.
   135          Mark the issue as fresh with `/remove-lifecycle stale`.
   136          Stale issues rot after an additional 30d of inactivity and eventually close.
   138          If this issue is safe to close now please do so with `/close`.
   140          Send feedback to sig-testing, kubernetes/test-infra and/or [fejta](
   141          /lifecycle stale
   142        - --template
   143        - --ceiling=10
   144        - --confirm
   145        volumeMounts:
   146        - name: token
   147          mountPath: /etc/token
   148      volumes:
   149      - name: token
   150        secret:
   151          secretName: fejta-bot-token
   153  - name: issue-creator
   154    interval: 24h
   155    labels:
   156      preset-service-account: "true"
   157    decorate: true
   158    spec:
   159      containers:
   160      - image:
   161        command:
   162        - /issue-creator
   163        args:
   164        - --dry-run=false
   165        - --alsologtostderr
   166        - --org=kubernetes
   167        - --project=kubernetes
   168        - --token-file=/etc/token/bot-github-token
   169        - --test-owners-csv=/test_owners.csv
   170        - --triage-window=1
   171        - --triage-count=10
   172        - --flakyjob-count=3
   173        volumeMounts:
   174        - name: token
   175          mountPath: /etc/token
   176      volumes:
   177      - name: token
   178        secret:
   179          secretName: fejta-bot-token
   181  - name: periodic-enhancements-unfreeze
   182    interval: 30m
   183    decorate: true
   184    spec:
   185      containers:
   186      - image:
   187        command:
   188        - /commenter
   189        args:
   190        - |-
   191          --query=repo:kubernetes/enhancements
   192          label:lifecycle/frozen
   193        - --updated=5m
   194        - --token=/etc/token/bot-github-token
   195        - |-
   196          --comment=Enhancement issues opened in `kubernetes/enhancements` should never be marked as frozen.
   197          Enhancement Owners can ensure that enhancements stay fresh by consistently updating their states across release cycles.
   199          /remove-lifecycle frozen
   200        - --ceiling=10
   201        - --confirm
   202        volumeMounts:
   203        - name: token
   204          mountPath: /etc/token
   205      volumes:
   206      - name: token
   207        secret:
   208          secretName: fejta-bot-token
   210  # periodically file / close bugs for repos based on presence of SECURITY_CONTACTS
   211  - name: periodic-secping
   212    interval: 24h
   213    decorate: true
   214    extra_refs:
   215    - base_ref: master
   216      org: jessfraz
   217      repo: secping
   218    - org: fejta
   219      repo: go-github
   220      base_ref: master
   221      path_alias: #
   222    spec:
   223      containers:
   224      - command:
   225        - go
   226        - run
   227        - .
   228        - -d
   229        - --confirm
   230        - --token-path=/etc/token/bot-github-token
   231        - --skip-emails
   232        image: golang:1.11
   233        volumeMounts:
   234        - name: token
   235          mountPath: /etc/token
   236        env:
   237        - name: GO111MODULE
   238          value: "on"
   239      volumes:
   240      - name: token
   241        secret:
   242          secretName: fejta-bot-token