(about) 1 % extends 'base.html' 2 {% block title %}{{job}} #{{build}} Results{% endblock %} 3 % block head 4 {{super()}} 5 % if not finished 6 <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{'favicon-yellow.png'|static}}" /> 7 % elif finished and finished['passed'] and not res['failed'] 8 <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{'favicon-green.png'|static}}" /> 9 % endif 10 % endblock 11 % block header 12 <h1>{% if pr and pr != "batch" %}<a href="/pr/{{pr_path}}{{pr}}">{% if repo != "kubernetes/kubernetes"%}{{repo}} {% endif %}PR #{{pr}}</a> {% endif %} 13 % if testgrid_query 14 <a href="{{testgrid_query|tg_url}}">{{job}}</a> 15 % else 16 {{job}} 17 % endif 18 #{{build}}</h1> 19 <p><a href="/builds{{job_dir}}">Recent runs</a> 20 % if spyglass_link 21 || <a href="{{spyglass_link}}">View in Spyglass</a> 22 % endif 23 </p><br> 24 % endblock 25 % block content 26 <div id="summary"> 27 <table class="build-meta"> 28 % if pr and pr_digest 29 % set pl = pr_digest.payload 30 <tr><td>PR<td><a href="/pr/{{pl['author']}}">{{pl['author']}}</a>: {{pl['title']}} 31 % endif 32 % if finished 33 % set result = finished['result'] 34 % else 35 % set result = 'Not Finished' 36 % endif 37 <tr><td>Result<td><span class="build-{{result | slugify}}">{{result}}</span> 38 % if started 39 % if finished 40 <tr><td>Tests<td> 41 % if res['failed'] 42 <span class="text-failure">{{res['failed']|length}} failed</span> 43 % else 44 {{res['failed']|length}} failed 45 % endif 46 / {{res['passed']|length}} succeeded 47 % endif 48 <tr><td>Started<td>{{started['timestamp']|timestamp}} 49 {% if finished %}<tr><td>Elapsed<td>{{(finished['timestamp']-started['timestamp'])|duration}}{% endif %} 50 <tr><td>Revision<td><a href="{{repo}}/commit/{{commit}}">{{started['revision'] or finished['revision']}}</a> 51 % if 'node' in started 52 <tr><td>Builder<td>{{started['node']}} 53 % endif 54 % if refs 55 <tr><td>Refs<td> 56 % for name, sha in refs 57 {%- if name.isdigit() -%} 58 <a href="{{repo}}/pull/{{name}}">{{name}}</a> 59 {%- else -%} 60 {{name}} 61 {%- endif -%} 62 {%- if sha %}:{{sha|github_commit_link(repo)}}{% endif %}<br> 63 {%- endfor %} 64 % endif 65 % if 'metadata' in started 66 % for k, v in started['metadata']|dictsort 67 <tr><td>{{k}}<td>{{v|maybe_linkify}} 68 % endfor 69 % endif 70 % if finished and 'metadata' in finished and finished['metadata'] 71 % for k, v in finished['metadata']|dictsort 72 <tr><td>{{k}}<td>{{v|maybe_linkify}} 73 % endfor 74 % endif 75 % endif 76 </table> 77 <ul class="nav"> 78 <li class="nav"><a href="{{build_dir | gcs_browse_url}}">artifacts</a></li> 79 <li class="nav"><a href="?log#log">build log</a></li> 80 </ul> 81 </div> 82 <div id="failures"> 83 % if issues 84 <h4>References</h4> 85 % for issue in issues 86 <a href="{{issue.url}}"> 87 {% if issue.is_pr %}PR{% else %}Issue{% endif %} #{{issue.number}} {{issue.payload['title']}}</a> 88 <br> 89 % endfor 90 <hr> 91 % endif 92 % if res['failed'] 93 <h2>Test Failures</h2> 94 % for name, time, text, filename, output in res['failed'] 95 <hr> 96 <h3><a class="anchor" id="{{name|slugify}}" href="#{{name|slugify}}">{{name}}<span class="time"> {{time|duration}}</span></h3></a> 97 % if 'junit_runner' not in filename 98 <pre class="cmd" onclick="select(this)">{{name | testcmd}}</pre> 99 % endif 100 % if text 101 <pre class="error">{{text|linkify_stacktrace(commit, repo)}} 102 % if output 103 <div class="hidden"><hr>{{output|linkify_stacktrace(commit, repo)}}</div> 104 <span class="expand inset-expand">Click to see stdout/stderr</span><span class="inset-filename">from <a href="{{filename}}">{{filename|basename}}</a></span></pre> 105 % else 106 <span class="inset-filename">from <a href="{{filename}}">{{filename|basename}}</a></span></pre> 107 % endif 108 % set pod_name = text|parse_pod_name 109 % if pod_name 110 <p>Find <tt>{{pod_name}}</tt> mentions in <a id="{{pod_name|slugify}}" href="/build{{build_dir}}/nodelog?pod={{pod_name}}&junit={{filename|basename}}&wrap=on">log files</a> 111 % else 112 <p>Filter through <a href="/build{{build_dir}}/nodelog?junit={{filename|basename}}&wrap=on">log files</a> 113 % endif 114 % if testgrid_query 115 | View <a href="{{testgrid_query|tg_url(name)}}">test history</a> on testgrid 116 % endif 117 % else 118 <span class="inset-filename">from <a href="{{filename}}">{{filename|basename}}</a></span> 119 % endif 120 % endfor 121 % else 122 <h2>{{"No Test Failures!" if finished else "Build Still Running!"}}</h2> 123 % endif 124 </div> 125 % for kind in ['passed', 'skipped'] 126 % if res[kind] 127 <hr> 128 <div id="{{kind}}" class="testlist"> 129 <span class="expand">Show {{res[kind]|length}} {{kind|title}} Tests</span> 130 <h2 class="hidden">{{kind|title}}</h2> 131 % for name in res[kind] 132 <p class="hidden">{{name}} 133 % endfor 134 </div> 135 % endif 136 % endfor 137 % if build_log 138 <div id="log"> 139 <a name="log"></a> 140 <hr> 141 <h2 id="log">Error lines from build-log.txt</h2> 142 <ul class="log"> 143 <li class="log"><button onclick="javascript:expand_all(this.parentElement)">Expand Skipped Lines</button></li> 144 <li class="log"><a id="rawloglink" href="{{build_log_src or "" % build_dir}}">Raw build-log.txt</a></li> 145 </ul> 146 <pre data-src="{{build_log_src or "%s/build-log.txt" % build_dir}}">{{build_log | safe}}</pre> 147 </div> 148 % endif 149 % endblock