(about) 1 % extends 'base.html' 2 {% block title %}PR Dashboard{% endblock %} 3 % block head 4 <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{'octicons/octicons.css'|static}}" /> 5 <script src="{{'pr.js'|static}}"></script> 6 {{ super() }} 7 % endblock 8 % block header 9 <h1>PR Dashboard</h1> 10 % endblock 11 % block content 12 <form id="prdash-nav" onsubmit="document.location='/pr/' + document.getElementById('userBox').value; return false;"> 13 View 14 {% if user %}<a href="/pr/all">All</a>{% else %}<b>All</b>{% endif %} 15 | {% if user != login or not login %}<a href="/pr">Me</a>{% else %}<b>Me</b>{% endif %} 16 | <input id="userBox" pattern='[-\w]+' name="user" type="textbox" placeholder="username" value="{{user or ''}}"}> 17 <button>Switch User</button> 18 </form> 19 20 % if milestones 21 <div id="milestone-nav"> 22 Filter Milestone: {% if milestone %}<a href="?">Any</a>{% else %}<b>Any</b>{% endif %} 23 % for ms in milestones 24 % if ms == milestone 25 <b>{{ms}}</b> 26 % else 27 <a href="?milestone={{ms}}">{{ms}}</a> 28 % endif 29 % endfor 30 </div> 31 % endif 32 33 % for title, pred, search in cats 34 % set sub_prs = prs | select(pred) 35 % if title == 'Approvable' and not sub_prs 36 % continue 37 % endif 38 <h3 class="pr-section"> 39 <a id="section-{{title|slugify}}"></a> 40 % if search 41 <a href="{{search|quote_plus}}">{{title}}</a> 42 % else 43 {{title}} 44 % endif 45 ({{sub_prs|length}}) 46 % if title == 'Needs Attention' and acks 47 <button style='margin-left: 20px;' onclick='ack_clear()' alt='Reset "Needs Attention" ignores'>Clear Acks ({{acks|length}})</button> 48 % endif 49 </h3> 50 % if sub_prs 51 <table class="pr pr-dash"> 52 <thead> 53 <tr><th>Repo<th>Number<th>Author<th>Status<th>▼ Updated<th>Assignees<th>Size<th>Title</tr> 54 </thead> 55 % for pr in sub_prs 56 % set pl = pr.payload 57 <tr id="{{title|slugify}} {{pr.repo}} {{pr.number}}" onclick="'{{pr.repo}}/pull/{{pr.number}}', '_blank')"> 58 <td>{{pr.repo|ltrim('kubernetes/')}} 59 <td>{{pr.number}} 60 <td>{{pl['author']}} 61 <td>{{pl|render_status(user)}} 62 <td>{{pr.updated_at|dt_to_epoch|timestamp('humantimestamp', '%b %e')}} 63 <td>{{pl['assignees']|join(", ")}} 64 <td>{{pl|classify_size}} 65 <td>{{pl['title']}} 66 % if title == "Needs Attention" and acks is not none 67 % set latest = pl|get_latest(user) 68 % if latest 69 <td><button onclick="ack(event, '{{pr.repo}}', {{pr.number}}, {{latest}});">ACK</button> 70 % endif 71 % endif 72 % endfor 73 </table> 74 % else 75 <p><h4 class="pr-section">No Results</h4> 76 % endif 77 % endfor 78 79 <div id="help"> 80 <p><b>Needs Attention</b> is a heuristic grouping based on a <a href="">simple state machine</a>. {% if user != login or not login %}<a href="/pr">Login</a> to use {% else %}Use {% endif %} the "ACK" button to remove a PR from "Needs Attention" until something new occurs. 81 <p>Have a problem? <a href="">File a bug!</a> 82 </div> 83 % endblock