(about) 1 # Test Images 2 3 From Kubernetes 1.4, we are making one test-images per Kubernetes version. 4 5 6 # Naming: 7 User can add more Dockerfile and name it to Dockerfile-[VERSION]. 8 9 [VERSION] will be used as part of the built image tag. 10 11 12 User can build one more all images by specify VERSIONS value, which is all Dockerfile-* by default. 13 for example, `make push VERSIONS=1.4` will build Dockerfile-1.4 and tag it and push it to k8s-testimages. 14 15 To build multiple images, you can do something like `make build VERSIONS='1.4 1.5'` 16 17 For more details, run make help, or see "Usage" below. 18 19 # Usage: 20 `make all: make build` 21 22 `make build: builds all the Dockerfile-* in VERSIONS` 23 24 `make push: builds all the Dockerfile-* in VERSIONS and pushes to k8s-testimages` 25