
     1  # A mapping of bucket URLs to bucket metadata.
     2  #
     3  # Possible bucket metadata:
     4  #   contact: github name to contact
     5  #   prefix: the identifier prefixed to jobs from this bucket (ends in :).
     6  #   sequential: an optional boolean that indicates whether test runs in this
     7  #     bucket are numbered sequentially. This is used for an optimization in the
     8  #     collection phase, and defaults to true.
    10  gs://kubernetes-jenkins/logs/:
    11    contact: "fejta"
    12    prefix: ""
    13  gs://canonical-kubernetes-tests/logs/:
    14    contact: "chuckbutler"
    15    prefix: "juju:"
    16    sequential: false
    17  gs://canonical-kubernetes-tests/logs-gke/:
    18    contact: "vorlonofportland"
    19    prefix: "ubuntu:"
    20    sequential: false
    21  gs://kubernetes-multiarch-e2e-results/logs/:
    22    contact: "luxas"
    23    prefix: "luxas:"
    24  gs://compute-image-tools-test/logs/:
    25    contact: "zmarano"
    26    prefix: "computeimagetools:"
    27  gs://origin-federated-results/pr-logs/directory/:
    28    contact: "lsm5"
    29    prefix: "cri-o:"
    30  gs://kubernetes-github-redhat/logs/:
    31    contact: "ingvagabund"
    32    prefix: "redhat:"
    33  gs://istio-prow/:
    34    contact: "chxchx"
    35    prefix: "istio:"
    36  gs://istio-circleci/:
    37    contact: "chxchx"
    38    prefix: "istio-circle:"
    39  gs://k8s-conformance-openstack/:
    40    contact: "kiwik"
    41    prefix: "openstack:"
    42  gs://k8s-conformance-gardener:
    43    contact: "OlegLoewen"
    44    prefix: "gardener:"