
     1  # Life of a Prow Job
     3  I comment `/test all` on a PR. GitHub creates a JSON object representing that action and sends a webhook to prow. [Here]( are some examples of webhook payloads.
     5  The webhook finds its way into the cluster with the help of an [Ingress]( object. This object has a rule stating that `/hook` goes to the [hook service]( which is backed by the [hook deployment]( and finally into the [hook program]( itself. The hook program deserializes the payload into the appropriate go struct, and then passes it along to each plugin.
     7  To each plugin, hook passes two objects: a [plugin client]( and the deserialized GitHub event. In this case, the event is an [IssueCommentEvent]( The plugin client has a Kubernetes client, a GitHub client, and the prow config:
     9  ```go
    10  type PluginClient struct {
    11  	GitHubClient *github.Client
    12  	KubeClient   *kube.Client
    13  	Config       *config.Config
    14  	Logger       *logrus.Entry
    15  }
    16  ```
    18  The [trigger]( plugin has a function called [`handleIC`]( that it [registered at init-time]( This function checks the issue comment for any test requests by comparing the issue comment body to the list of jobs supplied in the `Config` object in the `PluginClient`. I requested that some tests run, so the trigger plugin talks to the Kubernetes API server and creates a [ProwJob Custom Resource]( with the information from the issue comment. At this point, `cmd/hook`'s role is done. It goes on and handles the next webhooks.
    20  The ProwJob that it creates looks a little like this, although I elided some of the pod details:
    22  ```yaml
    23  apiVersion:
    24  kind: ProwJob
    25  metadata:
    26    name: 32456927-35d9-11e7-8d95-0a580a6c1504
    27  spec:
    28    job: pull-test-infra-bazel
    29    decorate: true
    30    pod_spec:
    31      containers:
    32      - image:
    33    refs:
    34      base_ref: master
    35      base_sha: 064678510782db5b382df478bb374aaa32e577ea
    36      org: kubernetes
    37      pulls:
    38      - author: ixdy
    39        number: 2716
    40        sha: dc32ccc9ea3672ccc523b7cbaa8b00360b4183cd
    41      repo: test-infra
    42    type: presubmit
    43  status:
    44    startTime: 2017-05-10T23:34:22.567457715Z
    45    state: triggered
    46  ```
    48  Every thirty seconds, `cmd/plank` runs a [`Sync`]( function that lists ProwJobs and Kubernetes pods in the cluster. For each ProwJob, it runs [`syncKubernetesJob`]( This function notices that the above ProwJob does not have a corresponding Kubernetes pod, so it creates one in the [`test-pods`]( namespace using the pod spec in the ProwJob. It also injects environment variables into the container such as `PULL_NUMBER` and `JOB_NAME`. It also updates the status line on the PR with a link to Gubernator, which will provide real-time logs and results.
    50  Several minutes later, the `syncKubernetesJob` method notices that the Kubernetes pod in that ProwJob has finished and succeeded. It sets the ProwJob status to success and sets the status line on GitHub to success. A green check-mark shows up on the PR.
    52  A day later, [`cmd/sinker`]( notices that the job and pod are a day old and deletes them from the Kubernetes API server.