
     1  apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
     2  kind: Deployment
     3  metadata:
     4    name: blackbox-prober
     5    labels:
     6      app: blackbox-prober
     7  spec:
     8    replicas: 1
     9    template:
    10      metadata:
    11        labels:
    12          app: blackbox-prober
    13      spec:
    14        containers:
    15        - name: blackbox-prober
    16          args:
    17          - --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prober.yaml
    18          image: prom/blackbox-exporter:v0.8.1
    19          volumeMounts:
    20          - name: config
    21            mountPath: /etc/prometheus/
    22        volumes:
    23        - name: config
    24          configMap:
    25            name: blackbox-prober-config
    26  ---
    27  apiVersion: v1
    28  kind: ConfigMap
    29  metadata:
    30    name: blackbox-prober-config
    31    labels:
    32      app: blackbox-prober
    33  data:
    34    prober.yaml: |-
    35      modules:
    36        http_2xx:
    37          prober: http
    38          timeout: 5s
    39          http:
    40            valid_status_codes: [] # Defaults to 2xx
    41            method: GET
    42            headers:
    43              Host:
    44              Accept-Language: en-US
    45            no_follow_redirects: false
    46            fail_if_ssl: false
    47            fail_if_not_ssl: false
    48            tls_config:
    49              insecure_skip_verify: true
    50            preferred_ip_protocol: "ip4" # Defaults to ip6
    51        http_2xx_post:
    52          prober: http
    53          timeout: 5s
    54          http:
    55            valid_status_codes: [] # Defaults to 2xx
    56            method: POST
    57            headers:
    58              Host:
    59            no_follow_redirects: false
    60            fail_if_ssl: false
    61            fail_if_not_ssl: false
    62            tls_config:
    63              insecure_skip_verify: true
    64            preferred_ip_protocol: "ip4" # Defaults to ip6
    65  ---
    66  apiVersion: v1
    67  kind: Service
    68  metadata:
    69    name: blackbox-prober
    70    labels:
    71      app: blackbox-prober
    72    annotations:
    73 "internal"
    74  spec:
    75    type: LoadBalancer
    76    ports:
    77    - name: blackbox-prober
    78      port: 80
    79      targetPort: 9115
    80    selector:
    81      app: blackbox-prober