(about) 1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 ########################################################################### 4 # Prepare debian/* files PPA 5 # 6 # Usage: 7 #> bin/package_ppa version build_number distr 8 9 set -e 10 11 source bin/helpers/ 12 13 PPA=$1 14 if [ -z "$PPA" ]; then 15 print_error "Missing PPA repository name!" 16 exit 1 17 fi 18 19 VERSION=$2 20 if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then 21 print_error "Missing version!" 22 exit 1 23 fi 24 25 BUILD=$3 26 if [ -z "$BUILD" ]; then 27 print_error "Missing build number!" 28 exit 1 29 fi 30 31 DISTR=$4 32 if [ -z "$DISTR" ]; then 33 print_error "Missing distr!" 34 exit 1 35 fi 36 37 go mod vendor 38 39 DATE=`date -R` 40 41 echo "myst ($VERSION+build$BUILD+$DISTR) $DISTR; urgency=medium 42 43 * CI build number $BUILD 44 45 -- Mysterium Team <> $DATE 46 " > debian/changelog 47 48 echo '#!/usr/bin/make -f 49 50 export DH_VERBOSE := 1 51 export PATH := /usr/lib/go-1.20/bin/:$(PATH) 52 export GOPATH := $(CURDIR)/go 53 export BUILD_COMMIT := '$BUILD_COMMIT' 54 export BUILD_BRANCH := '$BUILD_BRANCH' 55 export BUILD_NUMBER := '$BUILD_NUMBER' 56 export BUILD_VERSION := '$BUILD_VERSION' 57 export GO111MODULE := off 58 export GOCACHE := $(GOPATH)/.cache 59 60 override_dh_auto_build: 61 mkdir -p $(GOPATH)/src/ 62 ln -s $(CURDIR) $(GOPATH)/src/ 63 cd $(GOPATH)/src/; bin/build 64 65 override_dh_auto_test: 66 67 %: 68 dh \$@ 69 ' > debian/rules; chmod +x debian/rules 70 71 debuild -S -sa -us -uc -d 72 debsign -k 09D3CD5598B65836 ../myst_${VERSION}+build${BUILD}+${DISTR}_source.changes 73 74 # We have to add this configuration to enable SFTP since default FTP timeouts on Travis CI. 75 echo "[myst-ppa] 76 fqdn = 77 method = sftp 78 incoming = ~mysteriumnetwork/ubuntu/$PPA/ 79 login = mysteriumnetwork 80 allow_unsigned_uploads = 0 81 " > ~/ 82 ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts 83 84 dput myst-ppa ../myst_${VERSION}+build${BUILD}+${DISTR}_source.changes