
     1  ##############
     2  # Gas config #
     3  ##############
     4  gas:
     5    update_interval: 30s # Update interval specifies how often we update gas prices
     6    expiration: 1m # Expiration specifies the amount of time for which inserted gas price is valid for
     7    update_chains: # Specify the chains will be updated with gas prices"
     8      - 5
     9      - 80001
    10    eth_static_gas_price: 0.001 # Static gas price (in gwei ex: 12.5) used in eth payments when no dynamic gas pricer is present
    11    matic_static_gas_price: 0.001 # Static gas price (in gwei ex: 12.5) used in matic payments when no dynamic gas pricer is present
    13    gas_station_override_chains_eth: # Overrides static matic gas pricer with built in external dynamic gas pricer for certain chains.
    14    gas_station_override_chains_matic: # Overrides staitc gas pricer with built in external dynamic gas pricer for certain chains.
    16  ###########
    17  # Storage #
    18  ###########
    19  storage:
    20    redis:
    21      addresses: 
    22        - "redis:6379" # Redis address
    23      password: "" # Redis password
    24      prefix: "transactor"
    25      pool_size: 100
    26      pool_timeout: 5s
    27    db:
    28      psql_dsn: "postgres://transactor:transactor@transactordatabase:5432/transactor?sslmode=disable" # PostgreSQL DSN
    29      max_idle_conns: 3
    30      max_open_conns: 4
    31      default_timeout: 15s
    33  ###########
    34  # Runtime #
    35  ###########
    36  runtime:
    37    gecko_url: http://http-mock:1080/gecko # the gecko url
    38    log_level: "debug"
    40  ##############
    41  # Blockchain #
    42  ##############
    43  blockchain:
    44    default_chain_id: 80001 # The chain id to use by default
    45    chains:
    46      5:
    47        rpc: "http://ganache:8545" # Rpc endpoints for the chain
    48        fallback_hermeses: # Fallback list of hermes addresses
    49          - "0xd68defb97d0765741f8ecf179df2f9564e1466a3"
    50          - "0xfd63dc49c7163d82d6f0a4c23ff13216d702ce50"
    51        registry_addresses: # A list of registry smart contract addresses
    52          - "0x427c2bad22335710aec5e477f3e3adcd313a9bcb"
    53        myst_sc_address: "0xaa9c4e723609cb913430143fbc86d3cbe7adca21"
    54      80001:
    55        rpc: "ws://ganache2:8545"
    56        fallback_hermeses:
    57          - "0xd68defb97d0765741f8ecf179df2f9564e1466a3"
    58          - "0xfd63dc49c7163d82d6f0a4c23ff13216d702ce50"
    59        registry_addresses:
    60          - "0x427c2bad22335710aec5e477f3e3adcd313a9bcb"
    61        myst_sc_address: "0xaa9c4e723609cb913430143fbc86d3cbe7adca21"
    63  ########
    64  # Fees #
    65  ########
    66  fees:
    67    update_interval: 2s # Update interval specifies how often we update fees
    68    expiration: 10s # Expiration specifies the amount of time for which inserted fee is valid for
    69    update_chains: # Specify the chains will be updated with fee prices
    70     - 5
    71     - 80001
    72    multiplier: 0.1 # Fees multiplier